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01x15 - Slow Life in the Doldia Village

Posted: 01/08/24 15:50
by bunniefuu

Meow! Oh, you done it meow, Eris!

[ERIS gasps]

[MINITONA] Wow, Eris have so much muscle!

[ERIS laughing] Hey, watch it! That tickles!

[ERIS] Cut it out!

[RUDEUS chuckling]

[gasps] Hey, don't interrupt, this is finally getting good.

[gasps] Leave me alone! You can watch next time, okay?


Young Master Rudeus.

Why, may I ask, are you hiding here?

[RUDEUS] Uh, people-watching is a hobby of mine...?

[GYES] You smell of sexual arousal.

[RUDEUS] What? No, that's absurd!

Are you sure that's not coming from a certain

beastfolk-loving redhead in obvious ecstasy?

Yes, I'm positive.

I'm grateful for all you've done to help us,

and I obviously regret locking you

in a cell over a misunderstanding.

However, if you dare lay a finger on my daughter.

[RUDEUS] Say no more, sir!

How's that?

[GEESE] I thought we were cool.

Hey, hold still.



[LEO barks]

[RUDEUS] Three, two--

Now listen carefully!

My name is Eris Greyrat. How do you do? Got it?

I try now! My name is Minitona! Hello!

Uh, my name is Tersena.

Nice to meet you!

Nicely done, both of you!

[RUDEUS] Eris, teaching someone a foreign language?

She does her teacher proud.

Lady Eris, thank you for being a friend to my daughter.

Has she caused you any trouble?

Not at all! She's a total sweetheart!

Eris squeeze less! That hurts, meow!

[GYES] That ring bears the mark of our people.

How did it come to be in your possession?

Oh, this? Ghislaine gave it to me

as a present on my tenth birthday!

Ghislaine did?

That's right!

She's part of this tribe, too, isn't she?

Oh! Yeah, that completely slipped my mind.

Do you happen to know her, by any chance?

She's about this tall and, honestly, looks just like you.

[GYES] So then she's still alive.


I assumed she rotted away in a ditch somewhere long ago.

Wait. What is that supposed to mean?

Did something happen between you two?

[GYES] She fled the village to become an "adventurer,"

abandoning her sworn duty to guard

the forest and the Sacred Beast.

She's a disgrace to the Doldia tribe.

No, she...

[RUDEUS] Wait!

[ERIS] Who do you think you are?

Ghislaine is my master, you jerk!

So don't you dare talk about her like that!

She's incredible!

Who are you to say she's not?

She's taught me a lot,

and she's always been there when I needed help!

She can run really fast, and she's really strong!

So you shouldn't--[cries]

Ghislaine is my favorite person in the world.

[GYES] Ghislaine is admired? No, that's simply not possible.

No, she is.

Eris. I think we oughtta let this one go.

Why? I don't want to!

Do you suddenly hate her or something?

Of course not, you know I like her just as much as you do.

Only, it sounds like the Ghislaine we know

isn't the same one who left their village.

Has Ghislaine truly become someone respectable

over all these years?

I respect her. For whatever that's worth.

I hope you're okay.


Is okay me want to ask you about Auntie Ghislaine?

[ERIS] Did you say "Auntie"?

Auntie Ghislaine is little sister of Dad.


I see.

[ERIS] She was my sword instructor for a long time.

She's tough, and super nice.

She always saves me when I get into trouble.

[MINITONA] Okay. But. Dad always say.

"No grow up and be like Auntie Ghislaine."

"Train hard, with sword, with mind,

with heart, and get strong."

But me hate sword practice.

Don't like follow rules. Me like play.

If you don't like it, you shouldn't have to do it.

But then Dad get big angry.

You and I are a lot alike, Tona.

Tona is alike Eris?

And you know, there are different ways

for you to be strong.

But I'll always be grateful that Ghislaine taught me hers.

Hey, Eris!

Please teach me sword like Auntie Ghislaine does!

Want to learn!


Eris! Say okay!

If you insist!

We'll start right now if you want!

I'm gonna drill you until you see

how great Ghislaine really is!

[ERIS] Let me warn you. I'm a strict teacher!

[ERIS] I told you! Don't just swing wildly!

[ERIS] See? You're predictable! Be more careful!

[GYES] My daughter has never been keen to learn the sword.

Yet that young lady convinced her in no time.

[GYES] Tell me. Is it true that Ghislaine is Lady Eris's master?

Yep. She looks up to Sword King Ghislaine more than anyone.

My sister is a Sword King?

Believe it or not.

And I tutored her in basic magic for a few years.

[laughs] Ghislaine training as a mage?

What an amusing joke, Master Rudeus.

You are joking?

Nope, that's the truth!

And she's learned reading, writing, and arithmetic as well.

[GYES gasps] I never would have guessed.

Goes to show, people can change.

[ERIS] Well done. I'm really proud of all the progress

you've made over these last three months!

I am, too, meow!

And I'll be better than you in no time, me--

[laughs] Nah, you're still soft.

That was mean! Give it back, meow!

[ERIS] You want it, you gotta take it from me!

[TERSENA] The rainy season is gonna end soon.

Really? Then we can finally move on to the next town!

I'm so ready to fight some new monsters!

[MINITONA] Eris, stay here forever meow.


Wish I could.

But my whole family is waiting for me to come back home.

[LEO barks]

I don't have a lot going on right now,

so I figured I'd get creative.

[LEO barks]

Ugh, you're so cute! Yes, you are!

[RUDEUS] I hear ya, but I'm pretty sure I'm not aroused.


[RUDEUS] Eris!


What's that look?

[RUDEUS] Nothing, I'm just glad you held back.

Duh, of course I did.

Hey, Eris?

Don't forget we're gonna hit the road first thing in the morning.

We're making a beeline from here to Millishion.

So once we leave, we won't be back anytime soon.


[ERIS] I know. What's your point?

Why don't you and I go for a walk, O Sacred Beast?

Come on! Let's go outside.

[ERIS] What are you doing here?

I'm sorry I was selfish! Forgive me, meow!

[ERIS] I guess I can do that.

[ALL laugh]

The Doldia tribe owes you a great debt, Master Ruijerd.

With your help, we suffered not a single casualty this season.

You have our thanks.

I hope you'll return.

I shall never tire of hearing your stories of bygone days.

I will.

[RUDEUS] Huh? When did those two get so buddy-buddy?

And you, Master Rudeus.

Saving our children took immeasurable courage and skill.

I regret that I can't do more to show my gratitude,

but rest assured that you are always welcome in our village.

Thank you.

I don't want you to go, Eris!

We're gonna miss you. You'll come back, right?

Yeah! I promise I will! Be strong and don't cry, okay?

Lady Eris.

Yeah, what?

Indulge me. I would like to spar before you go.

[ERIS] Huh?


[GYES] Please. Show me what Ghislaine taught you.

What a Sword King's pupil can do.

I'd love to!


Aww, really?


Thank you for your time. A splendid demonstration.

[ERIS] Thanks, you're not so bad yourself!

[RUDEUS] Wait. It's over already?

I hope you return. You'll always be welcome.

And please, tell my sister the same.

Lookin' forward to our rematch already.

[RUDEUS] Am I the only one who doesn't get what just happened?

See you later!

[GYES] Farewell! Safe travels!

You have a place here! Never forget!

Thank you for everything!

After we get home, we have to come right back!


[GEESE] Boss! Wait for me!

Hey, new guy.

Surprised to see you here,

I thought they still had you locked up.

[GEESE] Oh, they did. I made a break for it.

You don't mind if I hitch a ride, do ya?

"The more the merrier," and all that.

We're going to Millis, if that's okay.

[GEESE] It's perfect!

So. I promise you guys won't even notice I'm here, boss!

Whaddya say? Sound good?

This is such a bizarre road.

It's the Holy Sword Highway!

Legend has it that Saint Millis,

founder of the Holy Country of Millis, hence the name,

split the forest and mountains with one stroke of his sword,

and the resulting blast not only created this road,

but cut a demon king on the next continent over right in half.

That's the coolest thing I've ever heard,

I wanna learn how to do something like that!

[RUDEUS] He said legend, Eris, not fact.

[RUDEUS] What is that shrine for?

Oh, now that would be a monument to the Seven Great Powers.

Think you could elaborate a little?

Well, they're supposed to be the seven

most powerful warriors in the entire world.

I believe the current order is the Technique God at number one,

then Dragon God, Battle God, Demon God,

the Death God, Sword God, and the North God.

But don't quote me on that.

That really takes me back.

When I was a much younger man,

I trained specifically to challenge the Seven Great Powers

in hopes I may be listed among them.

Wow! So even you don't stand a chance against those guys?

[RUIJERD] I can't say for sure,

but as my name isn't on that monument,

I would assume not.

If they're that tough,

then I gotta track 'em down and meet 'em all!

[GEESE chuckles] Good luck with that.

Hate to break it to ya,

but no one even knows if the top four are still alive.

I've been adventuring since before you were born,

and I ain't heard so much as a whisper

of a Great Power's whereabouts.

Which prob'ly means the whole thing is an old wives' tale.

[ERIS] That's not fair! They should show themselves!

[RUDEUS] Nah, I can see the benefits of laying low.

Dangerous folks won't bother you that way.

And boy, if we ever took on someone Ruijerd couldn't beat?

There's no way we'd make it out alive.