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02x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/05/24 11:39
by bunniefuu

Heavy cloud there, Conor.

- Heavy cloud.

- Yeah.

The sky is wearing the right

outfit for a day like this.


- We shouldn't be here.

- I'll turn around

No, the procession, I mean.

This here, this is for family.

Turn here. We'll get the boys to follow.


What in God's name do you

think you're doing here?

Leave her be.

He'd be alive if it weren't for you.

Your filth that he stuck in his arm.

Just business as usual

for you, though, right?

He was a good boy. He

didn't deserve this.


Frank McDonnell.

Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there.

I understand, yeah.

No, no, no. I'll be right there.

- You all right?

- Briain's been k*lled.

sh*t! What happened?

Business as usual.


Yeah, I hope it's OK

that I'm calling you.

I'm not really I'm not

sure what the number here is.

- But, um

- Not a bother, not a bother.

- Are you all right?

- No.

I'm not. I'm I'm not really

'cos I just witnessed a m*rder.

I saw Niamh k*ll a man.

Oh. Are you sure he's dead?

Yeah. Pretty sure.


I can send you my location.


- There.

- Are you in danger?

- I don't think so.

- There's no one around.

- Get out of the area anyhow.

I can't leave the scene.

I'm telling you it might be dangerous.

I'll be fine, I'll just, um

find some place nearby

and I'll wait for you.

Helen, for the love

of God, can you just


I'm going to have to go.

And I am sorry I let you fall.

But you're all right

now, aren't you, Mary?

- Ruairi Slater.

- Morning, Deirdre.

What are you going to do

about that smell there?

- Excuse me?

- That big stink

wafting out of your house,

stinking up my laundry.

I've actually got Garda

business, if you don't mind.

If it's the pipes, Ruairi

Slater, you need them cleaning.

Get them men in the

suits with the long poles

to do the poking and the whatnot.

I'll get right on that, all right.

Are you not looking after yourself?

'Cos it's all right to

ask for help, Ruairi.

- You know that.

- I've really got to be going.

I'll make that call,

the men with the poles.

All right.


No, no, no, no, please, please, please.

Come on, come on.


Wait! What are you doing?

- I'll get myself back.

- Bollocks you will.

How are you gonna drive

with half your face missing?

I'll be fine. You two need to

stay here and find that bastard!

- We're going with you.

- No!

- That's the f*cking end of it!

- You're not thinking straight.

You bring him back, but

you bring him back blue.

- That wasn't the deal.

- Bollocks to the deal.

What's Frank going to say, huh? Hm?

- Frank doesn't need to know.

- But the whole point of this

- in the first place

- Was a mistake!

He needs to be put down, so get to it!

Little prick's got a f*cking

head start on us and all!

Really? I don't want to look stupid.

You'd look more stupid

drinking beef through a straw

like your cousin, Ushi.


What does that say?

It says that peace time's over, Liam.

That's what it says.

Come on.


- Hi.

Can I get like a like

a coffee? Or something?

Actually, make that something stronger.

Like top end of things, strength-wise.

I just saw a man get k*lled, so



I'm sorry?

- Is that funny here?

- You tourists are all the same.

You sound like you're a

long way from home there.

Yeah, I am.

Where the hell are you?




- There's nothing down there.

- I'm sure I saw him this way.

FERGAL: It's beautiful, isn't it?

I had this dream last night

where I was at a dinner party.

And all these famous

people were there, like

John Legend was serving the wine.

And so, we start eating,

I look down at my hands to

pick up my Kn*fe and fork,

and I had

I had these, like, sausages for fingers.

What the f*ck are you on about? Come on.

- We should go.

- What do you think it means?

Like, losing your teeth or

turning up to school naked,

I understand, but sausages for fingers?

Should I go vegan? 'Cos it's

something that's occurred to me.

- We need to go.

- All right, yeah.

And split up.

We'll cover the island faster.

All right.

- Where are you going?

- I can't get over the view.


I could stand here for days.

You don't think the sausages is

about putting on weight, do you?

- Fergal, come on!

- Yeah. OK.

ORLA: f*cking sausages!

It's not like he can get very far.

There's only one way off this island.



Elliot? Oh, my God. Where are you?

- 'Are you OK?'

- Helen, thank f*ck.


- Elliot?

Hello? Can you hear me? Where are you?

Island Ireland

I know we're in Ireland.

Where in Ireland?

No, I'm on an island.


I'm on an island off Ireland.


I'm on an island, Helen.

Stop saying Ireland!

I need you to be careful, Helen, OK?

Anyone you're talking to, just don't



Oh, come on!



f*ck's sake!





Oh, bollocks!

How f*cking old are you?

Just answer my questions, OK?

Stop it!


Jesus, will you stop slapping me?

I don't want to hurt you,

OK? You're just a child.

Would you stop grabbing

my f*cking beard?


OK, now

- Now I'm going to hurt you.

- No. No, no.

How do I get off this island?


What's that?

I can't talk with a g*n in my mouth.

ORLA: 'Fergal? See anything yet?'

Get up.

Go on there. Say a word

and I'll f*cking k*ll you.

I won't say nothing.

- Anything.

- What?

"I won't say anything."

"I won't say nothing"

is a double negative.


- So, what's a double negative?

- Just answer the f*cking thing.

- [BEEP]

- Yeah, it's all clear.

'Where have you been?'

I was on the toilet.

Again? You need to sort

out your diet, Fergal.

Those beans'll be the end of you.

Now, come on.

Can I at least do up my

flies? Can you give a man that?

Go on.


I think I broke my leg.

- I can't bleedin' look.

- My heart bleeds for you.

- How do I get off this island?

- If you help me, I'll show you.

There's a rowboat half an hour

from here. I could take you.

- Please, please

- And I'm supposed to trust you?

You will try and probably fail

to k*ll me first chance you get.

No, please. Please, I

need to get to a hospital.

- Good luck!

- You can't just leave me here!

Please! Please don't.

You can't.

I'm afraid of the dark.

Oh, sh*t.

The, er humble bread roll.

That's where this journey's

culinary journey, begins.

Served with this little

rectangle of delight,

churned from the udder of a bovine.

So, yeah, the first thing

I notice about the bread

is that it's cold to the touch.

Like it's been in the fridge.

Maybe it has been in the fridge.

That would explain the coldness.



Sorry. Uh my bread roll.


Hot potato and gravy! We're going down!

- It's just turbulence.

- That's how it starts.

That's how it starts. "It's

just a rash," they say.


CREW: Ladies and gentlemen,

the captain has now switched

on the seatbelt signs.

Please ensure your seatbelts

are fastened and secure.

Do you mind if I talk to you?

I just I-I find it helps to talk.

Yeah, I noticed.

OK, um

My name's Ethan, Ethan Krum.


- Lena.

- Well, strap in, Lena.

Because turbulence, but also

because I have a tale to tell.

You see, I'm going to Ireland

for a very special someone.

A female woman who goes

by the name of Helen.

He called, Elliot.

He called, but the signal was terrible

and he just kept saying

that he was in Ireland.

So, he's still in Ireland,

then. That's good, right?

- Well, maybe we can trace it?

- How long did it last?

I don't know. A minute, maybe less.

Not enough to get anything other

than that he sounded scared.

Look, he called, so he's

OK. That's something.

Come on. Shall we take a

look at this m*rder, huh?

All right.

RUAIRI: What were you doing

in this part of town, anyway?

I got a weird feeling from

Elliot's mum yesterday,

so I followed her.

Once a police officer,

always a police officer!

- Are you on your own?

- Afraid so, just little old me.

I saw someone die, Ruairi.

I mean, what about forensics

and securing the scene and

What the Christmas?

No, it was right here.

I mean, the body, it

was It was just here.

And there was a word

written on the wall.

- Frank McDonnell, is it?

- It is.

You wouldn't happen to have seen

any dead bodies, would you now, Frank?

Oh, I think I'd have noticed

something like that, Sergeant.

Detective Sergeant Ruairi Slater.

We've met a few times,

actually, but that's OK.

Sorry, I've never been

any good with names.

I could tell you when

the Battle of Aughrim was,

but you asked me who me

barber is and I go blank.

I saw it right here.

This man is destroying a

crime scene, we need to get

Do you want to take a look

around, Detective? Be my guest.

I didn't, er

- see your badge there.

- I'm not with the police.

The Garda, we call

them around these parts.

And I can see that.

So, what are ya?

A well-meaning busybody, is it?

Sticking her nose in

where it's not wanted.

I'm not scared of you.

Then you don't know who you're

f*cking talking to, miss.

RUAIRI: We'll be out of

your hair now, Mr McDonnell.

Wait, have you gone troppo?

- I'm telling you what I saw

- We're going now.

- What the heck was that?

- Just get in the car, OK?

Tell you what, I couldn't

get some water, could I?


[SIGHS] f*ck's sake!

Why do you have to make

it so hard on yourself?

I was just stretching.

- For my g*n?

- No, like my triceps and stuff.


So, where the hell are

we? What is this place?

My family's used as a

smuggling spot since forever.

But then maybe, like, 60 years

ago, there's this big set-to.

Like a proper Western sh**t

because the Cassidys came for us.

And when it was done, Frank's uncle said

he wanted the bodies

to rest where they lay

as, like, a reminder.

Who are the Cassidys?

[LAUGHING] Who are they?

They're your family.

They're I'm a Cassidy?

Right down to your bastard bones.

Why do you think your man

goes by Elliot Stanley, then?

Shouldn't it be Elliot Cassidy?

That's what you want to talk about?

I'm more interested in why

the flippers we're driving away

- from the person who took him.

- Why would you think Frank?

Frank McDonnell owns

Kilgal whiskey, right?

Same bottles we found at the scene

and Niamh took one look at

that photo and went white.

That's why I followed her there.

Christ, you're a smart one.

Why are you so scared

of Frank McDonnell?


Did you ever hear the

Hatfields and the McCoys?

That's the McDonnells

and the Cassidys for you.

Far back as anyone can remember,

they've been stepping

on each other's toes,

then stomping on each other's heads,

all the while going

about their day jobs,

buying and selling dr*gs.

Things have been quiet between

them for the past few years,

so I don't know why

now all of a sudden

Wait, you're telling me

that Elliot's mum is

part of all of this?

Well, she's not just

part of it. She runs it.

The Cassidy side, anyway.

You knew who she was when she came in

and you didn't say anything?

- Are you on the take?

- Christ, no!

If you don't believe me,

you should see my house.

Really, I'm not, but it's

just things around here

They're complicated, OK?

Well, even if you're not,

someone is taking bribes.

Your boss, maybe?

Maybe that's why Niamh was

so desperate to talk to him?

All I know is any

investigation that's open

concerning those families is shut down

quicker than a restaurant

with a kitchen full of badgers.

Very quick, like.

But you'd want to be very careful

going around asking too many questions.

These people, both families,

they're not messing around.

Why do you and those other

geniuses want me dead?

You weren't supposed to be dead.

You were supposed to

be helping us get to


No, I'm not saying any more. Too smart.


Well, don't say it like

that, like I'm not smart.

No, you're obviously too smart for it.

Very sorry.

I don't really feel like you mean that.

So, are you going to help

me find this boat or what?

Well, I said I would, didn't I?

And I meant it. I'm a man of my word.

God, if my family knew I was

helping a Cassidy. Christ!

You're the enemy, you are.

What is it that I've done

that makes me the enemy?


Tell me Tell me something, I

I need to know.

Do I even have family here?

Do I? I mean, I know it was

you lot who sent me that note.


There was a photograph of

me from when I was younger,

so you obviously know something.

She's going to find us.

All right.

That's it. Let's go.


Yeah, that's gonna hurt.

You said we were going

to Niamh Cassidy's house.

No, you said we should go there.

I very deliberately didn't say anything.

I thought that was you agreeing.

That was me being polite.

I'm not big on saying no.

- I'm a people pleaser.

- Look, Elliot is in trouble.

- We have to do something.

- I am.

I'm going to go through

that big rucksack of his,

- log all his possessions, like.

- And how is that gonna help?

It's procedure.

If his mum is who you say

she is, she'll know more.

She can help.

You've had a heck of a time of things.

Go back to the hotel, get some rest.

Not that you need it, because

you always look, you know,

very fresh.

If I hear anything, I'll be in touch.

- You're sort of in my car.

- Fine!

Let's speed it up a bit, yeah?

Need to get off this island,

preferably in one piece.

- I'm trying.

- Try harder.

This isn't going to end well for you.

Well, right now it's just me

against some idiot

with a sprained ankle,

so I'll take my chances.

It's broke.

And that's very rude

calling me an idiot.


Look, I need to sit down,

just for a hot minute.

This is k*lling me.


Just for a minute.

How far is this boat?

Not far.

Not far at all.

If you're thinking about hitting

me with that thing, think again.

f*ck me! I thought you

were a man of your word.

What? I am.



- What was that for?

- You're doing it to yourself.

I'm just looking at it.

- I like rocks.

- Oh, yeah?

What is it about this particular

rock that's drawn your eye?

Well, it's quite smooth. See?

- Smooth, yeah?

- Yeah.

Except this bit, which is

actually kind of like

- Flat?

- Yeah, flat.

Amazing things, rocks, aren't they?

Give us it here. Yeah.

Have you forgotten that

I still have your g*n?

I was just looking at the rock.

- Is your leg OK?

- No, it's broken.


Thanks for asking, though.

Look, I'm sorry for

calling you an idiot.

That's all right. I am. Frank

always says I am, anyway.

- Who's Frank?

- The big man.

He's the whole reason for

all of this, taking you.

It's all for him.


Honestly, I don't know.

No one really tells

me anything important.

If it were up to me, I'd much rather be

lying on the couch with

a nice ice-cold beer

edging one out to Salma

Hayek than be here.

All this feud stuff bores the

shite out of me, truth be told.

Well, if you can get me to this boat,

then that very specific

dream might become a reality.

Come on, before your sister finds us.





Aagh, f*ck's sake!

- Talk some sense into him.

- It hurts.

Sit still and let Assam

sort your face out.

Looks like you're fixing for Halloween.

So, I've just come from

your cousin Briain's place.

What's he got to say for himself?

Well, not a lot, Donal, actually.

On account of the butcher's Kn*fe

sticking out of his eyeball.

- You're joking?

- You tell me, boy.

Am I known for my sense of humour?

- Jesus.

- Yes.

Niamh Cassidy did it herself.

Walked in bold as brass.

Wrote the word Cogadh in your

cousin's blood on the wall.

Have you been keeping

up with your Gaeilge?

No, course you're not.

It means "w*r", Donal.

And what the f*ck else did you expect?

Taking Niamh Cassidy's son.

Four good years we've had

minding our own business,

and now this.

There'll be f*cking

hell to pay, both sides.

- We did it for you.

- Bollocks!

There's been something

between the two of you

since before he skipped town.

And whatever that thing

was, you wouldn't let it lie.

No, really. We did it for you.

It was

It was for your birthday.

- Ow!

- Sorry.

We saw an opportunity,

getting him back over here.

I thought we'd use the little

fucker to squeeze Mama Cassidy.

And that maybe, finally,

she could give back

what she took from you.

- Was that so?

- Yeah.

I thought she'd listen

if we had her son.

I didn't

I never thought it

would start another w*r.

That's all right.


I know you laugh at me.

For building all this.

See, some people think history

is just a bunch of names

and dates to cram into your head.

They think it's just

what happened.

But it's so much more than that.

It's everywhere.

- We never laughed at you.

- Good.

Because what people seem to forget

is that history has a real

habit of repeating itself.


- Oh


You're back, I see.

You're not actually

supposed to be in here

I couldn't just sit around

in a hotel room doing nothing.

He needs me.

Why the heck did I say

we should come here?

My mam used to say everything

happens for a reason.

When she got scabies from the DPD fella,

she stopped saying it like but

It's true. Life, there's a path, see,

and all the wrong turns,

all the blind alleys,

they're all part of the journey.

Maybe this is exactly

where you're supposed to be.

You just didn't know it yet.

What are you on about?

You must have thought coming

here was worth taking the risk.

Whatever that reason

was, it hasn't changed

just because things have gone bad, like.

You can't change the past.

That's kind of the problem.

How is he supposed to move on

if he doesn't even know

where he's coming from?

You, you're just a

sweet-hearted, beautiful woman

with a smile that I'd love

to just put in me pocket

and you deserve someone who's

going to treat yourself right.

Are you hitting on me?

- No.

- Oh.

Oh, Jesus, Mary and

the little ones. No, no!

Jesus! That would be very

unprofessional, actually.

And also, you know, it would be

a violation of several diff

Can I see that?


I, er, guess you didn't know about this.

I I have to go.

Where? These people are

dangerous, Helen. You need to

be careful.

ETHAN: You know, Lena, I

really do appreciate your time

listening to me ramble

on about my love life.


It genuinely has helped me to

sort of be a little bit calmer.

What the actual bananas is happening?

- Ethan, you're hurting my arm.

- Oh, cripes! I'm sorry.

I didn't even get your

consent to hold it, did I?

This is the exact kind of thing

Julian goes on about in the webinar.

Toxic behaviour! It's

a slippery slope, Lena.

First it's your arm, then

it's one of your buttocks.

And I don't know why I'm

talking about your buttocks.

Sorry. Forget it. Tell me about you.

Tell me about you. Why

are you going to Ireland?

Is it business or pleasure?

- Both.

- Both?

Tell me more.


I sent a message many months ago.

It went ignored and then one day

ding, an answer.

So now there is a man in Ireland

and I intend to surprise him.

Oh, Lena's got herself a

fella. Good on you, doll.

Sorry, that's misogynistic vernacular.

Good on you, madame.

So how are you going to surprise

this mystery fella of yours?

I'm going to make him pay

for everything he's done.





That bit of water, there.

I recognise that. We're

on the right track.

I'm so thirsty.

Stop, stop, stop!

I wouldn't drink that, if I were you.

I had a fourth cousin die on

a family holiday out here once.

That plant over there, the

leaves fall into the water.

It'll poison you up

right good and proper.

We had a deal.

Like I said, man of my word.

You know, whatever it

is I did to your family,

I'm sure it was awful because I

have done some terrible things.

Things that I'm still

not sure I can live with.

You know, I tried once

to end it all, but

my girlfriend, she

She pulled me out of it.

It was selfish, just another way out.

But I'm ready to answer for

the things that I've done,

whatever they are.

But I need to look them in the eye.

Even if they f*cking blind me.

You need to speak to Niamh Cassidy.

Your mam.

My My mother?

- You know my mother?

- Yeah.

Lives in a village called Cloghal.

It's not too far from where

we grabbed you up, actually.




HELEN: Thanks.

I want I want to speak to Niamh.

I'm not going anywhere until

she comes out and speaks with me.



I don't remember

telling you where I live.

I saw you. I saw what

you did to that man.

- Is that so?

- The McDonnells took your son,

and you go m*rder one of their family?

You think that's gonna

bring Elliot back?

You're just making it worse for him.

You're here in my land,

speaking about things

you couldn't possibly

hope to understand.

I understand that k*lling somebody

isn't gonna help a flaming thing.

And what is?

We both want the same thing, OK?

We just want him back safe.

There is so much I don't know,

but if we helped each other

I have things in hand.

You were right when you

said we want the same thing.

'Cos I love my son, and I'm sure you do.

But you don't know him,

sweetheart, not really.

You don't even know his real name.

Then tell me.

Why don't you just tell me?

I've got a lot on my plate, darling.

I'm not sure you're aware,

but a w*r just started.

So, you take care of yourself

and let me do what needs to be done.

Well, it's to the point, I suppose.

That's my great, great

I want to say great

aunt. I'm not too sure.

She was a great woman, though.

Used to sit here a lot, apparently.

Sure she wouldn't mind if

I had a little sit down.


Still no signal.

I got through to her

before, down by the sea.

- [BEEP]

- ORLA: Fergal, it's me.


Yeah, it's me. I'm by Bridget's bench.

- He's got me.

- I'm coming there now.


So, you told her where we are?

I told her where we are.

That's that, then.

Can I help you with something?

Is Ruairi

- Is Detective Slater about?

- Oh, no.

He had to get back home.

- It's sort of his day off.

- Oh.

But he did say to help you

with whatever you wanted.

Good. Then I want to

see every file you have

on the incident at the Scláta Café,

on Frank McDonnell, on Niamh Cassidy

Look, we're not exactly supposed

to hand out that information

to members of the public.

I could just call your boss,

Detective Slater, if

that's what you want.

How do you think that's gonna go,

when he finds out you

didn't tell me what I wanted?


Yeah, not well.

Not well.

Donal gets his f*cking face

burnt off and takes himself home

but you, you have to go

back with a sprained ankle.

- It's broke!

- Just


- He's not going anywhere.

- You don't know that.

- Who are you calling?

- What do you think?


- Dominic's First Cause.

- Bonjour, Timothee.

Frank McDonnell.

Mr McDonnell, to what

do I owe this pleasure?

Niamh Cassidy's boy is back.

We had him, but he slipped

away. You think you could help?

We'd make it worth your while.

More than usual.

Yes, we can help.

- So, where's Frank, then?

- In the distillery.

With Donal, most likely.

Come on. Here, I'll give you a hand.

I need to get back in

case he's still there.

You wouldn't get Aoife's old

wheelchair for me, would you?

- You're joking?

- Well, it's broke, Orla.


Go on, then.

If you tell anyone about this,

we're both dead, you understand?

- I understand.

- Now get out of here.


Well, I heard her say that

Frank is at the distillery.

- Is that close by?

- Yeah.

Just around the corner there.

If you know what's good for you,

you'd get the hell out

of here and not come back.

You know, I know I'm a Cassidy

and I'm meant to hate you,

but as far as I can tell, you're

not all bad, you McDonnells.



It's Helen.

I tried calling your phone,

but you didn't answer.

I saw a fly fishing magazine on

your desk with the address on it

and thought maybe it'd

be OK if I popped round?

It's just I saw the DNA

report in your files.

And, er, well, you

either missed something

or you somehow forgot to tell

me something pretty flipping big.





It's Helen!


I really need to talk to you.

Why didn't you tell

me about that report?


- What is that smell?

- What are you doing here?

Stay upstairs! No! No, no, no!

No, no, no!

Oh, Jesus!

Ah, shite!

I wish you hadn't have

seen that, Helen, I

I wish to God you hadn't seen that.


'I'm Elliot Stanley!

I went missing a long time ago!

[RECORDING DISTORT] I'm Elliot Stanley!

I went missing a long time ago!