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01x18 - The Secrets of Pyrokinesis

Posted: 01/12/24 05:40
by bunniefuu
Many years ago, mankind faced a divine

fury in an event known as the Day

of the Cataclysm. Our entire world was burned.

The fire raged with an intensity that

threatened to reduce mankind to ash.

The places they lived, the languages they spoke,

the culture they had built. None could escape its wrath.

Their base is one ramshackle shack. Hello, Lieutenant Karim.

It's good to see you. What brings you all..

Here, Tamaki? It looks like you're doing well here.

Hopefully we can all work together from this point forward.

If we end up going after the White-clad,

then I'm probably going to have to fight you again.

Stop spacing out and say something.

How did this happen?

You may not be the steed fated to carry me,

but you're still my comrade in arms.

We've been through a lot. It's good to have you back. Silvero.

Could you maybe not put up freaky

fake animal heads on our wall?

The celestial charger just returned to Earth thanks to Vulcan's miraculous work.

Yeah. It's a donkey. Are you really okay with this,

Lieutenant Arthur? Get back to work.

I'm guessing that hat came from Vulcan, too.

Found it by my desk this morning.

Those big horns, don't they get in the way a bit.

They don't interfere with my work. No offense,

Lieutenant, but when it comes to fashion, you're oblivious.

You want me to help you pick out clothes sometime?

I wouldn't trust you to pick out

anything that didn't come from a fairy tale.

Well, you couldn't look worse than you do with

They feel like they do interfere with your work, sir.


Mayday, mayday, mayday, mayday. One, six,

six one. We've lost one inch.

Take what you got and leave now.

You're wearing out your welcome. No one

here wants to see you here. Yeah.

Think that you won from day one?

Because you know just why he wants you to.

Jeff, try to save yourself like you. Every bridge we.

Extreme inmates.

Thank you, Ms.. That's kind of you.

I made it with my.. Guts, sir. Huh?

What gives OBE? Why do you have

Iris doing the work of a common housemaid right now?

No, it's okay, sister. I offered to do this, but.

Hey, what are you sitting like that for?

I'm sitting up here because I refuse

to be placed at the same level as this gravel.

Would you feel better if I sat on the floor?

Then I would go ahead and get down there.

What's the holdup? You offered. So hop to it.

Damn it. I wasn't actually offering to.

It was just a little joke quip.

All right, let's skip the formalities and get

right to the meat of it.

We'll share what information we've scrounged up.

See if that gives us any clues.

Then decide how to deal with the white clad moving forward.

My company didn't think the white clad existed until now,

so we're still playing catch up.

Benny asked me to come on his behalf,

but I won't have much to contribute.

White clad operatives have made countless infernals.

They're especially likely to be the orchestrators of any mass combustion events.

Rika Hoshimiya wasn't turning those kids to cause chaos.

He wanted to find a compatible host

for the so called pilot light.

So those bugs do more than create

infernals They're also used to find people with a special ability.

Dr. Giovanni is a white-clad and he

was looking for the key to Amaterasu.

I guess these guys have plans for our perpetual power plant.

The media's been told that the man

who att*cked Vulcan was actually an imposter

wearing a mask that looked like Giovanni's.

But the man Company three sent to their

press conference was the real fake Haijima wanted to prevent a scandal,

so they made a new Captain

Vulcan. Seeing Giovanni's face. And he said that wasn't him.

So we're safe to assume the real Giovanni took off.

I hear that quite a few soldiers

have suddenly disappeared from the third.

It seems likely that all of them

were white clad spies as well.

They've probably all returned to the evangelist by now.

I have no idea if Haijima itself has been compromised,

but as long as the third has its backing,

they're out of the government's reach.

The longer we wait, the bolder and more

radical the white-clad are going to get.

Till we know how to root out their spies,

we should look for their base and hit them directly.

I agree. And I've already got my man

leaked looking into the base's location.

So tell me, how is the special fire force been treating you?

The gig's been downright convenient for me.

Got me permission to come to this crime scene.

Is that really all you need to find the white clad base?

Nah. Even I need more than this.

Do you believe.. Leaked is trustworthy?

So far, at.. Least, he's doing good work for us.

Once we've pinpointed the location of the evangelist,

the eighth will move in and take him out.

Is the eighth up to that task?

About half of your company's fighters are rookies, correct?

It'd be a shame if some meathead led them to their doom.

You might find the evangelists base, but the eighth

isn't strong enough to attack it yet.

Are the White-clad that strong? You have no idea.

Having seen their commander's power firsthand, I believe

it comes from a direct link to the evangelist..

And a doula link. Huh.

So what is the eighth need to do to get strong enough?

Our company's rookies are fine soldiers. They've

got solid instincts and powerful abilities.

But they still have room to grow.

How can we help them do that quickly?

When I saw them sparring at the first,

they struck me as green and wet behind the ears.

They've got first class top notch powers,

but they need more combat training.

Combat training. I just happen to know

the best fighter in the entire force.

Why don't you send him back with me?

What matters most is that our devil gets stronger.

Can you think of a way to upgrade his flames?

I might have an idea.

But whether or not he catches up to you

and show it depends on him.

Conroe. What's going on? Huh? And why

should I agree to babysit their rookies?

Say what I owe them. Oh, yeah. Guess I do.

Hey, Captain Sheneman. It's me, Shinra Kusakabe.

Um, is everything okay, Captain?

In a real fight, you'd be dead.

Okay. Step right up, people. Lesson one.

You never know when a foe might

strike. So stay sharp, dumb ass.

What part of stay sharp did you miss? Who's dumb now?

Iron Armadillo, the magnetic extinguishing ball.

So how does it work? I'll let you see for yourself.

And there it goes. It hits the fire

with a quick magnetic blast and the

flames sputter out a second later.

Way to go, Vulcan. An unpowered person

like me could make good use of that.

Shinra and Arthur are getting special training in Asakusa, right?

I don't want to get shown up,

so I figured I'd make us some new tools.

Uh, you aren't relaxing, are you? There

are no rules in a real fight.

Which means you can't predict when something might happen.

Getting tired? Yeah.

Yes, sir. That's because you know your life isn't on the line.

You need to act like it is

and channel all that tension you're feeling.

Let that stress heighten your awareness. Feel life around you.

Not just your allies, but your enemies

to focus on the lives at stake in a fight.

And you can turn stress into a tool.

So we should value life. Channel it.

When you're feeling alive in that way, self-defense becomes reflexive.

All right, let's get some practice in.

Come at me like I'm out for your lives.


Ah, so it begins.

Okay, that's enough

already. Your technique isn't bad, but you're not about to hit me.

All of your att*cks are completely predictable.

You need to shake things up somehow. And how do I do that?

Well, I think you need what I call a finishing move.

It's like an ultimate.

That's what happens when you let your guard down.

What you need is a finishing move

that capitalizes on your speed advantage.

Well said, Captain Sheneman. You're not just crazy strong. You're perceptive. Huh?

Hi. It's nice to meet you. I'm

the head of the one man science team,

and I'm here to crash your party. My name is Victor Leite.

I've thought of a way to help

Shinra give himself a power boost.

I'm going to need help to demonstrate.

Hey, Captain, could you help me out for a second?

Depends on what you want. I want

to show Shinra how jet propulsion works.

If he can emulate it, he should get

a lot more burst fire power out of those feet of his.

If he compresses his fire as he omits it,

the thrust he gets will straight up skyrocket.

So basically, you want me to show

him how to tighten a flame? Yes, I do.

Will this be enough firepower? Yes, it will.

That was awesome. See, when you fly normally,

your flames get pushed out in all sorts of useless directions.

Rein them in a bit and you can take

advantage of all that raw power you've got.

If you can do like the captain

showed you and condense your flame so it only sh**t one way,

it should increase your speed by a good margin.

And if I can do that, then I'll have my ultimate attack.

I want you to focus on making

that finishing move of yours work.

Shinra. Sir Arthur, your power is already a finishing move.

Let's just keep sparring. Work on the

basics. Come. Try to k*ll me.

All righty then. Let's watch this cookie crumble.

I have to say, you've got a different

air than the rest of the eighth.

I heard that you were sent there by Haijima Industries.

And different air. Huh? You say I'm too smart for them.

Too strange. Try anything funny with them

and I'll dump you in the sea.

Why does everyone think I'm a traitor? What did I do?

I fly with my toes. Fine tune my positioning with minor movements.

If I don't pay attention to that, I lose my balance.

But when I'm trying to squeeze my flame tighter,

I really want to scrunch up my feet.

Uh, since I haven't even made it work

once yet, there's no point thinking.

Just need to plug on for now.

I think he might be on to something.

You can deal with most problems by saying one of two things.

Time to give up or whatever. Just do it..

For a brilliant scientist. That's a real simple way to think.

Yeah, sometimes thinking is pointless. If you're

at the start line of a race

against rivals you don't know on a track

you've never seen, you got to start running.

The toughest problems are solved by throwing

effort at the wall and seeing if it breaks.

Not certainly a surprise. Think we might

have something in common after all?

Captain Shimon has perfect control of his

flames. How does he do it?

There's got to be some kind of secret.

Sperry, Sperry. Sperry. Blah, blah, blah.

I've told you before,

and I'll tell you now, we do not play with fire here.

Now, what can I do to help you remember?

It isn't what it looks like, sir.

Sputter and flare. Have an important mission this time.

Has your obsession with fairy tales finally driven you mad?

She's telling you the truth, Lieutenant. I made Mikey some new equipment,

and it needs sputter and flare to operate. What?

I gave the twin hover units a name. It's techno.

They use sputter and flare as power sources,

which means Mikey can use your second gen powers to move them.

What exactly do they do? Pretty much flying hammers.

I know a lot of pyrokinetic enemies are flame resistant,

so I figured these might help.

So what do you think? I think

you three just passed your flight test.

Then the spot flare, which is ready for action.

Yeah, that isn't what we're calling him. The name's Tokyo.

Many years ago, mankind faced a divine

fury in an event known as the Day of the Cataclysm.

Our world was bathed in fire. The fire

raged with an intensity that threatened to reduce mankind to ash.

The places they lived, the languages they

spoke, the culture they had built.

None could escape it. Oh, come on.

Tighten up. I got plenty of fire. I just need to pinch it.

Oh, you're flying. Like, oh, you can

do a switch between. Space. What?

It was the face. I made that weird. By weird.

You mean disgusting. Sure. The ugliest pucker face I've seen.

Guess this gesture won't work either. Then

I could try the one that Captain

Obi likes to do. Rock and roll.

Yeah. The hell was that? Did she

just rip a huge fart through his feet? Huh?

Now it's you who's not on guard.

Doesn't count as a sneak attack if you announce it.

Good try, though. You've got your head

in the right place now. Think he's dead?

Shinra. Show me what you're doing.

And I saw you make gestures with your

hands when you powered up your flames.

So I thought I'd try it out for myself.

I got the last one I tried from Captain Obi,

and I don't know, I feel like

this one might have done something. Joe.


No dice. Take off your

gloves so I can see what you're trying to do. Yes, sir.

You saw me using hand forms which are also known as Kata.

They were commonly used by the martial

artists of Old Japan. There are many.

I usually use this one to control my fire.

But every single one of these kata

is meant to have a different effect.

There's even one that channels power to the user's feet.

It's called Tiger Crusher. Watch closely.

Put your index finger on the base

of your thumb and bend your thumb,

pushing it towards the base of your pinky.

By using these kata, you can channel

your energy or Qi into certain parts

of your body. This also affects your flames.

Amazing. I had no idea. Yeah. Good luck.

Thank you for the help, sir.

We've got more training to do. Up and at em.

So I've been both my index finger and thumb inward.

Focus on channeling energy into my feet.

I think that was it. My fire compressed.

I was about to blast off like a rocket.

The tiger crushes. Amazing.

So this is how my power works by channeling the flow

of my body's energy. I can master my flames.

I feel the heat in my feet.

The shape of my hand pushes all my strength down.

Show needs my help. I need to reach

him as fast as possible. Faster. Faster.

Okay. I think I see what Joker sees in you now.

Pretty impressive. I'll give you credit for being quiet that time.

She and I use that speed boost to come after me now.

Benny was really dreading this. I'm glad

to see he's having fun now.

Is he? It's hard to tell from looking at his face.

Two fighters who are worth training have come his way.

I bet you Benny's ecstatic right now.

Never surrenders. It looks like your friend's pretty worn out.

Think we better call it a day?

I mean, it looked like you got knocked

around a lot. Are you good? Of course.

Knights are resilient. So tell me, do you have

a name for that new finishing move? Oh, yeah. My ultimate attack.

Stay sharp.

So what's this move of

yours called? The kicker? Man Overruled.

What do you think? They any good? Ooh, ooh.

Ooh, ooh. Yeah, but there's still just a couple of kids.

Oh, Too shaky for their own good. Oh.

We'll make a proto nationalist swordsman of you yet, kid.

That single edged blade isn't like yours. It works differently.

Its own technique. But it never hurts to learn. Right?

Okay. You did good. Would have hit me if I hadn't known.

Use it wisely. Sir, I heard about your brother's show.

How he's the only family you have. Keep them safe.

Okay. Thank you, sir. We'll do.

I'm coming show.