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07x10 - Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Pain

Posted: 01/10/24 11:57
by bunniefuu
Okay, doctors, this is
the last of the supplies.

Grab you a box and we'll get
on over to the health fair.

- Donuts, Laverne?
We're testing for cholesterol.

The donuts are bait.

Once they grab 'em,
we'll jab 'em.

That's a joke.
Why ain't you laughin'?

Because it's 6:18
on a Saturday morning.

I should be drivin' home
from somewhere, damn it.

- Come on, Max.
It won't be all that bad.

Laverne and I have been doing
this health fair for years.


It's a hoot.

Gettin' to hob-nob with some of
your favorite celebrities.

I'm not impressed
by celebrities.

I think you'll be
singin' a different tune

once you have a
brush with greatness.

Two years ago I actually met
Roy Clark's dental hygienist.

♪ Life goes on...

♪ no mystery

♪ one by one

♪ I'm always here...

♪ ...rain or shine

Sophia, what a nice surprise.

Yeah, yeah, give me
some free stuff.

Okay, we'll give
you a free donut,

but first we'll have to give
you a cholesterol test.

- Forget it.
If I give blood, I want cash.

This is Bo Mercury,
your wandering weatherman.

Live and well from the
dade county health fair.

Come on down and get
yourselves checked out.

And for the first 100 of you

that stop by the wkjh booth,

a free Bo Mercury thermometer.

I just love that guy.


See, I told you there'd be
celebrities all over the place.

I do the treadmill bit,
crack a few jokes,

and that'll lead
right into the...


- Excuse me, Mr. Mercury.
- Hi, little lady.

Wanna join me for a walk?

I can guarantee you
it won't rain!

Actually I's
wonderin' if you could

take a little stroll over there

to meet my friend
Dr. Maxine Douglas.


And she's your a-number-one fan.

Smart too.

Sure, I'll say hello.

Come on, guys.
We're on the move.

No, I am not taking
blood from your ear.

If you want it pierced,
go to the mall.

Doctor's I got
someone wanna say hey.

- Hey!
It's you!

Maxine, look who's here.

Geez, Harry!

My god.

Hi, there.


Thanks, but we're on again

in a couple of seconds.

Don't want this smile
speckled with sprinkles.

Five, four, three, two...


This is Bo Mercury again,

live at the
canal street clinic booth,

where Dr. Maxine Douglas
was just about

to tell me the
importance of free donuts

and... um...

Cholesterol screening.


It's a good way to, prevent...

Lord, you are so much
better lookin' in person.

Folks, you have just
witnessed a medical miracle.

Apparently I'm better looking

just by walking up
to this booth.

Who knows what they
can do for you!

And... we're out.

I'm so embarrassed.

- I'm sorry.
- No, you were great!

Look, Maxine.
I gotta tape another segment.

But, I'd like to
talk to you some more.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Here's her numbers.
Home, work, and beeper.

I'd advise you to get your
bid in early for Friday night.

That's enough, Laverne.

Um, I'll give you
a call real soon.

- Bye.

So you two gonna
have a big weddin',

or just elope?

- Please.
- The man was just being kind.

Besides, I don't care
if he calls or not.


You want me to give
your beeper a quick call,

make sure it's working?

- Could you?
- Yeah, sure.

Die, die, die, die...

Sophia, are you almost
done with that game?

I need the computer.

What game?

I'm writing a letter
to the phone company.

Sorry, I'm on a
pretty tight deadline.

I have to finish this article
on new year's resolutions.

The last time I made
a resolution was 1968.

I resolved to lose
an inch a year.

I meant from my hips.

- Charlie, please.
Make yourself at home.

Hey, you know what would
be a neat invention?

A beer can where the whole top
comes off so you can dunk.

Good idea.

Why don't you go
home and work on it?

- Hey, new year's resolutions.
You wanna hear mine?


I resolve to end all wars and
feed the children of the world.

Get real.

Okay, then.

I resolve to
boink more Canadians.

Save your breath, Sophia.

It's not as if the boob has
enough self-discipline

to keep a real resolution.

Look who's talking.

Miss i-never-met-a-diet

Well, with all the
food you eat around here,

I don't need one, mooch.




Hey, you're
giving me a headache.

Settle this like adults.

Bet money.

Good idea.

20 bucks.

What are we betting on?

You know, that is
a good idea, Sophia.


I'll bet you can't go
a week without mooching.

- You're on.
- Ha!

Wait till daddy hears this.

And I bet you can't go a week
without calling your daddy...


Shall I take the money now?

No, I will.

That way you know
it's in a safe place.

Now, shake hands.
I want a clean fight.

No hitting below the belt.
No spitting, no smoking.

And don't talk to the driver
while the bus is in motion.


Pour vous, merci.

So, you speak French.

Well, I have no
idea what it means.

But that and $20 makes
them go away every time.

So, Dr. Maxine Douglas.

Did you always
wanna be a doctor?

Ever since I realized
my initials were "m.D."

- Hey.
- How you doin'.

Hi there.

Friends of yours?

- Well, in a way.
You know, fans.

Nice haircut.

Cute sweater.

Keep watching.

Leave us alone.

So does this happen
everywhere you go?


- Excuse us, Bo.
Could we get a picture?

Maxine, do you mind?

We love you, Bo.

You treat him right, now.

I'll try.

If I ever get the chance.

I'm sorry, Maxine.

I know that this fan stuff
can get pretty distracting.

A little.

Well, I don't want
anything to interfere

with us getting to
know each other better.

May I have my hand back?

I need one of my fingers.

- All right.
Good for Maxine.

What's good for Maxine?

"Let the sky precipitate, I
don't care, my Maxine's great."


He must have left
a dozen of these

dorky rhymes on my
machine this morning.

What's wrong with him?

♪ He likes you.

♪ Well, he shouldn't.

Told him last night
I wasn't interested.

He's just a phony celebrity.

Canal street clinic.


It's your Beau, Bo.

Yeah, she's right here.


All right.

He didn't want to
talk to you either.

Well, good.

He just wants you to turn on
the TV in exactly 30 seconds.

Laverne, we don't have a TV.

We do now.

Bo had it delivered
this morning.


My god.

- Whoa!

Listen to this.

"Because you mean so much to me,

here's a
19-inch TV."

I think that is the
most romantic thing.

He's just showing off.

And that accident on i-95

has just been cleared.

Back to you, Bo.

Thanks, traffic Terry.

And now for the weather.

Sunny, sunny, sticky, sticky.

Sunny, sunny... hurricane.

Sticky, sticky, sunny.

Why do we live here?

Well, I know why I do.

Dr. Maxine Douglas.


That's my
driver's license picture.

How did you get that?

And thanks to my pals
Eduardo and Ernie

down at the dmv.

Now back to the weather.

Well, it seems a severe
cold front has developed

between Maxine and me.

Apparently she hasn't
discovered the charm

that you, my loyal fans,
have come to know and love.

I just wish that there
was some way you

could let her know
that I'm an okay guy.

Gee, I... I wonder how
you could do that?

We wouldn't be getting
ready to mooch, would we?

No, actually.


See you soon.

My cinnamon buns are ready.

Cinnamon buns?

Yes, my sweet,
soft cinnamon buns.

Bursting with pecans,

and dripping with
extra creamy icing.

You know, if you offered me
one it wouldn't be mooching.

Yes, I've thought of that.

You know, I've made
so many, really.

What's the harm?


Here you go.

I smell cinnamon buns!

Help yourself,
daa... amn it, they're hot!

I'm surprised there are
any left with Charlie here.

I ate yesterday... daddy.

What's with you two?

daa... abney Coleman.

You know, in a
certain light you look

absolutely nothing
like dabney Coleman.

- Yeah, I... I...
I get that all the time.

Come on, what's going on here?

Carol, why don't you
tell daddy about our bet?

All right, I will.

But first get daa...
Man over der some milk.


Okay, thank you.

Wow, look at this place.

It's like he has the whole city
after her to go out with him.

I ain't seen this many flowers
since velma Tucker died.

She must have been
very, very popular.

No, she just died
in a flower shop.

Hey, I'll put these
in some water.

All right, thank you.

Because I don't want
to go out with him.

Now take these pills
three times a day,

and mind your own damn business.

Here, have a plant.

Canal street clinic.

Hi, Bo.
How are... hold on.

Maxine, come on.
Come on.

He's been calling for two days.

- I don't care, he's a nut.
I'm not going out with him.

- Fine, what should I tell him?
- Tell him I'm busy.

Tell him I'm
involved with someone.

Tell him I'm sleeping with you.

Maxine is not here.

Why don't you call back later?
I'll tell her you called.

Don't bother,
I'll tell her myself.

Hi, Maxine.

I called.

Well, you got the wrong number.

Well, I think she's
warming up to me.

- Bo.
- You are a persistent man.

- Well, I really like her.
But everything I do is wrong.

- Bo, listen.
Maxine is a very private person.

So putting her picture on
television was a bad idea?

Let me put this
in medical terms.

She wanted to return
that TV set to you.

In a way that would have
caused you great discomfort.

Tonight's the big night?

It's just a lousy second date.

I can't believe I let
Harry talk me into this.

Aw, you're just nervous.

I know how you feel.

Before every date
I used to break out.

Had to.

My daddy locked me in my room.

Hello, sunshine.



Look, Maxine.

Thanks for giving me
a second chance.

I promise you,
you will not regret this.

These are for you.


How nice.

Now I have enough for a float.

So I thought that
we would go somewhere

where we will not be bothered.


Right here.

Bo, tell the lady
what she's won.

Why, thank you, Bo!

Maxine is being
whisked away to...

The floor!

For a romantic evening
with champagne,

cheese, pate, more cheese,

and these little
pickle thingies!

You got any chocolate
in there, I might stay.

Baby, I'm your chocolate.

All right, here's a milky way.

I'm serious, the neighbor's
dog is making fun of dreyfuss.

I'll tell you how.

She just sits there,
smirking at him.

Anyway, dreyfuss is the one
who should be smirking.

We have the swimming pool.

All right, I'll see you later.

Bye, daddy.


What the hell.

The idiot isn't here.

The idiot is too!

I heard that.

You lose.

Damn it, I can't
believe you beat me!

Ha, ha, ha!


Is that beer on your breath?


Then what is that?

A beer gut?

So while I was on the phone,

you cheated first.

Yeah, but I caught you first.

- Cheater!
- Liar!

- Weakling!
- Girl.


Keep it down, I just
got Scotty to sleep.

I'm sorry, Sophia.

- Hey, the bet's off.
Give us our money back.

The bet was on for a week.

Don't you people have
any self-control?

Apparently not.

Me neither, I lost
your money at the track.

So if we were outside,

sagittarius the Archer
would be over there

by the smoke alarm.

And the virgin Virgo,
would be over there.

By that sprinkler head?

See, legend has it
that sagittarius

has been chasing Virgo
for millions of years.

And when he finally catches her,

everybody on earth
is gonna fall in love.

That's romantic.

It's a lot of hooey,
but it's romantic.

So, you wanna make
a wish on the smoke alarm?


What did you wish for?

- I can't tell.
- It won't come true.

Hey, this hooey works.

You know, Bo,
I just want to tell you

I'm having a real nice time.

So am I.

I can't get over
how different you are

away from all
the fans and cameras.

Neither can I.

I haven't signed
an autograph all night.

And look, my hand's
not even shaking.

Yeah, you're doing fine.

But, your pulse is racing.


It's okay.

So is mine.

So does this mean that
there will be a third date?

I'd say there's
a 99% probability.

The weather!

I gotta do my forecast!

Can you come back?

Better yet,

why don't I do the
forecast from here?

What are you talking about?

- Yeah, I can page my crew.
They'll be here in five minutes.

- No.
- Yes.

Trust me on this, Maxine.
This will be great television.

So this whole evening has been

some cheap stunt
to boost your ratings?

I can't believe it.
I almost fell for you.

Maxine, wait.

- Harry!
Get in here!

You're famous!

What are you talking about?

Hey, it's the clinic!

And that's the
weather for today.

And a 20% chance
of showers on Friday.

My coffee mug.

Looks bigger on TV.

Now on a personal note.

I have an update

on the Bo Mercury,
Maxine Douglas story.

- Bo, what are you doing?
I told you, she hates this!

Tonight, Maxine and I
had our second date.

So you can stop the calls and
the flowers and the balloons.

Because the truth is...

We have absolutely
nothing in common.

That's the saddest thing.

Is there no romance
in the world anymore?

Poor guy.

Let's get him a hooker.

And... clear.

Well, that's that.

What'd you think?

You were wonderful.

Very convincing.

Now maybe they'll
give us some privacy.

Privacy works.

As long as I get to
share it with you.

Okay boys, hit it.

Just wanted to say hi.


Okay, take me down, boys.