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01x01 - The Death Row Convict and the Executioner

Posted: 01/07/24 09:41
by bunniefuu
Beheading requires a high degree of skill.

The neck, which is composed of strong bones

and more than ten layers of muscles,
is not easily severed.

Any last words?


Furthermore, beheading a person
with a single blow is next to impossible.

In most cases, several blows
are required to behead a person,

which makes executions a horrific spectacle.


Why? Why can't I die?

No, why won't I die?

I have no attachment to life.

I've k*lled countless people until now.

I don't expect to live a long life.

Your name is Gabimaru.

Born a shinobi in the village of Iwagakure,

you studied only assassination techniques
since you were a child.

Many lose their lives during training,
but in exchange,

those who survive develop
superhuman bodies.

I see.

For someone from Iwagakure,

breaking a blade with your
own flesh is a simple task.

Well, yeah.

Someone that shitty
with a sword can't hurt me.

I didn't even have to use any ninjutsu.

You can use ninjutsu?

Could you show me some?


As a matter of personal interest.

In that case, no.

Burn him at the stake!

Being burnt at the stake is normally
the punishment for arson.

Searing the flesh inflicts incredible pain.

The heat causes the muscles to shrink,

bending the body so severely
that bones break.

Ultimately, the person dies
when they suffocate

or are poisoned by
the smoke produced by the flame.

It is an incredibly
painful execution method.

Sometimes the person
is k*lled beforehand as a mercy.

Uh, sorry.

B-But the flames are enormous...

I'm not trying to resist.

If anything, I wish you'd k*ll me.

I see.

If you're gonna look away,
then why not give me clothes?

C'mon, c'mon.

My job is to record events,
and your nudity is no obstacle.

Please continue.

My background's not
very interesting, you know.

It's my job.

My parents? I dunno.

I was only told they were k*lled
by the village chief when I was a baby.

I don't know why.

I don't have any feelings about it.

Dreams? Don't have any.

Shinobi don't have any great purpose.

They just k*ll as they're told.

Why was I caught?

Well, uh...

I tried to leave the village.

I was captured on a job
when my cohorts betrayed me.

The village chief probably
put them up to it.

The village doesn't allow anyone to leave.

It's not like they had a choice.

Why did you try to leave
the village in the first place?

Have him torn apart by bulls!

In execution by bulls, ropes tied
to a person's legs are pulled by bulls.

Human legs can withstand up
to 500 kilograms of force,

but bulls exert 950 kilograms of force.

The method not only
removes the person's legs,

but also splits them from groin to chest.

Oh, uh...

At this rate, the magistrate's
office will be disgraced.

Bring more bulls!

It's strange.

My shinobi's body?


Despite saying you want to be k*lled,
it seems to me as though you were resisting.

Why would someone with no will to live...

Never mind.

Why did you try to leave the village?

Will you answer the question
I asked you yesterday?

Who cares about the record? Just k*ll—

I'm working.

Um, the bulls—

I'm working.


I'm work...

It wasn't for an interesting reason.

I was the best in Iwagakure.

I had the chief's recognition,
and married his daughter.

But his daughter was a real idiot.

I don't know how a shinobi's,

much less the chief's daughter,
ends up like that.

She was a carefree, naïve,
and sheltered girl.

She turned my life upside down.

Remove your shoes when you come inside.

Pray once a day.

Say "thanks for the meal" together and
express gratitude for the life we've taken.

I was totally bewildered,
and I got fed up with her.

I didn't want to lose my edge.

If that's the case,
then there's no helping it.

But could you do one last job for me?

I knew I'd been set up.

But I also knew the people of Iwagakure would
follow me everywhere, even if I escaped.

It was over the moment
I was caught in their trap.

It was stupid of me to defy the chief
in the first place, so I gave up.

Well? Not a very interesting reason, is it?

Perhaps I should mind my own business,

but a woman shouldn't
get involved with him.

Do you know what his name is?

Isn't he Gabimaru,
former shinobi of Iwagakure?

I mean his other name.

Gabimaru the Hollow.

He's a hollow man, without blood or tears.

A monster who k*lled 20 men
when he was arrested.

Rumor is the shinobi of Iwagakure
consume an Elixir of Life.

The medicine of immortality
that comes from Shinsenkyo.

The Elixir...

Forgive me for speaking such nonsense.

In any case, he's dangerous.

Are you sure about that?

Why would a hollow man fight back so
hard that he k*lled 20 people?

Despite saying you want to be k*lled,
it seems to me as though you were resisting.

She's right. What am I doing?

Why don't I just die?

I have no attachment to life.

Tomorrow. I'll end it all tomorrow.

With tomorrow's execution...

Death by boiling, also known as death
by cauldron, uses a large quantity of oil.

Because oil combusts at a temperature
of over 370 degrees, however,

it could not be kept boiling long in
the earthen pots used during the Edo period.

Why won't I die?

Why am I still enduring this?

I should have no lingering attachments.

I should be empty.

Damn it! Why won't you die?

Sir, the arrangements have been made.

I'm ready to start at any time.

What kind of execution is it this time?

Honestly, I'm getting tired of this.

When are you going to...

This will shut you up.

What is this?

She's no mere inspector.

She's a sword-tester sent here from Edo.

The executioner Yamada Asaemon Sagiri.

Yamada Asaemon is the trade name
of the Yamada Clan ronin

who have served as sword-testers
and executioners for generations.

They are master swordsmen
capable of testing swords

and beheading criminals
with a single blow.

You're an Asaemon... and a woman?

Yes, a woman.

Runaway shinobi Gabimaru from Isshu,

the shogunate has charged me
with your execution.

You said you wanted someone to k*ll you.

I shall grant you your wish.

She's the real deal.

Sagiri-dono, k*ll him, quickly.

At once.

Why did you evade my blow?

You'd have died if you hadn't moved.

Could I have died?

Do I not want to die?

Through my job, I've been present during
the final moments of many.

I've learned to identify how people
truly feel when they're dying.

A person's true nature
is reflected in the blade.

Some put up a brave act
until just before their death.

Some desperately beg for mercy.

And some lie to themselves
and claim to have accepted death.


Gabimaru the Hollow.

There's certainly a great
emptiness inside you.

I'm certain of it after listening
to you describe your history.

But you lied about one thing.

You do have an attachment to life.

No, you love your wife.

To you, is she not your reason to live?

Pray once a day.

Say "thanks for the meal."

We should always strive to be ordinary,

so that we can be a married couple,
like normal people.


I'm right.

Why do you lie to yourself?

You couldn't die during your executions
because of your feelings for her.

Are you not just telling yourself
that you have no attachment to life?

Shut up!

I have no attachments!

You know nothing about
the world I've lived in!

I am hollow!

You're not hollow.

No, the nickname suits me.

I've grown too accustomed
to terrible, ugly things.

I can only show you the same.

That's not true at all.

You're kind.

After all, you're the only one
who wasn't repulsed by this face.

Maybe being accustomed to ugly
things isn't so bad after all.

In Iwagakure, men are soldiers,
and women bear children.

We're not allowed to live as people.

That's what happened to my face.

My father burned it so I'd give up on trying
to live like an ordinary woman.

But people's hearts don't die so easily.


What are you...

Look at how much you're blushing.

Someone like you couldn't
possibly be hollow.

I am Gabimaru the Hollow!

I'm a heartless monster!

Try as I might, I can never be human!

I'll quit making
a living by k*lling people.

The two of us will live a quiet life.

It's what's best for his daughter.
The chief will understand.

I won't k*ll anyone.

We'll live in a quiet place.

And live an ordinary life.

Like normal people.

It's impossible!

It's possible!


This is an official pardon.

Not only does it dismiss all charges,

but it even grants you
the shogun's protection.

With this, neither the magistrate's office
nor the village's shinobi could harm you.

What are you talking about?

But it comes with a condition.

You will go to the Underworld.


The Underworld? You mean the Other Side?


Are you telling me to die?


There is a land brimming with fertility
and joy, where there is no pain:


Believed in since ancient times, people have

called it Paradise,
the Other Side, and Heaven.

It was said to be far to the southwest,
beyond the Ryukyu Kingdom.

And it's finally been found.

Butterflies and flowers dance.

Beautiful voices can be heard singing.

It is as the legends describe.

It is said that the immortality-granting
Elixir of Life can be found in Shinsenkyo.

The shogunate sent a search party
there to acquire the Elixir.


Five more expeditions were sent,
but no one returned...

except for the things they became.

W-Wait a minute.

What kind of story is that?

It sounds like a fairy tale.


Everyone believed it was
merely a fairy tale

until they saw that.

Humans became flowers?

How mysterious. How mystical.

That land must be real.

The Elixir of Life must be there.

Choose expendable people
for the next expedition.

Gather criminals condemned to death from

around the country
and send them to the island.

Whoever brings back the Elixir
of Life will be pardoned.

I came here looking
for potential candidates.

Someone with skill
and a fierce desire to live.

On my way here, I heard your
wife is still in Iwagakure.

Since the day you were captured,

she closed herself off
and hasn't spoken to anyone.

She must believe you'll return.

I'll ask you again.

Do you have any attachment to life?

Traveling to a mysterious island
with heinous criminals

condemned to death and competing
with them for a pardon

is the only way for you
to be reunited with her.

Will you risk that

for a life with her, Gabimaru the Hollow?

This is ridiculous.

I'm not releasing him over such nonsense.

The shogunate has commanded it.

He's merely a man condemned to death.
There are plenty more like him.

If you interfere, you'll go down with him.

Are you listening, Hollow?

Heartless, hollow...

People's hearts don't die so easily.

You said you wanted to see ninjutsu.

If this'll do, then watch this.

Ninpo: Ascetic Blaze.


I'll do it. I'll find this Elixir of Life.

So, what should I do now?

Come with me. First, we'll go to Edo—


Why don't we go directly to the island?

Edo's a detour. What a pain.

He's complaining more now that
he's out of his funk.

If you don't want to go,
then we can call off the deal.

I'll do it, I'll do it.

I'll do anything now.

It doesn't matter if I have to face
condemned criminals or mysterious islands.

I'll make it back alive.

For you.