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05x19 - You Had to Be There

Posted: 01/09/24 09:28
by bunniefuu
Lisa, you okay?

Yeah. I'm just going
through my scrapbook.

Oh, look at Tia,
my sweet little pumpkin.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I see.

Lisa, you've seen these
old pictures 100 times.

You women are so emotional.


Oh, turn back!
Turn back! Turn back!

Look. Aw...

That's tamera after she
lost her first tooth.

Oh, look at her little tongue
poking through the hole.

Yeah. She looks like
a little Leon spinks.

Scrapbook alert.

Yeah, well, I hope Roger

gets here before
she starts talking

about cutting the krazy glue
out of my hair.

Oh, Tia, look!
Here's a picture of you

with one ponytail
on the side of your head

and a bald spot on the other.

Mom, you know I hate that.

Oh, relax, Tia.

Everybody has old
photos of themselves

that are a little embarrassing.

Oh... not everybody does.

I guess it's time
to put the scrapbook up.

You're not fooling anyone, Lisa.

We know you're photo-phobic.


Stop it, now.

Come on, now.

There's lots of pictures
of me in here.

Oh, look. Here's one.

That's the girls
and me at Disney world.

In the corner, there.

My sneaker.

Ooh, L.A. gear. Huh.

See? You're hiding

behind goofy?

That's pathetic.

Hmm. Goofy wasn't complaining.

Mom, I'm going to be
going away to college soon

and I would like a picture
of you, not just your shoe.

I'll remedy that right now.

Let me get my camera.

Not with my bangs
looking like this.

Oh, Lisa, hold still.

No, ray, ray, stay away!

You better turn around.

What I'm snapping,
you're not going

to want framed.

Oh, there's Roger.

Wha...? What-what are
you guys doing here?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought we had girlfriends
that lived here.

We were just surprised
to see you.

We knew you guys
wouldn't want to miss

what's at the mall:

The original Batmobile.

Oh, and they're
letting people
sit in it.

Oh, I am so there!

Wait, wait. Does the Batmobile
have a backseat?

Tamera and I were going
to go out with our
friend Roger.

Roger? The kid
next door

that's always bothering y'all?

He's not always bothering us.

You said he comes over
all the time uninvited
and never leaves.

We invited him over that...
One time.

And what is it you always

say to him?

Go home, Roger!

Go home, Roger!


Go home, Roger!


See? There he is
right now.

Hey, guys

why don't we all just
go together, you know?

Oh, I don't know.

He's just a junior.

You guys really want
to hang out with a kid?

Oh, come on.
He's our friend.

Yeah, and once you guys
get to know him better

he's really, really sweet.

You'll like him.

Dag, y'all!

Y'all got wood for brains?

I mean, the doorbell rings

turn the knob, let Roger in.

I mean, how hard could that be?

Come on in, Roger.

Tyreke and Jordan,
they're coming along, too.

Cool. What's up?

Uh, not much.

We was going
to kick it
at the mall.

I heard they got the original
Batmobile down there.

Now you're talking, dog.

See? I just knew
you guys would
get along.

So whose car are
we going to take?

Oh, why don't I drive

my dad's car?

Why don't we all just dive
into a ditch right now?

Excuse me. Are you saying
there's something wrong

with the way I drive?

Not if you're
a crash-test dummy.

Right, guys?

You know, I-I don't know, Roger.

We always drive.

Yeah. Are they
bad drivers?


Let me drop
a little twin history...

Okay, come on, Roger.

Nobody wants to hear
those dumb stories.

Y'all want to hear
some dumb stories?

- Yeah.
- You know it.

It started when they were not
even old enough to drive...

I'd start to put my foot
on the brakes.

Put your foot on the brakes.

Put your foot on the brakes!

For god sakes, brake!

Curb. Curb!

It's too close!
Too close!

How do you know?

I think
that's how you know, Tia.

Two words, Tia:

Bus pass.

Tia, that was pretty funny.

Give me a break, guys, okay?

I was a kid.

I didn't know how to drive.

What about last year
on that foggy night

you drove onto the dock
at lake erie?

Tamera, what do I do?!
What do I do?!

Uh... put it in reverse!

Oh... oh...
Put it in drive!


Put it in run!

Our dream car's okay.

Lake erie?

Man, am I glad

we never let the
road warriors drive.

Me, too.

I can't swim.

- Okay, come on, guys, we don't drive that bad.
- No.

Blub, blub, blub,
blub, blub, blub...

Can we, you know, talk
about something else?

Let's get some music in here.

Is that a cd player
under your dash?

The guy who sold it to me
called it an eight-track.

I put my sunglasses in it.

Oh, hey, guys

there goes hot rods!

Man, their shakes are the b*mb!

We had some great times
there, didn't we?


Yeah, that's where you two

had that famous double date...


What? You wanted to talk

about something else.

Oh, no, no. I want
to hear about it.

Well, let's just say
it was a very short date.

You know what?

Why don't you just
give it up, sourdough?

We both have dates,
and I don't mean each other.

We're talking basketball
star, buddy boy. We're...

No, tamera.

I'm talking.

We're talking "so
fine and all mine."

But hey, why believe me?

Why don't you meet
him for yourself?

Hey, Tia, where's my date?

Right behind you.


Look down.

Well, what do you know?


Baby mack just hit the jackpot.


- Both:
- Ka-ka-ka-ching!

That's not even funny.

Then why are we laughing?

Tamera, you know, I didn't know

you had a thing for younger men.

Yeah, instead of the mall

why don't we cruise
the gymboree?

Stop it, ray!

You know I don't like
having my picture taken.

Oh, Lisa, this is ridiculous.

Those damn paparazzi!

Okay! That's it!

- Let me at least
- take one picture for Tia.

Come on, don't be crazy!

Look! Oh, look, look.

The girls are back.

Now, you don't want
their boyfriends

to see their parents
acting crazy, now, do you?

No, I... I guess not.

All right, look,
the camera is down.

Give me back the camera!

I think the way
pippen is playing

the bulls can win it all again.

Hey, give scottie his props

but Michael's still the man.

Talk about hang time.


Tia, I thought
I'd never say this

but thank goodness
they are talking

about basketball and not us.

Let's keep it that way.

Hey, y'all...

Did you see Dennis
rodman's hair?

I swear it was orange.

I know it was.

It was.

Jordan almost dunked his head
by mistake.

Talk about funny-looking hair

let me tell you about the time

Tia tried to give herself
a perm.

This isn't happening.

She thought she could
hide it under a hat...


Oh, hi, Tia.
How's it going?

Oh, uh, okay.

Cool hat, but you got
to wear it the other way.


Dang, woman, you're tore up!

I got to go.

Tia, I love it.

It's the b*mb.

It looks like the b*mb went off.

I got to get to class.

You mean, she
ran into the
boys' restroom?

Her hair was so scary
all the boys ran out.

She looked
like Don King's daughter.

Uh, I don't find that funny.

That happens to be a very
traumatic experience...

You know, the first time
a girl sees a urinal.

Well, excuse me.

I've got to go visit
Mr. Urinal, myself.

Oh, want to come, Tia?

Leave my baby alone.

Don King's daughter.

You the man, dog.

Whoo, thanks for inviting me.

Those guys k*ll me.

Not if we get to you first.

What'd I do?

You're embarrassing us
in front of our boyfriends.

You know, they see us
as sophisticated

and Cosmopolitan.

Yeah. They don't know anything
about our dork days.

It's not like I told them

- about the time
- you tried out for cheerleader.

Don't... even... think it.

We were humiliated
in front of the entire school.

People are just starting
to forget about that.

No, they're not.

I just had some kids

cracking up about it this week.

Roger, look, just promise me

- you will not tell the guys
- that story.

I won't even mention
the word "cheerleaders."

What about cheerleaders?

I promised I wouldn't tell
about the time they tried out.


Tell us what happened.

We tried, we didn't make it,
end of story.

Latte, please.

The only reason why people
were laughing at you

is 'cause you didn't think
you had to practice.

Whoa, people were
laughing at them?

Well, sure.

I mean, you should have seen it.

Six, seven, eight.


Poor girls, man.

They walked bowlegged
for a week straight.

Man, Roger,
you come strong
with the laughs.

I tell you.

Why didn't we all
hook up sooner?

We're all going bowling
next week, man.

Why don't you come?

Okay, girls?

Okay, then, it's a date.


And bam! The
door slams shut

right behind them.

Man, you're lying!

If I'm lying, I'm dying.

And did I mention
it was 18 degrees outside?

- For real?
- For real.

Look, picture it.

There they were,
looking all pitiful

locked out right here
on the front porch

with their little, tired
high-water mermaid pajamas on.

I wish I had
seen that.

You can. I took

I got one when they're
banging on the door

and this beautiful angle
of them climbing up

the balcony window.

Nobody wants
to see those
dumb pictures.

Well, I do.

Yeah, bring 'em on.

We'll meet you inside.

Hold up.

Nobody invited you in.

Y'all are playing, right?

Do we look like we're playing?

- I'm going
- to call you later, tamera.

Um, I'll see you later, Tia.

Look, I'll just call you

to see if it's
all right to call Tia.

Mm-hmm. I know.

Boy, you guys must have
really screwed up, somehow.

So, y'all got pie?

Unless your mama
made you some pie

you won't be getting any.

You're not welcome
in this house.

Well, I never was, but
that never stopped me before.

Roger, don't you get it?

You promised to stop
embarrassing us

and then you did it anyway.


Come on, don't take it
so seriously.

We were just having
a little fun.

Well, we weren't.

I see where this is headed.

"Go home, Roger."


No. Go home, Roger.

For good.


Lucky charms?

You never eat those.

Come to think of it,
I never eat those.

Why do we keep buying them?

For Roger.


The little green clover
was his favorite.

You've had enough.

I guess you're right.

Tia, face it.

We've matured.

He's still a goofy little kid

and mature adults
don't act like fools.


Ray down there?

Uh... no.


Most mature adults
don't act like fools.

Morning, Lisa.


Nice try, ray.

Put down the pan.

I'm not going
to take your picture.

You just stay where you are.

Don't try and follow me.

Lisa, wait a minute!

I need the pan!

I want to make some eggs! Oh...!


"Magically delicious."

I don't know why

that coyote
keeps buying acme products.

That stuff never works.


Look at Roger's little braids!

Oh, no, you are not going there.

Now, grow up
and watch some cartoons.

Oh, hey, look,
Roger rabbit's on.

Oh, poor Roger!

Would you get past this?

Look, tamera, I'm sorry

but I can't help
thinking about Roger.

We were sitting right here
the first time I met him.

Oh, that's my neighbor Roger.

Let's have some fun with him.

Hi, tamera.

I just wanted to tell you

- that I saw you in school today,
- and you looked really

Really radiant.

Thanks, Roger.

I wish I had more to say,
but that took me all afternoon.

Roger, come in.

You're inviting me in?!

What's wrong?

Nothing, nothing.

I just wanted you
to meet a girlfriend of mine.

I'll have trouble
paying attention

to anyone but you.


I don't know
what's going on here

but I'm very, very excited.

Oh, oh, and look, look, look.

Here's the first-place ribbon

from the school talent show.

Do you remember what
the three of us sang?

Oh, come on, tamera.

- ♪ With just a little bit
- of soul, now ♪

Oh, Tia!

What have we done
to our good friend?!

It's okay, tamera, it's okay.

Let's call Roger
right now and make up.

Wait a minute.

You do all the talking,

I don't think I can!

It looks like neither
of us have to talk.

No answer?

No, no, it's his
answering machine.

Does he still sing prince songs

in the outgoing message?

Yeah. And he just started
the second verse of...

"International lover."


Hey, where'd that stuff
come from?

Oh, just some more
"we're sorry" stuff

Jordan and tyreke
left on the front porch.

Roger still hasn't
called back yet?


Tamera, we must have
really hurt his feelings.


Hello, Roger?

This is Tia again.

Hi, Roger.

And tamera.

Um... look,
we are so, so sorry

about last night,
so could you please

please call us back
so we can talk, okay?


This isn't like him.

I mean, usually when
we call him over

he's over here before we
finish leaving the message.

Hey, tamera, someone's
pulling into Roger's driveway.

I-Is that Roger's car?


Hey, Roger! Wait!

We need to talk to you!

Go, go, go.

Hey, here he comes.

Now, remember,
if he's been crying

pretend not to notice.


Hey, what's up?

I'm a little busy right now.

Here. Have a balloon.

It's on a stick and everything.


Um, Roger...

We want to apologize.

I mean...

Old friends, they should...

Be able to laugh about the past.


That's one of the nicer things
about growing up, you know?

All that embarrassing stuff

doesn't seem to be
so horrible anymore.

It's kind of funny
when you think about it.


What do you say?

You want to...

Go back inside, and, uh...

Talk about the good old days?

We made pie.

Uh, afraid not.

Oh, come on, Roger.

Don't be mad.

Mad? Why would I be mad?

Well, we told you
to stay home for good.

You guys
have been saying that stuff

since we were little.

- I just figured
- you had no home training.

Well, if you're not mad, then...

Why won't you come inside?

Roger, who are you talking to?

Oh, just the kids
from next door, Jennifer.

Give me a minute.

Sometimes they're
a little tough to get rid of.


Well, I'd love to stay and chat

but I got a date.

I canceled Jennifer last night

so I could hang out
with you guys.

You did?


Well, I just figured

that we ought to spend
some time together

before you guys

get busy with college.

I see.

I know just how you feel.

Well, it was nice
meeting you, Jennifer.




Oh, no, not again!

Hey, ma! Ma! Ray!

Could you please let us in?!

Are they always like that?

Hey, don't go crackin'
on my girls.

They're a little goofy,
but they're still my homies.


Oh, hey, girls.

Mom, no!

The door!

Uh, ray!

Ray, let us in!

You can see
where they get it from.


Gimme that film,
gimme that film!

Yeah, keep that anger!

That's good!



You have the key, right?


Wait till tyreke and Jordan

hear about this one.

Go home, Roger!

How hard could it be?

Come on.

Oh, yeah, my line.

How hard could it be?

- Well...
- Oh, yeah.

Hi, Roger.

She was just so deeply into it!
