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04x14 - Ski Squad

Posted: 01/09/24 08:56
by bunniefuu
Almost got it shut.

Oh, I did it.

Tamera, you think maybe

you packed too many clothes?

Nah. Here's the problem.

- Well, tamera,
- you'd better hurry up.

I mean, you only have

three days to repack.

- Tamera, why are you packing
- so early, anyway?

Oh, just too darn excited,

I guess.

- See, our cheerleading squad
- chipped in for a cabin

At mount Brighton.

Yep. A whole glorious weekend

with no hassles, no homework

and best of all...

Both: No parents.

-Just think, tamera.

- We're going to be
- in the middle of nowhere

Totally on our own.




- -Yes!
- -Yeh-hoo!

Okay. Don't laugh.

- But I think
- I'm a little nervous

About going away.

- I mean,
- this is the first big weekend

I'm spending away from home.

Okay, I know...

Pretty silly for a girl my age

- but that's why I'm keeping it
- to myself.

It doesn't show, does it?

[Horns honking,

[sirens blaring]

I didn't think so.

Anyway, I figure

if I just play it cool,

Tia would never catch on

in a million years.

Come on, tamera,

we have to go get out skis.

- And will you quit
- being so nervous.

What can I say?

She sees right through me.

- ♪ Talk about
- a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

Ray: Lisa, it just hit me.

The girls are going away.

Oh, that's right, they are!

We have this big old house

all to ourselves.

Just the two of us.

And if we stay right here...


- We'll be near the phone in case
- the girls really need us.

- For heaven's sake,
- ray, please!

- Those girls will be fine.
- They don't need us.

Yeah, you're probably right.

- After all, they will have
- these audio tapes

- I made for them
- to help them out on the road.

"Slow I go in sleet and snow

and other safety rhymes."

"Ding, ding, ding:

The train is coming, stop"


Ray, tamera is not a child.

- I bet you
- she can take care of herself.

Why don't you let her prove it?

- Yeah, you're right,
- you're right.

- There comes a time
- in a parent's life

When he has to let go

and I am...

I'm letting go.

Hi, dad.

My baby!

- I am one step away
- from a singles' bar.

I'm letting go.

I'm letting go.

- So, honey,
- ready for the big weekend?

Yeah, I guess.

Must be pretty excited, huh?

First long trip

away from home

without your old dad.

Yeah, I can hardly wait.

I don't want to go!

I don't want to go!

You know, honey,

- I have been a tad
- overprotective,

But it's over.

You'll be just fine.

- I'm not going to worry
- the least bit.

- I'm having a heart attack!
- How could you leave me?

Don't go! Don't go!

Dad, there's nothing

to worry about.

I hear it's a real easy drive.

No, it's not!

- I made a couple dry runs
- last week myself...

Five hours of twisty,

turny, mountainy roads

- and you won't be
- in the comfort of a limo.

Aw, nobody listens to me.

Well, have fun.

Thanks, dad.

For nothing.

- How could you kick me
- out of the nest?

- I'm not ready
- to fly on my own.


Oh, man.

Okay, tamera, you've got

to get out of this trip.

Think of an excuse

that's not too lame.

-Oh, I'm lame, I'm lame.

Easy, hoppy.

- That must have been
- one heck of a fall.

Oh, it was.

I ask you,

what was a bowling pin

doing in a high school hallway?

- And even more peculiar,
- where was the other nine?

- So can you wiggle
- your toes yet?

- Not as much as
- I can wiggle my tooth.

Guys, I just realized...

- I'm not going to be able
- to go on the trip.

- -What?
- -What?

Trip? What trip?

- Wait a minute, tamera.
- I get the feeling

- You're making
- this whole thing up.

- Don't you want
- to go this weekend?


- Should I know about this?
- I didn't check my mail.


Tia, I'm dying to go

this weekend

but how can I ski

with a bum leg?


- Ah, nothing like a cozy cabin
- with a couple of hotties

And a few hot toddies.

Where will you two be staying?

Who invited you?

Oh, let him come.

We're going to be

all alone up there

and we could sure use

a big,

strong man to protect us.

- Whoa,
- back down, butternut.

- Quit looking at me that way.
- I ain't your lunch.

- Well,
- I guess it's settled then.

My heart says, go,

but my leg says, no.

- Wait, wait,
- wait a minute, tamera.

You're limping

on the wrong leg.

Okay, tamera,

what's the problem?

Are you just nervous

about being away from home?


Tia, I am not nervous.

- I mean,
- that would be way uncool

For a girl at my age.

- Anyway, I talk too much
- when I'm nervous

- And I'm not talking
- too much right now.

Shut up, shut up.

Tamera, look,

the main reason

- our folks are letting us
- go on this trip

Is because

we're going together.

You don't go,

I don't get to go

- so you'd better
- get it together.

- Tia, I don't know
- what you're talking about.

- I've been to a lot more places
- than you have.

- -I went to New York...
- -with your dad.

-Right. I went to Europe...

-with your dad.

I went...

- With your dad,
- with your dad, with your dad.

Dang, I got to get out more.

No, tamera,

you have to grow up.


Tamera, I love you

and you're my sister

but you're acting

like a big, fat baby.

I... am... not!

Listen, look-alike...

I am two minutes

older than you

so that makes you

the big, fat baby.

Not me.

Well, then prove it.

Wow! This place is great.

Oh, and what a great drive!

I'm having so much fun!

Let's go home.


Will you relax?

I am relaxed.

Everything's under control.

k*ller at the window!


It's a tree.

- Of course it is.
- Girl, what's wrong with you?

- Does the zipper
- on her sleeping bag

Go all the way up?

Look, look, tamera,

just at least try

and have a good time, okay?

- -A good time?
- -Yeah.

Why stop there?

Let's have a great time.

- And why stop there?
- Let's have a stupendous time!

And why stop there...?

Stop there.


I'm going to go wash up.


The pipes must be frozen.

Frozen pipes?

That means...

There's nothing to drink.

Is anybody else's throat

a little dry?

Water... water...

Tamera, tamera.

Get a grip.

Every little thing scares you.


I'd hate to think how you'd be

- if something
- really bad happened.

What was that?


- Don't you understand
- what kind of trouble we're in?

We're doomed.

We're doomed!

- We're saved!
- We're saved!

All: Roger?

A little help here, people.

Roger, how in the world

did you find us?

- We didn't tell you
- where we were going.

Which is why I had

to spend the whole dang trip

hiding in the back of your Van.

- You were with us
- the whole time?

- Under the tarp
- on top of the Jack.

- I don't know if they covered
- this in driver's ed

- But you're supposed to go
- around the potholes.

So, which one of you

is going to hook me up

- with some Campbell's cream
- of anything?

Sorry, guys.

All the food

is left out in the Van.

This is all we got.

What is it?

I don't know.

Either melted gum

or a makeup sponge.

- But either way,
- it's dinner for five.

Tamera, we're all going

to starve to death.

Hey, I got an idea.

Let's call domino's.

- They'll never make it
- in 30 minutes.

That means free pizza

for everybody.

She's got food!

Get her!

I found it!

It's mine!

Get your paws

off the pork rinds!

- We may be living
- off of these things for...

A long time.

- I can't take it anymore.
- I got to get out of here.

I'm calling for help.

Tia, the phone isn't working.

I don't care.

Help! Help!

Tia, you're hysterical!

You think?

Guys, okay,

now let's just hang on

until our parents get here.

Our parents

are not coming, tamera.

- What do you mean,
- they're not coming?

Sure they are.

- We never called
- to tell them we got here.

- -They'll be worried.
- -Nuh-uh.

- 'Cause when we stopped
- at the gas station

I called home and told them

we made it safe and sound.



Here we are, home again.

Just the two of us.


This big old house

all to ourselves.


So, you want to go in?

Why not?

- Unless you want to go
- somewhere else.

There is nowhere else.

- We've been to dinner,
- the movies, miniature golf

- And a walking tour
- of the tuskegee airmen museum.

Ray, you don't suppose

we're a little shy

- about being here alone
- together, do you?

No, no. I don't think so.

- Want to invite
- some friends over and ask them?

- -Ray!
- -Huh?

Well, you're right.

- I think I do feel
- a little awkward.

It's ridiculous, isn't it?

Acting like I'm 15 again...

Sitting with velma Watson

in her mama's parlor,

trying to decide

whether I want to tiptoe

- to first base or just try
- and knock one out of the park.

I remember my very first date.

My folks were off working

- and there I was
- with Tyrone weekly.

Sweet Tyrone...

He was all man, too.

- Had a mustache
- when he was eight.

So, what'd you do?


- First I got the giggles
- and then the hiccups.

I just couldn't help it.

You know, I felt so gangly

and self-conscious.

Kind of like I do right now.

Me, too.

Maybe because...

Here we are again.

Alone in somebody's

parents' house.

Yeah, but this time, ray...

We're the parents.

It's ironic, isn't it?

- -Maybe some music would help.
- -That's a good idea.

Oh, that's nice.

- Oh, yeah, I love...
- Jazz is always...

Ray, what the hell you doing?

I'm just trying to find

something to set the mood.



Now what?

You got me.

- You ever notice how much
- Tia and tamera look alike?

This isn't working, is it?

- No. You want to go somewhere
- and have some dessert?

I hear Denny's never closes.

Who you telling?

- Tamera: Come on, guys,
- we got to stay busy.

Think of things to do.

- Let's play another
- game of "truth or dare."


No, thank you.

Not one of you guys

took my dare.

Although I did find out

some ugly truths.

Come on, guys.

I'm running out of games here.

We already played

"musical chair,"

- "name the cabin"
- and "whose shoe is this?"

- We need stuff
- to get us through the night.

- Hello?
- I think that's a done deal.

It's 7:00 A.M.


We made it!

We made it.

Now what?

- We can't just wait here forever
- until someone finds us.

Everybody, chill!

Tia's right.

We can't wait here

scared to death.

Somebody's got to take charge.

Okay, Tia, get my skis.

You guys find pots,

spoons, pans,

anything to dig us out.

I'm going for help.

Hey, I'm the man here.

- If anyone's going for help,
- it should be me.

Or you.

Wait. Tamera,

you can't go out there.

It's too dangerous.

And since when

did you get so brave?

Are you kidding?

- Tia, I've been
- shaking in my boots

Ever since we got here.

I'm petrified.

You were right about me.

I'm a big, fat baby.

I'm tired of acting like one.

Somebody's got to do something.

Wait. Wait a minute, tamera.

Look, we came

in this world together

and we're going out together.

I'm coming with you.

- Well, unfortunately,
- I have to stay here

- And take care
- of the womenfolk,

So, godspeed.

You can start

by taking care of me.

On a second thought,

- you womenfolk are big enough
- to take care of yourselves.

Mush, my little eskimo pies.



Oh, no.

-Ray, wake up.

-What happened?

- What happened was
- we wore ourselves out walking

- So we wouldn't
- have to come back here.

I guess I fell asleep

on the couch.

- No, actually,
- you fell asleep in the park.

I carried you home

- and the couch
- was far as I could get you.

Well, so much

for our romantic evening.

Well, want to try

a romantic morning?

Come on, let's dance.

Oh, the back.

Maybe I'll sit this one out.

My goodness.

- This weekend isn't going
- quite like we planned

But it was fun playing hooky.

Yeah. From what?

- From our round-the-clock jobs
- of being parents.

- That hooky thing
- kind of grows on you.

I spent the whole night

not worrying about...

- What's my daughter's
- name again?

- You know,
- maybe the girls should go away

A little bit more often.

- Here's an update
- from mount Brighton.

- Where a snow slide
- buried several ski cabins.

- Both: My baby!
- -Warm up the car. I'm coming.

Oh, the back.

If we're going to die

on this icy rock

I say we spend

our last few hours

- huddled together
- making my dreams come true.

Hey, hey, hey.

- The oxygen is not that thin
- up here, okay?

- Man, push a brother
- over the edge for trying.

Roger, that didn't work

at the bottom of the hill

- and it's not going to work
- at the top.



All: Hey.


You guys see that teeny,

itty-bitty little speck

way down there?

- I think that's
- the ranger station

We drove past on our way in.


what are you doing?

- I'm going to go down there
- and get help.


I can't let you do that.

- If you're trying
- to prove something to me

You don't have to.

Tamera, I'm sorry

I ever called you a baby.

- Look,
- if it hadn't been for you,

- None of us
- would've made it this far.



I'm proud of you, tamera.

Now, come on.

- There's got to be
- a safer way down.

- Guys, let's go look
- for another path.

Well, okay.

Man, Tia...

- Thanks for talking me
- out of this.

I mean, I black out

on the bunny slope.

No problem.

Whoa! Whoa!


Girlfriend, bounce.

More cocoa, pumpkin?

Oh, thanks, dad.

I am just so glad

all you kids are okay.

Mom, you should have seen

tamera go down that hill.

I swear, trees were

jumping out of her way.

- Yeah, and the rangers
- were really nice.

They had all these pictures

- of the skiers that
- went down that hill.

- I'm the only one
- on the "made it" side.

I am so proud of you, honey.

- You did an awful lot
- of brave things this weekend.


- Dad, I was scared
- the whole time.

- Oh, sweetheart,
- don't you understand?

- Doing what you
- have to do

- In spite
- of a desperate situation

- Well,
- that's what courage is

- And you are
- a very courageous young lady.

- -I am?
- -Yes.


And the best part is...

I did it without you.

I beg your pardon?

Well, dad, what do you know?

I don't need you

as much as I thought.

Oh, honey, you need me

for some stuff.

Oh, hey, the Van's ready.

Come on tamera, let's go.

- -Bye-bye.
- -Love you, mommy.

- Wait,
- let me drive you home, honey.

Dad, it's okay,

but I don't need you to.

I'm going in the Van.

Let me get the door.

I got it.

Bye, dad.


Lisa: Bye-bye.

My little girl doesn't need me.

Aw, she'll need you,

- just as soon
- as her allowance runs out

Or some boy breaks her heart.

In the meantime...

I need you.

You do?

Yeah, we got a cabin

in the woods...

Cozy fire...

Sounds very romantic.

Lisa: Uh-huh...

- And you know
- the most romantic thing

About this place?

It ain't home.


Was that the Van leaving?

Dang, there goes my ride.

Oh, well.

Hey, you guys ever played

"whose shoe is this?"

Oh, it was.

I ask you...

What was a bowling pin

doing in a high school howlway?

Dad, I was scared

the whole time.


don't you understand?

Don't you?

No. I jumped her.

I jumped her line.

I'm running out of games here.

- We already played
- "musical chair..."