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03x09 - Home Town Glory

Posted: 08/04/12 06:12
by bunniefuu
[ Brakes squeal ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Vial cracks ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Groans ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Grunting ]

Oh. Oh, God. Oh, oh, no!

Oh, God. Please.

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Screams ]

Man: You have to do it.

[ g*nsh*t ]

No, no!

I cannot believe I let you talk me into wearing heels...

And buying a purse.

A convertible satchel.

[ Mumbles ]

Maura, is there something you want to tell me?


My mother's too old to have a baby.

I'm a very young grandmother, though.

You don't have a grandchild.

I'm throwing a little baby shower for Lydia.

Lydia? Lydia?

I hope it's okay.

No, that's not okay.

I'm not asking you.


Sure, yeah.

[ Chuckles ]


Jane, come help me put this swing together.

And, you know, all your girlfriends who have children gave me all their used baby stuff.

Ma, Lydia's a stranger, okay?

She ran into your car.

The only thing you know about her is that she's a bad driver.

She needs help. She's a sweet girl.

Her mother should be doing this.

She was raised by a single mother, and she's just...

Not reliable.

Where is she registered?

"Where is she registered?" Moochers "r" us.

Lydia: Angela?

Oh, no. She can't come in here now.

Hello, Lydia!

Hi. I... I was wondering if you could do... wondering what?

Oh. Sorry. I was just leaving.

Hmm. Jane Rizzoli.

Met you when you were passed out on Maura's couch.

Oh. Right.

I remember you two.

[ Chuckles ]


Is your gestational diabetes under control?

I guess... I mean, except when my sugars are high or low.

I mean, when they're out of whack, I get, like, moody and stuff, sweat and dizzy.

[ Cellphones rings ]

Love to hear more.

[ Chuckles ] Work.

Rizzoli. Dr. Isles.

All right, I'm on my way. Yes, I'll be there as soon as I can.

That is so sad that people have to get m*rder*d.

Yes, it is.

Well, off to work.

I'm going to work, too.

Yeah, Lydia got a big job at the penny saver discount bazaar.

Yeah, I'm, like, an assistant to, like, this cashier-in-training.

Wow, like, this big. Congrats.

[ Chuckles ]

Come on. you know, this business with Lydia has got to stop.

Then let's tell your mother.

Oh, yeah, let's tell my mother that the bun in Lydia's oven was either put there by my father or my brother, Tommy.

Jane, have you heard?

No, what? What's wrong with Frankie?

The victim was a friend of his.

What? Who? Who is it?

It's Shane.

Shane Finnegan?

[ Voice breaking ]

It's Shane.

He's a leader of a pretty famous boy band... the channel street boys.

Frankie grew up with him.

Oh, no.

[ Police radio chatter ]

How many times was he shot?

sh**t fired five times, hit him four times.

Entry wounds in each thigh... right shoulder and forehead.

Fifth b*llet was fired into the ground.

Copper shrapnel embedded in the zygomatic arch and orbital margin.

Copper shards are from the b*ll*ts' casing.

What the hell was he doing down here in the combat zone?

Might have been down here to score dr*gs.

No way.

[ Sighs ]

Maura, the sores on his lips... could those be from a crack pipe?

I'll have to take tissue samples.

Come on, Frankie, he was using again.

He was clean. He went through rehab.

He wouldn't be the first to fall out of rehab.

Okay, all right.

Look, you should not be working this case.

Oh, I have to.

Then... Go search the perimeter, all right?

Go look for the g*n. Go on.

Come on, bud. Come on, I'll go with you.

Poor Frankie.

He's never lost anybody close to him before.

I think this could be cocaine hydrochloride in a freebase form.

Somebody shot him four times over crack?

First two sh*ts came from there.

Two sh*ts to the legs... sh**t didn't want him running.

Who does that belong to?

Registered to Shane.

Maybe he drove a crappy car down here so he wasn't recognized?


All right, let's get it back to headquarters, get it processed.


God, what a shame. God.

I'm so sorry, Jane.

All right, uh...

[ Sighs ]

I got to go break it to his brothers before they read about it on Twitter, tell mom.

God... she loved that kid.

Under the 4th street bridge
I hear myself sing your name
you will never know this
still, I do it all the same
I'm just your kid brother's boy
you hardly know I exist
when I close my eyes, it's your lips that I kiss

[ Cheers and applause ]

Shane, uh... Shane was a star.

Channel street boys are never gonna ride like that again.

I'm so sorry.

Thanks, Jane.

Where were you after the concert?

Uh, doing a live Webcast for the fans.

It was our last show before the world tour.

Maybe you could show us.

Yo! Yo, yo! What up, southies!

So, Shane... he never showed up to this live Webcast?


We waited for him, but then we had to start.

It's time-stamped... this was right after the concert?


Any idea why your brother never showed up?

When he's using, that's all he can think about.

The band stops mattering. We... we stop mattering.

And then we find him and peel him off some crackhead's floor.

You think somebody k*lled him over dr*gs?

We'll know more when we get the tox screen back.

When was the last time you saw your father?

[ Chuckles ]

You know, it's been a while.

Their father, Ryan Finnegan, was their manager.

Yeah, that is a nice way of saying that that abusive bastard made us sing for our supper.

Liam: Stole all our money until we were old enough to get him thrown in jail.

That... Was the last time we saw dad.

You think he had something to do with this?


Okay. I'm sorry, guys.

Come here.

I'm glad it's you doing this.

Get whoever did this, okay, Jane?

I will.

[ Door opens, closes ]


the most beautiful girl in the worldd


she's right here from southe yeah, yeah
she's pure Boston beauty
a little bit tough
I love that song.


Ooh, ooh, oh

I'd never heard of channel street boys before.

[ Music stops ]

How's your mother?


[ Sighs ]

I'm so sorry.

Yeah. Me too.

Well, what'd you find?

Well, he has a very pretty face.

Teen idols often have these symmetrical features and, um, distinguished brow.

Yeah, he was even prettier in life.

He was so sweet and soulful.

There are fibers embedded in the shrapnel wounds.

Maybe from the hoodie?

I have to run some tests. Run some tests, right. Okay.

His father made him the meal ticket of the family.

They went from a cold-water flat to stardom [snaps] Just like that.

Did Frankie and Shane stay friends?


I mean, Frankie would, you know, see him whenever the band played in Boston, but I think Frankie knew Shane was into dr*gs, so...

Hmm, probably a dopamine dysfunction.

It's associated with substance-related disorders, particularly with people who become celebrities as children or teenagers.

I thought fame was the drug.

Tox screen results are back.


Hmm. What's the "hmm" for?

Shane didn't have any dr*gs in his system.

Well, that's probably why he was down there buying more crack.

No, I had susie take hair samples.

He hasn't had dr*gs in his system for at least six months.

Well, that doesn't make any sense.

Then what was he doing down there?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Jane: Oh, ma.

[ Sniffles, sighs ]

Why isn't Frankie back yet?

He's still at the crime scene looking for the g*n.

Well, at least he has something to do.


Why, honey?

Why would someone k*ll Shane?

We don't know, ma.

You know, his brothers told me that you were the girl in their song, "pure Boston beauty."

What? Me?


Yeah, well, Shane had the biggest crush on you.

He was like my little brother.

[ Chuckles ]

You told him once he could sing, remember?

[ Chuckling ] Yeah.

Frankie and him wanted to start a band.

[ Chuckles ] Good thing Frankie kept his day job.

Oh. [ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Anything? I got to go.

They just brought Shane's car in.

Hey, will you come to Lydia's shower?

Oh, come on, ma. That's so not fair.

Life is short. Please.

She needs the influence of strong women.

I don't know...

It would make me so happy if you came.

You know, I'm gonna text her and tell her that you're coming.

What? No, ma! Excuse me. Can we get some help?

One sec.

Could you just finish this text to Lydia?

I'm not seeing any blood.

We will if we don't talk to Lydia.

Well, how are we going to get her alone?

We're meeting her at the dirty robber in two hours.

What do you mean "we"?

I sent her a text from ma's phone, and she thinks ma's gonna be there.

You did what?! Shh!

I can't be a part of this.

Oh, you are so a part of this. Where is she registered?

I was trying to be polite.

Okay, well, you be "polite" cop, and I'll be.

"I'll beat your face in if you tell my mother "you slept with her husband and her son" cop.


[ Clears throat ]

Found something.

That's Shane's backstage pass.

Found his car keys, too. That's weird.

Well... Frost, pop the trunk.

Ooh, nice piece of luggage.

Now, why would he leave his cellphone?

More on the death of Shane Finnegan, whose body was found in an area known for drug transactions.

Sources say the troubled singer, who shot to stardom with his brothers, struggled with addiction to crack cocaine...

Poor Shane. He can't even die in peace.

All five shell casings came from the same w*apon.

[ Sighs ] Would be nice to find that g*n.

Any luck tracking down their father? Nope.

Ryan Finnegan did his time, did his probation.

Last address was a halfway house... no credit cards, no driver's license, nothing.

Oh, hey, look. Here comes inspector gadget.

Ha ha.

What are you doing? He's opening a Radioshack.

I'm working on Shane's cellphone.

You found Shane's last text message.

Yeah, but it was to an unregistered pay-as-you-go phone.

So, what does it say? I don't know yet.

This phone's really sophisticated.

It's a 3-d block array with non-pattern rotation.

Why does a boy-band star need military-spec security?

Wow. I'm impressed.

I read...

Tom Clancy novels.

[ Chuckles ]

Tom does his research.

Well, with the tabloids hacking into celebrity cellphones these days, it makes sense.

So, push your decrypter button, inspector.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cracks knuckles ]

Here goes...

[ Beeping ]


[ Beeping ]

That doesn't look good. That did not just happen.

Maybe if I back-fish the instruction set.

Maybe you should have backed it up before you started playing with it.

[ Beeping ]

[ Clears throat ]

Shane embedded a self-destruct worm in the phone's base code.

That doesn't sound good.

The phone's programmed to wipe out its memory if anyone attempts to access it.

But you can retrieve Shane's last text, right?


No, it's gone... Forever.

Come on, Maura, think.

There's got to be a way to get those texts back.

I told you... there isn't.

Would you like some quinoa, kale, and yam?

Sure, when I'm a contestant on "survivor."

Oh, thank goodness.

Look, Frankie brought us some mad dog 20/20 to go with our yams.

[ Breathless ]

I found it.

You found the g*n! Yeah.

It was in a storm drain a block and a half north.

It's only like a mile and a half, so I thought I'd just run.

Frankie, this is huge.

[ Straining ] Yeah.

Oh, you know, you're... you're sweating all over Maura's stuff.

Oh, sorry. All right, take that straight to the crime lab, okay, and fill out the paperwork. Okay.

Nice job.


That's great.

Oh, my... oh, crap. Come on.

"Come on" where?

We... we got to go face the Lydia music.

Oh, come on... you know, I don't like confrontations.

That's why you're the good cop.

Oh, right, and you're the "beat your face in" cop.


[ Fingers tapping ]

Look at that... punctual, too.

Pregnancy brain... a woman's brain-cell volume decreases in the third trimester.

Well, Lydia can't really afford to lose any more brain cells.

You know what the scariest part is about Lydia and my father?

Imagining them having sex? No!

[ Chuckles ]

Trying to figure out what it is he saw in her.

Well, studies show that many men prefer to date less intelligent women.

But why?

Well, you and I have our own lives, big jobs.

You know, we don't make men our priority, but women like Lydia do.

[ Humming ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

I ran out of gas on Sudbury street.

[ Chuckles ]

What, you walked?

Uh-huh. Can I sit down? Oh, my feet are k*lling me.

Right here.


[ Groans ]

So, where's your mom?

Drink some water.

Dehydration isn't good for pregnant women. Okay.

[ Chuckles ]

Neither is being a slut.

[ Thud ]


[ Clears throat ]

Oh, I don't like ice... too cold.

Yes... Ice is cold.

Uh, Lydia, listen... okay, the reason that we wanted to talk to you...

I don't know.

We haven't told you yet.

I don't know who the father is.

I mean, is that why you wanted to talk to me?

[ Chuckles ]

But it's either your father's baby or Tommy's, so...

Oh, my God.

I...Thought you knew.

You thought I knew? Well, Jane, you did know.

I did not know. I do not know... how do you not know?

Well, me and Tommy were just having fun, hanging out and then he introduced me to Frank and, I mean, Frank was so nice... okay, can you just please get to the part where you know which one... Did that.

Well, that's just it...

[ Voice breaking ]

I... I don't know.

Of course you don't.

I have to come clean with Angela.

No! No!

She's the nicest, best mother ever.

That's why I wanted to bump into her.

What, you meant to rear-end her car?

Oh, no, that part was just an accident.

But Frank said... please stop calling him "Frank."

Well, your dad said... go back to "Frank."

Um, well, he said that Angela was the best mom.

I want to learn from her.

Learn what? Frank left her.

He left me, too...

[ Voice breaking ] ...When I told him I was pregnant.

[ Sniffling ]

Here you go. Here you go.

Thank you.

[ Blows nose ]

Well, I should go.

I have to get lamaze.

[ Chuckles ]

Wait, you can't go to birthing classes by yourself.

I'm gonna drive you.

[ Chuckles ]

Okay, well, have fun. Breath deep, in and out, all right. Okay.


Jane. What?!

Oh, no, Maura. I am not going.

Woman: To distract your partner from pain, talk about one of the best moments of your lives together.

So, Lydia, what do you like to do?

Oh, you mean, like, hobbies?


Well, I don't really have any.

Take your mind to a beautiful and peaceful place.

Well, where do you like to go?

The beach? The mountains?

The mall!

I like the one in Wrentham... no sales tax.

Fine. Um, let's pretend you're in Wrentham.

[ Chuckles ]

What am I doing?

[ Clears throat ]

Lydia, um, have you thought about, you know, getting... getting some tests done to figure out who the father is?

No, it's not important.

Uh, I mean, I think it's good to know.

I don't.

Woman: Visualize that happy place.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Cool. I'm at the mall. I'm in hotdog haven.

[ Laughing ]

I love their outfits.

[ Chuckling ] Yes.

Yes, the bright colorful ones with the hats, like "cat in the hat." Mm-hmm.

That's cute. Maura.

Woman: And now a contraction begins.

Sit behind your partner and massage her back.

[ Chuckles ]

You know, um, after the baby is born, you could... you could have a paternity test.


I want to do a water birth.

[ Breathes sharply ]
Okay, listen to me.

I don't want you telling my mother what you did.

It could really hurt her, all right?

Um, can you massage me just a little bit lower?

But [Sighs] I don't feel it's right not to tell her.

What, now you got a conscience after you slept with half my family?

Lydia. Hmm?


No, Lydia, don't strain yourself.

I don't want my mother to know about this, all right?


Okay, I won't tell her.

Did you sleep here?

I didn't sleep.

What are you hiding?

You can see when Jane gets here.

Look what I found in my closet.

Shane even signed it.

Guess what I found.

Shane's last text.

You found it 'cause you lost it. Shut up.

I thought the phone's memory was destroyed.

It was, but they had cameras sh**ting the entire concert.

I went through all the footage.

Shane's last text...

Frost, you're a genius.

A genius wouldn't have k*lled the phone in the first place.

Are you ever gonna let me live this down?

Hell, no.


If I enhance the image...

"I'm free. Let's do it."

It sounds like a booty call.

Texting for booty? Technology is k*lling romance.

Well, if you learned how to text, you might have a little more luck with your booty calls.

I can show you how.

All Shane would have found in the combat zone is prostitutes.

I guess it's possible...

Unless he didn't want to be recognized.

Maybe he was meeting someone in one of those motels down there.

They're pretty sleazy.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Half-day rates for druggies and working girls.

[ Scoffs ]

Maura's got something.

Come on, frost. Jane may be onto something.

Let's go shake down some motel managers... see what falls out.

There are no prints on the w*apon, but there was a minute concentration of dried blood on the upper-back area of the grip.


Okay, so it's amateur hour.

Meaning? Uh, it's a classic newbie injury.

I saw it a couple times at the academy.

If you use an improper grip, the slide will slice that flap of skin right between your thumb and your trigger finger.

The interdigital webbing.

We used to call it a "wenis."

I like that... wenis.

Hard to forget since it rhymes with pe...


Oh, thank you, senior criminalist Chang.

We'll take it from here.

So, can you run the DNA panels on the "wenis blood" as fast as possible, doctor?

[ Cellphone beeps ]


Jane, do you know if Shane knew anyone named Jamie Rellis?

Jamie Rellis?

Yeah, that's a character in "friends with benefits."

Why are you talking about romantic comedies with detective frost? Must be a pseudonym.

Shh! Someone checked herself into the hancock street motel right before Shane's concert, hasn't been out of the room since.

We're about to go in.

How long has that sign been up?

Man: I don't know.

Open the door.

I shouldn't be doing this, you... now.

[ Sighs ]

[ Beep ]

There's someone on the bed.



Better get Dr. Isles down here.

This one's not coming back.

Frost: It's Gia Lemond.

What, the famous pop singer?

She can't be that famous. I've never heard of her.

Her upper and lower lip have second-degree burns.

From a crack pipe... looks like an overdose.

Well, let's not leap to conclusions, sergeant.

Yes, sergeant, please, stop the leaping.

I'm looking at some online gossip sites.

Gia and Shane knew each other... same rehab program.

I think I know why Gia offed herself with a crack pipe.

Again, we don't know if this is an overdose or a su1c1de.

What? Gia and Shane were lovers?

Dr. Isles, you just leapt to a conclusion.

I did not.

"Gia and Shane were lovers?"... Question mark.

I'll go round up the security footage from outside the motel.

You probably need some help.

Jane: Oh, come on.

You guys aren't afraid of a little female towel-snapping, are you?

Oh, yes, we are.

[ Chuckles ]

Maybe Gia and Shane were crack buddies, you know?

That would explain what Shane was doing in the combat zone.

Hey, got something... that's T.K. "The k*ller" Womack and his posse.

Right outside the motel where we found Gia.

Down the street from where Shane was m*rder*d.

T.K. Is a music manager.

He managed both Gia and Shane's band.

What if Gia and Shane were meeting at the motel to smoke crack?

T.K. Follows them... after all, he can't make any money if his stars are crackheads.

Yeah. Look at this... t.K. Goes in the motel at 12:15, and he comes out at 12:30.

Let's bring him in, check his DNA against the blood on the g*n slide.

[ Groans ]

Let me know when you got him. Where you going?

I got to stop a snitch from squealing.

[ Grunting ]

I hope Jane comes.

That's her favorite food.

Hmm, she likes bacon chocolate?

Yeah. I hope we get to play some baby-shower games.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, how many people are coming?

You, uh, me, Lydia, and Jane... I hope.

So, four total. Mm-hmm.

[ Door opens ]



Look who I found.

[ Chuckles ] Ah, you have no idea how much I needed to welcome this baby into the world right now.

Honey, what's the matter?

[ Voice breaking ]

My baby won't have a daddy.

Oh, you're better off without that creep.

He dumped you because you're pregnant.

He dumped me when I told him the baby might be Tommy's.


Tommy? Tommy who?

Uh... Tommy Rizzoli.

[ Gasps ]

You're carrying Tommy's baby?

Oh, no.

Uh, ma...

Frank dumped me.

Frank Rizzoli? Frank Rizzoli, my husband?

Oh, God. Ma...

Did you know? Just let me explain... explain what? That you lied to me?

We simply avoided referencing a specific set of facts.

You knew, too?

That was my husband.

He was the father of my children, and you come into my house, into my family, and you ask me for my help after all you've done?

I'm sorry.

Ma, listen.

Ma, please. Ma, listen to me, okay?

Dad did a terrible thing, okay?

I just... I didn't know how to tell you.

I didn't know how to tell you. I'm so sorry.

I was, uh, Mrs. Rizzoli for 35 years.

I...I was Frank's wife, and...

And now... I'm not anybody anymore.

No, come on. Don't touch me!

Ma, please. Ma, please!

[ Door slams ]

Is this where your mother lives?

Lydia: Yeah.

Great. Let's get your stuff out of the car.

I'm sorry if I caused any trouble.

If you caused any trouble?

I had no idea how roomy this cargo area is, did you, Jane?

Yeah, the backseat's really comfortable, too.

Oh, good.

Yeah, fantastic. Where do you want all these gifts?


Do you have the baby's room set up?

[ Door opens ]

[ Sighs ]

I want to know if there's indoor plumbing.

Is that you, Lydia?

Yeah. Hi, mom.

What are you doing here? I rented out your room.

Can I have it back?

You're gonna have to share it with jed.

Okay. Who's jed?

No wonder she preferred my mother.

Oh, Jane.

Oh, what, Maura? What, huh? What are you gonna do?

You're gonna go share your room with Lydia and jed, dump on my mother some more?

No, Lydia's made her grown-up choices.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

And I got to go. Frost and Korsak are talking to a suspect.

Oh! Don't throw it!

Okay, I got it. I got it, I got it.

Korsak: Know anything about this?

I had business with Gia.

We talked, I left, and the bitch must have k*lled herself.

Frost: You were her manager.

And how'd you feel about her smoking crack?

It was pretty stupid, but it was her life.

Look at her.

Must have bugged you to see Shane go in to smoke with Gia.

He'd been clean. What'd you do?

sh**t him in the legs so you could talk to him?

Blast one next to his head?

Make him plead for his life?

No, man. Shane was my boy.

He was worth a whole hell of a lot more to me alive than dead.

Check it... I want my lawyers now.

How many do you have? A g*ng.

Hey, yo, I ain't staying in here.

Just make yourself at home until your g*ng of lawyers gets here.

[ Chuckles ]

Shane was one hell of a philanthropist.

He donated to a lot of children's charities and relief agencies.

Well, told you he was a good guy.

Really good guy, especially because he didn't have much money.

What? No, no, no, the band made millions.

They were broke. I'm looking at their financials.

Thanks to good old dad. And then t.K. Stepped in.

No wonder Shane started smoking crack again.

T.K. Was just as bad as their father.

Well, no. No, they got lucky.

There was one little clause in their new contract.

They kept "merchandising rights, online fan memberships, and premium chats."

Hmm, that's where all the money is now.

So, they were about to get rich, t.K. Was about to be left behind.

Is this Mr. t.K. "The k*ller" a Caucasian man?

No. Why?

Because these are the DNA results, and the blood on the g*n slide belongs to a white male.

So that means Ryan Finnegan still looks good for this.

Motive could be revenge... the boys put him behind bars.

Korsak: Then why not go after all three of them?

Shane was that band.

Ryan put all the pressure on him, but how the hell we gonna find him?

Oh, even if he was on skid row somewhere, he has to collect social security.

I tried that. He listed a p.O. Box.

Yeah, but there's a cellphone number.

The billing address is the same p.O. Box.

Well, maybe you can call Mr. Finnegan and ask him to come down to the police station.

Jane: Oh, good idea, Maura.

"Hello, Mr. Finnegan."

We think you m*rder*d your son.

"Can you just come on down here and tell us how you did it?"

Does it make you feel better to mock me?

Kind of.


I'm frustrated. It's okay.

We could stake out his p.O. Box.

What, for two weeks?

That's when he gets his next social security check.

Wait a minute... I got an idea.

[ Dialing ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Hello, Mr. Finnegan?

That was my idea.

Not this part.

Yes, I'm calling from bric insurance.

Uh, we need to verify a receipt of a large check we sent to you.

Your... your son, Shane, named you as a beneficiary on a large life-insurance policy that we issued.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Ryan Finnegan? Yes.

Hello, Mr. Finnegan.


Jane Rizzoli?

What are you doing here?

Arresting you for m*rder.

I'm telling you, I didn't k*ll my son.

I love my boys.

Jane: You love the money they made.

And then, one day, they grew up, and, suddenly, it was a fair fight.

And I'll bet you didn't like that.

We're gonna do a cheek swab so we can compare your DNA to blood found on the m*rder w*apon.

Go ahead.

I didn't k*ll Shane.

I wouldn't k*ll my boy.

Well, then, let's hope it's not your blood on that g*n.

Jane, you know me.

Yeah, I sure do.

How's she doing? Not good.

Take it before she comes back from the bathroom.

Don't tell her that you knew about Lydia.

You can't take all the heat. Yes, I can.

Just take care of her, all right?

Hey, you're a really good person.

No, I'm not. I lied to her, Frankie.

You were trying to protect her.

You should have seen her face.

[ Sighs ]


Did Mr. Finnegan do it?

I don't know, bud.

Frankie, where'd you go?


Hey, ma.

Hi, Jane.

[ Sighs ]

Hey, Maura. Hey, Frankie.

We suck, Maura.

I know.

Uh, listen, I know what those lesions were on Shane's lips and mouth.

Well, thank God I'd already lost my appetite.

He was taking proguanil and chloroquine.

They're antimalarial medications.

What, he was headed to a mosquito-infested area?

That doesn't make any sense. They were off to Europe.

"I'm free." Unless...


Maura, can you check to see if Gia had the same dr*gs in her system, and then meet me upstairs? Yeah.

Shane and Gia were booked on a flight to port-au-prince.

They were together.

Shane was texting Gia, "I'm free. Let's do it."

He was quitting the band. They were running away together.

Gia was taking the anti-malarial medication, too.

'Cause they were going to Haiti probably to do concerts or raise money for relief efforts.

Uh, Gia's hair sample results... she'd been drug free for at least six months.

Well, they met in rehab.

She probably o.D.'D when she heard that Shane had been m*rder*d.

The blood comparison tests came back, too.

The blood in the g*n slide isn't Ryan Finnegan's.


I found variable tandem repeats in the DNA test.

The blood on the g*n is similar but has a different mitochondrial DNA.

So it's a familial match?

That means it's one of his brothers.

But they were doing a live Webcast when he was shot.

Well, the theoretical risk of a coincidental match is 1 in 100 billion.

There are seven billion people on this planet.

Our sh**t is one of Shane's brothers.

Ronan and Liam were streaming a live Webcast.

They couldn't have been in two places at the same time.

Not unless they're electrons, as Max planck's quantum theory proves.

They used a cheap program called Streamblast pro to do their Webcast.

Everything looks correct, but look at the auto-update in the default setting.

Yeah, it's an old version of Streamblast pro.

That's not possible.

Streamblast pro automatically updates, and it updated the program three days ago.

It possible if this live Webcast was shot two weeks ago.

Yeah, but why would one of the brothers want to k*ll him?

Shane was quitting the band.

A week after MCA died, the Beastie Boys' sales went up 949%.

T.K. Said Shane was worth more alive than dead, but not to his brothers.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

The fiber in Shane's shrapnel wounds is denim.

Frost, can you show me what Ronan and Liam were wearing in their final concert?

[ Beep ]

Frost: Only Ronan's wearing jeans.

Took a good shot to sh**t Shane twice in the legs from 20 feet away.

[ Keys clacking ]



Ronan has a hunting license.

Okay, so, if Ronan can sh**t, why the wenis?

That's right, because you said only amateurs get a... a wenis.

Yeah, I did. I think I know what happened.

I got to take Frankie. He needs to see this through.

Maybe someday I'll tell you
when I'm a star in the band, yeah
this song is about you
and you'll ...

Man: Sorry, guys.

Ronan: Any news?

Let's take five. Yeah, we got some news.

We're rehearsing to sh**t a tribute to Shane.

It'll mean so much to the fans.

Oh, it'll mean a lot to you, too.


Yeah, 25 bucks a pop times a few millions fans.

It should more than make up for the canceled tour.

You said you had news?

Yeah, you two made a pact to k*ll Shane, didn't you?

What are you talking about?

You shot him first, Ronan.

[ Vial cracks ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Groaning ]

Take it!

What? No.

And you fired into the ground because you couldn't bring yourself to sh**t him.

Oh, God, please!

[ Screams ]

But you had Ronan there, to encourage you.

Do it!

[ Groans ]

But you'd never fired a g*n before, so the slide cut your hand.

Oh, God.

The shot that k*lled him came from you.

That was pretty cold to sh**t your little brother in the head.

Those are your favorite jeans, right?

I mean, they're tiny, little holes... you probably wouldn't notice.

What are you talking about?

When Liam fired into the ground, shrapnel from the b*llet went through those jeans and embedded the fibers into Shane's face.

Now put your damn hands behind your back!

Frankie: You, too. Come on!

Come on. Let's go.

[ Scoffs ]

Do you have anything that has fat in it?

I have some yummy honey-smoked tempeh bacon in there.

No, I want something that'll clog my arteries.

What are you doing here?

She wants me to help her move, Jane.


I'm gonna go move in with my cousin, Theresa.

Angela, please don't.

I knew about Lydia, too, ma.

[ Scoffs ]

I know.

You and Jane always shared everything, and I...

I understand that you were all trying to protect me, but... ma, I'm so sorry.

But can you understand that I can't have my children think I'm pitiful.

Ma, dad is the one who's pitiful.

You didn't do anything wrong.

We did. Dad did. Okay?

We... we all admire you. Don't you understand that?

Admire me? [ Chuckles ]

For what? I... I lost my marriage, I lost my house.

I live in your best friend's guest house.

I-I work in a café.

I admire you because you picked yourself up when you could have just laid on the floor.

[ Crying ]

No, I admire you for the person that you've always been.

You're optimistic and warm and loving and strong.

Ma, you're still strong.

Okay, you're an example to all of us.

Hey. Hey, hey. She's right.



I always wanted a mother like you.

Oh, Maura.

[ Sighs ]

You're great kids, you know that?

Oh, ma.

Because of you, ma... because of you.

I never really liked Theresa. She doesn't clean her bathrooms.

[ Laughs ]

I love you so much. All right.

[ Smooches ]


Okay, the group hugging... I can't do it.

[ Grunts ]

Oh, my God. Is that my g*n?