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Love on the Right Course (2024)

Posted: 01/12/24 06:41
by bunniefuu
Announcer: An exciting week is

coming to a conclusion

here at the 18th hole,

at Red Pines as Whitney

Jones-Bla steps up to the tee.

We've had

a great mix of newcomers

like McKayla McLaughlin

of Ireland,

Winona Allison from Scotland,

of course, Brooke Bradshaw,

always in the mix.

Brooke with five birdies today.

Whitney, a little trouble

back at eight,

she found the water.

Currently at six over par,

needs to put this final tee sh*t

of the day into the fairway.

Got it.

Mark: Oh, what a beautiful drive

from Whitney Jones-Bla,

the final hole here

at the Red Pines Invitational,

her final round, but Whitney

struggling a lot as of late.

Yeah, that's right, Mark.

Whitney, one of the favorites

coming into this season,

but since her mother

passed away two years ago,

her game has really suffered.

Yes, her mother, Alice,

was one of golf's greats,

winning 53 junior and

national titles in her career,

all with her husband, and

Szentendre Golf Course owner,

Marton Bla, by her side.

Brooke Bradshaw now

with her approach,

center of the fairway again.

Oh, this is on a good line,

gonna finish

just underneath the hole.

Another look for birdie.

Last minute advice coming in

from her caddie, Andrew Kline.

With this one,

keep below the hole.

Mark: Whitney, introduced

14 years ago,

an instant favorite.

Alice, her coach, they had

25 tournament wins together.

Let's just hope

she can recover from this round

and get in good shape

for the Eastern European Open

next month, in Budapest.


That needs to settle down.

That's gonna

scoot off the green.



Mark: She is not gonna be happy

with that result.

Unfortunately for Whitney,

that may have cost her.

It's nearly impossible

to make that sh*t from there.

Mark: Whitney is choosing putter

from off the green.

This putt will work

to her right.

Oh, that ball needs to go.

Not gonna do it.



And her and Andrew Kline,

again, just not in synch.


Gonna need this final putt.

This needs to go in

for a 12th place finish.

That putt goes down,

so 12th place for Whitney,

and she qualifies for The

Ladies' Eastern European Open

in Hungary next month.

Brooke stepping in

for another birdie effort.

This has really been

the theme of her day.


Mark: And with that putt

right there,

Brooke Bradshaw, gonna have

her third tournament win

of the season.

I don't think I need to tell you

that that wasn't your best game.

You're right.

You didn't need to tell me.

Two years ago

you would have aced this.

Yeah, well,

two years ago I had a coach.

You could've hired someone

to replace your mom.

Can we please not

get into that again?

We haven't had a top 10 finish

in over a year now.

I've stayed your caddie

for seven years

and stepped in as coach

when you needed one.

And I appreciate that, Andrew.

Well, appreciation

isn't enough.

You need to either hire a coach,

or let me step into the role.

I think we both know

that you coaching me

hasn't exactly worked out.

Whose fault is that exactly?

I don't wanna play

a blame game here.

Well, there's enough of that

to go around.


let's get back to Arizona,

and we can talk about

things there.

I'm not going back to Arizona.

At least not right now.

I'm flying back to Budapest

tonight to see my dad.

The tournament is in a month.

Whitney, I'm sure whatever it

is, it can wait.

It's his birthday,

and I'm not missing it.

And I also need it for me.

I need to decide

if I wanna keep doing this.

It's a little late in the game,

for that, don't you think?

I... I suppose you just

expect me to drop everything

and follow you to Hungary?

No, I don't.

Then how do you expect

to be ready for The Open?

Your career is on the line.

And, Whitney,

frankly so is mine.

You know what?

I'm done.

I quit.



What are you doing here?

You didn't think I'd miss

your birthday, did you?

Well, this is a surprise.

Just the way your mom left it.

I'm really happy to be home.

How you doin', Dad?

I know you always say "Fine."


Some days are better

than others.

Have you reached out

to any of your old friends?

It's on my to-do list.

You've been saying that

for a while now.

I'm getting used

to my own company.

I'm a fun guy.

You are?

Course, I am.

The longer you wait,

the harder it is.

I'm staying busy.

I saw your game yesterday.

Not my best.

You qualified for

the Eastern European Open.


Okay, let's hear it.

What's wrong?

Andrew quit.

What happened?

He's not over the moon

about my losing streak,

but mostly,

I think he's just mad

because I don't wanna hire him

to be my coach.

Well, he's your caddie.

Surely he understands

that being a coach

is an entirely

different thing.


Have you looked into

hiring one?

I've been putting it off.

No one can replace Mom.

Well, you're going

to have to do it eventually.

I know.

To be honest, I don't know if

I wanna continue competing.

I mean, I'll play in The Open

because if I don't,

I'll lose my tour card,

and that's not

how I want this to end.

Well, I support you

no matter what you do, but,

we both know your mom

would never want you

to give up

on something you love.

I know.

I'm not giving up.

I just need some time

to figure out what I wanna do.

But, not today.

Today is your birthday

and I'm making you

your favorite dinner.


Well, I never say no

to someone cooking for me.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.


You know, I thought

I knew everyone that got here

before the sun rises.

What time are you teeing off?



Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

I was just asking

what time you're teeing off.

- Oh, uh, 6:35.

- Ah.

What are you listening to?

Nothing, actually.

They're just noise cancelling.

Why would you wanna

cancel out the birds?

You know, I don't

see you in here for 6:35.

I just checked the server.

How would you...

Are you, uh...

Are you...

Whitney Jones-Bla!

Is it really you?

- Ah!

- Can I get an autograph?

Come here, you.


Aren't you supposed to be

training in Arizona,

or has it been a month

since Saturday already?


Is this not... Arizona?


I wanted to surprise Dad.

Oh, I'm sure that he's

very happy that you're here.

Don't tell Zsuzsanna I'm here.

I'm gonna stop by

the restaurant later

and I wanna surprise her.

Oh, I won't.

I promise.

Listen, I have to get

back to the pro-shop,

but stop by

on your way out, okay?

- I will.

- See you later, Daniel.

Hi, Whitney.

I'm, uh, Daniel Balzs.

I'm the course pro here.


Daniel, yeah.

Um, Dad was saying you joined

the team a few months ago.

Well, yeah.

Almost a year, actually, but...

It's been a while

since I've been home.


Well, uh, I won't keep you.

Enjoy your round.

- Thanks.

- Bye.

Love you, Mom.

Daniel : Hello.

Marton Bla.

Of course.

How can I help?

Yes, yes, yes.

Of course, of course.

As always.


We'll have a cart

ready for you at 2:15.

See you then.

So, you are the Marton Bla

who's ran this club

for 25 years with my mother,

Alice Jones-Bla?


Hi, hi.

- Um, how was your round?

- Whitney: Good.

Since you're

impersonating my father,

do you happen to know

if he's here?

Uh, he is not.

No, he doesn't usually

come into the office, actually.



And just for the record,

uh, your dad loves

my impression of him.

- Does he?

- He does, yeah.

Says it makes him

sound more youthful.


I'll see you tomorrow.

- Zsuzsanna!

- Whit!

Oh, my goodness!

Why didn't you tell me

you were coming home?

Well, then I wouldn't

get to see that look of shock

on your face then, would I?

And who is this?

Oh, this is Zuki.

Oh, hi.

Hello, Zuki.

Oh, okay, clearly we have

a lot to catch up on.

When did you and Laszlo

get a dog?

We didn't.

He signed us up as fosters.

His forever family

was supposed to pick him up

an hour ago.

That was until

they got cold feet.

So for now, it's Zuki

and Zsuzsanna versus the world.

But, enough about us.

How are you doing?


Good, yeah.

I just decided to come home

and take some time to myself

before The Open.

- Are you okay?

- I'll be fine.

I'll be fine.

I just need to decide

whether or not

I wanna continue on

with the pro circuit.

Tournaments are brutal

when you're not winning.

You've come to the right place

to figure it all out.

I know.

This place always

grounds me.

What about you?

How's everything?

Uh, good.

I'm still working here

every day and night.

It's been a lot, but you know

I love being a chef.


You have to come over soon

for dinner.

I'll make you

some of my famous goulash.

Well, you don't have to twist

my arm too hard for that.

I should get going.

Dad was asleep when I left,

so he's probably wondering

where I am.

Um, I just finished

making sandwiches for lunch.

Do you wanna take

a couple with you?

Oh, that would make his day.

And mine.

Hey, you.

Sweet boy.



Good morning, sweetie.

You sleep in?

No, no, I just got out of

the habit of getting up early.

- Makes the days too long.

- Oh.

Well, I stopped by

Zsuzsanna's restaurant

and she gave us some lunch.

Do you wanna come sit outside?

Oh, sure.

That sounds nice.

How is she?

- She's doing really well.

- I'm glad.

I'll get some plates.

Well, thank you for lunch.

This is a nice treat.

How was your practice

this morning?

It was fine.

I'm still not playing

very well though.

I sh*t eight over.

Oh, it will come back.

You just have to give it

some time.

I met Daniel.

Isn't he nice?

Yeah, he seems fine.

- He was pretending to be you.

- Oh, yes.

I think he does

quite a good impression of me.

Makes me sound more youthful.

He mentioned that.

He also mentioned that

you're not coming into

the office anymore.

I don't have to.

He and Laszlo run the place now.

Is that the only reason?

Too many memories, Whit.

That's all.

And speaking of memories,

there's something I've been

meaning to talk to you about.

I wasn't sure

how to bring it up, but...

Well, I haven't

decided anything yet.

What is it, Dad?

I'm thinking of selling.


I wasn't expecting that.

Um, are you sure

that's what you wanna do?

I'm just not

happy here anymore, sweetie.

It's not easy to think about

giving it all up.

Your mom and I put everything

we had into this place, but,

everywhere I look,

I see her.

It's too much.

Dad, those memories

will follow you wherever you go.

But a new place

might give me a fresh start.

I spoke to a realtor.

Signed a listing agreement


- You listed?

- It's nothing serious.

Just for 30 days.

Just to check it out.

No harm in that, right?

I won't make any decisions

without you.

- Come on.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Oh, hello.

Whose puppy is this?


Come here.

What is this?

Dad, this is Zuki.

He's your new best friend.

What am I going to do

with a dog?

Well, I just thought

it'd be nice for you.

And if you don't like him,

we can take him back

to Zsuzsanna, but I promised

we'd look after

him for at least a week.



You know I can't

take care of a dog.

I don't have the time.

He's going to be barking.

He's going to need to be taken

for walks and fed.

Yes, he will, but it's only

for a week or so.

Well, I am not

on board with this.

I suppose we can manage

for one week,

but you are going to help.

I'll help.

Did you know about this?

No, nothing.

Looks like my foster dog

is taking me for a walk.

Well, that went better

than I expected.

Well, it is

a very cute surprise.

So, are you, uh, comin' back

over to the club later?

I'm not sure.


Oh, I saw a couple

of your drives earlier.

Not bad for a pro.

"Not bad," huh?


You think you can do better?

- Oh, bad luck.

- Morning, Dad.


Someone wanted to go for a walk.

Do you want me to take him?

Oh, no, no.

He asked me first.

Okay, then you win.

Love you.

Love you too!

If you cup your wrist

and drop your hands

further down the shaft,

you'll make that sh*t.


What is this?

Kosr golf.

Basket golf?

That's not a thing.

Wanna give it a try?

Might help your short game.

Sometimes it's good to see it

from a different perspective.

No, thanks.

I'm good.

But, don't let me stop you.

You know, I used to come

to this course a lot

when I was learning.

Caddied here every summer.

I'm surprised

we've never met before.

You were always

away competing.


After Mom retired,

she made get me out there

every chance she could.

When did she retire?

Ten years ago?

After that,

she spent a lot of time here.

She actually renovated

and opened the restaurant.

Dad shut it down

after she passed.

- I'm sorry.

- Thanks.

Sure you don't wanna try?

I'll stick with the fairways,

but, thanks.


Hi, Whitney.

I saw you a couple of days ago.

I am Maria.

I don't know if you remember me.

Of course.

My mom used to talk about you

all the time.

You were her favorite student.


Yes, I miss her a lot.

Even after she retired

from the pro circuit,

she'd come out two or three

times a week to golf with us.

Of course,

no one could b*at her,

but it didn't matter.

We just laughed a lot.

And then we'd all go over

to her restaurant for dinner.

It was a great spot.

And your mom and dad

sure made it a happy place.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have

brought that up.

Oh, no.

It's... it's okay.

How is your dad doing?

I haven't seen him

in a long time.

He's good, but,

he doesn't get out very much.

I know.

It's hard.

After my Ervin passed,

it took me years

to start spending time

with my friends again.

Oh, my dear,

don't worry about your dad.

He has a strong spirit.

He'll get there.

You know, Dad, I've been

thinking about the restaurant.

Have you ever thought

of hiring a chef

and starting the place

back up again?

It was your mom's world.

I think it's better

to keep it closed,

especially now

that the place is up for sale.

I ran into Maria

at the club today.

- Oh, yeah?

- Mm-hm.

You know, she and

Ervin were the first couple

to join the club

after your mom and I took over.

She still golfing?

Every Tuesday.

She joined the women's league.


Have you thought of getting

back out there yourself?

Maybe joining

the men's league?

Used to be a tradition.

I have thought about it,

but I can never seem

to muster the desire to go.

- Maybe one day.

- Maybe.

Have you heard anything back

from the real estate agent?

Nothing yet.

It feels weird talking about

selling, doesn't it?

Something I never thought

I would ever consider doing.

Your mom and I always thought

we would grow old here

and maybe one day

you would come back

and take the place over.

I know.

- I'm sorry, Dad.

- Don't be.

Your happiness is what

mattered to us most.

Still does.

Besides, you have to chase

your own dreams,

even if you haven't

dreamt them yet.

When'd you get so wise?

Maybe 10 seconds ago?

I surprise myself.

Okay, so,

first things first.

You have to pick

which football team

you're playing for.

Gotta go with KMT Budapest,

of course.

Have to go with the underdog.


I will take Dunai.

Now, whoever gets the most balls

in their basket wins.

Simple as that.

How did you come up with this?

Uh, when I was a kid I really

wanted to learn how to play,

but my parents were too busy

to take me to lessons, so,

I had to create my own games.

This one was my favorites.

Where did you grow up?

Oh, right here in Budapest.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Whitney: You don't sound

Hungarian at all.

Yeah, I know.

My parents sent me

to an American school.

- Do they still live here?

- They sure do.

They have a restaurant

right on the water.

Whitney: Oh?

I assume that means

you're a great cook.

Does boiling water count?

No, I'm okay,

but my brother's better.


Does he work with them?

No, he's a real estate attorney,


but he does sneak into the

kitchen whenever they let him.

Okay, yeah.

We got a pretty clear winner.

But it was fun, right?

There's no point in playing

golf if you're not having fun.

Well, in my case,

it's important that I win too.

Sure, but, if you don't

love what you do,

you won't have

much success at it.

My mom used to say, "It's not

working if it feels like work."

Wise words.

Well, if the last two years

were any indication,

what I'm doing

clearly isn't working.

Are you thinking

about quitting?

I might not have a choice,

which is the worst part.

The Open could be

my last tournament,

whether I want it to be

or not.

Well, how about instead of

worrying about winning,

you just focus on enjoying it?

Easy for you to say.

No, seriously.

Worst case scenario, you lose.

Best case scenario, you win,

and you have fun.

I guess you're not

entirely wrong.

If you ever need someone

to remind you

how much fun

this game can be fun,

I'm always here,

and I'm happy to help.

I'm so glad

I brought Zuki home for my dad.

Having him around

has been really good for him.

Do you think he'll be interested

in adopting him?


I don't know.

He was pretty firm

about one week,

but, I'll check with him

and let you know.

Do you think you'll stick around

after The Open?

I haven't thought

that far ahead.

Right now,

all I can think about

is the possibility

of my career being over.


Have you thought about

what else you'd want to do?

Not really.

If I retire, I want it to be

because I've done everything

I wanna do in the sport.

Not because I lost my mojo.

You could always try teaching.

Remember when

I tried to teach you?


Just kidding.

Teaching is definitely

off the table.

Um, maybe you just need

to remember

why you love it.

Okay, something's

obviously in the air

because Daniel told me

the exact same thing yesterday.

He's a smart man

and a good friend.

He actually got his brother

to help me figure out

what to do about Caf Szfia.


What's going on?

Um, things haven't been

the easiest

with the restaurant.

I just don't think

we can afford to keep it.

Rents keep going up.

Profits keep going down.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I just don't know what

that's going to mean for us.

Well, would you wanna stay

in the restaurant business?

Maybe open a new place?

All I know is that

I love being a chef.

I always have.

Well, knowing what you want

is a good thing.

It's an incredible place

to be.


How's it goin'?

Not so well.

I'm used to working

with someone.


Don't you have a coach?

My former caddie, Andrew,

was training me for a while,

but for now,

I'm on my own.

Ah, pretty tough to win

without one, no?

I know.

I'm just trying to figure out

if I wanna continue competing.

Maybe you just need

a change of pace.

Did you have something

in mind?

Shall we?

What is this?

Oh, just another

genius invention of mine.

- Hm?

- Mm-hm.


Another variation of kosr golf?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

This is completely high-tech,

as you can see.


Yeah, and it goes like this.

Both start

on the count of three,

no cheating.

We have 30 seconds and whoever

knocks off the most cans wins.

- Is this a race?

- Yeah, go.


- Oh!

- I'm sorry.



So, was that my lesson

for today?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

That's just the fun part.

Now, we get to

the serious stuff, okay?

Although, I am hoping

a little fun might seep in

out on the fairway.

Thanks for today.

It reminded me of when

I first picked up a club

and played with mom.

It was so much fun.

You gonna bring some of that fun

back into your golf game again?


I don't know.

Competition is grueling

and unforgiving.

Winning is everything.

Yeah, but it doesn't help

to be so hard on yourself.

Maybe I'm just

not cut out for this.

You're still thinking

about going ahead

with the tournament, right?

I have to give it

one last sh*t,

but, if it doesn't work out

this time, I'm finished with it.


- Hey, Dad.

- Zuki dragged me out here.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.

I've been thinking about

this spot a lot lately.

Your mom and I

used to come out here to talk.

I remember that.

Sometimes I wonder if I could

have done more for your mom.

Found a better treatment

or something.


You did everything you could.

I guess.

I know.

But sometimes

I still wonder.

You know the last thing

she would want

is you blaming yourself.

She'd want you to be happy.

You too.

Thank you.

For what?

For coming home.

For caring.

For bringing this little

munchkin into my life.

He gets me up

and out the door every morning,

and a dozen times every day.

Do you think

you'd wanna adopt him?

I'm happy to foster for now.


You heading out for a round?


Yeah, actually.

I tee off in...

some minutes that are soon.

Ah, that is

my favorite tee-time.

You busy?

I'd like to run

something by you.

Uh, yeah, sure.

Can I give you a hand?




I've been thinking

about my dad.

I'd love to figure out a way

to get him

out of the house more,

especially if he decides

not to adopt Zuki.

Yeah, I've asked him

to play a round a few times

but he never seemed

too interested.

I could try again though.

What if we had a members' day

and invited everyone

to a barbecue?

We used to have them every year

and Dad loved them.

I figure it could be a good way

to nudge him to reach out

to his old golf buddies.

That's great, yeah.

I could sh**t out an e-mail,

see if there's any interest.

Laszlo knows

all his old friends.

And I will make sure

that they know.

Thanks, just let me

talk to him first

and make sure

he's actually on board with it.



Don't you have a tee-time in

"some minutes that are soon"?


I should get going.

You know, it just so happens

that, uh, I don't have

any lessons the rest of the day

if you actually wanted

to play with someone.

You know what?


- Yeah, that'd be nice.

- Great.

You're not that bad

after all.

You ever think

about going pro?

You know, it's funny.

I love golf,

but the competitive side

never really brought out

the best in me.

- Oh?

- Yeah.

I realized pretty early on

that teaching was what I loved.

- Hm.

- Yeah.


Just say it.

Okay, what were you thinking

about when you hit that sh*t?

- Expectations.

- Wow.

- Of what?

- Perfection.

When I was working with my mom,

I was on a winning streak,

and everyone was talking about

how I'm just like her.

Now that she's gone,

everyone talks about

how I'm not measuring up.

Don't let other people

get in your head.

It's not just other people.

It's me.

I can't live up to

my own expectations.


I have an idea.

Try again,

but think of this ball

as an opportunity

to make a wish.


- Trust me, okay?

- Okay.

Place the ball.

Close your eyes.

Make a wish.

And then hit it

as hard as you can.

There it is.


So, what do you recommend

for putting?

Keep one eye open?

I recommend both eyes open.

Just, don't overthink it.

- Simple as that, huh?

- Simple as that.

I'm telling you the bucket

of wishes works every time.

Well, thanks for today.


I'll see you tomorrow?


See you tomorrow.

Daniel, hey.

Do you have a minute?

Bianka, hi.

Uh, yeah.

What... what can I do for you?

Well, I was just

around the corner

and wanted to see

if it's okay

to bring some clients

in tomorrow.


What time are you thinking?

- Nine AM?

- Nine should be fine.

Okay, great.


All right.

Good to go.

Have fun.

- Hey.

- Good morning.


I was wondering if you

had time

to play a game with me

this morning.

Yeah. Yeah, I could right

around 10:00.

Ten's perfect.

Oh, and I got this for you.

- Oh, thank you.

- Oh, my mistake.

This one is clearly mine.

This one must be for you.

After yesterday,

I realized that

you might be the best thing

that's happened to my game

in a really long time.

Would you be willing

to help me prep for The Open?

- Like, as your coach?

- Yes.

If you're willing

to take on a disenchanted pro

who might have

lost her edge.



You did not lose your edge.

Is that a yes?

That's a yes.



I'll see you at 10:00?

I will see you at 10:00.

Hi, can I help you?

Excuse me.

You must be Whitney.

- I am.

- I thought I recognized you.

You are our local golf hero.

Your father speaks

so highly of you.

I'm sorry.

And you are?

Bianka Kalmar,

your father's real estate agent.



- It's nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

And, they are?

They're clients of mine.


I wasn't aware that, um,

anyone was coming by

to look at

the property today.

Well, I made an appointment.

- With?

- Daniel.

I spoke with him yesterday,

and he said it was fine

to come by at 9:00.

- Daniel said that?

- Yeah.

He's my go-to-person here.

Really nice guy.

Well, then, feel free

to look around, I guess.


And, um, between you and I,

this could be

a once-in-a-lifetime


It has the potential

to be an offer

your father won't be able

to turn down.

Well, then I'll be sure

to let him know you came by.


Whitney, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Do you know where Daniel is?

Yeah, I think he's

just outside on the patio.



Oh, you know what?

It's not quite 10:00 yet,

but I'm ready to go

whenever you are.


Don't you have an appointment?

Uh, not that I know of.

Does the name "Bianka"

ring a bell?

Oh, right.

Yeah, she's coming by

with some clients,

but she's fine on her own.

So, you're setting up


to sell this place now?

Well, Whitney, um--

You have no right to be doing

this behind my dad's back.

Whitney, I'm sorry, but your dad

wants to sell this place.

It doesn't matter

if he wants to sell or not.

It's not your place to be

setting up potential buyers

to come in and--

Whitney, wait!


What's wrong?

I met Bianka today.

She came in with some clients.



That's it?

She didn't tell you?

No, she doesn't have to.

She has a listing.

Well, she made an appointment

with Daniel,

so I don't know

why she didn't tell you.

I asked Daniel

to handle those things for me

when I'm not around.

You did?

I did.


I owe him an apology.

Listen, Dad.

I'm just really unsettled

about this whole thing.

I want you to do

what's right for you,

and I want you to be happy,

but, I just can't imagine

you selling

and living somewhere else.

I can't imagine it either,

but life has to go on.

Have you given

any further thought

to reaching out to your friends,

especially since

you're gonna be moving?

I've thought about it.

Well, what if we hosted

an event

and got everyone together

at the club?

I'm not sure I like that,

but I'm listening.

Remember the summer barbecues

you and Mom

used to have every year?

I could never forget those.

So what if we hosted one

again this year?

- We?

- I'll do it.

Mm, you should be focusing on

training for your tournament?

I could still help

with the barbecue.

And Daniel and Laszlo

can send e-mails

and help me organize it.

I suppose I could

pull myself together for that.

If my daughter's organizing it,

the least I can do is show up.


- Hello.

- Hello.


Thank you.

- Hi.

- Hi.

About yesterday,

I'm really sorry.


I was a little rattled after

talking with Bianka, and...

It was really unfair of me

to explode at you like that.

To be honest,

I'm still shocked

that my dad's

even considering selling.

Yeah, I appreciate that.

It's not just a business.

It's your family home.

I get it.

And in all fairness, I really

could've said something to you.

- So--

- It's okay.

I didn't realize quite how much

the place meant to me

until all this happened.


Yeah, I think we're all

a little anxious about it.

It came as

a big surprise.

What will you do

if it sells?

I'm assuming that I will be

looking for another job.

I'm so sorry you have

to deal with all this.

Maybe we can talk about it

later. If you want.

I'm just on my way

to Zsuzsanna's and Laszlo's

for dinner.

- Ah.

- I'll see you later?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Um, so, did you talk to your dad

about the, uh, barbecue?

- Oh, yes, I did.

- Ah.

- And he's in.

- Great, great.

I'll get those e-mails out


- Great.

- Yeah.


You know the club is that way,


Uh, huh.

It is, isn't it?

Yeah, but see, I am actually

going, uh, that way, so...

You're coming

to dinner tonight too?

I am.

You know, yesterday, despite

being a little over the top

in my anger,

I realized something.


Part of the reason why

I'm so attached to the course

is because a lot

of the good memories I have

with my mom are there.


Can I ask what some of them are?

Well, I found out

I got my tour card with her

when we were sitting

at the restaurant

after a round together.


But I think

my favorite memory of all

was when I got

my first hole-in-one,

on the seventh hole,

5:14 PM.

My mom had taken

her watch off at the tee

and accidentally left it

on the ground.

And when I hit that ball,

I started screaming

and jumping up and down.

Needless to say, I broke it.



- She never fixed it?

- Nope.

She said she wanted to keep it

as a memory of that day.

Ah, well, that's beautiful.

And, look,

no matter what happens,

you'll always have

that memory,

and, if you still

want me to train you,

I will do everything I can

to make sure

you do not lose that tour card.

I definitely want that.


I might as well tell you.

We decided

to close the restaurant.

Oh, no!

Yeah, we tried to make it work,

but our new lease just came in

and the rent is going up

beyond what we can afford.

When do you have to be out?

Um, two months, but we will

try to wrap everything up

in a couple of weeks.

There's no point

in hanging on.

Well, will you try

to set up somewhere else?

- Uh, we might.

- Oh.

Any updates

on the sale of the club?

No offers yet.

What will you do if it sells?

Well, I'd like to stay on,

but if it's not possible,

Zsuzsanna and I may open

a small place together

in a more affordable


Well, in the meantime,

if you're interested

and available,

I need a caterer

for a barbecue at the club.

- When?

- Whitney: Two weeks.

- Count me in.

- Yeah, me too.

I could be the sous chef.

You know,

if you need anything from me...

You wanna help with

the cooking?

Yeah, I could make

my specialty.

Boiled water?

Well, this time

I'll add a few leaves.

You know,

really get it down to a tea.



That was a lot of fun.

It was.

Do you think you might have

time in your schedule

to squeeze in

a little bit more?


It's not usually

in my day planner,

but, I might be able

to make some room for it.

Mm, see, I have to go

to my family's restaurant

tomorrow afternoon.

I thought it might be nice

if you were to come.

I'd love that.

How long has it been?

I hardly recognize you.

Oh, it's only been

two weeks, Mom.

That's a long time

when you're my age.

And, uh,

who is this beautiful woman?

Mom, this is Whitney Jones-Bla,

Marton's daughter.

So lovely to meet you,

Mrs. Balzs.

Oh, no, no.

You call me Viktoria. I insist.

Your father's going to be

so happy to see you.


Kristof: Ah!

How long has it been?

- Two weeks.

- Too long!

- And, this is?

- Whitney.

Jones-Bla, the pro golfer.

It's an honor to meet you.

I'm Daniel's father, Kristof.

Thank you for coming

to my wife's birthday party.


Uh, it's just a small

family gathering.

- Mm-hmm.

- Drink?


I have no idea

what I'm doing.


There you go.

Oh! Okay, okay.


Well, if all else fails,

maybe I'll just...

join a dance troupe.

You're a very quick learner.

I had so much fun.

Your family's amazing.

Yeah, that's one word for it.

Sorry if they were a bit much.

It's been a long time

since I brought someone with me

back for a family gathering.

No, I-- I get it.

I never really introduced

anyone to my family.


There's no one that cheers

you on at your tournaments?

Just my dad and Andrew.

Though with Andrew,

it's.... been more frustration

than anything lately.

Oh. That's not ideal.

Did you two ever date?


No. No.

Um, but up until last season, he

was one of my closest friends.


To be honest,

it's hard

to have any kind of

relationship on the circuit,

even friends.

A lot of people don't

understand the time

and dedication it takes.

Yeah, yeah.

No, I get that.

Except with me, it's more

that they can't handle

my family's stares

on the dance floor,

but, uh, you know...

Good morning, sleepyhead.

Morning, Dad.

You're up early.

I had a tough time

sleeping last night.

How come?

I just have a lot on my mind,

that's all.

Everything okay?

Bianka called last night.

Those people who came by

a couple of days ago

might be making an offer.

That was fast.

What do you think

you want to do?

I'm not sure.

You don't have to rush

into anything, you know.

I know.

I was thinking

about that last night...

and I was thinking

about your mom.

Selling this place seems so

final, like a last goodbye.

I thought that selling

would fix everything,

but now, I'm not so sure.

Having you here

has made me realize

how much I love this place.

Does that mean you might be

reconsidering selling?

Some days,

I can't imagine staying;

and other days,

I can't imagine leaving.

Today, I don't want to leave.

Well, if you end up leaving, you

think you'll take Zuki with you?

Oh, I'd sure love to.

He's grown on me a lot.

But I don't know

where I'll end up.

It wouldn't be fair to him.

He deserves a good home.

I should let

Zsuzsanna know then.

Can we hold off

for a couple of days?

Just until I find out

about the offer.

Sure. I can do that.

You know what?

Why don't I go down

to the office myself?

I'll have a chat with Laszlo and

let him know what's going on.

Sounds good.

Do you want to walk

over there with me now?

I'm about to play

a game with Daniel.


Yeah, we can do that.

Zuki will be fine

for a few minutes.

He needs to sleep.

Oh, Whitney!

Always so nice

to see you and Marton.

Oh my goodness.

It's been a long time.

How are you?

I'm doing well, Maria.

How are you?

I'm doing well.

This is the best summer

I've had in a long time.

I'm glad to have this place

to meet with friends.

It's always been

that kind of place.

- Yeah.

- Whitney: Well, I have to run.

But it was so good

to see you, Maria.

And I'll see you

at home, Dad.


Did you want to have

a coffee or something else,

so we can catch up?

Only if you have time.

Yeah, sure, I have time.

- Okay.

- That would be nice.



Bianka called

my dad last night,

said she might be

bringing in an offer.

Wow. He must be,

uh, relieved.

I'm not so sure.

He seemed to be more

conflicted than anything.

He couldn't sleep last night.

Well, it's a big,

life-altering decision.

It is.

I was thinking I might make him

a special dinner tonight

to help cheer him up.

Would you want to come?

Are you sure

it's a good time?

It's the perfect time.

Do I have to cook?

Thanks for helping

organize the barbecue.

Yeah, yeah.

The invitations are all out.

Zsuzsanna is working

on the menu.

And now that the word has gotten

out that you are training here,

the phone's been

ringing off the hook.

The local TV station's

all want interviews.

That's great.

Hey, I thought you said

you couldn't handle

yourself in the kitchen.

I might have picked up

a thing or two from my parents.

Hey, I'm curious, besides

the training and the weather,

what made you decide

to live in Arizona?

It's actually where

my mom went to school.

She was on a golf

scholarship at Arizona State

and that's where

she and my dad met.

He was in the graduate program,

for golf course management.

Oh, so, you were born there.

No, I was actually

born in Florida.

My mom was

a single parent when they met,

and after they got married,

when I was eight, he adopted me,

and he's the only father

I've ever known.

- That's incredible.

- Yeah.


Dad grew up here in Budapest,

and the club was started

by my great-grandfather

and passed down

through generations.


Do you think you might, uh,

take it over one day?

That's, of course,

if your dad decides not to sell.

I've thought

about it more lately. Yeah.

Well, I think you'd be great.

Um, what about you?

Have you always wanted

to be a course pro?

Uh, no. I actually went to

The University of Stanford

on a golf scholarship.

And like everyone else, I really

wanted to make the pro circuit.

But after I graduated,

I was on the amateur circuit,

I made the cut to turn pro,

but then I injured my shoulder.

I don't know. After that,

I just couldn't

get back into the game.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

That was exactly when I

fell in love with teaching.

Things always work out the way

that they're supposed to.

To being where

we're meant to be.

Wow, that smells great.

What did you cook?

Mom's favorite,

chicken paprikash.


Feels like home again.

That was such a good meal.

And it was nice having

Daniel here, too.

It was.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

How was the rest of your day?

It was a very good day.

I had coffee with Maria.

We had lots to talk about.

- Is she coming to the barbecue?

- Yes.

And she's been in touch with

quite a few of the old crew.

They're coming, too.

Dad, that's great news.

You'll finally get to

reconnect with everyone.

A bit late though, now that

I've put the place up for sale.

Have you heard anything

from Bianka about the offer?

Not yet.

How is your training going?

I'm having fun with Daniel,

so good, I guess.

The tournament's

coming up soon.

Have you heard

anything from Andrew?

I was actually thinking

I should text him,

just as a courtesy,

to say hi.

I owe him that much.

You don't owe

him anything,

not after the way

he treated you.

I know, but I need to tell him

that I'm going forward

and I want to ask

Daniel to be my caddy.

He's hung in there with me

for so long.

Fair enough.

Laszlo: Thank you so much

for calling Pro Shop.

Yeah, just a minute.

People have been calling

like crazy since word got out

that you're training here.

That's great news.

Hey, Daniel?

One second. Hmm?

Can you talk in a bit?

I'm just going out

for a practice round.

Yeah, absolutely.

Do you want me to

grab your clubs?

Oh, no. I'm okay.

- Okay.

- Thanks.

Hey, yes, yes,

she is training here.

We're very excited.



- Hey.

- What are you doing here?

I got your text.

How did you get here so fast?

I was actually visiting

some friends in London

when I got your message.

So, I booked a room

close by the club,

jumped on a plane,

and here I am.

We need to talk.

What's there

to talk about?

You got a tournament

in two weeks.

Let's get to work.

No, Andrew.

We need to talk.

Okay, fine.

Let's talk.

I just wanted

to let you know

that I've been training here

with the pro, and...

I'm gonna ask him to be

my caddy for the tournament.

Are you serious?

I mean, what?

You're just telling me now?

A little heads-up

would have been appreciated.

Andrew, the last time

I saw you, you quit.

I know,

but I was frustrated, okay?

We had a bad season,

but it happens.

Can't we just put this all

behind us and move forward?

We can't just pretend

everything's okay and move on.

Let's be honest,

us working together

the past two years

hasn't been a good experience

for either one of us.

I know. Okay, but I promise it

won't be like that this time.

We've had years of

success together

and I know I can help you

bring that trophy home.

I just don't think it'll work.

I'm sorry.

I don't see why not.

I just don't think

it's smart for us

to dive back into

something that clearly--

Fine, fine.

I won't try to

coach you this time.

Just let me be your

caddy at the tournament.

Look, I've got an idea.

Let's try her out,

see how it goes.

I'll just carry

your clubs for you, that's it.

All right, fine.

But I don't want any


about us working

together in the future.

Got it.

Let's get out there.

Sorry for the intrusion.

I knocked on the front door,

but you didn't answer.

I'm sorry.

I didn't hear you.

Well, I have some great news.

We got the offer.

I've been doing a lot of

thinking, Bianka,

and I've had

a change of mind.

I'm reconsidering

my decision to sell.

You haven't seen

my offer yet.

I appreciate it,

but I don't need to see it.

This is a big one.


You have 24 hours

to consider it.

You know where to find me.

How was your day?

Andrew showed up.


What is he doing here?

He wants to be

my caddy for The Open.

What did you tell him?

I told him no,

that I was planning

to ask Daniel.

He wasn't thrilled

about that.

And then, suggested that he

caddy for me this one last time.

What does Daniel

think about that?

Mm. I haven't had a chance

to talk with him yet.


don't drag it out too long.

These things can get messy.

I know.

How was your day?

Bianka came by

with an offer.

Eight million euros?

That's a lot of money.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Everything is on schedule.

We will be ready

for tomorrow.

It's all looking great.

Thanks so much for doing this.

When Daniel comes in, can you

tell him I was looking for him?

I'm just heading out

for a practice round.

Of course. See you later.

See you later.

- Hey.

- Hey.

We had a great day

yesterday, huh?

Yes, we did.


Looks like it's all coming

together nicely, huh?

Yes, it's going to be a

big day for Whitney tomorrow,

with the press coming in the

morning and her dad out there.

Yeah, she'll definitely

be busy.

Oh, Zsuzsanna said she

came by a couple of hours ago

and she was looking for you.

Oh, okay, thanks.

You seem off.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, it's just a lot

going on here right now.

Especially with the sale

on the horizon, right?

- Yeah.

- Listen.

Have you been looking

to see if there are

any job opportunities

out there?

I have, yeah.

Yeah, it turns out there's a lot

of courses looking for pros,

and I had an offer

just this morning.


Are you going to accept it?

It depends if Marton

decides to sell this place.

Well, I think

we will find that out soon.



I should get back to work.

- Szia.

- Szia.

- Just keep that arm straight.

- Oh, okay.

Hey, Daniel.

- Bye.

- Hey.

I've been looking for you.

I wanted to

introduce you to Andrew.

Andrew, this is Daniel.

Daniel, this is Andrew.

Hey, yeah,

it's good to meet you, Andrew.

- Yeah, you too.

- Daniel's our pro here.

Pretty much runs everything.

Busy guy.

Yeah, well, I hope you're

enjoying the course.


Yeah, it's great.

If there's anything

I can do to be helpful, just--

just give me a shout.

I think we're good,

but thanks.

So, we should hit

the back nine, yeah?


Do you have

a few minutes to talk?

You know what?

I can't right now.

Zsuzsanna and

Laszlo gave me a list

like a mile long for tomorrow

and I got to run some errands,

and I'm already late, so...

- Okay.

- Daniel: Yeah.

But I'll see

you tomorrow?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Oh, the press will

be here first thing, so...

You feel good?

I'm good.

Yeah? Okay.

I'll catch up with you tomorrow.


Let's go.

I'm Tina Stevens

and I'm here today with our

local hero, Whitney Jones-Bla.

She'll be competing in the

upcoming Eastern European Open.

Whitney, your mother won this

tournament ten years ago.

How does it feel to be

competing so close to home?

It's amazing.

And there's something very

special about being back here

and training at

the course where it all began.

And how are you

preparing for the Open?

Are you still training

with Andrew Klein or have

you hired a new coach?


for the past three weeks,

I've been training

with Daniel Balzs.

He's the pro here

at Szentendre.

That's wonderful.

Well, thank you very much

for joining us today, Whitney,

and good luck.

Thank you.

It was my pleasure.

You were fantastic.

That was marvelous.

You're such a natural.

Thanks, Dad.

- Dad...

- You could be an actress.

Oh, I don't know about that.

Can I speak

to you for a second?

- Sure.

- Excuse us.

- We'll talk later.

- Yeah.

You could have

at least mentioned me.

I'm the one who's been working

with you all these years.

Okay, well,

I'm sorry I didn't mention you.

Who's this Daniel guy,


I mean, I haven't seen one thing

that's impressed me so far.

Look, I mean, at this point,

you're gonna t*nk,

if you keep working with

two different coaches.

You gotta make up your mind.

I have,

and you're right.

Working with two different

coaches will mess up my game.


Woman: Sorry, can I get

your autograph, please?


Um, what's your name?


Thank you.


There you go.

- Mariana: Thank you.

- Whitney: Nice to meet you.


This was

all Whitney's idea.

Excuse me

for one moment.

I'm sure I don't have to tell

you the offer has expired.

I know.

But this is a very

big decision for me.

And for now,

I have to pass.

I think I made that clear.

I understand,

but a contract is a contract.

What is this?

My invoice.

For what?

My commission.

If I bring in an offer

at or above the listing

price within 30 days,

I'm due my commission,

whether you accept it or not.

Have a good day.

Well, that went well.

And your food was amazing.

Thanks, Whit.

It was so much fun.

Have you seen Daniel?

Yeah. He and Laszlo

just drove the tables

and chairs back

to the rental company.

Okay. I guess I'll

talk to him in the morning.

Did you have fun today, Dad?

So, glad so many of

your friends could come out.

Yeah, me too.

What's wrong?

I got an invoice

from Bianka.

200,000 euros

for her commission.


I don't have that kind

of money.

No, she can't charge

you that.

The sale wasn't completed.

You don't owe her anything.

I do. I checked

the listing agreement.

This is insane.

I don't have that

kind of cash lying around.

Everything I have is

tied up in this property.

Maybe I should sell.

I can't afford that.

What if you took out

a mortgage?

Your mom and I already

took out a big one

to cover the costs

for the renovations

of the clubhouse

and the restaurant.

It's hard enough

paying for that.

I can't afford

to add more to it.

We'll figure something out.

I'll talk to Daniel tomorrow.

His brother is a real estate

lawyer; maybe he can help us.

- Morning.

- Morning.

I need your help.

It's a long story,

but Bianka says my Dad owes

this commission.

Do you think you could have your

brother take a look at it?

Yeah, yeah, of course.

I'm sure he'd be happy to help.

I'd really appreciate it.

He's very upset

and he doesn't know what to do.

Yeah, well, I would do

anything for your father.

He's a good man.

He is.

I was also wondering

if you have time

to take me out

for a round later.

There's a few things

that I want to brush up on

and I also need

to talk to you

about how to

handle things going forward.


Maybe it's best if

we just talk about it

after the tournament, yeah?

I just... I think you

should probably focus

on getting into

a groove with Andrew.

You know, different

approaches can cause confusion

and that's not what you need

going into a tournament, so...

But look,

I should run.

I have a lesson

to get to.


I will let you know

what Tamas has to say.

- Um, thanks.

- Yep.

Marton: When you didn't

come back after your game,

I thought

I would find you here.

I just wanted to spend

some time with Mom

before I leave tomorrow.

Is that

the only reason?

Things have been

a bit weird with Daniel

ever since Andrew arrived.

He bowed out

of the competition,

so Andrew's

going to be my caddy for it.


It will sort itself out.

I hope so.

Things always do, eventually.

Look at me.

I told you the last thing I

needed or wanted was a dog.

And today, I filed an

application to adopt Zuki.

- You did?

- I did.

It doesn't matter where

I go today or tomorrow,

he's my dog now.

That's amazing news, Dad.

I'm really happy for you.

And I have you

to thank for it.

He nudged me out of that house

and it was about time.

Well, I need to get back.

There is a certain

new member of the family

who is expecting his dinner.

- I'll see you back there?

- Yeah.

I just want to say goodbye

to Daniel before I leave.



How was your, uh--

how was your game today?

It was okay.

More fun when

you're around, though.

Um, so, were you going to come

to the tournament at all, or...

Uh, you know, I'm not

sure I'll be able to make it.

There's kind of a lot

going on here right now, so...

Okay. Um...

Have you heard back from

Tamas about the commission yet?

No, I'm actually

going to take the invoice

over to the restaurant now, so I

will let you know what he says.


I guess I'll, uh...

I'll see you on the TV.

My whole family's going to be

at the restaurant to, uh...

to cheer you on.

Hey, Daniel,

you forgot the invoice.

"Dear Daniel,

please find our contract offer

"for the position

of course pro

"here at Northwestern Western

Golf Club, Donegal, Ireland."

Announcer: Welcome, everyone.

Mark Zeccino here

from a beautiful day

at Pannnia Golf Club

for the opening of The Ladies

Eastern European Championships.

Yeah, no.

Look, you're not accounting

for the crosswinds.

Okay, I told you,

aim 15 yards to the left. Here.

No. I'm good, I'm good.

Just let me focus, okay?

Okay, well,

we tee off in 40 minutes.

I know, I know.

Mark: Winona Allison of Scotland

about to tee off here

at the first hole

on our opening day.

One of our newcomers on tour.

She's been showing some

incredible promise.

Oh, and a solid start

right down the middle.

We have all the favorites

on the course today,

including the local hero,

Whitney Jones-Bla,

looking to make

a solid recovery

from her last start

out in San Francisco.

Nice drive off

the first for Whitney.

She's off to a good start,

and look who's on her golf bag.

Andrew Klein is her caddy.

There were rumors

that Andrew had quit.

Brooke Bradshaw

even par so far,

lying two

in the green side bunker.

Oh, a lovely third.

She should be able

to make par from there.

Yeah, so, I do think

that my priority is

just coming into this...

- Hi!

- Hi!

...on the back nine,

you know,

having as many

strokes up as I can...

on the front nine.

So, yeah.


Mark: Welcome back

to day two of the 24th annual

Eastern European Open

at Pannnia Golf Club.

I'm Mark Zeccino.


And I'm Kara Wagland.

Whitney Jones-Bla is about to

tee off on the 10th hole.

She finished yesterday

with a very disappointing

three over par,

seven strokes off the lead.

Three under today

through nine holes.

Mark: Yeah, if she can stay on

this pace on the back nine,

she'll have a sh*t at

making it to the weekend.

Winona Allison from the fairway

continuing to have a good day.

If Whitney can two-putt this,

she'll move from 17th to 12th,

after a solid showing today.

You need to

make this putt, Whitney.

- I know.

- I just... I need--

I need you to keep

your head in the game, okay?

We have a chance here.

I'm trying, but there's a lot

weighing on me right now.

Yeah, well, I didn't

come back here just to lose.

Okay, this is not helpful.

I need to feel like

you're on my side.

I am on your side.

I'm just being honest.

We don't need

another Red Pines here.

It was embarrassing

for both of us.

Wait, what are--

what are you doing?

You barely addressed the ball.

You can't possibly--


What a putt!

What an eagle!

Now, six under,

Whitney Jones-Bla has

made it to the third round.

Okay, look,

that putt was just pure luck.

What's going on here?

What are you thinking?

Okay, this is precisely why we

parted ways at the Red Pines.

No, we parted ways because you

needed to figure out your life.

Andrew, enough!

I'm not accepting this anymore.

What does that mean exactly?

It means we're done.

I've had it with your

condescending remarks.

You're fired.


You can't do that, okay?

You can't compete

without a caddy. You need me.

I don't need you, Andrew,

and I would never sacrifice

my dignity to win a trophy.

You don't mean that, right?

I've never been more serious

about anything in my life.

Are you okay?

I just fired, Andrew.

Today, was a very good day

for Whitney,

moving her back

into contention

for the first time

this year.

My sweet boy,

you don't seem yourself.

It's fine, Ma,

I promise, okay?

My mind is just...

somewhere else.

Did she make it

to the next round?

Yeah, she did.

You don't seem happy.

It's fine.

I just...

I don't know. I just wish I

could be there with her for it.

Then, go. Cheer for her.

What's stopping you?

Szia Mama, Daniel.

Tamas, did you have a chance

to look at that invoice?

I did,

and it's nonsense.

Bianka's been representing both

sides, the buyer and seller,

trying to collect

commission from both.

Isn't that fraud?

Sure is.

Your mother told me you wish

you were cheering Whitney on.

Son, I don't care what's

going on.

Actions speak loudly.

Go cheer for her.

Whatever happens,

she'll know you were there.

I just got

a voice message from Daniel.

What did he say?

Why don't you

ask him yourself?

I'm going to go inside and

call Laszlo and ask about Zuki.

- Hey.

- Hey.

What are you doing here?

Well, I have

some good news.

Tamas says that Bianka

has no legal rights

to collect money

from your dad,

so he's gonna be sending her

a letter to put her on notice.

That's great news.

Thank you.


At least one

good thing happened today.


I heard something

happened with Andrew.

I fired him.

Wow. Okay.


what now?

Well, now, I just need to

figure out what to do next.

I guess you'll be

needing a new caddy.

I could step in.

I appreciate the offer, but I

don't think that's a great idea.

Well, I do know

your game pretty well.

Shouldn't you be on

a plane to Ireland right now?

I saw the contract

for your new job offer.

Why didn't you tell me

that you were planning to leave?

I didn't tell you

because I'm not leaving.

That was just an offer.

So, then why were you

so dismissive with me

when I saw you

the other day?

Because I saw you

and Andrew talking

about the conflict

with having two coaches,

and I just thought

it'd be best to back away

and give you

the space that you needed

to prepare

for your tournament.

So, then,

why didn't you ask me?

I was telling Andrew

that I wanted to

ask you to be my caddy.

I did not know that and...

I... have made

a huge mistake.

I'm sorry.

So, what is the process

for registering a caddy

around here anyway?

Kara: Welcome, everyone, to the

final day of the 24th annual

Ladies Eastern European Open,

right here at the

Pannnia Golf Club.

Mark: Brooke Bradshaw

now with the tee at 13.

Another great

tee sh*t from Brooke.

Up next is Whitney Jones-Bla.

The two competitors

have been once again paired,

following Jones-Bla's

amazing third round yesterday.

I'm really happy you're here.

- Thank you.

- Daniel: Yeah.

Mark: Well, Kara,

Whitney only has one chance

to show us last-minute caddy

change was the right move.

But I will say this,

under all the pressure,

for the first time this year,

she looks relaxed.

Whitney's march towards

a potential victory


here on the back nine.


What an exciting finish.

With Whitney's birdie on 17,

she and Brooke

have moved into a tie for

the lead at eight under.

Mark: If Whitney can

take the tournament,

what a fitting tribute

to her mother Alice.


it's been really fun

playing with you again.

You too, Brooke.

You made

a good choice with this one.

You two make

a good team.

Look, no matter

what happens,

you've played

an incredible game, okay?

I couldn't have

done this without you.

Mark: Whitney has

reached the 18th hole,

and when you consider

what she has been through

on the golf course,

off the golf course,

in her personal life,

her entire comeback

rests right here,

right now,

on this tee sh*t at the last.

A perfect tee sh*t for

Whitney Jones-Bla at 18.

Mark: And another

great approach by Brooke!


It all comes down to this.

Brooke's fairway sh*t

landed on the green,

but 20 feet from the pin.

It looks like an easy par and a

possible birdie from there.

Mark: Whitney with an almost

impossible birdie from there

and a tough up

and down for par.

Brooke has it all

but locked up.

You know, a better golfer

than me once said that,

if you cup your wrist

and drop your hands,

you'll make that sh*t.

Mark: Whitney about to

step into the bunker.

Not a good lead.

Certainly almost

an impossible birdie.

But she'd like to get

up and down for par

and her attitude

seems good here.

She settles in

for what she hopes is one of her

final sh*ts of the day.

This has a chance!

To the cup!


An unlikely birdie

from the bunker!

A miracle sh*t!

Now, forcing Brooke Bradshaw

to make her putt

or this tournament is over.

An absolutely incredible sh*t

on the final hole

to force Brooke's hand.

A nod to the sky

and a smile to her mother Alice.

Whitney can now only watch

as Brooke Bradshaw

has this do-or-die moment,

a putt to extend the match.

The pressure... immense.

- And there it is!

- Yes!


With the miss,

following in her mother

Alice's footsteps,

Whitney Jones-Bla is the Ladies

Eastern European champion.

Oh, looks like she was

with you after all.

Congratulations, Whitney.

- Thank you.

- Of course.

Nice work.



I never doubted you

for a second.

I think it is about time.

Don't you think?

Dad, does this mean you're

reopening the restaurant?

Yes, and a certain chef we all

know has agreed

to take on the job of getting it

up and running again.


Thank you.

Excuse me.

Here we are.


Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would

like to propose a special toast.

Ten years ago,

Whitney's mother Alice

won the Eastern European


Today, Whitney follows

in the footsteps of a giant.




Marton: I'm glad you

could make it, Maria.

You look very nice today.

Have I told you

how beautiful you are?

Can I tell you something?

I've decided

to stay here.

What? Really?

No more Arizona?

No more Arizona.

This is my home

and this is where I belong.

Nothing would make me happier

than to have you here...

with me.

I think I might just love you,

Whitney Jones-Bla.

I think I might

just love you, too.