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07x04 - The Blanket Mire

Posted: 01/04/24 19:57
by bunniefuu
Hey! Hey!

Come on.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

- Got a mobile, mate?
- Got a signal?

Lisa, Come on. It's
raining, quick. Come on.

Come on. Quick now.

Come with me.

- Ma'am.
- Is it her?

I've not had a look yet,
but definitely female.

No, it'll be her.

I mean, how far's mam and dad from here?

About five miles that way.

Liaison from Missing Persons
have got the family on standby.

Dental records we already
had. Likewise DNA.

Do we know what she was
wearing when she left home?

Shorts and a vest top.

Right. It was that weekend, wasn't it?

Sweltering. I weeded the path.

It's all grown back now, this weather.

- Why is this worse?
- Because of the publicity.

Feel like you know her.

Less anonymous.

Well, let's have a look.

- Tony.
- OK.

The shorts are right.

The hair's right, and the age.

What's that bangle thing on her wrist?

Does it say "Eastbury"?

- Yeah. - That's the
festival she went to.

So, what? k*lled on her way home?

Well, buried deep enough.

Not just dumped here, covered in earth.

No, whoever did it put
some real effort into it.

- Hm.
- ~

- Tha's the father.
- Is it her?

- Mr Hinkin...
- Let me see!

- I'll have to stop you there, sir.
- Is it Mia?

We don't know, sir. I'm sorry.

No, please... No, no!

Let me look! It's Mia!


Left at the stables.

- Would you like a GP to look you over, love?
- No, I'm all right!

Here you go.

Thank you.

Look, I know how difficult
it's been since Mia...

failed to return home.

And I know you've been asked
a hundred times, but...

.. I would like to try and start with
a clean slate. Is that all right?

- Now, where this body was found...
- For God's sake.

Stop treating us like we're stupid!

Stop covering your back!

I know it's her.

I can just tell.

Do you know who owns that land?

No-one. It's common ground.
Our boundary's the copse.

And so the pickers work for you?

No. They work for him over the
way. Rents the land off us.

So, going back six weeks, you
last saw your daughter...?

- The Friday morning.
- On the day of the festival?

And how did she seem?

We didn't see her go. Came back
from the doctor's and she'd gone.

I was supposed to drive her to
the bus station in town but...

.. she rang to say she'd
make her own way there.

And was that like her,
to change her plans?

It was a bad feeling because we never
wanted her to go to the bloody thing.

Did she tell you who she was going with?

No, that was the problem.
She wouldn't tell us.

Said it was no business of ours.

But did you get the feeling
it was friends? Or boyfriends?

No. Friends, I suppose.

Her boyfriend's Owen. You know Owen?

- We know of him.
- He's doing the Internet, you know?

Looking for her.

Fat lot of good it did. Fat
lot of good any of it's done.

Could I perhaps have a
look at her room, love?

She liked it locked. Just trying
to have it like she wanted.

- I'm sorry for the intrusion, love.
- Well, we're used to it now, aren't we?

You know it's her, don't you?

I cannot be in here.

Did Missing Persons take
her computer or anything?

They said she didn't have one.

Reckon she just took a bag.

I mean, does this look empty to you?

I mean, does that mean
she didn't have anything?

Or she took a load with
her to the festival?

- I can ask.
- Well, maybe not just now.

Nice view.

Her dental's a positive
match. Definitely Mia.

Well, that's that, then.

Now for the really hard bit.

Now, is that the younger
brother out there?

Yeah. Yeah, that's Jason.

Has he been told?


Aw. What's her name?

- She's not a pet. - Ah, well,
it looks like you're fond of her.

Nah. This one's my favourite.


I like chickens.

- Are you one of the police?
- Mm.

You found my sister?

Let's go and talk to your
mam and dad inside, love.

Are you bringing her home?

Come on, son.

I think you should stay, love.

Aye, right.


- Why do you think she's dead?
- She told you, the body.

But how did they know?

Maybe she's just... gone
somewhere. How did they know?

I am so sorry, love.

I don't understand.

Get Hicham onto Social Services.

I mean, when was the last
time that lad had a wash?

- Sorry. Have you just come
from the Hinkins? - Aye.

Is that because those guys found Mia?

We're not giving out that
information yet, sir.

Only, cos... there's a rumour on Twitter.

Well, it's not come from us.

Please. We're all neighbours here.

We just want to offer condolences
to Mal and Nell, you know?

My guys are offering to
lend a hand if they need it.

I'd say now's not a good
time. Maybe in a day or two.

That driver. Is he the fella
rents from the parents?

- Must be, yeah. - If he is,
he's doing all right for himself.

His motor!

And while we're looking at people in
the area, see if his workers are legit.

What? What?

Yeah, that's right.

Hey, Kenny. You're a life-saver.

Ha. What do you want
me to do with Uniform?

Uniform? House to house. We're
looking for bus passengers.

Anyone who saw our victim
travelling to or from Eastbury.

Right. Well, I'm not sure how a bunch of city
slickers like us are gonna get on with this lot.

Aiden, do an appeal for information.

Great! Bring out your cranks and
your weirdos, police are all ears.

And we're gonna have
to do a public briefing.

Right, now I'm looking for a boyfriend.

Very funny.

He's in there with his mum. But there's a
chance he beat us to it on a public briefing.


- What do you need with him?
- Just background, love.

I can tell you that. What do you need?

No, I need to talk to him.

Look, he's in no state.

24/7 he's been on that phone.

He were convinced that he'd find her.

And now I don't know where to start.

Well, first you can get
him off the Internet.

There'll be all sorts
coming out the woodwork.

It won't help.

You did your best. Everything
you did to try and find her.

- Well, that will help us.
- It wasn't the point, though, was it?

But it's important we get
the next bit right, yeah?

So can you take me back to
the last time you saw Mia?

Before she went off, she came
in the bar to say goodbye.

Before going to the festival?
So that's Friday night.

- Why weren't you going with her?
- It's not really my kind of music.

Well, she wasn't going on her own, surely?

Didn't say who she was going with.

- Mm? - She got the ticket
at the last minute, I think.

We hadn't even talked about it.

And how did she seem in herself?

- How do you mean?
- Happy? Unhappy?

We were happy. Home wasn't great.
They treated her like a skivvy.

When you say "they"... What,
do you mean her parents?

- You know her mam's ill?
- Mm.

That meant she had to do
more than her fair share.

Can you think of anyone, anyone at
all, who might have wanted to harm her?

You know them pickers?
Off Jack Madden's farm?

- Right.
- Yeah.

They're always hanging around,
creeping the women out.

And Mia was friendly with them, was she?

No. They're not our type of people.

But I think it was them.

Passports. Need photocopies
of your passports, ASAP.

The police are here and
they're asking questions.

- They found Mia Hinkin.
- Where has she gone?

Nowhere. She's dead.

Do you want to see these photos?

Aye, I do.

- Do you need me to talk you through it?
- They're pretty self-explanatory.


Now, what sort of ligature? I mean,
this wasn't hands done this, was it?

No. We found some fibres but,
as yet, that's a "don't know".

Could a woman have done it?

Well, there was some kind of a struggle,
but it didn't come off the back of a fight.

Upside, there's some material
under the fingernails

which might yield some DNA.

Oh, well, that's good.

And there's no sign of a sexual as*ault?

I'd say no. Not from what I've seen.

So, impulsive rather than planned?

Yeah, I think so.

And the million-dollar question... When?

Well, I need to confer with
my mate who's a meteorologist

and get some accurate temperature
data for the last six weeks.

- Bit of a microclimate up here.
- So it happened somewhere nearby.

- I'd say so.
- Hm.

Mia Hinkin. 18 years of age.

She lived and worked with mum and dad on
a dairy farm just outside of Brindale.

Failed to return home from Eastbury Festival
some time after the 2nd of last month.

Now, the body was found five
miles from said dairy farm,

40 days after she left the village.

She'd been strangled.

Primary line of inquiry is to establish
what time she departed the festival,

who she met there, and who,
if anyone, she went with.

Now, Hicham, have you got the
CCTV from the bus station yet?

We're trawling, but neither
us nor Missing Persons

found her on any bus coming or going.

And do we know who she was
going to see, music-wise?

- Party Crusade.
- Who?

Party Crusade. They're the
ones that put up the reward.

She's been a fan since last
summer, according to this.

And who are these two lasses?

Er, she's the guitar player.

She's not tagged. I mean,
she could be a random.

So, she checked in at the
festival 8pm Friday 2nd.

No activity online thereafter.

So, does that suggest something
happened there round about that time?

- Or she just lost her mobile?
- We haven't found one.

Parents said she didn't have a contract,
so we're looking for a pay-as-you-go.

It's taking time. Got a number, no SIM.

OK, second line of inquiry,

bearing in mind the
location of the crime scene,

is her relationships in the village.

Now, if the k*ller brought her back,
or intercepted her on her way home,

and who might have had motive.

We're picking up local suspicion
of the seasonal workforce.

Is there any suggestion
of a connection there?

- Hicham?
- The only link springs out

is that three of the workers
confirmed to Missing Persons

she'd been in the pub before
she left for Eastbury.

That was her last known contact
with the village, wasn't it?

I'll push them on their
whereabouts after that.

We're picking up tensions
within the family.

Mum's unwell. Younger son, query neglect.
Yeah, I've alerted Social Services.

So some suggestion that
Mia was unhappy at home.

In other words, a vulnerable young woman.

Not the raver partying every
weekend, as the publicity suggests.

So, who exploited that vulnerability?
Who made sure she never came home?

- I was just about to bring it up.
- Ah, that's OK.

- PC Wooten, isn't it?
- George.

Statements from the festival-goers.

Obviously, it's all on the system but
I thought, as I'd already printed it...

Well, thanks, I appreciate that.

If I was cynical, I might say people
are chancing their arm for a reward.

"Blonde girl in Wellingtons."

"Blonde girl with a sun tattoo."

"Blonde girl with red scarf."

"Blonde girl in a cowboy
hat." I see what you mean.

But erm... But there's...

There's this lass, a first-aider.

Reckoned she treated her. She was helpful.

I'll start with her, then.

Now, what about the stuff
you took from her room?

It's all there.

That's it?

Her room strike you as being empty?

Struck me more they were
pretty broke as a family.

- Hm.
- How's her mam and dad?

As you'd expect.

Will you pass on my condolences?

Aye, course I will. Thanks, George.

I did make her a top priority,
even though she was an adult.

I did throw the kitchen sink at it.

So, according to your statement,

you were on duty at the
festival and you treated Mia.

- Is that right?
- Yeah.

She said she'd taken a couple of pills.

- What sort of pills?
- I don't ask. We're not meant to judge.

Anyway, when I saw she was
missing, I felt I had to call.

Yeah, well, thanks, love.

Did you get the sense that
she was a regular drug-taker?

I'd say so. She was quite
chilled about having a whitey.

I know I should have supervised her.

Did she pass out somewhere?

Is it my fault?


She was m*rder*d, love.

I didn't... realise.

I'm so sorry.

If I'd known, I would have...

Would have what?

It's probably nothing.

I just didn't say this
with the other policeman.


I saw her later, like, late
o'clock at the end of the night.

Arguing with a bloke.

- Should I have told you?
- Would you recognise this fella?

I wasn't that close. But they were
definitely having a go at each other.

Right, have a look at this.
Give us your Twitter thing.

- Is that the fella?
- No. This guy was older.

I think I've seen him
on the Missing Mia feed.

Have you? Well, let's have a look.

Stop. Maybe that guy, maybe.

How sure are you -- on
a scale of one to ten?


Well, thanks, Meryl.
You've been a great help.

- And?
- Gary Tovey.

According to the veg farm bloke,
his wife runs the stables.

So why does he call himself
the Brindale Runner?

- Why not just use his real name?
- Could be anything.

Impress the ladies... Anything.

Tovey Stables. That rings a bell.

Isn't that near Hinkin's fields?

Oh, yeah. We saw the horses.

You know he's retweeted everything
we've posted in the last six weeks?

What's that mean in layman's terms?

Well, at the very least, he's
following our every move.

Well, let's pay Mr Tovey a little visit.

Come on, Ellie. That's it.



Excuse me, love. Looking for Gary Tovey?

I'm Mrs Tovey. Can I help?

Ah. Just a word with your husband, love.

- He's out.
- When might he be back?

Good question. When the
work's done, probably.

Is it about this body?

- Was it Mia?
- Yes, it was.

So you both knew Mia, then?

Yeah, absolutely. Erm...

I mean... she'd been coming here since...

Well, forever, really.
She'd been a Saturday girl.

So she was working for you just
prior to her disappearance?

On and off.

More off than on.

Let's go inside.

She hadn't been herself the last few
months. She got really... teenage.

- In what way "teenage"?
- Well, unreliable.

Not always coming when she said.

And sulking with me for no reason.

So would you say her behaviour
recently was out of character?

She just seemed more
desperate, poor thing.

She was so fixated on
getting out of the village.

She was a bit trapped, wasn't she? No
way of getting out off her own back.

Parents never paid her a penny.

Ah, but you did. So why is this
the first we've heard of it?

Well, like I say. We kept
things on the QT cos of them.

We didn't want to take sides,
but... we felt sorry for her.

Wanderer returns. They're police.

They want our help about Mia.


No, can't say I'm much of a party animal.

I definitely didn't go
to any music festival.

Can you remember anything about
that day? What you might have done?

Nothing special, don't think.

I'm boring. Either here or out running.

Or down the pub with Jack.

Yeah. Or down the pub with Jack.

What about the evening, say after six?

We were definitely in all evening.

You remember. We talked about how awful
it'd be to be sleeping in some muddy field.

We did, yeah.

Were either of you ever
aware of Mia taking dr*gs?

No. Is that what it was,
then? The change in her?

That would explain it, wouldn't it?

I mean, we've known her since
she was, what... 11, 12?

And I've never seen her so
miserable as this past year.

Why do you use a pseudonym
on the Internet?

Same reason as anyone. Privacy.

I was in the Army.

You Google me, you'll find I was
in Helmand until the withdrawal.

Certain people like to
take issue with that.


Bit of a contrast to life
round here, though, isn't it?

Yeah. It's all peace and
tranquillity and no mistake.

- Mum! Mum!
- Right on cue.

All right, I'll go.

- Where'd you find her?
- By Brindale mine.

But we searched there.

What do you mean? What search is this?

The one Owen organised. We all did it.

- Went all over. - Owen? As in
Owen Travers? Mia's boyfriend?

No, he weren't her boyfriend.
She'd called it off, hadn't she?

What makes you say that?

She told me. She told me
she'd got shot of him.

Like I say, she wanted out.


Bunch of us went out through the fields.

Well, you lot weren't
doing anything, were you?

So, why did you think
she'd returned to the area?

I don't know. I was desperate.

So, were you still together, you and Mia?

- Does it matter?
- Aye, it does.

Because I need to be clear on
her significant relationships.

And will you stop doing that
while I'm talking to you?

In my head, we were still together, yeah.

And in hers?

She broke up with me about a week before.

People break up, then they get back
together. It happens all the time.

And when they bury her, I'll
be up there, up the front.

I won't be pushed out.

Why are you making intimations at him?

He doted on her. You can ask anyone.

Look, she were a good girl.

But she could be a madam
and she could play people.

Made eyes at a lot of blokes.

So, what are the
intimations you're making?

Everyone knows she hated her mam and
dad and that they didn't much like her.

You should be looking closer
to home, if you ask me.

I don't think I did ask you, pet.

Blame the pickers. Blame the parents.

What if that barmaid's right and
Mia did hate her mam and dad?

Totally miserable, according to the
Toveys. Wanted out of the village, right?

- And she was only seen briefly
at that festival. - So...?

So what if Eastbury was a
chance to buy herself some time?

A chance to get out of that house
and not come back. New life.

Ma'am. Witness saw Gary Tovey in
The Lion at lunchtime, day she left.

Other than that, can't find anything
on the fella even to raise an eyebrow.

Maybe the first-aider just
picked the wrong bloke.

Tony. Tell me you've got a DNA match
and I can go and arrest someone?

Afraid not. I do have a couple
of healed fractures, though,

- now that I've done a full MRI.
- Meaning what?

She would have been hospitalised
a couple of times for breakages.

- Might be worth checking it out.
- Right. Thanks.

Have we got anything
significant on the parents?

They don't have many
admirers in the village.

Ah, well, maybe that trouble at home is
more serious than we've accounted for.

Hey. This is PC Wooten, Missing Persons.


Erm, I've had a little question about Mia.

- Yeah, go on. - What colour
was the festival wristband?

- Blue, wasn't it?
- Aye, blue.

That means she got it in
advance. It's the VIP one.

So we can't assume she went
to that festival at all.

It just means that she was given
it by someone in with the band.

Right. Well, we're all going to a gig.

- Have you sorted it?
- Yes, ma'am. All sorted.

Thanks, mate.

I'm gonna check the bar.

Have you seen this lass by any chance?

- Her down the front!
- I can't hear you!

Her down the front. She's
in one of Mia's photos!


Out of my way!

You were allocated a number
of these bands. Correct?

- To give out to your select few.
- Yeah, maybe.

I can't say doing the
door is my top priority.

Did you give one to this lass?

That's the girl that went missing?

- Mm-hm. - Didn't we put
up a reward or something?

- Did you ever meet her?
- No.

That's strange.

So when might this have been taken?


Sunderland, maybe?

When was that?

A few months back.

So how did one of those bands
come into her possession?

If she's missing...

.. how do you know she
has one in her possession?

Because she's not missing any more, pet.
Her body was found Wednesday afternoon.

We had no clue. We've been stuck
in rehearsals all this week.

Do you recognise this lass?

That's Erin. She's er...
She's our super-fan.

Like, where we go, she goes.

She'll have a couple of those bands.

You should ask her about
your missing girl... Maya?

- Mia.
- Mia. Mia, is it? Yeah.

They were mates, I think.

And were you ever mates
with either of them?


Groupies are not my style.

No sex? No dr*gs?

Just... Just rock and roll.

- Good morning, ma'am.
- Ma'am.

- That's a matter of opinion.
- Erin Michaels.

Moved out of her last known
address about a month ago.

We got her on candid camera over there,
but we don't pick her up any later.

- So she jumped in the river
and swam for it? - Very funny.

The good news is she left her
bag behind when she scarpered.

And look at this.

Just a moment.

Look. Illegal legal highs.

I want that girl found.

She was at that festival
and never came forward,

and I want to know why.

Come on, theories. No matter how daft.

Erin supplied the dr*gs
that caused Mia's whitey.

Mia kicked off, Erin k*lled her to
silence her about the dodgy dr*gs.

Strangulation, though?

- That's a bit much, isn't it?
- Well, it could be an accident.

Came off the back of a fight.

No. Tony said there was no fight.

And why take the body all
the way back to the moor?

How's a lass gonna do that?

Unless she had some help.

Ma'am. The little lad, the brother.

- What?
- His school just phoned Hicham.

He wasn't in yesterday or this morning.

What'd the parents have to say?

They told Welfare he left
as usual on his bike.

- The parental concern's
overwhelming! - Yeah.

So if that lad's not going to
school... where IS he going?

Why would he come here?

No idea. He was just lying in the
back seat, playing on his phone.

Maybe he came here with his sister.

I don't know.

Struck me those kids would do
anything to get out of the house.

- I mean, Mia did come here fairly regular.
- Yeah? Why was that?

Mam and dad collected their rent in cash.

She collected it so it wouldn't
go through the books, you know.

- Right.
- Should I have rung Mal first?

Aye, you should. But you
were right to call us.

I just didn't want him
getting in trouble with them.

Did he have any mates here?

Not as such. I've seen him mucking
about with a couple of guys on and off.

- Can you point them out to us, love?
- They've gone to the depot.

Jan and Blazej, their names are.

Blazej... Weren't they the fellas who
were in the pub the night she left?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean
anything. I was in the pub that day.

Still, they're witnesses to what
we call "last known sighting".

So when they get back, will you
point them in my direction, please?

- Isn't that just picking
on foreigners? - No.

Well, it looks like it.

These workers do you
proud, don't they, love?

Hm? Make you decent money.

I can see why you'd want to protect them.

I don't see why you're hassling people
locally. She went missing miles away.

Hassling? Who am I hassling?

Ah. Your mate Gary.

- Gary had nothing to do with it. - No?

That fella's been half blown up for his country.
Last thing he needs is pressure from you lot.

He's not the big "I am" everyone reckons.


- Did you get through to his parents?
- Yeah, I just got through.

See if you can track down a couple of
workers gone to the depot. Jan and Blazej.

And chase up Hicham with
those background checks.

Oi, get off! Come on, your
mam will be worried about you.

She doesn't care about us.

Ah, shut up, and get in the car.

- Who gave you that?
- No-one.

Well, you didn't wake up with it.

Just some lads in the village.

They pick on us sometimes.

Why's that, then?

Cos I'm a Hinkin, I suppose.

Jan's gonna teach us how to box.

Jan? That's one of the pickers, isn't it?

Just need to get a bit taller first.

My dad says your lot can't be trusted.

Is that why you're not
being honest with me?

- Hm?
- Don't know what you mean.

Well, you told me your
sister couldn't be dead.

Now, why did you say that?

Well, we could do this the hard way and
I could go through your phone log...

.. or you could just tell us the truth.

- She messaged us.
- When was this?

Must have been three weeks ago.

- "JJ"?
- Jason John.

Mia always called us that.

- Anyone else call you that?
- Just Mia.

So, what else are you not telling us?

Just the one about Newcastle.

What about Newcastle?

Said that's where she was.

What was your sister doing in Newcastle?

- She found herself a job.
- She tell you where?

Just a bar, she said.

- One of those fancy pubs.
- So you knew she was doing a flit.

Did you tell anyone else?

It was our secret.

And you kept it quiet all this time.

She said she'd come back for us.

The day she left. Soon as she was sorted.

She promised.

Well, go on. Sling your hook.

Go and get cleaned up. You're filthy.

- Where'd you find him?
- He was up in the fields.

Jack Madden called us.

I warned him to stay away.

He was gone for hours and it
took someone else to call us.

Lives in a world of his own, that one.

That shiner he's got.
Said he was in a fight.

Well... if that's what he told you.

He's been wagging school.
Did you know that?

Checking up on us, were you?

They're right to be concerned
if he's missing classes.

I've been teaching him here
at the farm. Home schooling.

Mm. Anyway, I wanted to talk
to you about Mia's postmortem.

Showed up some old injuries. A broken arm.

She fell off a horse a few years ago.

- You can check at the hospital.
- No, no. I don't think it'll come to that.

I know what they're saying in the village.

"It's the Hinkin girl gone missing. They
must have had something to do with it."

Well, I won't take it from them...

.. and I won't take it from you.

Well, I'm glad we've
cleared the air, love.

- All right, sir.
- You know that weekend off I promised you?

I'm out on the town with the
missus. She's got a table booked.

You're out on the town with me, love.

I know where Mia tipped
up after that festival.

She was working in Newcastle.


Mark's got a trace on
the phone's location.

Mia sent those texts
from somewhere in town.

So, definitely from here?

How could Missing Persons cock that up?

Her mobile phone was switched
off. Case had gone cold.

Oh, that's all right, then!

And let's say she WAS
planning on doing a bunk.

That must have taken some planning.
So, who else was in on it?

Aside from her brother.

- Anything?
- Er, nothing yet, ma'am.

They might remember a bit
more when they're sober, mind.

Er, we can ask around the market and
I can talk to some of the bar staff.

Aye. Then work your way
down to the quayside.

- Ma'am. - Nice little
crawl for you, Kenny.

He doesn't get out much these days.

We'll take the rest of
the bars on the strip.

You got ID on you? This
fella might not let you in.

We're not jumping the queue, love.

Excuse me, love. Where
will I find the manager?

Zoe's over there.

- Are you Zoe, the manager?
- Yeah, that's me.

- DCI Stanhope.
- How can I help?

We're trying to trace the
movements of this woman.

We believe she's been working in the area.

Yeah, I know her. That's Mia.

Is there somewhere quiet
we can talk, love?

- I mean...
- Yeah, come with me.

I heard they found a body.

Mm. Burntridge Moor.


- Poor girl.
- How well did you know her?

Er, she was one of the regulars.

Asked about some bar work.
I said I'd take her on.

- She was working here?
- Well, that's just it.

She was all set to start on the
Saturday. Never turned up for her shift.

You didn't call her to
find out what had happened?

There are always people looking for
work. I don't give second chances.


You say she came in here a lot?

There were plenty of fellas
who'd buy her a drink.

Did any of these fellas ring alarm bells?

Well, yeah. There's one.

Parks up in his car, never comes in.

Still there sometimes after closing.

- Did you clock what sort of car?
- Nothing flash.

Mud on the bonnet, windows needed a clean.

Did you ever see this fella with Mia?

I'd have warned him off.
Something about him, you know?

You seen him lately?

I'll run a check, see if
the plates jump out at us.

Hold on, love. Hold on. Who
did she knock about with?

She was mates with one of the barmaids.

It was Erin who put in
a good word for her.

And is this Erin working tonight?

Mm, should have been. Called in sick.

Got an address?

Oh, come on.

Can we come in, love?

Do I have a choice?

I'll take that as a no...

Bit of a party?

Aye. Just a few drinks.
The boys from the band.

- Look, I've told you all I know.
- Somehow I doubt that.

Just tell her we're here, love.
Save me saying everything twice.

- You must have known she'd gone missing?
- Yeah, I knew.

- It's nothing to do with me.
- So why'd you scarper the other night?

I had a bit of weed on us. I panicked.

Yeah, and the rest. We found these in
that bag that you dropped. Here you are.

Yeah, we might as well nick her for those.

Unless you want to start
being straight with us. Hm?

Those WhatsApp messages
sent from your mobile,

day of the Eastbury Festival.

Mia sent you a selfie. 6:52.

"Drop dead gorgeous" and a smiley face.

- That's the last time
I heard from her. - Mm.

So she's all dressed up, on her way, hm?

How's she getting there?

- A lift, I think.
- A lift with who?

I don't know.

She didn't say.

7:45, you send her another
message wondering where she is.

Her phone was switched off.

Why would she switch her phone off
if she's looking to hook up with you?

I don't know.

And then, a couple of days later,
you do hear she's gone missing --

six weeks and counting -- and you
never thought to come forward.

I just thought she was
keeping her head down.

Now, why would you think that?


I'll tell you why.

Because you knew she was
planning on doing a flit.

We know that Mia pitched up
in Newcastle. Come on, Erin.

- She weren't with me.
- So where was Mia staying, then,

if she wasn't staying with you?

She said she'd found a flat
share somewhere in town.

Well, that would have cost
an arm and a leg, love.

She mucks out stables. Where
would she find the deposit?

I know she was seeing
someone. Maybe he sorted it.

So, who was this someone?

A fella came into the bar once.

Decent-looking, I suppose.


He was giving her grief about summat.

Did she know this fella or was it just
some random bloke chancing his arm?

She definitely knew him.

I asked Mia if she was OK.
He told me to stay out of it.

Just left them to it.

These here dr*gs. Did Mia ever take these?

Mia never touched dr*gs. Yes, she liked
a bit of a drink, but that was it.

Mark, Mia's postmortem results.

What does the tox screen tell us?

Er, traces of alcohol. Nothing
else found in her bloodstream.

That conflicts with the account
we got from Meryl Fairchild.

Aye, it does.

- How much was that reward?
- £10,000.

Do you think she's chasing the money?

She's been giving us the
run-around. Get your coat.

You told me Mia had
taken a couple of pills.

That's what she told me, yeah.

The tests we ran didn't show
up any dr*gs in her system.

Her pupils were dilated and she
was definitely slurring her words.

And the fella you picked out, the one
she argued with, end of the night...

- What about him?
- We've tracked him down, love.

Told him he's a m*rder suspect.
Wife, couple of kids...

I said I wasn't sure.

So is that a retraction?

I should really get to work.
I'm on a shift in 20 minutes.

You never saw that fella, did you, love?

- And I don't think you saw Mia.
- She was there.

I know she was.

If this had gone to court, lying under
oath, that is a serious offence.

You'd be looking at a seven-year stretch.

- Prison?
- Obstructing a m*rder inquiry!

- I didn't know she was dead!
- Why did you do it? For a pay-out?

Her face was all over the
Internet, papers and that.

I just... thought where's
the harm in coming forward?

I didn't think they'd pay me
much attention, but PC Wooten...

.. he listened to me
for a couple of hours.

I suppose I felt... important.

I'm so sorry.

- I can't believe you didn't nick her.
- Leave all that to the CPS.

We've been looking at
this with tunnel vision.

What if Erin was telling the truth and
Mia never did turn up at that festival?

Everyone just assumed she
had. Ran with Missing Persons.

Living in Newcastle, first day
new job, never turns up for work.

That fella she's been seen with.
He's the answer to all of this.

- I'll show it to the boss.
- Thank you.

Er, reported assaults on females
in the city centre, ma'am.

This one stood out. Lorna Doyle.

On a night out with her mates, fella grabbed
her up one of the side streets off the strip.

Was this 7th of August, early hours?

She screamed and scared the guy off.

Get her in, Kenny. Get another statement.

- Will do.
- You might want to see this, ma'am.

We ran that AMPR check.
A few plates flagged up.

One was traced back to Mal Hinkin.

Yeah, he got a parking ticket two months ago.
It was marked up as a vehicle of interest.

- This is before his daughter went missing.
- Yeah, but he'd driven into town that night.

Well, he could have been there
for any number of reasons.

Six other times that we know
about since, always late.

So where's he parking?

Collingwood Street, Mosley Street,
close to the Diamond Strip.

This was captured on
camera three weeks ago.

That's just a couple of hundred yards
from where this woman was followed, Kenny.

And does that look like mud to you?

- It could do with a wash.
- What did that bar manager say?

Parked up in his car, mud
on the bonnet. Get him in.

- Why am I here? - Your plate
flagged up on routine surveillance.

So? I drive into town now and then.

Here you are Friday night three weeks
ago, parked up on Mosley Street.

And you drive off again three hours later.

And again Saturday night into Sunday.

I just needed to get out the house.

See, we think Mia was living in
Newcastle since she left Brindale.

- What? - Yeah. We think
she rented a room in town.

Oh, and you didn't think to tell us?

Maybe you already knew.

Now, if you wanted your daughter
back home where she belonged...

locked away in that bedroom,

you'd have every incentive to
try and find her, wouldn't you?

So, how did you know where to look?

- Mia called me once.
- Did she?

Yeah. The middle of the night. She'd
gone out without telling us, drinking.

Right. And when was this?

Couple of months ago.

She just spent all her money,
needed her dad to pick her up.

I found her at one of those bars.

Sitting on the pavement,
vomit all over her.

I just took her home, cleaned
her up, and put her to bed.

Never mentioned it again.

She always hated the farm,
living in the middle of nowhere.


- What?
- There was never any...

It was almost as if she resented her.

Resented Mia, her whole
life in front of her.

So she couldn't let her go.

Do you think that's why she
left home without telling you?

If I'd been a better dad...

.. maybe she'd still be alive.

I couldn't just sit
there, waiting for news...

.. with her disapproving silences.

So I used to drive into town after dark.

The place was so full of life.

Sit there, waiting, watching.

Hoping to catch a glimpse
of her. Just a glimpse...

Then I'd just know that she was OK.

Is this the man?

So we've ruled out Mal
Hinkin as Lorna's attacker.

Well, I'm not ruling him out completely.

What about mistaken identity?

I mean, they look very alike.

They could be sisters.

And say this fella is our
mystery bloke from the bar.

So we're thinking Lorna was in
the bar the same night as Mia?

Could have been.

Blonde leaves at closing
time, coat on, it's dark.

He goes after her, turns
out it's Lorna. Big mistake.

Sorry to interrupt, ma'am. Uniform
have reported a disturbance.

Brindale. In Jack Madden's field.

Now what?

- ~
- Lads, calm down.

You got any idea what's going on here?

A woman came into the pub, said
Jan had tried it on with her.

Got a bit hands-on.

What, and this lot have
come to teach him a lesson?

Yeah, well, he says it was
all a misunderstanding, so...

- If he threw a punch...
- Yeah, well, it was Owen who provoked him.

He's done nothing wrong.

Follow him down to the
station. Friendly face?

Now you listen to me. Any justice
needs dispensing, that's my department.

Well, you ask him what he's been
up to? Everyone knows he k*lled her!

You want to hope that's not broken.

- I want him charged with as*ault.
- Clear off, before I charge you an' all. Go on.

You think he k*lled her?

No, I'm keeping an open mind, love.

Why, do you think he k*lled her?

I was with Jan the day
the girl disappeared.

Aye, in the pub. I know.

And you both walked back
here together. Is that right?

- That's what he told the police? - Mm.

I left him in the village.

Didn't see him again
for a couple of hours.

- So, where did he go?
- He disappears all the time.

I don't think Janusz is a bad person.

I know him as well as anyone.


Ma'am. Janusz Hiszpanski.

He was arrested in Poznan
for domestic as*ault.

Beat up his missus. He jumped
bail before it went to trial.

Get a SOCO team over to those fields.

I want a sweep of the van and the
huts, see what else we've missed.

Will do.

Erin, come here.

Now, you think yourself lucky
we didn't press charges.

This whole Mia thing
just messed my head up.

Get your head sorted out, because
next time I won't be so understanding.

So are you heading back to Woody's?

- Got nowhere else to go. - Yeah, well,
at least we know where to find you.

Now, go on, hop it.

Erin, love?

Erm, if you do think of anything
that might help us with the case,

- here's my direct line.
- Yeah. I'll call you.

- How long are you keeping him in for?
- That depends what he can tell us.

- Shall I get a solicitor?
- I think that's a very good idea.

Well, well, well.

There's a warrant out for your arrest.

Domestic as*ault.

You had no right to take this.

The bairn got a name?


Left the pair of them
high and dry, didn't you?

- She wouldn't want to see me, anyway.
- I'm not surprised, if you knocked her about.

- I've put all that behind me.
- Save it all for the coppers in Poznan, love.

- Are you going to send me back?
- What do you think?

But not until you've
answered my questions.

What do you want to know?

How long have you been
working for Jack Madden?

A couple of month. When a job's
finished, we go somewhere else.

Mm. And you drive the van.

A few of us take it in turns, yeah.

Do you ever visit the bars in the city?

Nah, no. Not on the wages he pays us, no.

You prefer the village pub.

That place wouldn't stay open without us.

Course, you were in the pub the night
Mia Hinkin went missing, weren't you?

Along with your mate, Blazej Bobienski.

I've already told the police this.

What is it? 20 minutes
from the pub to the fields?

- It's near enough.
- Mm.

But you were gone for a
couple of hours, weren't you?

According to your mate, who's come
forward and given us another statement.

So where were you?


There was somewhere I needed to be.

I've got a forensic team
checking that van as we speak,

so I'm gonna need something
better than that, love.

Where were you?

I've got all night.

He'd been carrying on with the landlady.

Said they went for a walk. It's the
first time I've heard it called that.

I take it Owen doesn't know, then.

Hey, Kenny. Get over to The
Lion and talk to that landlady.

- See if his alibi checks out.
- Will do.


That million-dollar question you asked me.

Might just have worked out the answer.

I measured the enzymes
in Mia's muscle tissue.

The breakdown products that presented,

they prove that she was
dead for at least five weeks.


Are you sure about that?

It wasn't consistent with the
rate of tissue decomposition.

Maybe her body had been
stored somewhere cold.

- Dead five weeks?
- Mm-hm.

Well, that means she couldn't have
sent those texts to her brother.

And if she didn't send them...

.. well, who did?

I take it you did go home last night?

Mia was k*lled five weeks ago.

So she didn't send those texts to Jason.

No, she didn't. The k*ller must have done.

Wanted the lad to think
she was still alive.

I mean, let's face it, our chances of
finding that body were less than zero.

We'd all be thinking she was still
alive if it wasn't for that downpour.

Clever, then.

So, we are back to square...

Those witness statements...

- Something you want to share?
- No, I want George.

- Morning, ma'am.
- Aye, morning.

- George, where are you?
- Hello?

George, that string of tip-offs
you had, Mia Hinkin case.

- You still got all that on your computer?
- Aye, still on the system.

Could you bring it up for us, love?


- Ah...
- Mm. Witness statement.

Mm. Here you are. "Blonde
wearing a red scarf."

- Now, who called that in?
- Erm... male caller.

Rang Missing Persons three
days after Mia disappeared.

Witness reported seeing a girl
walking along the road, 7:30pm,

- on the night she was last seen.
- Well, where was that?

Er, just off the 629.

That's the road down to Brindale
Town. I'll print this out.

So she'd already left the village.

Why wasn't this followed up?

Caller was anonymous and...

it was never established
she was wearing a scarf.

Well, we didn't know she was.

Must have been in her bag, put
it on after she left the pub

because, look, she sent her mate
a selfie and she's wearing it.

- So if the police didn't put out
that information... - Precisely.

Whoever called that in must
have seen her that night.

- I need you to trace that caller. - OK.

Er, ma'am? Zoe Merrin just called.

- Said Erin didn't turn up for her
shift last night. - So, what's new?

Actually, has anyone called the boyfriend?

He says he hasn't seen her, but
I've sent a car to his place.

Keep us posted. Now, listen up, everyone.

Finally a few chinks of light,
thanks to our friends in the basement.

A tip-off! Someone saw a
blonde girl wearing a red scarf

the evening Mia Hinkin went missing.

Now, we know a scarf or something
similar was used as the m*rder w*apon

and I'd lay money that the fibres
found will match that scarf.

- So, who called this in?
- Anonymous.

Saw her down the Brindale road.

- She could have hitched a lift from anyone.
- No. I think she knew her assailant.

- What makes you so sure?
- Because of those texts to the brother.

"JJ"? That was Mia's nickname for him.
So, who else would have known that?

So, her k*ller must have
known she was doing a flit.

Exactly! Now, how did he find that out?

Hm? Well, it's certainly
not from her brother.

- That was his big secret.
- Sorry to interrupt, ma'am.

We got lucky. Tip off the Missing Persons.

Call came from a phone
registered to Gary Tovey.

Well done, George.

- Any news? - There's been
a few developments, yeah.

- Is your husband home?
- He went out about an hour ago.

I can call him if you need me to.

Is this his number?

Aye, that's his mobile.
What's all this about?

The evening Mia Hinkin went missing.

You told us your husband
was home all evening.

- Yeah, that's right.
- That's not the case, is it, love?

Because we can place him
up on the Brindale road.

He might have gone for a run, that's all.

So why did he tell us he
saw Mia Hinkin that night?

Gary never saw Mia at all that
night. I was there when he told you.

Look, I'm sorry to have to
ask you this, Mrs Tovey,

but was there something going on
between your husband and Mia Hinkin?

What kind of question's that?

One you haven't answered, love.


- You seem pretty sure of that.
- I know my husband.

I know he wouldn't... She
was still just a kid.

Mm. So where can I find him?

You could try the Ropehaugh Woods.

Your wife said we'd find you here.

- So, what couldn't wait?
- Phone call to Missing Persons.

Anonymous tip-off traced to your mobile.

I just heard she'd gone missing.

- Wanted to make sure they found her.
- Ah, we found her right enough.

Dead and buried up on the
moor. Go there a lot, do you?

- It's good for running.
- Is that what you were doing?

- What else would I be doing?
- We'd like to interview you down the station.

I've got to speak to Claire.

You're talking to me first.
My sergeant will drive.

Give me the keys.

How long were you in Afghanistan?

Two-year tour. Royal Engineers.

Back from the w*r. That must have
been hard, finding your feet.

No. Good to be home.

Your missus, running the
stables, making ends meet.

You must have felt
surplus to requirements.

Bit of a third wheel, hm?

And then Mia starts showing
some interest, well...

She got it into her head there
was something between us.

And was there?

Look, maybe I indulged her.
We had a laugh, you know?

- Ah. - Teasing, bit
of banter. That's all.

She confide in you?


I think we both knew what it felt like
to be stuck in the village, you know?

Did you ever meet her
in a bar in the city?

No. Why would I?

Well, we think she'd taken a room in a flat
there. Someone must have paid for that.

And you think it was me?

She didn't get that kind of money
mucking out your stables, did she, love?

She told me she'd found a place to
stay. I don't know how she paid for it.

Ah. So, you knew she was leaving?

I knew she needed a lift to
the bus station. That's all.

How'd you know that?

She phoned me. Must have been lunchtime.

I was in the pub with Jack.

What, and asked you to pick her up later?

Seven o'clock in the village.

Should have said no, but she could
really lay it on when she wanted to.

Hm. So you tell your missus
you're going for a run, hm?

- Yep. - Do you tell her
you were picking up Mia?

She didn't know about that.

Well, we know she didn't
make it as far as Brindale.

So what happened in the car that night?

I'm driving, she's talking.
She's saying she's gonna miss me.

She says we should run away together.

I've no idea where any
of this is coming from,

so I pull the car over...
just to talk, mind.

- And er...
- What, she makes a move on you?

I swear, I didn't see it coming.

Ah, well, how would you,
love? It's all in her head.

So I says, "Look, Mia,
I'm taking you home."

Mm-hm. So why didn't you?

Then she threatens to
tell Claire everything.

There's nothing to tell...

.. and I tried... tried to
make her see sense, but...

she was already out of the car.

Slammed the door, walked away.

- And you just let her go?
- Yeah, I just let her go.

Hm. You sure about that?


I just... drove off...

and left her... alone...

on the road.

I think you k*lled her.

I swear on my kids'
lives... I didn't k*ll her.

Gary Tovey's swabs. They been tested yet?

- Still waiting on results.
- Give Tony a kick up the arse.

- I need some evidence to tie him to this.
- We got hold of Erin Michaels' boyfriend.

- He hasn't seen her since you
brought her in. - Try her mobile.

- Just keeps ringing out.
- Well, keep trying.

'You have one message. Message one.'

'Yeah, this is Erin, Mia's mate.

You said to call you if
I remembered anything.

That fella that came into the bar,
the one that was pestering Mia.

I think I've just seen him.'



Oh, come on, wake up!

We've got her leaving the station
on CCTV. Nothing after that.

Why would anyone want Erin out of the way?

What are we missing?

What if Gary Tovey was the one who
argued with Mia at the bar that night?

And Erin saw them. Well, she did.

So, she's a witness. And that
could tie him to the m*rder.

Let's see what he's got to say about that.

Hang on, ma'am. His DNA
profile's just come back.

Yeah? And?

Doesn't match the skin cells that
we found under Mia's fingernails.

- You're kidding me?
- Sorry, ma'am.

Gary Tovey couldn't have k*lled her.

DC Edwards.

We're chasing our bloody tails here.

Right, so that's a match? Thanks for that.

- Ma'am?
- What?

Forensics have just finished
a sweep of the pickers' van.

Mia's DNA was found in the back.

That puts Jan back in the frame.

Erin and Jan were at
the front desk together.

- Jan's in custody. He can't have gone after
Erin. - The pickers were working together.

- What about the other worker?
- Blazej?

- Yeah. He gave us that statement.
- He made sure his mate got arrested.

- Trying to take the heat off himself?
- It's always the quiet ones.

But I saw him loading up the van. The day
we dropped Mal Hinkin off at the farm.

I want an All Units up
at those fields now.

You lot never give up, do you?
You're gonna put me out of business.

We need to talk to anyone
who'd been driving that van.

- I didn't do anything!
- Calm down. You're in enough trouble as it is.

- Is JJ here? I don't want him to see this.
- I think he's in the warehouse.

It was you Erin recognised
at the station, wasn't it?

Where is she? What have you done with her?

- Stay where you are, Jason!
- Jack, what's going on?

- Let the lad be.
- You trust me, don't you?

Hasn't his family suffered
enough? Leave him be.

Come on, Jack. You don't
want to be doing this.

Hey. Come on...

Stop him! Stop him!

Jack, it's over! Jack! Jack, it's over.

- It's over, Jack.
- Come on. Come with me.

Thank you.

I'm arresting you on suspicion
of the m*rder of Mia Hinkin.

Thank you, Blazej.

Take him to the office.

I want a phone call.

Tell us where Erin is,
I'll see what I can do.

- Erin? - The lass you
followed out of the station.

All right, we'll do this the hard way.

Two months ago, you put down a deposit.

Rented room in Newcastle.

The agency emailed us your signature.

I needed a place in
town. Weekends, mainly.

Nah. You rented that place for Mia Hinkin.

I barely knew the girl.

Her family own these fields.

She collected the rent from
you on a regular basis.

You told me that yourself.

It was business.

Now, Erin, this lass that's gone missing,

she told us she saw you
and Mia in town together.

Mm. Bit of a row, she said.

Oh, I bet it put the wind up you when
you clocked her down at the station,

wondering if she'd been talking.
Is that why you followed her?

Where is she? Where's Erin?

What were your movements the
day Mia Hinkin went missing?

It was weeks ago.

Oh, I bet it's seared
on your memory, love.

But I'll give you the heads-up.

You meet your mate Gary in the pub. Mia
calls him, trying to cadge a lift into town.

Oh, I bet he bragged
about that, didn't he?

A schoolgirl crush.

She was wasting her time with Gary.

Oh? What, when she could have
been wasting her time with you?

A fella who's used to
getting what he wants.

It was Gary picked her up,
so why are you talking to me?

Because we found her assailant's
DNA under her fingernails, love.

Which rules Gary out.

So we'll be doing a little swab test
in a minute, if that's all right.

And here's what I think happened.

You meet Mia on the Brindale road.

She's upset. Tells you
she's argued with Gary.

Tells you she loves him.

So you offer her a friendly
shoulder to cry on.

I didn't see her that night.

Cos you were the only one who ever
helped her, weren't you, love? Hm?

The flat in town, keeping it between you.

The money and whatever else.

Cos you thought you were on a promise.

Well, you got that wrong, didn't
you? It was Gary she wanted.

No comment.

She was never gonna settle for a
fella like you, was she, love? Hm?

- That why you k*lled her?
- No comment.

He throttles a young lass to
death, buries her up on the moor,

and he's got nothing to say for himself.

I gave her everything she ever needed.

And she threw it back in my face.

I will nail you for Mia's
m*rder and that is a promise.

But Erin? She has nothing
to do with this, love.

- So, come on, do the right thing.
- Well, if you're so clever, YOU figure it out!

- We've got officers on the way
to your flat. - Be my guest!


You'd better hope I find her.

We don't even know if she's still alive.

Well, we've got to assume she is.

He'll have her here
somewhere, out the way.

Where no-one can hear her.

Where do they keep those leeks
before they go to the depot?

Cold storage.

And Tony said Mia's body
was kept somewhere cold.

We're looking for a refrigerated unit!

Mal says we're looking for a barn. There's a
couple of cold stores that are rarely used.

- Did he say how far?
- It's there!

Erin? Get this open!

Erin, love?

Erin, it's the police!

Erin, love?

- Erin, love...
- I've got her.

Kenny, get an ambulance
down to Hinkin's field.

It's OK, we've got you.

We've got you, love.

You're safe now, love.

- You still at it?
- Ah, paperwork. Never stops.

We got the fella who k*lled
her. Thought you'd like to know.

How's the other girl?

Shaken. But she'll be all right.

- Team effort, then.
- Aye, you could say that.

- You ever fancy a move upstairs...
- Ha! Now, there's an offer!

Nah, 25 years, I'm still
getting used to this place.

No, Mia was k*lled the day she left home.

Three days before she
was reported missing.

So, there's nothing you
could have done, love.

Those are the people we
found in the last six weeks.

The big pile? Still missing.

That's the trouble with this job.
You spend your life chasing ghosts.

A few of us erm... are
going for a pint later.

I might even stretch it to
a round if you fancy it?

Oh, no... Too many loose
ends to tie up, love.

There's a meat raffle.

Ah, you smooth talker!

Be lucky.


All right, Jason?

Come on, then.

Mrs Hinkin?

They've released your daughter's
body. You can bring her home.

- So if there's anything else you want...
- We'll be fine.


I loved her, you know.

I bore her and I raised her.

And I miss her more than anything.

But your lad needs some loving, too.


- Fetched you some eggs.
- Oh.

Couldn't find any boxes.

Eh, thanks, love.

Look at them.

I'll have them with a little bit of toast.

- That's lovely.
- Why do you wear that hat?

- Eh? - Do you wear
that all the time, like?

- No. - Maybe it's about
time you got a new one.

- See you.
- Yeah, see you, love.

- Not a peep.
- I didn't say a word.

- Good lad.
- Well, come on. Get a wiggle on.

- Why, have you got to be somewhere?
- Aye, haven't you?

- I thought you wanted to take your missus out?
- Are you gonna baby-sit?

Don't hold your breath.