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11x07 - The Word of the Condemned

Posted: 01/11/24 16:13
by bunniefuu

Well, this is a
curious visitation.

The execution's not
till next week, Father.

Not that I'll be
requesting the last rites.

As the time for your
hanging draws near,

you may wish for counsel,

and I will be happy to give it.

But that is not why I'm here.

Mr Harrow, may I sit?

Mi casa es su casa.

I'm here at the
request of a friend...

..who has reason to believe that
your fourth and final victim,

Mrs Sophie Blackthorn,

was not, in fact,
m*rder*d by you.

Does she, now?

I am asking you for the truth.

Are you responsible for all
the murders for which you have

been condemned?

Who's your friend?

Someone who loved Sophie
Blackthorn very much...

..and still mourns her loss.

Well, you can tell her...

..from the very bottom of my
heart that I'm very, very sorry...

..because I never had the
pleasure of k*lling Sophie.

You didn't mention
this at your trial.

What would've been the point?

Not when the other three convictions
were entirely correct. Besides...

..there's something rather
delicious about it, don't you think?

That someone else out there...

..has got away with m*rder.

Well, Father? What did he say?

He said he didn't k*ll Sophie.

Do you believe him?

My feeling is that
he's saying the truth.

However, William Harrow
sports in human suffering.

Sowing seeds of doubt in the minds
of his loved ones' victims may

simply be part of his game,

which is why we cannot
take him at his word.


So what do we do about it?

We find out the truth ourselves.

The Bride Killings?

Four newly married women were
snatched over several months,

and laid out like reposing
brides in the woods of Wiltshire.

All of them were stabbed
once through the heart,

and left holding a
single white rose.

My goddaughter, Sophie
Blackthorn, was one of them.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Lady Felicia, forgive me, but what
makes you think William Harrow

wasn't responsible
for Sophie's death?

Two things.

Firstly, a young man
called Daniel Price

came to see me last week.

He's a student of
Professor Prichard.

The Forensic Pathologist?

I've read one of his
books. I love him!

Not nearly as much as he
loves himself, but I digress.

Daniel is convinced Sophie
was, in fact, m*rder*d

by her husband, Ralph.

Mm. It's usually the husband.

I don't doubt it.

But in this instance I do.

Ralph is a good man and
he loved Sophie dearly.

And what was the second thing?

Sophie wrote to me on
the day that she d*ed.

You wanted to see the
letter, Father. Thank you.

She'd often ask for my advice
on small matters of the heart.

But this seemed
rather more serious.

I didn't receive
the letter in time.

"I saw something, and I
can't make sense of it.

"I'm afraid it would
change everything.

"Auntie Fee, I know
you'll know what to do."

Could the matter to which she
alludes have led to her death?

Staged to mimic the
crimes of William Harrow?

But the details of his murders
weren't published until the trial.

So who else, apart from the
police, had inside information?

Professor Prichard
advised on the case,

and he was far from
discreet about it.

Which is why I have us
all invites to the private

opening of the Blackthorn
Institute this Saturday.

Oh, what's the
Blackthorn Institute?

Ooh, looks like my old borstal.

Originally, it was
a Cistercian Abbey,

before The Reformation.

I hear they converted an old
chapel for the lecture room...


..and turned the wine
cellars into a morgue.

You didn't say
there'd be a morgue!

It isn't like you
to be a scaredy cat.


Look at it.

A new frontier in criminology.
Isn't it exciting?

Well, not as exciting as
the Newmarket horse races,

which we're missing.

Brenda, please tell me Father
Brown hasn't introduced you

to gambling on horses. No.

Course not.

I introduced myself.


Our race is at 6:30.




The place looks magnificent.

Thank you, Lady Felicia.

Yes, still a work in progress,
but we're almost there.

Sophie would be very proud.

Sorry to interrupt.

Not at all! How are you,
Ella? Very well, thank you.

May I borrow my
brother for a moment?

Busy day.

Excuse us.

that's Professor Prichard.

I have to meet him.

No, I'll say something stupid.

Mrs Devine, you won't!

Come with me.

Professor, I love you!

I mean, I love your



Mr Daniel Price? Yes?

I was hoping to meet you.

Lady Felicia tells me

you're reinvestigating the
m*rder of Sophie Blackthorn.

Have you made any progress?

Um, there will be,
sooner than you think.

Did you know the white rose found
on Mrs Blackthorn's body was

shop-bought, whereas the others
came from Harrow's mother's garden?

No. How interesting.

And consider this -
unlike the first three,

the vehicle used to abduct Mrs
Blackthorn was never found.

BRENDA: Can I borrow
the keys to Hercules?

What for?


ON RADIO: Atmosphere is
electric here in Newmarket,

where the evening races
will begin shortly.

But first, it's time for
the news and weather.


There are severe weather
warnings as unexpected gales...

in from the east.


I wondered if you'd remember me.

How are you, Lady Felicia?

I'm very well, I'm very well.

Gosh, it's been years.
How's your mother?

Enjoying retirement, thank you.

And what on earth
brings you here?

Oh, I'm Professor
Prichard's lab assistant.


Actually, I'm kind of
everyone's assistant. Hmm.

How do you know the Blackthorns?

I was friends with
Sophie's parents.

And Sophie, of course.

It's hard to believe that
all three are gone now.

Yes. Very sad.


Ladies and gentlemen, Ralph
would like to say a few words.


Thank you, everyone, for coming.

Welcome to the
Blackthorn Institute.


As many of you may know,

the Forensic Pathology Department
took up a single, draughty room

at my old university, led by the
brilliant Professor Prichard.

I'm delighted he's
agreed to join me here

to continue his pioneering work,

leading the way for the
next generation of students.

Everything we've built here is
dedicated to my late wife Sophie...

..who was taken from
us just six months ago.

DOOR OPENS My hope...
Mr Blackthorn?





I'm sorry, everyone.

I don't... Erm... Excuse me.

It's all right, it's
just a pig's heart.

Someone's idea of a joke.


One moment, please.

ON RADIO: The so-called
Bride k*ller, William Harrow,

is due to be hanged
at Winchurch Prison.


A single heart - a symbol
of a m*rder*d bride.

Someone thinks that Ralph
has blood on his hands.

No, no. There's no
need to rush off.

We routinely order animal organs
for dissection in the labs -

it was... it was just a
mix-up with the delivery.

Well, I'm glad you're
not abandoning us.

We'll give you a tour
of the laboratories.

As you shall see, there is no aspect
of crime we cannot process here,

be it fingerprints
or toxicology.

We have a
state-of-the-art darkroom,

a morgue for cadavers,
and an entomology suite.

Follow me.

Ooh. What's entomology?

The observation of flies

and maggots on corpses to
determine the time of death.


Who the hell sent me that?
The man said he didn't know.

It was that monster, wasn't
it? He's toying with us.

No, he can't have been. It was a
telephone order, made from here.


Ah, the piece de resistance!

Much of what you see is from
my own personal collection.

I persuaded the professor to
loan them to us indefinitely.

The rest I purchased
from various hospitals.

"The kidney of Mary Jane Kelly,
found on the 9th of November, 1888.

"m*rder*d by Jack The Ripper"!

Well, for anyone who
hasn't lost their appetite,

there's more food and
drink downstairs. Shall we?

Uh, Professor, may I speak
with you for a moment?

Can't it wait until Monday?
Please, it... it's important.

For God's sake, man.

Have you recovered from the
strange delivery earlier?

Are you sure it wasn't
a malicious act?

Well, it's possible.

The public form their own
opinions on who's guilty,

regardless of the facts.

But I'm willing to
believe it was a mix-up.

Ooh, I think I've
dropped my shawl.

I'll catch you up.

Have you finally lost your mind?

Sophie was m*rder*d
by William Harrow,

I helped to prove it!

Sir I understand, but
if you would ju...

Can I help you?

Sorry, I...

I just dropped my...

Professor, you taught me to consider
all angles, and you were right.

It's all in here, see?
I don't want to hear it!

You're a disgrace, Price.

Don't bother coming back
next week, you are expelled.

Of course, the police on the
case were woefully inept.

If I hadn't detected chloroform
on the first victims,

they'd still be scratching
their heads now.

But do I feel guilty about
Mr Harrow's sentence?

CLATTERING Certainly not.

Did you hear that?


Note... HE PANTS



Any ideas of cause of death?

Could it be poisoning? We've been
studying various ones in the...

What have I said
to you, Miss Hatby?

Half an education's more
dangerous than none.

Correct. Act accordingly.

Clearly you're Professor
Prichard. Indeed.

I believe you found the body?

That's right.


Tragedy certainly follows
you around, doesn't it?

What's that supposed to mean?

Yes, it does.

I heard Daniel fall
and found him spasming.

He suffered from epilepsy.

I tried to find his
medication, but couldn't.

His pockets were
empty, Chief Inspector,

which is significant given that
his last word was "notebook".

He certainly had
one on him earlier.

We think it had
new evidence in it,

that he'd gathered
about Sophie's m*rder.

I'm sorry, new evidence?

William Harrow was found guilty.

Yeah, that's what I said.

But he seemed
adamant Ralph did it.

Whatever the veracity of that claim,
I questioned William Harrow myself,

and he denies murdering
Mrs Blackthorn.

All right, let's say
Mr Price had a seizure.

With or without his
medication, is epilepsy fatal?

It's rare, but not unheard of.

Or Audrey's right and he
was jolly well poisoned.

There's only one way to
find out, Chief Inspector,

unless you'd rather wait for
an ambulance in this weather?



Look who's a scaredy
cat now, then.

Oh, well, this is pleasant.

A dark and stormy night.

Trapped in a building
with a potential m*rder*r.

And now they're dissecting
a body! DOOR OPENS

Ooh. We found a capsule
in Price's stomach.

It was filled with
strychnine powder.

Miss Hatby, did you say
you had poisons in the lab?

Yes, I'll show you.


Well, no point checking
alibis at least.

Why not?

Because whoever tampered with
the capsules could've done

so at any time.

Yes, very good.

That is assuming he
didn't poison himself.

He was certainly
an odd character.

Depressed possibly.

Well, I'm not surprised with the
way you shouted at him earlier.

Well, I may have
raised my voice, yes.

But that's because he told me he
was responsible for that disgusting

stunt with the pig's heart, so,
quite rightly, I expelled him.

That was Daniel?

And if Daniel was m*rder*d for
getting too close to the truth,

then we are not only just looking
for his k*ller, but Sophie's also.

Professor, you lent your expertise
to the police investigation

of the Bride Killings.

Ah. Did you keep a file?

My good man, I kept several.



You know...

..I heard the professor saying
something about this building.

He reckons it's haunted.

What?! That's nonsense.

Oh, I'm just telling
you what he said.

Must be painful seeing
Sophie like that.

Nothing will change
my memory of her.

Have you found anything useful?

It's all useful.


Just making sense of it.

What are those?

Letters, copies...

..dated before William
Harrow's arrest.

He's writing to each of
the widowers he created.

Taunting them.

How unspeakably cruel.

How did you like my handiwork?

A bridal bed fit for
your Sleeping Beauty.

No more clean white sheets...

..but the dirt of the woods.

They're all in the same vein.

Except there are
only three of them.

There isn't one to Ralph.


Where on earth is Goodfellow?

The strychnine came
from a jar in the lab.

But no fingerprints on it.

What's all that?

Professor Prichard's files
on the Bride Killings.

Thank you, Father,
I'll take that.

Lady Felicia.

Is there anywhere
I can read these?

You can use my office,
Chief Inspector.

HUSHED: Also, there's something
I feel we must discuss.

No-one's going anywhere until
I've finished my enquiries.

I don't care how late it is.

The missing notebook is the key.

But where is it?

Probably destroyed.

Well, that's what I would do.

This heats the whole building,

and we use it to
destroy medical waste.

Thank you. May I?


What is it?


It's the clip...

..from a notebook.

You know, Mr Blackthorn,

I followed the Bride
Killings case with interest.

I always thought there was
something fishy about you.


Vast inheritance
from your dead wife.

Flimsy alibi.

You knew exactly how to
copy Harrow's murders

because the professor
shared every little detail.

It was the perfect crime.

I didn't k*ll Sophie.

I think you did.

Mr Price thought so, too.

And when he found
something to prove it,

you used his epilepsy as a
means to poison him, didn't you?


What was in William
Harrow's letter?

It was nothing. Just taunts, like
the ones to the other husbands.

Then, why destroy it?

Because it made me sick!

You're lying!

A forensics expert would
never destroy evidence.

The professor told me you
confessed to burning it,

and he kept it from the
police to protect you...

..but he can't
protect you any more.

It's over, Mr Blackthorn.

Lady Felicia, I have to ask...

..are you still certain
about Ralph's innocence?

I know it seems strange,
Father, but, yes.

And if Sophie were still here,
she would do all that she could

to fight for him.

I owe it to her to do the same.

Then, you have to tell me
everything you know about Ralph.

Leave out no detail.

It may be important.

William Harrow dies tonight.

I feel like someone
wants to hang me, too.

I won't let that happen.


But you have to tell
me the absolute truth.

Firstly, what was in William
Harrow's letter to you?

Just a couple of
short sentences.

man after my own heart.

"Enjoy your freedom."

Now do you see why I b*rned it?

He thinks I did it, and the
police would've thought so, too.

But Harrow is wrong.

And if...

..if he didn't k*ll Sophie
himself, he'd have no earthly way

of knowing who did.

The finger of suspicion points
frequently in your direction.

Why is that?

I don't know.

Maybe because I married
above my station.

You told Lady Felicia you
came from the aristocracy.

And Sophie didn't meet your
parents because you were an orphan.

That is the only thing I
ever lied to Sophie about.

Our childhood was... brutal.

Ella and I cut all ties with
our family, changed our name.

I didn't tell Sophie because I
knew it would've made her sad.


..I don't know, I suppose
I felt shamed by it, too.

Please, believe me, Father.

Sophie was my whole world.

We loved each other
beyond measure,

everyone could see it.
Even the professor.

What do you mean?

Be it lectern or pulpit,
last-minute preparation

is always a good idea.

Don't let the spiritual
setting deceive you, Father.

There is no comparison between
your profession and mine.

How so?

Unlike religion,
science is absolute.

It can establish the innocence
or guilt of a man through

irrefutable proof.

I think science has
its limitations.

It can't explain joy...

..or love.

And it certainly
can't save your soul.

A sentimental defence
of an irrational dogma.

Were your feelings for

Sophie Blackthorn merely
sentimental, Professor?

Or powerful enough
to overtake you?

You think I k*lled Sophie?!

I think you had the knowledge
and the expertise to do so,

and to implicate William Harrow.

And I suppose I k*lled
Daniel Price as well?

You told the Chief Inspector
about the b*rned letter.


Perhaps you want to
see Ralph condemned

because you never forgave him
for stealing Sophie's heart? No.

No, I saw how happy he made
her, and that was enough.

Yes, I loved Sophie.

TREMBLING: She was...

I would rather k*ll
myself than hurt her.

And as for Ralph, I don't want
to believe he's to blame. But...

There is doubt.


We are no nearer the truth,

and the night draws on.

We need to begin
at the beginning...

..and try and follow the
trail Daniel Price was on.

He was in the car
park when I was...

..listening to the radio.

Didn't see what he
was up to though.

He had his camera with him.

He was following the lead.

The missing vehicle
that abducted Sophie.

What did the professor
say about a darkroom?

Urgh, stinks in here.

Fixer chemicals.

So, Daniel Price must
have hung his prints out

to dry before he was k*lled.

And someone's taken them.

Maybe threw them in the
incinerator with the notebook?

So another dead end, then.

Not necessarily.

Like a developing photograph,
a picture is emerging.



He changed into his lab
coat to protect his clothes,

leaving the medication in
his pocket, in his jacket,

outside, unattended.

Of course!

Giving the k*ller time
to tamper with them.

I've been thinking.

Audrey volunteered the information
about the poisons in the lab -

was she deflecting?


Bet she knew about the Bride
Killings from the professor, too.

True. Then again, the
professor did tell everyone.

Went into ghoulish details
at a dinner party once.

Ella said it put her right
off her boeuf bourguignon.


Ella? Miss Blackthorn was there?


Excuse me.


Always the women
left to clear up.

Yes. I am my mother's
daughter. Mm.

Forgive the question,

but when I mentioned Sophie
and her parents earlier,

it seemed to be
rather a sore point.

Did you know them?

I met Sophie in passing once or
twice, after she married Ralph.

I don't think she realised my
mother used to clean for her family.

I'm not sure I knew she did.

It was a few years before
she came to work for you.

And it wasn't something
Mother liked to discuss.

She was accused of breaking
a vase and was fired.

It was Sophie's fault,
but she lied about it.

She was just a
teenager at the time.

What did the professor mean when
he referred to half an education?

After Mother was fired,
I had to help the family.

I couldn't finish my degree
so I asked to continue

as his lab assistant instead.

So Sophie's lie
stole your future.

In a way, it did.

It's hardly a reason to
k*ll her a decade later

if that's what you're implying.



Where is that Inspector?

It is unacceptable for him

to just leave my brother
handcuffed like that!

I'm afraid I can't
answer that question.

Miss Blackthorn?

It's Ella, please.

Ella, it's understandable that
you and Ralph are so close,

given your history.

Things must've changed when
your brother got married.

How did you feel, may I
ask, about Mrs Blackthorn?


No sister thinks anyone is
good enough for a big brother.

Look, I know you want to
get to the truth, Father.

But what if the truth is
simply that Sophie was unlucky?

That she crossed paths with
William Harrow and he k*lled her.

And Mr Price? Was
he unlucky, too?

All I know is that he was in
and out of psychiatric hospitals

for years - I've
seen his records.

And he was obsessed with
the Bride Killings -

he was there for every
day of the trial.

I watched Harrow
in the dock, too.

When he was sentenced
to death, he smiled.

He had no fear.

No conscience.

He was a true monster.


Ah, the storm.

Do you have any candles?

ON RADIO: Risk of flooding as
winds of 100mph lash the Cotswolds.

In other news, it's been
announced the convicted m*rder*r

William Harrow... Is
everyone all right?

..was hanged just moments ago...

Looks like a tree came
down on the power lines.

The telephone lines are cut too.

And I can't find Mrs Devine.

We got separated in the dark.

I'm going to find her.

Me too.

I can find a backup generator.

Erm, why is your lamp red?

It's from the darkroom.

That's battery-powered
in case of a power cut,

so the photographs
don't get ruined.

Oh, clever.

Yes, unlike whoever
left that mess in there.

The students know to dispose of the
chemicals after using the darkroom.

We think that was Daniel Price.

He developed some
photographs, but they're gone.

Did you check the enlarger?

The students often leave their
last negative behind by accident.





Is there...?

Is there anybody there?


no, no, no, no, no!

somebody let me out?!


Ralph? Ella.

Are you all right?

I'm fine, what's going on?

It's just the storm.

Do you remember
when we were small,

and I brought a little candle
into our fort made of bedsheets?

I remember what happened when they
found the burn mark on the sheet.

You always protected
me, even then.

Now it's my turn to protect you.

You did protect me -

telling the police you
were with me that day.

I never asked you to lie for me.

I'd do anything to protect you.

Who was that?


A car tyre.

But that could be anyone's.

We need to find the professor.


Tyre tracks found
near Sophie's body.

Daniel's photograph.

Do they match?

They do.

That vehicle was here today.

Along with dozens
of other vehicles.

How do we prove that...?

Sergeant Goodfellow.

It's good to see you, Father.

It's hazardous out there.

I had to stop and help
with a traffic accident.

Is the Chief
Inspector still here?

He went off to find Mrs Devine.


He said there'd been a
fatality. Who was it who d*ed?

A student of mine,
name of Daniel Price.

He was poisoned.

Daniel Price? I met with
him just two days ago.

He came to the station.

What for? He was asking about
vehicles that were reported

stolen in the past six months.

So, well, you know,
I... I told him.

For goodness' sake,
man, told him what?

A van was stolen,

but the owner came in later that
day to say it had been returned.

Reckoned his daughter or
stepson had borrowed it.

What was the owner's name?

It was a Mr... Er...

Mr Pattinson!

That was the name on
the butcher's van!

WHISPERS: Father...

..I was wrong about Ralph.

I think he may've k*lled Sophie.


Can somebody help me, please?!



Oh, thank goodness!

I've locked myself in.

Can you let me out?

I'll have to find
someone with the key.

No, no, no, don't leave me!

Listen, it's all right...


Edgar?! Are you all right?


Mr Pattinson has a daughter...

..and a stepson.

It must be Ella and Ralph.

So they're not really
brother and sister?

MUFFLED: Hello?!

Chief Inspector!
Are you all right?

What happened?

I was att*cked from behind. Oh.




Anything missing?








Isabel? Isabel!


Oh, oh...

Oh, thank... thank
goodness you're OK!

Yes, but you're not.

That needs attention. Come.
We have a first-aid kit.

Thank you.

My keys.

The handcuff keys.

They've gone.

We need to leave, now.

We can't just run,
they'll catch us.

Do you want to end up like
Harrow? Let's go, Ralph!

I wouldn't if I were you...

We have proof Mr Pattinson's van was
used to abduct Sophie Blackthorn.

Or rather, Daniel
Price proved it.

Our stepfather k*lled Sophie?

I didn't say that. I
said his van was used.

So who took it, you
or your stepsister?

We have no idea what
you're talking about.

Ralph, you mentioned
your estranged family.

When you received the
butcher's delivery,

you went rigid with fear.

You were frightened of
the name on the package.

I thought my stepfather
was tormenting me,

about Sophie, about making
something of myself.

were afraid because Daniel Price

connected you to a m*rder
and wanted you to know it.

And that's why you
m*rder*d him, too.

No! What about Sophie?

She wrote to me, she
said something was wrong.

What did you do, Ralph?!

Did she see something unnatural
between what she thought

were a sister and a brother?

Ella, what are you doing?

Please, I... I can't
help loving you.

Please don't hate me.

I could never hate you.

Sophie saw.

Sophie didn't know
we weren't related.

I have always seen Ella as
my sister, nothing more.

Or maybe you've been
lovers for some time.

Working together to
inherit her fortune.

I know you lied
about your alibi.

I trusted you, Ralph.

Sophie trusted you!

Your faith in Ralph was
well placed, Lady Felicia...

..because Ella, Miss
Pattinson as was...

..was acting alone.


This is absurd.

All of it!

You gave Ralph an
alibi to protect him.

A lie which also protected you.

I doubt Ralph ever asked where
you actually were on that day.

You were frightened because you knew
that after Mrs Blackthorn had seen

that kiss, sooner or later,

Ralph would have to
choose between you.


So, one more dead bride...

..and you had him all
to yourself again.

But Mr Price got too near
the truth, didn't he?

So you m*rder*d him.

And then you set about
destroying the evidence.

But, of course, a metal pill-box
would've survived the flames,

and its absence
suggests you kept it.

And I wonder, if the Chief
Inspector were to search you now,

he would find a box full
of strychnine pills.

Stay away. Stay away.

What was your plan, Ella?

Were you going to k*ll yourself
if you were discovered?

Or take your life,
and Ralph's...

..if he refused to love
you the way you wanted?


No, no, no, no.

How could you?

Because you didn't need her!

You had me.


Ella Blackthorn,
I'm arresting you

on suspicion of the murders
of Sophie Blackthorn

and Daniel Price.


He will be a beacon to
your students, Professor.

Thank you, Father.

I only wish I'd spotted
his talents sooner...

Speaking of which, don't
you have a class to get to?

Yes, sir, sorry, Professor.

It was lovely to see you all.

She's finishing her degree?

We're retaining her on a salary.

She'll be a fine tutor one day.

You really are the sweetest
man, Ralph Blackthorn.

Aw. Would you care to observe
my midday lecture, Father?

You'll like it - it's
on the burden of proof.

I'd be delighted, Professor.

And perhaps you'll
attend my Sunday homily,

on the gift of doubt.

Thank you, Father, for
everything you did for Sophie.

I feel we can let her rest now.

It was down to your good
instincts, Lady Felicia. Ah.

Will you be joining me
at the professor's talk?

I think not.

I've heard enough from that
pompous ass to last me a lifetime.