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01x07 - Nothing is as Dangerous as an Ignorant Friend; A Wise Enemy is to be Preferred.

Posted: 01/07/24 12:54
by bunniefuu
[bell ringing]


[SUZUNE] The semester was over at last.

We'd finished finals and started summer vacation.

[phone chimes]

[SUZUNE] Huh...?

[SUZUNE sighs]

Can't you take a hint? I don't want to talk to you.

[AYANOKOJI] Horikita.

What now?

[AYANOKOJI] Listen, do you want to go swimming with me t--?

[IKE] This is the worst.

[KEN] Where the hell is he?

My apologies for being late.

[KEN] I thought I said to make sure you got here on time, dude!

[IKE] Whatever.

Did you at least bring everything we need?

[YAMAUCHI] Yeah, of course I did.

[IKE] Better make sure you set it up right.

[HIDEO] Time to implement Operation:

Peep on the Girl's Dressing Room.

This ought to help alleviate our frustration a little bit.

[sighs] I've got a bad feeling.

[HIRATA] Oh? Hey, look! It's Horikita!

Man, it's been forever. What's up?

Wow, Suzune, there were rumors you had died or something.

No one in school had seen a trace of you

since summer break started.

I had no real reason to see any of you people.

[SUZUNE] Kei Karuizawa.

Kushida leads one of the two cliques in Class D.

Kei leads the other.

Dating Hirata has increased her influence

over our class exponentially, and it's easy to see why.

And as far as Yosuke Hirata goes...

He's a central figure among the Class D boys.

He's an above-average athlete,

and his grades are decent enough.

He's gregarious, too.

I haven't yet figured out how he ended up

in the loser class in the first place.

Look, Horikita.

Why don't you hang out with the D Class peeps sometime.

It wouldn't hurt to give it a shot.

I'll pass, thanks.

I have no need to, "give it a shot," as you say.

My time would be better spent studying or reading.

[KARUIZAWA] Well, that's just fine with us, then.

Let's get going, Hirata.

She doesn't think we're worth her time,

so why should we bother with her?

'Kay, let's go. Later, Horikita.

[SUZUNE] I don't need friends.

I've made it this far without them,

why should I change my tack now?

So, then...

What the heck am I even doing here with these idiots?

[KIKYO ] I'm so excited that you decided to come, too, Horikita!

[SUZUNE] Kikyo Kushida.

She's the picture of benevolence.

Liked equally by both girls and guys alike.

And yet, I suspect that she hates me.

I have a strange feeling about her.

Honestly, I hope that this trip is what finally leads us

to friendship! Yay!

[SUZUNE] She's an enigma.

Who doggedly pursues friendships with the people they hate?

I don't get it.

What's the matter?

Are we still waiting on Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo?

I thought they were coming with us.

Yeah, me, too. I don't know.

[IKE] Hey, you guys. Sorry we're late!

We all just overslept. Can you believe it?

You overslept?

But you three're coming from the direction of the pool.

[ALL gasp]

[IKE laughs nervously] Uh, yeah.

[YAMAUCHI] It's super not important or anything, okay?

Right, don't worry about that. Hadn't we better get going now?

Yeah, time's wasting. Let's go!


[clicking continues]

[ICHINOSE] Oh, my gosh!

Hey, you guys!

Are you all headed to the pool, too?

[ICHINOSE] Today's the last day the pool's open,

so we'd better make the most of it.

[KIKYO] Yeah. Some other people might be coming, too.

How long has your chest been that big?

What?! That's awkward.

I guess it started in the third year of middle school.

Then, they just kept getting bigger.

Why do you ask?

Oh, no particular reason.

But I see why you always seem to have

more on your plate than you can handle.

[KIKYO] Hey, I just realized!

This is the first time you've hung out with all of us, Sakura!


Do you like to go swimming?

Um. No.

I'm not really a fan of it.

I'm only here because Ayanokoji invited me.

[ICHINOSE] Oh, I see now!

You came along because you have a crush on him, then!

[SAKURA] No. I-It's not like that.

[KIKYO] It's interesting.

I've noticed a lot more people hanging around Ayanokoji lately.

He and Ichinose seem to have gotten really close.

Have you noticed?

[SUZUNE] I have.

[SUZUNE] Honami Ichinose.

The central female figure in Class B.

She came through for Class D

during an incident in the first term.

But I find her hard to read.

What do you think, Horikita?

I bet that makes you nervous, huh.

[SUZUNE] Ayanokoji's social habits make no difference to me.

I have no feelings whatsoever on the matter.

Uh? Oh, really?

Operation Young Lust: Phase Two.

This is HQ, operatives. Let's get this party started.

Time limit is the end of the day.

We've got until the targets go home.

[IKE] Argos-One here. Roger that.

[KIKYO gasping]

--[GIRL B] Ah! You got me! --[GIRL C] Take that!

[ICHINOSE] All right, it's time to have some fun!

[KEN, IKE cheer]

Sakura, are you wearing a wet suit so you don't get sunburned?

No, I just don't like showing too much skin

in front of other people.

[KEN, IKE] Ow!

[KIKYO] I got a brand new swimsuit, you like?

[KEN, IKE] Oh yeah, we like!

Uh? Hey, guys. Where did Yamauchi go?

[BOTH gasp]

[BOTH chattering]

How did we lose him so soon?

Maybe we should go look for him.

It's okay, there's no need! Don't worry!

I bet he's in the bathroom. Let's focus on having fun!

[KEN] Oh! Look, there's a volleyball court over there!

Let's go play! We should go play right now!

Fine. But, like, why are you freaking out about it?

[SAKURA] Listen.

I'm not very good at sports, so maybe I shouldn't play.

[KIKYO] No, you should play!

We have some strong boys on our team, so don't worry!

[ICHINOSE] Okay, here we go!

Take that!

I hope it's not too crowded.

I left my sunscreen. Can I use yours?


[MATSUSHITA] Hey, what's this about?

Where are we supposed to change?

[YAMAUCHI grunting]

Damn it! The camera won't cooperate with me at all.

What am I supposed to do now?

[ICHINOSE] Uh? What's going on over there?

It's the line for the bathroom.

You think something bad happened?

I guess we should go check it out.

[IKE] No! Stay right here!

Who even cares about the stupid line for the bathrooms

when we've got a game to win?!

[BOTH gasp]

Huh. What's wrong with Ike?

I don't know.

Maybe he's just always been this weird.

[HIDEO] HQ here, come in.


Awaiting your report.

[YAMAUCHI panting]

You there, Argos-two? What's happening?


I'm having major trouble.

A failure like me just isn't cut out for this kind of work.

I don't think I can do it.

[HIDEO] You must keep the faith.


[HIDEO] Faith in yourself, and in your allies

who have placed their faith in you.

Don't stop believing in the cause.


[CHIHIRO] I can't! [sighs]

Hey, Yamauchi's been gone a really long time.

I think we should go out looking for him now, don't you agree?

Uh. No way!

Don't worry, Kushida. I'm sure he just got distracted!

[KIKYO] But something bad could've happened to him.

Aren't you at least a little bit concerned?

[IKE] No, no! I'm sure he's just fine!

But, Ike. He's your friend, isn't he?

Shouldn't you be worried about him?

[IKE] Uh. Wait.

She'll think I'm shallow if I keep hiding things!

If manga's taught me anything,

it's that chicks love male friendships.

I can't! If I'm not concerned, she might hate me!

No, no, no, I can't give up the cause just for her sake!



[HIDEO growling]

HQ here, checking in.

Argos-two. You're out of time.

You must abandon the mission.

Return to the base at once.

[YAMAUCHI] Forgive me.

I am incompetent.

I'm sorry.

[KEN] Apologizing is not going to fix anything now!

[IKE] I'm sorry. But I didn't want Kushida

to hate me over this!

[KIKYO] Seriously, guys, let's go look for him!

Let's all play some volleyball!

Yamauchi's back!

[YAMAUCHI] Wow, the line for the bathroom was insane!

It was?

Still, I'm relieved you're back. I was so worried.

So, um, now that Yamauchi's back in the game,

do you think it would be okay--

Ah! My stomach's k*lling me!

I've gotta go to the bathroom right now!

...rotate out.


Huh? Get this out of my way.

[ALBERT] Sure thing, boss.

Let's go.

[HIDEO] HQ reporting!

Enemy-R is approaching quickly!

[IKE] Ah... But I'm just about done with Phase Two.

I can finish it!

You don't have time! Argos-one, you have to withdraw!

Withdraw, now!

Argos-one! Retreat!

[KEN growls]



[KEN] My leg is cramping! I've gotta go!

[MAI] That must be an intense muscle cramp.

You're down to five.

Do you want to continue playing,

or should we call it quits for now?



I think we should call it and forfeit this one to you guys.

That way we can go take care of Ike and Sudo.

[YAMAUCHI] Don't ever give up on your dreams!

I'll play hard enough for both of them combined.

So, you better not even think of quitting!

Or are you saying that our beach volleyball memories

never meant anything to you at all?!

Come on, everybody, show me all the passion and grit

you can muster to win this thing!

[SAKURA] Huh...?

[KIKYO] Has Yamauchi always been this passionate about sports?

I never knew that he had a distinct personality.

To be honest, I've always had considerable difficulty

telling him and Ike apart from each other.

[RYUEN] Huh? There's no one cleaning these bathrooms.

[IKE] Setup complete.

Now I've just gotta get out of here!

[HIDEO] It's too soon to let your guard down just yet,

Argos-one. There are two women there with Enemy-R!

Do you read?

I repeat, two women with the approaching enemy!

[KIKYO] Ouch, that hurt.

Oops. I couldn't stop it.

It's okay. Don't worry!

It's cool!

[growls] This isn't cool!

You can't just come barging in here!

The sign clearly says this place is off-limits!

Then what are you doing here?

You seriously think I care?

I go where I want.

[KEN] Uh...

[SAKAYANAGI] What an unsightly scene.

A fight between two bottom-feeders is just pathetic.


You weren't invited.

Take your mangy dogs and get out of here.

No thanks.

Perhaps I should domesticate you, too.

[KEN gasps]

[MANABU] What's all this fuss about here?

--[RYUEN] Mm? --[KEN] Huh?

[MANABU] I am aware that this place

is a recreational facility.

But, that doesn't mean school rules don't apply.

Don't forget you're all still on campus.

[laughs] So the Student Council President decided to show up.


[SUZUNE] I can tell you're holding back.

No, I'm just not very good at sports.

[SUZUNE] You're athletic.

I've seen you show your skill, remember?

[SUZUNE] Why do you hide what you're capable of?

Why, does it irritate you?

Or is it that you just don't want to lose at anything?

[SUZUNE] Not in the least.

I admire that.

What's the point in playing a game

if you're not committed to winning it at all costs?

Being vulnerable and letting your emotions show

would help you make friends, too.

I've told you, I don't need any friends.

Hey, what's happening in the locker rooms?


[HIDEO] HQ checking in.

Argos-one. What's your status?

I'm ready to withdraw, but I can't.

Help me. With all of the obstacles outside,

I'm stuck in here!

It's all over. We made it so far.

[HIDEO] You can't give up now, when we're so close!

Hey, look. I have to ask you.

Do you think that this whole thing was a mistake?

[HIDEO] How can you say that?

Listen. If I don't end up making it out of this place alive...

You must not abandon hope, soldier!

[IKE] Sotomura.

You're to refer to me as HQ, Argos-one.

And that's an order.

Even as you suffer in there for the cause,

you've got comrades out here waiting for you,

depending on you.

So, do not abandon hope.



[HIDEO] Argos-one? Argos-one!

I'm sorry, bud.

Almost lost my nerve.

[HIDEO] Argos-one!

[IKE] HQ, you'd better contact Argos-four.

Tell him it's a go. Execute Phase Extra.

[AYANOKOJI grunting]

[AYANOKOJI] "Draw attention away from the locker rooms?

Student council president, Ryuen, and others, too?"

[AYANOKOJI groans] This is getting ridiculous.

[AYANOKOJI] Horikita.

I need you to help me with something important.

Look, I have a terrible leg cramp!

Stay away from me!

It doesn't look that way to me.

[BOY B] Something's going down over there!

[BOY C] Isn't that Horikita from Class One-D?

[RYUEN] Horikita?

Give me the names of who did this, and Al will go easy.

[KOMIYA] The girl's name is Horikita.

[RYUEN chuckles]

[ALL gasping]

[ICHINOSE] What do you think's come over Horikita?

I'm just as confused as you.

Why do I even have to get involved in this?

[inhales, exhales]

Allow me to begin by saying

we are Class-D, year one!

We've been labeled the defective students at this school.

We're the problem children.

We're fools, and we fall for the schemes

of other classes pretty easily.

So, to the students of Class C,

you made a bold move in trying to sabotage our class before.

But now...

...I am grateful for all of your efforts.

Thanks to you, everything is clearer.

A class full of defectives will have a rough time

if we aim high.

But now I see that all classes, A to D, aren't separated by

anything as simple as pure academic prowess

or athletic ability.

That's good news.

Especially for loser Class D.

It means we could become Class A.

We can beat you all and ascend to the top.

I promise you this: We will make it to Class A!

[STUDENTS gasp, cheer]


We love you, Horikita!

[KEN] You're incredible!

[YAMAUCHI] You rock!

[RYUEN chuckles]

Oh, really, Class D?

[KEN] You better watch it!

[IKE] Tidal wave, comin' atcha!

[YAMAUCHI] Ow, ow, ow.

[SUZUNE] What a bunch of perverts.


[SUZUNE] There really were cameras set up

in the dressing room, like you said.


[phone ringing]

[AYANOKOJI] Seriously.

Do you wanna go to the pool with me?

Absolutely not.

[AYANOKOJI] Look, to be frank, I need a huge favor from you.

Class D's future is on the line.

How so?

[AYANOKOJI] Ike's the one who suggested we go to the pool.

He's planning to set up cameras in the women's dressing room.

So he and the guys can spy on you all changing.


If I had tried to stop them,

they probably would have gone behind my back.

Found a way to go forward with it.

It was better to let them do it and foil them secretly.

[SUZUNE] I hate to admit it, but you were right.

[AYANOKOJI] Their plan was to set up the cameras,

then retrieve them later tonight after everyone had gone home.

But that's not gonna happen now.

We beat them to the chase.

We could have stopped them earlier.

If we'd removed the cards in advance.

Then they would have gotten nothing.

Yeah, that was the initial plan, actually.

But the interference from other classes made things

a lot more difficult.

Is that why you made me give that stupid speech?

To divert people's attention away from them?

But you got such thunderous applause.

Sudo and the others were moved to tears by your words.

More importantly, did you have fun at the pool today?

You spent your whole summer alone.

So, was getting out refreshing?

I didn't come to this school to have fun.

Besides, people bore me.

I have much more fun by myself.

[AYANOKOJI] Sure you do.

Well, we've got some time before the pool closes.



[gasps] What is your problem?

Sorry, I had to do it.



That's payback.

[KIKYO] Hey! I wanna join in the fun!

[SUZUNE] Kushida, stop!

We're not playing!

Take that! And that!

[KEN] Hey, Horikita, check it out!

[BOYS] Wa-hoo!

[SUZUNE] You idiots stop splashing my face!

Oh. I'm sorry about that.

[door clicks]

[SUZUNE] Uh? What's this?

It's less of a risk to be by myself.