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01x21 - Turning Point 2

Posted: 01/08/24 15:54
by bunniefuu
[RUDEUS] Bad things always happen suddenly.

You suddenly lose your parents.

Your siblings suddenly b*at the living crap out of you.

[RUDEUS] A truck suddenly runs you over.

[RUDEUS] You're suddenly reborn in another world.

Your father suddenly att*cks you and

ships you off to tutor a young noblewoman.

You're suddenly teleported to another continent.

Or maybe that's just me.

[RUDEUS] But one thing is true no matter who you are:

sometimes, people suddenly die.

[ERIS] Hey! Rudeus!

Hurry up!

Yeah, yeah.

[RUDEUS pants]

[ERIS coughing]

You gotta tell me what happened next!


Oh, Look! It's a bunch of red dragons!

I wanna hunt one of those someday!

[RUDEUS chuckles]

[RUDEUS giggles]


[RUDEUS] Heads up!

Thanks a bunch.

And here's one for you!

[RUIJERD] Thank you.

Listen up.

I'm listening.

From this day forward, you may call yourself a warrior.

Are you saying I...?

You're an adult now, Eris.

[ERIS gasps] But! No.

I've still never defeated you in a fair fight!

That doesn't matter.

You already possess strength on par with

some of the greatest warriors of our age.

He's right. Congratulations!

Wait. Hey, Rudeus? This isn't a dream, is it?

Ooh! You should pinch me.

You're not gonna punch me, are you?

No, dummy, just do it!

[ERIS] I didn't say you could pinch me there!

[RUDEUS] Sorry. But at least we know you're not dreaming,

'cause I wouldn't be in this much pain if you were!

[gasps] I'm a warrior.

But don't let it go to your head.

That also means I won't treat you

as a child any longer. Understand?

[ERIS] Yes!

[ERIS] Rudeus! Look!

[ERIS] We don't need to take this stupid detour,

we have Ruijerd with us!

So, let's cut straight through the mountains

and go fight some dragons!

Be reasonable, Eris.

Come on, you could take one, couldn't you?

Are you kidding? There's no way!

Red dragons are supposed to be incredibly strong

and they live in flocks! They swarm!

We can't just waltz through their territory!

Back me up, here, Ruijerd.

[RUIJERD] He's right.

[ERIS] Aw, really?

[RUIJERD] Yes. Even among the Seven Great Powers,

there are those who would likely turn back halfway.

[RUDEUS] Wait, are you talking about the Gods we saw

listed on that stela along Holy Sword Highway?

I would have thought people as strong as them

could easily dispatch a dragon. Wow.

[RUIJERD] They could slay one.

But only the mightiest champions could ever

hope to stand against an entire flock of them.

That's incredible.

So that would be the Technique God,

who's at number one, and the Dragon God at number two. Right?

I wonder what that kind of power even looks like.

Hey, what's gotten into you two?



Stay right where you are.

Don't move a muscle. Either of you.



[ORSTED] Is that Ruijerd Superdia I hear?

[ORSTED] And you must be Eris Boreas Greyrat.

But you, I don't recognize.

Who the hell are you two? And how do you know who I am?

Yeah, explain yourself this instant!

This is a curious place to meet you, but it's not important.

[NANAHOSHI] It's not?

There's nothing I can do about it now. Excuse us.

[RUDEUS] Please, wait!

[BOTH gasp]

[ORSTED] Who are you?

Oh, beg your pardon. My name is Rudeus Greyrat.

[ORSTED] A Greyrat, you said?

[RUDEUS] Uh, yes. Um.

Would you mind telling us who you are?

My name is Orsted.

Nice to meet you, Orsted.

So, uh, how did you come to be acquainted with my friends?

[ORSTED] I'm not. Not yet.

[RUDEUS] "Yet"? What does that mean?

[ORSTED] You don't need to know that.

Tell me this.

Which branch of the Greyrats are you from?

Who are your parents?

Zenith and Paul Notos Greyrat.

[ORSTED] Hm. Paul shouldn't have a son, only two daughters.

[RUDEUS] Well, that was rude.

Paul does indeed have a son, and he takes after his father.

But, uh, how does this guy know about my sisters?

[RUIJERD] Stop! Don't come any closer!

[ORSTED] Boy. I notice you match my gaze.

I'd love to stop as soon as possible,

that look in your eyes is terrifying.


Now, what exactly did you want?

Oh, I just... For some reason,

it seemed like you might know something

about the mana disaster.

I don't.

[RUDEUS] All right, then. I'm sorry to have bothered you.

[ORSTED] I wonder.

Are you perhaps familiar with the name "Man-God"?

[RUDEUS] Oh, I am! He's appeared in my dreams and--

So that's it.

[RUIJERD] Rudeus!

[ORSTED] I should have known you were an apostle of the Man-God.

Take Eris and run!


[RUDEUS gasps]


[ERIS yells]


You have great potential, Eris Boreas Greyrat.

You've improved considerably, but you lack polish.

[RUDEUS coughing]

[ORSTED] When you die, give the Man-God a message.

Tell them Dragon God Orsted is about to end this

once and for all.

Let the great protection of fire converge where thouseekest.

I call the bold heat of a torch, here.

And now: Fireball!

Cast without incantation?

So, did the Man-God give you that power?

[RUDEUS coughing]

That's quite enough of that.

Disturb Magic.

Heh. Well aren't you a crafty one?


Open Front Wyrmgate.

What an incredible quantity of mana.

He may rival Laplace.


[ORSTED] Why don't you use silent magic to heal your lungs?

[ORSTED] No matter. Die.

[gasps] H-Hey, Rudeus? Rudeus!

[RUDEUS] This doesn't look good.

I don't want to die.

I haven't gotten to make good on my promise with Eris yet.

I'm coming, okay?

[RUDEUS] It's just two years.

I can hold on for two more years.

Then, I'll be able to die without regrets.

[ERIS] Rudeus!

[RUDEUS] Yeah. It's one wound.

I can do this. Let me just gather my mana.

I can't die yet...

Focus and I'll be fine...


We're leaving, Nanahoshi.


[ERIS] Ruijerd! Ghislaine! Grandfather!

Father! Mother!


Someone, help! I don't care who!

[RUDEUS] Eris, I'm sorry...

[ERIS] Someone save him!

[NANAHOSHI] Orsted. I just thought of something.

What if he...?


[MAN-GOD] Welp, that, uh... That was a shame.

"A shame"? I suppose that's one way to put it.

[MAN-GOD chuckles] You know, you're acting

kinda different today. Are you okay?

Are you not feeling well?

Well, I do have this wide, gaping hole in my chest.

Hey, can I ask you something, God-y?

[MAN-GOD] sh**t.

[RUDEUS] That Orsted guy att*cked me

the second he found out I knew you.

So, uh... Why is that?

[MAN-GOD] He's the wicked Dragon God!

Despite how good and virtuous I am,

he holds great enmity towards me.

"Virtuous," huh?

Well, I bet you still find plenty of ways to make enemies.

But wait. If that's the case,

why not let me know that I was about to run into him?

A heads up would've been helpful.

Yeah, sorry.

Sadly, I can't see anything to do with him.

Not his present, or his future.

So, I honestly had no idea you'd run into him, either!

That's kinda weird. Do you know why?

[MAN-GOD] He's got a curse that makes me unable to see him.

[RUDEUS] Really? So, curses are real, too?

[MAN-GOD] Yup. There are these weirdos

called "Cursed Children."

Like Blessed Children, but, uh, more unfortunate.

Orsted is one of them.

He's got about four curses total.


[MAN-GOD] Ooh! You saw how scared Ruijerd

and Eris were of him, right?

That's the really big one.

Every living creature in this world

either hates him or fears him.

Well, that sounds pretty damn unpleasant.

I've been hated, but on that scale?

[RUDEUS] That's gotta suck.

[RUDEUS] Except. I didn't hate or fear him, so what gives?

[MAN-GOD] I would assume that's because you

came from a whole different world.

[RUDEUS] How would being from another world make me immune?

I don't know, but it was the same with Ruijerd, wasn't it?

Yeah. Hang on. What does that mean?

Are you saying Ruijerd is a Cursed Child, too?

[MAN-GOD] No, no, that's the curse of the spears.

During the w*r, Laplace transferred his

curse of fear to his own fancy weapons,

and passed those on to the Superd tribe.

That's right. Well, that's convenient for him.

So Ruijerd is--

Wait, have you known this from the beginning?

Did you tell me to help him already knowing

it wasn't going to do any good?

Oh, no, don't get the wrong idea!

The curse on the Superd will gradually fade away with time.

Now, a bit of it does still remain with Ruijerd himself,

but since he started shaving his head,

the effects have been greatly reduced.

Why is that?

Because Laplace also had green hair!

Ha... You say that like it's supposed to make sense.

Is that really how curses work here?

[MAN-GOD] Yep! Anyway, the curse on him is fading

because of his involvement with you!

The deep-rooted prejudice against him isn't,

but with enough hard work he can overcome that, too!

So, it wasn't a total waste after all.

That's good to hear, at least.

[RUDEUS] I'm still shocked that he was taken out so easily.

Never thought I'd see the day.

[MAN-GOD] Oh yeah, Ruijerd's no match for Orsted.

[RUDEUS] Well, he is one of the Seven Great Powers.

How could we have beaten him?

You couldn't. The Dragon God is unmatched,

even after you factor in all those curses holding him back.

Really? I thought I remembered that

the Dragon God was only ranked number two.

Is he not?

[MAN-GOD] The Technique God is ranked number one,

but Orsted would destroy him if they went toe to toe.

Actually, at his full power,

he could probably destroy this whole world.

But, too bad, so sad. His curses won't let him!

Weird, though.

You sure know a lot about a guy

you "can't see any past or future for."

[chuckles] Well, you know.

Hey, it's whatever.

At this point, I couldn't care less

what you're hiding from me.

I appreciate how much you care about Ruijerd.

Not to mention, I never would've

rescued Lilia and Aisha without you.

So compared to all that, what are a few little godly

white lies sprinkled in for flavor?

It's not like I'll ever see you again, anyway.

You won't?

[RUDEUS] Nah, or I mean, I assume not.

I'm dead as hell, right?

[MAN-GOD] I get it!

So that's why you've given up on everything.

Aw, just the opposite of our first meeting.

Yeah, 'cause, that time, I only thought I was dead

and I didn't have any idea what the heck was going on.

[RUDEUS] This time, well, that's life, huh?

I just got unlucky.

Although, I guess I shouldn't say that.

Unfinished business aside,

how many people get a second sh*t at life at all?

[RUDEUS] Yeah. I am lucky.

Welp, I guess this is where we say goodbye.

You got any idea how I'm supposed to pass on from here?

[MAN-GOD chuckles] No, sorry.

But I do have some good news for you!


Kid. You're not dead yet.

[RUDEUS] Wha--?

Rudeus! You're awake now?

[RUDEUS retching]

[ERIS] Rudeus!

[RUDEUS coughing]


Are you okay?

[RUDEUS] Why am I alive?

[ERIS] Uh, just a minute ago,

that girl said something I couldn't hear

and the Orsted guy came back and cast a healing spell.

What girl?

I think he called her Nanahoshi?

[RUDEUS] Nanahoshi? The masked one, right.

Why would he want to heal somebody he just k*lled?

[ERIS] He'll be fine. They said he's just knocked out.

That's good to hear.

Why are you so enthusiastic right now?

[RUDEUS] I dunno.

I just feel like everything in me is overflowing.

So, you won't mind if I punch you, then?

[RUDEUS] Not a bit.

I'm sorry I made you worry, Eris.

You better be, you dummy.

[ERIS] I'm so glad.

You're alive. I'm so glad.