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01x17 - Black and White and Gray

Posted: 01/12/24 05:39
by bunniefuu
Raffles saw at once that the unsullied

flame was a gift from the great soul.

He resolved to harness its power with technology and created amaterasu.

By the light of Amaterasu sacred flame, the people began to rebuild.

With its power, they established a new state in the Far East.

Stop it. That might seem worthless to you,

but to Vulcan, it's a precious memory that he shared with his.


Please, just leave him alone.

Hm hm hm hm hm

hm hm hm. Heard a commotion over the wire I planted on Iris,

so I thought I'd come by.

Howie, Thanks a bunch. Now get me out of this thing.

I was planning to relax a moment. I can't.

Everyone at the workshop is in danger right now.

Though I could always just take you home as you are.

Uh, I regret my choice already.

Another one. Aren't there. What's happening? Giovanni's

in the workshop. Go take him out.

Oh, I should have guessed you would

hide it in some piece of junk

with this secured. All that's left is to dispose of you.

That's why I'm called Smash..

The doctor's creepy Nosin, man. Get away from my company's new engineer.

Mayday, mayday, mayday, mayday. Six, six, one. We've lost one inch.

Take what you've got and leave now.

You're wearing out your welcome. No one

here wants to see you here. Yeah.

Think that you want from day one. The devil.

You know, just why he wants you to. Trojak gets Johnson.

Jeff, try to save yourself like you always do.

Stream in May.

She. You're here.

You're with them. But why?

You okay? Falcon? Can you move?

Like I'm going to need a minute.

Took a b*ating and a blast to the chest.

Tina Kusakabe How did you escape your restraints?

No matter, I can capture you again

once I've dealt with these pests.

Thought you guys weren't supposed to let anyone in there.

Damn it. So annoying. My shimmers. I'm sure they are.

Since, unlike your comrade, you compulsively parry

every att*ck that's thrown at you.

You've fallen for my every feint.

Warm air becomes light and rises whilst cold air does the opposite.

You make your illusions by manipulating differences in air density.

So if I supply enough heat to make

those minute differences irrelevant, your shimmers fade away.

You have no chance. Now let's end this.

Take it easy. I'm on your side.

All gravel's the same to me. Except for Shinra.

Rice fishing fire. Wrap him up and hold

him in place. What is this?

My flames are magnetically charged. They sense

the magnetic fields around living things and latch on to them.

Sister hit the buttons on their wall.

We don't rattle.

You're doing great, sister. Just keep it up, okay? Let.


Bottom. Everything you've created is pointless.

Bottom. Bottom, bottom.

If this keeps up, I'll pass out.

Think I'll melt this gravel into asphalt?

Wait a sec. There's the sister at it again. Uh.

Those machines may be tiny, but each has its own magnetic field.

I figured if we release enough of them,

we could disrupt the magnetic homing system.

Your flames used to target humans, and

it looks like I was right.

He has the edge in close quarters.

I can't maneuver as well in all this gear.

Your report led me to believe that

the enemy had been subdued here.


Tell me, are you the person I just linked with?

Uh, that's got to be. You write your show.

Hey, listen, I think that we might be brothers,

to be honest, I'm pretty sure of it. I'm

your big brother. It's so good to see you.

It's your belief that we share blood.

Oh, you're crazy. Adorable, too. I guess

good looks must run in the family.

You're going to be a hit at school, bro.

You look like a freaking angel.

I can finally make good on my promise now. Mom.

I'm going to protect you no matter what happens next.

I'll always be in your corner. Kay.

I see. Now, the evangelist said I'd know him on sight,

and so I do. This is my brother. It's true.

This feeling is hard to describe.

The only word that comes to mind is disgust.

When did he..

As a wielder of the adolla burst.

You need to come with us now.



Quite impressive. He actually reacted. Arthur.

How is he able to move like that?

Why can't I see what he's doing? I don't get it.

Bring the one with the Adolla burst back with us.

The rest should be disposed of. Yes, sir. Did you find it?

The key to Amaterasu is ours now.

Shinra. Get in.

Still in one piece. I see. When did you get here?

It's okay. Come on.

Whoa there, Skippy. How'd you get there so quick?

Nice try. The wielder of the Adolla burst won't escape my grasp.

Sorry, squirt, but I can't let you have it yet.

The heroes arrived. Listen, I'll come back for you, I promise.

So you are the man known as Joker.

It seems my reputation precedes me.


enough to make even me nervous. Stop interfering in our affairs.

I don't intend to let you or the fire

force go around doing as you please.

Think they've gained enough distance so there's no point in staying here?

He doesn't even have an adolla link.

What a monster.

Hey, Captain Obi? Yes, sir.

We got the kid to the hospital. Yeah, him and Arthur.

The workshops in shambles. It was definitely the white clad

and Dr. Giovanni. He's one of them.

I also met a kid who I think is my brother.

Vulcans. All right. That said, the white

clad might come after him again.

We'll stay close, just in case. Yeah,

I think that might be for the best, sir.

We'll wait for you to get here.

So, Vulcan, why don't you come to the eighth?

Just as a guest. Think you'd be safer there?

Okay. I'll do that. Thanks, Shinra.

This isn't how I wanted things to pan out at all.

Thought we'd charm you, convince you that

the eighth was the place to be.

I'm so sorry. We all fought as hard as we could.

But we couldn't protect you. Or your family.

You don't have anything to apologize for.

You warned me that danger was heading my way.

And I made the choice not to listen.

I know he's just a kid, but he's a lot tougher than he looks.

And Lisa isn't really.

There ain't a thing in this world that can't be fixed.

So Lisa's going to come around and he is going to heal up.

Once I've got them, it's back to fixing this world.

What about you? Seeing your brother like that must have hurt.

You don't need to worry about me.

I know I'm not the only person who's got it bad.

It's the world we live in. Same boat and all that.

That's true. We're in this together. So,

hey, when you start working towards your dream,

I'll be glad to help out. Count on it. I appreciate that.

Tell me, how did you know to show up?

Just in time to save the day.

I got lucky. They took so long to get back,

I figured I'd go and check on him.

Or maybe it's because you are the one

who led the white clad out there in the first place.

It's ridiculous. So not true. Why would

I bring them there just to help you guys get away from them?

Step one toe out of line, and I will

crush you until you turn from gravel to sand.

Arthur's wounds weren't nearly as bad as

I thought. But there's always next time.

It wasn't long before you was out of the woods as well.

At Captain Obi's invitation. Vulcan ended up taking refuge at Company eight.

Show really is serving the evangelist, but I'll help him come around.

No matter what it takes, I will keep my promise.

I'm so sorry about them. Uh. Thought

I'd open with that in case our

rookies were disrespectful towards you. They're astoundingly stupid.

They were polite, way polite. Their manners were just fine.

If anyone was rude, it was me.

Food's on the table. Come and get it.

Who made it? Was it you? No.

The lieutenant cooked it himself since we had a guest coming.

Whoa. For real? Hell, yeah. Hey, what's that supposed to mean?

I feel like you can guess.

What, are you scared to say it yourself?

Wow, This looks amazing. Nice work. I'm frigging starving.

Oh. Hey, what's the big idea? That was

punishment for making me defend the workshop by myself.

You're kidding me. I was kind of busy getting ambushed.

Okay, well, don't let that happen. Don't

act like everything went perfect on your end, huh?

Sorry. Those two can get pretty loud.

Oh, I grew up in a machine shop.

Noise is something I'm used to.

Would you two.. Idiots lock it down?

Play nice for our guests. Nave, huh? Keep your distance.

I've plundered enough. Oh. Man. That's good.

When the lieutenant's on dinner duty, you

know you're in for a treat.

I can never stop myself from overeating.

It's awful. He's showing us all up.

Guards those recipes like a stingy old granny.

Did you get enough? We've got plenty left over still.

Mhm. Is it always like this here?

Pretty much. Well, Tamaki's lucky lecher lure

isn't acting up at the moment,

so I guess it's a little bit better than usual. Herb?

Lucky. What? Lure.

You know, this really isn't what I was expecting.

Listen, Vulcan. Shinra might have told you this already,

but our mission at the eighth is to save

this planet and the people on it.

I know your family never cared for

the fire force, and I understand why.

But there's a place for you here if you want it.

That's a standing offer. And even if you decide to decline it,

we'll still keep you and yours safe.

We only want you to take this job if it's what you want.



What? Vulcan want to come back to the workshop.

He said he needed to settle some things.

Might be picking up stuff, too.

It would be pretty awesome if he

did decide to become our engineer. It really would.

Papa. Grandad, here's your usual sodas.

So now if you can see me from where you are,

but the fire force is taking me in.

I'm not proud of it. I know they're all tied to Haijima.

So am I. Disowned? We swore as

a family we'd never helped them.

But so far, it's them that helped me.

Maybe our family was cursed for building amaterasu.

It seems like anything and everything that's precious to me gets broken.

Somehow, some way, I have to build

something that's too strong to break.

I have to fix this world so life can thrive in it.

I thought I could do it all on my own.

Then I met Lisa and you. And now

this guy from the fire force who says he wants to help.

I'm sorry, Grandad and Pop. Gave my word, but I'm breaking it.

Time to clean. Let's make this dump look good.

You clean on that side. I'll clean on this one.

Do not come anywhere near me. If anyone..

Needs to keep their distance, it's.. You.

What is that? Captain told me I could

move stuff around however I want if it makes

the place easier to work in.

And I work best in a place that has style.

Ooh, that doesn't look half bad. We're

not really going to leave that up there, are we?

Company eight is a ragtag band of misfits even now.

So this kind of thing suits us.

Plus, it's totally rock and roll. Let's go.

Come on, devil. Flash your horns. Let's rock.

Please stop calling me a devil. Sir, I'm a hero.

Yeah, but devils are a lot more rockin.
