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07x21 - Life Goes On: Part 1

Posted: 01/10/24 12:08
by bunniefuu
So, what's the verdict?

I've never seen a building
this age so well insulated.

- Great.
- Shame it's all gotta come out.

- What? Why?
- Asbestos.

It could cause cancer, you know.

- Of course I know.
I'm a doctor!

And I suppose a doctor's
too good to go out

with a building inspector.
- I never said that!

- Great.
Pick me up at 8:00.


- No, mama... mama!
Mama, I keep tellin' you,

I don't want
a big fancy wedding.

I had one of them
when I married Nick.

Even if you was against it,
it still counts.

All right, mama, then I'll...
I'll see you in a few days.

Please, mama, remember,
no big fuss!

Laverne, we're closing down
for two weeks.

It's just my wedding,
it is not a national holiday.

No, you don't understand.

The inspector said this place is
loaded with asbestos.

- Good.
- Good?

Yeah, then I can go home
early and ride herd on mama.

That woman has gone
weddin' crazy.

She's just excited.

She's plannin' a laser show.

- Go, my child.
Ride herd with my blessing.

- Doctor...
Why don't you come with me?

- I am coming.
I'll be there for the wedding.

No, I mean tomorrow.

I could use the moral support,
now you've got some extra time.

No offense, Laverne,

but I was planning
on spending it

someplace a little more
exotic than hickory.

Like... Pittsburgh.

Please! Please.

Laverne, I'm not good
with fresh air!

Or the people who breathe it.

Okay. If you don't come home
with me tomorrow,

I am gonna call your ma
and tell her

that you have
the next two weeks off.

You're bluffing.

♪ I'm always here

♪ for anything you need...

♪ ...we share it all

♪ as life goes on

Are you sure it's safe
in here with all this asbestos?

Well, the inspector says
there's no danger

unless it starts
disintegrating, but...

I will feel better
when it's gone.

So will I!

Are these the files
for the 39th street clinic?

They're all yours.

I'll drop them off

on my way to the bank.
- No, Laverne...

I'd take the mask off
before going into the bank.

- Roger.
- There you go, okay.

So, Harry, how was
your trip to Vermont?

Maxine, I can't tell you
how beautiful it is up there.

Yeah, I was in Vermont once.

Or was it New Hampshire?

No, wait, it was a Christmas
tree lot in the Bronx.

My friend Bob lives
about, I don't know,

5 miles from the medical school,

right in the middle of
the woods... it's incredible!

If you like trees.

- Who doesn't like trees?
Nobody doesn't like trees.

No, Harry, nobody
doesn't like Sara Lee.

You know,
Bob goes fishing every day,

and he taps his own
maple trees for syrup.

Do you have any idea
what it's like to tap a tree?

I imagine it's like
that thrill you get

when you insert a catheter.

You want to hear
something funny?

He offered me a job
teaching pediatrics

a couple of days a week.

So are you gonna take it?

Don't be silly, Maxine,

I couldn't possibly take it.

Why not? It sounds like
the perfect job for you.

Work two days a week,
spend the rest of the time

catching fish and pouring
maple syrup over them.

Maxine, how can I move
to Vermont?

I've got ties to Miami.

I've got my house,
I've got Carol and Scotty,

and I've got responsibilities
here with the clinic.

Well, Harry, we'd miss you,
but we'd manage.

And if you want this,
you should go for it.

Well, there's still
the house and Carol.

Come on, you put an ad
in the paper:

"For sale:
Well-built rambling modern.

"Perfect for
a young professional.

Needs a little fixing."

- What about Carol?
- I'm talking about Carol.

I'm sorry, Harry,
it's confusing.

Could you tell me one more time?

Charley, I've told you

three times already.

But I'm new at this,
please, just once more.

All right, but this is
the last time.

That one's macneil.
That one's lehrer.

Harry, we can't go to
Laverne's wedding, none of us.

- Why not?
- I had a dream.

We were all flying to hickory,
and the plane crashed.

There were only two survivors.
- Who?

A salesman
from Toronto and Madonna.

Sophia, just because
you had a dream

doesn't mean it will happen.

No, Harry, you're wrong,
this is uncanny!

I saw Madonna interviewed
on TV this morning!


Obviously, she did survive!

- That's it, I'm not going.
- Neither am I!

Look, I mean, okay,
if flying bothers you,

why don't you just take a train?

In the dream, the plane
crashed into a train!

Spooky. Hey, I got an idea,
Sophia, why don't we drive?

- I'm in.
- Harry! Buddy!

Can I borrow your car?

- Charley, pal, come on.
Do you even have to ask?

Of course not.

- I'm going home to pack.
I'll see you in hickory, Harry.

Wait, I forgot.
You're flying.

Well, it was nice knowing you.

It's 68 degrees
and sunny in hickory.

This is kbbh, down home radio
for north central Arkansas.

Now, stay tuned
for the Howard stern show.

My lord, they're here!

I'll get it.

- Mama!

Hi. Is this
the higby residence?

Come in, Dr. Douglas,
we have heard so much about you.

So, how do you like
hickory so far?

I'm impressed.

I was really surprised
by your airport.

- What about it?
- You got one.

Would y'all care
for some refreshments?

Well, I hope you didn't go
to any trouble.

It's nothin', nothin'
at all, it's just a little

iced tea and a few cookies.
And some hush puppies.

And, catfish, fried chicken
and dumplin's, of course.

And, well, I'm afraid
that's all.

I'll go make more!

Have a seat, Maxine.

Well, daddy, how's business?

Yeah, things pickin' up.

Well, good.

Daddy's an auctioneer.

- Really?
- What do you auction?

Livestock, tobacco,
renaissance art.

Renaissance art?

It don't come up that often,
but if you find

a botticelli in your barn,
I'm your man.

Come on, dad, do it one time
for us. It's a hoot!

She's not interested.

No, really, I'd love to hear it.

Come on, daddy,
auction off something.

Say 'em hush puppies there.


What are my bid
for these hush puppies?


- Okay, $5.
Anybody want to bid ten?

Well, you get the idea!

Ain't he great?

Daddy's going to perform
the ceremony.

He's a judge too.

I'm the only one in town
knows how to work the gavel.

Daddy, wait till you see

what I'm a-wearin'
to the weddin'.

He's already seen
what you're wearin', dear.

You're wearin'
my old wedding gown.

Mama, I plan on wearin'
a very nice gray suit.

Then I'm sure you'll look
lovely in it.

Perhaps on the trip
to the honeymoon.

I plan on a-wearin' it
at my wedding.

Well, fine.

And then, you can wear it
again at my funeral,

cause I'll just die

if you shame me
in front of 200 people.

200! P... p...

If she keeps this up, it ain't
the shame that's gonna k*ll her.

Mrs. Higby, if I could put
my two cents in...

- I have two cents!
Do I hear three?

Vernie, honey, I don't want
to tell you what to do.

It's just that I know
that when Matt sees you

all dressed in white, comin'
down the long spiral staircase,

mama, we don't have
a spiral staircase.

She rented one!

It's all set up
in the back yard!

Wow! We're talking

That's where we got it!

No, Julius,
I don't want it listed,

I'm just curious
about how much I would get

for my house if I sold it.

How much?

Whoa! Jeez!

Are you sure
that's the best we can do?

- Daddy!
- Wait, I gotta go.

- Daddy, my god, daddy!
- Daddy, I have news.

I have big news,
the biggest news ever!

I've dreamed of this moment

for so long,
and how I would tell you!

It has to be absolutely perfect!
Come here.

Sit here.
- Okay.

- No, stand up.
Maybe you should put on a tie.

Carol, please, slow down,
you're acting like...

You're getting married
or something.

Well, thanks a lot,
you ruined my moment!

You're getting married?

That's terrific!

Go back outside,
we'll do it again!

I'll sit down, I'll put on a tie...
- No, no, daddy, it's okay!

- God, great!
It's unbelievable!


I can't tell you how happy I am.

For you too.

- I have million things to do!
I have to call Barbara and Emily

and aunt Susan,
I have to make a list!

Daddy, look at me!

I'm making an
"I'm getting married" list!

I wonder if I saved my old one?

And don't worry, daddy.
Even though I'm getting married,

I'll still come visit you
every single day.

Well... maybe not.

What do you mean?

Sweetheart, I have
a little news of my own.

Come here, baby. Sit down,
sit down, get over here, there.

I've been offered
a job teaching.

Daddy, that's wonderful!

In Vermont!


Would you have to live there?

Well, of course you would.
No, that's... that's great.

And sudden.

Yeah, well, actually,
I've been thinking about it

for, you know, quite a while
and I wasn't going to take it,

but now that
you're getting married,

I guess I'm going to Vermont!

All right!

Charley, how long
to the next town?

Ten minutes.

You've been saying that
for the past hour.

Well, one of these times,
I'm gonna be right.

Tell me the truth, are we lost?

I'm not sure.

I could tell better if I had
some idea of where we are.

You never should have taken
that turnoff.

You told me to!

What do you want
to listen to me for?

I've got such a lousy sense
of direction,

sometimes I think
I'm getting younger!

You were reading the map!

I thought I was,
but it turned out

I was just looking at
the veins in my hand.

Look at her, Maxine!

Looks like she just
stepped off a wedding cake!

If I didn't know better,

I'd swear there was
frosting on her shoes.

Okay, I tried it on
like I said I would,

now, let's get me out of it.

Hush, girl, it isn't
an official try-on

'til we make it fit right!
- Hey, Laverne.

Here's your wedding announcement
in the hickory gazette.

Mama, I told you not to do that!

Laverne, it's customary,
now hold still!

It's four pages.


Page one:
"The childhood years."

Man, it's true what they say.

Everybody's ugly
when they're 13.

Okay, mama, we have
to have a little talk,

concerning my wedding.

And I reiterate
that phrasing... "My wedding".

As in "I would like to
choose what I wear."

Why don't we ask Maxine
for an unbiased opinion?

Do you promise to abide
by what she says?

- Of course I will!
- Now, Maxine...

Which do you think
is more appropriate?

This lovely hand-made
wedding gown

that's been worn by every higby
bride for six generations

or this cheap gray suit

off the rack
of some cut-rate store

in a sleazy, god-forsaken
Miami neighborhood?

Mother, I do not buy
my clothes at cut-rate stores

in sleazy, god-forsaken

- You don't?
I stand corrected.

But it certainly was
an honest mistake.

Okay, doctor,
what is your opinion?

Well, personally,
I like the wedding gown.

But Laverne is a grown woman,
and it seems to me

she has absolute right
to choose for herself.

Well, I guess
that settles it, then.

Come on, let's get you
out of this thing.

We've got to get it hemmed and
pressed before the big event!

Mama, you agreed to abide
by Dr. Douglas's opinion!

Well, that's right,
and her opinion is

she likes
the wedding gown better.

Wait right here, I'm-a
go run and get the veil!

You know, I just thought
of something.

You'd be the oldest higby bride
ever to wear this dress.

Do you see what she does?

Do you see what I am up against?


She really pushes you around.

I like her!

Daddy, I'm home!

Wait until you see the outfit
I got for our trip to hickory.

I found it at this wonderful
cut-rate shop

in a sleazy god-forsaken


The silence of things to come.


You and daddy aren't really
gonna move to Vermont, are you?

Daddy? Is that you?

Maybe he forgot his key.

- Hi, honey.
- Hi!

I was on my way
to the airport and I realized

I wasn't gonna see you before
you leave for Laverne's wedding.

I know, I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too,
Mrs. Millen!

- Mrs. Millen?
Mrs. Millen?

Why are you assuming
I'm going to change my name?

Weston's a good name.
It's my daddy's name.

Okay, don't change it,

I was just excited
about getting married.

I'm sorry, sweetheart, I am too.

I think I'm just a little tired.
- That's okay.

I see they already got the
"for sale" sign up outside.

This is a great house, I bet
it's gonna sell in no time.

Honey, I just had a weird idea.

Okay, but I don't have
much time.

No! You!

What if we bought this house?
Then you could move in with me

in my room, and we could keep
daddy's room

exactly the way it is
for when he wants to visit.

Carol, we talked
about getting our own place.

- You're right, we should.
How about Vermont?

Vermont? Carol, why?

Our life is here.

Our life?

What about my life?

Carol, I don't think
you're going into this

with the right attitude.

Look. I've got a lot
going on right now.

And I need some time to think.

Maybe we should put off getting
married for a little while.

- Put it off?
For how long?

I don't know, Kevin.

I don't know.

Come in, come in!
- Hi!

Let me take your umbrella.

Grit, go fetch Laverne,
tell her Dr. Weston's here.

Nice talking to y'all.

- What did he say?
- It's nothing, daddy!

His ears are still plugged up
from the flight.

Mine too!

Look at the little angel.

Yeah, it's been a long day,
can I put him down somewhere?

- Right in there.
- Okay, thanks.

- Doctor, make yourself at home.
- Thank you very much.

- So, how was your flight, Harry?


I beg your pardon?

The flight was hairy,
isn't that what you said?

- Where's Charley and Sophia?
- They're not here yet.

You're kidding! They should
have been here days ago!

Daddy! Sophia and Charley
aren't here yet!

- Good!
- I'll go say hello!

My, I hope they're all right.

The radio says roads are washed
out all over the state.

Do you have any idea
where you're going?

Sure. That way.

Maybe you should let me drive.

Are you kidding? You can't
even see over the dashboard.

Don't worry, I know exactly
where we are.

We're right here in Indiana.

Yurts! You got the map
upside down!

Okay, Magellan.
Hang a u-ie.

We passed hickory
three hours ago.

Okay, now we're going
in the right direction.

Good. Maybe we can still
see Laverne get married.

I doubt it. She just
passed us going the other way.

We've got a problem,

might affect Laverne's wedding.

- What's the problem?
- She won't be there!

- What?
- What'd he say?

She's gone!

She left this note!
Here, read it for yourself.

It says that the only way she
can have the kind of weddin'

she really wants,
is to do it herself.

She's eloped!
- My beautiful wedding!

This is really awful.

- Never mind that.
- This is really awful!