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03x100 - Monster Munch

Posted: 01/03/24 12:02
by bunniefuu

it's me, Whyatt.

Ready to go on a reading adventure?


Look! It's an e-book called "Monster Munch".

In this story...

We'll catch the alphabet

Practice the magic of spelling

Fetch a new word

And use the power to read to change the story!

Let's go!

♪ Who's got the Power? The Power to Read. ♪

♪ Who answers the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super Why! Super Why! ♪

♪ He's the guy - he's Super Why! ♪

♪ Who's got the Power? The Power to Read. ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super Why! Super Why! ♪

♪ And the Super Readers! We're gonna fly! ♪

♪ Come along with the Super Readers, ♪

♪ adventure waits when you're with Super Why! ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers, Yeah! ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers... ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with Super Why! ♪

♪ Yeah, Super Why! ♪



Hi! So glad you're here!

It's me, Whyatt!

Ruff! Ruff! Arawr.

Hi, Woofster!

Welcome to Storybrook Village

where all our fairy tale friends live!

Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

[cell phone rings]

Pig and our friend, Jill, are running up a hill.

That looks like fun, let's go!

Ruff! Ruff!


Hi, up there!

Hi, down there!

We climbed to the top of the hill.

And now we're running back... doooooooooowwwwwwwn!

Ha Ha Ha! Wheeeeee......!

Hills are the best.

Phew, I'm tired.

Time for a snack.

Pig, do you want some crunchy carrots?

Nope. I want to keep playing!

We'll run up the hill with you!

Num, num!

Up a hill, up... a...

hill... oof...

What's wrong, Pig?

I want to keep climbing up the hill.

But, I'm getting tired.

Done with my snack, Pig. Let's climb!


Aren't you coming, Pig?

I'm trying, but I'm sooooooo tired.

Not good.

This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us...

the Super Readers!

We need to call the rest of the Super Readers!

Call them with me. Say "Calling all Super Readers!"

KIDS: Calling all Super Readers!

To the Book Club!

KIDS: To the Book Club!

Come on, to the Book Club!


Whyatt here!

Ruff! Ruff!

P is for... Pig!

Red Riding Hood rollin' in!

Princess Pea... at your service!

[Woofster panting]

And you! Say your name!

Great. We're all here.

Together we will solve Pig's problem!

Let's go!


Okay, Pig, state your problem!

[Pig snores]

Pig, did you fall asleep?

We need you to wake up and state your problem!

[Pig snorts]

Huh? Oh, sorry.

I was just playing on the hill with Jill but...

I got so tired.


Yeah! We can see that!

What can I do if I want to keep climbing

up the hill with Jill, but I'm too tired?

Good question, Pig.

And when we have a question, we look...

ALL: In a book!

Which book should we look in?

Peas and carrots... carrots and peas...

Book come out please, please, please!

Sparkles, but no book? How strange!

Oh my peas. Is that...

A book? On the computer?

Whoah! It's an electronic book, an e-book.

ALL: Wow!

We've never done that before.

Let's read the title of this e-book.

Monster Munch!

We know what to do!

We need to jump into this e-book

and find the answer to Pig's question!

First, we look for Super Letters.

And then, put them into our Super Duper Computer.

Super Duper Computer...

How many Super Letters do we need?

[hashmarks blinking]

In this story, we need Super Letters.

Whoa, is a lot of Super Letters.

And then we will get our Super Story Answer!

It's time to transform! Ready?


ALL: Ready!

Super Duper! Arms in!

Put your arm in!




Alpha Pig... with Alphabet Power!


Wonder Red... with Word Power!


Princess Presto... with Spelling Power!


Super Why... with the Power to Read!


And Woofster... with Dictionary Power!

Together we are...

ALL: The Super Readers!

Whyflyers... we're ready to fly into this e-book!

[ROBOTIC SINGING] ♪ Super readers to the rescue! ♪

♪ It's time to fly, with the Super Readers ♪

♪ 'cause we've got a problem to solve! ♪

♪ Super readers - to the rescue! ♪

♪ Super Readers... ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read... ♪

♪ Into books we fly-y-y ♪

♪ to find the Super Story Answer, with Super Why! ♪

♪ Super Readers - to the rescue! ♪

Presto! We're in the e-book Monster Munch!


Let's read!

Why Writer... highlight!

Read with me!

Packing my lunch, so I can munch!

[gasp] I know!

I'll bring healthy munchies to my friends

so we can munch lunch... together!

Hey, ants.

That's my lunch to munch with my monster friends!

I need my munchie lunch!

[Phuf!] Ants... lunch... come back...

Oh! I'm too tired to chase the ants.


And that Super Readers is why we are in this e-book.

Marvin and Pig both want to do something...

but they are too tired.

We need to help Marvin get his lunch back.

To Marvin the Monster! Let's roll!


There's Marvin!

Yoo-hoo, wakey wakey!

Huh? Oh! Lunch? Is that you?

[laughs] No, we're the Super Readers

and we want to help you get your lunch back.

Oh, that's great, Super Readers.

Let's go!


Ruff, ruff! Wake up!

Huh? Oh. Sorry, Super Readers.

I'm just... sooo...tired.


Me, too.

But, we need to get your lunch from the ants!


There they are! On the other side of the swamp!

Those sneaky ants!

Ohhh how, oh how, can I get across this

muddy swamp to get my munchie lunch back?

Alpha Pig... to the rescue!

With my Lucky Letter Lasso,

I can help Marvin get across the muddy swamp

to get to the ants!


But, I am pretty tired.

You'll help, right?


We just need to step on these letter logs.

Phew! Step on the letter logs!

A... b... c...

d... e... f...

Uh oh. We need a lowercase 'g'.

Where is the lowercase 'g'?

KIDS: There!

There's the lowercase 'g'.

Now, lasso that 'g'!

Lucky Letter Lasso!

Amazing! Let's keep going!

g... h...

i... j... k... l...

uh oh...

Now we need the letter 'm.'

Which letter is the lowercase 'm'?

KIDS: That one!

There it is. Go ahead, Super You.

Lucky Letter Lasso!

ALPHA PIG: Almost there! Keep walking on the logs!

M... n... o.... p...

q.... r... s... t...

Hmm... now we need a lowercase 'u'.

Where's the lowercase 'u'?

KIDS: There!

There it is.

Go ahead, Lucky Letter Lasso!


U... v...

w... x... y... z!


Lickety letters!

We jumped on the letter logs

and got to the other side of the muddy swamp!

Let's give ourselves a biiig...thumbs....up.

Ruff! Ruff! Where's Marvin?


Snore - Whoahhhh! Whoah!

Thanks, Alpha Pig.

No problem.


[sniff-sniff] Hey, my munchie lunch!


Oh, those ants are leaving again with my lunch!


And they're crawling to that corn field!

To the field of corn!

AAAAA... [yawning]

[Alpha Pig yawns]

Let's roll!

Don't forget to look for Super Letters.

[super letters chime]

You see Super Letters? Which ones?

KIDS: T! G! N! E!

T, G, N, E.

Now we need to put them into our Super Duper...

KIDS: Computer!

Eight more Super Letters

and then we'll get our Super Story Answer!

Super job, Super Readers!


Come on, we have to go into the corn

to catch the ants!

I'm just too tired to go through the corn.

What can I do?

Cue the sparkles! Cue the music!

Princess Presto to the rescue!

With my magic spelling wand,

we can spell the word TRACTOR and make a tractor

to drive us through the field of corn!

Wands up! Spell with me!

What letter makes the sound /t/?

KIDS: 'T'!

'T'! Write a lowercase 't' with me!

Now, what letter makes the sound /r/.

KIDS: 'R'!

'R'! Write a lowercase 'r' with me, like this.

The next letter makes the sound /a/.

What letter makes the /a/ sound?

KIDS: 'A'!

'A'! Let's write a lowercase 'a'.

[tractor engine sound]

Now we need a letter that makes the /c/ sound.

Both the 'c' and the 'k' make the /c/ sound.

In this word we need the letter 'c.'

Write a lowercase 'c' with me!

[tractor engine sound]

And we know that the letter 't'

makes the /t/ sound.

Write a lowercase 't' with me!

[tractor engine sound]

The next letter we need is 'o.'

Write a lowercase 'o' with me!

[tractor engine sound]

And the last letter is an 'r'.

Write a lowercase 'r' with me!



'Tractor'. Presto!

Spectacular spelling!

We spelled TRACTOR and made a tractor

to drive us through all that corn.

Let's take a bow.

Hop on Super Readers!

Through the corn we go!

[they cheer]

[super letters chime]

You see more Super Letters?

Which ones?

KIDS: A! F! E! Y!

A, F, E, Y.

Now we need to put them into our Super Duper...

KIDS: Computer!

Four more Super Letters...

and then we'll get our Super Story Answer!

Nice work, Super Readers!

[excited chatter]


The ants are going up the hill!

Ants! Come back here! You have my lunch!

We know. We were bringing it to your friends.

We knew you were tired. You were like...

[imitates yawning]

Well, that's... so nice!

But I can take it now.

Okay. Here you go.


Friends, I'm coming up the big...

tall... never-ending... hill!


Aren't you going, Marvin?

My head says 'yes'

but my monster feet say 'no'.

I'm soooo tired.

Hey - you need energy so you can climb the hill

and get to your friends. Ruff! Ruff!

I know. I know.

Wait, I don't know.

What's energy?

Woofster... to the rescue!

With my doggie dictionary I can tell you

what any word means!

Ruff! 'Energy'.

Having energy means feeling like you have

the power to run and jump and play!


Now we know what it means. Woof-de-doo!

Give your tail a wag!


Oh no. Marvin is sleeping!


Yup, he really doesn't have any energy.

But, now he'll never get to his friends for lunch.

He needs to wake up!

Uh! I-I can't wake up.

Look at my story -

I need to get up that hill, but...

I can't if I'm sleeping!


Super Why... to the rescue!

With the power to read,

I can change the story and save the day!

[continues snoring]

Let's change the word 'sleeps' in this sentence.


Why Writer... tap!

Super Readers, what word will help Marvin

get energy so he won't be so tired?

'Snores', 'sneezes', or 'eats'?

Let's try 'eats.'

Where's the word 'eats'?

It starts with an 'e'.

KIDS: There!

There! Tap!

Let's read:

Huh! Oooh, an apple.

Mmmm. Yum. That's good.

Mmm. Very good.

Oh, yummy in my monster tummy. Mmmm.

Oh! Oh! [nom-nom-nom-nom]

He ate all the apples.

Like really, all the apples.

You know, I feel better.

I'm getting some energy now.

I'm getting more energy.

Whoa! Now I've got lots of energy.


Did the word 'eats' help give Marvin energy?

KIDS: Yes!

Super job, Super Readers.

We changed the story and now Marvin has energy -

and can bring lunch to his friends!

I'mmmmmm commmmiiiiiiing!


[super letters chime]

You see our last Super Letters? Which ones?

KIDS: R! E! O! R!

R, E, O, R.

Now we need to put them into our Super Duper...

KIDS: Computer!

We found all of our Super Letters!

Now we can get our Super Story Answer!

Lunch for everyone!

Even the ants!

Hooray! We love lunch!


Bye, Super Readers.

Thanks for your help!

-Bye! -See ya!

Whyflyers! Back to the Book Club!

♪ We found the Super Story Answer, with Super Why! ♪


Super Duper Computer...

Give us our Super Story Answer!

[computer beeps]

Read the letters with me!






'Eat for Energy'.

The Super Story Answer is 'eat for energy'.

But, why?

Because Marvin had to eat to get energy

so he could bring lunch to his friends.

So my question is:

What can I do if I want to keep climbing

up the hill with Jill, but I'm too tired?

And your answer is:

ALL: 'Eat for energy!'

Hm... Jill had some crunchy carrots.

That's a healthy snack I can eat to get energy.

Let's go try it!

Jill, do you have any crunchy carrots left?

I want a healthy snack so I can get my energy back.

Sure, Pig.

Hey, you know what?

I'm feeling better!

I feel like I have energy -

and can play!

Race ya!

BOTH: Up the hill, up the hill,

climb, climb, climb!

Hip Hip Hurray! The Super Readers saved the day!

♪ Hip, Hip, Hooray! (Hooray!) ♪

♪ The Super Readers saved the day! ♪

♪ We changed the story... ♪

♪ We solved the problem... ♪

♪ We worked together so Hip-Hip-Hooray! ♪

♪ Hip Hip Hooray! (Hooray!) ♪

♪ The Super Readers saved the day! ♪

♪ Hip Hip Hooray! (Hooray!) ♪

♪ The Super Readers saved the day! ♪