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01x07 - What Lies Beyond Effort

Posted: 01/08/24 15:43
by bunniefuu



I'm surprised you could react to that feint.

Keep it up and you'll reach Advanced rank soon.

You mean it? All right! [giggles]


That wasn't so hard!

I'm sorry, but all of these are incorrect.

[ERIS] What?


[GHISLAINE] Let the great protection of fire

converge where thou seekest.

I call forth the bold heat of a torch here and now. Fireball.

Mother! Come look!

Did you see me do that fire spell?

It's my favorite! I'm super good at it now!

Yes, it looked quite scary. Don't do anything too dangerous.

[RUDEUS gasps]

[HILDA] Hmph.

Any clue why she would be upset with me?

[RUDEUS] Finished! Well made, if I do say so myself.

[RUDEUS] O Goddess.


One sec!


Master Rudeus. My name is Edna Rayrune.

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

I'm here to consult with you about Lady Eris.

[RUDEUS] She needs extra class time?

Indeed. In just six short months,

the young mistress will turn ten.

And as I'm sure you know,

Lord Sauros is hosting an elaborate party.

Nobles from all across Roa will be attending.

Which brings us to the problem.

The main event will be a dance performed by Lady Eris.

[RUDEUS] What? Now that I'd love to see.

Good luck. [laughs]

Oh, excuse me.

A noblewoman must have grace and poise.

And I can't deny that the young miss is doing her best.

But at this rate, she won't master courtesy,

much less memorize a dance.

[RUDEUS laughs] Yeah, I bet!

Pardon, you what?

Oh, nothing. Please continue.

Young Master. If you would be willing to forfeit

a few of your lessons every week so that I may

increase my own, I would be much obliged.

That's perfectly reasonable.

If that's all you need, then please go ahead!

Are you sure you don't mind?

If it means her special day goes off without a hitch,

then I'm happy to do it.

[RUDEUS] And now I've got some time off!

[RUDEUS] Whoa.

[PHILIP] In this section, you'll find literature

from other continents.

Uh, what language is that?

[PHILIP] That's in Beast-God. Does it interest you?

As long as I have a bit of free time,

it might be fun to learn a new language.

[PHILIP chuckles] Well, Beast-God is a wonderful tongue.

And learning would allow you to hire beast people

to work for you someday!

That is an attractive proposition.

[PHILIP] Ahh, do you appreciate their charms as well?

Yes. I had never met one before Ghislaine came for me.

But now I can't get enough.

Their ears are so cute!

Yes, sir! I know exactly what you mean!

I'm especially fond of those fluffy tails.

When they begin to twitch with emotion,

it just makes me wanna...

You really do have Greyrat blood, don't you, Rudeus?

Lord Philip. I've decided to study the Beast-God language!

Very well, then.

Feel free to check out any other books on the subject.

[RUDEUS] May I come back and borrow books

in other languages, too?

[PHILIP] You may.

[RUDEUS] I appreciate it!

[RUDEUS] I hope this finds you well, Master Roxy.

Let me report. I've begun studying the languages

of other continents in my free time.

Battle-God, Beast-God, Demon-God.

Surely there are even more out there

that I don't know about yet.

This kid brain learns faster than I ever used to,

so I'd better branch out my skill tree

while I have the chance.

[RUDEUS] Come on! This doesn't make any sense!

[RUDEUS] Battle-God is close enough to Human,

so I can more or less figure it out on my own.

And I can ask Ghislaine about Beast-God.

But Demon-God is impossible. I'm stumped.

[ERIS] Just forget it!



I'm terribly sorry you had to witness that fuss.

What happened in there?

Lady Eris. She runs off every time I try and correct her.

[RUDEUS] Ah, you have my sympathy.

Thank you.

But if this keeps up, she'll embarrass herself.

That's less than ideal.

Yes. Imagine becoming the laughingstock of your family,

and on your own birthday, no less.

It would be quite the tragedy for her, wouldn't you agree?

So, uh, is there something I can do for you?

Would you be so kind as to speak to her on my behalf?

Please convince her to return to her lessons!


[RUDEUS] I thought I'd find you here.

I heard you're having trouble with dance lessons--

[RUDEUS gasps]

[RUDEUS] Will you please go back to practice?

[ERIS] I don't need to learn to dance.

[RUDEUS] But...

[ERIS] I'll just skip the party.

[RUDEUS] It's a party for you, you can't skip it.

[ERIS] I'm sick of people forcing me to do

things I'm no good at.

[RUDEUS] I know how she feels.

That's part of why I went through my old life on auto.

But if she keeps this up, she'll have all the same regrets.

"If only I'd tried harder."

[ERIS] But you can do everything,

so you wouldn't get that.

[RUDEUS] No, there are plenty of things that I can't do.

[ERIS] Really?

Yeah, of course there are.

For example, I started trying to learn

a couple of foreign languages recently,

and I still can't make heads or tails of them.

But I'll keep studying anyway.

[ERIS] Why?

[RUDEUS] That's a hard question to answer.

[RUDEUS] Maybe it's because the worse I am at something,

the better it feels when I finally figure it out.

Does that make sense?

[RUDEUS] So will you give dance practice another try?

I'll help, if you like.


[ERIS] Well, come on, then! I'm not gonna dance alone!

Yes, of course. I'm right behind you, My Lady.

Take a deep breath and relax a little!

I'm totally relaxed!

[RUDEUS] You're going too fast! Stick to the rhythm!

[ERIS] Maybe you're just too slow!


[RUDEUS] What a nightmare.

This is so much worse than I thought.

Ugh, I don't get it!


[MAID A] Excuse me, Master Rudeus.

I have a package for you.

What is this? It's heavy.

[RUDEUS gasps] It's from Roxy! She wrote back!

It even still smells like her.

[ROXY] Dear Rudeus. I received your letter.

How are you eight already?

I'm sure you've grown so much since I last heard from you.

My jaw dropped when I read that you became

the home tutor for the lord of Fittoa's granddaughter.

Well done.

And you're even training under the Sword King Ghislaine!

[ROXY sighs] It seems like only yesterday you were

that five-year-old boy spying on me in the bath.

[ROXY sighs]

[ROXY] You seem so distant now.

I still have my hands full with this "prince."

[ROXY] Now, let's get down to business.

You want to learn the Demon-God language, yes?

There are very few books written in Demon-God,

and its grammar is unique and challenging.

But if anyone can learn it, you can.

So, I've created this textbook for you.

I wrote it by hand.

It took me a long time, so I hope you take good care of it.

[ROXY] If I ever see it in a bookshop, I might cry.

[ROXY] By the way. His Highness recently bought

a statuette that looks just like me.

Its robe is removable,

and it even has moles in the right places.

It's pretty creepy.

Maybe this means I'm going to be cursed.

I'm uneasy.

But as long as it seems safe, I'll write again soon. Roxy.

[RUDEUS] I didn't think my figurine

would make its way to the subject.

The prince of Shirone has good taste.

[RUDEUS] Handwritten, huh?


She did all this for me?

I can't thank her enough.

If I ever get to see her again,

I'll have to kiss her feet or something.

Guess it's time to get to work.

[EDNA] At this rate, I think you'll manage to

scrape by tomorrow without incident.

[ERIS] Seriously?

Yes. If you perform as you have in practice

with Master Rudeus, you'll be just fine.

[RUDEUS] But I won't be her partner tomorrow.

Do you think that'll be a problem?

Well. In any case,

remember what we worked on today and do your best.

I got this!

[RUDEUS] I doubt it.

Pardon me, do you have any rice by chance?

No, of course you don't, disregard that.

[SAUROS] Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome!

Thank you for joining us in celebration

of Eris's tenth birthday!

For the occasion, I've prepared delicacies from

every corner of the Asura Kingdom!

Please enjoy yourselves thoroughly!


Happy birthday, My Lady. It's an honor to be here.

Thank you very much.

[RUDEUS] Can she handle this?

She won't try to punch any of them, will she?

[EDNA] Master Rudeus.

Good day to you, Miss Edna. It's nice to see you.

Do you suppose Lady Eris can muddle through without us?

We did everything we could, so we'll have to wait and see.

[SAUROS] Now. Your attention, please,

it's time for the main event!

If you wish for the favor of the Boreas House,

then take my granddaughter's hand!

May I have this dance, Lady Eris?


[YOUNG NOBLEMAN A] My Lady, slow down a bit.

You're getting ahead of me.

What's wrong, Eris? On your feet!

Don't tell me you can't dance!

That hurt!

[NOBLE A] I see the girl's as oafish as ever.

[NOBLEWOMAN A] I had heard she was making progress, but...

[NOBLE C] She can't even perform a simple dance?


Oh, Lady Eris.

[NOBLE A] The Boreas family is doomed.

[RUDEUS] May I have this dance, My Lady?

[ERIS gasps]

[inhales, exhales]

Whose boy is that?

[NOBLE C] Where's he from?

What could you possibly be thinking?

You ready? Pretend it's practice.

Yeah, I can do that.

Deep breath, now. [inhales]


[BOTH gasp]


Hey, are you okay? Why are you so nervous?

[ERIS] Grandfather and my parents are watching me.


[RUDEUS] She's memorized the steps,

but she's getting ahead of me without realizing it.

In which case...

Eris, close your eyes.


I have a trick that'll make you a better dancer.

[ERIS] There's a spell for that?

Oh, it's not a spell, just a trick.

Treat it like swordplay.

When I give you a signal, perform the next step

like you're dodging an attack.

--W-Wait, are you sure? --[RUDEUS] Okay. On your mark.

Get set. Here we go!



[RUDEUS] Now! Now!

And now!

How did he?

[RUDEUS] See that? You're doing great.

Now let's do it one more time just like that.

Yes! That's Greyrat blood for you!

Well done, both of you! [laughs]

[EDNA] Master Rudeus, how in the world did you do that?

I got her to think of it like feint training,

and she picked up on it immediately.

What do you mean?

The problem wasn't that Eris couldn't sense the rhythm.

She instinctively outpaced it.

So, when she delayed her timing to avoid falling for a feint,

her steps lined up perfectly.

My! Who would have thought that swordplay

and dance could be so intertwined?

Rudeus did! He's totally amazing!

Give yourself more credit,

you got it because you work hard in practice.

[YOUNG LADIES] Lord Rudeus!

Will you dance with me?

How old are you?


[PHILIP] Rudeus.

I would prefer that you not stand out too much.

But it's a special day, so I suppose I'll allow it.

Just don't get anyone pregnant, understand?


[RUDEUS gasping]

[RUDEUS] I have something for you.

What are those for?

According to my master, teachers should make wands

for students who master Elementary magic,

but it took me a while to figure out,

so I hope you'll forgive that they're late.

Really? I'd rather have one of those things!

Thank you, Master Rudeus. I humbly accept this gift.

[RUDEUS] It's an honor to teach you.

So, uh. Are you sure you'd rather have a figurine?

[ERIS] I decided I want a wand, too!

Uh. I humbly accept.

Good. I know you'll use it well.


I think she expects a present from you, too.


This ring is a talisman passed down by my people.

The story goes, as long as you wear it,

wolves won't attack you at night.

Wow. Are you sure?

Yeah. It was just a superstition.

[gasps] I'll treasure it always!

[RUDEUS] Hey. How does a ring beat a literal magic wand?

Ah, well. Girls and their jewelry.

So, the wolf thing. How do you know it's a myth?

[GHISLAINE] Ah. I had trouble sleeping one night.

Paul invited me to go for a swim, and--

[RUDEUS] You know what, never mind.


[RUDEUS] Wow. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Let's play a little trick.

[RUDEUS] I guess that ring works after all, hm?


[BEAST MAID A moaning]

[RUDEUS] Kinda early to shaboink in public, innit?

[SAUROS sighs]

[RUDEUS gasps]

[SAUROS] Rudeus.

[RUDEUS] My apologies, Lord Sauros.

I didn't mean to interrupt you.

[SAUROS] No matter. Look out there, Rudeus.

[RUDEUS] He seems different. Did sex mellow him out?

[RUDEUS] What is that?

[SAUROS] I don't know.

But I don't think it's a bad thing.

What makes you so sure, My Lord?

[SAUROS] It's less worrisome that way.

I suppose.

[RUDEUS] Then I'll say a prayer, too.

May women rain down from the sky.