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01x04 - Mash Burnedead and the Challenging Magic User

Posted: 01/07/24 11:09
by bunniefuu
Mash was chosen as a player for Duelo,
an aerial magic sport using brooms.

However, he can't use magic,
so he couldn't fly.

I want to go home.

Yeah, you should.

What are you doing? Get flying already!

Is this match rigged?

Mash, you need to start flying soon.

What's wrong, Mash?

Hey, Mash.

Oh, Captain.

Are you glistening in the fire called life?
Is your heart throbbing?

I don't get it.

You swore that we would be number one!

I didn't.

Don't be complacent!

I'm not.

Mash! Remember the mighty bamboo!


Bamboo can survive any climate!
They're strong and supple!

That's what you're lacking right now!
And it’s bamboo!

- Bamboo, bamboo, bamboo. Bamboo it!
- This guy has to be high.

Oh, right. I haven't told you
the rules for Duelo yet.

It's pretty simple.

We fight over control of the ball midair.
Pass it through that ring for a point.

Wait, they scored another point?

Magic is forbidden.

This sport is all about your broom technique.

Bamboo that can't fly are just sh**t!

He doesn't think at all
before he speaks.

This goes without saying,
but I put everything into Duelo.

That's why I recruited you.

I'm heading back out there.

It's all up to you now.

Lord Tom, last year's
Duelo MVP of the year is...

Lord Tom, the sportsman whose
stuffiness actually works well is...

Oops, sorry. That was an accident.


An additional point for Lang dorm!

They have a 40 point lead
against Adler dorm!

Are you okay?

Sorry. I think I broke a bone.

Wh-Where's your sense of sportsmanship?


Sportsmanship is nonsense.

All that matters is winning.

Keep huddling, wusses!

How pathetic.

There isn't much time left.

And they've got a huge lead.

But Mash, I just want you to know...

Winning isn't what matters!

What matters is
whether you gave it your all!

Another point for Lang dorm!

Will this lead be impossible to diminish?

With two down, it's only natural we win.


He flew!

H-Hey! Look, he's stopped in midair!

You're kidding me!

He was able to fly?

He's sure kicking his legs a lot.

Time for a thrashing.

Hey, pass it here!


Hey, he's got the ball.

What's he gonna do from that distance?

Is he joking?

He can't even ride a broom.
What makes him think...

I'll take that from ya, you nobody!

Adler dorm scores!

What an amazing shot!

They're still down 49 points,
and time's nearly up!

Wait! Look at that! The ball!


What unnaturally strong fingers!
That curve-ball was out of this world!

No way.

What the...


But that score...

It's undeniable.

The winner of the first Duelo match
for this season is Adler dorm!

Not bad for looking like a fungus!

Sorry for telling you to go home!

Totes sorry for throwing garbage at you!

Mash and the Adler dorm team
scored a record-high
Totes sorry for throwing garbage at you!

Mash and the Adler dorm team
scored a record-high

and were given silver coins.

What's with this shape?

Wow, that was an amazing game!

And you got a silver coin
so soon after transferring here.

Thanks, but I’m never doing that again.

Hey, Mash!

It's Lord Tom!

Huh? What? What's going on?

Thank you!

You turned into one great bamboo!

You really grew there, bamboo!
You overshot me, bamboo! Did you feel it?
I don't really get along with this type.
At all.

You really grew there, bamboo!
You overshot me, bamboo! Did you feel it?

First-year student Mash,

the key player of the game
who broke the record for game score,

said in his interview he credits his success
to his upperclassman's exuberant encouragement.

Quite a humble answer
despite such a great record.

The one from the entrance exams.

He risked failing for a complete stranger.

What naivete.

He'll be next.

And the next day.

Mash, it's time for Duelo practice!

sh**t for the stars! Even if you miss,
you'll land among your dreams!

Mash, I heard you have trouble studying,
so let's study together!

You swore to me
that we'd take the top together!

I didn't.

I have Potions, Magic History,
Enchantment, Divination, and...

Way too much.

Don't be complacent!

We are bamboo. Bamboo!

And you have to properly study
Magical Creatures and Dark Arts as well.

What's important is bamboo!
You'll land among your dreams with bamboo!

Finn, help me.
What's important is bamboo!
You'll land among your dreams with bamboo!

What's important is bamboo!
You'll land among your dreams with bamboo!


That head of yours is not
a mushroom, but a bamboo!

You seem to be having fun.
That head of yours is not
a mushroom, but a bamboo!

Mind if I join?

This guy...

He has two marks.
I've never seen him before.

Could he be a first year?

That's Lance Crown.
He ranked first in the entrance exams.

Seeing him up close, he's a total hottie.

No, I can't!
I've given my heart to someone else.

No, it's not fun.

I see. Then let's do something
that is fun.

Something fun?

Hide and seek?

Definitely not hide and seek!

This bottle is a special magical tool.

It's quite ancient.

But as you can see,
it's capable of trapping people.

- What's this?
- What in the world?
But as you can see,
it's capable of trapping people.

- What's this?
- What in the world?

Stuck in a small space with two guys
has compliance issues!

If you want it back,
come to the forest next to the owl hut.

I'll be waiting.

What's this about?

Call it a bet.

You're after them too, aren't you?
These coins?

A silver coin?
And he's got two of them!

I thought only a select number
of upperclassmen had them!

And the lines on your mark reveal
the amount of magic power you currently have.

This guy is really bad news!

Single-line magic users.

A term used to specify those
with just one mark on their face.

The majority of people in this world
are single-line magic users.

But there are rare exceptions
with multiple marks.

Double-line magic users.

They exist in this realm
at a rate of one in 100,000.

They're considered chosen
by magic itself.

We'll bet each other's silver coin in a match.

We'll go until the loser
can no longer continue or gives up.

Any other duel involving magic
is considered taboo in this school.

Not that you have
any choice but to accept.

Not as long as I hold this, that is.

And judging by your personality, the fact that
I even possess this plays to my favor.

Not that I need the handicap.
It's easy enough to tell who would win.

During the entrance exams,
you were too soft.

You prioritized someone else
over your own goals.

I could never lose
against a slacker like that.

Don't do it, Mash! He's dangerous!

It's over. My life is going to end!
Don't do it, Mash! He's dangerous!

That's right!
I've got a bad feeling about him!
It's over. My life is going to end!

What's wrong? Too scared to respond?

No. Enough of that.
Hurry up and get on with it.

At least you've got spirit.

But first, let's make things a bit easier.


I wonder if Mash is doing okay.

I'm worried.


No, I'm talking about my profits.

I-I see.


What the hell is this?

This makes things easier.

Flashy performances...

are unnecessary!

Trying to win against me without magic?



Are you being serious?

You're acting so half-heartedly.

Do you have any aspirations at all?
Of course you don't.

And yet, you possess a silver coin.

I don't need anyone
encroaching on my playing field.

I'll be the last one standing. Nobody else.

Scum like you can spend your lives
rolling across the ground.

Trying to stand is futile.

No human can withstand this gravity.

I can do enough without standing.

The earth split?


That's ridiculous.


Do you actually like
rolling on the ground, too?


He's faster than earlier!

What's this?

L-L-Lolicon. He's a lolicon.

I-I have to call the police.
He's a criminal.

I'm not.

So, you're aiming to be one?

I said I'm not.

I don't have a Lolita complex.

I have a sister complex.

And that makes it better?

Give it back.

Oh. Okay.

Let me ask you, Mushroom Head.

What's the most precious thing
in this world?

Huh? You're putting me on the spot here.

- Cream pu—
- Wrong.

- Human life.
- Wrong.

- Love.
- Wrong.

- Freedom.
- Wrong.

- Cream pu—
- Wrong!

Wrong, wrong!

Why can't you answer immediately?

One plus one is two.
Yellow and blue makes green.

The answers are obvious.

So, what is the most precious thing
in this world?

My little sister.

Everyone's got different priorities,
don't they?

I am completely disgusted.

This world is full of idiots.


I'm going to drop this bottle off the cliff.

Then, I'll speed up its fall with my magic.


You'll try to grab the bottle
to save your friends.

And that's when I'll attack you. Sorry.

I can become endlessly demonic
for my little sister's sake.


Big brother!

You got in another fight, didn't you?

I didn't.

That's definitely a lie!

Here. Sit down so I can heal you.

So why'd you get into a fight?

I tripped and had a nasty fall.

See, a lie!

You're such a bad liar!

I bet you're not even trying!

I am.

I heard you saved a kid
who was being bullied.

That's why they took note of you,
and you come back injured like this, right?


But I love how you're clumsy
but kind like that.

I see.

Geez, stop moving! I can't heal you!


Anna. Anna!


Apparently it's an incurable disease that
will strip her of her mark and magical power.

The doctor says she has five years at best.

Five years.

If she loses her magic, we'll have to
hand her over to the government.

But if we do that, Anna will...

I'm afraid we'll have no choice.

Oh, why was a child like this
born from our blood.

This is for your sake as well, Lance.

No way. How can I accept
something so cruel?

My little sister didn't do anything!

Don't touch me!
You guys aren't our parents anymore!

Anna. Anna, I'll make sure...

The Bureau of Magic
made this rotten system.

I'll become a Divine Visionary
and make sure to save you!

For your sake, Anna, I'll become...


What will you do, Mushroom Head?

Hamstring Magic.

Hamstring Magic?
I've never heard of any spells like that!

Besides, he's in...

Big Bang Dash.

...starting position?

The choice of losing,
and the choice of not rescuing.

Neither exist for me.

Did he really run down the cliff, catch the bottle,
and come back up in this one instant?

Unbelievable. Is he using
physical enhancement magic?

No, I can't falter now.

I need to help my little sister.

Let's stop this.

You don't seem like a bad guy.

I don't think we should be fighting.

This bottle was empty. It’s fake.

And we're done.


If you keep going,
you might win silver coins!

Are you screwing with me?

No, not really.

Then why...

I guess...

I'm too clumsy to make
rational decisions about everything.

But I love how you're clumsy
but kind like that.

What a wet blanket.
I'm heading back.

Just like you said,
we'll stop the fight here.

But I did make a bet with you.

Take it.

If we fought for real,
I wonder what would've happened?

Thank you, Mash.

I was so scared!

I had faith in you
that you could pull it off!

Mash, to be modest,
I want you to marry me!

What kind of house would you like?
Of course, the roof will be...

Bamboo it! This is indeed bamboo!
What kind of house would you like?
Of course, the roof will be...

In the end, Lance was a pretty good guy.

And Mash had a thought.

It would’ve been better to open the bottle
after returning to the academy.