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02x05 - Every Failure Is a Step to Success.

Posted: 01/07/24 13:03
by bunniefuu

[SUZUNE] So, you're saying...

...she's a traitor?

Just think: there's no way anyone could've figured out

your group's VIP

with how careful you were.

I seriously doubt you or Hirata would let that information slip.

Of course not.

[AYANOKOJI] The only other answer

is that Kushida revealed it herself.

But why would she do that?

She has no reason to betray the group.

We can't say that for sure.

It's possible that another class paid her off

with private points.

Wait, seriously?

You think she'd just sell out Class D like that?

[AYANOKOJI] All I'm saying is it's a possibility.

The only one who knows the real reason is her.

And that's why you invited her to come along?

To find out her real motive?

You and Kushida appear to have some sort of history.

Not really.

Any class that allows a traitor in their midst

is doomed to fail.


[AYANOKOJI] If you want to lead the class to victory,

it's something to consider.


[STUDENT A] Keep up the hustle!

[STUDENT B] Come on, I can't hear you!

This was a surprise!

I mean, getting asked to tag along by you of all people!

I suppose so.

Watching everybody else is fun!

So, thanks again for inviting me!

Yeah, sure thing.

Although, you kinda brought the mood down

by inviting her along.

For some reason, Horikita doesn't like me

all that much, but you invited her, too!

To tell you the truth, she's the one

who planned this whole outing.

[KIKYO] Oh, wow, really?

I didn't expect that!

[SUZUNE] Kushida.

To be clear, I don't care about you in the slightest.

[gasps] How could you say something so mean to me?

Who cares?

I just wanted to know, during the special exam,

someone told Ryuen our VIP's identity.

Was it you?

What's that?

[AYANOKOJI] I knew that she wasn't gonna sugar coat it,

but I didn't expect her to be so upfront.

You don't have to confess. I'm not looking for that.

But it wasn't me.

All the same, as a member of Class D,

I need some kind of assurance that you can be trusted.

I still don't get why you think it's me betraying you.

All I want is for everyone to make it to Class A together!

I promise, it wasn't me!

If you say so.

[KIKYO] I can't wait for the sports festival!

[STUDENT AA] Don't worry, I'll beat you next year!

[ANNOUNCER A] Attention, students!

The third-year girls -meter dash is about to begin.

Competitors, please assemble at the designated location.

We got off to a strong start!

And now all we gotta do is win this thing!

You guys have been training for this!

We're gonna take first place in every single event!

That'll show 'em!

He's expecting a little much from us.

He does know we can't win every event, right?

[KEN] Fight like your life depends on it! Got it?

Come on, people!

I wanna see some excitement in your eyes, okay?

You just need to follow my lead

and give it everything you've got!

What's with him?

He's like a little kid trying to show off to his crush.

[AYANOKOJI] Is that...?

That's Sakayanagi.

She's one of the central figures of Class A.

Class A is on Team Red with us.

We lucked out.

[SAKAYANAGI] How are things coming along?

[HASHIMOTO] Well enough, I suppose.

And how has Class D been fairing?

On the whole, their students are below average.

Ken Sudo is their only standout.

Seems he's desperately trying to raise his class's morale.

Excellent. Just as anticipated.

[KEN] All right!

Let's keep up the good work and win this thing!

Who's with me?


[SUZUNE] It's a promising start.

[AYANOKOJI] Yeah. It's all thanks to you and Sudo.

Your wins let our team take an early lead in the competition.

[STUDENTS cheer]

[STUDENT AB gasps]

And there's him, impressive as always.

My brother wins at everything he does.

He's the embodiment of perfection.

Damn it, get moving, Koenji!

Your event's next and you're still just sittin' here?

Quit screwin' around!

First, she talks my ear off, and now you.

It's ridiculous how you can't do anything without my help.

What's that supposed to mean?

That cool girl you've been working so hard to impress.

She was practically begging me to compete in this festival.

[AYANOKOJI] That's surprising.

I would've been more than happy to participate.

But I'm feeling a little under the weather today.

You son of a--

[HIRATA] It's almost time for the next event!

If you're not there, it'll be bad for the whole team!

Yeah, yeah, I know that.

--assh*le! --[bang]

[KEN] Hey! Anyone skips out,

you'll have to deal with me!

He's a little too into this.

He's scary!

[SOTOMURA] If you need me, I'll be in the bathroom.

[airhorn blows]

[KEN] Go!

All right! It's time to show these losers

exactly what we're made of!

Don't let Sudo get past!

[gasps] Why are they focused on me?

This is really bad, Ken!

--What? --[BOYS grunting]

[ALBERT] Back off!

What the hell?

What are those class A punks trying to do, anyway?

Bastards. Just wait till I get up.

Damn it!


[ALBERT] Too easy.

You buncha cheaters. That's against the rules!

You know what? That's a good look for you.

Class D belongs in the dirt.

[AYANOKOJI] Are you all right?

I'm not gonna stand for this!

I'm gonna kick his ass!

Don't do it, you'll get yourself disqualified.

So, it's only okay if they break the rules?

They were careful to make it all look like an accident.

Gonna be pretty hard to prove otherwise.

[sighs] So much for winning every event.

My apologies, our class didn't keep

our part of the arrangement.

It's fine. We kinda messed up, too.

Nah, he's right! Those guys totally let us down!

What were you idiots even doing?

[STUDENT AC] Look over there!

[STUDENT AD] Is she okay?

No, Horikita!

I'll go back to the tent for a first aid kit!

Right, and I'll find a teacher!

[AYANOKOJI] Does it hurt?

If you're wondering if I can still compete today,

don't worry about it.

[SUZUNE] Don't touch me! What's wrong with you--

You shouldn't be walking on this, let alone running.

We've got way bigger things to worry about

than a bruised ankle.

That Class C girl you collided with?

I've got a strong feeling that she did it on purpose.

But still, focus on yourself.

I can take care of my problems just fine.

I heard that you had a talk with Koenji.

Big help that was. He still flaked.

Maybe if I was more like Kushida,

I might've been able to convince him

to help out the class for once.

Well, that's surprising. Never thought you'd say

you wish you were more like Kushida.

I don't wanna hear it.

It's not like I always hated her, you know.

Just don't tell anyone what I said.

If you say so.

Try not to push yourself too hard.

[SUZUNE] I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

[STUDENT chattering]

It looks like all the Class C girls are targeting Horikita!

Aw, man! This is Ryuen's doing!

[STUDENT AF shouts] I got it!


[IKE] Ken! Your event's up next!

Got it!

Are you okay? Your leg.

I'll be fine, thanks. What do you want?

Oh. That's good.

I just wanted to say that you can leave everything to me!

I'll fight hard enough for the both of us!

I'm very glad to hear that.

[KEN] Yeah! Come on, you guys!

We'll knock that jerkass Ryuen's head right off!

[AYANOKOJI] It started well.

Our strategy was to work in tandem

with the Class A students.


[AYANOKOJI] But Sudo let Ryuen get under his skin

--and lost his cool. --[airhorn blows]

Meaning, we lost the match.

I'm gonna teach that son of a bitch a lesson!

Just try to ignore it.

Yeah, that's real easy for you to say!

[AYANOKOJI] Looks like the early lead we had

is completely gone, now.

Hey, Kiyotaka, you think we can still win?


Wait. Did you just use my given name?

Well, I've been calling Hirata, "Yosuke" for a little while now.

So, I thought I'd give it a try.

Oh, yeah. Horikita's in bad shape, huh?

It's because Class C is targeting her.

Is that the reason she keeps getting matched up

against tough opponents? It's not just a coincidence?

That's right, and it's not just her.

From what it looks like,

our class's event selections were leaked.


Yeah. There's a traitor in our class

and they gave the list to him.

It seems that Ryuen has two goals in mind.

The first is to put their weakest students

up against our powerhouses, like Sudo.

Then strategically assign the rest of their class

to beat ours, accumulating more points overall.

His second goal is to completely crush Horikita's spirit.

No way.

With how far our class has fallen behind at this point,

do we still even have a chance to win?


I've never had any intention of winning.


[AYANOKOJI] Our best course of action in this moment

is to let this play out.

It's part of my plan.

The worse we lose in the sports festival,

the better our position will be later.

[KARUIZAWA] I don't understand this at all.

[KEN grunts] That smug bastard Ryuen

thinks he can get away with cheating.

I'm gonna beat the shit out of him!

You gotta calm down!

If you get disqualified for fighting,

we're definitely gonna lose it all!

Shut the hell up! Out of my way!

Don't forget, I'm the leader as far as this is concerned!

Yeah, I know, but look at how you're acting!

Would you follow someone who lashes out like that?

'Cause I sure wouldn't.

What's with you guys?

Can't you see me bustin' my ass to win this for our team?

[YUKIMURA] Is that really the case?

What the--?

You keep saying you're doing this for the class.

But it looks to me like

you're just trying show off how great you are.

Shut your mouth!

[HIRATA] You're an irreplaceable member of the team, Sudo!

Calm down.

You gotta look at the bigger picture!

Don't tell me to calm down!

Everyone here is counting on you.

Please, stop it!

[KEN] I told you to shut up!

[YUKIMURA] Hirata!

[MIT] Is he okay?

Wow, Ken.

What's this? What happened to you?

Oh. I tripped and fell, clumsy me!

I'm all good now, thank you!

That's not what it looks like to me.

But if that's your story, then I won't pry any further.


[KEN growls] I'm outa here! Screw this sports festival!

[IKE] But, Ken!

What are we supposed to do without you?

If he wants to leave, let him.

[ANNOUNCER A] Attention, students.

We will continue with the afternoon's events

after a -minute break.

Oh, right.

You're about to tell me it's my job to get Sudo to come back.

Well, at least you already know.

If he doesn't come back before the break is over,

we'll have no hope of winning.

[SUZUNE] What's the point?

It's not like he'll listen to me.

I have enough to worry about,

I'm not gonna waste my time coddling him.

[AYANOKOJI] How long are you going to be utterly useless?

What do you mean by that?

What do you think?

I'm just calling it as I see it, and you're useless.

[SUZUNE] You're joking.

I know I'm much more useful than all those idiots in our class!

If it wasn't for all these accidents...

Yeah, so, does everything that's happened to you,

and the whole class,

really strike you as coincidental?

No, of course not!

Even I can tell that it all leads back to Ryuen.

But there's nothing I can do!

My hands are tied and I don't know

what my next step should be.

If you ask me, this is the perfect chance

for you to acquire a w*apon.


Moving forward,

you'll find there are limits to what you can accomplish alone.

Even now, you're nearly helpless by yourself.

That's not--

You need something that you can use in these situations.

Ken Sudo can be that w*apon.

In the right hands, he'd find his worth.

Use him, in the same way I use you.


[AYANOKOJI] Tell me, what else do you think you'd be doing?

Praying that your ankle somehow recovers?

Good luck with that.

I'm not sure.

I'll leave you to think it over yourself.

[KARUIZAWA] Come on.

How long are you gonna keep it a secret?

Can't you just tell us who the traitor is?

Sorry, now's not the time.

Huh? But why is that?

Wait. If you knew there would be a traitor,

we could've stopped them from leaking out our class's list.

That's true.

But that's something you'd have to ask Horikita about.

[KARUIZAWA gasps] Where is Horikita right now?

I haven't seen her in a little while.

She's busy, taking care of something only she can do.

[KIKYO] There you are! Hey, Horikita!

Oh, it's you. Is something wrong?

Yeah! It's bad!

You know, Kinoshita, the girl you ran into before?

They had to take her to the nurse!


And now, they said they want you

to come to the nurse's office, too!

All right, I'll go.


Hey there, Suzune.

[SUZUNE] Wait. What are you doing here?

Poor Kinoshita was just telling me what you did to her.

I can hardly believe that you would stoop so low.

What are you trying to say?

Don't play dumb.

Kinoshita said that you knocked her over on purpose!

That's just absurd! Why would I do that?

When I fell,

you looked over at me and then said,

"As if I'd ever let you take first place."

[gasps] That isn't true!

You know I never said anything like that!

[RYUEN] Oh, come on.

Is this the kind of injury that happens by accident?

It's shocking.

How cold-blooded does someone have to be to do that?

[MINORI grunts]

I've had enough of this!

You're just trying to set me up!

And now it seems you're trying to blame me

to cover up your own wrongdoing.

How sad can you get?

[SUZUNE] It's nearly impossible for me to prove

that I didn't intend to hurt her.

In other words, it's The Devil's Proof.

I think it'll be best if Kinoshita reports this incident

to the school, don't you?

The school?

You could try to prove your innocence

and bring it up to the Student Council.

Don't bother.

[SUZUNE] No matter what, I can't make trouble for my brother.

Wait! Please, Ryuen!

I know Horikita, and she isn't the kind of person

who'd try to injure someone on purpose.


There's no way she meant to hurt Kinoshita!

So, couldn't she just say that she's sorry?

You know that could work. Depending on how sorry she is.

I want a million points. How's that sound?

All you have to do is pay up, and this goes away.

It's only fair that Kinoshita gets compensated for her injury.

Don't be ridiculous. Is this what you were after?

Why you orchestrated this whole thing?

Too bad. It looks like we're gonna have to

bother the student council, after all.

Hold on!

If I give you ,, points,

do you promise that you'll never bring this up again?

Yeah. But, I'm afraid you're too late.

That offer was only available for a limited time.

[SUZUNE] What?

[RYUEN] You really shouldn't have turned it down.

[RYUEN] Let me think.

Now, on top of the points.

I want you to grovel.

You're truly a disgusting person.

Well, I'm not gonna force you to make a decision right now.

Why don't I give you till the end of the festival?

[SUZUNE] I should've seen it coming.

I was careless and fell right into his trap.

Right, I'll check on that now, sir.


[SUZUNE] I'm keenly aware that Class D

isn't pulling their weight.

And the effect that's having on the entire team's score.

I know that the fault lies in my leadership.

But I promise I'll turn it around.

No matter what, I won't bring you down with me.

I couldn't sense a shred of sympathy from him,

but he stopped and listened to me.

I'll have to be satisfied with that.

[SUZUNE] All right, then.

For Class D to have any chance of coming back,

there's one more thing I need to take care of.