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01x02 - It Takes a Great Talent and Skill to Conceal One's Talent and Skill.

Posted: 01/07/24 12:49
by bunniefuu
[bell ringing]

Ah! Hey, stop splashing me!

Couldn't help myself.

It doesn't hurt to have some fun!

Fine. Bring it on!

[AYANOKOJI] Ah, free time during swim class.

People have naturally broken up into groups,

which makes sense, I guess.

It's official.

I have utterly failed at making friends.

I'm destined to be a loner.


[SUZUNE] What are you brooding about over here?

Oh, I was just embroiled in a painful internal struggle.

How can these losers even enjoy themselves?

You'd think that they would be more deflated.

Maybe that's how these guys cope.

They wanna have some fun, while they still can.

You could be right, I guess.

[KIKYO] Hey, stop it! [laughs]

[SUZUNE] They sure are having a good time.

It's early in the spring for swimming to start,

and they're first years on a free class period.

It's normal for them to enjoy themselves, don't you think?

They're like a bunch of grade school kids.

Although, I suppose I can't really fault them for it.

But in the S-system,

they're going to suffer for that attitude.

But aren't you and I just like them?


[AYANOKOJI] The S-system...

Indeed, this is called the S-system.

It evaluates students in real time,

and assigns numerical value.

Observe. Class D has thoroughly proven

that you deserve to be ranked dead last.

You truly are the worst of the worst.


[SUZUNE growls]


However, I am rather impressed with this class.

Never in the history of this school has a class blown through

all of their points in the first month, not even Class D.

Excuse me, will you at least tell us what

the school's criteria is for gaining and losing points?

You're preparing for the real world, so figure it out.

In the workforce, you're expected to come to the table

knowing what to do.

On the board, I have written

the current scores held by all first-year classes.

For every point the class gets, private points

are distributed to each student individually.

When the school year began, each first-year class

was allotted , collective points.

To be frank, you people lost every point you had.

Teacher. Will we get the chance to earn any points back?

Of course.

And in doing so, if you earn more points than Class C

you'll be promoted up to Class C,

and Class C will be downgraded to D.

Your earliest opportunity to do this

is coming up in the midterms. Depending on your scores,

you can earn as many as points for the class.

A hundred measly points?

Yeah, but it's better than nothing, right?

[CHABASHIRA] However...

...these are the grades from the most recent quiz you took.

And, as you can see, they are complete garbage.

From this point forward,

anyone who receives a failing grade

on any midterms or finals will be expelled immediately.

Considering this most recent development, everyone in class

is gonna have to completely change their habits.

And that's only to get us a few meager points.

So, if everyone doesn't ace the midterms,

we're all going to be royally screwed.

That's right.

Even more than that, if we're going to measure up

and achieve the high college entry and employment rates

they promised us, we're going to have to push ourselves

from here on out to overtake Class C.

Beating Class C has to be the primary goal now.

'Cause if we can't even do that, we have no hope of advancing.

Were you just doing an impression of Chabashira?

No, why?

Sounded like her. A little.


[SUZUNE] I was wondering.

Do you play sports or something?

No, not at all.

In fact, in middle school, I did nothing extracurricular.

That makes no sense.

Your forearms are so muscular, I thought you must.

[KIKYO] Hey, there, Horikita!

Do you maybe wanna come swim with us?

Would you please go away?

[KIKYO] You don't have to be mean.

Are you a bad swimmer or something?

No, I am an incredibly average swimmer.

[KIKYO] Back in middle school, I was probably the worst swimmer

in the whole wide world! But then I practiced really hard,

and nowadays I don't think I'm that bad at all!

Wow. That's fascinating.

[AYANOKOJI] She's totally aloof, isn't she?

I do wish I could find a way to get along with her better.

[HIRATA] Hey, guys.

Do you have a minute to talk about something?

We didn't get any points again today,

and that has got to change.

I don't want this problem to haunt us

for the rest of our time at this school.

We have to do something to turn this around.

There's no way I want to go all the way to graduation

without earning any more points.

[KARUIZAWA] I agree, we can't let that happen!

You're right, and we won't. We'll turn this around.

Next month, we're going to get more points

than any other class.

I don't know why you keep saying, "we," like that.

Seriously. You can leave me out of it!

[MANABU] Class D again.

You're both in Class A.

Sakayanagi... and Katsuragi.

[MANABU] Congratulations are in order.

Your class earned a total of points this month.

Quite a feat.

I do hope you're both very proud of yourselves.

[MANABU] Now, then.

How much do you know about the S-system?

[YAMAUCHI] Hey, Doc! You're my best friend.

You gotta help me out!

Buy this console from me for , points?

Actually, it's so funny.

I spent all my points on accessories

so I'm totally broke now. I was thinking about borrowing

a couple of points from all the girls in class

to buy the essentials.

You're one of my best friends, aren't you?

[SUZUNE] Do you have any plans for lunch?

I was wondering if you would be able to join me.


[AYANOKOJI] Well, let's eat, then.

Thank you for the food.

I have to ask... Are you sure it's okay

that I put this super expensive lunch on your tab?

I feel awkward.

Yes. I told you to get whatever you wanted, and I meant it.

Lunch today is my treat. So don't feel awkward.

[AYANOKOJI] What now?

Is something wrong with you, Ayanokoji?

Dig in, already.


Now, listen, I want you to hear me out on something important.

I'm aware that Hirata and the others

worked out a plan of action earlier today.

They're all forming a study group.

Their goal is to make sure they ace the test.

A study group?

[SUZUNE] Yes. But three of our classmates refused to join,

and it just so happens they're the ones with the lowest scores.

Sudo, right?

Yes, and Yamauchi and Ike, as well.

Well, I can't say I'm surprised.

Those three never did strike me as the studious type.

I don't see how anyone could fail a test.

Nevertheless, the fact remains--they did.

There are kids out there who don't even know what it means

to be a good student.

I guess some people really are that pathetic.

That's cold. Don't you have any sympathy?

Would being sympathetic keep it from being true?

If we don't do something,

they're most likely going to fail.

And if we want to overtake Class C,

not only do we have to stop our class from hemorrhaging points,

but we've also got to do everything in our power

to start gaining them back.

Are you saying you want to start a study group, too?

You're willing to help Sudo, Ike,

and Yamauchi get good grades on the midterm?



Of course. If left to their own devices,

they'll sink, and bring the rest of Class D with them.

I may have to be relegated to the lowest class in school,

but not for long. I will claw my way up to Class A.

Hey, wait a minute.

What now?

Did you just say you want to be Class A?

You heard right.

You sure you didn't mean Class C?

[SUZUNE] I meant what I said.

I find my assignment to Class D utterly offensive

and unacceptable. I intend to change it.

So, step one is to rehabilitate the failures?

Since you've grasped that, you can guess what's next.

I'd rather not.

Do you enjoy your lunch?

An extravagant meal like that doesn't come free.

Even an idiot could see

you're expected to provide something in return.

And don't think I've forgiven you for conspiring with

Kushida and taking me to that café under false pretenses.

That was foul play.

That's not cool.

If you want to make it up to me,

then you'll work with me to help save the whole class.

Your job will be to round up those three losers,

and convince them to join my study group.

Here's my phone number and email.

All right, contact me if you need anything along the way,

but don't think you can reach out whenever you want.

[AYANOKOJI] This is how I get a girl's number

for the first time in high school? Pathetic.

I'm not even happy that she gave it to me,

but I'd better save it, anyway.

[AYANOKOJI] I guess I have to comply,

even though I technically never agreed to this.

[AYANOKOJI] Well. Here goes nothin'.

Leave me alone.

Yeah... no.

The hell'd you say to me, punk?!

I knew it was hopeless.

Maybe I could enlist help from someone who can get through

to those three. I should have done that to begin with.

I wonder if she's home right now.

I can call her room.

[AYANOKOJI] Hi, can you connect me to Kikyo Kushida's room?

Yes, from Class One-D.

[AYANOKOJI] Yes, it is about something school-related.


[phone rings]

--[blow dryer hums] --[KIKYO] Um, hello?

Hi, this is... Hold on.

What's that weird noise?

[KIKYO] Oh, Ayanokoji?


[KIKYO] Sorry, was it too loud? I just got out of the bath.

I was blow-drying my hair, sorry about that.

You caught me a little off-guard.

I've never used the dorm's internal land line before,

so I was startled.

[AYANOKOJI] I'm amazed you answered.

Anyway, rejoice, Kushida.

I've selected you as a good will ambassador.

It's for the good of the class, so I know you'll do your best.

[gasps] What do you mean? Uh...

[KIKYO] Right. Wow.

A second study group for Sudo, Ike, and Yamauchi?

Run by Horikita, herself?

Well, when a friend needs help, I always answer the call,

no matter what it might be. I'll do whatever it takes!

[AYANOKOJI] You don't have to, you know.

I think it's cruel that anyone who fails

gets expelled immediately.

The thought of having to say goodbye so soon, especially

after we just got to know each other? I mean, that's awful.

Oh! I do have one request.

In exchange for helping you guys,

I want to join the study group, too.

Would that be okay?

Uh, are you sure that's all you want?

[KIKYO] Yeah! I want to help the cause in any way.

Let's see... Oh!

Why don't I give you my cell phone number

so you can contact me whenever,

instead of just when I'm in my room.

[AYANOKOJI] You're cool with that?

Yeah! I mean, we're classmates, right?

Sorry I didn't give it to you until now.

I just didn't think of it.

You can reach out anytime you want.

I've got Kushida's phone number.

[phone chimes]

Uh? Wow, she works like lightning.

Good job, Kushida.

[AYANOKOJI] And... sent.


--Hel--? --[SUZUNE] No.



Can you at least hear me out for a minute--?


[phone chimes]


[phone chimes]


[AYANOKOJI sighs] Are you kidding me?

What do you mean "what"?

I thought I was being perfectly clear.

You should be glad.

All three of them have agreed to come to the study group,

including Sudo!

Thanks to Kushida, your little plan just might work.

[AYANOKOJI] I hadn't even sent that yet!

[KIKYO] I understand. Is that her final word?

[AYANOKOJI] Yeah. Even after you helped make it happen.

I'm really sorry.

[KIKYO grunts] Right! It's okay!

You just let me handle her from here on out.


[KEN] Call me incompetent again!

Well, if you don't know how to solve a simple

simultaneous equation, I don't know how to proceed.

I shudder to think of what the future holds for you.

[KEN growls]

Sudo, stop!

Who needs algebra, anyway?

When am I ever gonna use it, huh?

If I wanted to prepare for my future, I'm better off

playing basketball to get ready for a career in the pros,

not sticking my nose in some book.



<span tts:fontStyle="italic">You</span> playing pro basketball?

Do you even have an inkling of how difficult it is

to get to that level?

It requires commitment and dedication that you sorely lack.

Face it, you don't have what it takes.

I didn't skip practice to come here and get insulted.

I knew this was a waste of my time.

You know what. I'm out, too.

Horikita might be smart, but I don't want help from someone

so condescending. I'd rather fail than be treated like crap.

[YAMAUCHI] Yeah, same here!

If you want to get expelled, be my guest.

See how much I care.

[AYANOKOJI] I left it to you, like you said, Kushida,

and look what happened. Do something.

Look, Horikita. No one's going to study with you

if you make them feel stupid when they make a mistake.

Yes, I can acknowledge that I was wrong about them.

It's clear to me that this

is all a fruitless waste of my time.

[KIKYO] What do you mean?

I mean that if those idiots are going to drag us down with them,

we're better off without. I say, "good riddance."

I see.

Okay, then. I'll work it out with them myself.

I promise.

I don't think we should give up on our friends so soon,

and it'd be sad if those three got expelled.

I won't abandon them, and I think you'd rather not, either.

That's why you started this group in the first place.

If you're being sincere right now,

then I appreciate the sentiment. I do.

Tell me, why did you really agree

to help us in this endeavor?

[KIKYO gasps]

[SUZUNE] Are you just trying to sabotage me?

I can't believe you. Do you really think that?

I'm not an underhanded person.

The fact that you would even assume that about me

makes me feel so sad for you.

It's awful, and I hope you don't mean all that.

I need to go get some fresh air.

[MANABU] Suzune.

I'm amazed you had the brains to track me down.

[SUZUNE] Listen, brother.

I'm not the failure that I was in the past.

I followed you because I want to prove that I've changed.

[AYANOKOJI] That's Horikita, but who's she with?


Prove you've changed?

Hardly. After all this time,

you clearly have not come to terms

with your own shortcomings.

You're foolish to think you could succeed here, leave now.

You're wrong! I'm going to be in Class A soon.

Then you'll see!

Don't bother.

I promise.

I know I can make it.

You're an irrational little brat.

[AYANOKOJI] The student council president?

[SUZUNE gasps]

[MANABU] Do you ever stop to think of the shame you

bring this family? My own little sister in Class D.


Withdraw from school if you know what's good for you.

Brother, please just listen.

[MANABU] You don't have the right to better yourself,

nor do you have the ability to do so. Someday you'll learn.

Ayanokoji, don't!


You really were planning to hurt her, weren't you?

You better let her go, now.

Go away. This doesn't concern you.


[AYANOKOJI] She sounds like a completely different person.

[AYANOKOJI] Close one.


You fight like an expert.

Which of the arts do you practice?

Piano and calligraphy.

Ah. Now I get it.

I think I know who you are. I'd heard there was a student

who got s on all of his entrance exams.

The other day, you got a on one of your quizzes

in class, as well.


[MANABU] Are you trying to make some kind of statement,

scoring exactly half of what you should at this school?

Wow, that's a strange coincidence.

[SUZUNE gasping]

[MANABU] You pride yourself on being unique, I see.


I'm surprised you've made a friend,

although I assume you had to bribe him.

You're wrong. He isn't my friend,

he's just a classmate. I don't need any friends, you know that.

As usual, your immaturity is leading you

to mistake isolation for independence.

Anyway. If you truly wish to be in a less

humiliating class, you're going to have to work a lot harder.

I'm sorry you had to witness all of that.

It's okay.

It was sort of a relief to see you acting like

a normal girl and not some kind of--

I didn't even say anything.

I'm impressed by your skills.

It's just piano and tea ceremony.

You said it was calligraphy.

Yeah, I do calligraphy, too.

How did you doctor your scores on all of the entrance exams?

Tell the truth.

I told the truth. Coincidence.

I don't get you at all. You're such a weirdo.

Huh, sure.

So, were you serious about disbanding the study group?

Yes. It's a waste of my time.

If those losers wanna fail, that's their prerogative.

It makes no difference to me.

Even though failing would get them expelled?

I don't care what happens to anyone but me, and their exit

would motivate the rest of us to be better.

I don't see a downside to any of that.

Without them, it will be easier for our class to advance.

I don't think I could have asked for a better solution.

That sounds like flawed thinking.

Maybe you're just lying to yourself.


[AYANOKOJI] It's a shortcoming.

You make the assumption that other people hold you back,

so you always keep them at an arm's length as a rule.

Have you ever considered that your isolationist philosophy

might be the very thing that landed you in Class D

in the first place?



[AYANOKOJI] And so it went.

Everything looked hopeless.

[AYANOKOJI] Nevertheless, the day arrived.

And all of us...

[pencils scraping]

[AYANOKOJI] ...we students of Class One-D,

every last poor soul...

In grammar, math, chemistry, civics, English,

and every other classroom subject...

[AYANOKOJI] ...we dodged the b*llet

with higher scores than ever.