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07x07 - The Courtship of Carol's Father

Posted: 01/10/24 11:55
by bunniefuu
Catalogs! Cool!

You think that guy's
better-lookin' than me?

Yeah, and... and smarter, too.

I can do that!

Here, I've got one.

- What's that?
- Time to go home! Just get out!

Hey, Harry...

- 'Morning, daddy.
- 'Morning, sweetheart.

Listen, Carol, Carol,
I need your advice.

Leonard and nan
are getting married,

and I can't decide
on a wedding gift.


You don't mean nan Pearson,

the woman you dated
all last year?

Yeah, that's nan.

How could nan do this to you?

Honey, all she's doing
is marrying Leonard schnell!

I like Leonard schnell!

Daddy, you haven't had
a serious relationship

since you and nan broke up.

Carol, I'm fine, really.

My smile-though-your-
heart-is-breaking daddy.

I know how it goes!

You get a wedding invitation
from an old flame.

You're devastated,
but you don't let it show.

Later in your room you take out
your old Barbie and Ken

and reenact the last time
you were together.

Then Barbie tells Ken

how it felt
to get the wedding invitation

and beats the crap out of him!

- Carol...
- Daddy, wait here.

I'll go get
Barbie's dream house.

We'll burn it to the ground!

♪ I'm always here

♪ for anything you need...

♪ ...rain or shine

♪ I'll be the one

Okay, I just saw Harry
gettin' out of his car.

Okay, now remember,

Carol said to try to be
real upbeat and supportive.

The poor man is really hurtin'.

- Top of the morning, ladies!
- Hey, Harry.

How you doin', man?

Fine. You?

Much better
now that you're here, handsome.

Right, Laverne?

Sure thang!

And might I add, you did a fine
job a-shavin' this mornin'!

That's as smooth as a bald dog.


All right, all right, you two!

What do you want?
- Harry, Carol called

and told us about nan...

You know, dumpin' you
for Leonard, and...


We know your pain.

I'm fine, really!

I'm happy for Leonard and nan,
and I was not dumped!

Well, actually I was
just about to call her

to say congratulations.

You are welcome to listen in
if you'd like.

Harry, you don't have
to prove anything to us.

Yes, he does.

I got her answering machine.

Hey, nan! It's Harry! I... I just
got your wedding invitation

and I couldn't be more thrilled,

That Leonard... one lucky guy,
'but remember...

We will always have...

Miniature golf.
Ha ha ha.

Anyway, dear, congratulations,

I know you're gonna make
beautiful bride and...

Save a dance for me
at the reception.

All right? Bye-bye!

- Happy enough?
- Doctor, that...

That's the bravest thing
I ever seen you do.





Hi, Sophia.

Can the chit-chat, red.

I got a bone to pick with you
and your scandal sheet.

"Shady pines bake sale
a sinfully sweet success."

Sophia, what's wrong?

I raved about your ladyfingers.

You're lucky this lady
doesn't give you the finger.

You printed my recipe wrong.
You left out the egg whites.

- Oops.
- Oops, schmoops!

I'm the laughingstock
of shady pines!

Sophia, I'm sorry.

- Hey, we're way past "sorry."
I want satisfaction.

I want heads to roll!

Would you settle for
a rub-on tattoo?

You got a tiger?

Hi, can I help you?

- I'm not sure.
- Is this the dade county crier?

- It certainly is.
Carol Weston, star reporter.

And rip-off artist!

Some tiger! It's Garfield!

I'm sorry, where were we?

I wanted to buy a full-page ad.

I tried
puttin' a mock-up together.

Appearing nightly
at Heinrich's lounge,

Shelby wilkinson sings
music to get hammered by.

That's cute.

Is this you in the picture?

Me and a wonderbra
stuffed with tissue.

I don't know... too slutty?

Sure, but very flattering.

You know,
not too many years ago,

I myself toyed with the idea

of becoming
a professional chanteuse.

- No kidding! So...
- Yes... were it not for a...

high school glee club director

who said mine was an alto
to wake the dead,

our paths might have crossed
on that bumpy musical joyride

we sisters of song call...
"The road."

Well, if...

If you really wanna sing,

come on down
to the club sometime

and I'll let you have the mic.

- Really?
- I understand what it's like.

All my life I dreamt
about bein' a singer.

Except for that one time
in kindergarden

when I wanted to be a giraffe.


I like you.

Thanks, I like you too.

Are you seeing anyone?

I don't like you that much.


No! Not for me!
For someone else.

For my father.

I mean you... you're so different

from the women
he usually goes out with.

In... in a funny-artsy-quirky-
interesting kind of way.

Gee, thanks!

I'm not really lookin' for
anybody right now,

but how much for the ad?

A full-page ad will run you
$150 plus tax.

How's that sound?

Like 100 bucks more than I got.

Sorry to waste your time.
- Shelby...

You know, if you could just...

Come by and meet my father,
I might be able to give you

a substantial discount.

Like how substantial?

Like free.

He doesn't wear pants
up to here or anything, does he?

- No!
- Okay.

- Hey, Charley.
- Hey, Harry!

- Can I get you a beer?
- Yeah! Please! Thank you.

There's only one left.

Water okay?


- Good, daddy, you're home!
- Hi, baby, how are you?

Aw, poor thing,
you look exhausted.

But I brought you
a very special surprise.

Another rub-on tattoo?

No silly! A woman!

Who I know
you're really going to like!

- Carol, will you s...

You know
how I hate to be fixed up!

Yeah, Carol! You know
he hates to be fixed up.

I'll take her.

- Get out! Go home, now!
- All right, fine, I'll go.

Let me grab this last beer.

Now, daddy, Shelby
is very attractive

and so different from nan...
Which is why I know

you're really going
to get a kick out of her.

Honey, look, I... I'm sure she's
wonderful, but I'm... I'm beat.

I just wanna sit here
and enjoy my... water.

Right... Shelby! Would you
join us in the kitchen, please?

Now, daddy, look, I jotted down
an opening quip

that you might wanna break
the ice with.

It's very...

Shelby wilkinson,
meet Dr. Harry Weston.



Fun fact...

Shelby is a professional singer.

Well, that's nice.


- I'll get it!
You two continue hitting it off!

Look, Harry,
this wasn't my idea,

and you don't look
too thrilled about it either.

- Well, it's just that I'm...
You know, I'm not into fix-up's.

Me neither. I would leave,
but Carol took my car keys.

Please, come on.

Hi, Carol. Remember me?

God, nan! You're the last
person I expected to see!

I know, I've been terrible
about keeping in touch.

Now, come here and give your nan
a big hug!

So, um, is Harry around?

Yeah, yeah, but he's,
he's with someone.

And... and I would hate
to interrupt him... and her.

Anyway, it was the biggest
crowd I'd ever sung for.

I was so nervous,

I actually forgot the words
to the national anthem.

Well, you're not
the first person to do that.

No, but I bet
I'm the first to cover

by singin'
the names of the players:

♪ Jose canseco

♪ candy maldonado

♪ Wally joyner, babe Ruth,

♪ orel hirshiser, Pete Rose

- that's very clever.
- Yeah, not so clever.

I was at a basketball game.


Just have your father
give me a call.

Well, I'll try,
but his life is so busy

what with dating and parties,
I mean, the man is never home.

It'll be nice to get outta
the house for a change and...

I would really love
to hear you sing.

Nan! Ga... ho!
What a great surprise!


E-excuse me, nan.
This is Shelby.

- Who was just leaving.
And Harry,

when you come to Heinrich's,
feel free to bring a date.

In fact,
bring everyone you ever dated!

See ya.

I am, leaving now!


So, nan!

I can imagine
how busy you must be.

The wedding is what...
Three days away!

Well, actually, Harry,
I've called the wedding off.

- No kidding.
W-What happened?

It was that wonderful message
you left on my machine.

God, Harry!
That was so brave.

You canceled your wedding
because of me?

Nan! I... I wish you would've
called me first!

Actually, Harry,
I thought it more appropriate

to call Leonard first.

Yeah, right.

But nan,
you... you've gotta understand,

I... I never meant
to come between you two.

God... this is... god!

- I feel terrible!
- No, no, no, no!

No, it's not your fault!

No, I've been having
these doubts all along, and I...

I finally realized
I just don't love Leonard.

Boy, poor guy.

- How's he taking it?
- You know him.

He went right out
and bought a new car.

- No kidding!
What did he get?

No, I'm sorry...

How are you?

Well, confused. I...

I thought our relationship
was behind us,

but now I'm not so sure.

- Daddy, great news!
Shelby thinks you...

I'm sorry.
Am I interrupting something?

- Yes, Carol...
- No, it's all right, Harry.

We should
probably talk later anyway

when I'm a little less frazzled.

- Well, I would like...
Carol, would you... do you mind? Please.

Sorry. Bye, nan!

Goodbye, dear.

Call me.

Well, what was that all about?

Nan looking for
a last minute Usher?

nan and Leonard broke up.

- Really?
- That's a shame!

But daddy, isn't Shelby
a charmer?

I just love her!

- Carol, would you please...
- Daddy,

you're not thinking of going out
with nan again, are you?

She dumped you!
She dumped Leonard!

The woman is obviously fickle!

Young lady, whom I choose to
date is none of your business.

And I was not dumped!

Right. And I'm moving out.

Hi, ladies, sorry I'm late,

but Carol would not
let me leave the house

until I promised to hear
her friend sing tonight.

By the way,
you are both invited.

Would you buy us drinks?

- Maybe one.
- I'm there.

Me too.

Listen, Harry,
you got a visitor.

Leonard schnell.
- Jeez...

How'd he seem?


I saved you sulu's head.

Hey, Leonard!

what happened to your hand?

It's that weird nurse
of yours, Weston.

Where'd she learn
to make coffee so hot?


- No, she's never been there.
She just puts people through it.

How are you?
- Let's see...

My fiancee dumped me,

I'm stuck with
500 filet mignon dinners,

and I'm beginning to blister.

Look, Leonard, Leonard,
I am sorry about the wedding,

but I hope
you're not blaming me.

This was nan's decision.


Like anyone could resist
one of your brave phone calls!


You smoothie!

Look, Leonard, Leonard,

I understand your being upset,

I would never do anything
to hurt you!

You're a friend!

Okay, friend...

How 'bout takin'
a few dozen steaks off my hands.

- Well, my...
Freezer's pretty full.

Fine! Take my bride,
leave my meat.

Who needs you?

Maxine! I meant to ask...

Would you be interested
in a couple of hundred pounds

of prime beef?
- Pff... well,

someone certainly has
a high opinion of himself!

♪ Wanna be in that number

♪ when the saints go marching...

♪ ...go marching

♪ in!

♪ Not out but in!

That was real nice, Carol.

You even got
some of the words right.

Too bad about the notes.

Where the hell is Harry?
I earned my drink, damn it!

- Hey!
- Here they are!


I'm sorry, Shelby, I didn't know
he was going to bring her.

Nan, dear,
I'm so glad you could join us.

We are, too.

- Hi, everybody.
How're you doin'?

- Just fine, doctor.
- Too bad you're late.

Carol nearly woke the dead.

Made me very thirsty, Harry.

- I'm sorry, Maxine!
- Right!

Just have the bartender
run a tab.

Hey I'm gonna show the bartender

how to make
a hickory daiquiri...


- Go.
- Daddy...

Doesn't Shelby look nice?

- I'll say! Wow!
- You look so different!

I mean, not that you looked bad
the other day, but...

Boy... hoo...
You... you... you...

Look nice.

Thanks, Harry.

So, what do you folks
wanna hear?

I don't know, I like
a little bit of everything.

Nan, why don't you pick?

Well, I usually
only listen to classical.

Here's a good one.

Carol... I don't know.

One... two...

A-one, two, three, four!

♪ And Harry's wild about me

- wonderful voice?
- It's pleasant enough.

Anyway, as I was saying
in the car,

I must have been
on the phone for an hour

arguing with that travel agent,
but she wouldn't budge.

The cruise ship absolutely
refuses to give refunds.

♪ The cruise ship will not

♪ give refunds

'course you can imagine how
frustrating that was...

- What...
I have never been so insulted!

Come on, dear,
we'll just move over.

she's trying to embarrass me!

- No, no, no, nan!
She's just kidding and...

I mean,
you were interrupting her song.

- Well, I'm sorry.
You're right, Harry.

I'm just so anxious
to talk to you.

I've really missed you.

- Me too.
- Daddy...

Can I get you
something from the bar?

Some... iced water, perhaps?

No, thank you.

So, nan...

You know
what I just thought of, Harry?

You and me... on the cruise.
- What cruise?

The cruise that
Leonard and I were booked on.

Six fun-filled days
island-hopping in The Bahamas,

six fun-filled nights,
just... hopping.

No, nan, i-i-i...

I'd feel like I was going
on Leonard's honeymoon.

Well, we could make it
our honeymoon.

Harry, I'm serious!


Maybe we should
just slow down a little.

Well, why?

it's not like we just met.

I mean, we are a couple again,
aren't we?

Nan, I thought
this was just... a date.

I see!

Look, nan... I n...

The same old noncommittal Harry!

- Yeah, I'm sorry.
I never meant to mislead you.

I mean, of course...
I care for you, but...

Yeah, I'm still the same guy
I always was.

Same guy I dumped.

Well, maybe
you should dump me again.


Consider yourself dumped.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

Well, hey...

You're taking this
a lot better than Leonard.



We just saw what happened and...






Time to call it a night, folks.



You hung in there
like a real trouper.

Hey, you were great!

- Harry, I'm...
I'm sorry about your date.

- No, it's okay.
She's a nice lady.

Well, you're a nice guy.

- Come on, I'll buy you breakfast.
- I'd like that.

Denny's okay?

- Denny's is...
- That's prefect!

You mind tellin' them
it's your birthday?

Sure... come on.

If you're looking for it!

♪ I'm always here

♪ for anything you need

♪ rain or shine
not when it's sunny!

♪ I'll be the one

♪ We share it all

♪ as life go-o-o-o-oes

♪ on-n-n!