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03x19 - Summer Bummer

Posted: 01/08/24 09:38
by bunniefuu
- Yeah just because of
- it's Lisa's poker night.

- Doesn't mean we can
- take care of ourselves.

I have everybody's

dinner assignment

right on this handy checklist.

Tamera, table set?


- -Tia, iced tea made?
- -Check.

And to me, I'll wash dishes

after dinner.

All right, let's eat.

Uh, dad?

I think you forgot something.

Right. Make dinner.

- -Check!
- -Check!

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

- Well, today was
- the last day of school.

Tamera and I are really happy.

As if!

I have to take biology

in summer school.

What a waste of time.

The study of living things?

- When is that going to come up
- in real life?

And I signed up as counselor

at cucamunga day camp

- because I thought Nick Bryant
- was going to work there.

Oh, I've been dreaming

about him all year.

But he has to take

biology again too.

Tough luck, Tia.

- Yeah, I mean, summer camp
- was my best hope

To get close to Nick.

- When you're surrounded
- by eight-year-olds

Gluing stuff to pine cones

hey, anything can happen.

You know, Tia,

we're not very smart.

We've got this twin thing

staring us in the face

- and we never take advantage
- of it.

Oh, no, we are not going

to trade places again.

First of all

if your dad finds out,

he'll go ballistic.

You know what he says about

using our twin powers for evil.

Yeah, bad idea.

- Why would I want to be
- a summer camp counselor

With all the heat and bugs

when I can spend six weeks

of summer

in an air-conditioned

biology class with Nick Bryant.

Terrible idea.

- Tamera, I know
- what you're doing.

You're using

reverse psychology.

- You're not going
- to trade places with me?

Yeah, I'm going to do it.

Oh, ray, I meant to tell you.

- Tamera asked me if she could go
- to the mall today after school.

I told her it was okay.

She's supposed to study.

Yeah, I know, but it's summer.

- Well, that's why
- she's in summer school.

Because she didn't study

in fall, winter

or spring school.

Ease up, ray.

I know she's not my daughter

- but, hey, she's a girl,
- I'm a girl.

- Girls, we just want
- to have fun.

- You can't be one of the girls,
- Lisa. You have to be a parent.

- Otherwise, they just walk
- all over you.

- Now, warm support, firm limits.
- That's my credo.

I've raised Tia

with loose reins

and she turned out just fine.

Hi, Tia.

How was camp?

Uh, okay.

So, what did you do?

- What is with this third
- degree?

Can't you trust me?

Well, somebody dropped

her weeny in the campfire.

Hi, Tia.

- A whole week,
- and it's working like a charm.

Tamera! Your face.

What? A zit?


What's wrong with your face?

Oh, this?

Uh... I was putting on

my makeup on the school bus.

It was a very bumpy ride.

- You'll never guess
- who's coming to visit us.

Grandpa Campbell.

- Now, I want you guys
- to spend some time with him.

- There's nothing more important
- than family.

- That's going to be rough
- because I'm in summer c...


and Tia's in summer camp.

- Right. I'm in camp,
- she's in school.


-Hey, dad!


Well, the girls were saying

they're looking forward

to spending time with you.

- Oh, they probably have
- all kinds of stuff to do.

Yeah, I'm in summer... school

and Tia's in summer camp.

- Right, I'm in camp.
- She's in school.

- Ray, I was hoping
- to spend time with you.

We can finally go

on that fishing trip.

What fishing trip?

- The one you've been dying
- for me to take you on.

I was 12.

- Oh, so now,
- you don't want to go.

Well, I'm starving.

They don't feed you anything

at that stupid summer camp.


See what I did?

I said "camp" when I obviously

meant "school."

Wasn't that funny, Tia?


They have their own language.


I'm touched, you came

all this way

to go fishing with me?

You're not in any

trouble, are you?

The law or some kind of scam?

Oh, absolutely not, son.

- Well, let's get
- your gear upstairs

- And next week,
- I'll make time to go fishing.

That works out fine.

- I really shouldn't show my face
- for a couple of days.

Excuse me?

- Well, remember
- that sporting goods store

- -i opened in Mexico?
- -Yeah.

Well, this is all that survived

that mysterious

electrical fire.

See, now, there you go, dad.

Mysterious fires,

having to lay low.

- What kind of example is that
- to set for the girls?

I'll be on my best behavior.

I promise.


By the way.

- A district attorney
- Gonzalez might call.

- I put you down as
- a character reference.

I doubt if he'll call,

but just in case.

Oh, man!

So, Tia, how am I doing

in summer school?


- Not too great, or people
- will get suspicious.

Hey, don't worry.

I'll try harder to maintain

your low standards.

Well, thanks, sis.


you're not doing well

in the Nick Bryant department.

- He won't give you
- the time of day.

You can start referring

to yourself now, Tia.

Okay, he won't give me

the time of day.

- Even when I asked him
- what time it was

- He wouldn't give me
- the time of day.

Tia, why not take the

initiative and ask him out?

I did.

I asked him to join me

in the library

and maybe form a study group.

Listen, Tia, that kind of stuff

might work in honors algebra

- but you're in summer school,
- honey!

Act like it.

Well, can you help me, tamera?

I'm so bad at being bad.

Well, okay, let's talk.

You know, I wrote a song

just for you.

What's your name again?


Could you change it to Paula?

Sure, Nicky.

♪ Paula, when I see you

in the hall-a ♪

♪ don't you know you really

all-a that... ♪

Uh, Mr. Bryant...

How about sharing

all-a-that oral report

on photosynthesis?

Photo what?

Never mind.

Where's tamera?


The girl who sits next to you

who answered

every question yesterday.

- I don't know
- who you are talking about.

She means me.

Whoa! Was you the girl

that was up in here yesterday?

Yeah. I'm tamera Campbell.

You know, the one

from summer school

not camp.

Thanks for that introduction.

You're late.

And your point is?

- Tamera, would you
- please sit down?

- The rest of the class
- would like to get to work.

Who would like to describe

the process for photosynthesis?

Uh, say, listen, tamera.

- Let's say you and I
- get together after school

And, uh... not do our homework.

I'm tired.

- When are we getting
- to lake merton, Reggie?

Reggie is not my Indian name.

I'm "swims with the salmon."


According to my

cucamunga camp manual

we should be reaching

lake merton soon.

But why don't we ask our

counselor, "brave as buffalo."

Water! Water! Water!

Hey! What if I get thirsty

on the hike?

We're resting right here,

"eats every five minutes."

I hope there aren't any

wild wolverines around here.

Actually, the last known wild

Wolverine disappeared years ago

with the encroachment of man.

- Can I see that book
- for a moment?

- Certainly. Are you interested
- in wolverines?


I hope you don't regret that.

Now this is what it's all

relaxing with mother nature,

chillin' with coolio.

Well, if it's all the same

to you, "brave as buffalo"

I'm going on ahead

with "leaping elk,"

"flies with squirrels"

"graceful moose,"

"whistling Robin"

and Randy, who came

too late to get a name.

Excuse me!

Hey, Randy

anything left in your lunch bag

besides your fingerprints?


You guys come back here

right now!

Oh, man! Hold up!

Boy, this is great, huh?

Little time in

the woods all alone

just you and me.

Hey, wait up, guys.

And Roger.

Thanks for bringing me along.

You jumped into the car, Roger.

You could've kicked me out.

You guys are the best.

- Hey, that looks like
- a good spot over there, dad.

If you two want to bond,

just let me know. I won't look.

- I was hoping to spend
- this quality time with my son.

- Ray, you go south,
- I'll go north.

We'll meet back here

in four hours.

- Five bucks for whoever
- catches the biggest fish.

You're on.

I'll go with you Mr. Campbell.

Maybe you and I could bond.

- We'll, why don't we
- just fish, Roger?

Any bonding happens,

will all be to the better.

Wait! Wait! Wait!

- Guys, I'm sure
- that wasn't a bear.

But just in case, we'll just

sit here and eat doritos.

Oh, no! A bear!

Hold it. Hold it

right there, tamera.

Tamera? I'm Tia.

Actually, her name is

"brave as buffalo."

If her father catches her

her name will be

"dead as doornail."

Where's my dad?

- He's at the lake fishing.
- And why are you up here?

Well, uh...

I'm in, I'm in summer school.

You know, and we're

having a field trip

with the other kids

in my biology class.

This isn't biology class.

Work with me here.

Say no more.

You and Tia are pulling

the old switcheroo, huh?

- Boy, what I could
- have done with a twin

In that trailer park

deal back in '79.

Anyway, what you're

doing is wrong.

A mistake, a gaffe,

a faux pas, a boo-boo.

All right! All right!

- You're not going to tell
- my dad, are you?

Soupy Campbell has never

ratted on anybody.

But I did promise your father

- I wouldn't be a bad
- influence on you.

I won't break that trust.

Here's what you do.

For the next few hours,

I suggest you get lost.

No, no, no! This way.


Okay, cherokees

now, who can tell us

where we are.

I can.

We're lost.

I know.

Hello? Oh, yeah. Yeah.

- How's Tia doing up at that
- camp?

What? What?

My Tia is missing?

- What are you still doing
- on the phone?

- Get search and rescue!
- Some helicopters!

Get-get Rambo!

- -Hi, mom.
- -Not now, Tia.

You're lost in the woods.

Oh, hello. She's all right.

She's here.

Have a nice day. Thanks.

- Tia, that was your camp.
- They said you were missing.

Mom, that's terrible!

We'd better go up

and find... me.

Tia, what's going on?

Nothing. Everything's fine.

- Hi, tamera.
- You left your books in my car.


Um, I'm Tia.

- You're looking
- for my twin sister tamera.

I've never even met you.

If you wanted to dump me

you could have done better

than that lame twin excuse.

I said I'm Tia...


I was about to take you

to the t.L.C. Concert too

but now I'm just going

to have to ask bernice

who changed her name to Paula.

Well, if you do that, Nick

we're through!

Well, that's what my sister

tamera would say

if she were here.

Tia, don't tell me...

Okay, I won't tell you.

Tell me!

Mom, I'm sorry.

- I wanted to go to summer school
- because I wanted to meet Nick

Who was going out with Paula

who used to be bernice

and tamera took my place

at summer camp

and now she's lost!

- We got to go that camp.
- We got to find tamera.

- I got to call the camp
- from the car

And tell them

it's not you that's lost,

it's tamera that's lost.

Aren't you going to yell at me?

Oh, I'm saving that

for the ride up there.

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Now, let's not panic.

This is where our

camp cucamunga training

comes in handy.

What training?

Excuse me. What do you call

all the projects we worked on

back at camp?

We're going to make

more macaroni jewelry?

No, of course not!

We're going to...

Do you remember anything

you read in that book

before I threw it away?

We could build a small

lean-to for shelter

and hunt small game for food...

Or we can go hitch a ride

at that interstate.


My fellow cherokees

in the words

of chief crazy horse

"well, all righty, then!"



Oh, thank goodness.


Cherokees, come on!

- Get in here!
- Now sit and behave.

- I'll call the camp
- and tell them we're okay.


When you're through

- I'd like a word
- with the camp director.

- Frankly, you are
- a less than adequate counselor.

- Give it a rest,
- "blabbers with mouth."

That's another thing

now that we're no longer

at camp

- I think we should
- use our real names.

Good idea, dork face!

Hello. Yes.

Uh, this is, uh, Tia Landry.

Oh, we were lost,

but we're fine now.

We hitched a ride, but I've got

the entire tribe at my house

- and I'm going
- to take them home.


I understand.



He fired me.

Great. This will look

terrible on my record.

- I'm never going to be able
- to get another job.

Wait a minute.

I'm not Tia.



Spoke too soon.

Aha! So old switcheroo's

gone awry, huh?

Big time.

Hide these kids.

- Your daddy will be here
- any second.

Everybody, hide!

- This isn't time
- for playing games.

This is no game, son.

We're trying to fool a parent.

Say no more!

Camp shirt!

Have I taught you nothing?

- I forgot to change.
- I need a jacket.


Hey, come on.

Boy, what a scorcher out there.

- Aren't you going to be warm
- in that?

Oh. Well, uh...

The air conditioning

was on so high at school

I'm still cold.


- Wish you could have been - up
at the lake fishing - With us, tamera.

Oh, I was.

Wishing the same thing,

because summer school

is more important.

What's that noise?

Oh, just me.

These marshmallows are stale.

- -Nice fish, dad.
- -Yeah.

- It was a battle
- catching this bad boy.

It was the age-old struggle

of the cunning of man

against the power of the sea...

Or in my case, the lake.

Hi, Mr. Campbell.

There's been a mixup.

- You got my fish,
- and I got yours.

I even named him.


Well, dinky put up

quite a battle too.

The worm put up a bigger fight.


Thank god you're safe.

Ly home from summer school.

Was there a problem at school?

Oh, uh... jus-just

that air conditioning thing.



Oh, I-I just realized

I forgot to shave my legs.

Say, ray, what do

you say you and I

take my string of

fish... and dinky

and clean them up for supper?

- I don't know.
- Now that dinky has a name

You think we should eat him?

Oh, yeah.

Hey, come on!

All you kids, come on.

Hurry up!

I'll explain this

to you guys later.

- No need. "Chief runs the camp"
- told us the whole story.

- Thanks for getting me fired,
- tamera.

You agreed to switch.

- -You knew the risks.
- -Excuse me.

- Oh come on, come on,
- now wait a minute.

- You two have the rest
- of your lives to argue.

- Lisa, please don't tell
- my dad about this.

Don't worry.

If he finds out I knew

- I will never hear
- the end of it.

- I told him
- you two could be trusted.

What are you, nuts?

Apparently so

from what I've observed.


Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

I found this power ranger

compass on the porch.

You know who it belongs to?

No! No! No!


Sorry, dinky.

Hi, ray.

Oh, I couldn't sleep.

I have a confession to make.

- The girls wanted me - to keep it a secret
- But I just can't.

- The girls tried to pull - a fast
one the last couple - Of weeks.

Tia and tamera traded places.

Tia went to summer... school

and tamera went

to summer... camp.

What? Dog gone it! I was afraid

- -this was going to...
- -Don't get upset ray.

- Now they have switched back.
- I've grounded them.

- So you can be the good guy
- this time.

- You are right we cannot be
- their friends.

We got to be their parents.

All right. Thank you.

Good night.

- And thank you for not saying,
- "I told you so."

You're welcome.

I told her so.

Uh... ray, tamera and I

have a confession to make.

- But if you're busy we can come
- back later.


We promised my mom

we'd keep it a secret

but we just couldn't.

We're really sorry

but Tia and I have

been trading places

for two weeks.

But tomorrow I'm going back

to summer... school.

And I'm going back to summer...

To find another job.

- Dad you're not too mad
- at us, are you?

The fact that you came

to tell me the truth

means that you can be trusted.

Oh, thanks, dad.

You can go back

to your little fish.

Come on. I'm off to school.

I'm getting an "a," right?

Wow actually,

I did such a great job

being you

you're sort of flunking.

Oh, man!

I told you this was

a terrible idea.

Tell me about it.

I'm grounded and unemployed.

Okay, we'll make a pact...

From now on,

no more switching, okay?


Who are we kidding?

What have you got Friday?

I have a piano lesson

I'm not crazy about.

- How do you feel about
- baby-sitting Saturday?
