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01x20 - Battle of Good and Evil

Posted: 01/12/24 08:23
by bunniefuu
[SHADOW] Majesty...

If I may say so,

you don't need to make this trip yourself.

[MIRELIA] The country's--

no, the entire world's survival is at stake.

I will not sit here and wait for news

when I still have the strength within me to fight.

[SHADOW] As you wish.

I apologize for this.

Not at all.

Your Majesty, we live for this.

[SOLDIERS gasping]

Today we go to w*r!

Pope Bisca T. Balmus is a traitor.

It's time to put an end to the Three Heroes Church

and its followers.


We leave immediately!

Cavalry, move out!

--[horses neigh] --[SOLDIERS cheer]

Shield Hero, please survive till I get there.

Our troops will be there soon.

Hang on, Melty.

And now for group defense magic of the highest level:


[bell tolls]

[REN grunts]

[ITSUKI grunts]

[REN] Thunderbolt Slash!

Thunder Shot!

Filo! Raphtalia!

--Right! --[FILO] 'Kay!

[FILO] High Quick!


[RAPHTALIA grunts]

[POPE groans]

[CLERGY praying]

[PRIEST A] Heal my target!

Zweit Heal!


One more time.


Grab him, too!

Huh? [screams]

Wait a sec!

Zweit Aqua Shell!

[MYNE gasps]

[ALL gasp]

Come on, Sister, keep your focus!

[NAOFUMI] Okay, Motoyasu, when we get close

I want you to attack me, got it?

Huh?! But why?!

[FILO grunts]

[MOTOYASU screams]


Fine, then! [grunts]


He dispelled that curse so easily.

[POPE] All curses are meaningless

within the walls of this Cathedral.

After all, we are standing on hallowed ground

that has been blessed by God himself.

[BOTH grunt]

[NAOFUMI groans]

[MOTOYASU groans]

[BOTH grunting]

Wow, he's so powerful!

Can you hear me out there, Bishop?

I need the believers to pray harder,

to show our enemy the true might of God.

[PRIEST A] But, sir, almost a third of them

have already given the last of their mana to the cause.

If they don't stop now, their lives may be in danger.

[POPE] Is there a problem with that?

[PRIEST A gasps]

[POPE] Don't forget,

this is a battle between God and the Devil.

To perish here is to become a martyr.

No disciple of the Three Heroes Church

could hope for a higher honor.

[PRIEST A] Yes, Your Excellency.

[PRIEST A] My brethren!

The Pope requires more prayers!

How can he causally throw away the lives of his followers?

They all trusted in him!

Still do.

They'll follow that order to the death.

[POPE] Indeed.

We are one in body and soul.

With the help of their prayers

and the strongest attack this sacred w*apon can muster,

I shall grant you all the purification

you so desperately deserve.

It is the greatest mercy God could ever

bestow upon the likes of you.

Something about this feels all wrong...

He's building up an awful lot of mana.

If they keep praying,

that light will reach the top of the Cathedral!

That's probably gonna be

when he launches that huge attack.

Hey! How 'bout you put that shield to use.

Can't it do something?


[MOTOYASU] I mean, that thing seems kinda overpowered.

Are you serious?

[ITSUKI] He's right.

Compared to us, you're way under-leveled,

but you're still able to keep up.

Don't you think that's because of your shield?

[NAOFUMI] My w*apon's not overpowered,

you just don't know how to use yours!

Do you have any special skills that might help?

If I did, don't you think I'd be--

[NAOFUMI groans]

[NAOFUMI] What's happening?

[NAOFUMI gasps]

[FITORIA] Curse powers are impressive,

but the consequences are dire.

Please do not resort to that power, Shield Hero.


This might be a gamble, but if we're lucky, it'll work.

That's what I like to hear.

Wait a minute. Are you really gonna use it?


It's worked out pretty well in the past.

I'm sure I can handle it this time.

'Kay. I will trust you.

I do, too.


[ZOMBIE DRAGON] You made the right choice

to release me from my shackles.

[NAOFUMI gasps]

[NAOFUMI groaning]

[NAOFUMI yelling]

[ZOMBIE DRAGON] Let the anger take control

and your suffering will end.

No, I...

I... won't!


[NAOFUMI groans]

I won't let you...

You can't control me!

I'm not going to allow your anger to overtake me this time!

[ZOMBIE DRAGON] A dragon's fury is powerful,

but this is not my anger.

This rage wells up from within your own heart.

[gasps] What?!

[gasps, groans]

[ZOMBIE DRAGON] You're angry for being framed.

[NAOFUMI groans]

[ZOMBIE DRAGON] You're angry for being hated

and publicly humiliated.

[NAOFUMI groans]

[ZOMBIE DRAGON] You're angry for the persecution

you've had to face,

never having a chance to defend yourself.

All that outrage is yours alone.

It's mine?

[ZOMBIE DRAGON] Now release every last drop

of your pent up resentment and scorn.

So much...

[ZOMBIE DRAGON] Unleash the anger you have felt

against your enemies.

I can give you all the power you need.

[NAOFUMI] Power!


No, don't!

You can't let him corrupt you like that!

Don't surrender to it...

[ZOMBIE DRAGON] Did it not taste sweet?


[ZOMBIE DRAGON] Using the power of the cursed flame,

how easily you could make all your foes submit to you.

It felt good, did it not?

You felt fulfilled.


[ZOMBIE DRAGON] Let your rage show!

Seize that power!

Burn everything that stands in your way!

[NAOFUMI] Burn...

[NAOFUMI] I'll burn it all!

[ZOMBIE DRAGON] Good... Excellent, human!

Even my own rage is nothing compared to this.

[ZOMBIE DRAGON chuckles, laughs]

Naofumi, you okay?

[MOTOYASU] Did he actually become the Devil of the Shield?

Oh, no!

[NAOFUMI] Burn everything...

[NAOFUMI] If I burn it all down, this'll finally end.

[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi!

My anger can take control,

and I can use it to destroy everything.

[FILO] Master!

[NAOFUMI] I have the power to do that now.

I can do whatever I want.

[MELTY] Naofumi!


You're so annoying!

Don't try to stop me!

You don't mean that, do you?

Do you really hate everything, Master?

[NAOFUMI gasps]

That voice. Who are you?

[RAPHTALIA] We're your friends, Master Naofumi.

Doesn't that mean anything to you?

My friends?

[RAPHTALIA] In the beginning, I was terrified.

I thought you were going to treat me like an object

like everyone else always did.

But instead, you were nice to me.

You cared for me.

You protected me.

Taught me right from wrong.

That's why I vowed to always stand with you.

[FILO] And as for me, you hatched me,

and you've been raising me since the very first day of my life!

You gave me the wagon I like to pull so much,

and my clothes, and all sorts of fun stuff.

Pretty much everything I love in this world,

I got from you!

[MELTY] You were always stubborn,

never listening to me.

And you kept making fun of me.

Yet... you made good on your promise to keep me safe.

Knowing that I was more than just a princess,

you treated me like a real person,

and became a true friend.

[NAOFUMI gasps]

[NAOFUMI] That's right.

I've been on a journey...

...with friends!

People I care about, that I swore to protect.

[MELTY] You're not really the type

to wear your heart on your sleeve,

so we never know exactly what you're thinking.

[RAPHTALIA] But we do know that you care about us, very much.

And we care about you.

Uh-huh! I love you a whole bunch, Master.

And I'm gonna eat up all your bad feelings

so you don't have to feel them anymore!

I'll share your pain.

Whatever you need, I'll be there.

I'll cut through your sorrow.

That's what I'm here for.

After all, I promised that I'd always be your sword.

[NAOFUMI gasps]

[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi!


My friends, thank you.

Thank goodness.

I'm so glad you came back to us.

Are you okay, Master?

That was too close!

We're all glad you're back!

I'm sorry...

I never meant to hurt any of you.

[RAPHTALIA] You did the right thing.

[NAOFUMI gasps]

You chose the path that was meant for you.

We've traveled side by side.

We're in this together!


I'll keep on eating up all your bad feelings.

Again and again, until they all go away!


[MELTY] If you're feeling better,

could you hurry up and figure out a plan?

We're kind of in the middle of a battle here.

I'll get right on it, Melty.

[REN] You all right?

Looks like something's different about the berserk mode, huh?

Compared to the last time we saw it?

[NAOFUMI] I'm gonna need your help.

Are you serious?

[NAOFUMI] Please.


Now that's a word I never expected to hear

coming out of you, Naofumi.

[REN] Can we win?

I don't know, but it's worth a shot.

[REN] Mm.

I told you that we were gonna have to

fight together in order to defeat him.


I don't know...

[MOTOYASU] All right, fine!

Whatever you need!

Let's prove the bonds of friendship

are always strong enough to prevail.

[ALL chuckle]

[ALL gasp]

[POPE] I'm sorry to interrupt

whatever you're in the middle of,

but my w*apon is ready to purify.


It's time to say goodbye, Devil of the Shield!

[NAOFUMI grunting]

I can't believe you're still standing.

Even a devil shouldn't be able to

stop the full force of the Cathedral.

[NAOFUMI] Great power always comes at a price.

[NAOFUMI] For example, this "divine" power of yours

has come at the cost of your disciples.

And your life alone

won't ever be enough to atone for that!

[POPE gasps]

[POPE] Wait. That shield!


[BOTH] Right!

[ALL] Yeah!

[ITSUKI] Thunder Shot!

I'm not finished yet!

Wind Arrow!

Zweit Aqua Shot!

[ADVENTURER A, B] Zweit Air Shot!

Don't give him time to recover!

[FILO] High Quick!


I won't fall for that a second time!

We're just here to distract you!


Meteor Sword!

[POPE groans]

[NAOFUMI] Ren, Raphtalia,

you two get in close and set up a screen.

Then when he can't see...

[MYNE] Zweit Power!

Can't believe I'm takin' orders from Naofumi...

Damn it all!

If that's how it's gotta be, I'll take it out on you!

Air Strike Javelin!


[NAOFUMI] "The bonds of friendship

will always prevail," huh?


Shut up!

Get in there and finish him off!

May this sacred flame come forth

and cleanse everything that it touches!

Phoenix Blade!

As source of thy power,

the Shield Hero and I order thee!

Decipher the laws of creation,

consume the flame, and give me power!

[BOTH] Wrath Fire!


Ha! He did it!

All right, let's finish this!


[POPE groans]

[NAOFUMI] Hang on a sec!

Something's wrong.

[MOTOYASU] Chaos Spear!

State of Emptiness.

No way!

[BOTH groan]


[REN yells]

[REN groans]

[MOTOYASU grunts] That's one of my spear's most advanced skills

and he countered me with my own ability.

[REN] I don't believe it...

That w*apon can imitate anything we do with ours?

Your sins demand more.

You defy God!

Cleansing you won't be enough!


[ALL scream]

[BOTH gasp]

[NAOFUMI] Now what?

[NAOFUMI groans, growls]

--[POPE laughing]

--[FILO gasps, whines] --[POPE laughing]

--Stay away from us! --[POPE laughing]

[MOTOYASU yells]

[MYNE shrieks]

[MELTY] No... No, please!

Stop it!

Damn! What the hell is this?

I don't--

[RAPHTALIA] It's an illusion!

Some kind of skill.

That's got to be how he's doing this!

[POPE] It's too late to receive God's mercy.

Despair is all that's left!

You'll be crushed under the weight of your own minds!

[NAOFUMI] Everyone, watch ou--

[NAOFUMI groans]

Oh, no! [gasps]

[NAOFUMI] Raphtalia!

[NAOFUMI growls]

[NAOFUMI growls]

You will be annihilated.

Not a speck of ash will remain.

There will be no evidence of your existence

when this is over.

As source of thy power, the queen orders thee.

Decipher the laws of creation,

surround my target in a cage of ice, and hold him there.

All Dritte Fall: Icicle Prison!

[POPE gasps]


[POPE gasps]

[POPE] Impossible!

[FILO, MELTY gasp]

How can her magic reach me here?

The Cathedral should protect me!

[MIRELIA] Hurry! Now's your chance!


[NAOFUMI, ZOMBIE DRAGON] Foolish sinner, I sentence you

to cast your screams unto the heavens you worship!

The jaws of the dragon born from my flesh shall swallow you,

and you'll become an offering to the gods as you howl in pain!

Legendary Shield Skill: Blood Sacrifice!

[ALL gasp]

[NAOFUMI groans]

[NAOFUMI] Why...?

Fitting end for a devil.

His death came because he was consumed by his own power.

[POPE] Filthy monster.

After all you've done,

you should be grateful that God still sees fit to purify you.


[POPE screams]

[POPE] Why?

How can this be happening to me?

I am an apostle of God himself!

I am the Pope!

This can't be!


[POPE screams]

So... I take it we won?

[ALL gasp]

It can't be...

The Cathedral is gone.

Which means that the Pope...

[horse neighs]

This battle is finally over.

Accept your defeat and surrender.

Looks like the queen and her military made it here.


[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi!

[ALL gasp]

You'll be okay, just hang on!

[FILO] Master, please, get up!

[NAOFUMI groans]

[MELTY] He's lost a lot of blood...

What was that skill?

Could it be that Naofumi... gave up his life for us...?

No, please... Master Naofumi!

Master Naofumi!

[FILO] Master, can you hear me?

Answer me!

[MELTY] Stay with us, Naofumi!

[MIRELIA] The Shield Hero will not die today, I assure you.



It's Mother!

[MIRELIA] I'm terribly sorry I couldn't arrive sooner to help,

Sir Shield Hero Naofumi Iwatani.

[NAOFUMI groans] Aren't you...

I am the soverign ruler of Melromarc, Sir Shield Hero.

Queen Mirelia Q. Melromarc.