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06x18 - FreakNik

Posted: 01/09/24 09:54
by bunniefuu

What is wrong

with driving my car to


What's wrong?

I am not riding

800 miles on "the hump."

Jordan, what happened

to your uncle's winnebago?

Ma kicked him out.

Now he's living in it.

- I said all along
- we should fly.

What? You can't

go to freaknik

without a car.

The party's on the streets

- and I want to be a part
- of the gridlock.

"Chitty chitty bang bang"

will be causing the gridlock.


You got jokes for the car, huh?

Fine. Go ahead and fly.

- Tyreke and I will have
- all the fun "road-ruling" it.

♪ Chitty chitty bang bang,

chitty chitty bang bang ♪

All of y'all.

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

♪ I got to feel

what's real for me ♪

♪ like you got to do

what's right for you ♪


- Hey.
- Hey, Tia, you ready

To get your freak on?

You know it.

What time's your flight leave?


So, I see you're all

ready to rule the road.

I'm still waiting for Jordan

to get back with some ice.

For the sodas?

No, it's for his radiator.

That's how he keeps

his engine cool.

Hey, um, Ty

- I'm glad I caught
- you before you left.

What's up?

- Well, before we get to freaknik,
- I just want you to know

- That I still care
- a lot about you...

And I'm open to giving us

another chance.

And I'm wondering

how you felt.


Um... Tia, I'm not sure

if I can just sum up my feelings

on the spot.

Why not?

You either want to get back

together or you don't.

I just need some time

to think it through.

Oh, I see.

Time to think.

Well, great. Great.

No problem.

- You know, think
- all you want.

I'll just see you around.

Tia, wait. Listen...

Tell me in the car.

Jordan, Jordan,

okay, now look.

- I made a road-care kit
- for your trip.

It's got a road map,

flares, dramamine...

- 'cause you know
- how your tummy gets...

A triple "a" card

and extra motor oil.

Tamera, this is

really nice and all,

but stop.


Look, I am a big boy.

I don't need my woman

- telling me how to
- drive across country.

Okay. Sorry.

Well, drive safely,

sweetie, okay?

You did check

your brakes, didn't you?

See you in hotlanta.



Diavian, I thought you said

this was a four-star motel.

No, I said it was

called the four-star motel.


You just k*lled

a roach with

your suitcase.

That's your suitcase.

Well, at least the bathroom's

got lots of fresh towels.

Okay, so it's not the Hilton.

It's not even motel 6.

Yeah, but it is motel cheap.

Look, all we really need

is a place to shower and change.

I've seen the shower.

- We might just
- want to change.

Is that a chalk outline?

Okay, I've seen enough.

Let's go get our freak on.

I heard that.

Let's hit the streets.


Hello, hotlanta!

You mean, wetlanta?

- Hey!
- Hey!

Come on in!

I'm almost ready.


Oh, Lisa, before I forget.

My mother's flying

in from hattiesburg,


and I want her to

meet you, you know?

Really? Victor,

this-this is so sudden.

Not really.

- She's been planning
- this trip for a while.

Oh. So, what's she like?

She's a sweetheart.

She's a real traditional,

old-fashioned homemaker.

In other words,

nothing like me, huh?

Hey, look, now don't

you go getting nervous.

- I mean, she's going
- to fall for you

- Just the way
- that I did.

Yeah, but I still

- want to make
- a good impression.

You will.

Look, I'm going to

take us all out to

dinner to maxfields.

Oh, no, you won't.

- We will have a nice,
- traditional, old-fashioned

Home-cooked meal right here.

Hey, that's great!

Look, you ready

to go clubbing?

Yeah. Food clubbing.

- I got some
- shopping to do.

- Tyreke: - Man, the girl laid her heart
- On the line

- And all she asked me was,
- "how do you feel?"

And what did I say?


"I need time

to think it through."

- Yes, Ty,
- give it a rest.

You been talking about Tia

for the past four hours.

All right, fine.

Man, I blew it.

- Tia is never going
- to give me another chance.

- Look, don't make me
- slide over there.

Look, let's play a game.

That's right.

The license plate game.

Whoever spots the

most states wins.

I'll go first.


Your turn.


My turn.


"Illinois. Ill..."

Man, this game is stupid.

They all say "Illinois."

Jordan, why do they

all say "Illinois"?

Hello, we're in Illinois.

- Dog, you don't have to go
- through Illinois

To get to Georgia.

- Are you sure you know
- where you're going?

Of course, I know

where I'm going, tamera.

Look, I got city-

to-city directions

right off the Internet.

"Ann arbor to

Atlanta." read it.

Man, this is Atlanta,

Missouri, Jordan.


Uh, woo!

- Listen, j, I have got
- to get to Atlanta

- So I can tell Tia
- how I feel!

- Look, don't worry,
- all right?

This is doable.

- We're only, what,
- half a day behind?

- Pull over, all right?
- I got to call her.

- No, this is something
- you got to do in person, dog.

Now relax.

Tia's not going anywhere.

Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Ah, dang!

This is all we need.

God. Here.


You're the wipers.

Oh, man!

Come on. Pull it.

Pull it. There you go.

All right.

Faster, man, faster.

- I can't see.
- I can't see.

- Oh, man, I got a leak
- in the roof.

We got any tape in the back?

- Diavian:
- Okay

It's safe

to use the sink.

- Just let the hot water run
- for a few minutes

- 'cause I think I saw
- something crawl up there.

D, I've been thinking.

I need to move on.

Please, take me with you!


I'm not talking

about leaving this roach motel.

I'm talking about getting

over tyreke.

Starting now, I want

to enjoy myself.

I mean, who knows?

My prince could be

right here.

Well, not here, but

out there somewhere.

Woo! Hey. Okay, okay.

- I did a walk-by
- on my way back

- From krispy kreme
- and you know what?

- I think we can turn
- this whole thing around.

By going back home?

Please, take me with you!

Girl, quit tripping.

We came her for freaknik.

Now, look, if we can't get

freaky out on the streets

- we'll bring the freak
- right here.


Oh, I hear you.


Party over here! Hey!

Hey, this

could work.

You look stupid.

Can I help you?

Sorry, just when I saw you here,

I thought the sun came out.

- Boy, you're going
- to have to do better than that.

Okay, how about this?

Charles Griffin.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you,


Tia Landry.

Would you like to dance,

miss Tia?

I'd love that, Charles.


Ooh, what's got into her?

- I think her prince
- has come.

- Tyreke:
- Tia, Tia...

- Jordan:
- Don't worry, man.

- She'll be waiting
- with open arms

When we get there.

After I helped rebuild the huts

- I rafted down the river
- and got supplies.

Wow. That's wild, Sheila.

So was that river.

Excuse me.

It was a mess.

Can I talk to you for

a minute, "Sheila"?

Excuse me, Byron.

So what's up?

Well, a couple of guys

have been asking me

- about my friends
- Tracy and Sheila.

And the funny thing is

- Tracy and Sheila
- are both you.

What are you doing?

I'm socializing.

Did you forget you

have a boyfriend?

"Michigan tamera"

has a boyfriend.

"Sheila from u.G.A."

And "Tracy from u.N.C."

And "Anya from

the Virgin Islands" don't.

This way, "spring break tamera"

can have a little innocent fun

without feeling guilty

about Jordan.

Hey, diavian.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I ran out of names.


Oh, hey, look.

It stopped raining.

All right! I guess Mya

and blackstreet are going

- to get a chance
- to perform, after all.

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

So can I take you there?

Um... Charles, that...

That sounds like

a lot of fun, but, um...

Ahh! I get it.

Boyfriend back home.




Hey, that's cool.

No pressure.

- How about
- I give you

A Charles Griffin

Atlanta mini-tour

before the concert, hmm?

It comes with a meal.

I'd love to.


Meet you in the hall

in a half hour.

So what's going

on with you and

prince Charles?

Girl, there is nothing

going on...



- Hey.
- Hey, Mya.

- Will you
- sign my cd?


Hello, Victor.


this is, uh... Lisa.

Lisa, this is my mother.

- Pleased to meet you,
- Mrs. Sims.

Please, come in.

Thank you, Lisa.

Victor has told me

so much about you.

All good, I hope.

You look so, um...

Touched by an angel.

Bless you.

- Why don't we
- all sit down

- And enjoy some
- of my nice

- Homemade
- hors d'oeuvres?

Lisa, Victor tells me

you were born and raised

right here in the city.

Yeah. But in my heart,

I am a down-home country girl.

Deviled eggs?

- Fresh
- from my Coop.

You have a chicken Coop?


She meant she drove to the store

in her coupe de ville.

I see. A joke.

Yeah. I heard it at church.

I think we all need a drink.

Um... martinis all around?

Make mine an old-fashioned.

Uh... Lisa...

Well, I am just dying

to hear more about

your exciting design career.

Oh, that?

- It's more
- like a hobby.

Victor, whoever that is

- tell them that
- I'm entertaining.

So like I was saying

- taking care of my family
- and my loved ones...

That's my true career.

Hey! Lisa,

this is Aretha Franklin!


Tell her I'll

call her back.

The queen of soul?

- Are you sure you
- don't want to take that?

Oh, it's probably just

some frivolous thing

- like a new gown
- for the grammys.

But this is my

personal time.

- Ree-ree will just
- have to respect that.

Uh... nuts?

I should say so.


So, Jason, as my grandmother

used to tell me

back on the island

"Anya, what's an after-party

without some chili fries?"

So tell your mates

to bring some fries

and we bring our appetites.


That's right. Room 23.

We are going to

party all...

Hey, sweetie.

I'll call you back.


where have you been?

- I've been
- worried sick.

- Yeah,
- she's checked every hospital

From here to the Virgin Islands.

You guys were

supposed to be

here yesterday.

- You got lost,
- didn't you?

- Woman, please, - we were being
- Good samaritans.

- We were helping someone
- with car trouble.

That's right,

and you'll never

guess who it was.

It was Mya, right?

Mya? Yeah, right.

- Her limo broke down,
- we gave her a lift.

- Oh, guys, just because
- you're at freaknik

Doesn't mean you have

- to make up stories
- to impress people.

You know it, mon.

Jordan, tyreke... I want to

thank you again

for the ride... and, um...

Here's some

backstage passes

for your trouble.

Thank you. Thank you, Mya.

Thank you so much.

- Enjoy
- the concert.

All right. Take care.

Tha.. Tha...

That was Mya!

For real?

Hey, Mya!

Girl, you're the b*mb!

You're the b*mb, girl!

Listen, where is Tia?

- There's something
- that I've got to tell her.

- She left for
- the concert already.

Without you guys?

Uh... yeah.

Well, she shouldn't

be wandering around

Atlanta by herself.

- Nobody said
- she was alone.

- She made
- a new friend.

So that's how it is?

Well, tell me this.

Tell me what kind of friends

- let friends make friends
- at freaknik?

It's a free

country, brother.

Everybody's grown.

I've got to get

to that concert.

I got to get my girl back.

Not looking like that.

Oh... dag!

- I hope you
- brought some raid.


Lisa, these eggs

are simply delicious.

Well, being a Christian woman,

I can't take all the credit.

I got the recipe

at the quilting bee.

Open wide, baby!

Extra paprika,

just like you like it.



Victor tells me

you have a lovely daughter.

Oh, yes. Tia.

My world,

my life's joy

- my reason
- for living

- The wind beneath
- my wings.

- What am I
- telling you for?

- I'm sure you
- feel the same way

- About
- your baby boy.


Oh, let me crack

that for you, sugar.

That's it. Lisa...

Sit down.

Uh... excuse me?

You have just worn me out

- with this
- happy homemaker routine.

But I... I was just trying

to take care of your son.

I have raised my son

to take care of himself...

To feed himself

and to speak for himself.

- Mom, what I want
- to say to you...

Hush, child.

- Let me tell
- you something

That you young

girls do today.

I'm listening.

- You have got to stop
- doing so much for these men.

You will spoil them rotten.

You've got to find

some "me" time.

You go on in there

and call aretha.

And let Victor

crack his own nuts.

Oh, let me be honest

with you, Mrs. Sims.

If you're going

to be honest with me

you can call me Adele.

Adele... I been trying

to put on a little show here

to impress you.

- I don't wait on Victor
- hand and foot.

I know that's right.

My business is booming.

I mean, my family's

got to catch me

when they can.

See? See, mom?

- This is the Lisa
- that I wanted you to meet.

And this is the Lisa

that I want to get to know.

- Listen,
- you go turn off that oven.

Victor is going to take us out

to dinner to maxfield's.

- sh**t, we can go in the kitchen
- for maxfield's.

That's where I ordered

- my home-cooked
- meal.

Hey, Sheila.


- Mya! Will you
- give me

A shout out

from the stage?

Uh... tamera,

is there something

you want to tell me?


Oh, my gosh, it's so nice.

Hold it, Tia.

I think you have

something in your ear.

- Wow! A quarter.
- Hold on.

Let me get change

for the meter.

Boy, you're crazy.

I'm not crazy.

- The guy who
- let you get away...

He's the crazy one.

Tia! Tia Landry!

Oh, my gosh.

- You know
- Teddy Riley?

Tia Landry, wherever you're at

I want you to know something.

I never stopped

caring about you.



- Look, when you
- asked me before

I was scared to say it

but now I'm ready

to shout it to the world, Tia.

Girl, I love you!


Excuse me. Excuse me.


Ti... oh, Tia?

I love you, too!

Wha... what?


She loves you, too!

Come here. Come here.


can we sing now?

Oh, right.

♪ Take me there,

I wanna go there ♪

♪ take me there,

let's go there ♪

♪ take me to that place

with wonders and wishes ♪

♪ take me there,

I wanna go there ♪

- ♪ take me there,
- let's go there ♪

♪ Take me to that place

with wonders and wishes ♪

♪ sittin' here thinkin'

about yesterday ♪

♪ about what we did

and how we used to play ♪

♪ just the thought of you

brings a smile upon my face ♪

♪ that's how it makes me feel

to see you everyday ♪

♪ And what we do

is between me and you ♪

♪ so come on and take my hand

to that special place ♪

♪ where smiles come to life

and dreams come true ♪

♪ take me there,

I wanna go there ♪

♪ take me there,

let's go there ♪

♪ take me to that place

with wonders and wishes ♪

- ♪ take me there,
- I wanna go there ♪

♪ Take me there,

let's go there ♪

♪ take me to that place

with wonders and wishes ♪

♪ close your eyes

and count to five ♪

♪ 'cause you know that

everything will be all right ♪

♪ 'cause the love you know

to bring your dreams to life ♪

♪ and what we do

is between me and you ♪

♪ so come on and take my hand

to that special place ♪

♪ I don't want

this dream to ever go away ♪

♪ take me there,

I wanna go there ♪

♪ take me there,

let's go there ♪

♪ take me to that place

with wonders and wishes ♪

♪ take me there,

I wanna go there ♪

♪ take me there,

let's go there... ♪