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04x06 - Kid-Napped

Posted: 01/09/24 08:47
by bunniefuu
It's here!

- Autographed picture
- of Kobe Bryant?

- Yeah, and look
- how he signed it.

"To my very bestfriends,

tamera and Tina."

- Oh, yes, I can fix it,
- I can fix it.

- Well, you better
- 'cause we got to knock

Miss m'lissa

off of her pedestal.

- You see, m'lissa is
- this new rich girl at school

- And she's already as twice
- as popular as us.

Well, that's because

she has what it takes

to be popular in high school:

Both: Props.

Like for instance:

We got the fugee cd...

- She got the fugee
- concert tickets.

On our birthday,

we handed out looty bags.

And on her birthday

she handed out televisions!

But this is the prop

that will put us on top.

- Look! He made it out
- just to you personally.

- Yup. The best 20 bucks
- plus tax,

- Shipping and handling
- we've ever spent.

Oh, m'lissa...

Look what we have.


That's not his autograph.

Oh, yeah?

- Well, what makes
- you an expert

On Kobe Bryant's


You're right.

What would I know?

Let's ask a real expert.

Oh, Kobe...

- ♪ Talk about
- a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

- ♪ Never knew
- how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

Tamera, it's him.

It's him.

Say something!

Kobe's here to sh**t

a commercial for daddy.

When I'm not in training

I go to Wally's waffles,

- home of the hot buttered
- flap-jock.

A mean outside shot,

and he's cute!

Oh, I hear you two

are having a party tonight.

So am I.

Oh, I don't think so,


Everyone's invited

to our party. Right?


Did I mention that Kobe

will be at mine?

Great. So, I'll see you all

at my party tonight...

All except you.

-Do you believe her?


- Almost done
- with my fantasy.

Ah... getting

to the good part.

Loving it...

Loving it...

Okay, now, what were you

talking about?

M'lissa, tamera.

- I mean, she's taking
- all of our friends.

- Ever since she came
- to this school

It's like we're invisible.

- -Tia, it's not that bad.
- -Yeah, it is.

Tamera: No, it's not.

It's okay... oh!

- Sorry, girls,
- I didn't see you.

Both: It's that bad.

Why so glum, my little chums?

Well, m'lissa is stealing

all of our juice.


The hussy's jealous.

She's a half a cup of nothing

- and you two are double dose
- of all that.

Really? Thanks, Roger.

Well, it's good to know

we have one loyal friend.

- Loyal as a dog,
- sweet things.

- Put a collar on me
- and call me "Lassie."

M'lissa: Hey, Roger.

Kobe wants to meet you.

Kobe Bryant?

Nice knowing you.

Hey, m'lissa, wait up,

sweet thing!

Oh, Lassie, come home.

- Ray, you can boil it,
- steam it or fry it

- It's still going
- to be your face.

Lisa, I'm sick.

I got a cold in my nose.

Oh... poor baby!

You know what you need?

A steamy hot eucalyptus bath

a good back rub

and some nice homemade

comfy food.

-That be good?

-That'd be real good.

- Want mama
- to take care of it?

Ray: Uh-huh.


- Here're the yellow pages.
- Look under "dream on, slappy".

I got me a date tonight.

Ray: You do? Tonight?


With Dr. Gordon b. Gorgeous.


Ray, I think that

this is the man for me.


Got a problem with that?

Oh, no, no...

I'm happy for you.

Mmm. Not as happy as me!

'Cause he is successful,

- he's brilliant,
- he's handsome...

And I think he wrote

the pilot for E.R.

Ray: Oh, I'll get it.

All: Hello?

All: Aw, it's for you.

We should've known.

No one ever calls us.

Yeah, m'lissa's

stolen our posse.

Miss thing is still

on your case?

Oh, and then some.

- She's giving
- a party-of-the-century tonight,

Starring Kobe Bryant.

How can we compete with that?

And no one's coming

to our party.

Oh, babies.

I don't understand

- why anybody would
- hang out with m'lissa

- When they could hang out
- with my girls.

Well, her daddy's rich.

He owns that stupid chain

of Wally restaurants.

Wally's waffles?

- Oh, when the good lord calls,
- girls,

- Just Bury me with two things:
- A picture of Denzel on my heart

- And a Wally's waffle
- in my mouth.

No, Bruno, you'll have

to pick him up for me.

And don't keep him waiting.

He's a very big music star.

Who? Who?

Who? Who, dad?

Oh, relax, relax, tamera.

- Your father's idea
- of a big music star

- Is that guy who taps out tunes
- on his head at the park.

Oh, really?

Well, does the name

"chilly-t" ring a bell?

Both: Ding-dong!

- Good, 'cause I never
- heard of him.

-Oh, dad, do you...

-No, I'm sorry, punkin.

But you cannot ride

to the airport with Bruno.

Both: Please?

Girls, he got a limousine

so he could have his privacy.

I'm afraid you're going

to have to respect that.

I understand.

-Hello, Bruno?

-It's tamera Campbell.

-Tamera, hey!

- Do you want to be
- popular or not?

Uh... I'm calling for my dad.

We found another driver.

What driver?

What are we doing?

Tia, look...

- If m'lissa's got a basketball
- star for her party,

- We're going to get
- a music superstar for ours.

- Yeah?
- What are we going to say?

Hi, chilly, we're big fans.

Want to come hang out

in our living room?

Hey, works for me.

Tamera, this is crazy!

Nuh-uh. I read in

the "whassup magazine"

that chilly never says no

to a fan in need.

Well... we're in need.

-Tia, Tia...

- When he finds out
- we're his fans,

He won't let us down.

Excuse me, sir.

Excuse me, sir.

Excuse me, sir.

I'm a real big fan.

Could I please have

your autograph? Please?

Get that thing

out of my face, man!

-Okay, let's go to plan b.

-Fine. What's plan b?

- -I thought you had one!
- -I don't have no plan b!

Both: Hi.

Welcome to Detroit, Mr. T...



Hold up. The record company

sent a couple of teenage girls

to be my drivers?


-They got my memo. Cool.

- All right, one and two.
- Let's step it up. Let's go.

Come on, let's hit it.


Lisa, where is the vapor?

Whoa, mama.

What are you wearing?

- Makes you want to go cave-man,
- doesn't it?


Oh, good, 'cause my doctor's

going to love it.

Oh, yeah, right,

your doctor.

- Mm-hmm.
- I've been feeling guilty

About leaving you here sick.

- The girl's party
- could get noisy,

So I fixed you up a batch

of granny Landry's

quick-fix elixir mix.


One sip and you'll sleep

like a fresh-burped baby.

- -What's in it?
- -It's a family secret.

- Granny took the recipe
- to her grave.

- Or did the recipe take granny
- to her grave?

Here, try it.

No, thank you.

I don't go in for that

hocus-pocus stuff.

- Oh, there's
- no hocus-pocus here.

Oh, wait, forgot one thing.



- A-walla-walla bing-bang,
- a-go go-go. Here, drink up.

I think not.

- I'll just crawl on down
- to the pharmacy

- And get me some
- good old-fashioned dr*gs.

You have a good old time

with Dr. Love.

Uh... ray...

Am I crazy or are you

just a wee bit jealous?

You're crazy.

- Good, 'cause we been
- living under the same roof

- For three years and ain't
- nothing going on but the rent.

- Well, that's the way
- I like it.

Why, don't you?

Oh, wouldn't have it

any other way.

Me either.

Both: Nothing.

Man! How does this woman

find out where I'm staying?

She left me ten messages

at the Hilton already.

"Chilly, come to dinner."

"Chilly, stay the night."

- "Chilly, I just want
- to be with you."

I keep telling her!

Maybe at Thanksgiving, mom!

Look, you guys got to find me

another hotel, all right?

Uh... well,

there's the gorham-Shepherd.

- Nah, nah,
- forget that bougie joint.

- Look, I'm trying to bring
- on the noise

- Bring on the funk.
- Tear it out the frame.

Rip up some furniture.

I'm trying to get my party on.


Did you say party?



We can hook you up

with a party.

We know a hotel

where the party...

Never stops.

We do?

Mr. Chilly-t...

We're taking you

to the Landry-Campbell.

Right this way, sir.

What kind of hotel is this?


It's not exactly a hotel.

It's more like a... home-tel.

Just a little cozier.


-When's the party start?

-Hey, coming right up.

- In the meantime,
- why don't you help yourself

To the fully stocked kitchen?

- But not the cheesecake.
- That's Lisa's.

Chilly: Who?

-Oh! She's...

She's the housekeeper.

She gets free cheesecake

instead of a dental plan.

This robe for guests?

- Oh, yeah, sure.
- Help yourself.

What does "r.C." Stand for?


"Really comfortable".


Tamera! Are you crazy?

- We're going to get into
- so much trouble.

- No, Tia. I think
- we're lucking out here.

Not only is dad asleep

and Lisa out,

but this guy's really stupid.

- Tamera, our parents
- are going to find out

And they'll k*ll us.

Well, at least

we'll die popular.

- Come on, let's call everyone
- and tell them to come meet him.

-Hi, mom.

Mom! What are

you doing here?

I am just way too excited

about this doctor.

- I got halfway
- to the restaurant

- And realized I left my car
- keys in the kitchen.


Lisa, wait.

Oh... hm...

- Actually,
- I'm glad you're still up.

There's something

that I need to say.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Lisa, I know.

You love me, right?


No, I... I mean, uh...

I got to go...

Well, unless you

don't want me to.

No, go. Get out.

Stay out all night.

What do I care?

Oh! Well, you...

Good night.

- Yo, what's up
- with the housekeeper?

- I still better get
- my mint on my pillow.

You know what I'm saying?


- Roger: Hey, the door
- was open, so I...

Who's that?

Uh... uh...

- -He's just here for the party.
- -Yeah.

Come on, one and two.

- You all going to have to do
- better than that.

That's chilly-t.

- We're going
- to party with chilly-t?

- Please, tell me we're going
- to party with chilly-t.

Yep. He's our bud.

- He's a regular
- party animal.

- He's going to pose
- for pictures,

Sign autographs...

- Come on, come on!
- Okay, now call everyone

About the party,

except for m'lissa.

Come on, one and two.

Let's get this party

started, right?


-Who are you?

I'm ray Campbell.

This is my place.

Oh. Well, I'm chilly.

Is that why

you're in that robe?

Hey, Lisa left it out for me.

She what?

What, is there only one robe

for the whole darn place?

Take it.

Smells like

vapor rub anyway.

You know, from what Lisa said

you're not at all

what I pictured.

Where do you practice?

Well, pretty much anywhere...

Garages, basements...

- Well, don't you even sterilize
- your instruments?

Why bother?

The cat sleeps on them anyhow.

- Look, my man,
- would you go in there

- And tell Lisa to get me some
- more of this funky lemonade?

I'm starting to run out.

- Look, this is none
- of my business,

- But Lisa deserves
- to be treated with respect.

She's a wonderful woman.

So what?

- After tonight,
- I won't need her anymore.

What? I...

Nappy head...


Dad, you're supposed

to be sleeping.

You get back to bed

before you catch pneumonia!

I can't sleep.

I'm too upset!

- What I need to do
- is take a long, long drive.

- Oh, great!
- Drive north to Canada.

Way north.

That arctic air

will do you good. Mush!

Go, go, go, go.

Promise me one thing:

You and your friends

won't have anything to do

with Lisa's boyfriend tonight.

I tell you,

that guy is bad news.

Both: We promise.


Hey, Tia!

Roger came through.

Party in the house!

- All right, chill-man,
- you better get up

- 'cause we're going
- to get down!

Both: Uh-oh.

Tia, I think he's dead.

No, he's not, tamera.

But we are.

Look. This is granny Landry's

quick-fix elixir mix.

Oh, man, is he out for long?

Put it this way:

Mom gave me a spoonful once

and I missed

half the third grade.

Man: Open up, chill-man.

- The dead guy is supposed
- to be the life of our party!

Oh, and he's going to be.

Ready... set... go!

Hey, everybody.

Say hello to chilly-t.

Lisa, if I'm moving too fast,

- it's only because I've waited
- for you all my life.

Where you been waiting?

'Cause I been looking.

All day,

everywhere I turned,

I saw your face.

Does that mean

I'm falling in love?


Gordon, you know

what they say...

When all you can see

is that special someone,

it can only mean one thing.

Oh, what's happening to me?

Don't be afraid.

Maybe you're falling in love.

With you?

Oh, god, no.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Gordon.

I think I better go.

Lisa, wait, don't go!

I think I love you!

Gordon, did I hear you say...


Tia: No more pictures now.

Get away from the star.

You're so bad.

That ain't him.

Mike, I'm ashamed of you.

My skeptical brother.

You the man, chill.

Dap me, bro'.

What's up with that, huh?

Uh... that's the new

west coast dap.

- -Yeah.
- Roger: Pretty cool, huh?

That ain't him!

- Tamera, tamera,
- he's waking up.

Oh, thank goodness.

Well, hi there,

Mr. Sleepy bunny!

Hey, what happened?

What did you two do to me?

Wait, wait, chilly.

We can explain.

Yo, forget it.

I'm out of here.

Soon as I can remember

how these things work.

Hey, what's wrong with chilly?

Uh, nothing,

he's just...

Doing the...

The latest

west coast dance.

Yeah! "The earthquake"!

Everybody, now!

Hey, this guy really knows

how to party.

Girl: Is he okay?

Oh, yeah, he's fine.

He's just goofin'.

Come on, chilly.

Up, chilly.

Here's your cookie, chilly.

-Please get up, chilly.

Oh no, Tia, don't you dare!

Not in front of our friends.

- If you going to cry,
- go in the closet!

I don't want to go

in the closet!

I want to go to bed!

I don't want to be

popular anymore!

Me neither!

Both: It's so hard!

- Girls, could you
- take this outside?

You're bringing chilly down.

He's already down!

And out.

Yeah, the big dope's

doped up on cold medicine.

- It's just as well.
- When he wakes up

- He'll remember
- we kidnapped him.

All: You what?

Okay, we lied.

We're not friends with him.

I'm betting nobody is.

He's even mean to his mom.

- We just needed
- him for props.

- Yeah, and now
- we can't even prop him up.

You know what, guys?

If we had to work this hard

just for you to like us,

it's not worth it.

Yeah, go on to

m'lissa's party

- -if you like her better.
- -Yeah...

Girl, are you buggin'?

We don't like m'lissa.


- Well, why do you guys like
- hanging out with her so much?

Hey, she gives out free TV's.

-Yeah, we're shallow.

- Yeah, what do
- you want from us?

We're teenagers.

Guys, we can't compete

with m'lissa.

Yeah, we have nothing

to offer you.

Sure, you do.

You got you.

Let's crank up the jams

- and make the neighbors
- complain.

Roger, you're our neighbor.

Right, and I'm not complaining.

Yo, my head is bangin'!

Good party.

All chanting:

Go, chilly! Go, chilly!

-Go 'head!

Chilly's in the house!

I said chilly's

in the house!

All: Chilly's in the house!

- -I said chilly's in the house!
- All: Chilly's in the house!

Chilly's in the house!