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01x12 - Eve of Hostilities in Asakusa

Posted: 01/12/24 05:36
by bunniefuu
Causes of death are many and varied.

Old age illness, su1c1de. But out of that long,

morbid list, there's one end that people fear above all others.

Tamiya Kagiya. It really is a festival.

This must be a way of mourning that's unique to Asakusa.

It's different from most proto nationalist funerals.

Let's get these repairs started quickly. What

if I destroyed your house during Kantaro's send off?

You're welcome to stay at the guardhouse.

We'll look after you until it's been fixed.

I don't think it'll take too long.

Hey, Captain. Would it be all right

with you if I helped out with repairs as well?

Good idea. Doubt they'll talk to us while they're dealing with this,

so we may as well help speed things along.

Uh huh. Hey, please let the ET help.

Thanks to my powers, I can carry

heavy loads to high places. No problem.

Let me get all this wreckage out of the way for you.

You can leave the welding work to me. Oh.

Huh? Not bad. Whoa.

Think love to get a truck over here to move this.

Uh oh.

I saw a company's matchbox parked on Georgian Street in Asakusa.

Why would the eighth be in the seventh jurisdiction?

When the eighth moved to investigate Company

One's jurisdiction, it was because of Rica.

They may have caught our scent here. What does the evangelist command?

They failed to k*ll them before. So

we're to finish the job now. Prepare the traps the bugs to.

Today's work is done. Call it a day and rest up.

You honestly don't have to do this, Walker.

I do. The youngsters have been out

there working their butts off rebuilding,

so this is the least I can do. Well, thank you. Huh?

Does that hurt? I'm fine. The cold just surprised me.

You know, honestly, I still think you're

the one who should have become captain.

Well, I don't company. Seven is a bunch of rowdy thugs.

I can't fight anymore. Which means I'd

never make it as their captain.

What? Hey, hold on. Hello, girls. How goes it?

That damn twerp keeps chasing us around.

I think he's trying to eat us. Yeah, It's pretty..

Frigging screwed up. I was nice enough

to play tag with you, and this is my reward.

Didn't you like seeing my spinning fire? Top spinning fire top.

He sh**t fire out of his feet,

and then he spins around on his head. It's really stupid.

It's a cool dance move called breakdancing.

It's not stupid. It's difficult and awesome.

Such a kid. Thanks for the help.

I appreciate it. I know what a handful of these runs can be.

And you just finished helping with repairs.

Plus, you can help. No sweat. I'm

pretty good at keeping children entertained.

Smushed. You should laugh.

Come on, I'll show you one more spinning fire top.

This company ate people. They aren't a bad bunch to be around.

I feel like there are different sort than the other companies.

They remind me of us in a way.

I suppose so. Why don't we help with their investigation?

So is that what you would do if you were our captain?

Walker. You weren't chosen to be this company's

captain just because of your power.

Do you know why Company A chose to help us today?

Because. Just give it a rest.

I've heard you say all this before.

Sorry, but I'm not cut out for this crap.

I never should have been made a leader.

Face forward, will you, Khandro? I can't wrap your bandage like this.

Think we will help him. Company eight

is pretty all right in my book.

Sorry about the intrusion, sir. That there's no need to sweat it.

So, hey, about Lieutenant Conroy's body. When

a third generation continues to use their powers after overheating,

their body starts to incinerate and their flesh becomes ash.

Tephrosia. Is this the first you've heard of it?

They taught us about it at the academy.

Never saw it, though. Not in person. When it happened. I

shinra. I'd like

to have a few words with your captain. Is he around?

Oh, right. That's actually why I came here.

Captain Obi sent me to ask if you'd meet him.

He's across the way over in that back alley by the river.

Hey, what are you going to do

now? The eighth. Staying in town.

As long as you're around, You could

always stay with us here at the station.

It's not something we were planning on.

But since we helped with all those repairs,

our relationship with Company seven has improved quite a bit.

Quick question, Missy. You want to strip

for us again? That's not gonna..

Happen. Hopefully they'll allow us to start our investigation now.

Oh, yeah. I was just with Captain Sheneman,

and last I saw, he was heading off to meet with Obi.

I think they'll end up working something out.

We haven't found anything but breadcrumbs yet.

But we're on the White Cloud's trail.

I know we had to leave her

because of all the proto nationalists,

but I feel weird without Iris around,

and I'm glad the fifth's holding things down for us.

But we need to start this investigation ASAP.

The sooner we can get this mess figured out, the better.

Hurry up and get rid of all this.

We need to clear more space for Shinra's new desk.

You can toss Obi's junk outside. Uh.

Hey, could you not. Apologies, Captain, but

why are we doing all this?

They need to learn not to boss company around.

Shouldn't you have just told them? No. Then let them.

Where does a worthless lowly piece of gravel

like you get off telling me what I should do?

Yes. I'm nothing but a lump of gravel.

Punish me for You're satisfied? Ow!

Ow, Ow! Stop! Even harder, please.

That went well, don't you think? Yes, it did.

We turned that control Guy Inferno, and they're none the wiser.

That's true. Let's turn as many of these people

as we can into Infernals. Agreed.

A fire matches. We need to assess the situation.

Let's try to avoid doing anything rash

until we've met up with Captain Obi.

Look what's going on here? Why is he attacking us?

I told you not to eat company Seven's Daifuku.

I only had one of them, though. He's overreacting.

You're dead. What did we do? Shut up.

No chance in hell Are you talking your way out of this one?

You're the ones who turned Cantero into an infernal.

Wait a second. You think that was us?

Captain Sheneman, What are you talking about?

No point playing dumb. I saw you and heard you.

I know you plan to bury my town in ash,

but you screwed up big time.

Because now that I know, you've got no chance.

I don't know what you saw, sir,

but please calm down so we can talk.

Screw that. There's nothing to say. Your evangelist is made up.

My real enemies here. I saw your

captain and lieutenant plotting to turn the

people of this town into Infernals. And I will make them pay.

You're making a mistake. I'll beat all

of you to a pulp and then hang you out to dry.

I know exactly what I saw. It was definitely them.

Captain. Doesn't sound like he's messing around.

Wait a minute, please. We didn't come

out here to start a fight.

If that's the story you're sticking to,

then beat me and prove your innocent. Might makes right around here.

If you didn't want to start this fight,

then prove your point by ending it.

You'd best get ready. Company eight. You're about to face Shinmen Benimaru.

Looks like we managed to provoke him.

Yeah. Then let's move forward as planned.

Hinawa. Leave it to me, sir.

Key Largo. Maybe it's running away.

Hiding behind women and children now. Guess

he's a m*rder*r and a coward. Everyone stay back.

I'm a fire soldier just like you. Don't look down on me.

You think you blocked that?

Fire that peashooter all you want. You'll never hit me.

I wasn't really expecting to. That said,

I'd like to see what limits your strength might have.

Can you wield your second and third

gen powers in tandem? Let's find out. Get him.

You guys are finished the form one. Fireman.

Is that the best your company's got?

Oh, when you go after my soldiers,

you answer to me. He was just suiting up.

Let's settle this, Captain. To captain.

Why the hell would you turn an innocent man into an infernal.

You won't listen to a word I have to say.

So you may as well shut up and bring it on.

You finally ready to drop the act, You scum.

You're not putting out my flames.

Put them out. I'd love to if that were possible,

but I don't have any powers. You're kidding.

Then shouldn't you be afraid of all this fire?

Damn right I am. It burns.

If you know how terrifying flames can be,

then how could you bring yourself to turn Kantaro Inferno?

I'm telling you, there's been some kind of mistake.

There was no mistake. I know what I saw. Captain. No.

I don't care if your second gen,

third, gen or both. I train every single day.

An extinguisher grenade.

You gassed yourself to?


And let that be a lesson to you.

It's almost like you don't know how to flinch.

I can't afford to flinch right now.

Not when I'm carrying the weight of company on my shoulders.

What's the deal with that muscle guy?

He doesn't have powers. Then how did..

He manage to hit Waka? How did

he do that? The captain's really that strong.

Did you think he was a pushover?

That said, strong or not, he shouldn't act so recklessly.

Captain's Obi and man are both charismatic figures.

Whatever pass they take, others will follow.

We can't allow this fight to continue for much longer.

Is there a way we can make them stop?

It seems as though beating him is the only

way to set the record straight. Let him.

Have it. What's all this commotion about?

Apparently these eight people are the ones..

Who turned Cantero in. Vernal Walker snapped and started a fight.

Bunch That can't be right. It's too absurd.

None of these things you do add up.

When will you start making sense?

So you won't go down to anything

less than my best stuff. Guess I'll stop playing then.

What is he doing now? No. Here

it goes. Yeah. Chop form seven Sunwheel.

Walk up. Hold on. Don't try to stop me.

These people aren't what they seem. They turned contro infernal,

and they want to do the same with everyone else in this town.

What makes you think that? I saw

this one and his lieutenant plotting the whole thing out.

How many times do I have to tell

you that you've made a mistake? Enough talk.

Let me do this, Kangaroo. No, you need to..

Calm.. Down. What's the matter with you?

Why are you using your pyrokinesis?

Oh, Hinata Hikigi. Bring me a cooling blanket.

Can't do. We're on the job. As a favor to me, would you

at least hear out what they have to say?

Okay when Walker thinks he saw you. Where were you two, actually?

The captain and I were both at the store,

stocking up on a few essential supplies that we'd run short on.

We informed Fire Soldier McKee before we left.

Yeah, they told me. Hold on. He didn't

mention anything about the store to me.

He told me to go and ask

Captain Sheneman to meet him and the lieutenant in that alley.

That's right. You did. I agreed and then headed Obi's way.

Only I don't remember ever saying that.

The hell is this Trying to fool him to.

I'll ask the store clerk to confirm this.

For conroe's sake, I'm delaying your judgment.

Try to leave before I say you

can, and there will be v*olence.

Sorry about him. Waka's always been a stubborn one.

That's just as true now as it's ever been.

Lieutenant Conroe. Not to pry, but how

did you end up like this?

Bottom line, I wasn't strong enough.

Was Captain Sheneman with you? He seemed to have regrets about it.

None of this was his fault. Walcott didn't do anything wrong.

I'll just tell you. This was a while

back before we were recognized as a fire force company.

Everyone run to the river.

What the hell is going on?

How can this many people have turned?

Why are they all going infernal tonight?

I'm as confused as you are.

Let's just focus on evacuation for now. Huh?

Where's the fire force? Don't you think

they should have gotten here a while ago? Yeah, but we..

Can't rely on them. We'll do this ourselves.

Damn it. I can't breathe. Honest, I try.

I just can't seem to get any oxygen in.

You're at your pyrokinetic limit. Stay here. I'll be back.

Not a chance, dumbass. We both know

you're in the same boat as me.


What is that thing?

A demon.

That infernal. It isn't like the others.

Damn it. What are you doing?

I'm sorry, but.. With a rambunctious little brat like you,

there was no other way to get you to sit still.

It's too soon, Benny. I can't let your fire go out yet.

Rest up. I'll deal with this.
