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04x09 - Brazil

Posted: 01/05/24 18:43
by bunniefuu
- Hey.
- Hey, Jim.


[RICH] Linking to S-band four.

We have signal lock.

- Okay. We're back in.

Ready to send encrypted
test ping to Ranger.

[DEV] Hey, make sure he's
got the right encryption.

[ED] Better work this time.

[DEV] I feel good about this one.

[MILES] That's what you said
the last 20 times.


Transceiver connected.

Safety bypassed.

[DEV] Ping.

[WORKER] Transmitting ping to Ranger.


[SIGHS] No joy. Their discriminator
just kicked us out again.

[MILES] Sam's been on
Ranger for a month.

She should have replaced
it with ours already.

If she doesn't get that discriminator

up and running in the next 48 hours...

Goldilocks burns for Earth.

And there's nothing
we can do to stop it.


[DANIELLE] Ranger, Happy Valley.

Transmitting simulated
burn termination command.

Please confirm acquisition
and authentication.


[RAVI] Happy Valley,

Ranger has just received your simulated
engine shutdown command.

Main engine cutoff verified
at 19 minutes 58 seconds.

And we show good engine shutdown.

Neatly done, Ranger. That was beautiful.

[RAVI] It was simply a matter of
superior cunning and skill, Commander.

[DANIELLE] We'll run that
drill again in seven hours.

Gotta keep these procedures fresh.

We won't get a second
bite at that apple.

Roger, Happy Valley. Be back with
you in seven hours. Ranger out.

- Out.

Okay, people. Let's continue
our simulated shutdown procedure.

Verified discriminator active?

Discriminator shows active.

[RAVI] Okay.

Reduce fusion reactor one through
four output temps to standby.

[WORKER] Fusion reactors one
through four are in standby mode.

[RAVI] Very well.

Rozhenkova, simulate reactor
thermal power reduction to 50%

- on reactors one through four.

[ROZHENKOVA] Power reduction to 50%

simulated on reactors one through four.

[RAVI] Mr. James,

please report the condition

of our mechanical connection
to the asteroid.

[PALMER] Anchor stress
nominal in all respects.

Sensor self-check shows
no failures. Green board.

[RAVI] Very well.

[ROZHENKOVA] Main propulsion
systems are nominal.

All temps and pressures in the green.

[RAVI] Okay.

Let's run a simulated off-scale

high pressure reading on argon t*nk two.


Primary and secondary.


Monitoring the simulated
off-scale high pressure

indicating both primary and secondary.


[WORKER] Christ. Thing's cooked.

We're not gonna get any NASA
control signals through this.

We certainly don't have
the time to fix it.

Next drill's in three hours.

Log it. Put in the spare.

I know where it is. I'll get it.

[RAVI] Thank you, Massey.



These are the methane concentrations

our robots detected
during our lava tube test

just outside of Happy Valley.

And this is the data they sent over

- this morning from Korolev Crater.

Of course, these are just
preliminary results but...


[KELLY] Dev.

Oh, sorry.

That's Korolev Crater?

The heaviest concentrations
are there, yes.

But there are also
substantial signatures

coming from Chasma Australe
near the south pole.

Both of which are far from
known volcanic regions.

Any data yet on what's
producing the methane?

Could be deep subsurface
volcanic activity.

Or better yet, the Holy Grail.

Methanogenic bacteria?


Looks like you got your
work cut out for you.

All right. Stick with it, Kelly.

If Martian life is out there,
I want it to be you who finds it.

Oh, you're leaving? I have
a lot more data to show you.

I'll be right back. I got a couple
things I gotta take care of.

With my dad?

Why do you ask?

You two seem to be spending
a lot of time together lately.

Which is surprising honestly,
considering your history.

Yeah, he's...

His experience up here is
incredibly valuable

with the asteroid capture
mission coming up.

Hmm. He didn't mention
he was working on that.

But then again, I haven't
seen him in a few days, so...

Yeah, it's been very time-consuming.

But he's thrilled to have you.

You know, he can't stop
talking about the little guy.

Yeah, I'm, uh...

I'm glad they're getting closer.

I just, uh... I don't know.

I thought we'd be closer too.

I know it sounds stupid
considering everything that's...

Not at all.

I understand. Believe me.

I didn't have the chance to
make things right with my dad.

At least you still do.

Anyway, I should get going.

Hey. Great work, Kelly.

You want our eyes?

We need to be able to see the whole base

to make sure no one's
on to what we're doing.

Dangerous. It's very dangerous.

Well, so was staying alone on a North
Korean capsule for seven months.

That was not choice. This is a choice.


My wife.

What is your status?

Lee, it's complicated.

Tell me. She is not safe.

Well, like I said before,
things are in motion.

We've got a good plan now
to get her out of North Korea,

but sneaking her onto a
Helios transport launch,

well, that's even more complicated.

[ED] Lee, don't you see
what we're doing here?

This asteroid is gonna
secure the future for Mars,

for you and your wife.

It is good to have family with you.

As you do.


I help.

Good to have you on board...

[RICH] All right. I'm getting video
and audio feeds from PRK.

And now we've got Ops-Com.

I never thought I'd say this,
but God bless North Korea.

[WORKER] You ready for status update?

[WORKER 2] Ready for uplink
whenever you're ready.

[WORKER 3] Happy Valley, confirming

we have the backup
discriminator installed

and will be up and running
for the next simulation.

[DEV] Do you hear that?

It appears Samantha Massey

may have just vindicated
your faith in her.

[DANIELLE] Copy, Ranger.
Thanks for the update.

But let us make sure.
I'll test it again.

[DANIELLE] EECOM, start preparing
the next burn simulation

for transmission to Ranger.

[DEV] Send another ping.


- [WORKER] We're in.
- [MILES] Yes.

- Come on. Yes.
- Ranger authenticated our ping.

All right. Good job, everybody.

Our discriminator's in and
we control their engines.

[DEV] Here we go.

[ALEIDA] And after doing multiple

risk assessments over this past month,

we don't feel we can expedite
the mining schedule any further.

I've gotta say, the president
is gonna be very disappointed

with this projected
two-year delivery timeline.

There's gotta be a way to get
the iridium to market more quickly.

We could build more ships,
with drills, dirt movers.

That will, however, drive up costs.

Oh, Christ, no.

We're already looking
at a trillion dollars.

If I tell him it's gonna cost even
more, he might just fire us all.

Well, I appreciate the ideas.

Keep spitballing and, uh,

let's see if we can get
something that sticks.

Right. Eli, when can we expect
funding approval to clear

for the next generation
of Mars transports?

Uh. Let me get back to you on that.

[ALEIDA] But we're bumping up
against source deadlines.


Just imagine what we could accomplish

if these f*cking politicians
got out of our way.

Their great skill is
putting off decisions

until absolutely necessary.

Could I get you to weigh in
on these trajectory calculations?


[MARGO] I need you
to get this to Sergei.

I want a fresh pair of eyes
on these dispersal trajectories.

We need to be completely certain that

we've accounted for
the worst possible case

before we pitch the powers that be.

No, I'm done with that.

I've been passing these notes

between you guys for the past month.

We don't have time for
all this back-and-forth.

But we need his help.

He understands translunar trajectories
better than anyone.

Okay. But we have
to do this face-to-face.

Where? They're watching me 24-7.

We can meet at my house.

We'll tell them we're
working on this there.

That's risky.

What part of this isn't?

- [IN KOREAN] What's wrong with the screen?
- What?

There's never been
static like this before.

Perhaps it's because
it's an old monitor.

What is going on?

The surveillance monitors
are malfunctioning.

Of course it is malfunctioning.
This is a mess!

Sir, let us resolve the issue,
you should not have to...

[COMMANDER] Hold on...

What is this?

I do not know.

This American espionage
equipment was found on

sovereign soil of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea!

We demand an explanation
for this outrageous behavior!

[IN ENGLISH] I take it you found
this thing in your complex?

This cause static on screen.

What screen?

[IN KOREAN] She wants
to know which screen.

[IN ENGLISH] Oh, I see.

So, you found this

hooked up to the system you
use to spy on us. [CHUCKLES]

[IN KOREAN] Tell her the
Democratic People's Republic

demands whoever did this to be punished!

[IN ENGLISH] Commander
Cho demand you investigate.

I'm happy to help,

but it would mean that we need
to come into your complex

to see where the device was discovered.

[IN KOREAN] She wants to send her
people into the module to search it.


We will countenance no intrusions
into our territory.

If the People's Republic
of Korea is intruded upon,

there will be devastating consequences.

[IN ENGLISH] I don't have time
for this right now. All right?

Can't this wait until after
the asteroid mission?

[IN KOREAN] The commander
apologizes for your inconvenience.

[IN ENGLISH] In the meantime,
I can track this down.

It's got a NASA serial number.
That's the best I can do.

[IN KOREAN] She says she will
convey your demands to NASA.

She's stalling.

Tell her to immediately
arrest and question

Helios technician Miles Dale.

He's the only one who
has been in our module.

- Commander wishes to express his...
- Miles Dale?

- Ms. Talmadge?
- Yes, Commander?

I have a part I need you to track down.

See where it came from,
who had access. Immediately.

Aye, aye, Commander.

She is a useless tool of the
decadent capitalist system.

I will investigate this incident myself.


- [IN ENGLISH] Thank you.
- [DANIELLE] Hey, Lee.

How you doing otherwise?
How's Moon Yeong?

Um. It is difficult being parted.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

But we will be back Earthside
before you know it.

You know, Zay, out of
everything I've done in my life,

you are my proudest achievement.

To see you grow up to
be a fine young man,

and now gone on
to have a family of your own.

I just...

Well, that means more to me
than any mission patch.

And I intend to be the best g*dd*mn

grandma on the planet. [CHUCKLES]

So what, we got three months
until the big day, huh?

Yeah. Goldilocks should be
well on her way to Earth by then.

And so will I.

One of my regrets...

is that I never got to see
you take your first steps

or say your first words.

And now I'll get to do that
with your daughter.

Sorry, that...

That took me by surprise. [CHUCKLES]

I'm just so happy.


Anyway... [LAUGHS]

I know you hate Star Trek... [LAUGHS]

... but you better get used to it

because I'm gonna make sure that

my grandbaby is a full-blown Trekkie.

That's right. We're gonna watch
all the series. All three of them.

And The Twilight Zone, and The
Bob Newhart Show. [LAUGHS]

M*A*S*H, Columbo... [CONTINUES]


[VICTOR] Margo.

[ALEIDA] Come on in.

[MARGO] Thank you.

Is, uh...

I got here a couple of hours ago.

You sure nobody saw you come in?

I parked four blocks away,
went through neighbors' yards.

- Thank you for coming.
- Oh. Of course.

[ALEIDA] Shall we get started?

[MARGO] Okay. We can use these updated

CG estimates to
determine thrust vectors.

I think you also need to consider
center-of-mass dispersion.

From inertial compressive
forces during the burn.

- That's really smart.
- [MARGO] Agreed.

The trajectory's set,

Earth will be mining Goldilocks
in less than nine months.

It is a good thing, yes. But
it is nonetheless a shame.

[MARGO] What is?

[SERGEI] The asteroid will come
to Earth and all investment with it.

There will be no more reason
to put money into Mars.

The M-7 is very committed to Mars.

- They said...
- Yeah, what they always say.

But Korzhenko only cares about
enriching himself and his cronies.

The asteroid now will do this,

so they will withdraw from
Mars, then NASA will too.

Just like they did with the
Mars program in the '80s.

Until we forced their hand.
Remember, Margo?

Without competition,
there is no progress.

[SIGHS] Okay. Um. I think that's enough

geopolitical fun for one night.

Kids, come on. Clear the plates.

- Sorry to have h*jacked your home, Victor.
- No, no.

No, it's okay. Please keep going.

Um. They just need to go to sleep.

[GRUNTS] Dad. It's only 9:00.

I know. Come on.


Before you go, how about
a little palate cleanser?

- Thanks.

[CHUCKLES] Thanks.

Margo. I also have
a little gift for you.

- And don't forget to brush your teeth.
- I haven't listened to this record in...

too long.

Thank you, Sergei.

Have you...

Have you thought more about my idea?

Us leaving?

I've... I haven't had much time.

We've just still got so much to do.

Once this asteroid
is on a course for Earth,

Irina Morozova will order you
back to Moscow,

and we will never see each other again.

You... You don't know that.
There may be other opportunities.

No, there will not.

Then what?

We just run,

hide out in some apartment somewhere,

and stare at the walls
for the next 20 years?


I have a friend high up in
the Brazilian space program.

We reach out to him,

offer our services in exchange
for protection of their government.

You think they would go for it?

They would be overjoyed.

You and I, we could help build Brazil
into a major space power.

It would be like
the early Apollo-Soyuz days.

I suggest Soyuz-Apollo

for the sake of convenience.


Together we will finish
what we've started.

I'll, uh...

have to think about it.

There is so little time, Margo.

I know. I just need to see
this mission through first.

The video tap serial number,
which you can see here,

indicates the component arrived
on Phoenix with the last transport.

It was duly scanned in. There is
no record of it leaving Phoenix.

And indeed, the cargo
master found the box

right where the inventory
said it would be.

The seal was not broken,

but when she opened the box,

the contents had been replaced.

Now, Eli, I'm sure you'll agree
that this indicates a serious problem.

The last inventory was a month ago.

At that time, all the crew did
was scan the packaging.

They did not check that the
contents matched the labels.

So I ordered a thorough inventory,

which revealed substantial thefts...

largely communications
and computer gear...

which you will find listed
in the attached file.


Eli, I think we have
a real problem here.

Not just theft but possibly
something much more serious.

I mean, what could they want
with all that equipment?



Get Will Tyler up here.

And see if you can get Irina Morozova
on the horn in Moscow.

[IN KOREAN] Commander Cho,
your tea is ready.


[IN ENGLISH] The CIA has reviewed
the list of stolen equipment.

It's highly sophisticated
communications gear

that has no practical value

on the black market.

Then why steal it?

Its only purpose is to monitor and
communicate with a spacecraft.

Now, the only spacecraft carrying
cargo with any significant value

- within the vicinity of Mars is...
- [SIGHS] Ranger.


Given the recent acts of sabotage
in Happy Valley,

we must treat this with utmost urgency.

Do you think someone wants
to sabotage the asteroid mission?

We should assume so.

There's too much at stake
to turn a blind eye to this.

Here we are, on the cusp
of transforming the lives

of over six billion people
for the better,

and a handful of anarchists
want to blow it all up.

- Why?
- [IRINA] As Dostoevsky once said,

if you build a crystal palace,
no matter how resplendent,

there will always be some assh*le

who wants to bring it crashing down.

I'm simplifying, of course.

Well, whoever it is,

we need to find them before they commit

acts of v*olence against Ranger.

We've got good people on that ship,

and I won't have any more
lives lost on my watch.

There are less than 24 hours
until the burn.

If they're gonna do anything,
they'll do it before then.

I recommend activating our
undercover assets in Happy Valley

to gather more intelligence.

Let the CIA and KGB find
whoever is behind this.

Tim, get me Director Hanlin.

Can't say I'm surprised that there's
intelligence operatives up here,

but, Mike, never thought
you were one of them.

Well, I wouldn't be much
good at my job if you did.

And Mr. Avilov.

Now, you were pretty vocal
during the strike.

An operative must move
amongst the people

as fish swim in the sea.

So what, the KGB and CIA
are working hand in hand now?

Just like you did for Apollo-Soyuz.

Yes, that was very courageous.

Well, we are all aware

how important Goldilocks
is to our two countries.

Which is why we gotta
get to the bottom of this.

People's lives are at stake here.

People we all know up on Ranger.

We have a few ideas on where to start.

[DANIELLE] Good. One last thing.

The North Koreans mentioned
someone named Miles Dale to me.

Maybe it's nothing.

[AVILOV] I know him well.

He runs black market.

Hmm. He could be involved.

Good to know. We'll interview him.

[DANIELLE] Good. Keep me in the loop.

In the meantime, I'll authorize
another search at the base.



[ED] Oh, Kel.

Hi, Dad.

Hey. Everything okay?

We need to talk.

I... I'm sorry, kiddo.

I-I really... I can't right now. So...

- Why not?
- I-I-I-I just can't.

I'm in the middle of something
with work, so...

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I know.

There are search teams tossing

the entire base looking
for missing com gear.

- Yeah.
- You know anything about that?

No. Why would I?

I don't know. You used to think
Dev Ayesa was the devil incarnate.


Now you two are acting like best
friends whispering in corners.


Why don't you tell me
what's really going on?

- Nothing's going on. I swear.
- Stop lying to me.

You think I can't tell,
but I know you, Dad.

You've been lying to me
ever since I got here.

Before that even.

What's really going on with you?

[WORKER] Stand back.

- [WORKER 2] Is it right?

[WORKER 2] SL3-17.

- Where are you headed?
- SL3-14. Environmental system repair.

Go ahead.

- Come in.

[MILES] Uh, hello, gents. I'm here
to fix your circulation problem.

Uh. Glad to hear it.

Yeah, we have a big problem.

But not with the circulation.

Have a seat.

[GRUNTS] When I was younger,
I wasn't afraid of anything.

Not even death.

I always thought I'd go out in a...

blaze of glory.


He once told me about his father
when he got cancer.

His dad was a marine.
Tough as nails, but...

towards the end...

he was terrified.


I just...

I don't wanna wind up like that, Kel.


The reason I didn't want to come home,

'cause I don't wanna end up
in a nursing home

with a diaper,

wearing a drool cup, squeezing
a ball of wax in front of the TV

and not remembering
who the hell I am anymore.

Up here, I...

I'm doing something meaningful.

I'm building something.

Something that could
last after I'm gone.

S... Place where my...

grandson could live.

Possibly even his children too.

Why didn't you tell me all this before?

I thought you'd...

think I was crazy.

I don't think you're crazy.

Maybe a little.


I'm sorry, Kel.

I should have been there
for you and Alex.

And I never should have lied to you.





So you're gonna tell me
what you and Dev are up to?

[BISHOP] Radios, cabling,
network switches, monitors.

There's pages of this.

Items scanned in for shipment,
then suddenly disappeared.

- Wow. Someone took all that?

I mean, here you are looking at charges
of smuggling, tax evasion,

and you won't help yourself.

You just laugh it off like it's nothing.

I don't know who took all that
stuff. I mean, think about it.

I... I sell underwear and mouthwash
and foot powder.

Things that make people's lives
a little bit easier up here.

Who would want this com gear anyway?

I mean, it has no practical use.

Unless you want to f*ck with Ranger.

Dev Ayesa broke strike.

A lot of people are still
pretty pissed off about that.

Maybe so pissed they came to you
for help to get their revenge.

Why would I risk everything?
I mean, everything I've built.

I was against the strike right
from the very beginning anyway.

You could ask anybody, they'll tell you.

You want us to go ask a bunch
of t*rrorists to vouch for you.

Nick Jennings was a friend of mine.

Did you know his suit melted
into his flesh?

Can you imagine the unbearable pain

he must have been going through
in his final moments?


- I swear I had nothing to do with that.

Hey, man. Hey...


- Hey! [GRUNTS]
- Get the f*ck down.

Look, man!

f*ck, you're breaking my arms,
dude. f*cking shit, man.


Fifteen meters or something.

[WORKER] Yeah, just about.

- [GERARDO] Okay.
- [WORKER] Think you can do it?

- [GERARDO] Yeah...

[WORKER] There's an access
tunnel. If you wanna go.

[GERARDO] Okay. Show me.


So right here, you can access

by the main tunnel without
anybody seeing you.

[GERARDO] It's been a while
since... [MUTTERING]

- Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

[WORKER] He'd still be here.



[WORKER] Okay. So,

what you're gonna do is you'll be
going through the, uh, access tunnel.

You got any family down on Earth?

[GERARDO] Both of 'em.
Brother and two sisters. Parents.


[WORKER] We're gonna be in Happy Valley
a lot longer than we planned.

[GERARDO] Gotta think
Dev and Old Man Mars

will have a plan for that too.

- It's been a while since we... [CHATTERING]

[GERARDO] Don't particularly...


- [GERARDO] What the f*ck?

- [GERARDO] Oh, shit.

Call the guys.

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck, man?





[IN ENGLISH] What the f*ck?

