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03x12 - There's One in Every Port

Posted: 01/10/24 10:18
by bunniefuu

I'm not gonna
rope a mark for you.

I try to stay legal.

Did he go for it?
I think.

Well, all right,
you know your part.

The whole thing
hinges on you, Angel.

I'm disappointed.

Well, maybe
I can change that.

I'm a taker.
You're a victim.

Look, tell Blast
I'll have his money
in a few hours.

You're gonna have nothing.

All you got left
is an appointment

with the bottom of the river.


This is Jim Rockford.

At the tone, leave your name
and message.

I'll get back to you.


I call up with some good vibes

and some positive energies
and I talk to a robot?

Forget you, man.


Hey, Eddie, it's Jim.

I can still see, Jimmy.

It's my kidneys
that are going bad,
not my eyes.

Hey, you brought some candy.


I can't eat nothing
but purified foods.

Stuff tastes
like that goo

we used to spoon
down in the joint.

Hey, why don't you eat
a piece for me, Jimmy?

Oh, sure, Eddie.
Sure, what kind
do you like?

Oh, something with nuts.

You seen Christina?


No, not since
we ran that game
on that John St. Louis.

But I'm having breakfast
with her this morning.

That was a good con.

You should've
stayed in the business.

You got a nice feel for it.

Only flaw is you tend
to go soft on the mark.

Look, Eddie, I don't think
I should stay too long.

Listen, Jimmy,

maybe you could
do me a favor.

Sure, Eddie,
you name it.

Keep an eye on Christina
for me, will you?

I mean, if I don't hit
the tape on this track.

Oh, come on,
you're gonna make it, Eddie.

Yeah, but if I don't,
will you keep an eye on her?

She's got my front money.

Make sure
she doesn't blow it

on something foolish.

You know what
I'm saying, Jimmy?

Yeah, Eddie, sure.

He doesn't want me
to blow it?

I'm supposed
to just sit back
and watch him die

because he's got
a prison record

and isn't eligible
for welfare?

Do you know
how much one of those
dialysis machines cost?

I haven't got a clue.


Now, Dad's front money
only comes to about ten.

Now, I called an outfit
in Texas and I can get
a hold of one in time

if I can run
this bundle of Benjies
into 50 grand in a hurry.


Well, if you can get yourself
into a good high-stakes
card game,

I'll put up the front money.

$10,000 in cash.
I've got it at my apartment.

I've seen you play, Jim.
You're good.

And you're lucky.

the kind of game
that you're talking about

has nothing
to do with luck.

I mean, I've seen games
where half the players
sit around all night

waiting for one good hand,
then when it hits,

the stakes go
through the roof.

And if I have to
gamble this whole roll

on a long shot
at the track,

that's exactly
what I'll do.

I just thought the odds
were better this way.

I know how you feel,

If it was Rocky
in there, now,

you'd bet your whole wad
to save him.

I'll tell you what.

I'll check around,
see who's holding the deck.

But it depends on the game.
I'll let you know.

Oh, this is Jim Rockford.
Let me speak to Sharkey,

Hey, Jimmy,
how's the boy?

Oh, I'm fine, Sharkey.

Hey, look, I'm looking
for a poker game.

High stakes,
no card benders.

Okay, Jimmy,
there's a game tonight.

Location's never posted,
but I could probably fling
you in if they're not full.

Okay, get me in.

One other thing, Jim.

These are some pretty
big people, you know.

Blast Gillette's
one of the regulars,
some movie people.

I'll try and make
a nice impression.

Listen, you meet at the lobby
of the Beverly Sherwin,
7:30 tonight.

There'll be somebody there
to pick you up.

Oh, and Jim,
have a nice time, huh?

I think maybe
we put him in this flick,
see if anything happens,

and then we got him sewed up.

Give me two.



Hey, hey, either get them
fixed or put them in a glass,


You're up, Mo.

Five hundred.


Pull it
and you're whacked.

Everybody up,
over against the wall.

All of you over there,
against the wall!

Don't move, buster.

Joey, check under the table.

MAN: Hey, let's get
out of here.

You wait 10 minutes.
I'll be at the elevator.

First guy out of that door
before 10 minutes is dead.

Get going,
get after him.

But he just said...

I know what he said,
they say that all the time.

It's a bluff. Get going!

(g*n FIRING)

Everybody else here
is a regular player.

Nobody knows
where this game is. Nobody.

And I think

that you are the bird dog
for those guys.

You led them to the game.

Mr. Gillette, if you just
stop and think about it
for a minute,

you'll realize
I couldn't possibly do that.

You're gonna give me
the names of everybody
on the ski team.

I don't get them
within the next 20 seconds,

I'm gonna cancel your ticket
right where you stand.

You're on the clock, bozo.

WOMAN ON PA.. Dr. Gilson,
please report to treatment
room five.

Dr. Gilson...

''After all,
you should have
seen this one coming.

''Love, Eddie.''

Well, if it isn't
Jim the pathfinder.

Put the g*n away,

Oh, put the g*n...


You jammed me up, man,
you know that?

I got Blast
screaming at me
like a $10 trick.

He says me I gotta
make it good. Me.

All I did was tell
my good buddy Rockford
where the action was.

Now I'm responsible.
We both got suckered,

Do you think I'm dumb enough
to try to knock over a game

full of cretins like that?

Sure, because you get
periodic cases of dumb!


Who's Eddie?
Eddie Marks.

Oh, come on, Jim.
That's not his style.

He's a gabbler, man.
This is a muscle job.

So he's changing his style.

You know what Blast
tells me, Jim?

He says I gotta make
that money good or I'm dead.

Look, I had breakfast
with Christina this morning.

Now, she staked me
to that game.

After breakfast,
we went over
to her apartment,

she gave me the 10 grand.


So, I noticed
she was driving
a rented car,

and on the seat
was a map of Wilmington.

So I'll go down there,
I'll check
all the rental agencies,

see if I can trace it.

If I can,
I'll set up a game.

I'll get it back.

Just tell Blast to give me
a couple of days, huh?

Couple of days?

I got a couple of days, Jim.
You got nothing.

He's gonna
send you a message
in a lead envelope,

and you're dead.

Captain, I'd like you
to meet Miss Dominic
and Victor Sherman.

I can't understand you,

I swear,
I really, really can't.

You got the wrong order.

I always take starch
in my collars and cuffs,

but never in anything else.

Look, Judge, I'm really
getting sick and tired

of all the time
getting yammered at.

I'm not yammering.
I'm merely trying
to explain to you

that a little care,
just a moment of thought,
works wonders. That's all.

You open the box
and you look
at the shirts

and then you say
to this launderer fellow,

''Oh, excuse me, sir,
my brother likes
his shirts with starch

''only on the collars
and cuffs.''

Now, if I seem to be annoyed,

it's only because
it's so incredibly simple.

Hey, halibut,
where's Rockford?

I wanna get out of this sewer
and into some place

where the cockroaches
aren't carrying away
the furniture.

It's like last week
when you went
to pick up my suit.

You never asked the tailor,

''Did Judge come in
for his last fitting?''

Instead you assumed
that I had...



Hey, Jimmy.
Yeah, yeah, we're ready.

Slip 16,
west-end pier.

Okay, we're on our way.

The game is on.

ANGEL: Hey, Jimmy,
you remember these guys,
don't you?

The Lyman Brothers,
Judge, Adrian.

You know
Kenny Hollywood.

Yeah, hi.

Angel, could I talk
to you for a minute?

Why don't you gentlemen just
find a place to sit down, huh?
Any place.

Hi, Kenny.

How much does
a dockside charter on
something like this cost?

I asked you
for good operators.

I told you I wanted
little Annie or the Greek.

I mean,
with guys like that,

I think I can
make my idea work.

But, I mean, you show up
with Kenny Hollywood
and the Lyman Brothers?

Kenny Hollywood couldn't work
a shell game on a blind man

and the Lyman Brothers,

they never stop bickering
at each other.

That's right,
just lay it off
on old Angel.

What do you think,
I like hanging around
Kenny's apartment

while he takes
one more shower,

dropping Tidy Wipes
all over the place?

Plus he calls me a halibut,
whatever that means.

Well, why didn't you get
little Annie or the Greek?

They said
they wouldn't do it.

They said the last time
they were in a con with you,

it blew sky-high.

Besides, you said
that these operators,

they couldn't know
Eddie Marks.

Well, that kind of
cuts the field down.

What does he mean
by calling me a halibut?

It's a fish that swims
on the bottom.

I don't like him.

All right, all right,
I'll go with these guys,
but I'm gonna need one more.

Yeah, well,
I got Ray Fahasateur.

He gonna be here tomorrow.
Lazy Ray, the Rat?

Yeah, well,
he ain't too bad.

Last time I heard of him,
he was barking in a carnival.

Well, he's moving up.
He's got the main t*nk
at Aqualand.

Hey, do it yourself.
Hey, Jim, there ain't
no soap in the bathroom.

Oh, really?

Wonder how that happened?

I'll see
if I can't find some.

Yeah, Jim.
The tub is nice.
It's clean.

I like stuff clean.
Oh, no kidding.



Is everything all right,
Miss Dominic?

See, it's 9:15 in Paris.

If he isn't at the hotel,

I suppose he could be
at Maxim's.

Who are we talking about,
Miss Dominic?

I believe Miss Dominic
has a lover.


My personal life is my own.

I don't share it
with business associates.

Oh, of course.

I thought you were
in a hurry to get back
to Paris.

How long will it take
to sell this boat?

It's a ship, Miss Dominic.

Well, as soon as Mr. Sherman
approves the marine survey,

it will be ready
to sell.

One thing I can
promise you is that boat
is in wonderful shape.

Daddy kept them
all in good shape
before he died.

It was his one
overriding concern.

You sound bitter.

Can we get on
with this, please?

Here are Miss Dominic's
papers on the Golden Star.

All in order,
and notarized,
as you can see.

Just come on in,
grab a seat.

I've been following them
for about 1 2 hours.

I've talked to
the dock master,
hotel waiters.

I've got a pretty good idea
what's going on.

It's a variation of the old
Brooklyn Bridge game.

Christina and Eddie,
they're trying to sell
this guy,

Victor Sherman,
a huge oil tanker.

It's called
the Golden Star.

Christina is playing
the spoiled heiress,

and Eddie is the crooked
company shipping executive.

Who really owns it?

The Dominic Shipping Lines.

That's about the only part
of it that's really true.

Anyway, the old Greek
died about a year ago

and his daughter
inherited one ship.

She's a little odd.
She's not particularly
concerned about money.

I've never been
too concerned about money,

but three million dollars
does seem awfully cheap
for this boat.


It is cheap,
Miss Dominic,

but I thought you were
in a hurry to get back
to Paris.

I hate to be blunt,
but when things
are sold quickly,

they rarely get
their maximum worth.

Yes, but isn't it worth
a great deal more?

Well, I suppose it is worth
a little more, yes.

But that's all Mr. Sherman
is willing to pay.


I wish I could reach
Jean-Claude at the hotel.

Why don't you
try him again?

All right,
maybe I'll use
the phone in the lobby.

Well, she seems to be
getting very close, Vic.

Suppose we offer her
three million right now,

and try to close the deal.

Actually, the tanker
is worth well over 30.

I don't mind telling you,
I'm nervous.

I've never invested
$200,000 of my own money
in anything before.

If you hadn't,
I wouldn't be
talking to you now.

One rule my father taught me,

don't go into business
with anyone

unless they have something
to lose along with you.

Let's close this deal, Vic.
I think she's ready to sell.

If you've known her
so long,

why would you arrange
this deal for her?

It's not really
in her best interest.

I was very, very loyaI
to Mr. Dominic for 10 years.

I helped him
build the business.

Then this Oklahoma
oil man George Greenleaf

bought Dominic Shipping
and what have I got?

Absolutely nothing.

Got kicked off
the board of directors.

I'm just collecting
what's mine.

An oil man
named George Greenleaf
bought the Dominic Lines.

Now, for my idea to work,

I'm afraid I'm going to have
to be taking his place
for a day or two.

Where is this
fellow Greenleaf?

I don't know.
Last time I heard,
he was in Toronto.

Isn't that somewhat
risky, Jim?

What happens
if Greenleaf reappears?

If he does, we're sunk.

We just got to hope
that doesn't happen.

But we got to get
the game moving.

First thing
we're gonna have to do

is repaint
the name on this tub,

and then we make a phone call
and turn the mark around.

I don't want to paint.

It's hard to get it out
from under your nails.

You just can't help
from being a sport,
can you, Kenny?

I'll do paper work.
I don't want to mess
with paint.

That's it.
Shall we get moving?

Mr. Sherman?

You have a phone call,
you'll have to take it

Excuse me.

Where's he going?

He got a call.

We better get this deaI
closed before he finds out
you really don't own that tub.

I think I got him ready
to take the plunge.

I'll suggest we close
the deal, you agree,

then we'll wrap it up
and be out of town
by noon tomorrow.

I sure hope so.

The sound of his eyeballs
clicking is beginning
to get on my nerves.

That little old rule
that his father taught him
almost sunk us.

Last week when he told me
I had to come up
with $200,000

I almost died.

Well, guess I shouldn't
have mentioned that.
No, I didn't say anything.

I'm sorry we set up Jim,
but we needed the money bad.

Did we?
I had to come up
with the 200 grand.

Here I was,
coming on like a big shot.

If I hadn't come up
with the money,
he'd have gone sour.

As soon as we sting him,
we'll get the money back
out of escrow.

I just don't like
what we did to Jim.

We never hurt anybody
like that before, Dad.

Honey, this is the big one.

This is a fast game.
We haven't got time
to look back.

I understand you're about
to purchase the Golden Star
from Christina Dominic.

I'm sorry,
I don't discuss
business over the phone.

You say you represent whom?

I am Mr. George Greenleaf's
executive assistant.

Now, Mr. Greenleaf,
as I'm sure you're aware,

is chairman of the board
of Dominic Shipping Lines,

which I'm also sure
you're aware

is now a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Greenleaf

Go on.

Mr. Greenleaf
would like to meet
with you as soon as possible.

This afternoon,
if it can be arranged.

For what purpose?

For the purpose
of making you an offer.

I can assure you
you won't regret
the meeting.

Where is he?

He arrived this morning
on his private yacht,
the Greenleaf.

She's a 1 20-footer
moored at slip 16,
west-end pier.

I'll think about it.
ANGEL.. Fine.
Oh, one more thing, sir.

If you wish
to participate

in what I'm sure will be
a large profit for you,

I would advise against
letting Miss Dominic
or her friend

know of the meeting.

Mr. Greenleaf likes to nap
every afternoon around 4:00,

so you might try
and make it before then.

Have a good day.

Did he go for it?
I think.

Well, all right,
you know your part.

The whole thing
hinges on you, Angel.

You're telling the tale.
Yeah, I got my part.

Is the dual registry
thing for reaI?

Oh, yeah, yeah.
It's a loophole in
the maritime laws.

I mean, several ship owners
have tried it.

Well, what if this Greenleaf
is really registering
his ships

under the
Liberian registry?

I mean,
what if he is trying
to pull the thing for real,

you ever think of that?

Well, what do we care,
what he's doing for reaI?

I mean, the important thing
is that Eddie's pigeon thinks
that I'm doing it.

Hey, Angel,
just cool it, will you?

I've gone through
this whole thing.

It's gonna work
smooth as silk.

Unless Blast
finds you first.


I'm looking for
George Greenleaf.

He's on the phone
to Zurich.

But come aboard.

ROCKFORD.. Did you check
with this here RavenouI
fellow in Prague?

KENNY.. Oh, Mr. Greenleaf,

Count RavenouI
isn't in Prague.

But we've heard
that the stock transfers

went through
the London exchange
on Tuesday.

You eavesdrop
like that often?

No, sir, I was forward.
I had no idea the phone
speaker was on in here.

Damn! Damn!

Texas HydrofoiI
is falling out of bed!

You must be Sherman.
That's right.
Mr. Greenleaf?

That's right.
I go by the name of Buck.

Vic, isn't it?

I'm sorry,
I have a little trouble
with my blood pressure.

The old diastolic valve
been kicking up lately.

Would you like
something to drink?

I got some real nice
apricot brandy

that I got over in Spain.
It's very nice, very mild.

Or some wine.
I got some good
Chateau Montrachet.

Nothing, thank you,
but go ahead.

Tomato juice, no salt.
Sit down, sit down.

I don't see any point
in beating around
the bush here.

See, when I bought this
Dominic Shipping Line

it was right after
the old Greek died.

Yeah. I read about that
in the financial page,
Mr. Greenleaf.

Come on, now,
make it Buck.

Okay, Buck.

Anyhow, some of
my people tell me

that you're fixing
to make a deal with
little Chrissie Dominic

to buy the Golden Star.

See, when I bought
this company,

that's the one ship
that I didn't get outright,

but I still figure
it's part of my fleet.

So I say to myself, well,
why is this Sherman fellow,

why is he trying to rustle
one of my tankers?

Hardly rustle it, Buck.

Well, it amounts
to the same thing, son.

See, they tell me
that you're gonna offer

this poor confused girI
three million dollars
for this thing

when you know
it's worth 30.

So, I figured,
why don't we just
sit down and talk about that.

Excuse me.

Yeah, yeah.

Tell Michael in New York

to dump that 1600-share block
that we were discussing

and tell him to,

go against
the box on Texas Hydrofoil.

It just came in
over the ticker.

Vic, I'll tell you
what I'm proposing.

There's no point in you and me
fighting over this calf,

so I figure we could
divide it up beforehand.

See, I'm willing
to give you $200,000

and in return for that,

you just forget
about the deaI
that you're making

with little Chrissie
for the Golden Star

and leave that ship
in my corral.


When you came on board,
did you see my steward

poking around in here
or anything?

As a matter of fact,
he seemed to be listening
in on your phone conversation.

The speaker phone was on.

That dirty little spying
snake-in-the grass.

Your tomato juice, sir.

Get your tailgate
off my boat.

You just tell Michael
to give you what you
got coming for the week.

I'm sorry, what?
I'm firing you.

I've been wondering
why I've been losing

all those
big oil lease deals.

Tommy Sheritan's
been undercutting me
on my closed bids

by a buck and a half
every time.

How much is he
paying you, boy?

To begin with,
I'm not your boy.

That's for sure!
Now, you got 20 minutes
to get off of this thing,

or I'm gonna
get my shotgun,

I'm gonna jack one
in the chamber

and I'm gonna fill your butt
full of buckshot.
Now get!

Oh, for something
I can't take, that's it,

that squinty-eyed
little devil.

You were saying something
about $200,000

to walk away
from the Star?

Well, I...
I'm sorry about that.

I mean,
that really bugs me.

Look, I don't want
Christina to sell that ship.

If she is gonna sell it,
she ain't gonna sell it
to nobody but me.

I'm willing to
pay three and a half,
four million dollars,

whatever it takes
to get it.

In short,
I'm willing to best
any offer you make.

So I figured, why should
we chase each other
up the money tree?

I'll just make
a deal with you.
You take a hike.

I'm not sure that makes
good sense for me.

All right, all right,
so, you're not getting
the prime cut.

But you ain't doing bad.

Two hundred thousand
for just keeping your
hands in your pocket.

I'll think about it.

Let me call you
in the morning.
Well, fine, fine.

I'm willing to
wait till 10:00,

then I'm gonna call
little Chrissie
and make my offer.

She's in some kind of hurry
to get back to Paris.

So she'll take
what I offer.

You'll end up
in the wind.


Hold on a minute.

Vic, I got this thing
about loose talk.

If you were to run out
into the brush for about
nine miles

and whisper this
to a gopher,

I'd make it a personal point
to bust the wheels off
your wagon.

I'll try and remember that,

You do that.
Sure nice talking to you.

Kenny, hang up.

Excuse me.

You gave me
a start, sir.

He doesn't seem
like a very nice man.

That's only
the half of it.

Listen, maybe we could
help each other.

That's highly
unlikely, sir.

I was wondering if you
might have some reason
why Mr. Greenleaf

is willing to pay me
a quarter of a million dollars
not to buy the Golden Star.

Didn't he give you
his reasons?

His reason doesn't make
much sense. Well?

I don't like Buck.

But I don't disclose
an overheard confidence.

Sure you do.

A hundred hardly
seems worth it.

How much?


Old Buck isn't
what you'd call a very
ethical businessman.

What's he up to?

Well, perhaps you've noticed
that the Golden Star

is registered
under the Liberian flag.

Well, old Buck discovered
that the Liberian government

has some rather strange
maritime laws.

Get to it, will you?

Perhaps I could
hold the money...

Let's hear it.

It seems that one
can have two ships

sailing under one registry.
It's called dual registry.


Mr. Greenleaf
has four super tankers
under dual registry.

Well, that's like having
eight ships on the books
as if they were four.

It's like having
a ghost fleet
of four ships.

You mean there's another ship
called the Golden Star

That's right.

He just keeps
moving them around.

He never allows them

in the same port
at the same time,

He only pays taxes
or reports income
on the one registry.

All the profits
from the second registry
go right into his pocket.

He can't afford to have
the Golden Star sold,

it breaks up the set.
That's right.

He'd have to decommission
the other freighter.

That's right.


The world is full of takers.

I'm a taker,
Greenleaf's a taker.

You're a victim, a bug.

Roger. Roger. Roger.

Our cab arrived?

Are you Edward J. Marks?

Frank Rhinehart.
Special Service
Division, I.R.S.

Yes, what is it?

Would it be convenient
for you to come with me,

Inspector DeMartonis
would like to speak with you
at the Federal building.

About what?

I'd really rather have
the inspector tell you, sir.

X-ray 16 to dispatch.


Tell Inspector DeMartonis

I'm heading in
with the suspect.


Suspect, witness,
who knows?

Would you put on
your seatbelt, please?

WOMAN ON PA.. Agent Demoray.

Agent Morris Demoray,

please report to the
regional director's office.

Agent Demoray,
Agent Morris Demoray,

please report to the
regional director's office.

Agent Phillips,
Agent William Phillips,

please pick up line four.

Agent Phillips,
Agent William Phillips,

please pick up line four.

Where you been, Rhinehart?
Been waiting for you,
I'm late.

I'm sorry, Inspector.
Inspector DeMartonis,
this is Eddie Marks.

Mr. Marks, where's this
man's visitor's badge?

I'm sorry, sir. I forgot.
Never mind.

Okay, Mr. Marks.
I'm on my way to a stakeout
and I want you to come along.

I want you to see something,
then I'm gonna tell you

We can take my car.

Do you want to be code four
at the location, sir?


X-ray 16 en route
to 4800 Seascape Boulevard

going code four
with Inspector DeMartonis.


Sorry I'm late.
I had an early doctor's
appointment this morning.

How's the old
blood pressure?

Oh, I don't think
that's any of your business.

Your business
is my business.

Hate to see you seize up
and choke on your tongue
before I get my money.

Now, Mr. Sherman.
I know about the duaI
registry, Bucky-boy.

I don't know what
you're talking about.
Sure you do.

why don't you sit down

and give
the old diastolic valve
a chance to relax a little.

How's it going?
Well, it's kind of weird.

Yeah? How come?

We got
everything on tape okay,
but for some reason they're...

Well, listen.

ROCKFORD.. Why don't you just
get on with whatever it is
on your mind, Mr. Sherman?

SHERMAN.. Make it Vic.

I found out
you were operating ships
under a dual registry.

Oh, I've been
checking you out.

There seems
to be a loophole
in the Liberian maritime law.

You got two ships
for every one
you got registered.

Talk about a crazy game.

You got yourself
a ghost fleet

and I got you cold.

I got witnesses
and evidence.

What I'm gonna do,
now, Bucky-boy,

is bust the wheels
off your wagon
unless you pay.

How much?
Ten million dollars.

That ain't no business deal.
That's a holdup.

Call it whatever you like,

And since I got myself
some tax problems,

you're gonna
give that dough to me
in cash under the table.

I don't like
paying my taxes.

He sure doesn't.

Plug that thing back in,
will you?

Who's that
Southern gentleman?

George Greenleaf,
shipping magnate.
Go on, take a look.

Dual registry?
What is that?

We're not interested
in Greenleaf.

We're only interested
in Victor Sherman.

Been running a tax audit
on him for the last
three years.

We understand you have
some money in escrow
with Mr. Sherman.

You're planning to buy
the Golden Star.
That's right.

Well, Mr. Marks,
we would like you
to take us to that money

and allow us to spend
10 minutes to mark
those bills.

His and yours.

I don't think the bank
would allow you to do that.

They will if you give them
your permission.

After all, you are
helping our government.

What is this about
dual registrations?

I never heard of that.

No, no, we're strictly
I.R.S. Special Services.

We're only concerned
about Mr. Sherman's
hidden tax money.

Anyway, after the bills
are marked,

you put them back
in escrow.

You break escrow,
the deal is off.

Sherman puts that
marked money in his safe
and we follow it.

I'm afraid I don't quite
understand that.

Well, listen.

You see, Mr. Marks,

the one thing
that absolutely
leaves a trail is money.

There is no way to hide it
once it's marked.

We simply follow it
into whatever illegaI
tax shelters

Mr. Sherman
puts it into.

Evidence, Mr. Marks,

Of course,
you're gonna help us.

You know,
I once heard of a guy,

named Kenny something,

who was like kind
of a cleanliness nut.

Agent Rhinehart
has a skin rash.

He picked it up
in Southeast Asia
last year.

Hasn't cleared up yet,
huh, Frank?

Doc says if it doesn't
go away by Wednesday,

they're gonna
have to try steroids.

Well, you're gonna help us,
Mr. Marks?

I guess.

You men maintain

I'm going to fill
Mr. Marks in.

I want to mark that money
as soon as possible.

Vic Sherman must have
found out the truth about
this dual registry thing.

If there's one thing
I've learned about old
Vic in this last month,

he's thorough.

He's a tough man to fool.

Jim seems to have
fooled him.

I should've figured Jim
would come back at me.

He's trying to turn
my mark around.

Dad, let's pack it in.

I mean, this just isn't
any fun anymore.


This is the chance
of a lifetime.

Look, suppose this guy
Rockford's impersonating,

this Greenleaf,

suppose he's really
running his ships
under dual registry

like Sherman says.

We ought to be able
to take him down
for millions.

All right,
but it's changed, Dad.
I mean, you've changed.

Listen, Christina,

stick with me on this one.
I got a hunch about it.

All right,
what about the Feds?

They're only interested
in Vic Sherman.

There's no way
I'm gonna cooperate
with those bozos.

But you told them
that you would.

If I can put this together,

we'll be gone before
they know what the hell
is happening.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna check out
this dual registry thing

with the one person
who would know if it's true.

The captain
of the Golden Star.

I apologize, Mr. Greenleaf.

I didn't think doing
what Mr. Marks asked
was a problem.

Do you have any idea
the damage you could
have caused?

I'm very sorry, sir...
Who was this man,
what was his name?

Mr. Edward Marks.

And he gave you $2,000

to pretend you were
selling the Star?

Mr. Greenleaf,
I didn't think
it could hurt anything.

You didn't think
it could hurt anything!

The dock master
thinks the Star is selling.

I had two calls
in Toronto.

I had the company jet
fly me in here.

Now, don't you see
it's important
that these vessels

maintain very low profiles?

Now we have a dock master
and some ship brokers
interested in this vessel.

They remember
where it was.

It locks the port to us.

I'm sorry, sir,
but I figured that...
Don't figure.

Just be in my office
tomorrow morning,

10:00, the Sunset Building.

I've got to get the Star
out of port right now.

Yes, sir.

I'm afraid I have no idea
what you're talking about.

I know about
the dual registry.

I don't know where you
get your information,
Mr. Marks.

But that's absurd.
Is it?

Well, suppose I go
to the proper authorities
with what I know,

possibly involving
your captain.

Would it be too much
trouble to ask you to
lower your voice, Mr. Marks?

I'd just as soon
keep this discussion
as private as possible.

Of course,
I've admitted nothing.

I'm discussing this
just for the fun
of discussion.

Come on, George.

You're up to your collar
stays in embezzlement,
fraud, tax evasion.

To begin with,
once the authorities believe
you're running this game,

they'll find the evidence.

Amateurs really bore me.



Let's say there are certain
realities to your charge.

I can beat it
in the courts.

There happens to be
an obscure Liberian
registration law,

gives me the right
to register more than
one vessel under one flag.

for tax reasons,

and for a variety
of corporate reasons,

I'd just as soon not expose
that loophole to the courts.


You're a very smug man.

I have the urge
to grind up smug people.

Well, give me five
million dollars, cash,
and I'll get lost.

Oh, no, no, no.

You'd turn me in anyway.

I'll tell you
what I will do.

I'll sell you as much
Greenleaf International stock
as you can buy

and I'll sell it to you
at book value.

A dollar a share.

Now, if you look it up
on the exchange,

you'll see it's currently
trading at over 50.


Well, if you have stock,

I'm certain that you'll be
very careful not to tell
the authorities anything.

You see, if they found out
about my ''ghost fleet,''
as you call it,

they'd freeze the trading
on Greenleaf InternationaI

and your investment
would be worthless.

Of course, there will be
a provision prohibiting you
from selling the stock.

As much as I want, huh?

Within reason.


You're talking about
$10 million.

I believe, yes.

Oh, that's out
of the question.

I thought maybe you'd
purchase $10,000 worth.

Maybe come away
with half a million.

That's the deal.

Take it or I go
to the proper agencies.

I don't know where
I could even lay hands

on that much stock
on short notice.

I'd have to cable...
I don't care
how you do it.

Just meet me
in the board room of the
City Federal Savings Bank

at 1 2:00 noon.

You be there
with the certificates.

Yeah, who is it?
EDDIE.. Mr. Gillette?

What is it, buddy?
I ain't got all day.

I understand you're looking
for Jim Rockford.

I don't know
any Jim Rockford.

I can give you
a line on him.


Yeah, he's on
a 100-foot boat
in Wilmington

called the Greenleaf.

Slip 16.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Get a hold of Aron.

Tell him Rockford
may be on some tub
called the Greenleaf.

Slip 16, Wilmington.

Tell him to be careful,
it might be a setup.

Angel, Angel!

Angel! Hey, Angel!

Well, ain't this
a nifty little treat.

Blast is gonna be pleased.

Where's Angel?

He's been copping out
like a hooker
at a prayer meeting.

Me and Aron got
tired of listening to him,
so we put him in the trunk.

All right, look,
you guys gotta let me go.

Look, tell Blast
I'll have his money
in a few hours.

You're gonna have nothing.

We been out
checking your con

and the whole thing
just went south on you.

All you got left
is an appointment

with the bottom
of the river.

There he is.


ANGEL: Is that you, Jimmy?
Come on, man,
open this thing up, Jimmy.

Angel, I'll come back
and get you.

Jimmy! Jimmy!


ANGEL: Jimmy! Jimmy!
You can't do this.
Come back here.

ANGEL: Who's that?
Is that you, Jimmy?

Hey, Jimmy,
you ain't leaving
me here, are you?

Forget it.
He's gone.

Is that you, Jimmy?

Let's whack this bozo.
Blast says no.

Not until we've got Rockford.


Good afternoon,
Mr. Greenleaf.

Come in.

Well, do you have
the stock certificates?

And here's a letter
for you to sign,

prohibiting you
from selling the stock
without my permission.

Of course. Fine.

You seem to be in
quite a rush, Mr. Marks.
Why don't you slow down?

Why don't you slow down?
I've got a lot of things
to do.

Where is the money?

It's in escrow
in this bank.

I'm having it sent up.
Should be here.


Thank you.

It's a pleasure
doing business with you,
Mr. Greenleaf.

You're a very greedy man.

And a very rich one.

I gotta tell you.
I gotta tell you.

You guys were terrific.

I felt I gave my readings
a particularly nice
flat intonation.

It sure beats holding up
hula hoops for baby seals.

I think
you were overdoing it.

I don't believe I've met
any of these gentlemen before.

I'm sorry.

Ray Fahasateur,
I'd like you to meet
the Lyman Brothers

and Kenny Hollywood.
Oh, now, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

Ray The Rat?

A moniker
I deeply regret.

I don't blame you.
Rats are filthy.

I hate rats.

More germs on a rat
than almost anything
that breathes.

Listen, Jim, I haven't
said this to anybody
for a long time,

but I feel compelled
to tell you right now.

That was a sweet con.

You set it up
in six seconds,

you shot Eddie
out of the trees

and he never
saw it coming.

That sea captain
made out better
than anybody.

He got two grand from Eddie
and $1500 from you, Jimmy.

Yeah, well, it was
a necessary expense.

I gotta hand it to you.
You did it smooth,
very nice.

Ade, Ade.

Well, you were terrific, too,

Hey, well, thanks, fellas.

I gotta tell you,
you were all first-stringers.

But let's get
out of here.


Chris? Why aren't you
with Eddie?

Well, it was a very
nice touch, Jim,

but I figured
Dad should be alone

when he finds out
he's been had.

He never saw it coming.
And you did?

Well, I had a hunch
about it yesterday.

And you kept quiet?

Well, I figured
it was time for Dad
to get slowed down.

Now, try not
to hate him, Jim.

Try not to hate us both.

I don't hate you.

I'm disappointed.

Well, maybe
I can change that.

Why don't we start
with dinner?
All right.

Do you like halibut?
Oh, yeah, I love it.

Fine. Fine.

We'll stop by
Blast Gillette's
on the way

and pick one up.
