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05x01 - Designer Genes

Posted: 01/09/24 09:08
by bunniefuu
Good morning Detroit, wassup?

This is dj butter, right now,

hooking up caller 25,
with a pair of tickets

to see Calvin klein
super model Lukas Payne.

At the united n*gro college fund fashion
show happening this Sunday night

so hit me up.

Don't you hate those
radio call-in contests?

You can never get through.

You spend all your time
walking around with the phone

permanently attached to your ear

and you can't change
the radio station.

Who's crazy enough to do that?

Tia, turn up the radio!

They're giving
away tickets to
see Lukas Payne!

Radio announcer:
Ladies, keep dialing.

We're up to caller number ten.

Remember, the winner also gets

two backstage passes.

Backstage passes?

We'd be close enough
to touch him.

Well, don't just
stand there, tamera.


My finger's are numb
from punching the keys.

Ever here of redial?

Give me that.

All right,
we're up to number 24.

The next caller

will be our lucky winner.

It's ringing!

Tamera, it's ringing!

Radio announcer:
Hello, you're caller 25. Hello.

We're here!

We're here!

We're under water!

Quick, drain the sink!

Radio announcer:

Hello, speak up or hang up.

Wait! Wait!

Patrice, this is the last time

I'm asking you to keep still.

Now next time
I'm saying it
with straight pins.

But, girl, this gown
is gorgeous.

I don't want to take it off.

Bring my check?


Then you taking it off.

And make it fast.

I've got important places to be.

That sale at target
don't start until tomorrow.

I'm not talking target.

I'm talking about
jump-starting my career.

This is the day I've been
waiting for all my life.

Wait, wait.

Spill it, girlfriend.

You know that fashion show

they're having tonight?

I've been on the phone
trying to get tickets.

Well, I've been
on the phone, too.

I called up
the fashion coordinator

told her about my skills...

She begged me to come down

and bring my stuff.

You lie.

I am not.

I'm finally going
to get my designs

seen by some of the biggest
designers in the industry.

I'm going to be living large.

I'm about to blow up.

And so will my prices.

You're still going
to cut your homegirl

a little deal, right?

We'll talk.

Hey, mom, mom.

You've got to help us.

I can't find anything to wear.

Now, that's ridiculous.

You two have enough clothes

to be on somebody's
best-dressed list.

But our clothes are too nice.

We need something tacky.

Yeah, that's why
we came up here.

I'm going to let that one go.

Lisa, you don't understand.

It's for a radio contest.

You had to call in
to win those tickets.

They gave those away.

It's a different contest.

It's to win a dinner date
with Lukas Payne.

Oh, no. That
chocolicious supermodel?

Oh, girl,
what do you have to do?

They're giving the date

to the tackiest-dressed woman

who shows up at the station.

Forget it.

No girls of mine are going
to demean themselves

by entering some tacky contest.

Absolutely not.

What's the address
of that station?

Oh, come on, mom.

It's all in fun.

You know, just like Halloween.

We figure if we had
really geeky hair

and wore something
really, really dorky...

Hey, hey.

I wore this over here.

So, um, Lisa, what do you say?

There's a bag of old clothes
in the laundry room.

Knock yourselves out.

Oh, thanks, mom.

Now if we only knew
where we can find

some really clunky
loser shoes...

Stay out of my closet.

Yes, ma'am.

Ooh, I got to get a move on.

Girl, these things are fabulous.

Who are you telling?

Are these the ones you showing?

Yes. And when they see them,
they better act like they know.

You know, that's what I like
about you.

You don't wish
for your good luck.

You make your own.

- It's like
- my grandmother said.

"You can't always wait
for opportunity to knock.

"Sometimes, you got to rip
that door off its hinges

and tackle him in the street."

Whoo, girl. Yeah.

'Trice, okay,
now tell the truth.

Now, what does this suit
say to you?

It says you're successful,

you're glamorous

- and you have an exciting man
- in your life.

Well, two out of three
ain't bad.

Yeah, I guess after dating ray
all summer

you're starting to see
what I see in him... nothing.

Oh, 'trice, now come on.

Ray is a good man.

There's just no heat between us.

I heard that.

So are you going
to dump ol' frosty?

Oh, nothing as drastic as that.

I'm just going to suggest
that we see other people.

He'll never know
you're dumping him.

This could be very hard for ray.

That lucky dog
has been dating me.

This could scar him for life.

Morning, Lisa.

Oh, hi, patrice.

I hope I'm not disturbing you.

Ray, you've disturbed me
since I met you.

Then my life
hasn't been in vain.

Now cut it out you two.

Before I go, I wanted to know

are we still on
for the symphony Friday?

Well, actually, I...

Would you be a doll

and take these gowns out
to the trunk of my car

and wait in there with them.

If you want me to leave,
just say so.


So, about Friday...

You know, ray,
there comes a time

when two people are
dating, they have to...

Maybe you should sit down.


Oh, Raymond.

Dating this summer
has been special.


But I think that maybe

we should start seeing
other people.

Me, too.

I mean, don't take this personal

'cause you are a
wonderful man, ray

and I...
Me, too?

I've been feeling the same way.

I just didn't
know how to tell you.

Well, consider me told.

Well, you're not mad, are you?

No. Why should I be mad?

I'm ecstatic.

I couldn't be happier.


Well, are you okay?

I am fine. Bye.

Oh, oh, Lisa?

I guess that's a "no"
for the symphony.

That would be a "no."

I sure hope this works, Tia.

Do you think we
look tacky enough

to win the dinner date
with Lukas Payne?

Tamera, when we got out
of the car

a pregnant woman gave us
the sign of the cross.

I'd say we're a shoe-in.


I guess
this is what they mean

by "the crowd
turned ugly."

Tamera, look at all these
desperate women.

What some people won't do
for a date.

Ain't it sad?

Man, that contest was rigged.

You got that right.

We were way tackier
than patrice.

Afternoon, ladies.

Whew! Somebody's been missing

their beauty sleep.

Very funny, dad.

I couldn't help it.

I'm feeling so good.

Guess who just landed
the limo contract

for the u.N.C.F.
Fashion benefit?

Congratulations, dad.

Got any extra tickets?

Don't need a ticket.

Got a security badge.

And two extra girls you
can sneak in with you.

We've been through this before.

This is my profession.

I am not your ticket service.

By the way

love what you've done
with your hair.

This is the worst day

of my life.

Lisa, what happened?

Oh, girls. Oh, I...

I feel as awful...

As you look.

Did you win the date
with Lukas Payne?

No, but you'll never
guess who did. Patrice.

But a 70-year-old toothless man
asked tamera out.

He had teeth.

They were just in his pocket.

What happened to you, mom?

Like a fool, I went down
to that civic center

thinking they wanted to use
my designs in the show.

Well, what happened?

When they told me

to bring down all my stuff

they meant my sewing kit.

They were short a fitter

and they wanted me to fill in.

So nobody looked
at your dresses?

Oh, honey, nobody looks
at any kind of dresses

designed by a fitter.

But, mom, these dresses are
as good as anything in vogue.

Those people are nuts.

Oh, no, honey.

I was nuts.

To think I could even ever
break into that world.

No, no, I'm just
a Detroit dressmaker

with delusions of grandeur.

But, Lisa,

haven't you always told us

you got to dream big to win big?

Yeah... and after 15 years

of dreaming

it's time I woke up.

Man, I've ever seen mom
so bummed.

I mean, it's not like her
to just give up.

Who could blame her?

If I designed
dresses that beautiful

and nobody cared,
I'd give up, too.

You now what, tamera?

The fashion industry
is so full of snobs.

If those people

could just look at these dresses

they'd see how talented she is.

But she said she's not
going back down there.

Well, then,
it's up to us, tamera.

We can't let my mom's dream die.

Gosh, we got to find
someone at the benefit

to look at these dresses.

Reality check, Tia.

The only way we're
getting down there

is if we turn into supermodels

in the next 15 minutes.

Okay, people, step aside!

Clear the way!

International supermodels

coming through.

Hold it, Sonny.

Where are your badges?


Okay, bam-bam's cool.

What about Wilma and Betty?

Badges? Don't be absurd.

They would destroy the
lines of our gowns.


What they said.

Okay, who are you kids

and what are you doing here?

Kids?! My good man,
I'll have you know

we are the international

- Gemini.
- Gemini.


I don't care
if you're gemini cricket.

If you don't have a badge

you're out of here.

Bye, gemini.

Wait a minute.

Aren't you coming with us?

What part of "I've got a badge"

don't you understand?

Gotta go.

Boy, you're going
to need a bodyguard

the next time we see you!

What happened to your accent?

Pip, pip?



Now, I know I left those gowns

right on this chair.

Mm. I must be losing

the little bit of mind
I got left.

- I know
- that badge was on that jacket

When I put it right here.

Hey, Lisa.


I can't talk to your right now,

A big part of my life is gone.

Lisa, I can still see

that you're upset
about us dating other people.


What could have happened, ray?

Who can say?

One minute something is there

the next minute it's just gone.

One just never knows.

Well, somebody knows something.

You know, that's
very true, and...

Well, maybe if you look
deep in your heart

you'll find that
that somebody is you.

You're losing me, ray.

I know, I know.

I've felt this way
for a long time.

I'm confused.

As am I.

That's why we need
to sort this through together.

Oh, you want to take upstairs

and I'll take downstairs?

Just because we've agreed
to see other people

doesn't mean
we can't share the house

the way we always have.

What the hell
are you talking about, ray?

Somebody stole my dresses.


My gowns are gone.

Is that
what you're talking about?

Yes. Isn't that what
you're talking about?

No, I w... um...

My missing security badge.

Uh, I can't find it anywhere.

Oh, wait a minute.

My gowns are missing,
your badge is missing

and both of our
girls are missing.

I think I smell twin rats.

Why would the girls
take our things?

For the same reason

they entered
that miss tacky contest...

Lukas Payne.

Come on, let's get down
to that civic center

and claim what's ours.

I'll drive.

You know, ray,
this is the longest conversation

we've had in three months

and we weren't even talking
about the same thing.

Oh, you're right.

We should be dating
other people.

I know that's right.

You see him?

No. I think we're okay.

Security guard:
Hey, you!

Get this rack out of the way.

Yes, sir.
Right away, sir.

Tamera, what are you doing?

Lukas Payne!

Yeah, that's me.

Are you all right?

I am now.

Is there a problem?

No, we're cool.

We were
just moving these clothes.

Nice running into you.

Whew, that was close.

Can you believe it, Tia?

We are actually in Beverly
peele's dressing room.

Man, I bet she's been

on the cover of every
fashion magazine there is.

And we're breathing her air.

Isn't it great?

Great would be getting
someone to see mom's gowns.

- My gosh!
- Look at all her makeup brushes.

Hey, she leaves

the top of her mascara off

just like me.

No, she leaves the top

off her mascara...

You leave the top off mine.

will you get away from there

before she comes in
and sees you?

Like she don't
get this stuff for free.


I get it for a 10% discount.

Beverly peele!

Um, miss peele, we were just...

I know,
you're here to fit my dress.

Oh, that's right.

We're fitters,
here to fit her dress.

Go ahead, Tia... get to fittin'.

There. It fits.

No, no.
Ralph wanted the hem

to be slightly higher
in the front.

if that's what Ralph wants...

We're going
to have to go back out

and get more straight pins.

Yeah, these aren't
straight enough.

Oh, never mind.

This dress is all wrong.

I wish I had
something else to wear.

Did you say

you have nothing else to wear?

Yes. Why?

No, reason.

Uh, oh, Tia, why don't we

take these rack of lovelies

to the other models.

Who designed these?

They're stunning.

Lisa Landry, of the
house of Landry.

Yeah, um, she's a local designer

all the other models
are clamoring to wear.

Mind if I steal a peek?

Well, since it's you...

Knock yourself out.

There they are.

You two
have a lot of explaining to do.

Save it for the judge.

Everybody out.

I'm so disappointed
in you girls.

You take my gowns
without my permission

just to see some stud muffin

an now you're backstage

passing them out
like party favors.

Mom, this is Beverly peele.

I know who she is, dear.

Um, miss peele, I'm sorry.

I'll just take my gown
and we'll be out of your way.

She's looking for a dress

to wear in the show tonight.

I don't think
we've been properly introduced.

Hi, I'm Lisa Landry.

Oh, how do you do?

I know this is short notice

but do you have time

to alter this dress by tonight?

Honey, by tonight
I could whip up the bag

and the shoes to go with it.

Before we go, ladies

is there something
you'd like to say to miss peele?

Can we have your autograph?

Mom, this is so cool.

We're actually modeling
in a real fashion show.

Thanks for talking them
into using us.

Are you kidding?

I wouldn't even be here

if it weren't for you girls.

Yeah, mom. You always
told us to dream big

and you were right.

Well, when they said

they wanted
to show the entire Landry line

I knew that nobody
could do it any justice but...



Oh, girl, how you doing?

Oh... whew!

Oh, I am a wreck

but Beverly peele's dress
is ready

and my girls look beautiful.

Oh, great.

So how do you feel?

I'll feel a whole lot better

when I'm not sitting

on this pincushion.

Ladies and gentlemen,
this evening's hostess...

Miss Beverly peele.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen

and welcome to our benefit for
the united n*gro college fund.

As the u.N.C.F. Slogan
reminds us

- a mind
- is a terrible thing to waste.

The same can be said of talent.

For example, the gown
I am wearing this evening

was designed
by an emerging talent

right here in Detroit...

Lisa laundry.

That's Landry!

You go, girl.

The fabulous fashions
from the house of Landry

will be modeled by a pair
of talented newcomers... gemini.