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03x17 - Paper or Plastic?

Posted: 01/08/24 09:36
by bunniefuu
Gosh, there's 500 channels

and there's nothing good on TV.

What do you mean?

Look, how about

- -the discovery channel?
- -Nah.

- -History channel?
- -Nah.

- -Pbs?
- -Nah.

The learning channel?

What, are you nuts?

So, what do you want to watch?

Iranian bandstand?

So, there is something on!

Turn it up!

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

Ladies. Terrence and I are

going to the pistons game.

No kidding.

- I hope it isn't too much.
- We have courtside seats.

- You never know when
- a camera might pan your way.

- Yeah, the Lakers
- have Jack Nicholson

The Knicks have spike Lee

and the pistons have you.


Hey, ray. I have some bad news.

- I'll say, when Tia and I
- wear the same thing

People think it's cute

but you guys

just look kinda goofy.

- Tamera's right.
- I better go change.

Don't bother.

I can't go to the game.

Here's my ticket.

What happened?

Well, the supermarket clerks

union just called a strike.

Those ungrateful little babies.

- They don't know
- how lucky they are

- To have such a cushy job
- like that!

- Now I have to go
- all the way back

To the food boy

and bag groceries.

Do you know how hard that is?

Aw, man!

- Now I have to go
- to the game alone.

- Oh I'm sorry ray! Hopefully, it
- will only have to be like this

Until I can hire

some replacements.


- Don't you mean strike-breaking,
- union-busting scabs?

Yeah! You know some?

Hey! Girls, how would

you like to fill in

for those greedy slackers

and make some extra cash?

- You're not supposed to
- cross a picket line. Are you?

What loudmouthed rabble-rouser

- is filling your head
- with all that nonsense?

I am.

- This is a pro-union household,
- Terrence.

Wait a minute. I'm an employer.

I can understand

Terrence's dilemma.

- I know what it's like
- to have some union

Nitpick you over some

rinky-dink demand.

Now what is it this time?

A cost-of-living increase.

- Listen, now,
- I'm management too.

I own a cart down at the mall.

- You don't see any of my
- employees going on strike.

You don't have any employees.

Oh no! What about that

part-time, teenage temporary


I hired for that one day.

- You didn't see her
- go out on strike.

Mom, that was me.

- I'm trying to make
- a point here, Tia

And the point is, Terrence,

some people do have principles.


- Right, right, right...
- Principles.

You can't put a price

on principles.

Although a good price might be

six dollars an hour.

Mm, I don't know.

No, cash!

And all the loose grapes

you can eat.

Ah, forget it.

I do that anyway.

How about the broken

chocolate-covered yogurt balls?

Well, all righty, then!

Give me a price g*n

and an apron.

Terrence, I'm yours.

Tia, you with me?


I have principles... darn it!

Well, too bad.

I'll bring you

a broken yogurt ball.

- Don't be bringing
- food boy stuff here.

None of that scab food

will touch my lips.

- Look tamera, crossing a picket
- line can get kind of sticky.

Dad, I've been in sticky

situations before.

- If I can sneak out
- of geometry class

I can sneak into food boy.

Not that I've ever done that.

That was just an example.

- Tamera, now, why do
- you want to do this?

Lisa, the job would

give me self-respect.

I'll be earning my own way.

Plus, I want these really

cool earrings I saw today.

Whenever you shake your head

they play the theme from E.R.

Come on, tamera.

We're proud to have you

as a member of

the food boy family.

- Listen, do you have
- any other friends

Who don't have any integrity?

Yeah. Lots of them.

There's Steve

and there's scooter.

Good! Yes!

- You know, maybe I should go - get
her sit her down and - Explain to her

The social ramifications

of crossing a picket line.

- She's old enough
- to make her own mistakes.

She'll find out soon enough

what it's like in a non-union


- -Are you sure?
- -Oh, yeah.

Good. It's almost tip-off time.

But I won't miss a minute.

- You want to come
- along to the game?

No, thank you.

We got courtside seats

- -next to the pistons.
- -Uh-uh.

12 tall guys in shorts.

All right. I'll go.

- Thank you for
- shopping food boy.

Oh, and please excuse

for the obscenities

on your way in.

Excuse me, dude.


It's Mr. Winningham.



I'm Mr. Winningham.

What is it now, Steve?

- I'm still having trouble
- stacking these oranges.

Do we have any that are,

like, less round?

No, Steve, we have

no cube-shaped fruit.

Look, I'll stack the oranges.

You go outside and round up

all the shopping carts, okay?


Tamera, the more I watch you

the more impressed I am

with your natural ability.

Well, I feel it's my obligation

to guide and inspire the


After all, I am the head scab.

No. No, no, no!

Look, eggs are on top.

Maybe I can help you.

I made up a little poem

- to help me remember
- proper bagging procedure.

Eggs and bread

are kind of like the head

meat is like the feet

and all the rest

go in the chest

except for

the really heavy cans

which are kind of

like the feet.

Oh, I know.

- The last verse
- needs a little work.

Morning, ma.

- Wait a minute. Tia... are those
- food boy flakes?


I told you, we're not eating

- none of that scab food
- in this house.


Does that include

farmer food boy sausage links?

I told you, no.

These are the spicy ones

- that plump up
- when you cook them.

Mmm... mm-mm.

No. No, besides,

I like the patties.

I have them too.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.
- I'm not giving in, ray. No.

No, ray. No...

Mom, my civics teacher,

Mr. Dornan, says

- that if the unions
- gain too much power

They can be counter-productive

in a free-market society.

What are you saying?

Mom, I want my food boy flakes!

No, Tia. Now don't worry honey!

I went down to the 7-Eleven

- and I got some of those
- tiny little doughnuts.

I hate those.

- You better eat them.
- They cost me ten dollars.

You said you're gonna tell Tia

what you did last night

at the basketball game.

Oh, no. You're not

the new mascot, are you?

- No... although I got
- more cheers than he did

When I walked away in that top.

Well, what happened?

- They picked her
- ticket number to compete

At the half time

free-throw contest.

You won?

- Don't ask me how.
- I just picked up the ball

- And flung it at that - round
thing with the strings - On it

And in it went. Squish!

- No no no... "Swish," and the
- thing is a hoop.

Well, what did you win?

- Free dinner for two
- at dot and etta's shrimp hut.

Who are you gonna take?


- Because next weekend, I compete
- for the grand prize.

Well, I hope it's dinner

for four so I can go.

No, no. It's a truck.

A 4 x 4 blazer.

With cup holders.

- This time she has to sh**t
- from the three-point line.


So, we have to go to the park

- so, I can make sure
- you have the proper form.

- At least that way you have
- a chance of winning that truck.

- Come on Lisa.
- This is very important.

- Terrence and I want
- to go camping next month

And I want that 4 x 4!

- Well, well, I guess it
- couldn't hurt.

I got a little more to learn.

- I don't want to embarrass
- myself

- And throw the ball
- in the dugout.

I better clear my week.

Oh, hey, tamera, did you hear?

My mom has a chance to win

a new 4 x 4 blazer.

Really? Well, I guess if you

can't afford to buy one

winning one is

the next best thing.

You know if my mom were here

she'd say what you're

doing is exploiting

honest, hardworking

people's misfortunes and...

Wowee, are those twenties?

Yep. They pay me in cash.

- Something about not wanting
- to leave a paper trail.

- Hey Tia, if you want to hop on
- this money train

Just say the words

and I can sneak you in

through the loading dock.

No, thank you.

I have scruples. Darn it!

Well, I have

scruples too and...

A hundred and fifty bucks.

So, last night

- this woman comes up
- to my check-out counter

And hands me

a 12-pack of diet coke.

Yeah? Yeah?

Then what happened?

She hands me a coupon for...

Get this... Pepsi!

Why are you guys laughing?

That's not funny.

- I know, but tamera
- just bought us lunch.

- The least we could do
- is suck up.

You bought them lunch?

Tia, what's a couple

of bean burritos at senor taco?

About 23 minutes

bagging groceries at food boy.

I love making money.

- Tamera, you're more fun
- to hang out with

- Since you've become
- a career woman.

Career woman?

Please! She's a scab.

Well, I got to go to class.

Here's your books, tamera.

Oh, thank you, Ernie.

- Here's a little something
- for your trouble.


Tamera, you are the b*mb!

I'll run ahead

and warm your seat.

Well, if it isn't

the passe posse.

Yeah, and if it

isn't miss diss.

Oh, Rhonda. Good. You're here.

I was just grappling

about a little fashion dilemma.

What else is new?

Well, this sweater, for one.

Now, what color skirt

would go best?

That sweater!

- That's the sweater
- from the display window

At that new store

in the mall, vestito!


Tamera, that's

a really expensive store.

Well, I needed

something to wear

to the coolio concert.

Since when are you going

to the coolio concert?

- Since, I worked enough overtime
- to afford a scalper.

I hate you so much.

Then my work here is done.

You don't work

at food boy, do you?

No. It's against

my politics. Darn it!

Good, then I can still

make fun of you.

Nice outfit.

Home ec project?

So, t.W., you like how I turned

the bruised fruit around

- so nobody can see
- the soft spots?

You are the best.

Uh, that's nice to hear,

because... I have a problem.

Well, it's not

exactly a problem.

- I don't even know
- why I'm saying this

But, um... I have tickets

to the coolio concert

so, I can't work on Saturday.

Tamera, Saturdays

are our busiest day.

You have to work.

- Mmm, I didn't know
- that was part of our deal.

What deal?

The deal is, I tell you when to

work and you do it.

Oh, is that our deal?

That's not a very good deal.

Oh, come on, Terrence.

I'm your head scab.

- Look, tamera,
- I just can't let you off.

Oh, man!

I wanted to go

to the coolio concert.

Oh, I get it.

You're bluffing.

Well, I'm going to the concert

and if you don't like it,

I dare you to fire me.

Go ahead and try.

I'm your best worker.

You're not going to find

anyone else in the world

like me.

Oh, Terrence

I restocked all the shelves.


Hi, tamera!

Guess what? I changed my mind.

I'm working here at food boy.

And you were saying?

- I can't believe
- that Tia went behind my back

And crossed that picket line.

- You know,
- a wise person once said

- "she's old enough
- to make her own mistakes."

- That wasn't a wise
- person, ray, that was me.

- Please forget about
- Tia's principles right now.

- We've got a sports utility
- vehicle to win.

Come on now.

Now, look...

Remember, what you got to do is

- you got to be
- one with the ball.


Then you bend your knees

and you just do like that

- and follow through
- with your arm.

- Ray, let's just go back to
- the park and practice.

Oh, it's cold

and rainy out there.

- Besides, this
- is a controlled environment.

- Ray, those kids weren't
- laughing at you that much.

Yes, they were.

But they seemed to like you.

- They even gave you a nickname:
- "Airball."

- They can say that, not you.
- Now, start practicing.

Winning those dinners

was just dumb luck.

- This is just
- going to mess me up.

See, it's attitudes like that

- going to have you
- driving home that old caddy

Instead of my...

Your brand-new blazer.

Come on, remember what I said

- and just do it. - You'll see the difference.
- Go ahead now.

Nice rotation.

Hi, Lisa.

Hi, Roger.

- The kids at the park said
- you're going for the blazer.

-Hi, Roger.

-Hi, airball.

- If you need some pointers,
- I can help.

- I'm the best foul-sh**t
- on my church team.

That's no problem.

- I have everything
- under control, Roger.



Can you teach me how to sh**t?

- Sure! It's easy.
- The important thing is...

The important thing is...

- That Lisa doesn't
- have time to learn

Some unorthodox technique.

What's wrong with my technique?

Oh, nothing... just how

you cock your head

to the left there.

And you splay your

arms out like that

when you release the ball.

I do that?

Oh, man, you're right.

I've never realized that

what am I going to do?

No problem.

I'm going to help you.

Oh... sorry I had to leave

but I had to sell

my coolio tickets.

- You know, I didn't think it was
- going to take you this long.

- Oh, selling them
- didn't take long.

It took two hours

to pry them out of my hand.

Oh! And by the way

thanks for covering

for me, traitor!

You're welcome, slacker!

- -Whoa, girls, girls.
- -Yeah

Please, please.

Remember, we're all one big,

happy food boy family.

By the way, I'm docking you.

Fine. Tia, just move over,

'cause I'm on the register.

Oh... not anymore.

You're a cart wrangler

- so go on out there and start
- taking back those carts

From the homeless people.

I'm the head scab!

You know what, Tia?

- He shouldn't be pushing
- me around like that.

I mean, who can we complain to?

Nobody, tamera.

We're not in a union.

If we were, we'd be getting

paid twice as much.

We'd have paid vacations,

health insurance

- -accident insurance...
- -Aw, come on, Tia.

None of that stuff

interests me...

- -Paid vacations?
- -Yeah!

Where's the broccoli go, man?

Steve, do you mind?

We're discussing important

labor relations.

Hey, tamera, what's going on?

Well, food boy's been using us

and I think maybe it's time

we did something about it.

Like what?

You guys... we can organize.

Stand together.

Speak with one voice.

Make a list of demands.

Wow, tamera.

- You're really stirring up
- a lot of trouble here.

I'm impressed!

No, sister.

You're o-pressed.

And so am I.

And so are you.

And so are... well...

Not exactly you,

but everyone else

wearing a food boy apron.

So are you guys with me?

I said... are you with me?!


Are you tired of working

for half the pay and no



- And are you tired
- of working on Saturday

- When you should be going
- to a coolio concert?

- Okay, well, well...
- That's just me.

But I'm former head scab

and I say we can't

take it anymore.

- So, let's go bond
- with our brothers and sisters

In that parking lot.

Yeah! You go, girl!

Come on! sh**t!

We going on strike!

Hey! Hey!


- Where should I put
- the broccoli, man?

Wait a minute.

Where's everyone going?

Why is everyone taking a break?

You guys don't get breaks.

Yeah, I know.

That's why the scabs

are going on strike.

Got that right.

Here... I think you know

where to put this.


How would you like to work

for six dollars an hour?

Make it eight, and we'll talk.

- Girls, tell me
- what I'm doing wrong.

- Well, for starters,
- you're here.

This is serious.

- I have to remember
- everything your father told me

So, I can forget it.

- See now, that's the form,
- Roger.

It is? That's what I was trying

to remember to forget.

I got my shot back.

You know, Mr. Campbell

- we're playing east side baptist
- next week.

Maybe you can coach their team.

Oh, hi, mom!

So, how did you do?

- I can't talk right now.
- My blazer's in the driveway.

Oh, you won?!


- Oh mommy, can I drive it?
- No, I want...

No, I didn't win the car.

As a matter of fact

- because of ray,
- I beaned a cheerleader.

But you said you have a blazer.

- I do. The pistons played
- the Portland trailblazers.

- I got a date with
- the second-string forward.

Be out in a minute, buck!

So, why aren't you at work?

- Tamera organized
- all the workers.

We went on strike

which shut the

whole store down.

Right. We forced management

back to the bargaining table.

But this time, they have to

negotiate in good faith.

- Oh wait minute! I thought you - just
wanted this job to make - Some money

To buy some stupid earrings.

Well, one thing led to another

and the next thing you know

I became a union organizer.

- -Hi!
- -Hi!

- -Oh...
- -Oh...

Hey, it's over!

The strike has been settled.


- Well, the union gave a little
- on the pension issues

And management gave in to

the cost-of-living increase.

And paid vacations?


All right! We're going

back to work!


-You guys got jobs already?

We work for you.

Oh, not anymore. The union

workers are going back.

Well, then, we'll

join the union.

Are you kidding?

You guys were scabs.

- You'll be lucky if you
- can shop in the store.

But wait a minute.

- We're the ones
- that forced you guys

To settle the strike.

And the union membership

is very grateful.

- That's why they sent
- over this plant.

Let me get this straight

- the food boy strike
- is definitely over?

- -Yeah!
- -Ooh!

Give me those food boy chips.

Quick, gimme, gimme.

Mmm... mesquite.

I know this may not

have turned out

the way you wanted

but take pride in what you did.

That's fine, but they don't

take pride at vestito.

They take master charge,

visa and American express

but no pride.

I'm sure you girls feel like

- you got the short end
- of the stick.

I just hope you can forgive me.

I am sorry Terrence,

you double-crossed us.

- You exploited us,
- and you made it

- That we can't show
- our face in the store.

- There's nothing you can do
- to make up for this.

Not even a brand-new bag

of chocolate-covered

yogurt balls?

- -We forgive you
- -we forgive you.


Uh, excuse me.

Mm, my blazer.

You ready to go, buck?

Yeah. Just one minute.

- Now ray, what did you say
- I was doing wrong

On my jump shot?

- Oh. See, the way you tilt
- your head to the left

And rotate your body...

- Come on, buck, let's get
- out of here

Before he ends your career.

That's buck.