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01x22 - Tell Me How You Feel

Posted: 01/09/24 11:14
by bunniefuu
We'll go. Are you all right? Are you kidding? That freaking hurt.

But I guess I had it coming

after acting like such a dumb ass.

I can't believe it. She should be dead

after snapping her life fibers like that.

That tickles. No way. Her wounds are

closing up. Oh, great. She's immortal, too.

She's got life fibers running through her body.

Throwing your scissor blade at me was a bad move.

You can't defeat me so easy, you big silly.

Now I have both halves. And you know what? That.

DeSantis. Where are you going? Needs you. So get going. Right.

Jimmy, I get to shred that dumb old sandcastle again.

Not this time.


Hurting me,

huh? It seems she's figured out how to rattle Houdini.

Don't you even think about leaving? Won't do at all.

I tailored jackets just for you, you know?

I can't let you wear that horrid thing. Nope. Nope.

Oh, don't even try. I ain't

going to take Sandcats off ever again.

He feels different now because he's got

sockeyes and makos blood flowing through him.

He feels way better and way warmer

than that monster chill cats ever did.

Oh, thank you, Ryuko. Dude, don't start crying.

God, we're so comfy before. And now.

Now you're getting all damp and gross, right? Sorry.

All this icky friend nonsense. I think I'm going to hurl.

Who cares what you think? You don't even know what friends are.

These guys are something else. Something better.

I don't know what it's called, but Marco

and Sanchis are more than friends.

Really? Me too. Yeah, you too. You're like,

the most persistent chick I ever met.

You didn't care if I pushed you away.

You kept coming back and coming back like a yo yo.

It's like cats here. What the hell?

Here's a piece of clothing that cries

and laughs and worries about me.

I'm surrounded by people that actually give

a damn about me, and they're all batshit crazy.

I don't know if I deserve them,

but I sure as hell ain't gonna let him down.

You assholes just want to give the

planet up to the life fibers.

You want to make it so everyone's cut from the same cloth?

Guess what? I won't let it happen.

Because this world's better off with batshit

crazy people than it is with you.

I totally didn't get what you said just now. But you're right.

You don't get it. Then shut it.

She's sweet. I really hate humans. Kiss

all your batshit crazy friends goodbye.

I got Dad's scissor plates back. Now you guys are really screwed.

Woo hoo! Then how about we make things more interesting?

Your friends can attack you for a change.

Get ready. Man. It's my stitching time. Like hell it is.

I think I totally freaked you out.

It's all over. You go. Yeah. For you.

Any idea how valuable my arms are? I'm a grand couturier.

That's why I chopped them off, dipshit.

I'm kidding. If you chop them up,

they'll just pop right back on again. Oops. Oops Again.

Her scissors can keep life fibers from regenerating.

If I'd only known, it would have changed everything.

Give up already. It's over. This isn't happening.

Not to me. Now I'm really angry. Like, really super angry.

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. You do all.

That little cat. She. What the out. We better not ryuko.

Why? You've lost a great deal of

blood. It would be very dangerous.

Then what do we do about them? Poro Maru. It was a mistake to

go rushing off like that, huh?

She's right. This is a golden opportunity.

It's two for one day. We get

life fibers to stomp and some more recruits for the cause.

You can say that again. Hey, elite Ford, don't be shy.

You're on the clock now, so pick a bad guy and start sucking.


Oh nine barrel emergency rescue suction device.

I know these people. Hakodate. And that's Fukuroda.

And the rest. I need medics. Ma'am,

these students have been extracted. Tend to them, ma'am.

Come on. Mankind jokes. It's time we

help some people for a change.

Oh, man. They got no pockets. There's nothing for me to steal.

Your attitude is not appreciated, young man.

I'll tell you. I'll do it. Good that sewing club members.

Gather up the life fibers and bring them to the lab ASAP.

Collection complete. Let me out. What's your problem? I didn't ask for.

Help. I haven't been beaten yet. Here,

please. Grand couturier, calm down. What could

you hope to achieve in your present condition?

Right now, completing Shin-ra Coquettes takes priority over anything and everything else.

You lost your arms because you were fighting instead of working.

So I hope you have a good apology lined up for Lady Ragyo.

Do you think I should apologize? You're kidding.

Read along to Honnoji Academy. I'll put

the finishing touches on Shinra Cockettes.

And after I'm done, I'll teach you

what happens when you mouth off to me.

As long as you've finished. Shinra Cockettes.

What happens to me is of no concern.

What shall I do with junkets? Keep

it restrained. Shouldn't you terminate that thing?

No. The battle isn't over yet.

Oh, you're going to put that thing on again, huh?

You think you can control it? Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.

Yeah. Good luck with that. You couldn't even think with sunsets.

Stop harassing her, Ryuko. Remember, she risked her life to save you.

So what if she did? You think

I'm just going to forget all about the attitude she's given me?

What do you want? Let me belt you one.

Stop it, Ryuko. If I punch you

with everything I got and can't knock you down,

I'll know you got what it takes to fight alongside me.

God, that's the craziest thing I ever heard.

All she's wearing is a coat, and you're in full on sink mode.

One hit from you, and she's dead.

You're forgetting something. She's the great Satsuki Kiryuin.

Very well do it. We face Ragyo kiryuin.

And if I fall to you, then I have no chance of beating her.

Go on, hit me. I shall withstand it.

Keep telling yourself that. We'll find out in a sec.

Get ready.

Kamigori. This is between me and her. Oh,

my God. What's with you people?

Is that the best you can do? Matari.

What? Did you put everything you had into that punch?

Because it didn't feel like it. Yeah, of course I did.

If you did, then why are we still alive? He's right.

If you really hit us full force, it should have k*lled us.

I pulled my punches because you dorks got in the way.

That's no excuse. It shouldn't matter who gets in your way.

Such lack of commitment proves you are

not worthy to punch Lady Satsuki.

Screw you. I'm committed. Doesn't look like it.

From where I'm standing, Lady Satsuki's got

standards and we don't let half ass punches touch her.

Step aside. I have this. You want

to punch her face, punch ours first?

You want to chop her arms off? Chop ours off first.

We're the face and limbs of Lady Satsuki,

and we take the hits for her.

Although us limbs have a mind of our

own and we can be quite a handful.

Panoz's elite for our lady Satsuki's Invincible spear her tough shield.

If you want to strike Lady Satsuki, strike us.

But be warned, we will not yield so easily.

What's your problem? You guys are all fricking nuts.

Mm. You got batshit crazy people protecting you just like I do.

It seems that way, doesn't it?

I had to defeat Ragyo. And I thought the only way I could was

if I used others as my pawns.

So naturally I thought I could use

you in the same manner since the day you appeared wearing Sensenets.

My goal has been to train you

as an asset to turn against Ragyo and her allies.

I told you I k*lled our father

because I wanted to gauge your and Sanchez's power.

If you could hold on to your

free will without being swallowed up by your Kamui,

you could prove useful when it came time for the coup.

And I thought if I kept the truth from you,

I could control you better as a w*apon against Ragyo.

Thanks, bitch. Treating you like a fool was a mistake.

In the end, I was using the same methods as Ragyo.

I should have known I could never win that way.

If anyone here is a fool. It's me.

No, don't say that. I understand now

people are not cut from the same cloth,

and no matter how odd they may seem,

their differences make this world beautiful.

Our world is worth protecting. And I'd

be honored to share the task with you.

Jeez, even your apologies are turned up to .

I don't feel like hitting you anymore.

I got folks I want to protect, too.

So if you want to team up to pull Mom's plug,

I got no problems with that.

Well, now that you've made up, let's

sit down and have some dinner.

Sweet. You made your famous croquettes. Yup.

And they're filled to the gills with all

kinds of chopped up mysterious things.

Don't just stand there. Dig in.

When it comes to mysterious things, no one

fries them up better than my mom. Try it, Lady Satsuki.

This is super yummy, right? Yes, very.

Would anyone care for some tea? Oh.

Ryuko. Huh? Earlier. You were deeply moved, weren't you?

What? After you heard Satsuki out.

My God, would you give me a break?

You should have told her how you were feeling.

You're an obnoxious outfit, and you are completely devoid of feminine charm.

I get what's going on. You missed having

me around to talk to you, didn't you?

That's why you're pushing all my buttons. Now, that is not true,

right? Listen here. I am not prone to fits of loneliness.

Okay? Okay. It's cool. Talk all you want.

Pretty soon there won't be time for it anyway. Why not?

Because she's going to be coming for us.

What is it? Ryuko's freed herself. Well

be a dear and have new work faster.

I never thought my daughters would become such nuisances.

It appears I failed to discipline them properly.

If it's the last thing I do,

I'm going to make you go Matoi and Satsuki Kiryuin. Hey.

I'm injecting a mixture of Lady Satsuki's

and Ryuko's blood into June cats.

I've also added a dash of Sen cat's life fibers to it.

I get it with their blood and sen cats power.

You've tamed June Cat so Satsuki can wear it.

It's a shame it had to be altered,

but it's the only way to make it work for me.

At this point, though, I would do anything to win.

Sounds like the words of a woman with victory on her mind.

Kind of girl who stripped herself of all extraneous thoughts.

You're a proper nudist now. So you want to get naked?

How are things coming along here? Damn, that's cold.

Everything is ready to go. We managed

to collect more life fibers than we need.

In fact, I was just about to start

making the new Goku uniforms. Wait by yourself.

I can handle it.

Three star Goku uniform. Tailors. Regalia.

Ragyo Kiryuin ultimate objective is to transform

the human race into hosts for life

fibers and cover the entire planet,

turning it into a star seed cocoon sphere.

Every product Revox makes has life fibers woven into them.

The plan was to beam a signal

to the clothes, awakening the life fibers.

Humans would be converted into energy sources

and their clothing transformed into covers.

Then billion covers would rise into

the stratosphere and shrouding the planet.

She was going to make the Earth wear a sweater.

Talk about messed up. I knew she was trying

to turn the human race into life fibers,

but I had no idea the plan was so epic in scope.

Question is why? Life fibers are an organism that drifts through space.

Once they reach a planet with intelligent life,

they cause it to evolve into a

state more suitable as energy sources.

The life fibers convert their hosts into clothes and cover the planet.

Then they use the planet as an energy source until it explodes,

scattering their seeds through space until they find another planet.

That is how they continue to reproduce across the universe.

My God, talk about sowing the seeds of destruction.

Oh, put a sock in it, huh?

You don't hear anyone else blurting out lame ass puns, do ya?

I've had just about enough of your so-called sense of humor.

You know, I can't tell Monkey. If you

mock my hometown one more time,

I'm going to mix you up with lime water and boil you.

Oh, get a room. I'm sorry. I had to say.

Knock off that infernal bickering lady Satsuki's present.

No, it's fine. Gamagori. I rather like listening to their squabbling.

It makes me feel as if I'm home again. Lady.

Here we go. I've hacked into the Revox satellites.

Let's have a look at the primordial life fiber.

Security is tight, but I can still control their cameras.

Verrocchio. As expected, the primordial life fibers headed for Honnoji Academy.

Why is it going there? Simple. By attaching

the primordial life fiber to the Academy's transmitter,

Ragyo can send out the signal to transform humanity into life fibers.

Bitchin. Then all we need to do is smash

the transmitter and we can stop her plan.

There is one small problem, though. What's that?

The missiles that will be slamming into us shortly.

Let us know sooner, Mr. Mikazuki. Mister,

if you don't mind, I'd like you in command of this operation.

Seriously? Ryuko and I will stop Ragyo.

I'll be busy with that. So I cannot command as well.

Good point. Elite four Are we clear on that, milady?

It's our job to destroy Honnouji Academy's transmitter,

and Satsuki and Ryuko's job is to keep

Ragyo and the primordial life fiber off our backs.

You all know what to do. Good.

Then let's get this show rolling. Captain Bossi strikes again.

Are you ready to go? Yeah. Are

you sure you're ready? I have no choice.

You'd better hurry up and get changed then.

Lady Ryuko. Look after your sister for me. Will do.

Ready. Sit. So. Uh, you don't have

to acknowledge the bond between us.

I can feel your blood flowing through junkets.

I know what you mean. Really? Yes.

How touching. Not now, Sandcats. Suck it up. Okay, let's go.

Don't lose your.

This is the way it was on.

Cigarette makers. The stuff.

Don't lose your.

Finally I've come to catch.

Ryuko. I see him.

Grab on. No, I have this. Don't get that.

Look at that. It absorbed my abilities. Way to go, Sasuke.

The turret here. All right, let's set sail for Honnoji Academy.

Starsky, the ship. Yes, I know. I see it.

You gotta be freaking kidding.

It looks like some kind of combat spec mega

covers and it feels mega gnarly.

Michael Monk Honcho Honnoji Academy Fight Club president is.

Don't worry where you go. I'll keep

the ship safe from the bad

Can a single cloth cover the planet? Ragyo's giant wrapping cloth can.

But if that happens, this anime would be over.

Sawako Satsuki Mako and the upgraded Elite four must stop it.

Next time on k*ll a k*ll. Imitation Gold.