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11x06 - The Way the Wind Blows

Posted: 01/05/24 11:11
by bunniefuu
- [Footsteps tapping]
- [Apprehensive music]

[Kiss smacks]

[TV chatters indistinctly]

[Door latch clicks]

[Gate squeaks]

[Pop music plays loudly]

[People cheer]

[People chattering indistinctly]

[Apprehensive music continues]

'Cause people talk.

People talk.

[Apprehensive music intensifies]

[Taxi rumbles]

You all right love?

Shouldn't you be at the party?

Duty calls.

I'll pop back when I'm done.

Sorry. I still can't
find my security pass.

Not a problem.


[Taxi rumbles]

[Soft dramatic beat]

[Footsteps clacking]

[Mobile ringing]

[Low tense music]

[Door creaks and clatters]

[Suspenseful tones]

[Distant thud]

[Water burbling]

[Waves lapping]

[Soft dramatic music]

[Waves lapping]

[Gulls cawing]

[Dramatic music builds]

[Dramatic music cuts]

[Soft dramatic theme music]

[Whimsical music]

- [Vera grunting]
- [Wheel nuts squeak]

[Tools clatter]

[Whimsical music continues]

[Wheel thuds]

[Vera puffing]

[Door squeaks and thuds]

[Engine purrs]

[Sombre music]

[Brakes squeal faintly]

[Ds Healy] Ma'am.

What happened to you?

[Vera] Nothing. Had a flat.

[Ds Healy] What,
you fixed it yourself?

What have we got?

Unidentified female.

Washed ashore
with no belongings.

And who found her?

The canoeist,
early this morning.

No link to the victim.

Said the beach was
deserted at the time.


Well, let's take a look.

[Low dramatic music]

[Gulls cawing]

Dressed for a night on the town.

[Malcolm] Yes.

I checked the party
cruises running last night.

No joy.

[Malcolm] Well, my guess is
she's in her early to mid 40s.

I could have told
you that, Malcolm,

what else have you got?

She has a significant
wound to the back of the skull.

And that's likely
what k*lled her.

[Vera] And these
scratches on her legs?

Yes. All these brush marks,

and cuts on her
legs and her face,

that indicates to me that
she was swept downstream.

So didn't die here?

I don't believe so. No.

Time of death?

I'd say within a 12 hour window

from when she was att*cked.

How do you know
she was att*cked?

Could have been an accident,

she could have fallen overboard.

Well, if you'd let me finish.

If you look at her hands,

there's bruising here,

that looks like she's
been fighting someone,

and this shiner,

based on that swelling,

I'd say that the blow
occurred anti mortem,

which means-

[Vera] Before death.


Very good.

Now I can't confirm anything
until I get back to the lab,

but rest assured,

my technicians will be
racing through their cornflakes,

as we speak.

Anything jac?

Malcolm found a receipt
in the victim's coat pocket,

and we're just drying it off.

What was it for?

Drink in a pub.

Paid for around 8:30 pm.

Which pub?

The salmon leap.

- The one in town?
- Yep.

Right, we'll get a copy
of it, and we'll do ayton.

Come on, we're going to the pub.

[Soft dramatic music]

I'm not sure how
much help I'd be.

It was an open bar,

a work party for the
employees of tuuletar.

Tuuletar, the turbine factory?

You said it was an open bar,

but we've got a receipt
here for a cash purchase.

Do you remember serving anyone?

I'm sorry.

It was chaos in here last night.

You should speak to
the organiser, joanne.

She had a guest list.

I'll grab her details.

Ah, thanks love.

What time did
you shut last night?

Everyone was out by midnight.

And we'll need to
take a look at your cctv.

Is there a problem?

The ones we have up around
the bar are just for show.

The only real one is pointed
at the till to watch the staff.

Well, I bet your staff love you.

Well, we'll just take
what you've got.

[Distant siren wails]

Get onto your fancy phone,
pull up tuuletar's website.

So she was out of here by 12.

Then what?

Where'd she go, hm?

Could she have been
att*cked near here,

and dumped in the water?

[Tense music]

[Sighs] Come on.

It would help if we had a name.

Hang on.

Take a look at this.

Our woman was
definitely an employee.

Lisa millworth.

[Solemn music]

[Doors thud]

[Solemn music swells]

[Doorbell rings]

[Soft tense music]

William millworth?


Dci stanhope.

You're here because
of Lisa, aren't you?

Aye, love.

But I think it's best
if we come inside.


[Door thuds]

She went out last night
and never came back home.

I just thought she was
staying at joanne's.

When did you last speak to her?

Um, a-about half nine?

Said she had to
pop into the office.

And was that normal?
Her working late?

Recently? Yeah.

Did she say she was
meeting anyone at work?

[Sam] Adam had
something to do with it.

- [Melancholic music]
- [Vera] Adam?

Who's that, love?

Sam's birth father,
Adam Michaels.

He's not my dad.

My dad is sat right next to me.

[Lee] He came back from
abroad about a year ago.

Works with tuuletar energy.

He and Lisa worked together?

He chose that job just to
push his way into our lives.


[Stammers] No it's okay.

- It's okay.
- [Door slams]

I'll check on her in
a bit. [Sobs softly]

[Emotional music]

How'd you get on with this Adam?

We stay out of each other's way.

I moved down here, married
Lisa after he'd buggered off.

It was Lisa that wanted
him to know Sam,

so I supported that.

Do you know if this Adam

went to this work's
party last night?

No. I don't

is he the reason you didn't go?

No. Not at all.

I knew they'd end
up talking shop,

so I stayed in and had
a movie night with Sam.

Did Lisa mention
any issues at work?

She never brought her
work problems home.

[Ds Healy] But
you both got along?

Course we got along.

She was my wife.

Do you think I'd hurt her?

I'm sorry, love,

but we just have to
ask these questions.

[Sobs] Look, I don't know

what I'm going to
do without her. [Sobs]

[Melancholic piano music]

[Car purrs]

I'm sorry.

It's just, she was
my best friend.

We grew up together.

We did everything together.

I was supposed to have
lunch with her today.

We work


We worked together.

Who would do this to her?

She was so loved by everyone.

Well clearly not everyone, love.

So the two of you work together

at tuuletar energy,
is that right?

Yes. At our factory

And when, exactly,
did you last see her?

Last night, at our work's party?

Which you organised?

It was really more Lisa's idea.

A lot of us who work
there grew up together.

A night down
memory Lane for us all.

We understand that you
put together the guest list.

[Joanne] Yes. I
can get you a copy.

And was there anyone at the
party she had a problem with?

[Low tense music]

If there was someone, you
really need to tell us, pet.

She had a tense
moment with Damian.

Well who's he?

[{joanne] Damian Richardson,
he's our company ceo.

He was keeping a tight
lead on her recently,

always making her work late.

[Ds Healy] And do you know why?

That's just how he is.

He has his favourites.

Makes some work
harder than others.

It led to a complaint
being made against him.

A staff member leaving.

[Vera] Was that a bone
of contention for Lisa?

No, it frustrated her a little.

She mentioned it once.

Could that be what they were
arguing about at the party?

It was old news, but maybe.

Did she ever talk about
her ex, Adam Michaels?


Was he at the party?


Do you know what
time Lisa left the pub?


We shared a few drinks together.

I got blind drunk, so came home.

I just assumed
Lisa went home too.

- I feel terrible.
- [Phone ringing]

I should have stayed with her.

Excuse me.

How are Samantha and
Lee going to take this?

Have they been told?

Aye, they've been told love.

[Joanne] Right.

Oh god.

I thought you were moving house?

No, not any more.

My move fell
through last minute.

- Ma'am.
- [Tense music]

Well, thanks very much, love.

We'll be in touch.

[Tense music increases]

[Door latch clicks]


Oh, that was Kenny.

Lisa's office was
broken into last night.

Was it?

Well, let's get over there.

With any luck, we might've
found our crime scene.

- [Alarm beeping steadily]
- [Machinery whirring]

[Dramatic music]

[Brakes squeal]

[Doors thud]

[Guard] You sure I
can't get you one?

It's the best cuppa
in the north east.

No, I bet it is, love.

Now, is there anything you
can tell us about the deceased?

Her husband told us she
came in to work last night.

Yeah, she did.

Poor girl.

She lost her key card,
so I gave her a temp one.

She was all dressed up.
She looked lovely. [Chuckles]

What time would
you say that was?

It was in the second half,

before the daggers
let in another two goals.

About 9:30-ish.

Anyway, she said she was
gonna head back to the party,

once she was done.

And did you see her leave?

No, she didn't
come past me love.

That's not unusual.

A lot of folk use the
side exits, it's a big place.

How many other people
entered the premises?

Through the main gate.

Just her.

I walk the factory
every few hours.

It was quiet,
although, as I say,

there are other entrances.

[Ds Healy] So can we
take a look at the cctv?

You can't.

What do you mean we can't?

Well, we've been without
security cameras for over a week.


Damien. Our ceo.

Decided to have the
whole system upgraded.


The problem is,

it's a lot of building to
cover for just one person.


you'd need a tow truck to
steal anything worthwhile.

Whoever did over her office
knew what they were after.

Okay, love,

if you could just give you
details to ds Healy, here.

[Tense music]

[Camera clicks]

Any indication she
was k*lled here, Kenny?

[Sighs] Your guess is
as good as mine, ma'am.

There's a lot of
ground to cover.

This lock looks like it
was att*cked with an axe.

And a lot of anger.

And I want these
prints on the door

returned to me in my
time, not yours, Kenny.

Yes ma'am. Wouldn't
have it any other way.

Lisa's boss has just shown up.

He's not too happy
about us being here.

[Tense music]

Could you help with this, love?

[Damien] You must understand
I've got a business to run.

[Officer] I understand that.


Dci stanhope. I'm
leading this investigation.

Damian Richardson, tuuletar ceo.

Ah, just who I need to speak to.

I understand you need
to carry out investigations,

but I need to make sure

that my production
lines aren't interrupted.

Now, one of your employees,

who I understand you
worked very closely with,

was k*lled last night.

I need to find out whether
it happened on site or not.

Yeah. Of course.

I'm just making sure

that I can look after
my other employees.

It's awful, what's happened.


Lisa's death puts a
hole in this company.

She looked after so
many departments.

I'll show you around the place.


Were you at the
work party last night?

[Scoffs] Yeah.

Had to pop by to make sure
everything was going well.

And I paid for the open bar,

anything to show the workers
that they're appreciated.

And what time did you leave?

Oh, I'd had enough
by about 11-ish.

My wife was sat
indoors on her own,

so I went home to be with her.


How was your relationship
with the deceased?

We got on.


I valued her strong opinions,

even if it led to disagreements
about how I run my business.

Look, Lisa was instrumental

in supporting the
local community,

with the jobs and the
training programmes

that she set up for them.

Oh, so that's how come her
ex came to be working for you?


No, he's an
independent contractor.

His cv is as good as they come
for a green energy engineer.

Ooh. That's high praise indeed.

Do you not think
hiring an employee's ex

was a bit on the risky side?

[Scoffs] It's no secret

that they had a
complicated past,

but Adam,

he works remotely,

at the coastal and
the inshore sites.

Their paths wouldn't
have crossed much.

And where will I find him today?

He runs his own schedule.

What was it made
you overhaul the cctv?

We've had a few
break-ins lately.

Lisa's laptop was the
last thing to be stolen.

Did you file a police report?

With a major business
expansion on the horizon,

rule one.

Don't attract negative press.

It's best to handle
these things internally.

And did Lisa agree with that?

Or is that why you were
arguing at the party last night?


[Vera] So I'm told.

- [Tense music]
- No. Not at all.

[Mobile ringing]

Sorry. I'm going
to have to take this.

Hi Simon. How are you?

They're here now.

Look. I'm dealing with it.

Nothing to worry about.

[Tense music continues]

[Ds Healy] You don't
look best pleased.

He's a slippery one.

Only cares about
how much her death

is going to affect his pocket.

Lisa millworth, 39,
human resource manager,

at tuuletar energy.

Her body was found
early this morning,

washed up about couple
of miles east of tuuletar.

Now she'd been at
her works party in town,

and had left that to
go back to her office,

and according to
the security guard,

she had every intention
of returning to the party.

Now the office was
broken into overnight,

so it could be that's
where she met her k*ller.

Her husband, Lee,

runs a facility for
youth offenders,

and neither he nor her daughter,
Samantha were at the party.

Aiden, what have you
got on the timeline?

We know she left
the salmon leap pub

to go back to work at 9:00 pm,

and she arrived back at
tuuletar just half an hour later,

but she wasn't seen leaving.

No cctv.

[Vera] [Scoffs] Convenient.

Had been decommissioned
the week before,

pending an upgrade.

Now we do know that
she'd been working closely

with her boss,
Damien Richardson,

on an upcoming expansion,

and that her work-life, of late,

had been a little tense.

Now, Kenny, have you
heard back from forensics,

about those prints
on her office door?

Nothing yet, ma'am.

Will you tell 'em to
get a wiggle on, please,

or have they had an early night?

I will do.

And jac, how are we doing
locating her belongings?

Officer's are still
combing the riverbank.

Of note,

is that her laptop
went missing recently,

but there was no report

made to the
authorities, interestingly.

Okay, Mark.

I want all the
photos of that party

downloaded from social media.

And while you're at it,

you can upload Lisa's phone
records and credit card records.

Let's see if we can
get a better picture

of her final movements.

[Mark] Ma'am.

And now we come
to Adam Michaels.

Aiden, have you got that?

Got his driving licence, ma'am.

Now we're still yet
to locate this fella.

He is our victim's ex,

and he's the biological
father of Samantha.

Now he came back on
the scene about a year ago,

but not welcomed
by the daughter.

He also works at tuuletar,
freelance engineer.

And according to uniform,

he's not been home
since her body was found.

Kenny, has he logged in

at any of the other
tuuletar sites?

None yet, ma'am.

Okay, I want everyone
looking for his whereabouts.

- Top priority.
- [Mobile alert beeps]

And jac,

do a background
check on him, will ya?


[Jac] Will do.


Prince charming's ready for us.

Let's see if he's got any
information to divulge.

I can confirm that the
official time of death

was around 11:00 pm.

The fracture on her skull

is consistent with
a fall backwards,

but she also suffered
a contrecoup injury,

whereby on impact,

the brain would
have been propelled

to the opposite side of the
skull, causing a second injury.

And that's some
bruise to her eye.


The blow she received the face,

I believe knocked her
back into the fatal fall.

Backing that up, there's
a small meniscus tear

in the right knee,

which is consistent with a
sudden shift in body weight.

But it was her head that
took the majority of the impact.

[Ds Healy] Poor thing.

I can confirm that there
was no water in her lungs.


Meaning she died on land,
entered the water post-mortem.

Correct. You're getting rather
good at this, dci stanhope.

[Tuts] Sexual as*ault?

No. We can rule
that out, thankfully,

but if you'd like to get a
close look at her finger,

this faint line here
suggests to me

that she should have been
wearing a wedding ring.

Well, could it have
come off in the water?

I wouldn't have thought so, no.

That Mark tells me it would
have been too tight for that.

So she removed her
wedding ring, prior to death.

Or someone did.

An affair, maybe?


Well I'll leave that
kind of speculation

in your capable hands.

Well, thanks Malcolm.

Is there anything
else, might be helpful?

Yes. Well, since
you asked, there is.

I can safely say,

that it is highly unlikely

that she was k*lled
anywhere at tuuletar.

Well, how can you tell that?


we found traces in her hair

of iron phosphate pretreatment.

What? The sort of
stuff you'd find at a

an industrial plant?

How would you know that?

Well is it?

Yes, it is.

And it doesn't match any
of the forensics samples

that you took from tuuletar.

I hope that's helpful to you.


It is.

[Tense music]


Right, get Kenny to
commission searches

of all metal plants in the area.

[Mobile alert pings]

We find a match for
that iron phosphate,

we find our crime scene.

Ma'am. We found Adam.

He's working on an
inshore turbine site,

just outside of lingford,
likely until early morning,

and background check says
that he left town 11 years ago,

right after a domestic incident

between Lisa and
him was reported.


Well when he's finished
his shift tomorrow,

we'll be his welcome party.

[Soft dramatic music]

[Tools clank]

[Engine purrs]

[Door thuds]

Adam Michaels?

So what's this about?

Dci stanhope.

We're here about Lisa millworth.


What's wrong?

I'm afraid her body

was found on the
beach yesterday morning.

[Ds Healy] We have
tried to reach you.

What? No.

I need to get to
Sam, my daughter.

Steady on. Steady on, sir.

Your daughter and
Lee, have been informed.

We've just got a couple
of questions for you.


When did you last speak to Lisa?

About a few days ago.

She wanted me to
go to the works do.

Oh, why didn't you go?

I've had some issues
with some turbines,

I've been here since.

Are we done?

Well can anyone
corroborate that?

No one was with me, if
that's what you're asking.

So that bottle of
whiskey in your bag

was your only companion, was it?

Sometimes you're
on site for days.

It helps pass the time.

How was your
relationship with Lisa?

We have a daughter together.

That kept us on good terms.

Ah, but that's
not the full story,

is it, pet?


That domestic incident?

If your memory needs jogging.

That was years ago.

Ancient history.

So you're okay with your
ex moving on, are you?

I accepted it a long time ago.

Anyway, I've been
with someone else

for the past five months.

Ooh. This someone
else got a name?


- Joanne Smith?
- Lisa's best friend?

[Soft dramatic music]

Did she know about that?


Does this matter?

Look, I want to help you,

but I need to get to my kid.

She's all I'm worried about.

[Toolbox thuds]

[Trunk slams]

[Low dramatic music continues]

I've been looking at the report,

but there's limited information.

[Pump beeps]


I'm listening.

He was brought
in for questioning,

but no charges were made.

That came out of
left field, didn't it?

About him and joanne.

Thought Lisa was
her best friend.

You couldn't get
this for us, could ya?

[Tense dramatic music]

Well would you you look at that.

Thought he was rushing
off to see his daughter?

Right. We'll speak later.

[Brakes squeaking]

- [Tyres screech]
- [Engine growls]

Oh, did we interrupt
something, love?

Adam was only here for advice.

About what?

His daughter.

Oh, I'm less concerned
with how it looks for him, love.

Why did you fail to mention him,

given his troubled
past with Lisa?

And now you, apparently?

It wasn't the first
thing on my mind.

My best friend is gone.

Aye. She is, love.

So I'll ask you again.

Why didn't you mention him
yesterday, when we spoke?

Because we were nervous

about what our relationship
would look like to everyone.

We've been keeping
things just between us,

until the right time.

And when would that have been?

We were supposed
to break the news

to Lisa after the party.

But in any case, Adam
changed his mind,

said we should wait a bit.

So what was the
problem in telling Lisa,

your best mate, after all?

Did she still have
feelings for him?

No, she was happy with Lee.

And this move that fell through.

You were moving in
with Adam weren't you?


That was the plan.

Now this domestic dispute,

he and Lisa had,
back in the day.

What do you remember about that?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

[Huffs] I'm losing my
Patience here, love.


Adam used to be a
piece of work back then.

They never could see eye to eye.

They got into an argument.

I don't even remember
what it was about,

but it got heated.

A neighbour heard the
noise and called the police.

Adam up and left shortly after.

No warning.

Sam would would've
been about seven or eight.

Anyway, that was in the past.

Did you see him
the night of the party?


He was working on the turbines.

[Door squeaks]

Oh, thanks jac.

Now I want background
checks on the pair of them,

and take a look at their
social media accounts.

Anything that can
give us a better picture

of their relationship.

Now they both maintain Lisa
didn't know they were together,

but we can't rule out the fact

that she might have found out.

Now, Kenny,

how are we doing with
Lisa's phone records?

Um, I should have
them shortly, ma'am.

By the end of the day, Kenny.


Now have we identified
any industrial plants,

that gives us a match
to this iron phosphate?

Well, none of the metal
plants in the area were a match,

but a lot of the old plants
were along the river.

Most of them are new
developments now.

Well get them to check there.

And ask forensics
to expand their search

to include disused metal sites.

Anywhere, last five years.


Uh, ma'am.

They're ready for you now.

Oh. [Sighs]


Here goes.

[Sombre music]

[Lee sobs]

There you are, love.

Thank you.

How are you bearing up? Hm?

When mam went off to the party,

she looked beautiful.

I just wish I could take back

all the horrible
things I said to her.

I didn't even say goodbye.

We got into a fight,
I just ignored her.

What was your fight about?

[Adam] Hey Sam.

- [Sam sighs]
- [Tense music]


What are you doing here?

Lee told me you were
coming to see your mam today?

Look. I'm here for you.

We're all we've got now.

Please, just give me a chance.

How could you invite him?

He's hardly family.

It was the right thing to do.

Just give us a minute.

Sir, please.

Adam, another time, okay?

[Tense music]

Sam. Hold up.

How, love. I'm not as
young as I used to be.

He just cares about himself.

He left me and mam when
we didn't have anything.

So I don't want his money.

What money's that, love?

For my birthday, last month.

He turned up with
a brand new car.

It was a better
car than my mam's.

As if I would be impressed,

and it would make
everything okay.

Oh, a new car, eh?

Well, I wouldn't have
turned my nose up.

I didn't want it.

Mam sold it back to the showroom

at a reduced price,
in exchange for cash.

And when was this?

A couple of weeks ago.

Why for cash?

That's a lot of money
to be carting about.

That's what Lee said.

He wasn't comfortable
having it in the house.

So until mam decided
what to do with it,

she took it back to
work for safekeeping.

Well if you ever need
someone to talk to, love,

- you just...
- Sam.

Now we're told Lisa
was keeping the cash

from the sale of
the car at her office.

But there was certainly no
cash there when we searched it.

So who knew it was there? Hm?

Why would you want cash anyway?

What do her bank
statements tell us, Mark?

Any large cash deposits?

No, ma'am.

No transactions that
seemed out of the ordinary.

I also spoke to
tuuletar accounts,

and they confirmed
that the money

wasn't stored in their safe.

Well, if there was cash there,

that'd be the reason
for the break-in.

About that, ma'am.

I checked tuuletar
security system,

which tracks the passes

used to swipe in
and out of the factory.

According to the security guard,

Lisa entered the main
entrance at 9:30 pm,

when he made her
a temporary pass.

However, 20 minutes earlier,

Lisa's security pass
swiped in at a side entrance.

Was it?

Well whoever used that pass

very likely broke
into her office.

Had it away with the cash.

Ma'am, phone records are in.

Come and have a look.

This is Lee's number.

He made six
unanswered calls to Lisa,

just hours before
she was k*lled.

Did he?

Well, he kept that
little nugget to himself.

What's that yellow one?

Oh, well we had
another incoming call,

from an untraceable number.

The call lasted
just under a minute.

What, and she took that call?


So Lee's unanswered calls,
fell either side of that call?

- Aye.
- [Suspicious music]

It makes you wonder if
she had someone else

she didn't want
Lee to know about.

Ah, well if you asked me Kenny,

those nonstop calls suggest
to me, he did know something.

But what?

[Door thuds]

You called your wife six times.

Now that seems like something
you would have mentioned

the first time we spoke.

It's not what you think.

Well why didn't
she call you back?

- Was she avoiding you?
- What?


Why were you calling her?

What is this?

I told you already.

She called to say she
was going into the office.

I called her back a bit later

to see if she wanted to lift
home when she was done.

I didn't get her.

I must've sat on
the call button,

we've all done it.

I didn't even notice
until the morning.

Did your wife always
wear her wedding ring?

Yeah, always. She'd
never take it off.

Well, this may be
hard to hear, love,

but she wasn't wearing
it when we found her.


Look, I know these
are difficult questions.

No, no. We were happy.

We loved each other.

Nothing got between
that, not even Adam.

What'd you mean by that?

I'd be lying if I said Adam
wasn't a Thorn in my side.

Sam was struggling
and I didn't think

encouraging a
relationship to grow

as quickly as Lisa wanted it
to was the right way to do it.

I've got no problem
with the fella,

it was just too fast for Sam.

[Tense music]

Her ex has really
pinched a nerve there,

wouldn't you say?

Maybe there was more going on

between Adam and
Lisa than he thought.

Well I'm beginning to think

things with Lisa weren't as
rosy as they're making out.

This Adam fella must
have a Bob or two.

[Ds Healy] I'd say.

[Door buzzer bleeps]

[Adam] Oh. What now?

Ooh, looks like a
party for one in here.

It's been a rough day.

Now there's something
I need to ask you, love.

Did you and Lisa ever talk
about her relationship with Lee?

What? Talk about lovable Lee?


Not really.

I knew they were very happy,

and that he took good
care of my daughter.

That's it.

And nothing was ever

rekindled between you?


That was the past.

So money's not an issue for you?

I've been fortunate.

Ah, but money can't always
get you what you want.

Can it?

I mean, you were upset

when Lisa sold
that car you bought

for your daughter's birthday.

Yeah. But what could I do?

I got over it.

Maybe I rushed into it.

Now we hear there'd
been a number of break-ins

at tuuletar besides
Lisa's office.

Do you know anything about that?

Yeah. A few weeks ago,

someone had themselves
a lucky day with my Van.


It was broken into
at the warehouse.

Some expensive
drills were taken.

And did you report it?

Not with the police.

I reported it to Lisa.

See if she said she'd handle it.

Trusted her to find a
way to cover the losses.

And how much was the
total value of your loss?

[Adam] 15,000 pounds.

[Vera] Oh, that's
a lot of money.

What does it matter?

I've lost a lot more
than that in my life.

And how did tuuletar
deal with the issue?

They didn't.

They refused to cover the cost,

or file a claim with
their insurance.

Who stole your equipment?

I have my suspicions.



Warren dyden.

[Vera] And who's he?

He works at tuuletar on
the manufacturing lines.

He's a welder.

I mean, I've got no evidence,

but he didn't waste any
time revelling in the news

that my equipment was stolen,

and that I was under
threat of losing my job.

And what's this Warren
dyden got against you?

Ask if anyone at tuuletar
has anything positive

to say about him.

[Mobile alert pings]

Look, I need to
get back to work.


Thanks love.

Go on, have as much as you want.

No you're all right, love.

You're missing out.

What have you got
to ask me today?

I pride myself on being the
eyes and ears of this place.

Oh, there's the boss.

Ma'am, I'll come and find you.

All right, love, uh,

what can you tell
us about an incident

involving Adam Michaels'
Van being broken into?


That was before the
old security system

had been decommissioned.

Ah. So there'd be cctv coverage?

There would be.

[Vera] Well can
have a look at it?

You can't.

Why not?

All the files are
handed to Lisa.

Well did you look at the files,

before handing
them over to Lisa?

It's not normal practise.

Most of it's just
for record keeping.

Every few days
we take all the files,

and send them over to
Lisa to put on to a master file.

A master file? Where?

On her computer, I believe.

Lisa's computer?

Her laptop that was stolen
from her office last week?

Yeah, that'd be the one.

[Soft dramatic music]

[Sighs] Okay.

What can you tell us about
a fella called Warren dyden?

Oh, him?

He's a welder here.

He's a piece of work.


Why d'you say that?

Oh, he's a very
intimidating lad.

He had a run-in with
Lisa, come to think of it.

Warren dyden did?

When was this?

A few days ago, it was.

They were arguing
outside her office.

[Vera] Now why didn't
you tell us this before?

It's just come to me,
he had a go at everyone.

What was the argument about?

I have no idea, he'd
left before I got there.

It wasn't something that I
wanted to log as an incident.

Lisa was playing it down.

Well, he's always
speeding round the plant,

and it's dangerous.

Maybe it was about that?

So I followed up
with our ceo, Damien.

And if you ask me,
he's not only arrogant,

he's a dinosaur too,

especially when it comes
to relating to women.

Get someone to do
some digging into tuuletar,

I'm starting to think

there's something
rotten under the surface.

And get Mark to do
a background check

on this Warren dyden,
while you're at it.


[Phone ringing]

[Car purring]

Warren dyden?

Yeah, two secs. [Grunts]

[Trolley rattles]

[Groans] What do you want?

You got time for little chat?

[Dyden] What do you want
to waste my time about?

Oi. Less of the attitude.

You work at tuuletar, don't you?


Well, we're investigating
a break-in at tuuletar,

Lisa millworth's
office was broken into.

I mean, besides a few other
thefts at the factory recently.

No, I don't know anything
about any break-ins.

I heard about Lisa though.

That's tragic.

Oh, aye.

Now we understand you had
an argument with her recently,

and I'd just like to know
what that was about.

You must be pulling
at short straws

if you think one tiny
argument, a couple of days ago,

means her death has
anything to do with me.

Oh, we're pulling all
sorts of straws, love.

And a little bit of
cooperation goes a long way,

doesn't it, ds Healy?

I'm sure you know
that we're familiar

with your criminal record.

- Petty theft, robbery.
- Fine.

I went to confront her,

because I wasn't
getting my pay on time.

Warren. Talk nice
to 'em, please.

I'm sorry.

He's had his fair share
of run-ins with the police.

Everything that
happens around here,

they always come for him.

Yeah, you tell 'em.

[Ash] Just help 'em out,
as best as you can, love.

Well, despite your argument,

you still went to
the works party.

Well, it's an open tab, I
wasn't gonna turn it down.

Why not ask ash?
She was with me.

We stayed 'til the boss's,
miserly bar tab dried up,

and we got a cab home together.

Had a nightcap.

Went to bed.

Ooh. Very detailed.

[Mobile rings]

I mean, is that how
you remember it, love?

I'll be back in a minute, ma'am.

Follow him.

Make sure he's not
snooping around.

Go on.

See, I've got a solid
alibi. I was with my girl.

What you have got, is an
answer for everything, love.

I just know how to
be, around you lot.


So why the hatred for
Adam Michaels? Hm?

Now the less said
about him, the better.

Look, he's a user.

Trust me.

I know where he lives.

On the quayside,
like a millionaire.

You think he got
there playing it straight?

Now someone with that opinion

might want to bring him
down to size, wouldn't they?

Maybe break into his
Van, Nick his equipment?

Well, are we done here?

For now.

[Low tense music]

- [Metal clangs]
- Bloody hell.

[Door clunks]

We've found the crime scene.

What, with the metal
pre-treatment stuff?

Direct match and get this,

it's only a mile and a
half west of tuuletar.

[Dramatic music swells]

[Vera] Malcolm.

[Malcolm] Ah, the very person.

[Vera] What have you got?

Well we have a wealth
of physical evidence.

And despite the elements,

I think we have enough to
paint a pretty clear picture.

There's blood over there.

We've done a luminol test
that came back as positive.

That's her blood?

It could well be.

I've already sent a
sample off to the laboratory,

see if we get a match.

Meanwhile, I found the
tip of a high heel over there,

and that is a definite match
to shoes that she was wearing.

[Vera] So what
was she doing here?

Tyre tracks?

There's shed loads,
but none that are recent.

So she was pushed
back with enough force.

Hit her head on the rail,

and died on impact.

Is that what you're saying?

That sounds about right.

And then the k*ller sent
her body downstream.


Lisa's belongings.

The dive team retrieved
them from the river.

Now there's water
damage to her phone,

but we're hoping forensics

will be able to
recover something.

Yeah, as fast as they can, jac.

Getting somewhere.


Was her security
pass in that bag?

No ma'am.

[Soft tense music]

[Phone rings]

- [Receiver clunks]
- Ds Healy.

Mark. How are we doing

with these other
guests at the party?

Well, all statements
have been taken,

and we've crosschecked
them with their alibis,

but so far everyone checks out.

And what about the cctv

in the surrounding
area of that pub?

There's nothing, ma'am.

She must have crossed
paths with someone.

And why would they
end up here, of all places-

[ds Healy] Great thank you.

I mean, it's in the
middle of nowhere.

Ma'am, we've had a
hit on Lisa's credit card.

A clothes shop,
just outside of town.

- [Mysterious music]
- [Shop bell pings]

[Vera] And this is the
girl who used the card?

[Shop worker] Yes.

[Vera] Did your colleague

give you a description
of this customer?

[Shop worker] It was
too busy with the sale on.

What's that, she's just grabbed?

It's an initial charm necklace.

They've been very popular.

What letter did she choose?

[Mysterious music]

[Ds Healy] It looks
like the letter s.

And that looks like the
daughter's school badge.

[Dramatic music]

[Car door thuds]

[Gate squeaks]

[Watering can clangs]

My mam planted this
garden when I was little.

Why are you here?

[Vera] Do you know
who that is, love?

Now that hoodie

has got your school
crest on it, hasn't it?

Is that you?

No. I-I don't have
that hoodie anymore.

Now listen, love.

I need you to be
completely honest with me,

because whoever that is,

stole your mam's credit card.

- [Sam exhales sharply]
- [Soft suspenseful music]

That's my ex-girlfriend, Jess.

Your ex girlfriend?

So when did you last see her?

She lived with us until my
mam asked her to leave.

[Vera] And when was that?

[Sam] Last week.

Why did she want her to leave?

She said it was all
getting complicated.

It was too much, too soon.

Lee took mam's
side, so Jess left.

Ah, so that's what the argument
with your mam was about,

on the night she
died, wasn't it?

Because she'd
asked Jess to leave.

Yeah, it's what broke us up.

Now why did you say
it was about Adam?

I dunno.

I was just angry with
him. I wanted to blame him.

Well, look, I know where
you're going with this.

Jess might have
nicked the credit card,

but she would not hurt my mam.

Jess was just angry when
she changed her mind.

She threatened her, but

she didn't,

she didn't mean anything by it.

So Jess would have
known about the car

your dad bought for you, right?

Did she also know
about the cash,

your mam was
keeping at the office?


Do you know where
Jess is now, pet?


We haven't spoken
since she left.

[Ds Healy] Is it
possible that Jess

could have k*lled Lisa,

out of revenge
for kicking her out?

Or she could have still
been ransacking her office,

looking for that cash
when Lisa walked in,

things turned ugly,

now that's definitely
a possibility.

We got any
background on her, jac?

Yeah, she's a youth offender.

That's how she found her way

into Lee millworth's
outreach programme,

she was a referral from cps.

Ah, so that's how
her and Sam met.

Well Lee would have known her,

why didn't he say something?

We need to talk to him.

Where's that outreach
programme he's running?

[Curious music]

Whose idea was it to take
her in, in the first place?

Lisa and I made
the decision together,

we didn't think twice.

We had bright hopes
for Jess's future,

I mean, look,

it's why I take kids in,
who are at a crossroads.

Everyone makes mistakes,
they just need support.

I took Jess into my
work programme,

in exchange for her
avoiding a criminal record.

Most of my kids stay on
the straight and narrow,

some struggle.

I guess Jess was
always up against it.

What do you mean by that?

Have you met her parents?

Lisa was getting
threats from them.

Bin liners thrown in our
front garden, it was full on.

Kept turning up
to our front door,

I mean the whole situation
was getting out of hand.

So you're saying
they're the reason

she was asked to leave?


They blamed Lisa for
encouraging Jess to leave home.

Lisa so badly wanted
to mend things.

She just hoped that Jess
going home would help.

The situation was
tearing her up inside.

[Ruth] What are you
doing, questioning us?

We have nothing to do with it.

[Vera] Well, right now

we want to talk
about your daughter.

Has Jess been in contact?

It's in all of our
best interests

that we find that her.

We haven't seen her in weeks.

Not even got text from her.

[Vera] Oh, so is that
why things were so tense

between you and Lisa?

We were in a disagreement.

Oh, you made that
point loud and clear, love,

on her front doorstep.

[Barry] Ruth can be
hotheaded at times.

What do you want me to say?

Lisa was destroying my
family, I had to fight back.

Jess is 18, but
she's still a kid.

Where were you
on Wednesday night.

Oh, come on.

You've lost it if you think

I had anything to do
with Lisa's m*rder.

I was working late shift here.

I got home about 1:00 am.

You can confirm that
on shop security system.

If you don't mind,

I've got an appointment
with my hairdresser.

Your daughter's missing,
a suspect in a m*rder case,

and you want a shampoo n' set?

I'm not going to be harassed,
I'm not soft like Barry.

And I'm sorry about what
happened to Lisa, I really am,

but with people like that,
well, what d'you expect?

They bring these
things on themselves,

encouraging Jess to
run away from home,

and taking her in.

That crossed the line.

I never laid a hand
on my daughter.

Lisa had no right,
splitting up my family.

You're being asked a question
about your whereabouts

on the night of Lisa's m*rder.

I was working from home.

Doing all the accounting.

When we do find her,

I hope you're going to
be there to support her,

because as things stand,
she could be in a lot of trouble.

[Sombre music]

If that's all, I've got to get
to my hair appointment.

Can't afford to
waste my day here.

No, neither can I, love.

[Low tense music]

Get someone to
triple check their alibis.

No wonder Jess
ran away from home.

Well, let's hope
we find the lass

sooner rather than later.

[Pensive music]

Jac, you listening?

I want you to put
out an ampr search.

The area around tuuletar,
between 8:00 pm and midnight,

on the night she died,

and also the area
surrounding our crime scene.

See if you can
match any vehicles

to those registered
to our prime suspects.

Yes ma'am.

I just spoke to a former
tuuletar employee,

who made the harassment
complaint against Damien Richardson.

Now he told us that she quit,

but this woman
says that's rubbish.

That he fired her because
she made the complaint.

And she recently contacted Lisa,

about making an
unfair dismissal claim.

Well maybe that's what
they were arguing about,

the night of the party.

Ma'am. You're gonna
want to hear this.

Guess whose alibi
didn't check out.

So how much would a cup of tea

and a meal cost here then?

Probably the same price

as one of those
jackets of yours.

[Diners chatting quietly]

[Damien] I lied,

but it had nothing to
do with Lisa's death.

Now, we'd love to know
your reason, for lying.

I was with,

a friend.

Does this friend have a name?

Or is friend a euphemism you use

for female members of staff,

who can't help
but fall at your feet?


I left the pub with
one of the interns,

her name's Carla,

I can give you her details.

Look, she likes me.

I like her.

It's completely consensual,

but my wife doesn't know,

so I would appreciate
you being discreet.

Oh, I'd say cheating
on your wife's

the least of your worries, pet.

'Cause if this comes out,

just imagine what that
will do to your image. Hm?

Everyone knowing
you like to cuddle up

to the younger members of staff,

especially those who complain
about your unwanted advances.

Is that what Lisa had an
issue with at the party?


Ah. That complaint
was completely baseless.

Can anyone confirm you
left the party with this intern?

Fortunately, no one important.

Only that sad looking woman.


Oh, what's her name?

Her husband works
at the company.

Warren dyden's wife.

She nearly got into
my cab by mistake.

[Vera] Warren and
Ashley dyden saw you?

No, no, just her.

She got into the cab alone.

[Soft tense music]

[Vera] Right.

So, Warren dyden,

he hadn't bargained on
his missus being seen,

when she left that party alone.

[Ds Healy] And
bang goes his alibi.

[Vera] Right. Well,
let's get over there.

[Dramatic music]

Get off.

I'll do you lot for this.

Not so clever now, are ya, love?

Sleep well?

Now let's talk about your
personal history with our victim.

You never liked Lisa, did ya?

And you hated her ex even more.

Not a single word of truth.

That's why you
stole his equipment.

She put two and two together,

and the pair of you had it out.

You're wasting your own time.

And I'm beginning
to think you found out

she'd sold her daughter's car,

and that she was
stashing the money

in her office for safekeeping.

I don't know anything
about any money.

Well try this for size.

While everyone's
enjoying the party,

at the salmon leap pub,

you snuck out,

broke into her office
and stole that money.

Just like you had already
stolen his equipment,

and assumed nobody would notice.

You're deluded.

What about her laptop?

Let's talk about that.

You're barking up the
wrong tree. What laptop?

Petty theft, vandalism,

robbery, as*ault.

Anything else you'd like to add?

You were at tuuletar,

but what you didn't bargain for,

is for Lisa turning up.

She confronted you,

and you lost it.

Now we've checked
the main routes,

from tuuletar, back into town.

And anpr confirms your
Van speeding from the scene.


So I nipped back to work,
doesn't mean I k*lled her.

Then it's in your interest

to tell us what really
happened that night.

- [Door knocks]
- Why were you there?

Ma'am? Can I have a word?

[Soft dramatic music]

Interview suspended. 08:30.

- [Door slams]
- What?

His wife's just called, said
she wants to talk to you.

Well she can wait.

It's urgent.

[Garage door squeaks]

Warren went all the
way to the sunderland

to get rid of the
stuff he stole.

He might still have some of it.

He complained he
wasn't getting good money

for that big drill
that was Adam's.

This is what he
still kept hold of.

[Low tense music]

It's that Lisa's laptop?

Yeah. He nicked
it from her office.

He said he needs
to wipe it first,

before he can sell it.

When you lot showed
up to arrest him,

I hid it. I'm sorry.

I was scared.

I'm not surprised
you were scared, love,

but you did the right
thing in coming forward.

Now, what time did your
husband come home,

the night of the party?

- Late.
- Yeah. How late?

After midnight.

He's always had a temper.

I just didn't think he
could ever go this far.

[Dramatic pensive music]

[Vera] Zoom in on that.

Now when was that recorded?

Two weeks ago, ma'am,
from the tuuletar car park,

Lisa had it saved on her laptop.

Right, well get
digital forensics

to go through every
file on that laptop.

We don't know what else

she's got stored on
there for safekeeping.


Run that through again, Mark.

[Dramatic tense music]

Nothing wrong with that cctv.

I don't know why it
was decommissioned.

Now that footage was
taken from Lisa's laptop.

A laptop we found
in your lockup.

It's not looking good for you.

[Vera] Lisa's dead, love,

and evidence suggest it
was you who k*lled her.


I stole from Adam Michaels' Van,

and aye, I stole the
laptop from Lisa's office,

but that was a week ago.

I didn't k*ll her.

You were there
the night she died.

Aye. I was,

but not in her office.

I was nowhere near it.

I came in the loading dock,

that way you don't
need to swipe in.

That's how I'd collect
what I had stashed.

Okay. I was on the
take, I had to be,

we were all going to
be laid off any minute.

[Vera] What d'you mean by that?

That's what's been
going round work.

No one's job is safe.

Why did you target Adam's Van?

Look, I was just
taking what I was owed.

[Vera] Owed?

My dad died and
left me some money.

Adam, the lanky bastard,
convinced me to go into business,

a tyre shop,

and it was all lies.

Instead he,

he just took my money,

and left the country.

And years later
he just shows up.

No explanation, no apology.


off my money.

And I'm going to take it.

Well, unfortunately, love,

that doesn't give you
the right to break the law.

You know what
it's like to be 40,

and have no sensation
in your fingers?

Being a welder my whole
life wasn't part of the plan.

Why does Adam get to
cause so much damage,

and just walk away?

You've just lost money, love,

you didn't lose your life.

You know who did? Lisa,

so don't expect to be
going home anytime soon.

- [Tense music]
- Interview terminated, 11:35.

[Recorder beeps]

[Vera sighs]


Tuuletar just confirmed
that you don't need a pass

to enter through
the loading dock.

Now this Warren dyden,

he's a piece of work, but
I don't think he k*lled her.


Lisa's credit cards
been flagged at a hotel.

- [Fast dramatic music]
- Well.

When one door shuts.

Come on.

- [Hinge squeaks]
- Jess barnsby?


[Intense dramatic music]


[Jess pants]

Ma'am. She's
making a run for it.

Well I'm not seeing
her in the lobby.

[Intense dramatic
music continues]

Ignore that.

[Jess pants]

[Steps clanking]

[Dramatic music intensifies]

[Dramatic music breaks]

I think you've given my officers

enough exercise for
one day, don't you, pet?

We've been trying to track
you down for ages, love.

Even had a chat
with your parents.

I don't care.

And we spoke to Sam.

Oh, aye, we know
about your girlfriend, love.

Nice lass.

You been in contact with her?


We had a falling
out, so I blocked her.

All because her mam
asked her to move out.

We know about that too.

So what?

You gonna give me a lesson on

how to be the
perfect teenager now?

No, no, no, no,

no one needs to
be perfect, love,

but honest. Yes.

So explain to me how
you can be so brazen,

as to use the stolen credit card

of a woman who gave
you a roof over your head.

Jess. This is serious.

Look where you are.

How did you get
Lisa's credit card?

Maybe I found it. [Snorts]

I dunno.

Well, clearly you
have no problem

being charged for m*rder either.

Wait, what are
you talking about?

Lisa millworth is dead, love.

You had her credit card.

[Tense music sting]

Did you confront
her at tuuletar?

In her office?

Maybe something
got out of the hand,

and an accident happened?

Can we have a break please.

[Tense music swells]

Kenny, what have you got for us?

The key card we found on Jess,

it's for a local youth hostel.

I called them.

She was under a fake name,

stayed for a few nights,

left early this morning.

[Vera] So that's where
she would have stayed,

the night Lisa died.

About to check out cctv.

What about the hotel
where we found her, jac?

They finished the
search of the room?

We recovered
Lisa's tuuletar pass,

the same one used to
swipe in at the side entrance.

Yeah, and forensics match.

Jess's fingerprints to the
sets on the office door lock.

Therefore, we can place her
at the scene of the break in.

Was any money recovered
from that hotel room?

[Kenny] No ma'am.

If she had all that cash,

why would she risk
using a stolen credit card?

It's possible she could
have stashed it somewhere?

Aye, that's true.

Anyway, I want that cash found.

We've had an update on
Adam's phone records, ma'am,

but there has been a
bit of a complication,

and we will have them shortly,
both have been approved.

[Vera] Both? What
do you mean both?

Well, he had a satellite
phone registered unto his name.

And since it's not registered
to any regular network,

there's a few steps
that we have to take,

in order to pull
the call logs down.

Well, he kept that
to himself, didn't he?


The forensic
report also confirms

that the blood at the crime
scene is a match to Lisa's

right. And?

Her phone?

What's digital
doing, over there?

Well, they're still
working to recover

as much data as they can, ma'am.

There's a lot of water damage.

Yeah, well I'll give
'em water damage.

Right. That's a
long enough break.

Come on. Let's get some
answers from this lass.

So we can 100%
place you in Lisa's office,

on the night she was k*lled.

We just want to know
what happened, love.

You do know how serious this is?

I didn't k*ll Lisa.


I was angry at her
for throwing me out.

'Cause of my waste
of space parents.

I was upset,

so yeah, I made a plan
to break into her office,

to get the cash.

I wanted to use it to
start new life with Sam.

How did you know the
money was in her office?

It's a big issue at the house.

Lee didn't want it there,

so Lisa said she'd
keep it at the office.

So when they threw
me out, I took her pass.

Yeah, and her credit card.

[Low tense music]

I nicked that from her purse.

When did you do that?

When she caught me.

And what time was that?

Um, around 9:30, maybe?

I snuck round to
a side entrance,

swiped in,

found her office,

and just

broke the lock.

So what happened, when
she found you in her office?

She was really angry.

She said she was going to
call Lee, but I begged her not to.

[Ds Healy] And why's that?

Because if he knew,
he'd have turned me in,

he made that clear to all
of us on his programme,

that if we messed up,
we'd be held accountable.

Lisa didn't want
me to get in trouble.

She'd know that I
was just being stupid.

[Poignant music]

[Sobs] I loved Lisa. I
would never hurt her.

Ah, but you still
nicked her cash.

I couldn't find it.

Lisa said I broke
in for nothing.

So she didn't call Lee.

So what happened?

- She called Adam.
- [Suspenseful music]

She what?

You're sure about that?

What? Sam's
biological father, Adam?

Mm-hm, mm-hm. Yep.

She called him from
her office phone,

we met him out on the road,

and then he dropped
me back at the hostel.

Was Lisa still with you?

[Jess] Can I go home now?


Adam Michaels' phone
records must be here by now.

Right here, ma'am.

These are for the
satellite phone.

He had an incoming
call from a landline,

just after 10:00 pm.

Night she died.

So she's telling the truth.


Just double check that's
a tuuletar number, Kenny.

Yep, will do ma'am.

[Dramatic music]

[Vera sighs]

[Dramatic music]

[Lock buzzes]

Now, I did call
your parents, love.

I thought if your mam
didn't come to meet you,

at least your dad would,
but I got that wrong.

So I took the Liberty
of asking someone else.

Is that all right?

Digital forensics came by,

with a full evaluation
on Lisa's laptop.

Adam had caught on that
Damian wanted to end his contract.

And for some reason,
Adam was blaming Lisa.

Poor girl, she was
getting it from all sides.

So Adam thought his ex
was doing Damien's dirty work.

I want Adam Michaels found.


Finally, data activity
from Lisa's phone.

Well, better late than never.

Yeah, she used a taxi app,

to pick her up from
the pub around 9:00 pm.

I reached out to the company,

and the driver going
to be in the office,

on shift for the next hour.

Right. Thanks Mark.

[Soft dramatic music]

[Driver] I just dropped
her at the turbine place.


And how was she?
What was her mood?

Let's just say she
was a little tense.

What'd you mean?

Well before she
even got into the car,

she got into a fight with a
woman, outside the pub.

Got into a fight?

A big pushing match.

I've got it on dash cam,
if you'd like to see it?

Oh yeah, that would be great.

All our cameras store onto a
cloud databank automatically.

Do you remember what
this scrap was about?

Not really.

I'm used to things like that.

I don't even report it.

People have a few
drinks. It happens.


[Foreboding music]

[Ds Healy] That's joanne Smith.

Well, well, well.

Did you and Lisa have a
disagreement at the party?

It was just a silly fight.

Oh, only from the
footage we saw,

looked pretty tense.

Is that why you
called your boyfriend?

How many times was it?


Six times.

Now you told us
you had a skinful,

and went straight
home from that party,

but that was a lie,

wasn't it love?

So where did you go
after your punch up?

Who are you
protecting here, love?

Adam or yourself?

Your best friend
has been m*rder*d.

Does that not bother you?

I didn't know what to do.

Lisa had already put
two and two together.

She was upset that I hid
the relationship from her,

that's why we argued.

I want to know where
you went after you argued.

I couldn't just stay
at the party after that,

pretending it was okay,

so I went to see Adam.


I told him what happened,

and then.

And then Lisa
phoned, didn't she?

[Tense music]

Am I right?

He just left us.

Said he had to go.

Were you upset that
he chose Lisa over you?


I was angry. Jealous.

Because you
thought there was still

something between
them, didn't you?

They always would have
something that he and I didn't.

I waited for Adam to come back,

but what was the point?

I just decided to
get a taxi home.

He came to see us that
morning that you saw us arguing.

He said we should
just keep quiet.

So I did.

So do you think Adam
had something to do

with Lisa's death? Is
that where you're saying?

I want to believe he didn't.

But you can't rule it out?

[Low tense music]


I can't.

Both Jess and joanne can
place Adam with Lisa that night.

And that meeting was pretty
close to her time of death.

Ah. Here we go, ma'am.

We've found Adam,
he's coming into port.

[Dramatic music]

[Ds Healy] Ma'am?

Do you recognise this?

Aye, I do.

That's Adam's ring.

It was taken on Lisa's phone,

timestamped just 40
minutes before her death.

Right, I want you
and jac over to his flat.

Turn the place inside
out if you have to,

I want anything
incriminating you can find,

and you'll need
to get a warrant.

- [Dramatic music continues]
- [Cars purr]

All right.

[Siren wails]

[Door bashes]

Jac, can you search
upstairs please.

I want two on the balcony,
someone follow jac.

Can you check in there?

[Ships horn blasts]

[Engine chugs]

[Brooding music]

[Bedding ruffles]

[Drawer clunks]

[Tense brooding music]

[Packet rustling]

[Phone rings]


I found the 10k.

[Police officer]
Adam Richardson,

I'm arresting you on
suspicion of m*rder.

[Cuffs clink]

You do not have to say anything,

but it may harm your defence...

[Brooding music swells]

Well, let's just take
a look at the facts.

She was k*lled near your home.

The cash stolen from her office

- was in your possession.
- No, hang on a bit.

And a witness places you
with her, on the night she died,

not to mention the number
of times you've lied to us,

saying you didn't see her.

I didn't k*ll her.

And of course you're
worried about your job,

blaming Lisa, because
the boss was going to

terminate your contract.

Oh, these emails, love,

they're not pleasant.

Because Damien is a lying crook.

He was just out to save himself.

And then there's
your stolen equipment.

Were you cheesed off with her,

because she didn't
file a police report?

'Cause you couldn't claim
insurance without that, could ya?

No, no. My faults with
Lisa were none of that.

I didn't hurt her.


At least,

not since I came back.


Look, I knew that coming home,

I'd have to face up to the past.

So I was just here
to do right. That's it.


Oh well, that's touching,
isn't it, ds Healy?

So is that why you were
with her on the night she died,

even though you say you weren't?

Okay. She called me,

asking me to pick her
and Jess up from tuuletar.

So I did.

I dropped Jess
back off at the hostel,

and then Lisa came
back to my apartment,

and she was there
about maybe 15 minutes,

and then left.

Oh, right.

Well explain this to me, love.

That's your ring, isn't it?

Of course it is.
You're wearing it.

Now this photo was
taken on Lisa's phone,

not 40 minutes before she died.

I was signing half my assets
over to Sam, into a trust.

She must've snapped
that photo by accident,

when she was scanning the
documents with her phone.

But you could've
signed those anywhere.

Why take her back to your flat?

We were supposed
to do it at the party,

but I didn't want to create
any awkwardness for joanne,

so I changed my
mind last minute,

and I didn't go.

I wanted to sort
things with Lisa alone,

before involving Lee and joanne.

Okay. Let's talk about the cash.

If you didn't break into her
office, how did you come by it?

It was never in her office.

She gave it back to me at work,

as soon as she had sold the car.

It was thrust at me back,
a wad of cash like that.

It cheapened my
intentions, but I got it.

She told Lee the
money was in the office,

because she didn't want to
say that she'd been to see me.

Oh, that annoy you?


It annoyed me.

But she said me
throwing my money around

was destabilising Sam.

That's when I decided
to do things by the book,

I wanted things to
be civil and proper.

[Ds Healy] We know that
joanne, she came to see you.

So what? She's my girlfriend.

And she was upset about the
argument between her and Lisa.

It was more than
an argument, love,

we've seen the footage.

So were you upset that
Lisa struck your girlfriend?

Is that it?


I felt guilty.

I should've just told Lisa.

Joanne was over at mine,

when I got the call from
Lisa that she needed help,

she wasn't best
pleased that I dashed off,

but we both knew
I owed Lisa that.

I picked them both up.

I dropped Jess
off at the hostel.

And that's when she
came back to mine.

So, Lisa wasn't angry at you,

about your secret
liaison with her bestie?


She was just hurt.

And upset that we
weren't honest with her.

We made plans the
next day to have drinks,

the three of us, to
clear everything up.

[Dramatic music]

I went to give her a hug and

just to, you know,

no I don't know, love.

Just to what?

It was like nostalgia hit us.

We kissed.

After all we've put
each other through,

we were just there,
supporting each other.

No, after everything
you put her through love.

Now it sounds to me
like you came on to her,

-and she pushed you away,
-[Dramatic tense music]

And when she left,
you followed her.

You wanted to get
back with her didn't you?

And she wasn't having any of it.

And you lost it.

I am no Saint,

but that's not what happened.


[Ds Healy] Dci stanhope
has left the interview room

- at 10:51.
- [Door thuds]

[Dramatic tense music]

This just came in from digital.

Lisa's find my phone app was
activated at around 10:30 pm,

then logged into numerous
times until 11:00 pm.

She was separated
from her phone?

Must've been,

you can log in from any device.

[Latch clicks]

[Ds Healy] Dci stanhope has
entered into the room, 10:52.

[Pensive music]

Did Lisa misplace her
phone after she took this?

No, she had it with her.

She was going to call
a cab from the road.

She wouldn't accept
a ride from me,

after our moment together.

Look, please.

I didn't k*ll her.

The only thing that I broke
that night was her trust.

What do you mean by that?

I didn't tell Lisa that Sam
had snuck out the house,

and was waiting for
Jess at the hostel.

- Sam was at the hostel?
- [Dramatic music]

How'd you know that?

When I dropped
Jess off at the hostel,

I saw her texting Sam,

asking was she still upstairs.

[Dramatic music swells]

Come on Kenny.

Got it ma'am.

[Dramatic music]

Cctv shows Adam dropping
Jess off at the hostel.

He then leaves with Lisa.

So that's them
going back to his flat.

Now, have you've
got anything of Sam,

either coming in or going out?

[Kenny] Yeah. Just
let me fast forward it.

And there she is.

Now you told me you were
home watching movies,

the night your mam died.

I wanted to speak to Jess, I
didn't want anyone to know.

Didn't want anyone to know what?

Now you need to
start talking to me, love,

and there's no time
for any more lies.

Jess texted me.

She was really angry,

and I was worried she
was going to hurt herself.

That's why I went
to go and see her.

And she told me she was going to

go and get the money
from mam's office,

but I refused to
go along with her,

so she left me there.

By the time she did come back,

I was angry.

And so was she,

because she hadn't
found the money.

It just all hit me.

I couldn't believe that she
would steal from my mam,

after everything she'd done.

So I left before she
could say anything to me.

And Lee was okay with you
going to see Jess, was he?

He just said as long as I
got back before mam did.

So he covered for you?

Well, when I got home,

I told him everything,

and I begged him not
to tell the police on Jess.

When he came to
question us the first time

I lied to protect Jess.

I'm sorry.

And Lee lied to protect you?

What time did you get back?

[Sam] Late, after midnight.

And Lee was still up was he?


He still had his coat on.

He'd been out looking for me.

But Lee knew where you were,

he knew you were with Jess,

at the hostel.

[Foreboding music]

What's the password
of your mam's computer?


It's my birthday.

And did she use
it for her phone,

and for all of her
apps, your birthday?

And did Lee use that too?

Where is Lee?

[Tense music]

Listen love,

find me the location of
Lee's phone, right now.

[Dramatic music]

[Car purrs]

Lee's always saying
everyone makes mistakes,

but he's only gone and made

the biggest mistake
of his life, hasn't he?

You think he was
searching Lisa's location?

Paranoid about where she was?

Well he was the only
one, apart from Sam,

who knew Lisa's password.

And he located her all right,

at Adam's flat.

- [Gulls cawing]
- [Car doors thud]

Wait for backup.

[Brooding music]

[Lee] I proposed to Lisa here.

And a fine place it is too.

[Siren wails]

- Talk to me, Lee.
- [Doors thudding]

I didn't mean for it to happen,

it was just Adam.

He was all Lisa talked
about, since he came back.

He destroyed her life once,

why was she trying to
bring him back into ours?

He'd just turn up and
flash his money around,

but I was the one
who raised Sam.

I was the one who
was there for her.

She loves music, you know.

I used all the money I had,

to get her a guitar
for her birthday.

Then he just turns up with a,

with a brand new car.

So what happened, love? Hm?

- What happened.
- [Melancholic music]

I just wanted to know
that we were okay.

That's all.

When she called to check in,

she said she had
to go to the office.

That often happened,

but this time she seemed off.

So you, what? Got suspicious?

Paranoia kick in?

Tried calling her back,
but there was no answer.

I needed to know where she was.

So I logged into the computer
and I checked her location.

And she wasn't at work, was she?


She was at Adam's.

I felt sick.

I wanted to confront her.

So I went over there
and I waited outside.

And when she came out,

I saw her and him hugging.


So you followed her?

Her face, when she saw me.

I asked her what she
was doing at his place,

and she just blanked me
and started walking away.

Don't know how far we walked,
she wouldn't even look at me.

I tried to explain myself,

but she was furious.

Said the person
she trusted most,

was accusing her of
cheating. She snapped.

She went for me.

She started hitting
me, I couldn't get her off.

She accused me of
acting like I owned her.

She said I could learn
something from Adam,

that he'd never do that.

- I just saw red.
- [Tense music]

I swung at her, I hit her,

she hit the railing and fell.

But she didn't get up.

[Vera] And then what?

She was gone.

I didn't know what to do. So I,

I just

I just pushed
her into the water.

And what about her wedding ring?

[Sorrowful music]

It's the only thing I
have to hold on to, of her.

I'm sorry, love.

[Ds Healy] Yep.

Lee millworth.

I'm arresting you for the
m*rder of Lisa millworth.

You do not have to say anything,

but it may harm your
defence if you fail to mention,

when questioned, something
you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say
may be used in evidence.

[Police radio chatter]

[Cuffs clink]

[Melancholic music]


[Door thuds]

[Engine revs]

You okay, ma'am?

[Phone rings]


It's dci stanhope.

[Door thuds]

Come on love, it's
only a cup of tea.

Only 'cause it's what
mam would have wanted.

[Gentle poignant music]

[Door thuds]

[Gulls cawing]

[Engine splutters]

[Soft dramatic theme music]