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01x05 - How About You Give Us an Explanation

Posted: 01/07/24 11:34
by bunniefuu

Guess who.


Yeah, it's Eita.

Are you busy now?

I was adjusting my DPI.


Mr. Time-on-his-hands!

Oh, hey, you're coming over today, right?

To tutor Runa?

Oh, so we're sticking
to the original schedule?

Huh? Aren't you?


So listen, can you bring over
that manga I mentioned?

I want to read it!

Sure thing.

Yay! I love you, Yamada!

Okay. I'll see you later, then.


Sure. Next Saturday, right?
Yes, sounds good!

I'm going to hang out with Runa!

...this makes me happy!



I must say, it never occurred to me

that Lady Rurihime was such
a lovely young woman in real life.

My experience told me that she
absolutely 100% had to be a man.

Not that I would be deterred
from loving her, of course.

But who knew that she'd turn out
to be an actual youthful woman?

My insights are apparently too shallow.

Um, I think I've said this numerous times,
but I'm not Rurihime.

Either way, I never dreamed that I'd
one day get the chance to meet you.

When I heard that you were playing
as Rurihime again in FOS,

I couldn't follow you fast enough
from my previous game,

but I didn't think you'd recognize me.

Not only are you adorable,
but in every game you play,

you waste no time
making a name for yourself,

which I believe makes
Lady Rurihime who she is,

Something came up, so I'll be late.
My online gamer friend should be there,
so please start without me.
Sorry. Runa

and as a fan, that makes me proud.


Who would have thought it would
actually come to pass in this fashion?

If you don't mind, I'd like to ask your
permission to join your guild as well.


I'm sorry! I need to go
to the ladies' room!


Episode 5
How About You Give Us
an Explanation

What's going on here?

Runa's not here.

And some guy I don't know
shows up at our meeting spot.

Lady Rurihime! You're in there,
aren't you, Lady Rurihime?

Lady Rurihime, Lady Rurihime,
Lady Rurihime, Lady Rurihime,

And he's convinced that I'm Rurihime!

But he's not listening to a word I say!

Lady Rurihime, Lady Rurihime,
Lady Rurihime...



Thanks for coming, Yamada!


You're as handsome as ever!

All Runa does is hole up in her room,
playing games.

With an attitude like that, do you think
she can get into your high school?

Runa! Yamada's here to tutor you!



All right, I'll leave you to it!


Make sure you take this seriously!

I am, okay?

I've done all the drills you assigned.



Runa, about today...


Didn't you have somewhere to be?

Wh-Why do you ask?

Well, as long as you don't, it's fine.


I don't have any other plans.


So Runa's not picking up.

Oh, boy.

What am I going to do?

Stuck here with a stranger, huh?

Excuse me? Lady Rurihime?




Sorry to intrude, but you're in there,
correct, Lady Rurihime?

Isn't this the ladies' room?
Are you kidding me?

Lady Rurihime, are you all right?

Um, I kind of have a stomachache.

Aside from that,
this is the ladies' room, right?

Ah, I knew it! That's what I thought!


Since you were taking so long to get back,

this is, uh...

I was afraid
you'd passed out in the restroom.

Excuse me!
I'm pretty sure this is the ladies' room!

Lady Rurihime, could I trouble you
to open this door, perhaps?

Would you be so kind as to open the door?

Lady Rurihime...

It's not like...

not like it's any big deal.

And she might have left by now.

In other words, you stood her up?

I didn't stand her up.

I had a gamer friend go in my place.

Gamer friend?

This guy who's a rabid fan
of my brother's character.

When I invited him
through Brother's account,

he was beside himself with joy.

Yamada, where are you going?

Where did you ask her to meet you?

But why?

You're asking why?

How dangerous do you think this is?

I'm going to go check on her.

What about my session?

I'll be right back,
so work on your drills.

Come back!

What a surprise.


I thought we had an a*t*matic door!


What's wrong?

Whoa, you really did message him
from my account!

This is beyond heinous.

Where are they meeting?

Let's see.

Hey, it's fairly close by.

Maybe 15 minutes or so from here by car?




Hey, Runa! What do you want to do today?

Why can't things stay the way they are?

Oh, no! Akane's been kidnapped
by antisocial forces with scars!

Is that true?

Oh, dear! Agane! Agane...

I may have embellished the story a tad!


Thanks for driving us, Mr. Kamota!

Mr. Kamota, you were supposed
to take a right at the light.


Mr. Kamota, we're moving away.

You have to apologize to Akanecchi
when you see her—

I'm not apologizing!

Enough is enough. This is exactly
why people don't like you at school.

Who cares?

I've got 300 friends online.

Oh, Akane!
What are we going to do, Yamada?

Mr. Kamota, keep your eyes on the road.

Everyone's always going, "Akane, Akane..."
It's so stupid!

In the first place, why did you let her
into the guild without my permission?

Listen up.


Know what happens when the old-timers
remove the newbies?

The content gets staler and staler.

Be more generous.

What's up with that?

She tried to be your friend, didn't she?

Next Saturday, right?

Yes, sounds good!

All righty, how about we split up
and search for her?

Akane! Akane!

Mr. Kamota, you're heavy.

Where? Where? Where? Where?
Where? Where? Where? Where?

Hey, there she is.

So fast! I can't believe you spotted her.


But she...

seems a little...




Akane! Akane!
I'm so relieved that you're okay!

Mr. Kamota?

You're safe now!
Now let the grownup take it from here!

And who might you be?

I'm Takezo Kamota, the owner
of the Kamota Strawberry Farm!

I have a lawyer friend,
I'll have you know!

I won't back down
before v*olence or threats!

Let's battle this out in court!

Are you okay, Akanecchi?

Eita! And Yamada too?

What are you doing here?

We heard that Runa invited some stranger.

We were worried
and came to check on you.

Your leg. What happened?

Oh... this?

Forgive me. I'm to blame.

Because I startled her
in the ladies' room.

How about you give us an explanation?

Personal space.

Fearing that Lady Rurihime
might have fainted in the ladies' room,

I thought I'd bring her some medicine.

Lady Rurihime,
are you unable to open the door?

In that case...

Excuse me for sliding it under the door.




Lady Rurihime?

Lady Rurihime?



In this way...

after receiving an excessive shock,
she slammed her shin against the toilet.

Who wouldn't have been shocked
out of their mind by that?


How strange.
When a woman seems indisposed

and shuts herself in the restroom,

one must silently
offer her pain relievers,

or so I was told by my mother.

Don't act on half-baked knowledge like that!

First, don't barge into the ladies' room!

You are extremely rude, do you know that?

Who are you to Rurihime, exactly?

Not something I want to tell you.

Just do whatever you want.


I hear you were worried
and came to check on me?

Thanks for doing that.

No... I'm sorry.


Why are you apologizing, Yamada?

Well, if I'd told you that I
would be tutoring Runa today...

So you're Runa's tutor, Yamada?


Oh, I see! So that's why Runa
couldn't make it today.


- I don't know about that.
- So that was it!







Did you hurt yourself?


I'm sor—


come with me.

You're in for a lecture.

I'm not saving you.

That was a really dangerous prank
that you pulled.

You need to think about what you did.

Come on.

Ow! Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!


All of a sudden, my stomach hurts!

Stomach? Not your leg?

Huh? Oh, uh, yeah.

It's like the pain shifted to my stomach.

Perhaps it would help to take
the medication that I gave you earlier?

Look, you, don't even think
about talking to Akane!

So he's still here.


Those are useless. They'd have no effect.

Only Category-1 OTC pain relievers
dispensed by a pharmacist

would work on this pain.

Category-1, huh?

If you walk towards the station
about 500 meters,

there's a drugstore to the right.

Uh, right! I'll head over right now!

No, I'll go!

Rub my stomach, will you?

Oh, and since I'd worry about Eita
going shopping on his own...

Yamada and Mr. Kamota,
could you please go with him?

As for you, please take a hike!

So, Runa, what level are you?


Oh, sorry, I was talking about FOS.

Um, two are max level,
and the others, I don't keep track of.

What? Then I guess we can't
go hunting together, can we?

Since my level's too low.

We can't if the level difference
is too great, right?

I asked Yamada once,
and he turned me down!

Hunt together?

There's too much
of a level difference, so...

it's not worth the XP penalty.

That wouldn't really bother me.

And I've got
a low-level character too, so...

Then let's go hunting together sometime!

My Job Class is Paladin,
but Runa, are you—

How can you talk like nothing happened?

You didn't think it was weird,
getting stood up?

Uh, um...

I ditched you on purpose!

I wanted to put you on the spot!

Because I don't like you, Akane!

I wanted you to leave the guild!

I thought if I sent over someone weird,
you wouldn't like online games anymore!

Well, I did think it was kind of strange.

AH, I SEE....

Did you hurt yourself?

I think I'll leave the lecturing
to your brother.

After all, I came here today
to get closer to you.

You guys are all such great people...

so these days, I've been so happy
that I got to join this guild.

But I know that they're
your precious friends, right, Runa?

So today I came to ask you
to let me in, too. Into your circle!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I was mean to you!

Adolescent girls sure are a handful, huh?


Who would have thought
she'd lash out so hard at Akane?

Really, I'm at the end of my rope!

To think she was
so obedient and cute as a child.

I don't know
what I'm going to do with her.

Welcome back!


Is your stomach okay now, Akane?

What? Oh, right! Yes, all better now!

I guess because Runa rubbed it for me?

That was some disaster, right?


You were looking forward to today,
only to get pranked by Runa.

Oh, that.

Well, I could have just turned around and
gone home when I saw a stranger here.

Sure, it did tick me off a little,

but I was more disappointed
that we just didn't get to hang out.

Yeah, but just watch me!

I may be hopeless at romance...

but I'm pretty good
at making friends with other girls!

So I bet I can get closer to her
one of these days!

That's my Lady Rurihime!


Your kindness is as rumored!
It is truly that of a Muse!


Please go out with me
with marriage in mind!

Please go home!