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03x10 - Melt My Heart to Stone

Posted: 08/18/12 00:18
by bunniefuu
[ man whistling "Brahms' lullaby" ]

[ indistinct conversations ]

Johnson: My class, no running. Let's form one straight line.

I wish...

[ coin pings ]

Okay, kids, everyone in line on the count of three.

One, two, three!

Michael B., I'm surprised I have to tell you twice. Let's go.

Michael: But, miss Johnson, the statue is bleeding.

[ exhales sharply ]

My class, everyone here ... now!

[ telephone rings in distance ]

Well, I think it would be cleaner if you just...

I think it would be cleaner if you don't make me hurt you.

Oh, go back to your autopsy cave.

I can't wait to see his face when he sees his new desk.

Now, are you certain that Frankie has this in the sack?

In the bag, Maura.

Cavanaugh said it's between him and someone from another unit, so it's got to be Frankie.

Are you giving him the Chogokin doll?

Action figure. Yeah.

Make him feel good on his first day.

He needs a proper welcome.

We superglued your desk drawers your first day.

[ laughter ] Yeah. Yeah, they still stick.

Oh, there's lieutenant Cavanaugh.

Frankie's in a suit.

Frost: Somebody's getting promoted.

Please let it be good news.


You know, it's a big deal when we promote someone to the homicide squad.

Today, that honor goes to somebody who's been out there, putting their life on the line for a number of years.

Please say hello to Detective Riley Cooper.

[ light applause ]

3x10 - Melt My Heart to Stone Congratulations.

Sergeant Detective Vince Korsak.


Cooper: Thank you.

I'm sorry we met under such weird circumstances.

Homicide's been a dream of mine for a long time.

Really? Was part of that dream playing us both for fools?

Hey, I'm sorry.

Jane: No, Frost.

You never worked undercover. It's not easy.

Oh, so that makes it okay that you used us to get information so you could get the promotion?

Frankie, I'm so sorry.

No. C'est la vie.

Oh, you're smart. Now, I'll give you that.

[ telephone rings ]

It's not the best way to introduce yourself to us.

Yeah, I know.

So, you knew who I was when you moved across the hall?

I was living in a U.C. pad. Stuff went down.

I feel safer living near another cop.

[ cellphone buzzes ]

[ velcro rips ]

Excuse me. Rizzoli.

Korsak: Detective Cooper?


Get familiar with these open cases.


Welcome to homicide.

We got a possible body dump near Grant Museum of fine arts.

Jane, give Riley your open cases.

I spent a year setting up that final bust.

I couldn't afford to let anyone know who I was.

I understand.

The part I'm having trouble with is... the part where you led on my partner and my brother.

I actually like 'em ... both of them.

Good. Then you'll figure out a way to make it right.

[ siren chirps ]

Frankie has a right to be upset. She did earn it.

I mean, she's been a Detective in the drug unit for five years.

Disappointment is a dangerous emotion if it isn't processed.

I'd just hate to see him set himself up for a life of misery.

No, that's ridiculous.

Well, read the research. And I'm worried about your mother, too.

She's knitting.

Oh, yes. That is worrisome.

I think it's a baby blanket. The yarn is a 50-50 cotton-acrylic blend.

Okay, yes. Now we do have a problem.

[ imitates walkie-talkie static ]

All units, be on the lookout for a woman who is so desperate to be a grandmother, she's knitting a blanket for the baby of Lydia, the slut who slept with her ex-husband and her youngest son.

She's worried about what kind of future that baby's gonna have.

And I'm not? Lydia could barely tie her own shoes.

Korsak: Easy, there.


Let's turn her.

What, did you pull something?

I smell something ... decomposition.

Korsak: Let's tilt her sideways first.

I cannot believe you can smell decomp in bronze.

Well, it's a heavy particulate odor detectable by some animals for miles.

Looks like the Venus de Milo.

I've been to the Louvre, Dr. Snob.

No! Oh!

[ police radio chatter ]

It's not bronze. It's plaster.

She's very cool.

A dead woman masquerading as a statue is cool?

No, the body ... it's cold, and it's exhibiting signs of delayed decomposition.

So, she was frozen?

No, likely kept in cold storage.

So, "refrigerated," not "frozen." Got that?

The difference between 32 and 33 degrees is enormous, Jane.

Museum was updating their electrical system.

No power to the cameras.

So, no security footage?

What about the maintenance crew?

The last guy here says he fished trash out of the water just before he left at 7:00. She wasn't there yet.

Whoever k*lled her went to an awful lot of trouble and took a huge risk.

Okay, I think it sucks.

Ma, you're like a truck driver since you started working here.


Yeah, whatever.

Maura: I'm sorry, Frankie.

However, I think it's an excellent opportunity to start, you know, practicing recovering from disappointment ...

Not now, Maura.

No, it's fine. I don't care.

I care.

What a deceptive little bitch.


Okay. Riley was already a Detective.

You mean a professional liar?

She went out with me and Frost to get information on the homicide squad.

I think you should protest.

Ma, come on. What's he gonna do, walk around with a sign?

That could actually increase feelings of disappointment.

Look... all right, you got to strap 'em on, take this like a cop, okay?

Frankie, come on. You'll get your turn.

No, I won't. I'm gonna be taking 911 calls for the rest of my life.

Ohh. Aw, Frankie, come on.

[ groans ]

Oh, my god. What is he doing here?

Good question.

Angela: Oh!

Isn't he the really handsome guy you used to go out with?

The one that never called again?

Maura, just who I was looking ... oh, sorry.

That guy seems a little down.

Maybe I should give him a copy of my book.

[ sighs ]

"Release your inner winner and win."


Nice photo.

Oh, thank you. It's on the best sellers list.


Thank you.

Detective, we should get started on the autopsy.


Uh, oh, can I ... can I just talk to you for a second?

I've been traveling, promoting my book.

I-I should've called or at least sent an e-mail.

Yeah, you should've.


I'm having a book signing today. It's right down the street.

It'd mean so much to me if you could come.

I can't.

And excuse me. We do need to get back to work.

Oh, it is going to be a long day.

I'm fine.

No, you're not.

You like that idiot.

Oh, shh! I do not.

Oh, please. You so do, too.


He disappears for three months, and now I'm supposed to just drop everything to be a groupie at his book signing?

I think you'd make a good groupie.

"Oh, Dennis. Will you release my inner winner?"

That's good. You should go.

How about I release my inner bitch?

Any guy who spends that much time grooming is not someone you want to share a bathroom with.

Did you notice the Cruella de Vil streak in her hair?


She's got track marks on her neck.

It's a long-term junkie if she's using the jugular vein.

How long was she kept in cold storage before she was turned into a statue?

I could narrow it down to between 2 to 6 months.

[ sarcastically ]

Oh, yes. Gee, that is narrow.

Can't you find some freezer fuzz to help out?

You could store a body right above freezing temperatures indefinitely.

It took Dennis three months to take me out of cold storage.

Maura, let that jerk go.

[ sighs ]

I am trying.

[ sighs ]

She appears to be in her 50s. Cause of death was asphyxiation.

No dental care for decades.

So we can't identify her with dental records.

And without hands ...

[ coughs ]

Uh, yes. Thank you, Maura.

Yes, no fingers, no fingerprints. Yes.

I, uh ... I checked VICAP.

I found four unsolved murders of prostitutes in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Jacksonville, and St. Louis, all strangled.

Were any of them put in cold storage before they were dumped?

No, but look at this.

All of them had their arms cut off and all were encased in plaster.

Did any of them have the deep cuts in their face like this one?


So, this one was more personal. We're looking for a serial k*ller.

Forensic psychiatry research indicates that most serial K*llers are men ... with overwhelming hostility and rage toward women, often their mothers.

And displaying his "work" means he has a massive ego.

He wants recognition.

Frost, where were the other four women found?

Two playgrounds, a T-ball field, and in front of a daycare center.

All locations used by kids.

And the four other women were prostitutes.

Maybe that's where we start with our victim.

Hi. You ever work bay village?

Yeah. What do you need?

Can you take that around, see if anybody recognizes her?



Make her work the open cases. I'll go.

That's a good idea, Frost. Detective Frost is gonna go with you.


Riley's a homicide Detective now. You make it work.

Fine. I am a professional.

Good. Take Frankie with you. Remind him he's a professional, too.

You got any pants?

In my car. Why?

A skirt won't help you in homicide.

How's it going?

Fantastic. She's fitting right in.

You know, the head of the drug unit showed me her record.

Pretty impressive.

She got long-term undercover, and she got big scores because of her work.

Yeah. I mean, she deserves the spot. I don't have a problem with her.

[ cellphone buzzes ]

Well, I'm glad to hear that, Rizzoli.

You know, she has almost as much potential as you did.

But I'm never gonna see another Jane Rizzoli.

Thank you, sir.

You think Cavanaugh was saying that Frankie isn't gonna get his gold badge?



Ow! What was that for?

I hate to be ignored.

Dennis ignored me for three months.

[ valley girl accent ] Oh, my god. Like, he didn't even text?

Really? You want to know busy?

Like, I'm supposed to be solving a serial m*rder.

I have never once had an inner monologue like that.

[ normal voice ] Okay.

[ computer beeps ]

Trace report is back.

The plaster is a common type used in construction.

I also found these burns on the soles of our victim's feet.


So, the k*ller put out his cigarettes.

Likely inflicted perimortem.

So, he tortured her while he was k*lling her. What else?

Delivered one child via cesarean section, then had a tubal-ligation procedure.

Healed scar tissue indicates it was 30 to 40 years ago.

So, I'm guessing she didn't want a house full of kids.

Okay, let's go. It starts in 15 minutes.

What starts?

The book signing.

The one you're not going to?

I changed my mind.

I didn't.

The lab results are gonna take about 30 minutes, and I haven't had a lunch break in three years.

I'm not spending a lunch hour that I never take listening to Dennis "I love myself" Rockmond.

That sounds like a character from "the Flintstones."

[ gritting teeth ]

Hi, I'm Dennis Rockmond. Hmm!

[ normal voice ] Maura. Maura! What?

Hey, man, did you...

Did I what ... sleep with her?

Why? Did you?

Nothing here.

So, Detective, what's your next move? I'm just a lowly uniform.

And I've never been undercover. What should we do, Detective?

You could start by growing up.

This from a woman who practically showed us her nipples at "hello."

Detective Frost, how old is the victim?

50s, maybe.

Could be why no one recognizes her.

Oh, I can't keep up with all this complicated Detective talk.



Excuse me. Do you recognize her?

Oh, sure. That's Cruella.


Yeah. Evil-ass Cruella.

I know 'cause she had that little skunk streak right here.

Looking up "Cruella" in the alias file.

Listen, Rose, when did you last see Cruella?

Oh, beats me. That was one evil heifer.

Be yellin' at me from across the street.

"Hey, ho! I got your tricks! What you gonna do about it?"

[ laughs ]

Did, uh, Cruella have any regulars?

Oh, child, she was lucky to make enough just to feed that fix of hers.

Got a name ... Rachel Dugan, 54 years old.

You sure you can't remember the last time you saw her?

Oh, yeah. I saw her 'bout three months ago.

I remember because I had just bought this wig here.

Ooh, it's kind of shedding. But, uh, how you like it?

So, here I am ... perfect childhood, loving parents, failing out of college and blaming the world.

He's a very dynamic speaker.

I don't like him.

When the person that I needed to look at was myself...

Well, how can you say that?

Maura, he didn't even bother to e-mail you.

But he had speaking engagements.

...I took responsibility for my life...

But why don't you like him?

I don't like his hair.

Or his teeth.


So, I want to thank you all for your own commitment to releasing your inner winner.

Thank you guys for coming.

[ applause ]

Thank you.

Don't forget ... your inner bitch.


Maura, I'm so glad you came. Ah, Detective.

Oh, no. Not a hugger, remember?

Oh, that's right. Uh, listen, will you have coffee with me?

I'll just sign a few books, and then we'll be out of here.

Please, please, please?

Oh, gosh, Maura. I'm just desperate to get back to our case.

Aren't you?

Um, yes.

Thank you. I can't.


[ cellphone beeps ]

Great talk. Good luck with the book sales. Maura, come on.

It was good to see you.

You, too.

What is it?

We've got another body dump.

[ sighs ]

[ carnival music playing ]

Ride's been closed for repairs.

911 caller saw the thing spinning and called it in.

Okay. Can somebody turn off this merry-go-round?

Carousel. 1926 Spillman Eng/Looff original.

Extremely fine, hand-carved horses.

Yeah, with an extremely un-fine, hand-carved corpse riding it.

Listen, I got uniforms holding 'em back, but the media are going nuts.

[i]Korsak: Can you blame 'em? Dead women inside statues is a hell of a lot sexier than a city council meeting.

Well, we got to manage this.

We're working it as hard as we can, sir.

A k*ller who takes this kind of risk is gonna be hard to stop.

[i]Frost: Jane, you've got to see this.

What, another power outage with the security cameras?

No. This guy is smart.

The I.Q. of most serial K*llers falls between 105 and 120 points.

Well, this guy is Ted Bundy. Look what he did with the security cameras.

He took out the cameras with a laser pointer.

Crap. There goes my fishing trip.

Six dismembered bodies, all dumped in places that cater to children.

This is ego, Jane. He wants us to know these statues.

These dead women are his creations.

[ police radio chatter ]

What is it? What's wrong?


It just reminds me of Hoyt.

Jane, he's dead.

But he trained two apprentices. There could be another one out there.

My head went there, too, Jane.

Okay, Frost.

Can you see if there were any persons of interest on those other cases with a tie to Hoyt?

On it.

Same cause of death ... asphyxiation.

Was this one refrigerated?

Nope. Death occurred in the last 24 hours.

Cigarette burns.

Yes. I've noted them.

She recently stopped lactating.

[ door opens ]

She just had a baby?

Second victim's tox screen came back.

This one's positive for heroin, too.


I found evidence of scar tissue indicating excessive sexual activity.

So, another junkie prost*tute? Maybe we're looking for a trucker.

Could the first body have been kept in a refrigerated truck?

It's possible.

I just find it interesting that the majority of serial K*llers aren't reclusive social misfits or monsters.

I find it terrifying.

I think the guy that shovels your driveway is a serial k*ller.

You do?

No, but I don't know if even I could tell that he was.

Okay. I'm gonna go show this around.

What, now? It's 9:00 at night.

Yeah, well, I can't go home knowing this animal is out there.



Did you notice that I didn't mention Dennis?

Yes, you did.

[ indistinct conversations ]

Thank you.

[ sighs ]

We're striking out in bay village.

I texted Rondo. He's always in the combat zone.

Maybe he can help us.

How's it going with Riley?

Oh, me and Frankie are holding steady with the grudge.

That's productive.


[i]Rondo: Vanilla!

You see that? You ring, I come runnin'.

Oh, you workin' with the brother?

Yes, she is. Hey, Rrondo.

We think she works combat zone. You ever seen her?

Oh, yeah, sure. That's Chrissy.

Can you give us anything more ... a nickname, maybe?

Uh... I think ... I think she goes by... uh... I think she goes by... "Rainbow."

She services the, uh, hard-core johns.

You know the names of any of her johns?

Nah, nah. They ain't too friendly.

Jane, I think I got her ... Christine Sullivan.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. That's my homey.

[i]She'll be able to tell us. Kitty!

Come on.

Hey, Kitty, hey. These are my friends.

Somebody k*lled one of the girls in the zone.

Oh, no! Poor Rainbow!

Um, did she have regulars?

Sure ... lots of 'em.

Did somebody choke her?

How'd you know that?

It was "Bear." Had to be.

Who's Bear?

He pays you extra if you let him choke you.

Rainbow needed to feed that habit. She'd do anything.

Can you give us a description? White? Black?

A white guy.

Did you see his vehicle?

He drives a blue pickup.

Did you ever see anything in the back of the truck?

Tools and things. I think he does construction.

Construction. Plaster, Frost.

Okay. Thanks, Rondo. Thank you, Kitty.

So, let's put a bolo out. We'll check construction sites tomorrow.

[ sighs ] I haven't been training this bonsai. It's getting too big.

Oh, you should try knitting. It's very soothing.

Unless you're knitting it for a baby that could be your husband's love child or your first grandchild.

Oh, Angela, I'm so sorry.

I wish I could just walk away.

But that baby didn't have anything to do with how he or she got made.

[ doorbell rings ]

Are you expecting someone?

It might be Amazon.

I ordered some more of this soft yarn. They deliver late.



I know it's late. I couldn't sleep.

I need to tell you something.

Okay. Come in.

Oh. Hello.

Hey. Good night.

Uh... it's for you.

Thank you.

Well, you know, the day you saved me ... literally brought me back to life on that autopsy table ... all I planned to do was thank you.

You did thank me.

And I'm a doctor, Dennis, so you don't owe me anything.

I know. It's ... it's not that. It's...

Look, it's ... my parents, they have the perfect marriage ...

30 years and they're still in love. They're soulmates.

[ chuckling ]

Why are you telling me this?

I was so knocked over by you that ... that I got afraid.

And I jumped on a plane. I buried myself in work.

I tried everything not to think about you.

You did?

Yeah. I did.

I want what my parents have, and I never thought that I'd find it. But... with you... it feels possible.


Well, you either got a lot of sleep, or you did some sleeping that didn't involve sleeping.

Dennis stopped by.


But I didn't sleep with him. I haven't slept with him.

The last time, it was because, um, well, I hadn't made my bed.

What stopped you this time? What, visible dust bunnies?

[ cellphone buzzes ]

Good. Keep playing hard-to-get.

Okay, they picked up our suspect and his vehicle.

Todd Brown, nicknamed "Bear."

Oh, I always wanted a good nickname.

What's wrong with "Poindexter"?

The same thing that's wrong with "Roly-poly" Rizzoli.

[ gasps ]

[ elevator dings ]


All right, well, come on. I need you to observe Mr. Bear.

What? I have work to do downstairs.

Please? You're the one with the degree in forensic psychiatry.

No, I did one clinical rotation in behavioral neuroscience.

That's one more than me.

We need to determine if this guy is our serial k*ller.

I should examine him in a medical setting.

Get in!


You can't do this ... arrest me and seize my truck!

I think we just did. Sit down. Make yourself comfortable.

We've got a little time while our team tears your truck apart.

I got to tell you, Mr. Brown, we really admire your work.

Don't show me dead hookers.

I didn't say they were hookers.

We have a witness who's seen you with this hooker, Christine Sullivan.

So? I've been with a lot of hookers, and I'm not looking at their faces.

Besides, I got back problems.

I can't even lift my own toolbox right now.

I'm not out there cutting up hookers.

Excuse me while I consult with my colleague.

[ door opens ]

[ door closes ]

What do you think?

Well, he seems to be rationalizing maladaptive behavior.

What does that mean?

Well, psychopaths have a sparse emotional life.

He doesn't appear to be a psychopath. His emotions feel genuine.

He threw construction tools at the officers who arrested him.

I mean, that says he's easily provoked and violent.

Ask him about his nickname.


[ door opens ] Where'd you get the nickname "Bear?"

When I was a kid, I looked really cuddly and chubby.

And when some kid called me "bear," I beat the living crap out of him.

Name stuck.

Okay, Bear.

We're charging you with as*ault with a deadly w*apon.


The trowel that you threw at the two officers? That's against the law.


We found plaster of paris in the back of his truck.

We have hookers who can testify he choked them.

We need to know if he has any connection to Charles Hoyt.

Hoyt liked to have other nut jobs k*ll for him.

Plus, Brown was in the military. I'm gonna run his records.

I'll check credit cards.

Maybe we can tie him to cities where we had body dumps.

Jane, what is it?

Uh, looks like a letter from the k*ller.

"Dear boss, do you like my work?

Make sure you don't give the wrong sculptor credit.

I'm about to sculpt my finest piece of work."

We got another body.

What? Where?

The zoo.

[ sniffs ]

Jane: Oh, I can see the headlines now ...

"medical examiner sniffs out clues."

Heavy particulate odor. There is definitely a body inside.

That is why we're here.

Frost: You're not gonna believe this. He took out the security cameras again.

How the hell is he doing this right under our noses?

[ cellphone buzzes ]

What is it, Frost?

I just got an e-mail from a St. Paul homicide Detective working their dismembered prost*tute case.

And? Any connection to Hoyt?

His name is Frederick Stone.

You're scaring me, Frost. Cut to the chase.

Frederick Stone once shared a cell with Charles Hoyt.

I'm not seeing any bruising to indicate that this victim fought back.

Same as the other two ... probably because they were nodding out on heroin.

Maybe she was, too.

[ door opens ]

Here's the tox screen on the third victim.


Not heroin. But she tested positive for very high levels of cocaine.

Well, that doesn't make any sense.

Cocaine would make her agitated, so why wouldn't she fight back?

Unless she was given a sedative.

Susie, run a wider panel. Check for sedatives.

Latent checked. Trace checked. DNA lab checked.

There's nothing on the letter or the envelope.

Told you he was smart.

That's why we have seven bodies.

Maura, there has to be a way to figure out how long Cruella was in cold storage.

Two to six months is ... is a pretty big window.

Well, there's no traces of mold, which indicate that she was kept in a controlled environment at exactly 33 degrees.

So, the window could actually be much larger ... several weeks to many months.

Did you make it larger because I said I hated Dennis' hair?

[ scoffs ] No.



[ laughs ]

Serves you right.

So, maybe Frederick k*lled Cruella, stuck her in a refrigerator, and then went on a k*lling spree.

One per city till he got back to Boston?


[ cellphone buzzes ]

This does seem like home.


What is it?

Can you guys keep this moving? Something's up with my mother.

[ groaning ]


Whoa! Relax. Breathe.

Oh, it hurts!

Jane! Help! I think Lydia is going into labor.

A maternity ward's a great place to have a baby.

You want me to call your mom, have her meet you there?

No, no, no. She hates kids, especially babies.

And there is no way I am going to a hospital.


She already sent away a team of paramedics.

I left a message for Tommy to tell him to get over here.

It's his baby. He has to know.

What if it's Dad's?

Oh, he tore up his parent card when he slept with someone younger than us.


[ breathing heavily ]

I want my baby to be born with his family.

Ugh! Aah! Ohh!

Okay, we need to get her to a hospital.

Oh, no. I am an adult.

You cannot make me go there if I don't want to.

This is not your family. Why did you come here?

It's my baby's family, and you're such good people.

[ voice breaking ] My little baby didn't do anything wrong.

Frankie, you pulled me off a car-washing job.

What's the emergency? You lose your handcuffs?



Uh, hey. Uh, good to see you.

Oh, my gosh. False alarm.

Oh, Mrs. Rizzoli, do you think you could forgive me?

I'd love a hamburger.

Oh, me, too.

Okay. I'm a little conflicted here, okay?

You had intimate relationships with both Tommy and my creep of an ex-husband, and you never bothered to tell me who you were when we met?

Oh, I can see why you don't want to get her a burger, but what did I do?



I didn't do that.

Did I do that?


I'm really sorry, Mrs. Rizzoli, you know? but now that I'm bringing a new life into this world, I'm gonna turn over a new leaf.

And what about you, Thomas?

Well, I'm definitely wearing condoms from now on.

[ laughs ]

Okay, as a sign of goodwill, I'm ... I'm gonna make you both burgers.

[ sighs ]

But nobody is gonna call me "grandma" until I know who the father of that baby is.


So, what's the plan now, dad?

I don't know. Huh?

Maybe I could get a job painting houses.

Oh! Yeah! He's totally ready to become a father.

Wait, whoa, whoa. Where are you going?

I'm sorry, Frankie.

I got three dead women, okay? I'm going back to my case.

No. Jane. Jane!


Oh, my god. You scared me.

I am so sorry. I-I ... it's probably not okay that I came through the back, is it?


Well, now that you have, why did you?

Well, it's my birthday.

Happy birthday.

And I-I needed to come here today.

I wanted to relive the highest and the lowest parts of my year.


This is, uh ... this is where they wheeled me in.

You'd been declared dead.


If it wasn't for you, I'd be in the ground.

I'm ... I'm sure you probably can't, but...

But what?

I would give anything to celebrate my birthday with you.

Uh, well, I'm ... I'm actually waiting on some results.

Birthday dinner?

Wow. Yes. That ... wow.

That would be ... that would be incredible.

Got an I.D. on the third victim ... 21-year-old Debbie Rowlings.



She was also arrested for child endangerment.

Her newborn was taken from her a few weeks ago.

Another new mother.

Frost, did the other four victims all have children?

Yeah. Looks like it.

So, our k*ller deeply resents mothers.

All the drop locations are symbolic to him and seem like a big "'f' you" to mothers and children.

Why cut off their arms and pose them like statues?

Well, the Venus de Milo is aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

It says here the arms broke off and the draping's supposed to make her more sensual and erotic.

So, in our k*ller's mind, she's some crazy mixed-up symbol of love and eroticism.

All right. Come on in.

Thank you.

Oh, wow. What a gorgeous space.

The one thing I hate about my job is having to be gone from here.

[ chuckling ]

You have a private elevator.

Yeah, sorry we had to take the stairs.

I have to get it repaired. Oh, careful.

Wouldn't want you falling three stories.

[ chuckles ]

So, how old are you today?


Yeah, my mom called me this morning to remind me.

She always calls me first thing and sings me "happy birthday."

That's very sweet.

Yeah. I couldn't ask for a better mother.

[ bottle thuds ]



Thanks. Jane, good news.

Frederick Stone turned up.


Arrested two nights ago in Denver on a D.U.I.

Still there. Couldn't post bail.

So, he's not our k*ller.

Nope. And Todd Brown isn't our k*ller.

Okay. All of our victims had really young children except for Rachel Dugan, A.K.A. Cruella, who's much older than everybody else.

What do we know about her kid?

Think it was a son.

Yeah, right here ... Mark Dugan. He'd be 36 now.

What happened to him?

Says he was taken away from her after repeated episodes of abuse.

She ever burn him with cigarettes?

Yeah. On the soles of his feet.

We need to find him.

He was made a ward of the state when he was 5.

Keep digging, guys.

[ sighs ] I'm sorry. I got to take care of something.

Don't you touch me! Don't you friggin' touch me!


I called Maura. She's not answering.

Oh, god.

Oh, god! Get it out!

Okay, Lydia, Lydia, Lydia, let's let the nice paramedics take you to the hospital.


Geez, this girl's got some pipes.

Okay, okay. I think the baby is coming.

Listen. Lydia, push.

No, Lydia, don't push!

It's really stuck! Tommy, help!

Okay, okay. Is that it?

Oh, geez!

Okay, now she wants someone with medical training. Get in there.

Angela: Whoa.

Where are you going?

Away from that!

Aw, come on... find anything on Mark Dugan?

Should we do something?

Babies are born every day.

We got a serial k*ller on the loose. You turn around.

I don't need you passing out. What'd you find on Dugan?

You want to talk ... You want to talk about that right now?


She's between contractions. Talk fast.

Well, he bounced around from foster home to foster home.

Lots of abuse. He ran away at 8 and found his working-girl, drug-addicted mother.

She abused him some more before she dragged him back to another foster home.

Lydia: Aah!!


Everything okay?

Yeah. Fine.

Uh, okay.

One of the senior criminalists was looking for you.

Tox results are back on the third victim.

Do you have them?

Nobody knows me down there.

[ sighs ]

I'll see you upstairs.


Come on. I'll introduce you to everybody.

Don't you want to know if it's a boy or a girl?

Why don't you text me when you find out who the father is?

Come on, pop. Let's go.

Go where?

So, I try to make sure that I can be here whenever Dr. Isles does an autopsy.


Hello, Detective.

I have the results on the additional tox screen.

Oh, great. Thanks. Uh, this is Detective Cooper.

She just joined homicide. Where's Dr. Isles?

Oh, I-I think she stepped out to have dinner with Mr. Rockmond.

Dennis? Hmm.

[ sighs ]

You found Inderal in the third victim's system?

Oh, no.

What is it?

Inderal was used as a sedative so the k*ller could k*ll our third victim.

Dennis Rockmond nearly died of an inderal overdose.

I still don't understand.

And... he sculpted this hand for Maura.

Riley, get all units to Dennis Rockmond's address!

Frost, get Korsak! Meet me outside ... now!

Classic art idealized the human form, but artists often didn't understand key aspects, like the layering of intercostal muscles. You do.

I take tremendous pride in everything I do.

That's probably why you're such a wonderful public speaker.

[ chuckles ]

Come here. Let me show you my work.

[ light switch clicks ]

Dugan, get your hands off of her!

Maura, you okay?

What are you doing?

[ Maura whimpers ]

Look behind you, Maura.

You see that pedestal, Maura?

Don't you dare cut her throat!

See that? Oh, that's where I do my real work.

You were gonna be my next creation. I was gonna honor you.

Just like my mother, you gave me life.

[ whimpers ]

You must think you're real smart, huh, Detective?

No, no, no. No. We're just lucky. You're much smarter than us.

You're damn right.

Not even the genius Dr. Isles could keep up with me.

Please, please!

Are you begging me, huh? Keep begging.

God, I like it when they beg.

Oh, my god!

No, no, wait, wait, wait! Look, look, look.

We're all in your hands, okay? We're all in your hands.

You find my mother's hand?


You understand why I had to take both of them, right?

So she couldn't hurt you anymore.

I left my creations at all the places that I wanted to go with my Mommy.

Wait! W-w-wait!

Why hurt Maura? Come on.

Because her healing hands brought me back to this Earth! That's why!

Oh, my god!

[ whimpers ]

And now mothers maybe will finally listen ... treat your kids right.

Because you never know who they'll grow up to be.

Oh, my god! Aah!


[ body splats ]

[ cries ]

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Oh, god.

No. How could I not know?

No. Come on. Listen.

He evaded four different jurisdictions, okay?

Including us. Okay? You said it yourself ...

They're not all reclusive monsters, okay?

You couldn't have known. You couldn't have known.

[ crying ]

Oh, god. I should've known.

[ crickets chirping ]

You haven't said a word in over an hour, Maura.

I'm just trying to process the worst day of my life.

Stop beating yourself up, Maura.

We all met him. None of us spotted him.

You know, the best behavioral psychiatrists in the world will tell you that serial K*llers get away with it because they appear so normal.

Ugh. Why couldn't you two do something else for a living?

[ sighs ]

I thought about being a ballerina.

[ chuckling ] Yes, you did. And you were so good at the fouettés.

And then I wanted to be a goalie in the NHL.

[ laughs ]

[ doorbell rings ]

Oh, that must be my yarn.

My god, woman.

How much yarn do you need for a baby blanket?

And speaking of babies I guess I have to ask, girl or boy?

Is it the yarn?

[ baby coos ]

[ slow music plays ]

It's Lydia's baby.

She left him on the doorstep.

Hi, baby.

[ sniffles ]