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11x05 - The Father, The Son

Posted: 01/11/24 16:12
by bunniefuu
Oh, Father, there you are.


What are these?

They're savoury!

Savoury scones?

I added rosemary, thyme,
and a sprinkle of chilli.


Try one, Father. You'll be
surprised how good they are.


Ahem! It's yummy, Father.

Go on.

Aren't you supposed to
be conducting a funeral?

For whom?

Ladies, good to see you again.

Are you in another scrape?
Do you need our help?

Nancy had to be determined.

Who's died?

Mrs Devine,

I never had the chance to thank
you for lending me your Hercules.

Oh! You're very welcome.

You can use him any time.

As much as I'm
enjoying the suspense,

would you mind explaining
why you're here?

I received what I now
believe to be a message

designed to lure me here.


"Gabriel Hawksworth.

"Died from natural
causes on June 5th.

"Funeral to be held at St
Mary's Church, Kembleford,

"on Tuesday, June
the 15th at 12.00pm."

You don't have any funerals on
your schedule today, Father.

That's now.

Do you know the dead bloke?


But I assume you do.

I know the name.

Who is he?


You're not going to sh**t
your old man, are you, Chip?

You placed the obituary?

How else was I supposed
to get you here?

Father Brown.

I've read a lot
about you, Father -

seems like every time one of my
son's exploits hits the press,

you're involved somehow.


Merely doing my best to keep him
out of trouble, Mr... Hawksworth?

Gabriel Hawksworth.

It's sort of a nom de plume.

Would you get to the point?

You wouldn't have orchestrated this
ruse unless you wanted something.

Maybe I just wanted
to see my son!

After, what? 20 years?

Wait another 20.
Maybe then we'll talk.

Don't be like that, Chip.

Don't call me that.

You'll always be a chip
off the old block to me.

Please continue, Mr Hawksworth.

Stay out of this, Father
- for your own sake.

You're right.

I need your help.

What is it now? Gambling debts?

Low-life criminals on your back?

It's not for me. It's for a
young mother and her child.

Is there somewhere more
private we could talk, Father?


Ever heard of Drake Underwood?

Gangster. Thug.

Friend of yours?

Not any more.

I left that life
behind a year ago.

Make a bit of money
selling pocket Bibles now.

So you've found God.

This just gets
better and better.


My last job was for Drake.

A museum robbery.

He wanted this gold trinket
for his private collection -

crown of thorns, it was,


Belonged to some
Pope in 15 something.

The Jubilee Crown?

Commissioned by Pope
Alexander VI in 1500?

If memory serves, it was
on loan to the museum,

and no doubt the Vatican will
be pleased that it's returned.

What happened?

Drake put his son in charge.


Mean-spirited little so-and-so.

It was my job to watch
the security guard.

I have a wife and a child!

Just don't do anything stupid,

and everything'll be all right.

Luther, hurry up!

It'll be daylight soon.

We're all done.

Now, sh**t him.

What? Please!

You said no-one would get hurt!

That's before you said my name.

He hasn't seen our
faces! There's no need!

He's seen yours.

Now sh**t him.

I have a wife and a baby boy.

This isn't right! sh**t him!

Or I'll k*ll you both!

You're a good man. I can
tell you're a good man.

Please don't do this.

I have a wife and a child.

Oh, for God's sake!


His name was Elliot Tucker.

I might not have pulled the trigger,
but I as good as got him k*lled.

And now you're
seeking atonement?

Nothing can right that wrong.

But I want to help his widow.


By stealing back the crown.

I'll sell it on the black
market, give her the money.

I've already arranged
a buyer, and I've...

..worked out a plan.

A man like Drake Underwood
must live in a fortress.

But that's why I need your help.


I know I've no right to
ask, but don't do it for me.

Do it for her. Do
it for her baby boy.

This isn't about them.

It's about your fear
of God's judgment.

Can't it be both?

Yes. The answer's still no.

I'm doing it with
or without you.

That sounds like su1c1de.

And a fighting chance
if we do it together.

When did you ever turn
down a fighting chance?

I'm not turning down
a fighting chance.

I'm turning down a lost cause.


Er, we were just... Coming
to make tea for everyone.

Thank you.

You told me your father
was shot for desertion.

He was a deserter.

Then why say he was ex*cuted?

He was dead to me from
the moment he fled.

What happened?

I'm not one of your parishioners
in need of counsel, Father.

I suspect that only the first
part of that sentence is true.

You want my sob story?


I was 14 years old.

I idolised him. I
thought he was a hero.

Then, three days after he was
sent to the Western Front,

he fled his post, went on the
run, abandoning his wife and son.

I'm so sorry.

I'm not.

If that's the kind of man he was,
I was better off without him.

So was my mother.

Even if it did break
our hearts at the time.

Years later, after I started
to make a name for myself,

he showed up,

made a fumbling
attempt at an apology,

then tried to persuade me to
join him in an art robbery.

Needless to say, I made it clear
I never wanted to see him again.

So you don't believe his story?

Not for a second.

He'll sell the crown then
run off with the proceeds.

But if it is true,

then for once it
is in a good cause.

And good causes can do
wonders for the soul.

My soul's too late
for saving, Father,

but thanks for the thought.

You know I don't believe that.

If Flambeau won't help you, then
maybe we could do something.

We're not breaking into the
house of some violent gangster.

Well, we don't have
to do the robbery.

We could be your
look-out or something.

I appreciate the offer,
but without Chip, I...

Might I have a moment
with Mr Hawksworth alone?

Of course.

I can imagine what he's
been telling you about me.

And what do you imagine?

That I abandoned him
and his mother as a lad,

which is true,

but there's more to
it than what he knows.

Well, I'm here if
you want to talk.


Are you in pain?


Is there something
you want to tell me?


What else does Drake
have in his collection?

I don't know art the way you do,

but I know there's
a fortune in there.

Then I'll make you a deal.

Let me have the crown, and you can
have the fortune for the widow.

It has to be the crown.

Why? Because it's just...

I feel duty-bound to
point out to you both

that the Jubilee Crown
belongs to neither of you.

It's money. She won't
care where it comes from,

as long it puts a roof over
her head and feeds her child.

Yes or no?

See you in another 20.

All right.


MUSIC: Dies Irae by Verdi




Why am I on get-away again?

You're good at it.

Anyone can drive a car.

I want to lead.

How many times do we have
to have this conversation?

You used to let me all the time.

Until you got sloppy!


Trigger happy!

I need cool heads -

something you haven't got, son.

Yeah, what? Sir,
someone to see you.


Long time.

Thought you were dead.

Or in the nick. Nah.

Just out of the game.

Out of the game?


So it's a social visit, is it?



You want back in?

I need the money.

You're not seriously
considering...? Luther!

He's a decrepit old codger!

Show some respect.


Ha! Come on.

He's in!

This is so exciting!

We really shouldn't
be doing this.

We're perfectly safe, Father.

We're barely involved.

Coast is clear.

That last job, the
one you done for me -

that's what did it for you?

I suppose you could say that.

It was my idiot son's fault.

He should never have
pulled off your balaclava.

But after that, what
choice was there?

But your conscience is clear.

If that's what's kept
you out of the game,

in my opinion, you should
just jump right back in.

So you've got something for me?

Might be.

Bullion raid.

Three weeks from now.

Could use an extra man
- someone I can trust.

I'm all yours.

All right, then.

Er, mind if I get some air?

Be my guest.

Second thoughts, going
to pop to the loo first.

Oh. Every half-hour
these days.


I'm looking for the facilities.

Second on the right.

Right ear scratched.
The alarm's off.

Chocks away, Flambeau!

You know why I wanted it?

Because to get anywhere
in this life...

..get to the top...

..there's always blood.

You can't avoid it.

And that kid who got k*lled?

Well, that just
proves it, don't it?

It's like his death...

..just makes that crown
I've got in there...

..more beautiful, more valuable,

gives it meaning
and makes it more...

I don't know. I'm not a poet.

But it's like... some divine way,

his life was a
price worth paying.

You know what? Let's...

Let's have a toast to it.

To what?

The crown.

I've got a bottle of the
good stuff in the gallery.

Come on.

Stop, or I'll sh**t you dead.

This isn't what it looks like.

You've got five seconds
to tell me who you are.

g*nsh*t, MUSIC PLAYS

I think that was a g*nsh*t.

It was.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Out the back.

Go straight to
the police station

and tell Chief Inspector
Sullivan everything.

We're not leaving you here.

We don't have a choice. Come on.



Get them! Now!


Get after them!

You head them off that way!


g*nsh*t There's no time!

Come on!

Get in the car!



I don't understand why
they're not following us.


I may have had something
to do with that.

Contact headquarters.

Tell them to circulate details
of Flambeau and his father.

And have armed
officers on standby.

I'm going to pay a visit to
Mr Underwood's residence.

Place these two in custody.

What? You what?

Accessories to a robbery?

Assisting a known criminal?

Edgar, I'm so sorry.

Do you remember how
Flambeau humiliated me

the last time he was here?

How he cost me everything?

Ruined my chances of getting
back to Scotland Yard?

But if you had, then
we wouldn't have...

Well, yes, obviously,

I'm very happy with the way
things have turned out between us.

But that man made
me look like a fool,

and you just helped
him commit a robbery.

That's not something
you just say sorry for.

I'm so sorr...

Sergeant, arrest them
and place them in a cell.

You two with me.


You stupid, incompetent...

Thank God your mother,
bless her soul,

isn't here to see what a useless
man her son turned out to be!

They didn't get
away with the loot.

We got it back.

except... The crown!

That's what he came for!

Boss, coppers are here.

Hide everything in the safe.

What's the meaning of this?

We have reason to believe
that you are the victim

of a robbery, Mr Underwood.

You're mistaken. My
security is watertight.

Ah, then what
happened to your head?

Fell over.

And the g*nsh*t that was
heard from your premises?

I heard that too. Didn't
come from here, though.

Probably a car
backfiring or something.

I know you're lying.

I have witnesses.


Oh, and...

..a search warrant
for your premises.

You couldn't have got
a warrant that quickly.

Given the identity
of your thief -

a man wanted by
Scotland Yard, Interpol,

and a dozen or so
other crime agencies -

all I had to do
was say his name.

Care to change your story?

What is his name?



SIREN Quick, get in!

I'm supposed to be meeting
the buyer in an hour,

in Wedlock. He won't wait.

We had an agreement.

The crown's mine.

I can't leave her with nothing.

So you want to walk
out on our deal,

just like you walk
out on everything?

Wedlock's over ten miles away,

with who knows how many police
and roadblocks in between.

Then I'll just
give her the crown.

Now. Before we get caught.

She's not far from here.

And how's she
supposed to sell it?

I'll find a new buyer,

from behind bars, if
that's how it winds up.

Perhaps there is another way.

What are you talking about?

It is likely that the Vatican
will pay a reward for its return.

I'm sure I can get an awful
lot more than they could offer.

Hercule, please!

Oh, Father, stop him.
What is this really about?

The underlinings in your Bible
are all about punishment by death.


I'm on my knees.

Is that what you want?

I know I was a bad
father and a bad husband.

No, go on. Let's hear it.

Your confession.

Father, want to participate?

There was a reason I ran.


A reason you don't know about.

A lad in my regiment.

We were close. More
than just close.

More than just friends.

Finney was his name.

We were barely out of basic training
when we were sent to the Front.

Scared out of our wits.

But I was less terrified of
dying than I was of losing him.

Which I did...

..when he got shot
right in front of me.

I fell apart.

Broke down in front
of my Lieutenant.

He worked it out, had me
arrested, up for court martial,

so I ran.

From the army, from
the police, from...

..your mother.

I couldn't face any of it...

..but especially not you.

The way you looked
up to me back then,

I couldn't have you knowing
that your father was...

I'd rather you just
thought I was a coward.

I wouldn't have cared.

But you do know what
your precious little book

says about men of
your persuasion?

It also says that God
loves those that love Him.

Proverbs 8:17.

It would appear that you
have a decision to make.

What was it you said
about good causes, Father?

That they are good for the soul.

Where does she live?

I've got her address
in my notebook.

Thank you, Chi...


Thank you.

What is it? My notebook!

They took off that way,
jumped in a car and sped off.

What was stolen?

Various items of value I
have acquired over the years.

Acquired? All above board.

Including the Jubilee Crown?

Jubilee Crown? What's that?

According to my sources,

you had Flambeau's
father steal it for you.

Don't know where you're getting your
information from, Chief Inspector.

I am a law-abiding citizen.


Roadblocks have been set up
within a 30-mile radius, sir.

Description of the
getaway vehicle.

Right, I'll circulate
the details.

You two with me.

I'll know the truth when I
catch them with their haul.

Rest assured, if any
of it implicates you

in any criminal activity,

I'll be back to arrest you.

What are we going
to do? Shut up.

I should've memorised it!

Written it on my hand.

You're sick.

It's nothing serious.

I don't think so.

Sadly, ministering to
parishioners in hospice care

has made me only too familiar
with cancer medication.

You'd have thought it was
another ruse if I'd told you.


Besides, I didn't
want you looking at me

with any more pity
than you already do.

I've got weeks.

Months, if I'm lucky.

That's why I needed to do it
now, before it was too late.

You said she wasn't
far from here.

How do you know that?

I checked it on a
map before I left.

Can you remember any road names,
any monuments, anything familiar?

We're here.

There. That's it.

Beechwood Lane.

Over there. On the other
side of these woods.

I want everyone on the
road as soon as possible.

Where to? Beechwood Lane.

I think that's
where they're going.

We've got to get there before
the coppers. Then what?

Then you -

you're going to execute them.

Good with that?

Of course.

Good lad.

Hey, forgetting something?


Can I help you?

We're here...


We're here about... We're here
about what happened to your husband.

What do you know about that?

It's probably best
we talk inside.

We mean you no harm.


It's OK, Toby.


It's all right, Toby.

I'm listening.

I was there the
night he was k*lled.

I was part of the g*ng
that broke into the museum.

I know no amount of money
can bring back your husband,

but I wanted...

I wanted to do
something for you.

I can arrange a buyer.

It'll fetch enough for you and
your son to live... So this is it?

This is what he died for?

This is what he was worth?

I know it can't
change what happened.

What were his last words?

"I've got a wife and child."

We were in his last thoughts?

Of course we were.

Because we were all
that mattered to him,

and he was all that mattered
to us, and you took him away.

You did it.

Didn't you?


LUTHER: Oh, for God's sake!

Good shot!

I'm so sorry.

Do you believe in hell?

Good. Because it's
where you're going.

It's where you belong.

Burning in hellfire
for all eternity!

You can't buy your
way out of that!

Now get out of my house!

I'm not trying to
buy my way out.


Take it!


Just take it, please!


We must telephone
for an ambulance.

It's not that bad.


We have to leave now.



Go on, then.

They can't have
just disappeared.

Reported g*nsh*t on
Beechwood Lane, sir.


Don't you worry
about any of this.

We'll clean up everything.

You won't have to lift a finger.

And no need for
the police either.

Not after everything
you've been through.

Not with a little
boy to look after.

Last thing he needs
is a mother in prison.

Prison? Don't panic.

It'll be like none of
this ever happened.

You have my word.

Who are you? A man who
keeps his promises.

That's all you need to know.



They can't have got far.


It's too much! Stop, stop.


We need to get
him to a hospital.

It's too late for that.

No, you've still got
a fighting chance.

Not this time, Chip.

Leviticus 24:17.

"He that killeth man,
dying let him die."

Bless me, Father,
for I have sinned.


We don't have time for this.

Every man has to
face his sins, son.

Every man.

I've spent so long
running away from mine.

Hiding behind disguises.

Scared of facing the
truth of who I am...

..and what I've done.

I'm a m*rder*r...

..a thief...

..a deserter...

..a coward...

..who abandoned his wife...

..and his son.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Ego te absolvo ab omnibus
censuris, et peccatis... nominee Patris et
Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.


I forgive you.

And I'm sorry for
all the time lost.

I want you to know you
have a granddaughter.

Her name's Marianne.

She's 23 years old.

She's beautiful. She's
feisty. She's intelligent.

She even has your eyes.

You'd like her.

She's studying at...

g*n COCKS Nobody move!

Oh, shame.

I wanted to do that myself.

Looks like he went
quite peaceful.

I imagine you had something
to do with that, Father.

So I suppose I'm just going to
have to make do with the son.

The great 'Ercule Flamboo.

Flambeau. Shut up!

Who would've thought
someone like you

could come from
something like that?

He was a better man
than you'll ever be.

Oh! You don't need to do this.

You've got the crown.
You've got what you wanted.

I have a reputation
to uphold, Father.

Hey! Police!

Stay where you are.

Chief Inspector, delighted
to see you again.

Still in Kembleford?

Move away from him.

Drop your w*apon.

I said drop it!


Stop him!

Flambeau, give yourself up!

Can't do anything right.



There's been an accident.

Come quick.


I hate to say it, but I hope
Edgar does catch Flambeau.

At least then,
we'll have a chance.

You'd rather see
Flambeau behind bars

just so you and
Inspector Cufflinks...

Chief Inspector... Cufflinks.

..can live happily ever after?

He IS a criminal.

Who you were happily
helping to commit a robbery

a couple of hours ago.


What's happened?
Where's Father Brown?

Father Brown's alive and well.

And Flambeau?


I'm so s...

If you had come straight to me

when you knew Flambeau
was in Kembleford,

this could have
all been avoided,

and he'd be in this cell now
instead of the two of you.

Well, are you charging us?

Just go.

Edgar... I said go.

Here we go.


What's in these,
then? Curry powder?

My days of daring
exploits are over.

These are good old-fashioned
strawberry scones.


You could give Mrs McCarthy
a run for her money.

Not heard anything
from Sullivan, then?

It's been almost a week.


I've ruined everything.

Good morning, Chief Inspector.

How can we help?

Ahem. Sorry to interrupt.

Drake Underwood says that
his son shot Mr Hawksworth.

Does he? We have reason
to believe, though,

that the g*n belonged
to Elliot Tucker.

Know anything about that?

I was not in the room
when it happened.

Thank you for your assistance.

Er, Isabel... Mrs
Devine, could we...?

Do you have a moment?

Of course.

This isn't easy for
me to say, but...

..I forgive you.

But that doesn't mean that
I'm happy about what happened.

No, of course not. And if you
ever do anything like that again,

I can't promise I won't
throw the book at you.

I'm not joking.

I'll never assist in another
robbery for as long as I live.


Thank you, Father.

Until then.

There's a package
underneath your seat.

Return it to the Vatican.

Give the reward to the widow.



How are you feeling? HE SCOFFS

More counsel, Father?


I'm fine. Thank you for asking.
You just lost your father.

A man who you thought you knew.

A man who you had judged
for years, hated even.

And in his final moments... held his hand.

You gave him peace...

..and love...

..and forgiveness.

I don't know what you
expect me to say, Father.

I'm not one for baring my soul.

And yet...

And yet what?

And yet you could've
sent the crown by post.

You could've
written me a letter.

But you didn't.

You chose to come here.

To St Mary's.

To this confessional.

Do you wish me to
hear your confession?

Bless me, Father,
for I have sinned.