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01x12 - The Raven Invader

Posted: 01/12/24 08:18
by bunniefuu
[GLASS] Oh, pardon me.

Whatever happened to my manners?

I am called Glass and that's all you need to know for now.

Feel free to consider me your enemy.

How'd she--

She took out that Soul Eater in one hit!

If ya ask me, she's just showing off.

I'm shaking. I can't stop.

I'm Naofumi.

[GLASS] Naofumi? Well, well...

[GLASS] Then may I suggest that we begin...

...the only battle of this Wave worthy of the name?

[NAOFUMI grunts]

[GLASS] Why are you waiting to attack, Hero Naofumi?

Why not try sending those servants of yours at me first?

Servants?! What the hell--?!

You just called us...

...Naofumi's servants?!

[ALL] Screw you!

Meteor Slash!

Meteor Thrust!

Meteor Shot!

[REN grunts]

[MOTOYASU yells]

[ITSUKI grunts]


[GLASS] Is that all you've got?

Zero-Stance Rondo Reverse Four Seasons.

[ALL scream]

[ALL groan]

As I was saying before--mere servants.

[REN growls]

How did she do that?!

[MOTOYASU groans]

[GLASS] I hope you'll at least entertain me a little.

Sorry, lady, but I never was never much into entertaining.

That said, Shield Prison!


[RAPHTALIA grunts, gasps]

[FILO yells, gasps]

[NAOFUMI grunting]

You didn't really think that would work, did you?

[NAOFUMI grunts] Filo!

[FILO] High Quick!

[FILO yelps]

Eight kicks in a second? How very admirable.

But I'm afraid it's not enough.



Not even worthy of mention.


[grunts] Both of you, get behind me--hurry!

Shield Prison!

Reverse Four Seasons.

[ALL grunting]

[NAOFUMI growls]

[ALL groan]

[GLASS] I must say, I'm impressed

you're still standing after all that.

Now then, when exactly do you intend

to use that flaming shield you've been wielding?

Master Naofumi...

Come forth, Rage Shield, now!

[NAOFUMI grunts]

[NAOFUMI yells]

[FILO yells]

I thought I was clear. You can't touch me.

[FILO yells]


Raphtalia, take care of Filo!


[NAOFUMI pants]

[NAOFUMI grunting]


You can do better than that.

Your flame's too cold.


[GLASS] Rupture-Stance Rondo!

Tortoise Shell cr*cker.

[NAOFUMI grunts, groans]

Master Naofumi!

Interesting. Even that isn't enough to bring you down.

If nothing else, your defense lives up to your title of hero.

[NAOFUMI] Flattery'll get you nowhere.

It seems, however, your dark flame

only activates in close-quarter att*cks.

But the story is very different when it comes to range att*cks.

You have an ace up your sleeve.

Stop holding out on me. Show me what you can do.

All right then, if you insist, but don't say I didn't warn ya!

Shield Prison!

[NAOFUMI] Change Shield!

Change to Iron Maiden!

[GLASS] Pity. It's even less potent than I imagined it to be.


[GLASS] How disappointing.

[NAOFUMI] Is there... Is there nothing we can do?

[NAOFUMI gasps]

The time limit?

I didn't expect it to hit this quickly.

[NAOFUMI gasps] When I give you the sign,

use your light magic to blind her.


The battle of the Wave will end in our victory.

There can be no other outcome.

I have nothing against you, but it is what it is.

Okay, now!

All right! Fast Light!

[GLASS grunts]

Fast Heal!

[NAOFUMI] Let's go!

Of all the futile, useless...

She's attacking, Master Naofumi!

Air Strike Shield!

[NAOFUMI grunting]

So I can't defeat him at this distance.

I shall leave this time,

but you won't survive our next encounter

unless you get stronger.

Remember that we shall be the ones

to emerge triumphant from the Waves.


Is it all over?


[ALL groan]

What happened?

Why did she allow us to get away?

[VILLAGERS chattering]

[CHILDREN laughing]

[NAOFUMI] That countdown showed up out of nowhere.

It must've been signaling the end of the Wave.

[NAOFUMI] But what are the Waves, anyway?

Weren't they supposed to be world-ending calamities?

Why was that Glass woman so fixated on defeating me, a hero?

...the only battle of this Wave worthy of the name?

[NAOFUMI] All questions and no answers.

But one thing's for sure:

we have to get much stronger before the next Wave.

If we don't, we'll be dead for sure.

Feeding my shield monster fragments

will let me obtain new skills,

but any serious improvement means Raphtalia and Filo

have to get class upgrades, and soon.

Excuse me, uh, Sir Hero?


You are to report to the royal castle at once.


[NAOFUMI] Shield Prison!

Time for... Change Shield!

[NAOFUMI, DRAGON ZOMBIE] I cast the Iron Maiden!

[clears throat]

I saw what happened through the crystal ball.

You did well to quell the Wave, as much as I hate to admit it.

[NAOFUMI] Wow, don't be grateful or anything.

Please, Sir Hero! I beg you!

I know how you feel. Believe me, I understand!

But please go with the captain!


I have a question for you, Hero.

I want to know exactly how you obtained

such incredible strength.


[AULTCRAY] You possess powers unbecoming of the Shield Hero.

It is your duty to reveal the secret behind it.


It's time to spit it out.

And don't you even think about lying to me.


If you wanna know so badly, come kneel.

[KNIGHTS gasp]

Y'see, where I come from,

when someone asks for something,

they usually grovel before the one who has what they need.


[NAOFUMI] Oh, yeah, and they usually say,

"I beg you. Please deign to enlighten my ignorant self."

Insolent cur!

As things stand now, if I wanted,

I could k*ll you right here and walk straight out the door.

You're bluffing and you know it!

[KNIGHTS gasp]

If any of you want to fight me, go right ahead.

But I k*lled the Wave's number one monster.

[KNIGHTS gasp]


I'm willing to cooperate with you

only until the Waves die down, and then I'm going back home.

And don't even think of calling me again.

I-I'm the king!

I forbid you to disrespect me this way, Shield!


I know what to do.

Those slaves of yours will pay for your crimes.

Don't think you can get out of this that easily!


[AULTCRAY gasps]

You can use all the dirty,

underhanded tricks you can think of.

I'll protect my team no matter what you do.

You'll never take anything from me again.

I dare you to lay a finger on them.

I'll chase you to the ends of the earth

and make you regret ever being born!

[AULTCRAY growls]

Accursed Shield!

You did well this time, I daresay, Shield Hero.

I daresay.


Your efforts have become, shall we say,

somewhat impossible for anyone

to reasonably ignore any longer.

Including certain powers who,

to put it mildly, aren't taking too kindly

to your interference, Sir Hero.

Virtuous on the surface,

conniving and conspiring behind the scenes...

You should exercise the utmost caution

going forward, I daresay. Understood?


[AULTCRAY] Aha, Melty! What can I do for you?

I was told that you and the Shield Hero

had a conversation just now.

Is that right, Father?

Huh? Uh?

And I was also told that the conversation ended

in a very hostile manner.

[AULTCRAY groans]

[MELTY] Father, if you remain at odds with the Shield Hero,

we may lose our only means of fighting the Waves,

which could thr*aten the safety of our entire country!

Please try to reconcile with him!

Reconcile with that swine?!


O-Oh, don't worry, my dear, I'm not angry at you.

I just don't understand, Father.

Why do you hate the Shield Hero so much?

It's just that...

If he and his demi-humans do as they please,

I'll lose my family again.

Father, I, uh--

[door opens]

[MYNE] Your defiance is an affront.


[MYNE] With the queen away, the king's word is final.

And not even we princesses can go against it.

Sister, I...

[MYNE] Our father is the king.

Whether you understand his decisions or not,

they all have the betterment of our country at heart.

I realize that you're still at an age

where you want him to baby you, of course.

I was once small like you, too.

But you really should learn to hold back a little,

dear Melty.

Just a word of advice from your big sis.

I appreciate your concern and I'm grateful,

but you see, Big Sister,

this is really none of your business.

[MYNE grunts]

Just like our mother and father,

I only want what's best for our subjects and our country.

You understand.

So, you see, it is my job as crown princess

to see that everything is put right.

Oh, Melty, you little...

[AULTCRAY sputtering]

[MELTY] I'll take my leave now, Father.

[AULTCRAY gasps]

Melty, please, I--

[MYNE] Papa.


[MYNE growling]

[ERHARDT] I can't believe you actually went spoiling

for a fight with the king!

Well, better get your facts straight.

He picked the fight.

Whatever. You can do all your shopping here

since I've got everything.

But wait a sec. What about the class upgrades?

Based on everything you've said,

it's unlikely they'll let you use the dragon hourglass here.

[NAOFUMI] I was thinking of going to either

Siltvelt or Shieldfreeden.

[ERHARDT] I always figured you'd go to those places someday.

[ERHARDT] I recommend Shieldfreeden.

Interesting, that's the same place

the sl*ve merchant told me to go to.

He said for a country of demi-humans,

it's quite welcoming to humans.


Over in Siltvelt, they can get pretty extreme

about demi-human supremacy. But, as the Shield Hero--

Master, are we--

Are we really going on another trip?

[NAOFUMI] Mm-hm.

We're going on a trip!

Normally, it takes about four weeks,

but I'm pretty sure she'll get you there in less time.

I'll get everything ya need loaded up on your wagon.

You're gonna have to get goin' pretty quick.

Oh, and, um, I'd like a new sword for Raphtalia--

Master Naofumi, I already have a spare.

Wait a sec.

This is going to be a long journey.

We should try to save money.

--[NAOFUMI sighs] --[FILO giggles]

[RAPHTALIA] Erhardt is always so fast and organized, isn't he?

We wouldn't have been able to leave so quickly otherwise.



[ERHARDT] Just thought I'd put in some gifts

for the road, kid. Use 'em if ya like.

They may prove useful on your journey.

[ERHARDT] For you, a shield accessory.

It can analyze any shield,

besides doing tons of other useful stuff.

[ERHARDT] For the little missy, a brand new sword.

It's the same make as the one she broke.

Nothing beats a trusty old friend, right?

I put in another one for her, too.

A mana sword.

[ERHARDT] For enemies with no physical body.

[BOTH] Hm?

[ERHARDT] If, God forbid, your feathered lassie

can't draw the wagon anymore,

this little item will come in handy.

She puts this on,

she'll gain the strength of a hundred men!

Even you could draw the wagon, kid!


Ooh. [giggles]


[NAOFUMI chuckles]

[FILO whines]

[NAOFUMI exhales]

[NAOFUMI] I love traveling.

It makes me feel free, shackled by no one.

No royalty to deal with, not even the other heroes.

[MELTY] Found you!

[groans, sighs]

Huh? It's Mel!

Hey, we're over here, Mel!

--[NAOFUMI] Filo... --It's so good to see you!

Master Naofumi, I know it wasn't very long,

but we did travel together as a team.

Mel's a good person, you know?

She really is!

[NAOFUMI groans]

Sir Shield Hero, I have a request.

Please return to the capital

and speak with King Aultcray again.

Not a chance.

[MELTY gasps]

I want you to apologize for your conduct and reconcile.

Forget it!


We need your help, Sir Hero.

We just can't stop the Waves without you.

Besides, you'd be nowhere

without the king's financial help.

Don't you understand?

What financial help?

I'm the one who's graciously working with you guys--

only until all the Waves are gone, that is.

Master Naofumi...

She's royalty, too.

[RAPHTALIA groans]

[MELTY] Why...?

[BOTH] Huh?

Why do both you and my father have to act this way?

It's ridiculous!

[ALL gasp]

A hero and the king can't be fighting among themselves!

Absolutely not!

[FILO] Mel?

Don't you agree with me, Filo? Isn't this silly?!

[FILO] Uh...

You agree, don't you, Raphtalia?!

Well, um, actually,

I am Master Naofumi's sword, you know.

You see? They agree with me--both of them!

Actually, they don't.

Look, just apologize to Father, just this once!

Otherwise, Mother's going to yell at him

when she comes back!

[NAOFUMI] She throws a tantrum just like her dad.

Huh? Wait, what? Her mother will yell at him?

You listen to me when I'm talking to you!




[NAOFUMI] This feeling...

It's the same as that other time.

[NAOFUMI] This whole thing--

it reeks of a setup.

[NAOFUMI gasps]

[NAOFUMI growls]

So return to--

--[NAOFUMI grunts] --[MELTY yelps]

[MELTY gasps]

[NAOFUMI grunts]