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01x18 - Extended Families

Posted: 03/09/07 14:02
by bunniefuu
Herc: This is Austin, party central!

There's your welcome packet and your room key.

There is your jersey.

Do you work for the team?

Oh, no. I'm a tattoo artist.

Sanskrit. It says "peace."

I just...

You wanna see what it looks like from my ivory tower?

From my ivory tower, girl, you're not hanging out with Tyra Collette any more!

You can't punish me like that.

That is not a punishment.

That's a rule.

Can we just make this easy?

I'm sorry.

I strayed outside my marriage.

Now she thinks it's more than it is.

Taylor: Uh-huh.

You need to go home and take care of your wife and think about those kids of yours.

Hey! Buddy!

Oh, God! Oh...

You lying son of a bitch! You could've at least let me keep the job!

People: (CHANTING) Defense! Defense! Defense! Defense!

Announcer: The Panthers are ahead by five with just seconds to go.

And, I tell you what, this has been a nail biter from the word "Go."

And folks, barring any last-minute heroics from the Royal Rock Dragons, the Dillon Panthers will be heading to the Semifinals.

The Panthers offense can only watch as Royal Rock's Jerry Jakowski takes one last shot at planting a dagger into the Dillon season.

Go, blue!


Take him down!

Coach Taylor has the Panthers laying back, anticipating what has to be the Hail Mary pass.

And Jakowski launches a m*ssile!



Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Announcer: Somebody jump-start my heart because I think I just died!

Lord o' mercy!

Your very own Dillon Panthers are going to the State Semifinals!


Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Pam: You have ruined...

Ruined this family! All right? Ruined it!

Do you know what it felt like?

Hey, I know!

Sitting out there...

I'm sorry.

All those people at church and she walks up and slaps you...

In my room. front of me?

There's nothing you can do to fix this.

There is nothing...

I need you to be strong for your sister. Okay?


It's okay. Sometimes grownups fight. It's okay.

Pam: Don't even touch me, Buddy! You know I want to!

Buddy: Go ahead! Tear it up!

Do you know how humiliated I am? And it's all because of you, Buddy...

It's okay, it's okay.

Pam: Get out!


Roll out!

Come on. Move it.

Wait. Wait.

Forgot my wallet.

I'll just drive it and stick it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Forget it.

I'm sure you can't depend on a functioning spinal column, but one thing you can depend on is a drink on the house.

Let it go.


There's more beer.

Leave it. Let's go.

No. No.

Herc: That's what voicemail's for.

It's Lyla.

God, that girl's got a radar for when you're about to have a good time.


Herc: Party! Whoo!

It sounds like you're busy.

Uh no. No, no. We were just, we were just about to go out.

Let's go! The train is leaving. Let's go.

Are you okay?


Yeah, I'm fine.

Just give me a call back when you can. Okay?

You coming?


Written invitation?

Gonna take a while.

Okay. I'll call you when I get back.

Train's leaving.

Okay. Bye.

Okay. I love you.

"I love you."

Shut up! Whoo!


Men: (CHANTING) Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!

Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!


Going to State! Going to State!

Going to State!


Going to State! Going to state! Going to State!


Riggins. Riggins!


There's a woman at the door.

She looks pissed.

I got it.

Hi. I'm your new next-door neighbor.

Right there.

Next to your house.


And we can hear your damn music.

And weirdly, I have a job and I have to get up at 6:00 in the morning. So...

Turn it down, please? Do you think you could do that or should I just call the cops?

Can you turn it down?

I'll turn it down for you, ma'am.

Thank you.

Night. You're welcome!

Who was that?

Billy, get in the house.

We always say it's a bad call and then later on you realize I was right and you were wrong.

Honey, what is that thing...

You never said that you were sorry... that is on our front porch?

What... It's moving.

Can you...

Who is that?

Damn that's not...

That's Buddy Garrity!

That's Buddy Garrity, honey.

Sitting on our front porch.

I see it. I see it.

Hey. Oh, no.

I want to go to bed, babe.


Get out and say, "Hello."

Get out and say, "Hello."

Please make him...

Make him go away.

Hey, Buddy! Great.

The Semis!

Great game! Coach.

Great. I know.

Congratulations, Coach.

What are you doing here?

Good job, Eric! The Semis, baby!

You could've called.

What are you doing?

Oh, no. I just, uh...

Well... Pam...

Pam locked me out.

She's... She's kicked me out.

You know how women are about these things.

Oh, yeah.


So, I was wondering if maybe I could just sleep on your couch for a couple nights and, you know, give Pam a chance to cool down?

Hey, Momma.

Hey, babe.

I see you worked your way up from black and white to color.

Well, at least it's an improvement.

Oh, I love this movie.

It's so romantic.

Mom, please tell me that you're not watching this movie thinking of Buddy Garrity.

'Cause I might actually have to take your life.

Then my own. Right after.


I'm not hungry.

I told you ten times.

Mom, you're depressed. Okay?

You gotta eat something.

Come on.

No. You know what? I just need to sleep, honey.

I just... I can't sleep.

These pills aren't doing anything.

I just took another one.

You just took another one?

I'll be fine tomorrow.

I just need one good night.

That's all. Let me sleep.

I promise.

How did you get in here?

Don't worry about it.


Do you know what's gonna happen if my momma hears you?

I know. Mmm...

That's why we gotta go somewhere else.

What... I can't go.

Where we going?

How about a nice, romantic moonlight swim?

Waverly Grady...

What's gotten into you?


I've never seen you like this before.

But I could get used to it.



Jason: Hey, y'all. This is Street. Leave a message.


Whoa! Oh, my God!

Oh, no, no, no.

He is not staying a couple of days.

Listen, I'm not crazy about it either, he invited himself.

Wait. So now you guys are taking sides in this whole issue?

He is staying for a couple of days. Quit yelling at me.

It's early in the morning.

No. I woke up this morning...

Now stop it.

With Buddy Garrity in a towel in my bathroom shaving.

He was half naked!

You know Buddy Garrity's right about women.

Do you want to see him half naked? I don't want to see that.

Women are very dramatic.

You're very dramatic.

What are you doing, Tim Riggins?

I'm fixing my truck.

Oh. I'm Bo Miller.

I'm your new next-door neighbor.


And you're Tim Riggins.

Number 33 who single-handedly led the Panthers to the Semis.

What happened to your eye?

Are you gonna be able to play in the Semis?

Can you shut up?

I don't know. Can I?

Stop, please.


I'm gonna need you to shut up...


'Cause I'm incredibly hung over right now.

What does that...

So you need to go home.


Thank you.


Gumbie: We're the best because we work hard! You gotta be ready to do this!


Gumbie: Concentrate.


Where you going, Street?

Let's go!

Let's go!

What are you guys doing?

Let's go!




See you guys later.

Oh, good lord.

If it ain't Miss Buzz k*ll.

Shut up.

All right.

You jackass.


"Hi"? I drove 200 miles and all I get is "hi"?

I'm just shocked to see you.


Happy? Happy is a much better word.

Baby, what's wrong?

What is it?

I think my parents are splitting up.


You know, I'm gonna be a Panther some day.

Good luck with that, Bo.

Watch this.

Ready! Blue 42!

Blue 42.

I like candy! Hut!

He drops back.

He pump-fakes.

He throws it. It's going, it's going. It's tipped!

Oh, it's caught in the end zone!

What do you say about that, Riggins?

Hey, hand me the ball.

I'm gonna teach you how to spiral. All right?

Oh, boy.


I want you to put your fingers over the lace like that, okay?

As big as your hands are, you just do the best you can, okay?


And when you pull the ball back, you wanna turn your body so you can put what little weight you have behind the ball.

Got it. Uh-huh.

And when you throw it, I want you to follow through.

Yeah. Okay. Now let me try.

Ready! Candy! Candy! Candy! Hut!

Not too shabby.

Don't you think your mom will just get over it?

I don't know.

I don't know that she should.

There's no weakness in forgiveness.

You seem really happy.

I am. It's this sport.

I don't know.

Just playing something again.

It's awesome. I just, uh...

I don't think I've been this happy since the accident.


That came out wrong.

That's okay.

Baby, without... without you I wouldn't even be here right now.

You make me extremely happy.


What is that?

What? What?

What is this?

When did you get a...

What's what?


You have a tattoo?

Is this real?

Yeah. It was an impulse buy and I was...

I was definitely going to tell you about it.

You're permanently messed up.

I was pretty permanently messed up before.

It's not a big deal.

It kind of is.

Okay, maybe it's a little tiny...

What does it say?

...bit of a big deal.

It says peace. And it's Sanskrit.



It's just not you.

Well, it is now.

Hello. I'm in here making pork chops.


Hey, Buddy.

Hey, you're home.

How you doing, Buddy?

Oh, I'm doing good, man.

I, uh...

I hope you don't mind I got the game tapes out.

No, that's fine. That's fine.

I got some ideas...

I'll be with you in just a second then.

Just hang out a second.

All right.

Hey, can I talk to you for a second?


Honey, he's driving me crazy.


You know what, he went and...

He went and bought a whole bag of groceries.

All right. All right.

Just listen to me.

Just listen to me.

He's making me make pork chops.


We're standing outside of our own house.

Stop. Stop. Relax.


Neil Kenny, the athletic department over at TMU called this afternoon.

He and his wife would like to have dinner with us this evening to talk about the future.

"The future"? Our future?

You busy tonight?

No, I think I'm free.

We'll say it's a date then.


Oh, that's amazing.

I'm so proud of you.

Thanks, baby.

What are we gonna do about Buddy?


Would you come when I call?

What are you doing over here?

Not now, Mom.

You promised me that you'd stay in the house and do your homework if I went shopping.

I'm hanging out with Tim Riggins and he taught me everything there is to know about the game of football.

I'm sure he did. And I doubled my skill level in just one afternoon.

That's great, but you said you'd stay, do your homework...


Hey there.


Yes. Yes, this is mine.


You bet.

Bo tells me y'all been hanging out.

Yeah, a little.

A lot, actually.

The only rule was that I had to keep my voice down to a Level Three because Tim Riggins had some massive hangover thing.

Oh. Good, that's great.

Come on.

He's all yours.


Can he come over for dinner, Mom?

What? No, honey...

Please, Mom? Please?

He's got things to do.

I got...


I gotta work on my truck anyway.

It's gonna get dark.

You can't finish it in the dark. You know that.


If it's all right with your mom, I guess.


Okay. You little turkey.

Come on now.

Get in the house and do your homework.

What are we having?

I'll make it short.

You little squirt.

I can't believe you.


You are seriously not expecting me to stay here alone with Buddy Garrity!

I mean, are you even comprehending the depths of awkwardness?

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

Why don't I just stick pins in my eyes?

Well, I think that's a terrible idea but listen to me.

This is a very important dinner. It's very important to your father.

It's important for his career.

His career pays for all those nice things that you always ask for.

That you like for him to buy for you.

You don't have to sit down, have popcorn, watch movies with him.


Honey, stop it.

Oh, so you're not taking sides now, right? Okay.

So I'm not allowed to hang out with Tyra, but a known adulterer, I'm allowed to spend the night alone with in my own home?

Well, I'm sorry that's the way you see it, but I think you can... Excuse me, darling.

I think that you're gonna be able to handle it.



Taylor: Coming.

Hey, I heard everything your mother said.

You listen to her.

She's always right.

We gotta go. Let's go.

Hey, Smash.

How you doing, man?

Good evening, Pastor.

Good, man. Waverly's on her way down.


So I see you and Wave have been spending a lot of time together here lately.

Oh, yeah.

Sir, I just want to let you know that I only have the best intentions for your daughter because she's been somebody in my life that...

All right. Not that kind of talk today, all right?


All right.


Have you noticed anything different about Waverly?

No, sir. I can't say I have.


I need to ask a favor of you.

If you notice anything different about her, I need for you to let me know. Okay?



That's Troy over there.

He's from South Africa.

Then he lived in London. Now he lives in Texas. Everybody makes fun of his accent.

Hey, Jason. How you doing?


How's your wound?

Can I check it out?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, wow.

You heal fast, mister.

Looks great. Oh, hey.

Thank you.

I'm Suzy. I did the tattoo.


Well, that's nice. I'm Lyla.

His fiancée.

Oh, hi, Julie.


How you doing tonight?

I'm doing good.



You want to join me in a pork chop?

I don't eat dead pig. Sorry.

You don't know what you're missing.


You know, it is the other white meat.


Hey, you know where your parents went?

Um... They went to dinner.

I thought I heard them talking about having a meeting with somebody.

They went by themselves.

I think they went to this new little Italian restaurant.

Yeah. You know.

It's good for the marriage.


Yeah. Well, I'm going to go to my room and do some homework.

With the doors locked.

All right.

So, Tim Riggins. Do you like the taco casserole?


You bet. It's good.

You know, I'm so glad my mom had to get a fresh start.


Because if she wouldn't have ever met that dumb boyfriend Hank...


With the abusive substance issue, she might have never moved from Knoxville to here.


Eat your macaroni and cheese.


That was funny.

Bo: Okay, that's enough.


Not to get, uh, not to get, you know, serious or businesslike, but, I mean, you guys think I got a remote chance of starting?


Wait, wait. Whoa, whoa...

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Slow it down. Slow it down, man. You're barely out of the peewee stages now.


You might have a shot at B-lining it.

If you make the team.

Oh, he'll make the team.

He's an ex-quarterback.

Oh... Thanks so much for that.

I had no idea.

Here I was thinking he was some candy-ass that fell off a tricycle, (ALL LAUGHING)

So let me just put this to you, Miss Garrity.

Hmm... What's that?

What's that, Herc?

Football is not Quad Rugby.


Thank you for the enlightenment.

'Cause you're right. No.

No, it's not, is it?

Just what the hell you trying to say?

Herc. Herc, back off.

Exactly what I said.

I think she was simply trying to say that Jason is a football star.

Why wouldn't he want to start?

Right, Lyla?

Yeah. Thanks.

Thanks a lot, sweetie.

I can take care of myself.

Save your charity for those in need.

Maybe Herc.

You know what, oh, while you're at it, why don't you go and tattoo someone else's fiancé? Huh?

Oh, snap!

Y'all read that guy for the Lit test?

What's his name? Uh...

"I saw two paths..."

Robert Frost.

Come on now!

Somebody been studying, obviously.

I do what I can.

Yeah, you know what's crazy though?

Like think about, think about who we've been studying this year. Okay?

We've got your boy, Robert Frost.

Boring white guy. Okay? And then, and then we've got Emily Dickinson.

Psycho chick.

Ain't reading nothing, man.

Ain't reading nothing.

For real. For real.

Like let's think about it.

Like what about our poets of color? How come we're not studying them?

You know?

Like who?

Are you serious? Like Gwendolyn Brooks. Okay?

Sterling Brown.

We've got Amiri Baraka and then there's, uh...

Oh! Robert Hayden.

"Some I love who are dead were watchers of the moon and knew its lore; planted seeds, trimmed their hair, and pierced their ears for gold hoop earrings as it waxed or waned. It shines tonight upon their grave. And burned in the gardens of Gethsemane, its light made holy by the dazzling tears. And spread... And spread its radiance on the exile's path, of He who was The Glorious One, its light made Holy by His holiness... And...

Waverly, just...

"Already, okay, already a mooted goal. And tomorrow perhaps... Tomorrow perhaps an arms base, a livid sector..."

You know why, y'all?



"The full moon dominates the dark!"

Babe, babe, babe.

We got you. We got it, babe.

That's what I'm saying, y'all. I know. I know.

Man: Oh! Whoo!


Hey, y'all might wanna get a room.


Girl... Get your boy!

That's how Robert Hayden makes me feel.

Robert Hayden can write! Whoo!

You gonna pass that test now, huh?


Yeah. I felt it, too.



Mindy, who turned the music up? Mom's trying to sleep.


You know, you need to stop drinking.

Here you go.


You okay?

You seem a little nervous.

Yeah. I'm fine.

I just... Just...

I don't know.

I just don't defy my parents well.

Honey, you're not even doing anything that bad.

I mean really.

Yeah, except for the fact that I've been totally forbidden to even hang out with you.

Really? "Forbidden"?

That's, um...

That's kind of a dramatic word.

I don't think it was anything personal.

Right. Of course not. Oh!

There's your friends.

Hey, y'all.

Hey, Tyra.


How y'all doing?


How's it going? I'm sorry I couldn't get here earlier.

I was...

I was running all these drills to get ready for the Semis. So...

Wow. Hard at work, Mr. Matthew Saracen.


How you doing, Tyra?

So what happened?

What... What...


To... To your loving mother.

To my loving mother.

Who's just so loving.

You want... hold on.

Hey, hold on one second.

Know what everybody?

To Tyra. Everybody.

Landry: To Tyra!

Tyra: Thank you.

I am in your house right now, with you and strippers.

And just God bless everyone who enters here. Cheers.




Does your mom know that you're here?

Matt, why are you even asking that?

Look, it's just I don't want you to get grounded again.

I kind of like being allowed to see you.

I'm not gonna get grounded again, okay?

You're not?

No, and nothing is gonna keep me from seeing you.



Hey, Mindy, where are my cigarettes?

Is that Tyra's mom?

Yeah, but she's cool.

Did y'all take my cigarettes?

They're on the coffee table.

Will you go back to bed?

I'm up. Forget it. I'm up.

I'm up. I'm up.

Go back to bed.

I'm up already.

Go to bed.

Is she okay?

'Cause she doesn't really look okay.

Oh! Oh! God!

Mom? Are you okay?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

Oh, my God. There's blood.


Somebody call 911!

I'm so sorry.

I just fell.

I'm so sorry.

Are you okay? Huh?

Everything's okay.

Everything's okay.

Not many people could have pulled off the season you've had after the tragedy with Jason Street.

The fact that you got in there with what you had left and pulled that team together is nothing short of miraculous.

I tell you what, we got a bunch of good kids.

Oh, it's more than that.

We're all very impressed over at TMU.


I appreciate that.

Excuse me one second.

So sorry.

You all right?


Okay. Let me preface this by saying I'm not hurt so don't have a heart attack.

What's the matter?

I'm at the hospital. Tyra's mom had an accident and...

There's no adult here to handle this.

Well, honey, what are you doing there?

I was at a party at her house.


Look, Mom. You can yell at me later but can you just get here?

Yeah, baby.

I'll be there. I'll be there.

Thank you very much for sitting through that.

That was very nice of you.

No, thanks for having me.

It was great.

He's a funny kid.

I'm sure you got your hands full.


Bo, hurry up! The man's waiting!

Bo: I almost got it.

You know, uh, your rain gutter's falling off, huh?

Oh, yeah. That's on my long list of things to do.

I've got, um, work and Bo, and then homework and I just don't really have time to do it.


Bo: Here it is.

I thought you might want to have this.


Well, you thought right.


Jackie: Handsome.

Tim: It's fantastic.

This is going on the fridge.


I tell you that much.

All right.

All right.


Thanks again.


Bo: Bye, Tim Riggins.

Goodnight, Bo.

You feeling okay?

(SCOFFS) I feel wonderful.

Why are you asking me? Why?

You seem a little different lately.

It's 'cause...

'Cause I'm alive!

Because I'm feeling the world.

That's... If that's different then sign me up.

I'm different.

I feel great.


All right, it's like this.

I was taking some medication for a while and now I'm off of it.

What kind of medication?

It was like this stuff for a mood disorder. But it's really no big deal.

I'm better now, you know?

I got it under control.

I don't need dr*gs to keep me straight.

So does your dad know you stopped taking them?

Do you know who my dad is?

You've seen him in the pulpit, sweating, waves.

He do be sweating.

Oh, he do be sweating.

No. He just... He doesn't get it. You know?

I mean, it's my body.

I can do whatever I want with it, you know? Things are good.

It's like, how do you feel when you're out on the field?

I feel alive.


Exactly. That's what I'm talking about.

That's how I feel.

Trust. I feel better than I've ever felt.



I really think I had a breakthrough with Tyra tonight.

Landry, you're Ret*rded.

Tami: Jules.

Mom, I'm really sorry.

I don't want to talk about it here right now.

But, please, how is Tyra's mom?

I guess she's okay.

I don't know.

They won't let us in.

Yeah, we've been...

Will you do me a favor please and take her home?

But, uh, I wanna stay here.

No, I will make sure Tyra's mom gets home safely.

Can you do that, Matt?

Yeah, yes, ma'am.

I want you home.

Tami: Y'all drive safe.

Yes, ma'am.

Tami: Can you give me any information on Angela Collette?



Julie didn't come home?


So how's Neil Kenny doing?

How the hell did you know I went out with Neil Kenny?


It's a little something I learned on Magnum P.I.

You gotta be kidding me.

You gotta be kidding me.

Works pretty daggone well.

So did he offer you a job?

No. No. No.

Not officially, Buddy.

No, not officially.

You going to take it?

No, I'm not gonna take it, Buddy, 'cause it's not official.

Okay, well, when it is official are you going to take it?

Are you?

Gee, I don't know.

I'll let you know when the time comes, Buddy.

Yeah, I might need to know.


Jason: Do we need to talk?

Do you love her?

Do I what?

Do you love her?

Love who?

The cute tattoo girl, Jason.

Are you serious right now?

No, I don't love her.

You do. You do love her.

No, I don't. No, I don't!

No, it's okay.

No, you tell me really easy.

Tell me. It's okay.

Lyla. Lyla.

I have never seen you this wasted.

I'm not wasted.

I'm not wasted!

You're funny.

You're cracking me up.

You are. No, I don't.

Do you love her?

You're funny when you're drunk.

It's not funny, Jason, when you drive all the way from Dillon and you find your boyfriend hanging out with people that scare you and getting tattoos from sexy girls.

Not funny.

It's not funny, Jason.

It's not funny.

You're changing. And it is so real and I'm not changing with you.

We're never going to last because I'm not changing with you.


Well, I'm sorry if I... Lyla.

Okay, I'm sorry.

It's okay. No, it's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay because you know what? It's bigger than us.

Nothing is bigger than us, Lyla. Nothing is bigger than us.

Nothing is bigger than the love I have for you in my heart.

Nothing is bigger than that.

And I'm not holding onto you anymore because you're all I have left.

I'm holding onto you because I love you and I need you in my life.

And I'm not giving you up without a fight. I am not letting you go.

I love you.

I brought you some water.

Thank you for doing all this.

You're welcome.

Take care of yourself, all right?

Thank you.


Thanks for helping me bring my mom home.

You're welcome.

You can go home now.

You don't have to help me clean up.

Well, I think somebody's gonna have to help you here, honey.

Well, it's not going to be you.

Well, yeah, actually I think right now it is gonna be me.

You know what? Why don't you quit pretending you actually give a damn about what happens to me or my family?

I do give a damn what...

Oh, please.

You know, I found out tonight you won't even let Julie hang out with me.

What? Like I'm some kind of virus?

So it's a little annoying when you come into my house and try to act superior.

Start cleaning up like you're some kind of friend of the family.

'Cause you are not.

So you know what? You just you go take your precious little daughter and you lock her away so bad people like me...

We can't hurt her.


Just go home!


It's just that Julie's my girl.

And she's never behaved like this before and I might have been blaming you for that.

I mean you know, it could be that she's just growing up.

And I thought that I would be prepared for all that 'cause I'm her mother and I thought I would be prepared for whatever came down the way and...

Boy, I'll tell you what, it feels like a big old freight train just headed right in my direction.

And I can't do a thing to stop it but I'm just trying.

I'm just trying my hardest to stop it.

So I am sorry, Tyra.



I'll get the broom.

Taylor: Hey.

What are you doing?

Oh, I guess I'll go hide out in some hotel. Maybe nobody will see me.


Eric, I just don't think it's very cool for you to be meeting with TMU while I'm living right under your roof. I mean...

Do you care anything about the Panthers?

Can I ask you a question?

How can you even think about that stuff when you're in the mess that you are with your wife?


Pam will forgive me.

You think?

You know what I think? I think you hide your head in football a little too much, Buddy.

'Cause I don't think you should care about the Semis.

I don't think you should care about who I'm having dinner with or who the hell is even coaching the team.

I think you need to worry about your family.

I think you need to worry about your family, man.

You know what, Eric?

I'll always care about the Panthers.

Pam can cut off my head and stick it on a spike in the front yard.

But I'll always care. Always.

All right. I think that's it.


Will you call me if there's anything your mom needs?



And you know what, Tyra?


Why don't you come by my office on Monday?

I'd like to talk to you about your academic future.

What am I?

Your next project?



Take care of yourself, sweetheart.

Mrs. T.


Thank you.

You're welcome.


Hey, baby.

Dad's at church all day.

You want to come babysit?

Give me two minutes.


Jason: Victory.


You know what? This is all going to work out.

You'll see.


After I make this team, we'll go on a little vacation to Beijing for the Paralympics.

You'll see. And trust me.



Smash: Waverly?

Wavey? Wavey?




Hey, what's wrong?

Mmm. Thank you.


I got the call.

"The call"?

TMU made the offer.

