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01x13 - Little Girl I Wanna Marry You

Posted: 02/01/07 21:01
by bunniefuu
Jason: I saw Lyla the other day and I wish I could just hate her and walk away from her and be done with it.

But I love her. You know?

There's no weakness in forgiveness.

This is my dad.

This is Coach Taylor.

This is my Dad, Henry Saracen.

You're on leave?

Yeah, he's home for two weeks.

Look, it's just some pick-me-ups I've been taking.

They're just gonna give me a little edge.

You're an amazing woman and you are a damn good mother.

Tyra: But, God, you are such a loser when it comes to men.

Get the hell out!

Angela: Tyra! Get out!

Are you okay?

Woman on radio: But how far am I supposed to go for love?

I would give my heart and soul to him, but I'm not sure I

want to do time for him.

Doctor Q: Well, of course you give your heart and soul to him.

And of course you love him. My question to you is...

All right, that's enough.

Don't touch that!

We're listening to that.

You wanna listen to this girl who's running around town with her loser boyfriend robbing liquor stores.

That's what you wanna listen to?

She's robbing for love.

Dad, it's compelling stuff.

Tami: Guilty pleasure, babe.

Why can't we listen to Sammy Meade?

What's wrong with Sammy Meade?

Sammy Meade is no good for you.

Dad, Sammy Meade is just stress in a bottle.

Stress in a bottle, babe.

Stress in a bottle.

Doctor Q: You are in control of your destiny.

The minute you truly believe that, freedom comes with it.

That's good advice.

You are in control of your destiny.

Right now y'all are in control of your destiny.

You remember that.

Last week we were waiting to see if Arnett Mead would lose, and they lost.

We are in control.

We got a big game come Friday.

We get out there this week, we take care of business with this one, babies, we go to the playoffs.

All: Yes, sir!


Catch my Sammy Meade interview this morning?

Aw, heck, Coach.

I didn't.

The girls made me listen to some damn psychologist on the radio this morning.

Doctor Q.


You listen to Doctor Q?

I live by her.



Here I am pulling double shifts trying to make ends meet and put food on the table, and this is the thanks I get.

You could at least make up the bed.

Oh, no.

Come over here!

Mama? Mama, what are you going here?

Smash: What you doing here?

You better get in this office.

Mama, look, whatever is...

I wanna know what kind of team you're running here.

What are you doing to my son?

Mama, what is...

Wait a second. I don't know what's going on here, but...

I'll show you what's going on here.


I thought you were a Christian man, Coach Taylor!

But you're messing with my son's life to win football games?

Mama, it isn't...

With his life?

You be quiet!

I don't wanna hear one word out of you right now!

These kids, they're stupid.

They think they're invincible.

I see it every day at the clinic.

But Coach Taylor, you're supposed to know better.

Miss Williams, I can promise you I didn't know anything about this.


You have anything to say for yourself?

No, ma'am.

You would not believe who came in the dealership today.


Ed Johnston.


I'm not kidding you.

How's his family?

They're fine.

They're all great. I mean...

He drove all the way in from Dallas to buy a car.

Lyla: Hope you gave him a good deal.

Well, of course I gave him a good deal, sweetie.

Buddy: That's what makes your old man who he is.

I give everybody a good deal.

They got that son, Ty.

You remember Ty, Lyla.

Oh, nice boy.

Oh, yeah?

Buddy: Yeah.

He's over at SMU.

He's a freshman. And he's in the psychology department.

He's doing some kind of paper on cheerleaders and football...


Buddy: Boys and girls and...

Some kind of weird psychological deal, but anyway...

He wanted to see if he could talk to you, Lyla, since you're a cheerleader and you know all about this stuff.

So I told him he could meet with you Thursday at 1:00, to talk to him, at that new Oriental place.

I've heard it's really good.

Taylor: Why are we even going over to Rodell's? We don't have to go over there.

I don't know, honey.

I didn't talk to her.

You talked to her.

Oh, yes...

Don't lie down, please.

Please get right back up, honey.

Let's go. Come on.

I put your ties out, I put your clothes out for you.

Come on.


I like this one.

What are you gonna do about Smash? You tie that.

If I report him, and I'm obliged to report him, that kid is never gonna play high school football again.

His career's over.


And if I don't report him, which goes against everything I stand for...

I can't let the kid play juiced.

Tyra: So then he's all like, "I'm sorry, Tyra. I miss you."

Mindy: Whatever.

I'm sure there's a certain throbbing member of his body that misses you.

Tyra: Exactly.

Oh, stop it.

I think you should give him another chance.

He's very cute.


Oh, please.

Come on. You can't argue that.

What? He is. He's very cute, that kid.

Mother, you are a barrel of bad advice.

All right, ladies.

Here's one.

Buddy Garrity is looking for a receptionist.

Mindy: Oh...

"Administrative assistant.

Fifty words per minute.

"Salary commensurate with experience."

Even Mom can't fake fifty words a minute, dumbass.


Okay, you know what? How about you stop criticizing and start helping out a little, Mindy?

Maybe we should stop discussing this family dynamic and accept that I pay half the rent around here.


I don't see you coughing up any Applebee's money.

Yeah, well, you don't make the same kind of tips when you leave your clothes on.

That's funny.

So you know this guy.

Yeah, like, when I was 12.

Jason: And you're going to that Japanese restaurant.

Yeah, I guess.

Why can't he just come to the school?

Why are you making such a big deal out of this?

Because it's annoying is why I'm making such a big deal out of it.

Annoying that your dad's sending you on a date with some college boy.

And it's annoying that you do whatever your dad wants you to whenever he wants you to do it.

Jason, it's not a date.

And if you don't want me to go, I won't.

Just tell me.

No, it's fine.

It's fine, you can go.


Girl: Hi, Lyla.

I got to go. I'm being rude.

You wanna say hi?

I'm good.

I'll be right back.

Wave for me.

Tell them I said hello.

I'll be back.


So, explain to me how I'm seeing what I'm seeing.

After what she did to you.

I love her.

You love her.


That's all the explanation you need.

That's just...

That's great.

Mmm-hmm. And you know what? You can get away with anything when you're Lyla Garrity, it seems.

Hi, Tyra.

Hi, Lyla.

Can I get my seat back?

Oh, no problem.


So this receptionist-secretary job that's available at your dad's dealership...

How much typing is required?

I don't know, I'm...

What about benefits?

I don't know, Tyra.

I'm really not sure you're what my dad's looking for.

No, but he might be looking for my mom.

Barbara comes from a long line of Georgia Democrats.

Serious bleeding hearts.

Tami: Oh.

To this day they talk about Jimmy Carter like he was the second coming.

Barbara: "Habitat For Humanity" is like every third word out of their mouths.

That's right.

Barbara: And when the two families get together, oh, baby, can things heat up.

Rodell: Lord.

And Luce and I, well, we just don't know what to do.


Oh, I'm sure that that must be, uh...

That must be awkward.

Taylor: Yeah.



You know I'm running for re-election.


We're starting to put together my campaign team.

I want you to be part of it.

Oh. Wow.

You're a strong, smart, charismatic lady.

Thank you.

And together, there's no stopping us.

Well, thank you.

I appreciate that.

That is... That is flattering.

And I would love to...

To consider it.

Thank you, Mayor Rodell.

Where you been?

Things ain't bad enough?

You got to keep me up half the night wondering where you are?

Where are you going?

To my room!

I'm going to my room!

You better lower your voice, boy.

Your sisters are sleeping.

How could you be so stupid?

You better watch your mouth.

How could you go to Coach?

Do you realize what you did?

If he goes to the athletic commission, I'm gone.

I'm off the team forever.

My scholarships?

Oh, yeah, all them letters they been sending me?

They don't mean nothing now.

They're worthless.

Gone. All gone!

You ruined my life, Mama.

No, Son. I'm trying to save it. You wanna know why I went to your coach?

Please tell me.

'Cause I didn't want to think you were dumb enough to do something so stupid on your own!

This was all I got, and you took it away.

You know what? You need to get out of my house till you learn some respect for your mama!

You gonna kick...

Fine, I'm leaving.

I don't need this.

Smash: I made a mistake.

You tell me something I don't know.

Well... Haven't you ever made a mistake?

Yeah, Smash.

I've made mistakes.

I've been late for dinner.

I've forgot stuff at the supermarket, I've made mistakes out in the field I've come to regret.

Those are mistakes, Smash.

What you did wasn't any mistake, though, son.

What you did is you screwed yourself over and you screwed this team over.

You know what you call that?

You call that a stupid, dumb-ass, cowardly act is what you call that, Smash.

You know what? I wanna know what you're doing, I wanna how long you do it, I wanna know who else knows about it, I wanna know where you got it, and we'll just start right there. How's that?

Tyra: Mom, I'm home.

Call about the job?


I don't think I can make it without Bob.

What the hell are you talking about?

I know you don't like him, but he was paying the bills around here. He was...

Did you call about the job at Garrity Motors?

Yes, I called about the job.

And I can't even get an interview. They had about 100 people call in. So...


Before we watch the game tape, I got an announcement.

Smash is not gonna be playing the game Friday night.


Taylor: Quiet! Listen up!

It's a personal issue.

Let me tell you something.

I am not asking you to respect his privacy. I am telling you to respect his privacy.

You understand me?

Boys: Yes, sir.

We're not gonna worry about the one player that's not out there.

We're gonna worry about the 44 that are.

We're gonna take care of the job at hand.

We're gonna win Friday's game. We're gonna get to the playoffs.

Are we good with that?

All: Yes, sir.

Mrs. Saracen: We got Brian "Smash" Williams benched.

Not playing.

Mysterious circumstances.


Yeah, Grandma. I know.

Well, you know what? It's too bad we don't have an insider.

Somebody who could shed some light on some of this.

Please. He doesn't tell me anything.

I just love your daddy.

Coach Taylor is great.

Does he like cherry pie?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait. Did you see that?

When the quarterback shifts the running backs into the slots...

Look, he shifts them to a spread formation out of single backs.

And the safeties, they just sit there.

They don't even move!

So that just leaves, like, this huge, big gap.

Basically an ocean.

I mean, I could just...

I could just fire pops and slants right into there all night.

Matt, why don't you just let the coach call the plays?

No, no, this is key, Dad.

This is how we're gonna win without Smash.

You're gonna see on Friday night. You'll be there.

You're gonna see, and you're gonna say, "Matt, you were right."

Matt, I've been trying to figure out how to tell you, but, uh...


My unit called.

They need me to ship out on Friday before the game.

All right, that's, um...

That's okay.

I'm sorry. I really wanted to be there.

It's not a big deal, so...

Don't worry about it.

Those soldiers over in Iraq, they might see that game.

They see the Super Bowl.

Don't they?

Have you heard that?

They've got cables and all kinds of stuff over there.

You know, the highest technology.

That's what I hear.

Every single child in the independent school district of Dillon deserves better.

Tami: She is a smart politician.


Smart politician with an "alternative lifestyle."


It's shocking.


This town just gets weirder and weirder.

And why did she choose us to open up to?

Because she realizes what a forward-thinking individual I am.

She felt comfortable.

I'm sure.

It's different.

I did look at her website today, though.

This education plan she has is really good.

You know what, though?

With everything that you got on your plate, Julie and me and my needs and demands, that's an awful lot, isn't it?

Well, I know you do have many needs and demands.

I sure do.

But the schools need a lot of help.

Does she even know that you voted against her?




Honey, if that isn't Buddy Garrity at the door, I swear to God I'm going right now and getting out your new deer r*fle.

You know it's past 11:00?

I'm sorry, sir.

What you need?

Look, I'm sorry for what I did.

Am I off the team?

Look. I know I'm not playing on Friday, but am I off the team?

Don't I deserve to know?

I should've reported this as soon as it happened.

I'm risking my job.

Inside this house, I've got a wife and a daughter.

They depend on me to provide for them.

You understand that?

Yes, sir.

I don't know what I'm gonna do. When I do know, I'll let you know.

Until then, why don't you do me a favor and just try and keep your mouth shut?

Yes, sir. You got it.

Good night.

Good night.




I told you already.

It's an internal matter.

I'm not gonna talk about it anymore.

Now, I appreciate you all coming out today.

There's some donuts and coffee back there.

Thank you very much.

Coach, do you mind staying for one more question?

Man: Coach Taylor, one more question...


Hey, Eric.

What the hell's going on?

You know, I cannot stand you dodging me.

And to tell you the truth, I'm hurt.

As I said, it's an internal matter.

Yeah? Well, I am internal.

If anybody's internal, I'm internal.

I'm probably the most internal son of a bitch you've ever met in your life.

Is that not right?

I'm not gonna talk about it.

Until when?

Until ever, Buddy.

I can't talk about it until ever.

Ever is a long damn time.

Yes, it is.

Come in.

Hang on, Matt.

I can wait.

Come on in.

Are you through, Mr. Garrity?

Come on in.


All right.


Taylor: All right.

So long, Matt.

Mr. Garrity.

Say hi to your dad.

I will, and thank you so much.

Have a great game.

I'm gonna try.

Buddy: Yeah.

Have a good day.

Look, I was checking out the South Pines game tape, and I found some holes in their defense that I think we could take advantage of, so I drew up a few plays.

Now, it's really easy.

We don't need to change any assignments. We just...

If we audible out to the spread formation out of the single-backs...

You know what? I appreciate this, Matt.

That's good work.


Let me tell you something.

Why don't you let me do my job, and you do your job?

Your job right now is to go out and get the team ready to play for you.

All right? How's that?

And I think this will get them ready, especially since Smash isn't playing tonight...

I'll take a look at it.

I think this is what's gonna help us out.

Okay. Thanks.

And I really think the first two plays...

I'll take a look at them.


Yes, sir.

Jason: Can you do me a favor?

Herc: What's that?

Turn right here.

Where at?

Turn right here. Here.

Here. Here. Turn right.


Wanna tell me where the hell we're going?

I'm just gonna take a little peek at something.

Easy, Unabomber.

What's going on?


Jason: All right, slow down.

Slow down.

Slow down for what?

Slow down, real slow.

Stop. Stop, stop, stop.

Herc: What?

Jason: Stop.

Through that window over there.

Herc: Is that Lyla Garrity?


Now, is that a family friend or a date?

Knowing her track record, that's a date.

Shut up about that.

You don't know anything about her track record.

You've known her for two months.

Don't you wanna go in there and pop him one like you did Riggins?

Yeah, does that look like she's helping him with a paper?

Stalking is not becoming of you.

It's not stalking.

Spying then. Spying then.

Jason: I'm just taking a little look.

Just go ahead. Go.

Same thing, right?

Please leave.

Bonehead move.

You want me to go?

Yes, please. Okay?

Hey. Hi, Lyla!

Faster. Move faster.

Herc: Hi, Lyla!

Jason: Shut up and drive faster.

Hi, Lyla!

Faster. Faster.




So, I need a favor.

And just for the record, it's not going to involve any kind of thank-you sex, or make-up sex.

In fact, it's going to involve absolutely no sex whatsoever.

Tyra, um...

Believe it or not, it's not all about sex for me.

Well, your timing is terrible, Tim.

Yes, sir.

I get that a lot.

I mean, first of all, I just hired Matt Saracen's dad to be a salesman.

And I don't mind telling you that that man could not sell a life preserver to a drowning man.

And secondly, I cannot really believe that you're coming in here asking me for a favor after that nonsense that happened with my daughter.

Sir, I know you're a big man in this town.

And I know you don't owe me or anyone anything for that matter. But Tyra...

All she's trying to do is help her mom out.

And all I'm asking from you is to consider giving them a break.

I respect that.

You're a good man.

You tell her to come by and see me tomorrow afternoon.

There's no guarantees, I mean, I... It's just an interview.


And tell me about Smash.

I have no idea what's going on with him right now, sir.



No one does.

Well, okay.

You're a good man, Tim.

I appreciate your candor.

Thank you, sir.


Noannie, go upstairs.

I need to talk to Mama.

Night, Mama.

Goodnight, baby.


I disgraced myself.

And I disgraced this family.

God gave me a way to support this family, and I threw it away.

I can't even look at my face in the mirror.


You just got to know that I'm trying as hard as I can to make this happen.

And what if Coach don't let me back on the team?

Then you'll let God guide you in another direction.

Mama, you don't understand.

Without football...

I know. I know.

Without football, there's no scholarship, no pros, no big house for Mama.

I don't need no big house.

Especially if I can't come by it honest.

I love watching you play football, Brian.

You're so beautiful out there.

But sometimes, baby... Sometimes I just wish you didn't have all this expectation on you. All this pressure. Sometimes I wish you could just be a kid.

I love you, Mama.

Oh, I love you, too, baby.

Hey, Jason.

What the heck are you doing sitting out here in the cold, son?

I think, uh, Lyla's in her study group.

I know where she is.

All right.

So what are you doing out here?

Why'd you set Lyla up on a date with Ty Johnston?


Yeah. Why?

What, you need me to answer it for you?

Because if I was still the quarterback and wasn't the town cr*pple, you wouldn't be setting your daughter up on dates with college boys.

Now, you just hold on there, son.

You just watch what you're saying.

Ty Johnston happens to be a friend of our family's, and she went with him to help him with his paper he's doing for SMU.

You know what I'm talking about, sir.

No, Jason.

I'm afraid I don't, son.

You don't want your little girl to end up with me, so you're just trying to show her that there are other choices out there.

Bigger fish in the sea, huh?

Now, son, you know that everybody in this family loves you.

We always have. And we've supported you ever since you were a little bitty boy...

Please, please.

Do not patronize me, Mr. Garrity.

You sent your daughter on a date, and I asked you why.

Now, can we please just speak honestly about it?

You want me to be honest with you, son? Do you?


I love that little girl in there.

That's my daughter.

And I want her to have a great life.

And I'm real uncertain about the future here.

I mean, how's she gonna get money?

How are you gonna get money?

You gonna go to college?

Is she gonna go to college?

Are you gonna have babies?

Can you have babies?

Can you?

Can you have children, Jason?

We haven't quite answered that yet.

Well, what if you can't?

And what if you can, Jason?

When that little baby's crying upstairs in the night, who's gonna go up and take care of him?

I don't want Lyla to be a caregiver her whole life, son.

I know that's a bitter pill to swallow and I'm sorry I have to say it to you.

And Lyla Garrity, she loves you.

She'd follow you into hell.

Are you sure you wanna lead her there?


I mean that whole family, the whole Garrity family.

I'm allergic to them.

I mean, Pam, I don't know who she thinks she is. She doesn't even...

Doesn't even look at me in the market.

And Lyla? Well, what a little you-know...

Well, Mom, you need a job.

I know, but I don't know what circumstances I would have to be under to actually work for Buddy Garrity.

How about to avoid eviction?

I'm just thinking.

You don't have to be so...


Damn it!

I can't believe this.

What on earth...

Blow-out. Perfect.



Well, I just think that is God's way of telling us he does not want us to go to Buddy's.

Mrs. Saracen: Think you got everything, honey?

Henry: I think so.

Hey, I put a surprise in there.

For when you get over there.

You'll find it.

All right. Hope so.

Yeah. And don't forget to watch the game.

I won't.

Ask them. When you get there, just ask them.

I think they will if you just tell them right away.

That's what you need to do.

Henry: I will do that.

Mrs. Saracen: It's been great having you here, honey.

Henry: Okay.

I guess this is me.


Mom, you be good, all right?

Of course I'll be good.

Now you just go make us proud.

Don't you worry about us.

All right.

Mrs. Saracen: We're gonna be fine.


Been a pleasure.

Nice meeting you.

Have a safe trip back.


Keep those damn feet moving, all right? You all right?


All right.

Take care of yourself!


We're gonna make it fine.

Come here, sweetie.

Come here.

We're gonna be all right.

McGill: All right, we know we're gonna have eight in the box.

We'll go the eleven package, right?

Got motion left here, you got three deep.

We got Riggins on the linebacker.

Superior athlete.

Riggins should be able to beat him.

He's got to beat him.

All right, guys.

Give me a second here.

Hi, y'all.

How's it going?

Sorry to interrupt y'all.

I'll be one quick second.

McGill: Sure.

Tami: See you, McGill.

Why are you interrupting my meeting?

I'm sorry.

I don't appreciate that.

I apologize.

I'm interrupting your meeting and...

Come on, come on, now. I'm busy.

All right. I wanted to come down and I wanted to tell you that I have decided that I think I'm gonna go ahead and, uh, join Mayor Rodell's campaign.

Well, that's great.

I... It is great.

Honestly, it's great.

It's a great opportunity.

I'm gonna be able to help our school.

I'm gonna be able to help all the schools in the whole county.

I'm sure she realizes how good you are.

I'm sure she realizes also that you're the coach's wife.

That'd help out with the campaign.

Oh, you think... You think that's why she asked me?

Because I'm the coach's wife?

I didn't say that.

That's exactly what you just said.

I don't like politicians.

The other night, that little reveal at the dinner and everything.

Just hear me out here.

Something like that gets out in this town, that's not gonna do her any good, and it is not gonna do anyone any good that is close to her.

That's what I'm saying.

Wait. So you don't want me to do this because she's a lesbian?

I'm not saying that.

That's not what I'm saying.

That's exactly what you said.

What I'm saying is I'm uncomfortable with it.

I'm uncomfortable with it.

Well, you know what? You're just gonna just have to be uncomfortable with it, then.

It's never a dull moment with you.

Well, that's why you married me, sugar.

I guess so.

I don't quite remember why I married you.

But there's never a dull moment with you.

Oh, I'm so happy to have your support.


Hope you have a great game tonight.


Thank you.

Angela: I don't understand why you're going over and over with that thing.

You know what, Mother, I have it.

It's not even touching the top.

Isn't it supposed to...

It's all yours.

Go for it.

Well, I'm just saying it should...

Well, do it!

I will. At least try this thing. At least got to get this thing, though, because that thing doesn't... obviously doesn't work.



This is making me so mad.

I'm not cut out for this.

I don't know how to change a tire and I don't wanna know how!

We can change this tire!

It's not the end of the world.

You know, I just don't know what's gotten into you. I mean...

Was life so bad with Bob?

He hit you!

I told you, he was working on his anger...

Oh, my God! This has to end!

If not for you, then for me.

I love you.

More than anything, I love you.

My worst fear is to become you.

And call me crazy, but if we don't change this tire right here, right now, by ourselves, we're both doomed.


Jason: Woo!



Herc: Gee, one drink, you're good to go.


Cheap date.


Hey, did I tell you I went over to, uh, Garrity's house the other night to confront Mr. Garrity on sending Lyla on a date?

Oh, I bet that went well.

Jason: It did.

Because I went over there specifically to have him look me in the eye and tell me that he did not want me dating his daughter anymore.

What happened?

He did.

He told me, uh, he wanted his daughter to have a "good life."

Quad quote.

Quad quote.


But I got to hand it to him, though.

He went at it.

Direct and honest.

So I started thinking about how selfish I've been since the accident, you know?

Always thinking about me.

Never really thinking about her and about how little by little over time being with me is gonna define her.


What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

I think it's, uh...


Maybe it's time that I let her go.

Just let her go.

You know I'm not, uh, Lyla Garrity's biggest fan, but, uh, if you're thinking of leaving Lyla because of Buddy, you listen to me, Grasshopper.

There is gonna be a million Buddy Garritys out there who will try and tell you that you aren't worth anything.

And you just got to look them right in the eye and flip them the bird.

Just like that?

I'll work on it.

Because the Buddy Garritys of this world...

They're a cancer to you and me.

Announcer: It's another tight one, folks.

No one can seem to get the ball in the end zone, and there's only nine minutes left in this contest.

Now, if Dillon does not win, they will not go to the playoffs.

But the real headline tonight is Smash Williams, who's riding the pine and nobody's talking.

It's a mystery wrapped in an enigma, hog-tied and shut up tight and everybody wants to know why.

Matt: Hut!

Now Saracen takes the snap.

He hands off to Baxter on the left side! Nice spin move! He's got some room!

Oh, he is dropped.


Go, Matthew!

All right! All right! Let's keep it going!

Let's keep it going!

Move the sticks! Move the sticks!

It's second and a long six for the first down.

Looks like the Panthers got a little momentum going here, folks.

But let's see if they can finish without Smash Williams in the backfield.

Matt: Hut!


Oh, it's another nice little run before he's brought down close to a first down.

And that is gonna bring up third and one for the Panthers.

Taylor: Move out there! Make something happen!

Come on! Let's go!

Black! Eight! Hut!

It's a draw to Riggins.

Oh! Riggins has nowhere to go, and it is another big loss of seven yards on the play.

There is a time-out on the field.

Now, hold on. Hold on. Coach Taylor is not gonna send the punting unit out.

It's fourth and eight on their own 42-yard line.

Come here!

This could be a very, very risky move if he decides to go for it.

McGill: With the cross, we would get the deep route.

I've been looking at those plays you drew up.

What are you thinking?

Look, if we set the extra receiver in motion, the linebacker's gonna follow him.

That's gonna leave a huge gap between the safeties and the other receivers.

Okay, each ten yards the linebacker fills the coverage.

Fills the gaps.

Yeah? So what?

So then I could just fire pops in there because they...

Because there's like an ocean between the safeties and the other receivers.

You know why they play those safeties back so far?

Because they're the fastest damn safeties in Texas, that's why.

They got 21 interceptions between them.

You understand that?

They want you to throw there, Matt.

It's a trap.

Taylor: You sure you can hit them?


You're sure you can hit them?

I'll hit them fast.

I'll hit them right in stride.

Because if you get picked, you know what's gonna happen?

We're gonna be watching the playoffs on our sofas in our damn houses.

You understand that?

Coach, I got this.

I can do it.

McGill: It's real risky.

Let me throw it.

McGill: Risky.


Taylor: Take a shot.

Take a shot.

And quarterback Matt Saracen is coming back onto the field, and Dillon is going for it.

Fourth and long in their own territory. They don't get this, it could be disaster.

...shift, 68 high.

11-99. Niner on one.

Ready? Break!

Let's go!

And it's fourth and eight. The crowd is on their feet.

And this is a roll of the dice for Coach Taylor.

If they don't make it, the momentum shifts heavily in favor of South Pines.

Go, Matt!

Saracen is over the ball.

Three! Omaha! White! Nine! White! Nine!


He's got a man in motion.

Saracen fires! Hits him wide open, right on the numbers!

Riggins is in the open field! Oh, he breaks left and keeps breaking tackles!

Oh, he will not be denied!

He is in! Touchdown.

That a boy! That a boy!

Touchdown, Dillon.

Let's see if the Panthers can keep their season alive.

Buddy: How about those Dillon Panthers? Let's hear it! Yeah!


Have a good time!


Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Coach, how you doing?

Hey, buddy.

I just wanted to say thank you for trusting me tonight.


I wanted to say thank you for trusting me out there tonight and letting me help us to get that win.

It really meant a lot to me.

I just wanted to let you know that.

You did good tonight.

Thank you.

You had some good ideas.


Keep your head on straight.

I will.

Then we'll start congratulating each other.

Other than that, you have a good night.

Okay. You, too.

All right.

So I want you to come over and we'll have some drinks and we'll, um, well, we'll talk about some serious social issues.


Because I know that you and I are gonna see eye-to-eye on lots of things.

Tami: Oh, I'm sure we will.

I'm just so looking forward to that.

Rodell: Uh-huh.

And that's what I love about the man. It's collaborative.

I mean, he's a fine coach because he will take an idea and he'll listen.

Reg: Pretty sure most of them ideas have been coming from you, Buddy.

Well, I don't know about that, Reg.

Reg: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Buddy: I don't know about that.

Excuse me, Mr. Garrity. Hi.

Hang on just a second here.

I am so sorry.

I am so sorry.

It's all my fault my mama missed her interview.

We were...

We were driving.


We were on our way here and we got a flat tire.

And so, um...

Well, that's why we're late.

Well, that's okay.

I filled that position, but I'd even forgotten all about that, but it's okay.

Don't worry.

Hi there.


I'm Angela.

I'm Tyra's mom.

I'm so sorry...

You're Tyra's mom?

Yes, I am, and I'm so sorry I'm missed my appointment...

That's okay.

I'm Buddy.

Hi, Buddy.

We had a little car trouble. So...

Nice to meet you.

Here we are.

Thank you.

We could...

I mean...

I got a little time if you want to talk now.

We could talk right now.



You are such a gentleman.


That is so nice of you.

Sure. Sure.

Let's go to my office.

All right. Thank you.

Yeah, yeah.

Buddy: Reg.

If you see Pam, don't...

Reg: I got it.

Hey, Corrina.

How you doing?

I'm good, how are you?

Good. I'm doing fine.

I'm doing fine.


Thank you very much.

Hey, listen. Can I have him for about an hour?

I'll get him back home?


Yeah, you can do that.

Thank you. Come on.

Yes, sir.

I'll see you later.


Taylor: Take care.

Tyra: So?

I'm the new receptionist.

That's great!

Really great.

Okay, so the typing wasn't a problem?

Because, you know, the ad said they wanted typing.

Yeah, that didn't come up.

Okay, so, benefits?


I don't know, we didn't talk about it, honey.

Will you stop?

I just got a job!

That's what you wanted, and I got it.

Let's go celebrate.

You're right. You're right.

Congratulations, Mama.

Thank you.

Let's get drunk.



When I was a kid we used to do all kinds of craziness after a win.

Now it's come down to burgers at Lenny's.

What I'm about to say stays between you and me.

You're gonna get yourself clean.

You're gonna submit to private, voluntary drug testing, until I decide I can trust you.

Which probably will be a damn long time.

Thank you, sir. I...

I don't want you to thank me.

See that kid back there washing dishes?

He used to be quarterback over at Westerby about six years ago.

He was on Grady Hunt's Top 100 list, at number six, if I'm not mistaken.

He never made it past sophomore at Notre Dame.

You got yourself into this crap because you didn't think you were big enough.

I hope you see the irony of that.

You don't listen to the Grady Hunts of the world.

You listen to the people who love you and you listen to people that you trust.

Most of all you listen to yourself.

I hope you realize just how far I am sticking my neck out for you.

I do.

And I'll never let you down again, sir.

You best damn not.

Yes, sir.

Girl: See you, Lyla!

Congratulations on the big win tonight.

How are you?


How are you?

You never, uh, you never told me how your...

You know, your lunch date went.

I think you know how it went.


I was jealous.

Should I be jealous?


Come here.

You're beautiful and you're smart and you're talented, and you've got your whole future ahead of you.

Oh, my God.

Are you breaking up with me?

My choices are much more limited than yours.

Please don't tell me you're breaking up...


I went out with Herc tonight.

And I basically spent the whole evening convincing myself that I was just a huge thorn in your side.


And after I got done doing that, I started to think about Herc and why I like him so much.

And I started to realize that I think I like him so much because he...

He took his handicap and he didn't settle for just becoming as good as he was before.

He tried to become a better man. And he did.


And I think that if I could be more like him, maybe I wouldn't be such a bad guy to be around.

And what...

What he would do if he was in my shoes.

He would dump me and go after Tyra.

No, he wouldn't.

Yeah, he would.

He told me.

But if it were you that he loved...

If it were you...

Lyla, I love you more than life itself.

And I have loved you like that since the first moment I laid eyes on you.

Lyla Garrity, will you marry me?

