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02x04 - Chance of a Lifetime

Posted: 01/09/24 20:26
by bunniefuu
The professors are so young.
That's what I can't get used to.

Those are the kind
you have to watch out for.

I don't mind taking classes
with kids Lucy's age...

but some of the teachers
aren't any older than the students.

I mean, it really makes me feel like
an old lady.

Maybe you should start
wearing bobby socks.

- What's your favorite class?
- American Lit.

Yeah, we're reading Moby d*ck
by Herman Melville.

- Did you ever read Moby d*ck?
- Moby d*ck?

Yeah, it's about a whale. It's good.

Morning, Karen. Where's Sid?
Ready to go, honey?

Yeah, just a minute, hon.

- Um, this look straight to you?
- Mm, I think it's too low.

That's because you're too tall.

- Sid upstairs?
- No, he left an hour ago.

He had a 9:00 meeting
with a patent lawyer downtown.

- Patent lawyer?
- Mm-hm.

About his engine. It took him six weeks
to get this appointment.

We got a 10:00 meeting about a possible
fleet deal. He's never gonna make it.

- A fleet deal?
- Yeah, Orchid Cab and Delivery.

- You think he forgot?
- Mm-hm.

- Looks that way.
- Great. You know where I can reach him?

I don't know the name of the lawyer,
but he probably wrote it down.

Uh, if you find it,
give me a call at the office.

I'll, uh, call the guys,
see if they can come after lunch.

You know how he feels about that engine.

He was up all night going over his notes.

Yeah. You ready to go, honey?

Yeah. Tell Diana that I am gonna pay
her back for all these index cards.

- Oh, don't be silly.
- No, I will.

- Here, you want some help?
- Yeah, please.

All right. You can, um, drop me off at work
and then take the car.

You drive, because I wanna read you
something from Moby d*ck.

- See you later, Karen.
- Okay.


Moby d*ck.

Oh, my...

Gary, I found...



Has Sid left already?

Yeah. Whoo, that's some dress.
You going out or coming in?

Out. I'm going out. I have a job interview
at Alcocks and I overslept.

What time is it now?

Ten to 9.

Mom, come on!

What am I gonna do?

I can't take the kids to school, Abby.

Um, call Alcocks.
Tell them you're running late.

Mom, let's go.

Richard, it's on your way.

How often do I ask you
to drop Jason at school?

Second time this month. Why do you have
to spring this on me...

- this morning of all mornings?
- I did not spring anything on you.

I told you a week ago,
then I reminded you last night.

When? When I was asleep?

- Richard, I'm sorry. I've really gotta go.
- So go. Go.

Mom, Mrs. Gribsy said
if I get another late slip...

she's gonna put me on probation.

Well, I'll ask Val.

Val had an early class.
She left with Gary.

Oh. Oh, well, come on, kids.

Um, I'll call Alcocks.

Oh, Karen, thank you. I appreciate it.
Just make up some terrific lie.

You're good at that.

Mom, maybe Richard could take us.

- Richard. Hi.
- Hi.

I've got a job interview today
and I'm running late.

I got the same problem.

If I drop the kids at school,
I'm never gonna make it.

- I've got an early meeting...
- Jason's school is two miles from theirs.

- In the opposite direction.
- Oh, Richard, please.

This means so much to me, and after all,
you're a big shot, you can be late.

Brian, you're it!


stay out of the street!

I'll get you.


All right, get in the car.
All of you, in the car.

I can understand your reluctance,
Mrs. Vandenbrooke, I mean, I...

Eight-fifty might seem steep
if you're used to prices in the east...

but you gotta understand
that a house in this area...

you couldn't find for under a million,
uh, not this size.

I mean, not with an acre
and a half of land.

If you wanted to put in a court...

you got a perfect place
to put it in there.

You'll be adding another 200,000
to the value of your home.

- It's not my home yet, Mr. Warren.
- Scooter.

Why is everyone in California
on a first-name basis?

You know, this is the perfect time
to be moving.

The, uh...
The buyer is in charge right now.

With the interest rates as high as
they are, the seller's in a squeeze.

And so I imagine, are you?

If you and Mr. Vandenbrooke would be
willing to come up a little on the cash...

I might be able to talk them down
to 810.

It's not the money, Mr. Warren.
It's the house.

I'm not so sure about phony Tudor.

Well, I wouldn't exactly call this phony.

Uh, could I interject something?

Mrs. Vandenbrooke, uh,
unless I'm mistaken...

every Tudor home built after 1603
isn't really authentic.

But in this case, the architect
was Clayton Raphael, a true Anglophile.

He designed this home for himself. Based
the entire structure on 17th century plans.

You're not gonna believe this.

He had a lot of the materials
shipped from England.

The, um... The beams are authentic,
the flagstone's from Devon.

But, of course,
well, if you prefer something modern...

- Modern?
- I mean, something, um, more authentic.

It is rather nicely built.

- Hey, Sid, how'd it go?
- Hi.

- Sorry I'm late, Gary.
- Oh, that's all right.

- They're coming in at 2:30.
- Good.

- Good morning, Mr. Fairgate.
- Good morning.

So, what'd the lawyer say?

The lawyer said,
"You're on the right track, Sid."

I said, thank you. And he said, "You don't
have to thank me. That's 150 bucks."

Who's the new mechanic?

Linda Striker.
Summa cum laude from MIT...

going for a Ph.D.
in advanced automotive design.

She's taking a semester off to find out
how an engine works from the inside out.

- I thought we were cutting back.
- Yeah, on salesmen, not repairmen.

The garage is booming.
It's what's keeping us afloat.

We've never had a lady repairman.

Repairperson. Ha, ha.

If Karen could see your face...

she'd report you
to the National Organization for Women.

Seems funny.

A female grease monkey... Grease person.

- Well, I guess I'll get used to it.
- Hope you do.

She's the hardest worker we got.

- Is he here yet?
- Didn't you see the red carpet?

- Main conference room?
- You sure you wanna go in like that?

- Come here.
- Oh, great.

Listen, maybe if you bow when you walk in,
they won't notice the spots.

- Here, give me that. Thanks.
- Bow.

I'm pleased you've chosen us
as co-counsels, Mr. Cargill...

and with all due modesty,
I think you've chosen wisely.

We represent a number of firms...

who've been in litigation
with environmental groups in recent years.

And it's been our experience...

Um, this is Richard Avery, Mr. Cargill,
one of the junior associates.

Car trouble?
I hope it didn't happen on the freeway.

I've, uh, been looking forward to meeting
you for quite some time, Mr. Cargill.

My senior year at Georgetown,
I did an article for the law review...

on Delta Cattle
versus the State of Illinois.

It was a long way from Evanston to the
Supreme Court, but it was worth the trip.

- I'd like to read that article sometime.
- Thank you.

As I was saying, Mr. Cargill,
most of these environmental groups:

Friends of the Sea Otters,
The Redwood Coalition...

the Abalone Army,
are small, disorganized and under-funded.

Unless they manage
to attract the attention of the press...

They have attracted
the attention of the press.

Mr. Simpson, that's why I'm here.

I could take on
the Friends of the Sea Otters...

and the Abalone Army...

and with a Boy Scout knife
and a clam rake...

but the California
Coastal Commission...

Now, that's not just another bunch
of daisy-throwing environmental flakes.

Let's not kid ourselves.

Arkansas Gas and Fuel
has a real problem here.

A 320-million-dollar problem
which they are paying us to solve.

I've got a lunch with Charlie Flagg and
I'd like to be able to tell our client...

he's gonna get his pipeline.

I thought you'd moved for a postponement
of the prelim, Mr. Cargill.

That motion was denied.

The hearing stands as scheduled.

I'm sorry to hear that, sir.

We thought this was to be
an exploratory meeting.

I don't have time
for exploratory meetings.

Why don't we table this discussion
until after lunch?

Perhaps by that time,
you gentlemen will have had time...

to, uh, roll up your shirt sleeves,
put your thinking caps on...

and maybe come up with something
that we can use by tomorrow morning.

Uh, excuse me, Mr. Cargill...

but, uh, there was a case
a few weeks ago in northern California...

What case was that, Mr. Avery?

Uh, well, it didn't receive a lot of
attention in the Los Angeles press...

which is why
you might have missed it.

But the, uh, Diamond Pulp
and Paper Company won an easement...

from the county seat in Red Bluff
to run a chemical pipeline...

from Forest Glen to Zenia
through the Dubakella National Forest.

I hardly think that Mr. Cargill...

Can I see that, please, Mr. Avery?

You free for lunch, Richard?

You seem to be a man
who does his homework.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm all right.

What'd you do?
Take the jack out of the trunk?

I was gonna put it on the hydraulic,
but they were being used.

And I promised Mrs. McGuane
I'd have the car by 12:30. I'm sorry.

Looks like you bent the axle. You're lucky
you didn't break your hand or a foot.

I'll pay for the damage, okay?

Didn't you use the hand brake?

I guess it didn't fully engage.
Lookit, Mr. Fairgate...

I know I don't know my way
around an engine the way you do...

but I've changed a tire before.
It was an honest mistake.

Yeah, I can't afford honest mistakes
like that.

This is a garage, not a graduate course.

Hello. Now I see why you didn't get home
for lunch.

- I'm Karen Fairgate.
- I'm Linda Striker. Hi. How are you?

- How'd it go at the lawyers'?
- I'll tell you over lunch.

Call Mrs. McGuane
and tell her what happened.

And get Gary to give her a loaner.

How about Nature's Way?
I'm in the mood for a fruit salad.

I'm in the mood for a good stiff drink.

A lady mechanic at Knots Landing Motors.
My, my, we are making progress.

Gary hired her.

She looks intelligent.

She graduated...

summa cum laude in auto wrecking.

Smart? Why, she couldn't even touch you
with a powder puff. Ha, ha.

When was the last time you smoked
one of these, Lynn Baker?

Well, the last time I smoked
a pre-Castro Havana, Charlie...

was the last time I had lunch with you.

Damn Coastal Commission.

One lousy 16-inch pipe.

Preliminary hearing.

I want it stopped.
Tomorrow, you understand?

These jokers are costing me
1.2 million a day.

And that's a hell of a lot of cigars,
Lynn Baker.

What are you planning on telling them?

For one thing, I'm gonna mention
the Diamond Pulp and Paper Company.

Which, according to my diligent associate
Mr. Avery here...

just ran a chemical conduit
through the Dubakella National Forest...

in northern California.

Sounds promising.

I'll need the results of the stress
tests on the pipe itself, Miss Vesper.

We've got that information.

I'm sorry about that postponement.

Frankly, I could've used
a couple of more days.

But I'm sure we can come up with a few
more goodies before tomorrow morning.

What do you think, Mr. Avery?

This is an excellent cigar.

Delay or negligence
in asserting one's legal rights.

Patent, conveyance of title
to a government land.

Flagstone is from Devon.
Seventeenth century plans.

Copes Tower,
one of your favorite buildings.

Boy, why are you bothering
to take this exam?

I should've kept my mouth shut.

Kept your mouth shut, huh? She wants
the house. I just got off the phone.

You and your big mouth
just made us a $850,000 sale.

All right, no rabbit food for my whiz kid.
You're coming out to lunch. Get your bag.

Vandenbrooke's coming here at 3:00.

Scooter, I've gotta pick up Jason
at school.

Well, tell him to take a cab.

Seriously, Laura,
Vandenbrooke asked for you specifically.

Now will you call Richard,
call a neighbor?

I can't bother Richard at work,
he'll k*ll me.

What about your work?
What is this, a hobby?

Call him, Laura. Come on.
Blame it on me.

No, sell it. Sell it all. I'm not getting
within spitting distance of the Middle East.

Those people don't know
how to run a country.

For a man who's never smoked
a pre-Castro Havana, Richard...

you handle yourself very well.

I wish you'd mention that
to Mr. Simpson.

I've been there nine years...

and I'm still pushing papers around
in the only office without a window.

Well, maybe you're with the wrong firm.

Yeah, well, whenever I shop around...

I find myself competing with
the hotshots fresh out of law school.

I'm 37
and I can't start from the bottom again.

If we weren't staring out over
the Pacific Ocean...

I might say something like,
"Go west, young man."

How about east?

You mean as far east as Chicago?

You're the kind of lawyer I'd like to be.

If you want me in Chicago,
that's where I'll go.

Well, if we win this case, Richard...

maybe you'll find yourself pointed
in the right direction.



- Where's Mom?
- Working.

- You work too, don't you?
- I try.

You're a lawyer
and Mom sells houses, right?

That's right.

Does Mom make a lot of money
selling houses?

Not enough.

And so by combining the efficiency
of a large-scale fleet operation...

with the personalized service
of a driver-owned medallion vehicle...

we minimize our overhead...

and provide for a flexible base for
growth to meet with community needs.


Denver, Phoenix, Albuquerque.
We're getting pretty big.

Well, Knots Landing is not very big.

How many cars are you talking about?

We intend to use Knots Landing
as a pilot program...

for the Greater Los Angeles Area.

Of course, we'll start modestly
with about, uh, 15 vehicles.

- Fifteen?
- For starters.

Well, if you're gonna buy 15 new cars...

we could take about 6 and a half percent
off the purchase price.

Um, Clark Coolidge offered us 11.

We could live with 8 and a half percent,
plus a three-year warranty, parts and labor.

We're gonna have to talk about that.

- Well, okay.
- Service, Line 1.

- I'll call you in the morning.
- I'm here at 8.

- Great.
- Um, I think we can do business.

Just, uh, give us a chance
to iron out the details.

- A pleasure.
- Same here.

Fifteen cars?

It's a fabulous house, Mrs. Vandenbrooke,
and an incredible price.

You know,
I almost bought that house myself.

- What stopped you?
- The wife is a, uh, Cape Cod Modern freak.

How unfortunate for you.
I haven't written my name so many times...

since my first husband
flew his Cherokee Banshee...

into Mount Whitney and left no will.

- Ha, ha, well, this will be the last of them.
- Thank heaven. I'm getting writer's cramp.

How much of an escrow
do you think you'll need?

Oh. Thirty days should be quite sufficient.

- Good.
- You sure you don't want more time?

- How long does it take to pack?
- That's the spirit.

Uh, I would like to take us all out
for a drink.

I think we all have something
to celebrate.

I'll celebrate when I move in, thank you.

But I certainly could do with a drink.

- Mrs. Avery?
- I would love to. But I've gotta get going.

My husband and son are waiting at home
and I've gotta make dinner.

In that case, we'll make it two drinks.

Mustn't let them take you for granted.

Yes, I called the restaurant,
she'd already left.

Well, where is she now?

Oh, that's nice.

Yes, well, could you tell her
her husband called...

and he's standing in the kitchen with a
hungry child and a block of ice in his hand.

I'm on an ice diet.

Nothing in here but a lot of bread,
lettuce and ice cream.

- I wouldn't mind just eating the ice cream.
- Yeah, I bet you wouldn't.

Come on, kid, let's go out for dinner.
Watch your head.

When's Mom coming home?

Apparently, whenever she likes.

You want crunchy-crispy, extra crispy
or super crispy-crunchy?

- What's the difference?
- Beats me. Chicken's chicken.

Extra crispy.

Super crunchy-crispy's dried out and
crunchy-crispy's more batter than chicken.

You sound like an aficionado.
You come here often?

Well, the kids like it.

Hey, Jason,
why'd your dad bring you here?

This place stinks.

- My dad hates hamburgers.
- Jason.

Quick, come here, Jason.

Look at this enormous, disgusting bug.

What are you doing here anyway?

Isn't Laura home
cooking up a boeuf bourguignon?

I hear she's a fabulous cook.

Laura's more interested
in real estate these days.

I don't know a thing about real estate.

Thank goodness for small favors.

- I can't cook either.
- Hmm.

Stop pushing. You'll squash it.

You, uh... You really wanna eat here?

I've been barred
from most of the restaurants in the area.

You folks gonna order or what?


Tell you what, why don't, uh, you and I
join forces and, uh, have a picnic?

Your backyard or mine?

- You're so easy.
- Mm.

What's so strange about guys wanting
to start up a cab company here?

The guys.

Good night, Gary.
Good night, Mr. Fairgate.

- Aren't you going home?
- I'm just gonna finish up here.

Okay. Be sure you lock up
when you leave.

- Good night.
- Okay.

Our business is selling cars.
Their business is theirs.

- I don't look at it that way.
- Look at it this way.

How many of these gas guzzlers
we've moved in the three months? Two.

We'll talk about this in the morning.
I just want a little time to check up.

Check up? They're calling at 9.

Have you checked up
with the accountant lately?

Our sales dropped 18 percent last month.

Now, that's 7 percent lower
than last year.

- I know the figures.
- Then you know we need this sale.

Sid, they want 15 big cars.

- I don't...
- Don't push, Gary.

I don't see anybody standing in line
for five of those monsters.

A sale like this could really put us
back in business.

We can't pass it up because you don't
like the color of their ties.

Look, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I
checked with the Better Business Bureau.

There is no Orchid Cab and Delivery
Company in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Balmy, moonlit night, no mosquitoes...

they're inside with the door shut,
watching television.

Ha, ha, well, they're a little
too young to know about moonlight.

Must be kind of rough for Jason,
Laura working all the time.

Kind of rough for you too.

I don't mind the idea of her working.
She's gotten so fanatical about it.

I don't think both parents should work.

As far as I'm concerned, in any
relationship, the man has to be dominant.

That was one of the problems
with my marriage.

Jeff wanted me to be the boss
and I just couldn't do it.

It's not in my personality.


we were so young
when we got married.

He was the first man I'd ever been with.

It turned out
we weren't sexually compatible.

And I think that's really important,
don't you?


It's the one thing with Laura and me
that's solid.

You, uh... You want some more wine?


Are there a lot of men in the office
where Laura works?

Her boss is a guy named Scooter Warren.

He's married, isn't he?



Ooh. Look at that.

I didn't know you had so much hair
on your chest.

You kids are up late.

Hello, Jason.


Hi, Mom.

Where's Daddy?

- Excuse me.
- They're outside drinking wine.

They're outside drinking wine. Okay.


We're over here.

Honey, I'm sorry I'm so late, but we sold
that house in the Palisades today.

- I cannot believe it. Hi, Abby.
How are you? ABBY: Hi, Laura.

So Scooter insisted we celebrate,
and drinks turned into dinner.

I called, but there was no answer.

- What did you eat?
- What?

Uh, what did I eat?
Uh, salmon with mousseline sauce.

We had chicken from Chick-O-Rama.

Mm-hm. Well, at least you weren't alone.

Richard, where are you going?

I, uh, lost half a day, Laura.
I've gotta go back and work in the library.

Honey, I'm really sorry.

But I sold my first house today.

I didn't really sell it.
I can't do that till I get my license.

- But I made the sale. Isn't that exciting?
- Thrilling.

Richard, why don't you just get up
a little earlier?

I haven't seen you all day, honey.
I missed you.

I've, uh, I've got a hearing at 9 a.m.

If I don't dig up something...

Arkansas Gas and Fuel
is not going to get their easement.

Well, why don't you, uh, wake me up
when you get home, okay?

I don't care what time it is.

I probably won't be home.

Richard, I really feel terrible about this.
This will not happen again, I promise.

No, it won't.

That's, uh, a great about the house,

Seems like you have a real flair
for real estate.

I'm sure you'll be successful
wherever you are.

What do you mean?

When you see Scooter, you might ask him
to recommend some brokers in Chicago.

Chicago? Why Chicago?

That's where we're moving.


Hey, sleeping beauty, rise and shine.

Come on. You got a hearing
at 9 with Cargill. Wake up.

I got some great stuff, Millie.
Dynamite stuff.

Indian fishing rights,
jurisdictional disputes.

Yeah, well, tell it to the judge, cutie.
The king of torts is on his way.

Water ordinances, environmental litigation.
I'm handing it to Cargill on a silver platter.

- All he's gotta do is serve it.
- Terrific.

Now you go wash up.
They're gonna be here any second.

Hey, hey, hey, look at this. Look at this.

"Kwakiutl Federation
versus Sacramento Power and Light."

The red man loses again.

Richard, I am gonna go get you
some fresh coffee and a comb.

- If Simpson finds you like this...
- Simpson can stick it in his habeas corpus.

This is my swan song, baby.

When this is over, I'm hitching my train
to the king of torts and moving east.

Ha. Great. Great. So how about
a black coffee and a double Scotch?

Millie, I'm not kidding.
Cargill offered me a job.

- What kind of a job?
- In Chicago. If we beat this postponement...

Cargill has a reputation for promises.

He told me on Flagg's yacht. He told me
I was too good a lawyer for this firm.

I'm not saying you're not.

If I were you, I'd make sure I had a firm
offer before I burned all my bridges...

and I hopped on some plane
to Chicago.

You getting me that hot coffee or what?

Good morning, Mr. Simpson.
Hi, Mr. Cargill.

Millie. Mr. Avery,
you've kept Mr. Cargill waiting.

There's a car downstairs.

Well, looks like it was all
for a good cause.

Well, there's a lot of Havana cigars
at stake.

What cigars?

You better give this young man a raise...

otherwise I'm gonna stick him in my trunk
and steal him away with me to Chicago.

Well, I, uh... I did dig up a few things.

Enough to hold them off at the pass?

Enough to blow them clear
out of the water.

Well then, Richard, what are we
waiting for? Leave us be amongst them.

Clean up this mess.

We went over the books again last night,

And, boy, we'd like to do business
with you...

but, um, 8 and a half percent's
our bottom line.

Uh, look, don't take this wrong...

but, uh, Sid called
the Better Business Bureau in Albuquerque.

There's no listing
for Orchid Cab and Delivery.

Ha, ha.
Oh, well, Orchid's the company name.

Wherever we're franchised,
we use the name of the state flower.

And in Albuquerque, uh, we can be found
under the Yucca Cab and Delivery.

I'll bet you didn't know that the yucca
was the state flower for New Mexico.

Uh, no.

So if, uh, Sid wanted to check
credit references, financial records...

he'd ask about Yucca Cab and Delivery
in Albuquerque, right?

Right. And in Denver, Columbine Cab...


he trusts you, doesn't he?

Maybe you're the one
that should make these inquiries.

What if he wants to look at the books?

We got nothing to hide.

I hear you made a fleet deal
with some big cab company.

Gary says we've got 15 cars
to prep by Tuesday.

He asked me and some of the boys
if we had any time over the weekend.

Salesmen, showroom floor.

- Hey, Gary?
- Mm?

Who told you to prep those cars?

We're not gonna close that deal
until I find out about those guys.

Sid. Sid, I called my cousin in
Albuquerque. Works for the government.

Federal Task Force on Organized Crime.

These guys may look funny, but they're not
connected. They run a small operation...

that in 10 months is giving
the companies serious competition.

As for a financial statement,
Roy said it's in the mail.

Why didn't you tell me before?

Not having you there made them sweat.
Got them down to seven and three quarters.

- What's the matter? Don't you believe me?
- Sure, I believe you.

- Then why the third degree?
- There's no third degree.

Sid, trust me.

Trust me, okay?


Thank you.

Miss Vesper was cryptic
over the phone...

but I gather you managed
to hold them off at the pass.

They'll appeal,
but if I know Charlie Flagg...

he'll have that pipeline finished before
they can even get on the appellate calendar.

I'm very pleased.

I'll let Richard fill you in
on the gory details.

He's earned that pleasure.

As for myself, I'm off for Arkansas
in the morning...

so, gentlemen, this is au revoir.

Mr. Simpson...

we'll be working together again
real soon.


thank you.

I was hoping we could, uh, get together
before you go.

Well, I'm staying on the boat.
Give me a call.

Um, let's talk, Richard.

Come on in, Richard.

- Let me get you a drink.
- Sure.



Let's see.

You've been with us...

what, six years now?


As long as that.

You're a good soldier, Richard.
We never doubted that.

But until today, we weren't sure
you had officer potential.

That's because you never sent me
into battle.

I've been, uh, peeling potatoes...

and scrubbing latrines around here
since day one.

Now you won your battle
and earned your stripes.

How does Pincus, Simpson,
Lyle & Avery sound to you?

I was here when it was still
just Pincus and Simpson.


we all make mistakes, Richard.

It took Mr. Cargill to prove
that we were mistaken.

You're a better lawyer.

I've been a better lawyer than you thought
for almost 10 years.

You didn't think I was better because I
live in Knots Landing, not Beverly Hills.

I didn't graduate from an Ivy League school
and neither did my wife.

I don't drive a 450...

and I couldn't get into your
country club if my life depended on it.

I'm just a good lawyer, that's all.

Better than you thought,
better than I thought.

And much too good...

for Pincus, Simpson & Lyle.

Now, hold it.

Am I understanding
that you're declining my offer?

You mean, do I quit?


The problem isn't the house.

Oh, I know the problem, and believe me,
there is no problem.

- The problem is there's no room for a pool.
- There is room for a pool.

Uh, Laura,
where's that survey map, please?

I'll show it to you on the map.

You can put in
an Olympic-size swimming pool.

Here we are.

Chicago, Chicago
The toddling town, the toddling town

Here's space for the pool.

Mr. Vandenbrooke is a physical-fitness nut
and if we can't put in a pool...

Bet your bottom dollar you'll
lose the blues In Chicago

Chicago, the town
That Billy Sunday could not shut down

- On State Street, that great street
- Richard, please.

I just wanna say, allow me to say
They do things they'd never do in L.A.

- Richard, please don't.
- Richard, don't.

- They have the time, the time of their life...
- Stop it.

- Stop it, Richard!
- Hey, no, Richard.

Chicago, my home town



I'm sorry.

Be some joke if I got a heart attack
before we even sell the house.

- What are you doing up?
- Cargill's catching an 8:30 plane.

He asked me to have breakfast
at the marina.

He called you?

I just wanna iron out some of the details
before he leaves for Texarkana.

What details?

The move...

housing, schools, insurance.

By the way, did you ask Scooter
to recommend some, uh, Chicago realtors?

I don't think you ought to give up your work
because we'll be living in a different city.


Uh, I'm sorry about yesterday.
I guess I was a little over-exuberant.

You humiliated me, Richard. In front
of Scooter, in front of the whole office.

I was too angry to say anything last night.
Anyway, you were too drunk to notice.

Come on.
A little champagne never hurt anyone.

Have you discussed salary?

That's what the meeting's for, but
I'm sure it'll be in the six-figure range.

- But you're not sure, are you?
- No.

I'm sure that I've been offered
the opportunity of a lifetime.

The opportunity to work
with Lynn Baker Cargill...

who, along with F. Lee Bailey,
Louis Nizer and Melvin Belli...

happens to be one of the most powerful
and prestigious lawyers in this country.

And all you can talk about is money.

Richard, I'm sorry.

- I...
- You're not sorry at all.

Who are you kidding, Laura?

You don't wanna go.


Morning, Mr. Flagg.

Mr. Cargill still onboard?

Don't hold him up too long.

I wanna get out
of this smog-filled godforsaken state.

If you get down to Texarkana,
give me a holler.

- Down there, we show a fella a good time.
- I sure will.

Goodbye, Mr. Avery.

Goodbye, Miss Vesper.
Have a pleasant flight.


Martin, I'll be in Toronto within 24 hours.

Yeah, come on in, Richard.

Look, Martin... No, not you, Martin. Listen,
just take the deposition for me, okay?

I'm sorry about breakfast.

Charlie's changed the game plan on me.

He woke me at 7,
he wants to be airborne by 8.

If I had a secretary like Miss Vesper,
I wouldn't get much sleep either.

- She looks very efficient.
- Ha, ha.

- Sit down. Pour yourself some coffee.
- Thanks.

Now, okay.


what can I do for you?

Well, I wanted to find out what you had
in mind in terms of that job you mentioned.

The job?

With you, in, uh, Chicago.

- Are you really serious about moving?
- You bet I am.

Well, I'd be proud to have you
as a member of my team, Richard.

You did good work on this case.
You've got the makings of a fine lawyer.

Uh, what kind of money
are we talking about here?

I was about to ask you
the same question.

Always let the other guy
make the first offer, huh?


I'll start you out at 28,500.

If things work out,
I'll move you up to 30...

by the end of the second year.

Twenty-eight five?

Uh, Mr. Cargill, I was making 37
with Simpson...

and that, uh,
barely covered my expenses.

Uh, the move itself
will cost me close to...

When you work for me, Richard,
you're working for the best.

Anybody I hire knows that going in.
That's how I get them for cheap.

Now, if you're not willing to make
that sacrifice...

Yeah, I'll be ready in a minute.
Take that bag, okay?


Mr. Cargill, Simpson offered me
a full partnership yesterday.

I turned him down.

- Doesn't leave you room to negotiate then.
- I've got a wife and a kid.

You're offering me a salary that wouldn't
support a law student and you know it.

I don't have time to haggle with you.
I've got a plane to catch.

Look, if you change your mind,
just call my office in Chicago, huh?

Finish your coffee.

It's a beautiful day, Richard.

Do you see this?
Do you see that champagne splotch?

That's on the spot where I told Mrs.
Vandenbrooke she had to have her pool.

It's even the right design.

So will you please tell your husband that he
better give up law and go into real estate...

because he's almost
as good a salesman as you.

Hey, what did I say?

Did you think I was gonna fire you?

Are you crazy?

Honey, you are the best thing that's
ever happened to me. You are a natural.

Of course, I say that to all the girls.


now listen to me,
you made the Vandenbrooke sale, not me.

You are gonna sell more houses,
better houses and bigger houses.

When you pass that exam
and get your license...

I'm gonna give you your own office
and fifty-fifty commission on all sales.

And I've never said that
to any of the girls.

This is not what I expected.

This is not what I would call
unbridled enthusiasm.

Laura, did you hear what I said?

Richard quit his job...

and he's gonna go work
for some hotshot lawyer in Chicago...

and we're moving.

Well, he sure picked the right song,
didn't he?

And you obviously
don't wanna make that move...

or you wouldn't be crying, right?

I don't know what to do.
It's a wonderful opportunity.

Sure, for him. And what about you?

Richard wondered...

if you knew some real-estate people
in Chicago that I could talk to.

Yeah, I'll find out.

But that's, uh,
a really different market there, Laura.

I mean, you'd be so much better off if
you had your license before you got there.

When are you moving?

Soon, I guess.

What a drag.

I liked being your sensei.

That's Japanese for teacher.

I really like
showing you the ropes, and...

Make him wait.

Tell him to give you six months, Laura.

In six months,
you're gonna be earning more than him...

and then you can really tell him
where to go.

Hey, seriously...

talk to him.


Mr. Fairgate.

Mr. Fairgate!

- I shouted but you didn't hear me.
- What?

You need a new muffler.

- What?
- You need a new muffler.

What I need is a new engine.
What are you doing here?

Same as you, only on paper.

Hey, you know what?
You and I should team up.

I've got the theory,
you've got the practice.

Yeah, well, I was able to get about
84 miles a gallon on this thing...

with an aluminum block.

Now I'm trying all sorts of other alloys
and I can only get about 50.

It's a hit-and-miss thing.

You need a computer.

Yeah. You know what a computer costs?

All you need is the terminal.

I know a computer won't account
for all the variables...

that might show up in a road test,
but it sure would help.

- A computer, huh?
- Yeah.

I'm testing the compression ratio.


you write, I'll tinker.

Okay, let her rip.

Isn't it rare enough?


How's the béarnaise?
I used that expensive vinegar.

It's good.

Then how come you're not eating?

I'm, uh... I'm just not very hungry,
that's all.

How come nobody's talking?
This is the quietest dinner we ever had.



Jason, that is not funny.

- No.
- Jason, go to your room.


Come on, kid.
How about some blindfold ping pong?


Sure. That's how the pros train.

Come on.

It's easy money time.

The Easy Money Show,
where everybody wins.

And that everybody just could be you
and you and you.

Now here's your Easy Money
master of ceremonies...

Charlie "Get it by the Bushel" Lakeland.


Richard, we've gotta talk.

Richard, why are you so furious with me?

- What do you wanna talk about?
- The job.

Your job. My job. Us.

So talk.

Richard, will you stop it? Will you
stop it right now and listen to me?


I talked to Scooter about the move.

He says that I have a better shot
at getting a fresh start...

if I could just get my license and sales
under my belt before we get to Chicago.

Scooter says
I've got a future in real estate...

and he wasn't just saying it,
he meant it.

He's willing to help,
but I need your help too.

I am so proud of you
of this chance you've been offered.

I mean, you've waited a long time for it.

But so have I.

I mean, for something
that'll make me feel proud too.

Honey. Honey, I know that you're
gonna be making enough money...

so that I won't have to work.
But I wanna work.

I don't wanna go back
to the way things were before.

I just wouldn't feel good about myself.

I'd blame you and I'd resent Jason
and God knows what would happen then.

All I need is just a few months.

That's not unreasonable, is it?

Please, Richard, talk to him.

- I already have.
- I know, but...

I... I, uh, turned him down.

You what?


I thought about it
on the way over to the marina.

I began to realize how unfair
I was being to you, Jason...


I mean, we got a life here.

It's true
I've been frustrated in my work...

but maybe that's because
I've never dared look for anything better.

That's what I plan to do now.
We're not going to Chicago.

- Honey, are you sure?
- I'm sure.

But you were so excited.

Maybe you shouldn't be so quick
to turn down his offer.

I mean, it's only a matter of waiting
for a few months.

He sounds like such an exciting man
to work for.

Oh. I don't want you to sacrifice
your career because of me.

I am not sacrificing anything.
It was my decision.

- Is this really what you want?
- It'll work out best for both of us.

Jason is gonna be thrilled.

He was real upset
about leaving all his friends.

You told Jason?


when I, uh... When I put him to bed.


let me tell him we're staying.




What's wrong?

What's wrong? It's okay.

It's okay.

Sweetie, it's all right.
