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02x08 - A Parting in the Snow

Posted: 01/12/24 09:17
by bunniefuu
Kizuna: Come on!

Rishia: Okay!

Raphtalia: Thank you, Naofumi-sama.

Naofumi: Don't worry about it.

Naofumi: We need to get out of here before somebody comes after us.

Kizuna: So this is the countdown to the waves?

Kizuna: It says more days?

Naofumi: There's no time.

Naofumi: And we've finally made it to the other world, too.

Naofumi: Filo's nowhere close to us.

Naofumi: We've got even more ground to cover, then.

Raphtalia: Filo…

Kizuna: Okay, why don't you start by heading to Sikul, the country that summoned me?

Kizuna: It's safer than this place.

Naofumi: How far away is "Sikul"?

Kizuna: A week on foot?

Raphtalia: That far?

Kizuna: And we'd have to go through a bunch of checkpoints, too.

Kizuna: And cross several borders.

Naofumi: Then that's out of the question.

Naofumi: Got any portal skills?

Kizuna: I do. It's called "Return Codex."

Kizuna: But I don't have the tool I need for it, so I can't use it now.

Naofumi: So what do we do, then?

Naofumi: You didn't just suggest this without a plan, right?

Kizuna: Right!

Kizuna: We'll head for the capital of Mikakage, the country we're in now.

Naofumi: The capital of the country that locked you up?

Kizuna: Hear me out!

Kizuna: We can use the dragon hourglass there to warp to Sikul.

Naofumi: Dragon hourglass?

Kizuna: Your world has them, too?

Naofumi: Yes.

Naofumi: You can't use them for warping, though.

Kizuna: I see. There are some differences, then.

Kizuna: We call it Return Dragon Vein,

Kizuna: and the Cardinal Heroes and Vassal w*apon Heroes are the only ones who can use it.

Naofumi: I see.

Naofumi: So we get to the hourglass and use your power to warp us such that we can't be followed.

Kizuna: Yup.

Raphtalia: Um, how far to the capital?

Kizuna: It's still two or three days away.

Naofumi: We'll spend three days on the road,

Naofumi: leveling and buying weapons, and then go into the enemy's HQ.

Kizuna: Oh, there are checkpoints on the road leading to the capital, too.

Kizuna: So we'll need to buy a pass.

Naofumi: So even in another world, I'm back to being a traveling merchant, huh?

Sign: The Rising of the Shield Hero

Title: Episode A Parting in the Snow

top,Naofumi: This country's really Asian-looking.

top,Kizuna: Yeah, but some of the others are more European.

Raphtalia: Asian? European?

Naofumi: The clothes are all Japanese, but there are lots of different races?

Kizuna: Those are the grass people, or just Grass.

Kizuna: Demi-humans, like Raphtalia-chan.

Naofumi: More like elves than demi-humans, I think.

Raphtalia: Elves?

Kizuna: Those are the jewel people, or just Jewels.

Kizuna: Just like Therese-neesan!

Naofumi: Therese was a different race, too?

Naofumi: And them? They're not ghosts, right?

Kizuna: Those are the spirit people, like Glass.

Rishia: Spirit people?

Kizuna: Some countries call them Spirits.

Naofumi: Like Glass?

Kizuna: Where other races have life power, magic power,

Kizuna: and, if you're a vassal w*apon wielder, soul power,

Kizuna: Spirits only have their energy level.

Naofumi: Explains why my Soul Eater Shield hit her so hard.

Kizuna: Since they're dependent on that energy, they don't have levels, though.

Rishia: They don't?

Kizuna: But that also means Spirits with lots of energy are very powerful.

Kizuna: And they're almost entirely incorporeal, so normal att*cks don't hurt them.

Rishia: So that's why she was so strong.

Kizuna: Their one weakness is that their energy can only recover naturally.

Naofumi: Healing magic and items don't work?

Kizuna: Nope.

Kizuna: They receive less benefit from magic than humans and other races.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama?

Kizuna: What's this?

Kizuna: "We suspect that neighboring countries are developing new weapons.

Kizuna: They are breeding powerful monsters."

Rishia: The monsters are a new w*apon?

Kizuna: They're also trying to research teleportation technology,

Kizuna: as well as the teleportation skills of the Cardinal and vassal weapons.

Rishia: They're trying to artificially recreate the abilities only heroes have?

Kizuna: Whether that's true or not, they don't seem to know about us, yet.

Naofumi: Well, we just broke out.

Naofumi: There's a lot of concerning stuff here, though.

Kizuna: A lot of it's just gossip, but...

Naofumi: We need to make enough money to pay for food and shelter tonight, huh?

Raphtalia: Yeah.

Kizuna: Oh, I can just sell some drop items I don't need.

Naofumi: It looks like old Japanese currency.

Kizuna: Oh, these copper doumon? You're right, now that you mention it.

Kizuna: One hundred of these is worth one silver gyokugin.

Kizuna: And gyokugin is gold kinban.

Naofumi: If doumon are the same as the coppers in my world,

Naofumi: we don't have nearly enough.

Kizuna: Yeah.

Kizuna: I'd like to make some money fast.

Naofumi: I've been thinking...

Naofumi: And this might work.

Kizuna: What's that?

Naofumi: A soul soothing potion.

Naofumi: It recovers SP.

Kizuna: SP? As in "soul power," maybe?

Naofumi: When I fought Glass, L'Arc gave her one of these,

Naofumi: and she got much stronger, like she was coming back to life.

Kizuna: What?

Kizuna: Spirits would pay any price for something like that.

Naofumi: I thought so.

Naofumi: Let's sell it, then.

Kizuna: B-But that item's totally unknown in this world.

Kizuna: Would we find a buyer so soon?

Naofumi: Who do you think I am?

Naofumi: Tomorrow we're gonna be busy leveling and selling.

Naofumi: Right, Raphtali...a?

Naofumi: Ra—

Naofumi: You...

Raphtalia: N-No!

Raphtalia: I was thinking Rishia-san's looked good too, that's all.

Rishia: Here.

Rishia: Young demi-humans need to eat a lot, after all!

Raphtalia: That's not true—

Raphtalia: Well, it is true, but...

Naofumi: Come one, come all!

Naofumi: See the wares I've brought from all around the land!

Naofumi: First, this rare soul soothing potion.

Naofumi: Soul soothing potion, a rare medicine from a distant land.

Naofumi: You Spirits there! This is just the thing for you!

Raphtalia: Right this way!

Raphtalia: It doesn't cost a thing! So try it out!

Kizuna: They're acting differently than usual, aren't they?

Rishia: I was surprised the first time I saw it, too.

Spirit: Amazing! I've never seen anything like this!

Spirit: I can't believe it! My power's back!

Spirit: Sell it to me! I'll pay any price, just give it all to me!

Spirit: Wait! Me, too!

Spirit: Me, too!

Naofumi: I'll be back to sell more, so please, relax!

Naofumi: But it's a rare item, hard to find and produce.

Naofumi: I don't have much left.

Naofumi: So tomorrow, I'll be putting it up for auction!

Spirit: Auction?

Spirit: And it's tomorrow, too?

Kizuna: You're one hell of a salesman.

Kizuna: See? I can take down monsters easily.

Naofumi: But I'm not getting any XP. Maybe because we're both heroes?

Kizuna: I see.

Kizuna: If only we could make up for it with items.

Naofumi: Want to try a different item than the soul soothing potion?

Naofumi: Our items might have different effects on each other.

Kizuna: This is an earth crystal.

Kizuna: Holding it restores your magic.

Naofumi: I just got , XP!

Naofumi: Try this. It's magic water.

Kizuna: It didn't restore my magic, but I got w*apon enhancement XP.

Naofumi: There might be other items that give us both different effects!

Kizuna: Let's try a bunch of things.

Naofumi: Yeah.

Spirit: Two gyokugin!

Spirit: Three gyokugin, doumon!

Spirit: Thirty gyokugin!

Naofumi: We have gyokugin! Thirty gyokugin!

Naofumi: Anyone else want to bid?

Naofumi: Nobody?

Naofumi: Then the first one sells for gyokugin!

Naofumi: Now, the next soul soothing potion...

Spirits: What did she just do?

Spirits: Does she know how valuable those were?

Raphtalia: One of them is safe!

Naofumi: What luck!

Naofumi: But this is the very last bottle!

Naofumi: Bidding starts at one gyokugin!

Kizuna: Wow, that was so much fun!

Kizuna: I never thought you could sell things like that!

Rishia: It wasn't fun for me.

Kizuna: Sorry, Rishia-san.

Kizuna: Naofumi told me to do it.

Naofumi: Yeah. Good job.

Naofumi: You did good too, Raphtalia.

Raphtalia: Thank you!

Kizuna: We've got more than enough for a pass,

Kizuna: so let's buy weapons and armor, too!

Kizuna: Nice! You all look great!

Naofumi: You don't need any new items?

Kizuna: I'm fine as I am.

Naofumi: That haori's a mess.

Kizuna: Glass gave it to me, though.

Naofumi: I see... Sorry.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama, do you think this looks good on me?

Naofumi: Yeah, seems fine.

Naofumi: And you look like a ninja girl, Rishia.

Rishia: Ninja girl?

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama, wh-who do you think's the best out of all of us?

Naofumi: Hmm... mine has the highest defense stat.

Naofumi: Okay. Let's buy that pass and leave first thing in the morning.

Background: Come see what we've got for sale!

Naofumi: I guess things are pretty lively in the capital.

Kizuna: Yeah. It hasn't changed over the past few years.

Naofumi: You okay, Raphtalia?

Raphtalia: Y-Yes.

Raphtalia: Just a little cold.

Kizuna: It might snow.

Rishia: Snow?

Naofumi: Security's tight.

Kizuna: They might have found out I escaped from the Infinite Labyrinth.

Raphtalia: Something seems wrong, though.

Naofumi: What's going on?

Man: You haven't heard?

Man: A genius mage from another country developed a way to use the Return Dragon Vein,

Man: which only Cardinal Heroes and Vassal w*apon Heroes can use.

Man: And they're here for an experiment.

Kizuna: Looks like it wasn't just gossip.

Naofumi: Yeah, but what worries me is...

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama, is this genius mage...

Rishia: Could it be...

Naofumi: What's wrong?

Background: Wow!

Background: It's him!

Background: It's really him?!

Naofumi: Who the hell is he?

Kizuna: He's not the genius mage?

Rishia: He doesn't look like Kyo.

Kizuna: Kyo?

Flunkies: Splendid work, Kazuki-sama!

Flunkies: We believed you could do it!

Kazuki: Of course I could.

Man: When it's ready for mass adoption, please bring it to us first.

Kazuki: Hmm... perhaps I'll think about it while I drink sake and watch the snow fall.

Man: Of course. We have a room prepared.

Kizuna: Looks like that's why security was tight.

Rishia: I guess it's not him, but...

Naofumi: He's nasty in the same way Kyo is.

Kizuna: Hey, who's Kyo?

Naofumi: Let's start by finding an inn.

Kizuna: It's piling up!

Naofumi: You're too old to play around like that.

Kizuna: Eighteen's not too old to play in the snow.

Kizuna: Gotcha!

Rishia: Gotcha!

Rishia: Just you wait!

Naofumi: You too, Rishia?

Naofumi: Raphtalia, say something to them.

Naofumi: Too old, huh?

Kizuna: Anyway, from what you say about this Kyo guy,

Kizuna: he's a total shithead!

Rishia: Yes, he really is.

Kizuna: As one of this world's Cardinal Heroes, I'd like to pop him right in the face.

Kizuna: But my w*apon can't hurt humans.

Kizuna: And you use a shield.

Rishia: And Raphtalia and Rishia can't do much at their level.

Rishia: Kizuna, how much time until the Wave?

Kizuna: About six days.

Rishia: We need to find Filo and take down Kyo.

Rishia: We can't waste time here.

Raphtalia: Let's go, Naofumi-sama.

Raphtalia: It's probably not well guarded at this hour.

Raphtalia: Especially with this blizzard.

Raphtalia: This is our one chance.

Naofumi: But you and Rishia don't have your levels back yet.

Naofumi: You're not ready to fight humans.

Raphtalia: I'm your sword.

Raphtalia: I may be small right now,

Raphtalia: but no matter how low my level is...

Raphtalia: I'll protect you no matter what!

Naofumi: Raphtalia...

Naofumi: Your dumplings are burning.

Raphtalia: Oh no!

Raphtalia: Ow!

Kizuna: Aw, you guys are so silly.

Naofumi: Raphtalia, if you're my sword,

Naofumi: then as the Shield Hero, it's my job to protect you.

Naofumi: Don't worry about a thing when you fight.

Naofumi: I'll protect you both.

Raphtalia: Okay!

Rishia: I'll d-do my best!

Kizuna: We go tonight, then.

Kizuna: Listen. Once we're inside, prioritize getting to the hourglass over everything else.

Kizuna: Once I touch it, Return Dragon Vein will activate.

Kizuna: You're set as part of my party, so you can warp with me.

Kizuna: But I don't know what'll happen if you're too far away.

Rishia: Which way next, Kizuna-san?

Kizuna: Here.

Kizuna: The hourglass is on the other side.

Kizuna: What is this?

Men: There they are! Intruders!

Men: Get them!

Naofumi: Looks like...

Kizuna: They set a trap for us.

Rishia: N-No!

Raphtalia: I'll cut a path through!

Naofumi: Raphtalia!

Naofumi: Let's go!

Kizuna: Aw... I guess we don't have a choice!

Rishia: We don't have a choice!

Rishia: H-Here, too?

Naofumi: Kizuna! Come here and tell us where to go!

Kizuna: Can't you see I'm busy?

Naofumi: Take them down! Or is that sword just for show?!

Kizuna: Yeah, when I'm fighting humans, it is.

Kizuna: I showed you, didn't I?

Naofumi: See, you can do it.

Men: Damn it!

Men: Where are they?

Men: Wait! Damn it!

Kizuna: Naofumi, let's split up.

Kizuna: We're just dragging the enemy around with us!

Naofumi: But we don't know where the hourglass is.

Kizuna: It has to be at the center of this mansion.

Kizuna: Head there, and...

Naofumi: With all these dead ends?

Kizuna: If that happens, just do what I did back there.

Naofumi: Fine!

Naofumi: Let's go, Raphtalia!

Raphtalia: Right!

Kizuna: Rishia-san, stay with me.

Rishia: O-Okay!

Naofumi: Damn it! Another one?

Naofumi: Air Strike Shield!

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama!

Naofumi: Right!

Man: That kid's so strong...

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama, look!

Kazuki: Well done, well done.

Kazuki: You're the fools who fell for my trap?

Kazuki: I deliberately stationed fewer guards, and you came rushing right in.

Kazuki: Kyo-san was right.

Naofumi: You work for Kyo?

Kazuki: Say what you like.

Kazuki: I prefer "business partner."

Naofumi: Let me guess. He became your sponsor for the teleporter in exchange for having you catch us?

Kazuki: Something like that.

Kazuki: Looks like you pissed him off.

Kazuki: He was really mad.

Naofumi: That makes me feel a little better.

Naofumi: Just a little, though.

Kazuki: Now I see why he's pissed off.

Kazuki: Wipe that smirk off your face, assh*le.

Naofumi: Don't worry. I don't like you, either.

Naofumi: You fake-ass wannabe Kyo!

Kazuki: Let me correct you on one thing.

Kazuki: I wasn't told to catch you.

Kazuki: I was told "alive or dead."

Naofumi: Meteor Shield!

Kizuna: Naofumi!

Rishia: Raphtalia-san!

Naofumi: Kizuna! Make a run for the Hourglass!

Kizuna: Okay!

Kazuki: Stop the little girl!

Kazuki: k*ll her!

Kizuna: Don't call me little!

Rishia: You did it, Kizuna-san!

Kazuki: Shit!

Kizuna: Get as close to the hourglass as you can, everyone!

Kizuna: Here I go! Return Dragon Vein!

Kizuna: What?

Naofumi: Raphtalia?

Naofumi: That voice? Kyo!

Kyo: Yup!

Kyo: How you doin', Shield Dumbass?

Kyo: I've been waiting for this moment!

Kyo: This awesome, awesome moment!

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama!

Naofumi: Kizuna, call off the warp!

Kizuna: I can't! Once it starts I can't stop it!

Kyo: Yup.

Kyo: Why do you think I sent you into the Infinite Labyrinth?

Kyo: Why do you think I let you keep the raccoon demi-human?

Kyo: Why?

Naofumi: Don't tell me...

Kyo: Yup!

Kyo: To see that look on your face!

Kyo: That face, twisted with rage and despair!

Naofumi: You bastard!

Kyo: Yup! Just what I wanted to see!

Kazuki: Not fair, Kyo-san.

Kazuki: He insulted me. I need to see him dead.

Kazuki: Move, or I'll cut your head off.

Kyo: Nope!

Kyo: I'm taking the little one back to my lab for experiments.

Naofumi: No! Raphtalia!

Raphtalia: Go, Naofumi-sama!

Naofumi: Raphtalia, what are you—

Raphtalia: I thought that after I became small, I couldn't help you anymore.

Raphtalia: But I was kind of happy...

Raphtalia: Since I got to have you pat me on the head and carry me, like when we first met.

Raphtalia: I'll be your sword until the end.

Naofumi: Raphtalia!

Kyo: I'm dying! I'm dying of laughter!

Naofumi: Raphtalia!

Sign: Humming Fairy