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01x22 - State

Posted: 04/20/07 17:42
by bunniefuu
You ever think about coaching?

Lyla, it's not what you think.

It really isn't.

No, you know what? I'm done.

You need to...

I know you're upset, but I really need you...

I'm not upset.

Please don't come back.

I just woke up with the worst feeling that we shouldn't move to Austin.

Tami: When you go into TMU today, please just don't commit to them.

We've gotta know something and we've gotta know it now.

Gentlemen, I accept.

I'm moving.

What do you...

What do you mean?

My dad took this job at TMU.

I'm not going to Austin.

Albright: Dillon is going to State!

State, baby!

We're going to State!


Smash on P.A.: Let's go, Panthers!

All: Let's go, Panthers!

I said, "Let's go, Panthers!"

Let's go, Panthers!

All right! Give it up for yourselves. Give it up for yourselves!



Smash: Look.

Hey, talk to them, Matty.

I mean, I just...

I got nothing but respect for Voodoo and that whole team.

No, no, no, no, no.

We gonna shut Ray Tatum down.

You want destiny, Voodoo?

We're gonna give you destiny.

Saturday. Dallas.


Honey, I need to talk to you.


Lyla, please?

I need to talk to you. Honey?

Jason: It's just good to be a part of the team again.

And it feels like I've come full circle.

Hey, Landry.


It's good to see that you're out of the house.

Thank you, Dr. Freud.

Well, I mean...

I just meant... and it seemed pretty important to him that I go, so...

You wanna drive with me to State?

I mean, the seats are on the 50-yard line, so I mean...

It might be fun.

So I would just go with you to Dallas?


Well, yeah. Sure.

Sounds good.


All right.

See you later, then.

And then, I'm working my mom, and maybe she'll let me stay in August, and we go to Tyra's or Lois' or...

I'd try for Lois.

And then we have Christmas, and we have Thanksgiving.

We'll make it work, okay?


You all right?


You seen your mother?

She's supposed to be here.

Honey, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I couldn't be there.

I had to get that press release out, the stupid computer broke down again...

Well, that's 'cause you push the wrong button on the thing every time.

I know. You know what, I'm on my way there.

I'm so sorry.

All right.

Okay. Honey, I gotta go.

I'll see you soon. Bye.



Could I get a pregnancy test?

Honey, we are just extremely busy today.

I see that. I know.

How's next Tuesday?

Just I'm six days late already, and I...

I'm never late.

I'm like kind of a Rolex watch like that.

And I ate fish tacos on Monday night, and they kind of disagreed with me.

It could just be the tacos kind of rumbling around in there, but I just want to make sure if it's that or something else.

You know, they do have home pregnancy tests.

I know. But I haven't been home.

I'm going to Dallas.

(STAMMERING) I can't wait.

I just feel like I need to know now.

If that's possible.



How are you?

I'm good.

I can take care of you.

Oh, that'd be great.

Come on.



Appreciate that.

How pregnant do you want to be?

'Cause you extremely pregnant.

Hmm. Okay.

Well, do you want to be pregnant, honey?

Do I want to be...

I don't know. Do I want to be pregnant? I don't...

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean that.

I mean, did you plan this?

I mean, we planned it, like, 13 years ago.

You know?

And then 12 years ago, and then 11 years ago, and then 10 years ago...

And we have our beautiful girl, we figured, "Well, that's what we have." And maybe that having another one just wasn't in God's plan, you know?

Looks like God changed his mind.

Look, I just don't understand why you can't just put Grandma in the back of your car.

Landry: Hey, can you come over here and try this?

It's all you need.



Well, what?

The cocoa bean in the chocolate, among many other things, is a known aphrodisiac.

The point is, Tyra and yours truly are going to be driving in a car alone for four straight hours.

I'm gonna be playing some sexy Crucifictorious and we're gonna be eating on these very fine, delicate, erotic chocolates.

And this is... This may be the single most defining moment of my life, so you may need to tell your Grandma to take the damn bus.


Tim, I thought we weren't gonna...

No, I know. It's not what you think.

(SIGHS) Look.

These are my State tickets, and I want Bo to have these.

They're at the 50-yard line, and they're good seats, and I think he'd enjoy it.

They're for Bo?

They're for Bo.

So, here.

Take 'em.


No pressure.

If you don't go, that's fine, too.

I mean, you could sell them on eBay or something for...

Get him a PSP or whatever he's playing now.

All right.

That's it.

Say hi to him for me, okay?

Enjoy it.

Who is that?

Just me. What's up?

Listen. I wanna ask you a question before I go.


Did you tell Matt Saracen I took that job at TMU?


You're sure?


You're sure you're sure?

Okay, well, I had to!

Damn it, Julie, what did I tell you?


Tami: What's going on?

I'll tell you what's happening right now.

Your daughter, in all her infinite wisdom, has informed Matt Saracen that I took the job at TMU.

That's what's going on right now.

Oh, Jules!

It's not my problem.


Hey, it's nice to see you.

How are you doing today?

Well, honey, no.

I mean, I'm sorry.

I had a number of things that I had to do.

Oh, yeah?

I had a number of things to do, too.

I wanted to talk to you this morning.

I tried to talk to you this afternoon.

I'm trying to talk to you now, but... Oh, gosh!

You know what? It's time for me to catch a bus.

So I really can't do any talking right now 'cause I got to get out of here.

Well, honey, I need to talk to you just for a brief moment before you leave for Dallas, please!

Go ahead.

What is it?

I'm all ears.


I got to catch a bus.

I know.

And you know what? It can wait.

I got a bus to catch.

I'll talk to you in Dallas.

I love you.

I hope you have a great trip.

All right.

All right.


Let's go, Panthers!


Let's go, Panthers!

Let's go, Panthers!

Let's go, Panthers!


What's up?

What do you mean, what's up?

Where's my tickets?

What do you mean, where's your tickets?

I gave them away.

I can't believe you'd do that.

You don't even like football anyways.

Well, I know that. But it was nice to, you know, have somebody offer me the good seats for once.

You know what? Forget it, Tim.

No. Wait. Hey.

Hey! Hey, come here.

Give me one second.

Hey. Look. Four.

Four where?

Four tickets.


Those are nosebleeds.

I'm sorry. It's...

I'll see you there?

Matt. Come here.

I know Julie talked to you.


I don't want to talk about it, sir.

You don't want to talk about it, huh?

No, I'd rather just think about football.


All right.


Hey, Mindy. How's the stripping going?

Mama, let's go! Our ride's here!

Oh, hey, I'm probably gonna be riding up front with you 'cause I get a little carsick, okay?

Grab this one.

There's another one over there.

It turns out that I got four tickets instead of two, so I hope you don't mind that my mom and sis, you know, tag along.

Tyra: There's more bags inside.

Okay, that's no problem.

Tyra: Hurry up!

Oh, God! These are incredible! Mmm!

Have you tried these?

I have. I'm really glad that you're enjoying them, though.

I don't know what's in these things, but I just feel sort of tingly all over.

I'm a little pre-menstrual, too, so I know I'm hogging them, everybody.

But that's all right.

I'll pass it around in a minute.

Isn't that Mrs. Saracen?

Mindy: What are you doing?

Hold on.

Mrs. Saracen, you need a ride?

That's mighty nice of you.

Y'all got room for me?

Hey, Lorraine.

My Lord!

Is that Tyra?

Sure is.


Did you bring the booze?

Tomorrow every seat in this stadium's gonna be filled up.

It's what we've been waiting for.

It's what we've worked so hard for.

Does it get better than this?

All: No, sir.

No, hell, I don't think it does.

Soak it in.


We're here, boys!

Taylor: Listen up.

Stay inside yourselves.

We can beat these guys.

I'll take Matt Saracen over Ray "Voodoo" Tatum any day of the week.

Matt Saracen?

Yeah, I know him.

Know everything there is about him.

Honestly, there's not much to him.

Well, I didn't really know Voodoo that well.

He only played one game for us so I didn't have that much time to get...

My defensive line is gonna squash him like a moth.

Like a flea.

Voodoo's flashy, but anybody can be flashy.

You know, Matt Saracen, he's got a lot of heart, and he's creative...

And when he's done getting squashed, maybe he can sit on the sidelines and watch me do my thing.

Maybe he can learn something.

It's football.

It's nothing personal.

But if you ask me if it's gonna feel good to put Ray "Voodoo" Tatum in his place?

You're damn right it will!

Taylor: Well, it's a big football game.

A big stadium.

A lot of pageantry.

Everything goes as we hope, we're gonna be taking that trophy back to Dillon and the fans.

Been a tough year on them and they deserve it.

Reporter: So, then how does it feel to be leaving?

Excuse me?

Isn't it true you accepted the position at TMU next season?

Well, no, right now we're just focusing on this game.

I'm sorry.

You didn't answer my question.

Isn't it true you took the position next season at TMU?

Yes. Yes, that is true.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Reporter: Coach! Coach!


Drive one of these to Dallas to the game.

Just pick the color, and if y'all do it today, I'll give you a couple 40-yard-line tickets to the State game.

Hold on just a second.

Y'all just think about a color.

I'll be right back with you.

I gotta take care of something.

Excuse me.

Hey, baby!

I am so glad you came here.

I cannot believe how glad...

What's this?

The keys.

I don't want it.


Here's the title.


What are you talking about?

I don't want it.

What do you mean, you don't want it?

You need a car.

I've got a car.

I got a used car from Crespo's.

You bought a car from that rabid crook?

I liked him.

Lyla, where are you going?


Honey, you can't walk home!

At least let me give you a ride home! Lyla!



You're a little bit too late And it's a little bit too soon And I'm a little bit too strange For somebody like you Oh, you're a little bit too...






Mocca Chocalata ya ya


Creole lady Marmalade


Okay, okay.

Okay, I think it's safer if we just keep the radio off for about ten minutes.

Ladies, I think we just took a little detour into the no-fun zone with buzz-k*ll over here.

sh**t! We're gonna have to stop.

I forgot Tampax.

Does anyone have one?


I told you...

Don't look at me.

I had my last hot flash in 1990.


Here you go.

Oh, wait a minute.

Did anybody fart?

I know I smelled something.

Who is that?

Is that Lyla Garrity?

Mrs. Saracen: Where?

Tyra: Wait, Lyla Garrity?

Daughter of the car king, you know, stranded?

Landry: I gotta stop.

I like it.

Tyra: (STAMMERING) Wait.

Why are we backing up right now?

What's going on?

Drive the car.

I gotta stop.

It's the Christian thing to do.

You've gotta be kidding me right now.

No, I'm not.

Tyra: You know who that is?

You okay?


Hey, cheating cheerleader bitch.

You want a ride?


Oh! She doesn't want a ride.

Okay, that didn't sound very Christian.

Landry: Why are y'all laughing about...

You know, let's just keep going.

Let's just drive.

Tyra, I'm not gonna just drive away and leave her here.

Why not? I don't...

I can't.

Oh, because of the Christian thing.

Yeah. Would you please just get out and talk to her?

Why don't you check on her?

Well, she needs help, sweetheart.

You go on.

I hate all of you.

Please don't slam my door like you always...


Garrity, get in the damn car!

Lyla: No, thank you.


You know what? Can I ask you something, Tyra?

Fire away.

Why do you hate me so much?

Oh, I don't know.

That's easy.

Maybe the fact that your dad slept with my mom and then tried to pay her off with $700, or the fact that you slept with my boyfriend.

How about that?

You know what? My parents are getting a divorce.

Oh, I'm sorry.

So you aren't the only one that was hurt by that, okay?

And you've been flirting with Jason ever since freshman year.

That's what I do!

That is who I am.

Everyone knows that.

I wasn't gonna do him.

And the thing that happened with Riggins, you guys were already broken up.

Are you kidding me?

You know, I heard that you and Jason Street were having problems.

Maybe I should go sleep with him.

I'm sorry.

Not accepted.

You know what? You're a bitch.

Yeah, you know what? I am.

But I don't accept it 'cause you didn't mean it.

You have no idea how that felt.

Actually, you'll be glad to know I know exactly how that felt.

And I'm sorry.


Jason got with someone else?


We have food.

It's French fries, but it's something.

Angela: There are chocolates there. Be careful you don't squish them.

Now can we go to Dallas?

Can you shut up?

I want the commitment that I can spend at least four weeks during the summer in Dillon.

Sweetie, I've said to you already, I can't talk to you about this right now. Okay?

Why can't we talk about it right now?

No, no, no.

My whole relationship with Matt is...

Honey, stop it!

You are talking to me about something that is six months away.

We have no idea what will be happening or where we'll be in six months.

Right now I'm just trying to get us to Dallas and through this damn football game, so just stop badgering me.

You don't have to yell.


Buddy: Let's go, guys. Let's go.

Good to see y'all.


I heard y'all had some kind of little game out here tomorrow.

Y'all ready?

McGill: Little bit.


Let's go get 'em.

All right.
Y'all mind if I have just a moment alone with the Coach?

Eric, you mind?

Let me tell you something before you even start in.

When I first took this job, I took it with the idea of a five-year commitment.

But when I sat down with you and the Boosters, I never heard any similar commitment coming from the other side.

Matter of fact, all I heard was, after we lost the second game of the year, is that my ass was about to be fired.

I just wanna make that real clear right now.

So, yes, I did put my career ahead of Panther football.

Eric, I just came by to tell you how much I'm gonna miss you.

You're a fine football coach.

That's what I came to tell you.

Buddy: Now, everybody, it's my pleasure to introduce the man who has taken this team to State this year, his first year as the head coach of the Dillon Panthers, my friend, Eric Taylor.



I'm gonna cut through the crap.

I believe I know what y'all are thinking right now.

Y'all are thinking, "Coach is a bastard for taking this job."

I would say to that that y'all have dreams.

A lot of you have dreams to play college ball, pro ball.

There is nothing more important to me than to help you achieve those dreams.

I promise you that.

I have dreams, too.

It has long been a dream of mine to coach a a Division One school like TMU.

Whatever it is you're feeling, I don't blame you.

It is all pretty raw.

You may not accept it now, but I pray one day you will.

I don't like the press.

I never have.

Should've been done different.

I apologize it wasn't.


Let's go get State! Come on!

Let's go get State!

Buddy: Panthers! Panthers!


Panthers! Panthers! Panthers! Panthers!

Male Newscaster: The timing of the shocking news of Coach Taylor's exit from Dillon football couldn't be worse.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me, gentlemen.

That's right, man.

How many "all for one" speeches has he given us?

Boy: I mean, one year and he's out?

Look, everyone settle down.

Stop being babies, okay?

He got an offer to TMU.

If any of you got an offer to TMU, you'd be gone in a heartbeat.

Street's right. Look, forget about Coach.

He earned it.

It's up to us now.

What do we have here, gentlemen?

It's a long time, boys.

Look who it is.

Yo, Smash.

Can we talk a sec?

Hey, look, trash talk before the game is a sign of weakness.

Look, I ain't here to trash talk.

I've been watching your game tape, Smash.

Now, you're the best damn back in the state of Texas, probably the country.

Next year, come play with me at West Cambria.

All right?

Me and you together?

That'd be like nothing this state has ever seen.

Every college in the country will want you.

Now, West Cambria, look, they'll set you up real good.

I got a nice place.

Got a swimming pool.

I got a dishwasher.

It's nice.

They don't treat us like second-class citizens, all right?

They take care of us.

I'm a Panther.

It's just a uniform, Smash.

Look at your coach.

I don't see him sticking around.

I mean, he's basically leaving just to wear some stupid red and gold shirt and be a quarterback coach.

We were just like another stop along the way for him.

I understand how you feel, but all my dad ever does is think about the team.

He's always watching game tapes and having endless conversations with my mom about you and Smash and Riggins.

He's always analyzing and strategizing and planning.

It's his whole life, Matt.

Yeah? Then why is he leaving?

I don't know.

Matt: Sir.

What are you doing up?

It's past bed check.

I was with your daughter.

I understand if you're pissed at me 'cause I took the job, that I won't be here next season, and I'm taking Julie away.

All I can say is I'm sorry.

But let me tell you this, and don't forget what I say.

If you're ever lucky to have a family like I do, I promise you, you will understand.

I'll see you at the game.




Hey, hon.

Taylor: Hey.

Honey, I'm sorry I couldn't make it to that Booster dinner.

I just couldn't.

I couldn't do it tonight, the Buddy Garrity of it all.

I just couldn't...

It's okay.

You all right?

Yeah. Hey.


No, thank you.

I'm just gonna talk to your dad for a sec.



You all right, babe?


I'm all right.

I saw that the news came out.

Hell, I tried talking to those kids.

The kids don't understand.

You're a good man, babe.

Honey, I gotta tell you something that I've been meaning to tell you all day, and I just haven't been able to, and it's the worst timing, and I'm sorry about that.

And we haven't talked about this in a long time and I just don't know how you're even gonna take it.

I'm pregnant.

What'd you say?

I said I'm pregnant.

You're pregnant.


Pregnant, like you're-gonna-have-a-baby pregnant?


Look me in the eye and tell me that.



We're gonna have a baby, honey.

You look a little piqued.


Come here.

Come here!



I love you!

I love you.



Announcer 1 on P.A.: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the Texas State Football Championship,


The Dillon Panthers!

Announcer 2 on radio: Welcome, ladies and gentleman.

The wait is over. We are finally here!

Our Panthers have clawed and scratched all season, and today's game will not be any different, as rumors of Coach Taylor's departure have not been exaggerated.

Now, let's see how his leaving will affect these young players, and his ability to lead, here in the biggest football game of their lives.

I think the entire town of Dillon is here.

The great state of Texas is watching.

The two best teams are in the house.

But like the man said, there can only be one.


Good seats!

Yeah, well I got connections.

Thank you.

All right, listen up!

Let's own this game from the opening g*n, gentlemen.


Panthers: Yes, sir!

Let's go!



Saracen opens right.

He throws... Oh! And the ball comes up short.

Down he goes. Saracen gets sacked for an 11-yard loss.

Little bit of slack!

Damn it, Matt!


Matt Saracen and this Panther offense are off to a horrendous start.

Taylor has to be concerned.

His team has come out flat against this ferocious Mustang attack.

Voodoo opens right.

Go! Go! Go!

He breaks a tackle! He's gonna go in! And touchdown!

Just like that, it is seven-zip.

Voodoo's back to pass.

He's got a man open!



West Cam up by 14!


We're being punished, I know it.

It's the curse of Voodoo.

And Ray "Voodoo" Tatum is really starting to light it up now, folks.

Don't look at him.

Don't even think about him.

You understand me?

Stay inside yourself and think about your next series.

Now this is it.

Coach Taylor's offense is gonna have one more shot to get some points on the board before the half.

Go, Matthew!

Saracen drops back to pass.

Oh, no!


Picked off inside the 25!

He is gonna go!

Touchdown Mustangs. Holy smokes.

The Mustangs have jumped out to a 26-0 lead at the half.

Oh, this is truly heartbreaking, folks, for these Dillon players.

The loyal fans, these folks who would follow this coach to the ends of the Earth, and I'm afraid that's exactly where he's led them.

It's unfortunate, but I'm afraid the controversy of Coach leaving has just been too much for these players.

You can see it in their eyes.

The look of defeat, the loss of heart.

And it would seem that the hopes of this once-great season may just end right here.


When Jason Street went down the first game of the season, everybody wrote us off.


And yet here we are, at the championship game.

Forty thousand people out there have also written us off.

There are a few out there who do still believe in you.

A few who'll never give up on you.

You go back out on the field, those are the people I want in your minds.

Those are the people I want in your hearts.

Every man, at some point in his life, is gonna lose a battle.

He is gonna fight and he is gonna lose.

But what makes him a man is that, in the midst of that battle, he does not lose himself.

This game is not over.

This battle is not over.

So let's hear it one more time.


Clear eyes. Full hearts.

All: Can't lose! Let's go!


All: Can't lose!


Announcer: Riggins off the right side.

Player: There we go!

Big hit, Mustangs!

First down, Panthers.

Saracen's got Williams on a short screen.

He's got some room! One man to beat!



The Dillon Panthers are on the board!

Oh, my! The Panthers have scored!

Voodoo back to pass.

And he gets buried by two Panthers!

How about that, Voodoo?

Voodoo drops back.

It's a quarterback keeper! It's a draw to the inside! There he goes!

Fumble! Loose ball! Oh, my, it's a hot potato!

Please, please, somebody get a hold of that thing!

Oh, the Panthers have it! The Panthers have it!

He picks up the loose ball, and he's got a posse as he runs it in.


It is touchdown, Panthers!

The Panthers are back in this thing.

You gotta take control of this game and you have to do it right now!

Get in there!

Come on, baby.

Saracen back to pass.

Ball is up!

Smash Williams in double coverage!

Saracen threads the needle, and he's got him!


Oh, touchdown, Panthers!

Oh, mama! Dillon is one score from tying this thing up!

Hold everything.

Hold on. Smash Williams is down.

He's getting up very slowly. He went down hard on that play, and he is hurt.

Let's go! Make room! Make room!

Come on.

Where is it?

Is it your arm or your shoulder?

It's the shoulder.

Get it checked.

Hey, I ain't going nowhere!

Don't talk back to me.

Go get it checked, damn it!

You have a slightly dislocated shoulder.

We can pop it back into place, but I just wouldn't advise that you play.

No. No. This is State.

Come on.

Come on. Do it.

Take a deep breath.

That's it.



Oh, mac daddy, somebody stole my caddy!

Smash Williams is playing through the pain, and he has inspired Panther Nation.

And they are one minute away from one of the greatest comebacks in Texas football.

Oh, mercy!

All right, 57 yards, y'all.

Let's go to work.

They're keying in on the run, so we're gonna take them deep.

Blitz 27 razor on one. Ready?


Saracen back. His blocking breaks down! He scrambles!


Oh, Saracen is sacked! Down he goes!


Come on, Matthew!

Time out Panthers, with six seconds left.

Fans: Let's go, Panthers!

What are you thinking, Coach?

Wanna go long, we'll put it in the end zone?

What are you thinking?

We can't do that.

They're gonna have everyone back.

Coach 1: We've got two sh*ts.

Jason: Coach McGill.

Coach McGill, we can run an out and then we can take a shot.

Just take our shot right now.

Coach, I got the play.


Riggins runs an 18-yard cross.

Smash mirrors him on the other side.

I'm gonna hit Riggins and he's gonna come underneath the defense and they're gonna collapse on him, but he's gonna pitch it to Smash.

That's an 18-yard hook and ladder.

That'll never work. He's...

You can do it, Matt.

You can run this play.

Matt: Lt'll work.

We can do this.

Come on, Coach.

Coach, it'll work.

Run it.

You run it.


Let's go! Hey, let's go! Let's go!


Come on.

Announcer: Saracen back to pass.

He's got Riggins cutting inside.

He fires a beautiful pass, and Tim Riggins catches it short...

Oh! Oh! And it's a pitch to Smash Williams on the lateral!

Go! Go!

He breaks a tackle!


Touchdown! Way to go!


And the Panthers win State!


We won! Yeah!

Nice going, buddy.

This is yours, too.

You deserve it, Coach! You deserve it!


Come here. Come here.

Thank you, Coach.

Well, that's pretty intense, Garrity.


Yeah, well, it's been a really crappy year.

Well, the Panthers won State.

I think it's time for a change.



Hey, Tyra.

You wanna ride home with me?

Sure. Why not?



Nice hat.



You feel different?

I do.

I do.

So now I wanna talk to you about something.

Here, hold that.

This little one has got me thinking about all kinds of different things here, all right?


There's more important things than football.

There are more important things than TMU.

But there is nothing more important to me than you, and this family.

So here's what we're gonna do.

I am gonna stay in Dillon.

I'm gonna be a father to this baby, and to this family.

I am gonna coach high school football, and you and I are gonna stay together.

And that's the way it is.



What do you mean, "no"?

You've got to go to Austin!

This is your dream!

That's what I'm telling you.

That's what I'm telling you!

This is what you've worked for your whole life.

You're my dream.

This baby is my dream.

Julie is our dream.

I'm living my dream right now.


I'm not gonna separate what we have.

Honey, listen.

All right? What?

Can you just listen to me?

I am listening.

That's why...

I don't want to be responsible, nor do I want to have this baby be responsible, for you not living out your dream.

And that's what I'm saying! You are my dream!

I have walked with you all these years to get to this place.

You and I together!

And you know what else we've been doing together?

We've been allowing the space to create our dreams.

You know?

And you've got it.

You've got it in Austin and I've got it here in Dillon.

I've finally...

I've finally got this job.

And Julie has a big life here in Dillon.

And it's gonna be hard.

I don't know how we're gonna do it.

But I know that our relationship means that we can do it.

Julie: So what's going on?

Sammy on radio: He took a team that was battered, a town that was ailing, and he did more than put a Band-Aid on things, I'll tell you that.

He healed this team. And he healed this town.

Now, how a man like that can abandon his team after one season is another question.

Is he a great coach turned into an even greater opportunist, maybe?

Hell, I don't know. Let's take some calls.

Tug from Barstow, what do you got?

Tug: I shook that man's hand once, Sammy.

I thought he had a heart. I guess I was wrong.

Jason: Take a knee.

All right, y'all.

Today we are champions.

Feels good, right?

Panthers: Yeah.

Enjoy it while it lasts, 'cause tomorrow we're targets.

Next season every other team in Texas is going to be gunning for us 'cause we're number one.

And I don't know about y'all, but anything less than another State championship is completely unacceptable.

So here's what we're gonna do.

We're gonna think about the off-season.

The off-season's about development.

Development of strength, development of speed, development of character.

Football is a 12-month, 52-week, 365-day commitment, gentlemen.

Have a great day today.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Tomorrow we go to work. Got it?

Panthers: Yes, sir.




Jason: Clear eyes! Full hearts!

Panthers: Can't lose!