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02x15 - A Three-Way Melee

Posted: 01/12/24 05:55
by bunniefuu
Causes of death are many and varied.

Old age illness, su1c1de. But out of that long,

morbid list, there's one end that people

fear above all others.

Death by fire.

We need you in the special care room.

Dad, something weird's going on with Nataku.

My right arm. It's burning. Um.

Is that I'm on fire. We have confirmation of an Ebola burst

in the special care room from Nautico.

You don't say. So he's here after all, huh?

That's classified. I can't discuss it with you.

Hey, Colonel, stop the test now.

The Adolla burst is awakened in the sixth pillar.

I wonder if Shinra's burst triggered it in the little guy.

Do you read me? Captain Obi. Are

you there? There's been a new development.

What? The Sheena and Lee are in trouble.

We got to hurry up. If anything happens to either of them,

Haijima is in for a world of hurt.

This is w*r, you dumb bastards. Huh?

trying to identify who's inside now.

All I said was there's been a new development.

What's happening in there. The room temperature is continuing to rise.

What are.. They doing?

We're monitoring them, but there's been no

change. You won't on my watch.

I promise I'll protect you. Even though

you may be a Haijima spy. You've helped me out before.

We definitely would hate to lose you back at the.

They put their lives on the line for a friend without hesitation.

That's what makes them the eighth. It's weird.

I don't know if it's because I've been there so long,

but that feelings rubbed off on me.

Maybe I should just go it.

Sure enough. Listen to me. You need to head over to Nataku.

Stop that. You don't have to play

along with this anymore. Let's get out of here.

No, you don't. Sorry, but I just

can't be taken down by a fellow nerd. Okay?

Grab him. What's wrong? Nataku has been here all along,

and it sounds like his Abdullah burst has awakened.

I knew they were hiding something. That was

a real cry for help through the Adolla Link

company. It's got to protect him now.

What's going on here?

The eighth has broken into the facility.

Don't let them get to Nataku.

Special fire force. There's bound to be

a few weaklings in that bunch.

The first order of business is to take them out.

Do you know where they might be?

Vulcan eyes forward.. Talking about that little doll.

I'll just run it over.

Launch spider wire.

Is everyone okay?

What was that?

Enemy detected. Tecchio has been deployed.

Don't tell me it's all because of that thing.

What do you mean? I mean, that tiny

guy just flipped over the matchbox.

How could it be so small and so powerful?

What kind of crazy souped up generator is Haijima putting in there?

Look. See that there are cables leading off of it.

Oh, my goodness. We have some surprise guests here today.

I've been babysitting the kiddos since they're scared of mean old Kurono.

And now it looks like I'll be teaching

the fire force some manners, too.

You know, why wear this cute angel

belt buckle? Because I'm a nice lady.

Okay, I got you back. Mochi. I'm not about to be shown up by

some stupid haijima MC..

Now, Dominions, it's time to play a little

game with our grown up friends.

So where is Nautico? He said he's in the special care room.

We got to make sure they don't get to the kid.

Hear that? Yeah. Guess he's over this way. Whoa.

You should know better than to do that to the guards.

Please let me go.

You didn't make it in time. Sputter. Flare. Go.

Oh. She knocked them away.

How about. The thing shot him.

Let her rip one more time. Fire. Poop. Poop blaster.

That is just crude. I do not want to get hit by it.

Come now. The kiddos absolutely love that one.

You would think that the fire force,

the heroes of kids all over the Empire would know that Dominions.

And I heard there were some frowns

here that needed to be turned upside down.

So we came running. Do you really

want to make those poor, sweet children cry again?

Well, the fire force came running because we

heard you were abusing those children.

I'm not going to fall for your crap, You hear me?

So your cute little mechs. Surely they have a name, don't they?

What? Open your ears. I asked for their name.

They're the twin hover units called TCO.

No, that's way too complicated. Too complicated for who, exactly?

That's too hard for the children to follow.

Silly goose. Now, let me see. Going. By the way they look.

It'd be better to call them oo caterpillars.

That's adorable. I love it. Hell, no.

Why not? It's still an animal name,

so I really don't see any kind of problem.

There's obviously a huge problem here. Listen,

name an a mech after a living

creature helps grant the inorganic Mecha kind of.

How would you say this? I don't know. Kind of charm.

That's the whole reason for giving them a name.

But caterpillars is just out of the question.

It doesn't fit the image. It's a mech.

There's no reason for it to be cutesy.

It needs to have strength in a certain

kind of cool detachment in that sense.

Tokyo. The Iron Owl is the perfect name. Ugh.

An annoying otaku. What? Max, about dreams.

You just don't get it. Anyone who

calls him a buddy or little guy will never get it.

And anyone who gives a mech a precious

girly name has got something wrong with them. A sicko.

What's the harm if you give your

mech a cute name and treat it with love?

It'll surely return it right back to you.

And if you build your relationship on trust,

it'll perform better than you ever even

imagined. That's the most..

Ridiculous thing I've heard in my life.

You make it sound all mystical. It's gross.

Mixer tools and machines for us to use.

They're not supposed to be our friends.

You treat them right by maintaining them,

so they don't just suddenly break down on you.

Otherwise, you're just going to be disappointed.

Well, people can disappoint you, too. Yeah,

that's why I build my relationships of trust with real people.

You've got this, man. We're going to

go get Shinra out of there.

That is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.

Now give us back our guys.

I'm sorry, but you're the one who really doesn't understand.

It's not so much that I try

to treat my mech as if they were people.

It's that I see mech and people as being the same.

Especially true for kids. What's that mean? If you entertain some kids.

Then they will be happy. Be mean to them and they get angry.

Their actions are so predictable, which makes them easy to control.

So in that way, Mak and children

are both like tools for adults.

It's finish, finish, finish, finish.

She's making it look so easy. I get it. I'm willing to bet

that this lady is a third generation.

That's the only logical way I can see

her getting that much power out of such a tiny little machine.

As long as she has the upper hand in that regard,

there's no point in this kind of fight. Maybe.

But she can't just treat the kids like that.

Okay. I think I've collected enough data on their caterpillars.

Their power output stable in their fire power is fairly consistent.

So she must be a second generation who can only control flames.

Which means my dominions have the advantage here.

What are we going to do? Take vo tech

and put everything you have into one big hit.

Sounds like an excellent idea. Vulcan dominions and I have already won.

Goodness. There they go. Running away.

Yo switching to fire scene mode.

Charge super thermal power jet throttle circuits.

Now online, all ports are open.

Sunshine style launch ready now. Twin unit coordinates locked. Engines. Power. Default.

Maximum thrust. Two one. Going by this configuration of data,

I can figure out their critical power.

And what do you know? Little dominions

and I are still totally in the clear.

All my time watching children, and I've never once been surprised.

Can you two are just like a couple of kids.

Absolutely predictable dominions blast another.

All right.

We're at critical power. Let's go check your maximum output.

And . It's better than I expected, but not good enough.

Violent, but deadly. Poo poo Blaster.

Keep on coming and.

Come on, sputter and flare. You've got this.

I'll put now. . . Still climbing.

You got to be kidding.

You're not just up against a mech lady. We're humans.

This is Vulcan smack. No way we're going to lose. Who?

Where were those little.. Guys hiding all that power?

That was awesome, Mikey. You too, Taco.

I can't believe how reckless you both are.

I mean, if you had lost, you

would have been blown into tiny little pieces.

Does that mean you somehow knew everything would turn out this way?

Wouldn't call it knowledge. It was trust.

That's it. All right. I knew the numbers were against us,

but I believe Mikey could do it.

I trusted she could beat the odds

because she's kick ass like that.

Same for me. I believed in his

plan. And Tecchio too, Of course.

Huh? Wow. Color me surprised.

We should go find the others. Copy that. Let's go.

Now wait a tick. Our playtime isn't over yet, you Sillies.

What makes you think you beat me?

Seriously. We just had a hell of a time with one of them.

The name should have let you know there was more than one..

Dominions, right? It's like, so obviously plural.

Leaked. What's your ? Hey. Leaked. Come in.

Stop it. We're in the special camera.

Currently engaging high drama staffing combat. What's the building look like?

Sorry, Captain. But because visibility is poor.

Visibility is poor. Northwest from the.

Shinra leaked.

Black smoke. Keep back. All right. Get out of my way.

I want to get a crack at that skinny guy behind you.

Captain Obey. He leaked. Get over there.

Okay, We're here. You guys all right? Yeah, we're fine.

We were able to find Nautico, but

this Haijima freak got him first.

So this is company eight. Please let me go.

Not doing anything isn't good enough. You got

to get fired up. Fire it. Uh, it's in you now. Let's see it.

Your days of abusing kids are over. Let the boy go.

You may call my methods abuse, but it's

my job. Stay behind me, Iris.

I'm surprised to see such a frail,

weak thing in the fire force.

Try not to breathe it in.

I'll protect you.

Why would you shelter the weak? It's a waste of time.

You're sick. What is wrong with you?

I have a simple philosophy. Crush the

weak so the strong may thrive.

That's how the whole world should operate.

Oh, yeah. Everybody's in one place. And just as I predicted,

we found the sixth pillar. Look at that.

Which one is the sixth pillar? I still

don't know why you came along.

Like, shouldn't you be with Hermia?

Technically, I should. She's my pillar. And I swore

an oath to be her protector.

Alas, she got annoyed with me earlier

and told me to get lost.

Sounds normal to me. My dad and I actually

went through the same exact thing.

Kind of. Too bad he died before I got over it.

So you're saying that all girls your

age go through this sort of thing? That's rough.

But none of that means you had to tag along with me.

You could have just waited quietly until she needed you.

So you don't want me hanging around either? Inga That's pretty obvious.

Sharon. After all, I'm.. Here to keep Miss..

Inga safe. I'm her protector made.

Look Ritsu. We're both protectors. Let's work

together and guard the new pillar. Okay.

Be quiet, you oaf. I only take orders from my mistress. Huh?

Say what? Fine. Stay here and watch

over Aika. Which one's the next pillar?

It's the little brat being held by the creep.

We can finally have some fun again.

It's showtime. You'd better stop treating Nataku so rough.

I'm only going to warn you once.

If you're strong, get out of here

and leave the weak ones behind.

You again. The sixth pillar belongs to us now.

Didn't even faze him.

Clap. Grab the sixth pillar, sir. No, please, let me go.

So what are all these White-clad doing here?

And why don't my blades hurt him? Huh?

The hell's going on? No one invited you, Sharon.

Sorry. Fire rats. But you're wrong. I'm

here to claim the sixth pillar.

But how did you know there would be an adult burst here?

I know. Ain't got. Hello. I knew it.

Let's watch a whole crap load of people die again together.

Please don't stand so close to the edge.

It's dangerous, Mistress. You're such a worrywart, Ritsu.

You know it's too much. You shouldn't sweat the small stuff.

Oh, yeah, because there's.. Real danger everywhere.

How are we supposed to take on this many of these things?

It's probably better that we run.

Don't be such a party pooper. I've got a special puppet..

Show just for you.

Done to my poor dominions.

Haijima stuff sure is crappy. If you'd let me snipe..

Them from far away, we wouldn't have

to risk having you so close and out in the open like this.

Well, you're protecting.. Me instead of little..

Show today, so you just got to deal with it. We clear arrow.

Oh, White-clad. That plasma use is bad news.

We need Arthur ASAP or things will get ugly.

Oh, rats. She destroyed them like it was

child's play. How's that for some irony?

We're here to grab Nataku. The sixth pillar.

And nobody is going to stop us.

Not you or your creeptastic toys if you're me.

Nobody teach you? It's a big no

no to break other people's things.

What a naughty little girl you are.

I think Grandma here is about to snap.

Come on, Arrow, take a shot at a fellow meemaw.

I can hold them off a while. Go get Arthur.

I'll leave the Tecchio here. But they're

going to need time to cool down before we can use them again.

Hmm. I think we can safely say playtime is over.

It's time to teach someone how to mind her manners.

Now Ready? Punisher. Dominion. I need you.

As the battle between.. The eighth

Haijima forces and the white clad unfolds,

Ritsu's ability puts sweet little nataku in a bad situation.

I think this is getting way too scary.

Time for a new job. Time on Fire

Force Season two Episode . Mind Blown

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