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05x08 - Popular Mechanic

Posted: 01/09/24 09:16
by bunniefuu
Tamera, I know
he's coming in today.

Let's do the checklist.






Oh. Well, um...

How about now?

Less desperate.


See, tyreke,
he is this really cute guy

who's been coming
into book 'em Joe

for the past couple of weeks.

And my sister is totally sprung.

Am not.

He is so sweet

and nice and funny
and fine and...


There you are, Mattie.

Why aren't you working
out in the studio?

Because those chairs up there
were made for people

with little, itty-bitty
baby butts.

Lisa, you got to get rid

of all those boxes of junk
you got out in the garage.

Those are valuable heirlooms.

I'm saving them

for when the girls
get their own apartment.

No disrespect, Ms. Landry

but I really can't see Tia
and tamera hanging up posters

of afro-wearing naked people.

So, how about I'll take them
off your hands?

No disrespect, Roger

but if I catch you going
through my things

you will have no hands.

Mr. Campbell asked me

to help him find
some old dishes.

They're for Scotty

my new mechanic
from the mentoring program.

I'm letting him stay
over the shop

until he finds a place.

You gave him a job
and his own crib?

Will you mentor me,
Mr. Campbell?

The program is for
disadvantaged youth.

You're just youth.

I really admire how this kid
from the street

is getting his life together.

It reminds me of myself
when I was his age.

You grew up on the street?

Well, a street.

Elm street.

It was a lot tougher
than it sounds.

Oh, yeah, the notorious
elm street crew.

Weren't your g*ng colors
khaki and plaid?

You better recognize.

Hi, Tia.



Whoa! Ooh!

You know what?
Let me help you with those.


I came in a couple of times
to see you

and your manager told me
that you had the day off.

You came here to see me?

Of course.

Actually, uh,
I wanted to ask you...

Uh, is my book

in yet?

Excuse you, rudeness.

Tia, I got honeys to train.

I need my book.

Roger, I've told you 100 times

you're from Mars.

You don't need a book

to tell you women
are from Venus.

Would you believe the lack

of customer support
in this place?

No, but you know what?

I'd roll down to Barnes & Noble.


I'll just take my pocket
full of change elsewhere.


Oh, don't mention it.

So, uh, you were going
to ask me something?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I was, uh, I was wondering...

And cut!

That's a wrap.

Listen, you've been

around here for weeks.

- Brother, either ask her out
- or buy something.


No, no, I'm with you, g.

Tia, listen, you think maybe
we can hang out Friday night?

Well, Friday, I...

Spit it out!

You know you're free.

Friday's fine.

Okay, cool.

Now, can you send curly
on his way

and get back to work?

I get a break in half an hour.

Okay, I'll be back then.

Employee breaks are
exactly 15 minutes.

Keep your mack brief.

Uh-oh. Do over.


Tia, the left side
of your upper lip

doesn't match the right side.

You curved when you
should've veered left.

Give me that.

Is my baby ready
for her big date?

She will be
as soon as her lips get lined.

- Perfect.
- Perfect.

So, tell me some more
about this boy.

Mom, we already
had this conversation.

His name is tyreke Scott.

He's really nice,
19 and out of school.

Oh, you mean 19 19

or he's-really-young-
for-his-age 19?

Mom, I wouldn't go out with him

if I didn't think
he was a great guy.

Oh, I guess
I did raise you right.

Wait a minute.

I thought you said you
were going out with him

because you thought his
butt looked cute in Levi's.

What butt?

Uh, no butt.

No butt at all.

The boy's buttless.

Hold up! Let me see
what you're wearing

so I can see
if you're covering yours.

May I help you?

Well, that depends.

You see that tin of bugle beads

and that piece of satin?


And do you see me standing here?


Well, unless you plan
to start stitching

I suggest you get up!

Let me make this very clear.

This is my house
and this is my chair

and I'm not moving.

And that's your doorbell.


Scotty, what are you doing here?

Ray? I guess I have
the wrong address.

Delivering flowers
on your time off?

Ambitious, just like me.

Actually, I...

Come on in.
Come on in.

Mattie, this is Scotty

the young mechanic from work
I told you about.

Oh, yeah, the bad kid gone good.

Mattie's not a member
of the family.

We fed her one day
and she keeps coming back.

So, who are

the flowers for?

Oh, they're for Tia Landry.

Oh, then, you have come
to the right address.

They're probably from her date

some knucklehead trying
to impress her.

You got that right.

I'm the knucklehead.

You're the knucklehead?

You're her date.


- It's better
- than young and the restless

When cricket found out
her boyfriend was

her half-brother.

So, ray, how do you
fit into all this?

Well, I'm the father
of Tia's sister.

But not her mother's husband
or Tia's father.

We're just all friends living
under one roof.

Oh, hello.

You must be tyreke.

I'm Tia Landry's mother.

Oh, hi, hi.

Nice to meet you.

I'm tamera.

- Oh, you're Ray's daughter.
- Okay.

Yeah, I see you two have met.

we already know each other.

Scotty is the young man
I've been mentoring.

Tyreke is Scotty?

Oh, tyreke Scott.

Scott, Scotty...


Well, isn't this something?

Tia could have just went
down to Ray's office

instead of hanging out
at Joe's every day

looking all pitiful,
waiting for you

to show up.

Strike that from
the conversation.


Hi. Hi. These are for you.

Thanks. They're

Tia, you are not going
to believe this.

Tyreke works for dad.

He's Scotty, the mechanic.

Scotty's tyreke?

Oh, tyreke Scott.


A lot of instant replays
around here.

I'll go put these in water.


I'll go turn on the faucet.

Hey, um, just have a seat.

I'll be right back.


Wouldn't sit there.

That thing is m*rder
on your back.

Your mouth is m*rder
on my nerves.

Have a seat.

I can't believe
tyreke works for you.

This is so perfect.

It is?

Yeah. You know,
I was worried

that we wouldn't have anything
to talk about

but, now, I mean,
we have something in common.

Tia, I can't let you
go out with tyreke.

W-Wait a minute.

What do you mean

I can't go out with tyreke?

Tia, this is as difficult for me
to say as it is for you to hear.

Then don't say it.

You don't even know this kid.

Oh, w-well, sure I do, ray.

I mean, all you've
been talking about for weeks is

"Scotty did this.
Scotty did that.

Scotty can do anything..."
Except ask me out?

Tia, you two come

from two different worlds.

Oh... oh, so, I see...

Scotty's good enough
to be your mechanic

but he's not good enough

for me to date?

Is that it?

You know me better than that.

I thought I did.

Bottom line is

you're not going out with him.

Well, bottom line,
you're not my father.

Let's see
what my mom has to say.

You can rotate
four tires in
six minutes flat?

Well, i'm scared of you.


Will you excuse me for a moment?

Yes, ma'am.

You'll have to stop
calling me "ma'am."

You're making me feel
like an old woman.

Shut up, Mattie.

Oh, Tia, he is adorable,

and so polite.

Who d*ed?

Mom, ray won't let me
go out with tyreke.


You'll have to trust me
on this... I know best.

Mm-hmm. Just make
sure you two are
back by curfew.

Lisa, I'm serious.

He doesn't think he's
good enough for me.

Now, baby, I'm sure
that isn't it, now is it, ray?


So, um...

Did you know
that Tia and I are twins?



Yeah, I-I got that.

You'll never guess where we met.

The delivery room?


In the mall.

I swear, this family

is a Jerry springer
waiting to happen.

Ray Campbell,
you have not given me

one good reason why Tia
should not go out with tyreke.

He just got out of prison.

Good reason.


Well, I didn't want
to say anything before

because... well, I thought
it was tyreke's business.

This puts things
in a very, very
different light.

He seems like a nice enough boy

but maybe you shouldn't
go out with him

until we know a little
bit more about him.

You're siding with ray?

I'm not siding with anybody.

- I'm just doing
- what I think is right for you.

Well, when do I get to decide
what's right for me?

When I'm dead.

Tia, hurry up.

He's here to date you, not me.

Who d*ed?

I'll break the news to tyreke.

No, ray.

What news?

He came here to see me.

I'll go tell him.

But Tia...


At least give me that much.

Give her what?

I want some.

The trick is to catch the bead

right in the top loop
of the double stitch.

Here, you try.

Excuse me, Mattie.

Um, I need to talk to tyreke.

Oh, go ahead.


Well, make it fast.

He's got beading to do.

I was starting to think

you had forgot about me.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

Oh, no, it's cool.

I got to know the family better.

You know, everyone except you.

Um, I'm sorry, tyreke,
but, um, I can't...

Let me guess... your folks
won't let you go out with me

because of my record, right?


Look, Tia

I know I should've told you
everything from the jump

but I just didn't want
you to sh**t me down

before you got a
chance to know me.

But I'm not like that.

Maybe not.

But we still can't go out,
can we?

Look, Tia...

When I was 16

my moms let me hang out

with my big brother Kenny.

I was so happy

because she never
let me go anywhere.


Oh, yeah, yeah

my moms was crazy strict.

Well, anyway,
Kenny let me drive.

A couple of blocks later

we were pulled over by the cops.

Well... what for?

Turns out Kenny stole the car.

The cops said they'd drop
the charges against me

if I snitched on my brother

but I wasn't going
out like that.

So you went to jail?

Jail for minors.

Two years for Grand Theft Auto.

And Kenny got nothing?

Well... that doesn't
seem fair.

It's fair on the street.


It's amazing how you've
pulled your life back together.

I mean, if that
would've happened to me

I don't know what I'd do.

Yeah, I stayed correct

because I wanted to make
something of my life.

I can't make them
accept me, Tia.

But I won't let anyone take away

what I've accomplished.

Tyreke, I don't know
what to say.

There's nothing to say.

Bye, Tia.

Hey, sis...

You all right?

No, tamera.

But I will be.

Where are you going?

I have to tell him something.

Tia, Lisa and dad will freak.

What am I supposed to tell them?

You tell them that I'm right

and they're wrong.

You got anything else?

Okay, okay...

Okay, this is not a problem.

Tia's going to come walking
through that door right...


So much for that
psychic twin thing.

Tia, I'd like
to talk to you.

Oh, no.

Think, tamera, think.

Tia, may I come in?

Run, tamera, run.



Tia, I know you're upset

but this thing is
troubling me, too

and I thought maybe we
could talk it out, okay?


Well, even though
you say I'm not

I still feel like your father.

In fact, I feel as though

you could be tamera
under those covers.

Well, as a parent

I just don't want
you in a situation

that you're not ready for.


So I was thinking.

Maybe we could invite tyreke
over for dinner

so we can get to know
each other better.

What do you say to that?





Oh... oh, I'm sorry
to interrupt.

I was just looking for tamera.

Tia, have you seen her?


Don't cover up for her.

I know she's here.

If she doesn't get downstairs

and wash those dishes
in ten seconds

she'll be grounded for a week!

Excuse me, dad.

I've got dishes to wash.

Tamera, where's your sister?

You know...

I bet this is going to be
one of those moments

we all laugh about
years from now.

If I live that long.

I should've just kept going

after I drove past her house
the fifth time... ow!

I bet that hurt.


Well, what are you doing here?

Oh, I followed you.

I couldn't let you leave
the way you did.

Look, if ray catches you here,
he's gonna trip.

No, no, no, no,
it won't be long.

It's just...

You left before I can
tell you how I felt.

I'm listening.

Tyreke, I like you a lot

and I don't care
where you've been

or what you've done.

I like who you are right now.

I like you a lot, too, Tia.

Well, uh...

That's what I came here to say.

Whoa, oh, whoa, Tia, Tia, wait.

Uh, since management stepped in
and canceled our date

don't you want to know
what we were going to do?


Well, believe me, it was...

It was more romantic
than this place.

What are you doing?

Just cleaning up.

So, uh... tell me more
about the date.

- Well, I was going
- to start with the flowers...

Which you got.

Yes, I did.

Then I was going to take you

to listen to jazz in the park.

Ooh, sounds like fun.

Yeah, I was hoping
you'd feel that way.

I even packed a basket

and I had a blanket
and food and everything.

Oh, that's so romantic.

And you made my favorite.

Well, um... to be honest

I really don't know that much
about jazz.


I got a tape right here.

Hold on.

So, uh... do they allow dancing
in the park?

Only if the mood is right.

May I have this dance?

I was hoping you'd ask.

Psst. Hey, tamera.

Wake up.

It's me. I'm back.



Uh, y-you scared me.

Well, good.

Now you know how we feel.

Mom, let me explain.

No, let me explain.

Tyreke is not a bad person.

I ain't talking about that
bald-headed thing right now.

- He does not live under my roof;
- you do.

You broke the rules.

You defiantly left this house
after we told you to stay.

If that's not bad enough

you had to drag your poor sister
into this mess

and got her grounded

for a whole week.

I'm sorry, tamera.

Me, too.

Ray, tyreke had nothing
to do with my leaving.

So, please, don't fire him.

Why would I do that?

You're the one that disobeyed
and disrespected us.

I'm sorry.

I don't know what came over me.

- Well, I'll tell you
- what's going to come over you.

You are grounded for a month.

I know.

And no phone for a month.

I know.

You're only going
to be able to see tyreke

when we invite him over...
For dinner next week.

I know.

Tyreke's coming over for dinner?

Don't you be smiling
when we punishing you.

Give her what?
I want some.

It's a book on tape,
and no, it isn't...

It I...

Darn it!


You been cree-cree-creeping
around here for weeks.

Listen, either...


And then you dragged
your poor sister into this mess.

What are you laughing at?

You said...
