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06x15 - Father's Day

Posted: 01/09/24 09:50
by bunniefuu
- Tia:
- Hey. Where were you

During poli sci this morning?

- Pushing my car off the highway.
- It broke down on me again.

- I guess the old bucket
- can't handle the commute.

Well, it sounds like it's time

to kick the bucket to the curb.

Woman, please.

Now, you know I can't junk

my baby girl like that.

"Baby girl"?

Uh-uh. Your busted hooptie

is not a woman.


Why do men always think

of their cars as females?

Cars are females.

I'm a mechanic, I know.

You never hear anybody say

"let's slide underneath him

and check out his tailpipe."

Hey, guys!

Guess who was personally chosen

to escort Matt Sullivan

around campus?

- I'll give you a hint...
- It's me.


Oh, my god!

Congratulations, j.

Who's Matt Sullivan?

Only one of the top photo-

journalists in the world.

- You know that picture I've got
- of Nelson Mandela in prison?

That's a Matt Sullivan.

I'm picking him up from

the airport tomorrow morning.

Hey, you guys want to come?

Are you kidding?

I'm there!

I can't.

I got to fix my car.

It keeps backfiring

and it stalls out.

- Well, it doesn't sound
- too serious.

Look, I say we slide under him

and check out his tailpipe.

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

- Knock, knock. The Matt Sullivan
- express is here.

- Hey, you guys
- ready to go?

Been ready.

Aw, man, I got class.

- Why don't you all sit and have
- breakfast? I made plenty.

Sorry, Ms. Landry.

We don't want to keep

Mr. Sullivan waiting.

Hey, wait a minute.

I thought you were suppose

to work on "baby girl."

There's no rush,

thanks to Jordan.

Did he buy you a bus pass?

No, no, no

but I fixed his getting-

to-class-on-time problem.

- I invited him to
- be my new roomie.

- Buckley won't know
- what hit him.

Let's go.

Wait a minute.

What's the hurry?

- He got to keep
- his car running.




Oh, hey, ray.

- How about some nice oatmeal?
- Stick to your ribs.

- Uh, my ribs
- are still trying

To get rid of your

macaroni and cheese.

Besides, I'm in a big hurry.

- I'm expecting a very important
- call at the office.

If I miss it, I'm in trouble.

Oh? Well, what's the problem?

Nothing. Just a little

cash flow situation.

- Well, hey, ray,
- my business is booming.

- I'd be happy
- to float you a loan.

Well, thank you, Lisa,

but I've figured out a solution.

I'm not happy about it,

but I have no choice.

Well, I'm here if you need me.

Thank you.

That's what friends are for...

And friends will be

charging 12%, too.

- So, we're in this
- pitch-black bunker

And Castro starts

passing out cigars.

- So I said, "hey, fidel,
- you got a light?"

And he strikes a match,

and just as his face

catches the glow

of the flame

I snapped a shot.

Well, next thing you know

- that shot's the cover
- of life magazine.

And they say cigars

are bad for you.

Any more questions?

Yes, Tia?

How does your traveling

affect your family?

Well, a photojournalist

doesn't find much time

to put down roots.

I guess you can say

I'm married to my nikon

- and my photographs
- are our children

And I am a very proud papa

- so come see the kids at
- my exhibit tonight, all right?

Hey, Mr. Sullivan?

That lecture was the b*mb.

- Jordan, never
- say "the b*mb"

- To someone
- who's dodged one.

My bad.

Excuse me, um, I know

this is kind of lame

but my sister couldn't

make the lecture

and insisted I ask you

to autograph this.

One of my favorites.

What's your

sister's name, Tia?


- Okay, okay, okay,
- it's for me.


I tell you what.

- I've got better prints
- of this at the gallery.

- Why don't you and
- your sister stop by

- And I'll sign a couple
- of them for you?


Well, thank you.

Wait till I tell her.

Uh, Mr. Sullivan

- I'd like one
- of those prints, too.

No problem. They're selling

them at the gift shop.

I'm just kidding.

I knew that.

- You're crazy.
- You're good.

- Ray, I'm making soup.
- You want some?


You going to eat some soup.




Another elderly woman

has become the third victim

of an extortionist police

are calling "the black widower."

Allegedly this handsome,

middle-aged Casanova charms

his trusting female victims

out of their life savings.

- The police have just issued
- this eyewitness sketch

Of the black widower.

If you have seen this man

or you know of his whereabouts

please dial the number

on your screen.

It's just a little

cash flow situation.

I've figured out a solution.

I'm not happy about it,

but I have no choice.

Loan department, please.

Hello, Mabel? Ray Campbell.

Is frank in?

- I just faxed over an application
- for refinancing my loan.

A refinancing application.

What's all the noise?

Oh, your retirement party.

Well, congratulations.


Mabel, can you hear me?

- Mabel, I need that form
- to be signed

- So the bank
- will give me the money.

I said I can't get the money

without that signature!

You will?

Oh, you're a sweetheart.

Yeah, good-bye.

What a nice old lady.

- I'm sure going to hate
- to see her go.

Hello, police?

Yeah, uh, I'm calling

about the black widower.

Oh, me?

Just an anonymous citizen.

I was wondering what I should do

- if I overheard a man conning
- an old lady named Mabel

Into signing over all her money?

Is it soup yet?

Fine! I'll call you back

if I every hear anything

about something like that

which I never have. Uh, bye.

Who was that?

Wrong number.


What happened in here?

Do you like it?

It's, uh...

It's different

- but this-this doesn't seem
- like Jordan's flavor.

Tamera, please.

- Once Jordan lays eyes on this,
- he's going to love it.

- You mean to tell me you did this
- without checking with him?

About what?

Jordan has seen all of

this in my place before.

Tyreke, look,

I know my man, okay

and he is not going to be

happy about all of this.

Hey, guys.

Ty, what happened to my desk?

- Uh, Jordan,
- listen, now

I moved it to make room

for the bench press.

Where's my trunk?

It's under the TV.

- See, now,
- where it was

- It kept the recliner
- from going all the way back.

- I'm surprised you
- didn't move the sink.

I didn't have

a pipe wrench.

- Tyreke,
- if we're going to room together

- There's one thing
- we have to get straight.


I get first dibs

on the recliner.

- Watch it fall. - Wait, wait.
- Go back.

Hit the switch.

I can't take

this anymore!

Come here!

Hi, Mr. Sullivan.


This is my sister,

tamera Campbell.

Hi, tamera.

Is this level?

Um, up a little

and to the right.



- I can hold a camera steady
- in the wake of a tornado

- But I can never seem
- to hang a picture straight.

- Tia, why didn't you tell me
- you had a twin?

I'm tamera.

- Most people
- pick up on it.


Really, it's okay.

Gosh, Mr. Sullivan

you are an incredible


Thank you.

Oh, oh, but this

has got to be my favorite.

It's as if his inner light

makes the bars disappear.

It was such a honor

to meet him.

Mandela has always been

one of my heroes.

Oh, my gosh, Tia, look.

We know this mural.

You do?

Yeah, yeah.

We know the artist.

Her name is...

Racelle Gavin.

- I've got a shot of her
- in my portfolio.

- You do?
- Can we see it?


She's so beautiful.

Oh, my gosh.

I can't believe

we finally know

what she looks like.

I thought you said

you knew her?

We knew who she was...

But we never met her.

We're adopted.

She was our

birth mother.

This is unbelievable.


If racelle Gavin

is your mother

then I'm your father.

What did you just say?

This is unbelievable.

No. After that.

If racelle Gavin is your mother

I'm your father.

- I need to
- sit down.

Scoot over.

Scott over more.

- If you knew how many detectives
- and lawyers I hired

To try to find you, and here

you just walk into my life.

- Actually, you kind
- of walked into ours.

Wait a minute. This

doesn't make any sense.

Where do I begin?

I first met racelle

when the Detroit free press

assigned me to do

a photo essay on her murals.

The first time I saw her

I knew I would love her

for the rest of my life.

Luckily, she felt the same way

- and within weeks,
- we were living together and...

- Hey, it was the '70s.
- What can I say?

You can say

you got married.

That was the plan,

but we never got the chance.

Well, why not?

- Newsweek offered me
- the assignment of a lifetime

In the middle east.

- And you didn't
- take her with you?

- She had just been
- commissioned

- To paint a mural
- in Florida

- She insisted that
- I go to Tel Aviv

- And she promised
- to join me later.

What she didn't tell me

was that she was pregnant.

We wrote every day

- and then after about six months,
- the letters just stopped.

- I hopped
- the first flight back

To pensacola, but...

I was too late.

- Racelle had died
- three weeks earlier

From complications

during childbirth.

- So she died when
- we were born?

Yes... and you were

already adopted

by the time I got there

- and because we weren't married
- and I had no proof of paternity

- I was denied access
- to your adoption records.

This is too weird.

I must have checked

- every set of twins adopted
- at that time.

- Well, that's probably
- why you couldn't find us.

We were adopted separately.

We just found each other

six years ago.

And now I've found you.


- I can't believe
- that Nelson Mandela

I've had for years

was taken by...

By my father.

Hold up, Tia.

- He said himself he
- doesn't have any proof.


we know that

this is our mother

and if what Mr. Sullivan

says is true

then he has got to be...

Our father.

That's a big "if," Tia.

Now, look, Mr. Sullivan

I don't mean to be

rude or anything

but you're white.

Most people

pick up on it.

Look, tamera, there is

a simple blood test

that can prove for certain

that I'm your father.

- What are you
- talking about?

- I don't need
- to take a test

- To know
- who my real dad is.

My dad is the man who's been

here for me all my life

and a good chunk of yours, Tia.

His name is ray Campbell

as far as I'm concerned

he's all the father

that I will ever need.

Welcome to the family.

Police? This is that

anonymous citizen calling

with another question

about the black widower.

Now, if he were to confess

and apologize

would you settle for censure?

I'll call you back.

Tamera, what's wrong?

I just found out something that

could change my entire life.

- It's about your father,
- isn't it?

You know, too?

I just found out.

That picture was

a dead giveaway.

- I mean, how did you know
- about the picture?

It's all over the news.

You're kidding!

- It must have been
- a slow week.

"Slow week"?

I'm surprised Jenny Jones

isn't knocking down our door.

What did dad say?

He doesn't know.

We better go tell him.

Oh, tamera, hold up, now.

- We don't know
- how he might react.

- Should we call
- the police first?

"The police"?

Yeah, he might flip out

or run away.

And leave me?

- Now that
- the truth is out

- You know he got
- to go somewhere.

- No, no, no, no,
- no, he doesn't.

I won't let him.

- Well, you can't change
- what's happened.

Maybe not, Lisa, but

I can let him know

that doesn't change

the way I feel about him.

- You know,
- you're right, honey.

We should march right

in there and let ray know

- exactly how much
- we love him.

Love is the answer.

Yeah. Go ahead, honey.

I got your back.



We need to talk.

Sounds serious.

What's up?

- Ray, now,
- don't get upset, now.

- We can... we can
- work this out together.

- Yeah, I'm sure we will
- as soon as I know what it is.



Um... Tia and I, we...

We found

our natural father.

You have?


Uh, h-how did

you find him?

Actually, he found us.

- He's been looking
- ever since we were adopted.

He has?


Well, uh, wow.

That's... that's


Uh, so, who is he?

What's his name?

It's someone famous.

He is?


- You told me you saw
- it on the news.

I did?


Dad, he's Matt Sullivan.

He is?!


- And what are you doing
- with that rolling pin?

I don't know.

- Are you all right
- with all of this?

No, I'm not, dad.

- Look, I don't need
- Matt Sullivan.

I already have a dad.

- Yes, and nothing's going
- to ever change that.

Exactly. We're a family,

and I don't need somebody

- coming in and
- breaking us up.

Now, wait a minute.

- Nobody's coming in
- and breaking us up.

- The family
- isn't getting smaller.

It's getting larger.

- But, dad, we don't know
- anything about him

Except that he's famous

and he's photographed

presidents and kings

and he won that pulitzer

but other than that,

he's a perfect stranger.

And he always will be

if you shut him out.

Tamera, you will never

know racelle

- but you've been
- given a chance

- To know
- your natural father...

And maybe even learn

something about yourself.

Well, I already

know I love you.

Tell you what:

Why don't you call him

and invite him for dinner?

I'll do better than that.

I'll go back and

ask him in person.

That's my girl.

Thanks, dad.

I just phoned Tia

and she seems to be

okay with this.

Where'd tamera go?

She went to invite

Mr. Sullivan for dinner.

Oh, I hope he likes soup.

I'm too confused

to cook anything else.

Is this why you've been

jumpy all day today?

Not exactly.

Oh, ray, I overheard

your phone conversation

- about getting
- all that extra money.

You mean refinancing my loan

at the bank?

"Bank"? Refinance?

- Where else did you think I was
- going to get all that money?

- Well, to tell you
- the truth...

- Now, you are going to laugh
- when you hear this.

Ray Campbell!

This is the Detroit police.

Your house is surrounded.

Come out with your hands up!

- Better start
- laughing now.

Oh, and this is me

winning the second grade

regional spelling bee.

I like the band-aid

on your knee.

I also won a soccer

game that day.

And this is my science

fair blue ribbon

and my gold medal

from the math Olympics.


just like racelle.

I wish

I would have known her.

She would have been

so proud of you.

Um, Matt

do you have time for tamera

Campbell, the early years?

- Tamera, for you,
- I've got nothing but time.

Well, this is

my brag book.

Oh, other way.

Well, um, here I am

starring in the church

Christmas pageant.

Where are you?

- Over there...
- Sheep number four.

Baby Jesus tried

to upstage me.

I stole his halo.

Oh, and here I am

setting a record

- for the girl scout
- cookies.

Oh, most cookies sold?

Most cookies eaten.

Who's up for

coffee and dessert?

Ray, Lisa

- this evening has
- meant so much.

- I can't
- thank you enough.

Oh, come on, Matt.

It's nothing.

- Just some
- glorified leftovers.

No, I mean,

thank you for raising

two wonderful young women.

- Believe me, the pleasure
- was all ours.

I wish you didn't

have to leave so soon.

Oh, me, too.

- That sh**t in South America
- doesn't seem

- Nearly as exciting
- as it did yesterday.

- But you are
- coming back?

You can count on it.

- For the first time
- in my life

I have a reason

to put down roots.

Two reasons.

- How would you like
- a picture of the girls

To take with you?

- I've got a couple
- senior pictures here.

Oh, no. Come on, dad.

- Not the lame
- high school ones.

- Yeah, they're so
- seven months ago.

- Would you feel better
- if I took one of you now?

A real Matt Sullivan?

Of course!

- Let me get you
- right here on the sofa.


All right.

- All right, this is
- nice, this is good

But there's something missing.

- Ray, Lisa, why don't
- you get in there?

- Let's make this
- a family shot.


All right, now

act like you know each other.

- Does that camera come
- with a timer?

Sure. Why?

Why don't you join us?

You don't have to ask me twice.

Okay, on the

count of three

everyone say "mandela."


One, two...

Ooh. Matt, you're going to fit

in this family just fine.

That's not a

real dumbbell.

A real dumbbell wouldn't

have fell like that.

I can get it.

I got it, I got it.

- Nothing will change
- how much I...

How much I care about you.

- I can't get back
- in the line.

I know.

I knew he was gone.