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02x03 - The Greatest Souls Are Capable of the Greatest Vices as Well as of the Greatest Virtues.

Posted: 01/07/24 13:01
by bunniefuu
Please, stop it. L-Let me go!

Hah! You really think we'll just let you off the hook

if you shed a couple tears?

You're the worst kind of person, you know?

Always looking for some guy to hide behind!

For real, I hate girls like you!

What happened to all that attitude you had before?

--Come on, I'm talking to you! --[KARUIZAWA yelps] Ow!

That's hilarious! Hold her still for a sec!

If we're getting pictures,

we should clean her up a little bit!

[YAMASHITA] That's a great idea!

[YABU] Yeah, let's do it.

Leave me alone! I'm sorry!

[YUKIMURA] We have to do something!

Not yet.

I can't watch this anymore!

What are you doing? Leave her alone!

[MANABE] Leave her alone?

We're just having a little chat!

[YAMASHITA] Yeah! That's right!

Don't think for even a second that this is over.

One way or another, you're gonna apologize to Rika.

[YUKIMURA] You okay?

[KARUIZAWA] Leave me alone.

I-I was trying to help!

Shut up! I never asked for you to help me!

What the hell is her problem?

[AYANOKOJI] I see, maybe I'll give it a try.

[AYANOKOJI] So, Venus Group's test

has ended early as well.

Which means someone in that group sent in a guess

about the VIP's identity.

Too bad this only helps Class C.

[AYANOKOJI] Ryuen is trying to figure out the criteria

for the VIP selections.

I guess I should start assembling my pieces

while I can.


Let's see what they decide to do now.

[sighs] There's no signal down here.

If Hirata wanted to talk,

we could have met up somewhere else!



[KARUIZAWA gasps] What? Why are you here?

We're glad you could make it!

This is the "Karuizawa begs for mercy" photoshoot!

[YAMASHITA laughs]

Make sure you get everything, Yamashita!

Sure thing!

Stop this!

I haven't done anything wrong, okay?

[MANABE] If that's true, why is your voice shaking?

[YABU] Look at her! She's scared!

[YAMASHITA] That's hilarious!

Her knees are trembling!

[MANABE] What's the matter, little piggy?

[YAMASHITA] Are you gonna cry again?

Please. Yeah, right!

It just occurred to me. You've been bullied before.


[MANABE] I called it!

[YAMASHITA] Oh, my gosh, she totally has!

Well, you already know how this goes!

So, start begging already!

--[gasps] --[MANABE] On your knees!

[GIRLS chanting] On your knees!

On your knees! On your knees! On your knees!

What are you talking about?

I've had enough of this!

[screams] Let me go! Now!

You don't leave until we say you can leave!


[KARUIZAWA grunts]

[YABU] Nice one!

[MANABE] Why don't you take a sh*t, Rika?

[RIKA] No thanks, I'm fine.

[MANABE] We're doing this for you!

That slap was sad!

Do it like this!

[KARUIZAWA grunts]

Your turn!

[GIRLS laugh]

--[RIKA grunting] --[slapping]


This is kinda fun!

[AYANOKOJI] Stanley Milgram conducted

a series of experiments and found that external pressure

can enhance a person's natural cruelty.

Yes! That's the kind of expression I like to see!

[AYANOKOJI] Well done, Manabe.

All I did was set the scene, and you've run with it.

[MANABE] If you just begged from the start...

[KARUIZAWA] Please, forgive me.

[AYANOKOJI] Getting Karuizawa to rock bottom will save me time.

This is necessary.

[KARUIZAWA] How did you find me?

It seems no matter how you try to change,

you'll always be a victim.

[gasps] You were watching all that?

I wouldn't bother reaching out to Hirata.


[AYANOKOJI] I know he's not really your boyfriend.

And I know about your past.

You have no secrets from me.

What that means for you is

I can expose you any time I want.

Let go!

You were terrified of being bullied again.

So, you hid your past and became a parasite that used others.

Where did that get you?

What--What are you planning to do with me?

[AYANOKOJI] Let's see how far you're willing to go.

Spread your legs.


[KARUIZAWA] I don't know what I expected.

You're just another bully, no better than those other girls.

Trying to make me do something ridiculous,

and using blackmail to get your way.

And yet, you don't seem to be resisting.

You don't understand anything.

What do you think people do when they're stuck in a reality

that they have no control over?

They simply accept it.

When placed in a hopeless situation,

they give up, and stop resisting the abuse.

That mentality invades every part of their lives.

They can't run away, or fight back.

It becomes a*t*matic.

There's more to it than that.

There's something you're trying to escape.


Something so dreadful that you'd be willing

to surrender your body.

What is this trauma that you're hiding?

I want to see it for myself.

No! Don't touch me!

[AYANOKOJI] Is this it? Is this your darkness?

I understand.

There are many kinds of despair that exist.

What you've been through definitely qualifies,

and you're not alone in that misery.

Those with darkness in their hearts are drawn together.

And then the stronger one between them

inevitably engulfs the other.

What? I'm confused.

What do you mean?

[AYANOKOJI] This world of ours contains more darkness

than you could ever imagine.

I'll release you from the shackles of your past.

Karuizawa, I promise you. From now on,

I will protect you.

And in a far more reliable way than Hirata or Machida.

[YAMASHITA] Oh, my gosh, she totally has!

[MANABE laughing]

The next time they come after you,

tell them you'll release this video,

and they'll leave you alone.

I want you to help me.

I have a problem that only you can solve.

Huh? Why would you need my help?

As it is now, Class D will never be able to move up.

But if you can use your popularity

to lead the other girls,

we'll make it so our class works together.

[AYANOKOJI] Right. This is something Horikita can't do.

Seriously? But why?

I'll keep the promise I made to you.

And all you need to do is help me out.

That's the kind of exchange

that you've been looking for, isn't it?

All right, then.

What's the next step in this plan of yours?

First thing's first.

I'd like for us to win this test.

And to do that...



[CHABASHIRA] Sorry to make you wait.

What did you need?

There's something that I'd like to purchase with points.

[AYANOKOJI] Already here, huh?

[phone beeping]

Ayanokoji! I'm sorry! I was hogging the sofa!


No, it's fine.

Can we chat for a bit? Before everyone else gets here?

To be honest, there's something I've been dying

to ask you about, Ayanokoji!


Yup! Is it true that you're trying

to get to Class A before graduation?

It would be nice, yeah.

What a diplomatic answer! It's the same for me!

It's a dream of mine to graduate as a part of Class A.

Too bad, though, huh? That we're in different classes.

I guess that means only one of us

can make our dream come true, right?

I suppose. Although,

there's another way for you to get into Class A, isn't there?

Ah, that's right!

You could just buy your way in with ,, points!


But from the rumors that I've heard about it,

nobody's ever done it before.

Hey, Ayanokoji.

Remember that time you borrowed my phone?

You saw my point total, didn't you?

Sorry, I wasn't trying to pry or anything.


It was during the end of the first term.

She had amassed a huge number of points.

[laughs] I wasn't accusing you of that!

It's fine that you saw.

But please don't spread it around!

Of course. It's none of my business.

I didn't expect you'd be here this early, Ayanokoji.

Looks like Ichinose's here as well!

Wait a sec.

Have we interrupted a romantic rendezvous?

[ICHINOSE] What are you imagining?

That's not the case at all!

[ICHINOSE] Let's start the final discussion!

Oh, Hamaguchi!

I believe you wanted to say something?

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

But I think everyone here wants to earn points.

And the best way to do that is to aim for a case one result.

[IBUKI] Thanks for stating the obvious.

[SOTOMURA] Of course!

That is the very motive for these discussions, is it not?

At the rate we've been going, we aren't going to find the VIP.

That's why I have a proposal.

We need to make a drastic change in our strategy.

[YUKIMURA] And what are you suggesting?

[HAMAGUCHI] A way to remove the possibility of falsehoods!

We should show each other the email we got from the school.

Everyone received an email on the first day

telling them if they were the VIP or not.

Since they're impossible to fake,

they'll be definitive proof.

This is ridiculous.

Aren't you forgetting about the case three result?

Someone could betray the group and steal the points.

If there's even one traitor, it's over.

I'm well aware of the risks in my plan.

However, if we keep playing it safe, only the VIP will win.

So, you'd rather our group take a gamble.

Yes. But my proposal evens the playing field

for those of us who aren't the VIP or their friends.

What do you guys think?

[HAMAGUCHI] If you think about it,

they'd be the only ones who'd object.

Do you seriously think we're all going to agree

to such a risky plan?

[ICHINOSE] You seemed awfully quick to reject it, Machida.

[MACHIDA] What's that?

Just thinking out loud.

If this ends in a deadlock and no one earns class points,

wouldn't that work out in Class A's favor?

But, on the other hand, that means the rest of us

from the other classes have an incentive

to take a risk, doesn't it?

[AYANOKOJI] Ichinose has to be behind this.

Hamaguchi may be speaking,

but I'll bet anything those are her words.

I can't force anyone to show their email

if they don't want to.

But since it was my idea, I'll show you my phone!


I'll show mine, too! Look, I'm not the VIP.

Oh, my! What a twist!

[AYANOKOJI] The longer we take to agree,

the more suspicious we look.

Might as well.

All right.

I'll go along with your proposal.

What are you doing?

Ayanokoji? You sure?


I see, so you weren't picked to be the VIP either.


Uh, whatever, I'll join.

Are you serious?

If we wait out the clock like this,

the entire test will just have been a waste of time.

It's better to risk it. Unless, one of you is the VIP?

Obviously not!

[KARUIZAWA] I'll show my email, too!

Any chance is better than none!

Fine, here it is. You happy now?

A wise man said, "If you can't b*at 'em, join 'em!"

It's not me, either!

Other than Class A, all that's left is you.

Come on! Show us your email!

I need everyone to promise, right now, that you won't

betray the group by turning in your answer early.

Does that mean it's you?

[YUKIMURA] Ayanokoji.

Please forgive me for lying to you.

I'm our group's VIP.

What? You're kidding!

I see.

[AYANOKOJI] Good job, Yukimura.

With that, our victory is all but guaranteed.


Let's all agree not to expose Yukimura!

We can win this test together!

I guess that's fine.

I appreciate that. I want to believe.

No, I choose to believe!


[BEPPU] Let's win this!

[SOTOMURA] We shan't betray your trust!

[AYANOKOJI] Of course, that's not gonna happen.

Blinded by greed, someone will betray the group.

But that's exactly what we want.

Yukimura isn't the VIP.

Earlier, I told him that the school chose me.

So, we swapped our cell phones with each other.

I wasn't expecting Ichinose to make a move.

But it still worked out.

--[phone rings] --[YUKIMURA gasps]

Yukimura, would you care to explain why you were

in possession of Ayanokoji's phone?

Oh? It's his? Who knew?

You see, I just called Ayanokoji's number,

but the phone in your hand rang!

And it couldn't have been your number, because I don't know it!

Does that mean that the real VIP is Ayanokoji?

What the heck is going on?

They switched phones?

Hah. That was pretty sneaky!

So, everything you said before was a lie?

You better explain yourselves, Class D!

Hold on! I didn't know anything about this!

[ANNOUNCER A] The discussion period is now over.

All groups must disperse...

[YUKIMURA] Damn it!

Finally showing everyone your true colors, Class D scum.

Nice job.

We got to see exactly how little your "trust" is worth.

Well, here's hoping that no one else

breaks their promise, huh?

[YUKIMURA] This is awful!

It all went according to plan.

[AYANOKOJI] Yup. This was the perfect outcome for us.

I need you because you're the VIP, Karuizawa.

[gasps] How did you know?

[AYANOKOJI] Hirata mentioned it to me.

It's good that you're the VIP. We can use that to set a trap.

First off, you and I need to exchange our cellphones.

Then, I'll pretend to be the VIP.

I'll convince Yukimura to trade cellphones,

but I'll keep him in the dark about your involvement.

For part two of our plan, we'll steer the conversation

to make him admit to being the VIP.

So, it doesn't matter if someone sees through our plan.

Because even if they figure out that you two swapped phones,

if they guess you, we still win!

[AYANOKOJI] But there's a critical flaw with this plan.

It doesn't matter how many times we switch. If we can't change

our phone number, we'd be exposed

the second someone called us.

What are we supposed to do, then?

When we swap phones, I'll keep my SIM card.

Aren't the SIM cards locked to their original phones?

The ones from the school don't let you take them out.

There's nothing you can't buy with points.

That's one of the fundamental rules of this school.

I'm certain I can get Ms. Chabashira

to sell me the key.

[KARUIZAWA] It worked out,

but I still feel kinda bad for Yukimura.

[ICHINOSE] Yeah, me, too!

Oh, Ichinose?

[ICHINOSE] After uncovering a lie, people have a tendency

to accept the next answer they hear as true.

Someone from our group is definitely

going to fall into your trap.

I see, that explains why you tried to call my phone.

I'm guessing Class B has something similar planned.

Great minds think alike!

Although, if you knew our plan, then why didn't you just

call us out during the discussion?

We didn't have to! We weren't gonna risk guessing.

So, we decided we should let

someone from Class A or Class C take the fall.

Was that the reason why you let all the discussions drag on?

Just so you could orchestrate this situation?

Yeah, something like that.

My turn!

I'm curious, did Horikita come up with this plan?

If not her, who else could?

[ICHINOSE] Huh... Well, if you say so!

[phone chimes]

Huh? Results?

[SUZUNE] How could this have happened?

Class C got so many points.

Somehow, Class A totally dropped the ball!

An acceptable result. But still.

[RYUEN] That's a nice expression.


Do you believe me now?

I did tell you that I'd find out the identities

of all the VIPs, didn't I?

Believe you?

You wouldn't hesitate for a second to betray the group

if that meant that you won.

Our group made it to the end, so there's no way you knew.

[RYUEN] Kikyo Kushida.

What's wrong?

Did you really think you could hide the VIP's identity?

I figured out it was Kushida by day two.

How'd you know?

It was painfully obvious.

I can read you like an open book.

That look on your face-- it gets me going.

I think I'll make you my next target.

How's that sound?

I'm going to tear you into pieces, body and soul.

Our second term is shaping up to be a fun one.

[AYANOKOJI] With how things are panning out,

Class D could be put in a difficult spot.