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03x12 - Underdogs

Posted: 01/11/09 19:29
by bunniefuu
I got into Vanderbilt.

Congratulations, baby.

Not that I'll be able to go.

Lyla, baby!

Tim, I need to get Lyla back.

I don't know what to do next.

You gotta give her some more time, Mr. Garrity, that's what I think.

The Panthers of Dillon Texas are going to State!

Hey, honey.



Stay here.

No, I'm coming with you.

I don't care what you do, dad. Screw you!

You don't talk to me like that!

Joe, stop it!

He hit him. He hit my baby.

And here are your soon-to-be State champions... the Dillon Panthers.

All right, I wanna hear you... State, State!

The problem is, Clint, is that I just spent the entire weekend giving support to J.D. and to Katie.

And now, for me to have to turn around and call Child Protective Services...

You have a mandate, you're the boss.

Your husband does too, by the way.

I honestly just don't think I can do it, Clint.

Tami, you don't know anything.

You think this might've been the first time it happened, but you don't really know that.

All you know is that you and a lot of other people witnessed this guy beating up his kid. That's child abuse!

I know, I know...

It's not like we have a choice.

No, I don't think we do have a choice.

Do you want me to do it?

No, I should do it, I'll do it.

I'll do it.

This is it, folks.

Three days till football Christmas.

Yes, it's no secret that many of us are worried that the Panthers are about to get their stockings stuffed.

South Texas is the best high school football team I have ever seen, period.

Best ever? What about the '81 Panthers?

Even the '81 Panthers would have a tough time beating this squad.

I'm just saying, Coach Taylor's gonna need help from above to beat these boys.

Billy! Get out, I'm going to the bathroom.

I've really gotta pee, so how long are you gonna be...

Ok, Billy, Close the door, please, I'm going to in the bathroom!

Fine! I'll just piss in the sink!

Tim, wake your ass up!

Seriously, man.

I got something to show you. This is big.

Billy, we have school!

Well, you're gonna have to skip school, Lyla!

Tim, get your ass up!

This is your future.


Love it.

No, seriously, check it out.

What do you think?

It's beautiful, right?

It's perfect, man.

It was either this or Quiznos, but I couldn't pass this up.


Yeah, I'm gonna name it Riggins' Rigs.

It's gonna be awesome.

That's perfect, dude.

Put a hydraulic lift there, where that car is... a little refrigerator over in the corner, stocked full of beer...

A must-have.

24/7, fixing cars, drinking beer.

I mean, what more do you need?

It's awesome, man.

It's awesome.

Don't expect them to be confused by a spread offense.

They faced four of 'em this year, and none of 'em scored more than 10 points.

Hahn, you gotta give our quarterback time to throw.

That's gonna be key in this game.

Are you seeing that secondary?

I do.

Coach, you're not worried about them?

Can't afford to be worried. Doctor's orders, bad for the ticker.

They're big, they're fast.

There's no doubt about it.

We've never seen anyone like them yet this year, but you know what? That's the one thing... They've never faced us before either, gentlemen.

Keep that in mind. It's gonna be a good fight.

It'll be a damned good fight.

Look at that!

I'm so impressed with this portfolio!


Oh, my Lord.

It's kinda crazy thinking I might actually go to school in Chicago.

I know, but you could... I think you could really do it.

The portfolio's the most important thing, and you've got great grades...

I think your teachers can give you great recommendations.

I still gotta get in, though.


What d'you think, Jules?

I think it seems like a really... bright possibility, and it's in a real city, so you have coffee houses and museums and... culture.

That's right, that's for sure.

Yeah, more than here.

So, are you done?

Hold on one second.

Ok, I believe I am finished.

Come sit down, we'll go over this.

Wait. Ok, well? What do you think?

What do you think?

How do you feel that colleges are going to respond to this essay?

You hate it. No, you hate it.

No, I didn't say that I hated this paper at all.

I did not say that I hate... ok.

Tyra, I really do hate this paper.

It's because there were a lot of... there were a lot of... a lot of things that weren't great.

Well, ok, like what?

Would you explain to me why every paragrah has a tie back into Applebee's, and why...

'Cause I use it as a metaphor. It works.

"Sometimes it gets busy. You just have to roll with the punches."

"Just like in life..."

It reads like a five-page needlepoint... pillow.

And it... and it's painful.

That's not fair, it's due this weekend.

Well, you just have to dig a little bit deeper, and... fastly.

I hate you.

All right.

Joe McCoy?

I'm Mark Enderland, this is Jodie Russi.

We're with Child Protective Services.

We'd like to speak with you and your family.

I want a lawyer present for this questioning. You can't divide us up like this and play good cop/bad cop.

Joe, Joe, calm down.

Has your dad ever hit you before?

Are you afraid of your father now?

No, I'm not. I just want this whole thing to be over.

Has he ever hit your mother?

Are you guys gonna take him away from me or something?

Ok, no. This is outrageous.

What country do you think we live in?

Mr. McCoy, I need you to calm down.

If you don't cooperate with us, we can take your boy out of your custody pending our investigation.

Oh, my God. Joe, just shut up!


The coolest thing is, of all the places to study art, I mean...

Art Institute of Chicago, they got like one of the biggest Van Gogh collections in the country, and... there's just art everywhere in the city, like they got Picasso sculptures just in the... in the streets and stuff.

And the thing is, Mrs. Taylor seems to think I can actually get in there.

Of course you can. Matt, I told you, you're talented.

The only thing is, even if I get in, I don't know how I'm gonna pay for it.

Well, I've got a little saved.

And I can send you some money each month, and... you know, people always need haircuts.

Where are you sending money?

Where are you thinking about going, honey? What's that?

There's just this art school at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Mrs. Taylor, Coach's wife, she thinks I got a really good chance of getting in there, maybe.


Chicago, that's... that's way up in Illinois!

That's too far, honey, I mean...

What would I do here without you?

I don't know.

Well, Lorraine, you know, I still could stay here, I'd like to do that.

I think I made it perfectly clear.

I'm not living with you.

Grandma, it was just an idea.

And Matthew, what's this nonsense about art school?

In't that just gonna waste a whole bunch of money?

Yeah, I mean, it was just an idea.

Wan't a good idea, was it?

Yeah, you're probably right.

Get in! Go, go!

Push that ball!

Get back in the box, let's go. Let's run it again.

Come on, guys, let's get in there.

This offense plays on Saturday like we're practicing today, we will win State, gentlemen!

Now, coaches and I wanna recognize someone today not just for what they do on the field, but what they do off the field... which is what we expect from the players out here.

Where's Lance?

8-5! 8-5!

Step in the middle, son.

Lance deserved himself a spot on special teams, gentlemen!

In the State?

Do us proud.

Let's go, Coach, you wanna bring 'em in, let's go!

Break it out! Let's break it in!

So what do you think, Coach Spivey?

We need to spike their Gatorade.

Kids are huge!

We gotta shut down their penetration, we'll get k*lled on that one.


Was that you that called those people from CPS?

Give us a minute.

Yes, it was.


Because it's the law, that's why.

Why would you call the cops on my dad?

You think I don't know you hate him?

Son, it's not a matter of that.

You didn't have to do anything, you... you wanted to!

I'm sorry you think that.

That's not the case, though.


That doesn't help me.

I play football for you, Coach, that's it!

So how are you?

Oh, honey, I've been knocked down millions of time before, I can get back up.

When the going gets tough, the tough keep going.

But that's not... I just wanna tell you, Lyla, that...

I owe you an apology.

And the only reason I did what I did was because I didn't want to disappoint you.

But I know it was stupid.

Yes, it was.

But Lyla, I'd really...

I want you to move back in.

I really want that.



Yeah, ok. I mean...

The Riggins house is disgusting, so sure.

So the honeymoon's over.

No, the honeymoon is not over.

Tim and I are doing great, actually.

And in fact, the reason I'm not mad at you anymore is 'cause the whole college thing worked out.

What do you mean?

I'll go to San Antonio State with Tim.

And we're probably gonna get a place together.

It's like the whole Vanderbilt thing not working out was like fate, you know.

Well... ok.

San Antonio State.

Tyra! I'm in here!

Hey, how's it going?

So I'm going to be playing in the State game.

Are you understanding what I'm saying? I'm playing at the State game.

I'm not gonna be on the bench, I'm gonna be on the field... this time.

I'm sorry. That's... that's... amazing.

Well, thank you.

So, listen. Whatever crappy seats that you have, throw 'em away, because I have some less crappy seats, and you'll wanna be as close as possible whenever the magic happens.

Landry, I can't go.

I'm sorry, I know that's lame, but I have to finish this.

No, you're right.

I know that I'm being selfish. I know I should be happy for her, she's, you know, pursuing her dreams, but at the same time, this is huge for me, and...

You are being selfish, 'cause you're really starting to bum me out.

You're k*lling my buzz.

Dude, that's pathetic.

If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it actually make a sound?

What are you talking about? Who cares?

Would you smile?!

Stop talking! You grab this drink, we're gonna celebrate, ok? We're gonna take a shot I don't really do well with alcohol.

... to your hard work... you'll do fine... to your hard work and to State.

To State. You tilt your top, like so.

Don't taste it 'cause you'll be sick.

Hamilton, Hamilton.

We've got the best, I think.

Listen, I hope that you and I can find some time to get together and... find a way to maybe help J.D. through some of this.

Trying to put out that fire you started, Coach?

Joe, I'm not talking about any kind of blame and I'm sure you're not either. I'm talking about helping your son out.

Well, I deeply appreciate your concern but I tell you what, I can handle J.D. He's just fine.

Good luck, Joe.

Let's go, gentlemen! Everybody ready?

Yes, sir! Let's hear it!

All right, sit back, enjoy the ride.

Have you seen Landry?

You know where he is?

Naw, haven't seen him.

You haven't?

What the hell?

Where the hell are you?

Where are you at?

I'm on the bus on my way to Austin.

Oh, my God...

You better start driving 'cause we already left.

I gotta... I gotta... Mindy!


Stop yelling.

Oh, yeah, totally gotta puke!

Rough night?

You gotta get all your stuff together.

Shouldn't you be on a bus?

Actually, I missed the bus, and I need you to take me to Austin...

Well, I can't.

I can't drive because I'm pretty sure I'm still...

I'm still, like, legally drunk.

So will you please...

You need to calm down for a second.

Ok, hey. So, deal?

Deal is, you help me with this, and I will drive you.

That's... that's fine. I'll help you with whatever it is...

Panther, Panther, Panther, blue and gold, take the ball off the field and then we score.

Hope is number one, hit squad's the best.

Panther, Panther, Panther say forget the rest.

I said, hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

I feel all right! I feel all right!

I said, hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

I feel all right! I feel all right!

I said, Panther, Panther, Panther.

I feel all right!

How y'all feel going into the game?

I really do feel like we're gonna get the W here.

You really think...?

Marty Booker used to play quarterback, now he's a receiver.

Seneca Wallace, you know, he's the backup on Seattle but he plays receiver. And Hasselbeck's in there...

Has Matthew ever said anything to you about wanting to be an artist?

Well, he's really good at drawing, and it's something that he really loves...

You've seen his stuff, haven't you?

Oh, yeah, I've seen it, all that... artwork, and it's good, but I never thought he was serious.

He loves football, honey.

Well, he does love football, but...

I just don't think it's a career path he wants.

He's really, really good at art.

Well, I always encourage him.

Everything he does, I encourage him.

I know.

He knows that too.

I don't want to be the one to hold him back from anything.

But I... I just can't stand the thought of losing him.

I know. Me neither.

I'm ready to take us to win the State.

I'm ready to win the championship, so...

But I... I'll see y'all later.

I thank you so much for your time.
How're you feeling?

I know this is a difficult situation, I understand that, it's not lost on me.

This team's depending on you.

That means there's a freedom.

That's not pressure.

I want you to at least acknowledge what I'm saying.

Yes, sir.

Just try to leave it off the field.

Let's see if I can find my sunglasses in here, Gracie Belle.


Hey, I've been trying to reach you.

I was just heading off to my room.

Listen, I know, I know, but...

I know you must be furious at me.

I've been thinking about you, I just... want to know how you're doing.


Let's see.

Two flunkies from the State of Texas barge into my house and scare me and my boy.

Joe and I have to take parenting classes from a 23-year-old without kids.

And for the next year, CPS can just drop by whenever they feel like it, and if they don't like what they see, they can take J.D. away.

So that's how I'm doing, Tami. Thanks for asking.

Katie, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Really, I just...

I wanted you just to know, I had no choice.

Ok? I had no choice.

I would never do that to you, you are my friend. And I'm so sorry.

Well, you do what you had to do.

Now you'll forgive me if I want nothing to do with you, right?


Read back what we have so far.

Ok. "Facing the challenges of being student body president"

"has helped me develop skills..."

"an appreciation..."

"... tion"...

When did you become so mean?

You obviously don't believe any of what you're saying.

Why don't you tell me what to write?

This is your essay!

Should I write about my trashy family?

About the fact that my sister's a stripper, or my mom is a high school drop-out who drinks boxes of wine like it's water?

Or about the fact that I lost my virginity when I was 13?

Or the fact that my papa wasn't around? How about that?

I know what I should write about! The fact that up until 2 years ago, I had enough hate in my heart to start a frikking car!

What changed?


What changed from 2 years ago?

Why did you stop having enough hate in your heart to start a frikking car?

Jason Street got paralyzed.

I realized that...

He was this great guy, I mean, like, this hero.

And it happened to him?

And it made me realize that... life isn't fair for anybody.

Not just me.

Uh-huh, and what else?

I don't know, I... became friends with Julie, and Mrs. Taylor started to take some interest in me, I started doing my homework...


I met you.

I started to feel like I was on the inside instead of the outside.

What are you doing next year?

Guess I'm going to San Antonio State.

Does that mean...

Are you excited about that?

Am I excited?

I guess I'm kind of focusing on tomorrow and... don't really wanna look that far ahead, you know?

You know what I mean?


It's a Frisbee!

You're sure you wanna touch that, 7? It's probably covered in dog piss.

It's not covered in dog piss! It's just a Frisbee.

Last game, 7!

No regrets.

What are you doing over there, running in place or something? Come on, now.

I can't get comfortable.

Well, I can't either.

Come here.

What are you doing?

Come with me outside, come on.

Put your shoes on.

It didn't go off.

I have no idea what's gonna happen tomorrow, babe.

Well, you're gonna win.

Or you're gonna lose.

Either way, the sun's gonna come up the next morning.

"Two years ago, I was afraid of wanting anything.

I figured wanting would lead to trying, and trying would lead to failure.

But now I find I can't stop wanting.

I wanna fly somewhere in first class.

I wanna travel to Europe on a business trip.

I wanna get invited to the White House.

I wanna learn about the world.

I wanna surprise myself.

I wanna be important. I wanna be the best person I can be.

I wanna define myself instead of having others define me.

I wanna win and have people be happy for me.

I wanna lose and get over it.

I wanna not be afraid of the unknown.

I wanna grow up to be generous and big hearted, the way that people have been with me.

I want an interesting and surprising life.

It's not that I think I'm gonna get all these things.

I just want the possibility of getting them.

College represents possibility.

The possibility that things are gonna change.

I can't wait."

What'd you think?

I thought it was... unbelievable.

It's great.

I think it's great, too.

Let me just ask you one question.

Can you play like champions?

Yes, sir!

Let's go get 'em.

It's the Texas 5A State Championship, the Dillon Panthers facing the South Texas Titans in what looks like a real David and Goliath match-up.

The Titans have scored early and often on their way to an unbeaten season, and they're as big and as fast as anyone has ever seen.


We called "tails."

The Titans have won the toss, elected to receive, and Coach Taylor hopes his defense can hold the Titans on this first possession.

Titans on offense.

Quarterback drops back to pass... he throws deep!

And true to form, six points on the board in a hurry.

Come on!

All of the Panthers' hopes are riding on the shoulders of the freshman phenom, J.D. McCoy.

He drops back...

Pressure's on...

He gets taken down hard! All right!

McCoy drops back...

He looks for a receiver downfield...

Interception! It's picked up, and he can walk that one in...

Touchdown number 2!

g*dd*mn it!

Come on, guys!

Seriously, just run your routes!

Look 'em up before you throw the ball.

I'm not getting no time out there, Coach!

J.D. drops back...

He looks...

He's running out of time...

He just gets that one off...

It's incomplete.

Titans on the blitz...

And he goes down again!

McCoy back to pass... he better get rid of it!

And he's sacked for another loss, as the Titans make J.D. pay for his inexperience.

Come on, you guys!

Gimme the time to throw the ball! Relax!

Huddle up, right now!

Huddle up! J.D.!

J.D., come here!

What, Coach? What do you want?

You settle down. Don't you talk to me like that.

Second of all, you settle down.

We've got a lot of game ahead of us.

You understand me? Look at me when you say that! Do you understand me?

Yes, sir!

Let's go.

First half is almost over, and Taylor would really love to get something on the board and go into the locker room on a positive note.

McCoy drops back... he's got Riggins in the end zone... hit thrown, and it is intercepted! The Titans have it.

He has got a ton of room, one man to beat... and he is off to the races!

That is the second Titan touchdown off a Panther turnover.

Aren't you proud of the image?

Damn good! You're good!

You give me no protection. None!

God, guys! Come on!

All right, listen up.

We need more.

Offensive line, you look like you're on roller skates.

We have got to stay in our splits!

Everyone has got to come off the ball!

Backside, you have got to pick up the stunts.

Coach Spivey, we're gonna readjust.

Base defense, press coverage.

We are not gonna allow any more big plays tonight, gentlemen!

What are you looking at? You wanna be on that field so bad?

Yes, sir.

Well, then, show me something!

J.D., you're out.

Matt, change up your pads, you're in.

There's a fight going on out there, gentlemen.

Why don't you get in it!

Clear eyes, full hearts...

Can't lose!

Only 24 minutes of football left in this season as the Panthers take the field.

Let's hope they've learned their lessons from the mistakes of the first half.

And the second half is under way.

Panthers have it at the 5.

He brings it out to the 10... to the 20...

He's got some room to the 30!

He's got a head of steam! Go, baby, go!

To the 40... and Landry Clarke puts an incredible block,
and the Panthers have it at the 40, the 30... he could go all the way!

Touchdown, Panthers!

We started right, gentlemen!

In a huge reversal, Coach Taylor has gone back to veteran QB Matt Saracen, trying to get his Panthers back in this game.

He dumps a screen pass off to Riggins.

Riggins has got some blockers in front of him...

He breaks one tackle, he's into the end zone...

Stiff arm! And touchdown, Panthers!

And the Panthers have come out firing by putting 14 unanswered points on the board.

Saracen with a play-action pass...

He looks...

Oh, and he takes off, and look at him go!

He breaks a tackle... and another...

Touchdown, Panthers!

And Coach Taylor's move to the old offense has his team a touchdown from the lead!

We have to do the same thing, all right? Same thing!

Vice quarterback back to pass...

And intercepted by the Panthers!

With less than 2 minutes to play, the Panthers have the ball on the Titan 30-yard line.

A touchdown and a conversion gives them the lead.

Blue, 80.


Saracen takes the snap and pitches off to Riggins.

Riggins runs right... and he's looking to pass!

And he throws deep... and he's got Matt Saracen on the logo! Touchdown!

Unbelievable, folks!

The Panthers have taken the lead with just over a minute and a half to play!

There we go!

That was all good.

That's how you goal.

The Panther fans are celebrating like they have the game won, but as the Titans and Coach Taylor well know, the game is not over until the final whistle blows.

Thirty-seven seconds left in the game, and the Titans are driving down the field.

Davis back to pass... a quick slant, and he's got it!

The Titans are into Panther territory.

Inside, play inside!

All on the Panther 45 as the Titans approach the line.

Bring 'em inside!

There's the snap.

No! Down! Down, no!

He is gonna run...

Stay in there!

He picks up a block, and he is sprung to the 40 and wrestled down at the Panther 36. It's a hurry-up offense.

The clock is ticking.

White! You have got to stay in there!

Davis is back to pass...

He's got a man... Oh, and it is complete at the Panther 19-yard line!

This is it, folks.

Just 6 seconds left, and this game comes down to one last play.

The Titans are going for the field goal.

Bad news for the Panthers, the Titans' kicker hasn't missed from this range all year.

This has been a valiant effort by the Dillon Panthers.

I wanted everyone's friends and family to be in here to hear this, gentlemen.

I have never... been more proud of a team than I am right now.

I am in awe of each and every one of you gentlemen.

You played great football tonight.

This is the game... that people are gonna talk about for years to come.

This is the game you're gonna talk about.

There's not a single person in this room that's ever gonna be the same.

You be proud of yourselves...

'cause gentlemen, you are champions.

Is that everybody?

No, Riggins hasn't made it on yet.

Want me to send somebody out there?

No, let's give him a minute.

He'll be here.

From a small town in the heart of Texas, the lives we've come to know will change forever.

Dreams realized.

Dreams lost.

Don't miss the season finale of Friday Night Lights next week, on the 101 Network, only on DirecTV.