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07x03 - Slow Boat to Madness: Part 1

Posted: 01/12/24 12:14
by bunniefuu
Every request has been denied.

As of now, this is a
ship without a country.

This ship could be incubating one
of the deadliest viruses that exists.

I'm sure you can imagine
the problems we'd have

If word gets out there's
been a m*rder on board.

We don't know yet

What is making people sick.

Well, some kind of k*ller bug.

All you have to do is get breathed on by
the wrong person, you're as good as dead.

There's a volatile
epidemic on this ship,

And nobody knows what it is.

Maybe the dying has just begun.

Gentlemen, you
are about to enter

The most fascinating
sphere of police work:

The world of forensic medicine.


I drink that, I'll sleep
all the way to tahiti.

What is it with you? Palm
trees, flaming drinks...

If I'd had more time, I would've
had the goldfish singing,

♪ Bali hai ♪

Hey, danny, is this for drinking
or roasting marshmallows?

And the cruise
leaves from tahiti?

Actually, they're underway.
That's where we board the ship.

And then it's bora bora, moorea,
and what's the last place?

I don't know, and I don't care. I
just know there's a lot of ocean.

Oh, am I looking
forward to this trip.

Janet, you make it so easy. You've
had such an impact on quincy.

Last time, I almost had to change
the locks to get you to take a vacation.

You gave me a day and a half. Where
was I gonna go in a day and a half?

I am almost as bad,

But we workaholics
are going on the wagon.

I promise not to talk about
the health department,

And quincy is not gonna
mention the coroner's office.

Isn't that that ugly
tan building downtown?

Listen, you're sure this
mare nostrum is seaworthy?

I understand it's the first
trip after 30 years in dry dock.

They spent $10 million
bringing it back.

She was the grand dame.
She's queen of the high seas.

And the owner says
she's gonna reign again.

10 Mil? That's pretty
pricy for a facelift.

Oh, you wouldn't say
that if you could see her.

Don't drink that or you'll
wind up on sick call tomorrow.

Can I give you two a
lift to the airport?

- What about time, buddy?
- We'd better get a move-on
in case we hit traffic.

- Okay.
- Oh, oh. Almost forgot.

Wait a minute. ♪ Ta-da ♪

- Open it, quince.
- What is this?

- What is that?
- Jockey silks.

We're going by ship,
not by thoroughbred.

It's for the masquerade
party on the ship.

Janet told us you probably
wouldn't bring a costume.

- You'll look adorable.
- Thank you. I don't know
what to say.

Bon voyage.

- I'm afraid I'm gonna
get heartburn.
- Allow me.

Here we are.
We're in cabins 121,

123 On paradise deck.

Quincy, just think... Seven days

Without having
to look at a body.

- Yeah.
- Are you enjoying
the scenery?

I've never seen so many
beautiful girls in my life!

They're sh**ting a
motion picture on board.

I hope it's not
an inconvenience.

It's not gonna inconvenience me.

- I'm captain edwards.
- How do you do?

I'm dr. Quincy.
Dr. Janet carlyle.

- How do you do?
- Oh, both doctors.

Dr. Quincy's with the l.a.
Coroners office; I'm public health.

- Nice to have you with us.
- John, john, david!

Hello. I'm here.
Can you believe it?

How are you?

One of the stars of
the motion picture.

I wonder what kind of
picture they're gonna make.

I have a feeling it's not

A remake of w*r and peace.

- Paradise deck is forward.
- Thank you.

Down on the left.

Look, are you two
kidding? I saw that room.

I'm sorry... There's no way.

Ron, trust me on
this. We didn't get

All the rooms we wanted,
so we had to double up some.

Is clyde sharing a room?

- Clyde's the star.
- So what?

I'm not sharing a room.

What am i, chopped liver?

He should be so lucky.

So what happened
to that steward?

There he is.

You make sure that
those wind up in cabin 182.

Can we rest for a second?


We have nothing but rest
for the rest of the week.

Of course, I may
go out of my mind

If I don't die of boredom first.

Come on, stuart,
you said you'd try.


Man: room service.

You're wonderful.

Oh, everything is perfect.

Honeymoons should be perfect.

It's enough just to be with you.

Uh, haven't I seen you on tv

Or something... Or somewhere?

No, no. You must be mistaken.

I guess so. I'm usually pretty
good with faces, though.

- Can I get you something else?
- Not for me. For you?

- Oh, no, nothing, gregor.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

I am not gregor,
remember? I am alex.

How can we remain incognito

If the steward thinks
he has seen us on tv,

And you insist on using
my real name in public?

- You're angry.
- Yes.

Oh, elena,

Only because I love you.

I worry we will be recognized.

But we already have our asylum.

That does not mean our
government isn't still watching us.

I can't always live my life

Looking over my shoulder.

The newspaper stories stopped
a month after we defected.

And as long as we
stay out of the papers,

We don't embarrass anybody,

And we can go on with our lives.

To us.

You know, when we first
started skating as little children,

I used to wonder
what it would be like

To be married to you.

I want this moment
to last forever.

It will.

I promise.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

Looks like we
outlasted everybody.

How come you're so quiet?

If this is a dream, I don't want
to wake myself for a while.

I know what you mean.

I already feel a
million miles away.

The ocean does that.

Nothing as vast as the sea.

You were talking about dreams,

I've had a dream
all of my life...

About the sea and
leaving everything behind.

One day I'm gonna do it too.

- Do what?
- Live my dream. Sail around the world.

- By yourself?
- That's the dream.

Quincy, what is it with you?

Have you ever
heard of noah's ark?

Why don't you
ever think in twos?

I'm not exactly
all alone now, am i?

Glad you noticed.

You got a lot of nerve,
you talking about me.

What about you? At
least I got married.

You never even took the plunge.

- Guilty as charged.
- How come?

I guess I'm just as
obstinate as you are.

I guess we value our
independence too much.

I certainly passed
up a lot of good ones.

- Any regrets?
- I don't know.

I guess...

One stateroom is cheaper.

And a lot more fun.

Man overboard.

Less than one minute ago,
starboard side, captain.

Sound the alarm.
Stop all engines.

Prepare to launch
lifeboat rescue detail.

- Aye-aye, sir.
- Stand by to come about.

He just... Walked
right off the edge.

He didn't even hesitate.

Why would anyone go on
a cruise to take his life?

I'm afraid the answer
to that one died with him.

It's just awful!

I don't know. Something
about this ship.

All those years, the
thousands of travelers.

You wonder how many secrets,
how many poor souls like this

It logged along the way.

Woman: the hanged man.

What's that supposed to mean?

I want to know.

It means suffering.


It means an early death.

I refuse to believe that.

Uh, clyde,

You are the envy of
every man in america.

You've got fame,
looks, power, money,

This yacht, all these girls,

And you've just been told
that you're gonna lose it all.

I've got to see you emote.

You try saying
these crummy lines,

And see how much emoting you do!

All right. Take five. No print.

Uh, girls,

More... Ennui

And, uh, deep breaths.


- What are you doing?
- I'm a doctor.

Doctor, my ankle.

No, there's nothing
broken. How's this feel?

Yeah, that hurts.

Looks like a sprain.
I'll massage it a little.

I always said they should register
these high heels as lethal weapons.

My name's corrina. What's yours?


You have remarkable
hands, dr. Quincy.

It's feeling better already.

Listen, why don't I have a steward
bring some ice to your cabin?

- That'll take
care of the sprain.
- No, doctor, please don't stop.



Your patients
must be very loyal.

Haven't had any complaints yet.

Not even a little bit?

If you want me to
say that I was jealous,

I'll say I was jealous.

You feel a little twinge
when she was tucking me

Under my chin, that
cute little girl?


Well, I think if I
wasn't spoken for,

I could've swept her
right off her feet.

Well, I think

A light dusting
would've been sufficient.

Uh-uh-uh. Let's
not get catty, now.

Well, only goes to show you,

There are other women who
like men with vintage on them.

"Vintage"? For women,
it's called "aging."

You really weren't
a little bit jealous?

I can't get upset over a...

Starlet that's
hung up on doctors.

I don't know. I can
understand that girl.

I'm a little hung up
on a doctor myself.




- There it is.
- Ah. You did good.

No more cards.
It's getting late.

I think I'll go to bed.

Yeah, that's a... Good idea.

- Got everything you need?
- Yeah, uh-huh.

- Oh, listen, you want
to leave the door open?
- Sure. I trust you.

You do? I mean, well, you can.

I'm honorable. You know that.

Yeah, well... Oh, boy.
The old sack-a-rooni.

Good night, quincy.

Good night.

Oh. Did you smell that?

- What?
- Varnish.

They varnished the
storage cabinets.

They haven't dried. I
can't stand those fumes.

I don't smell anything.

Of course you don't,
'cause you're in here.

Go in there and
see what you smell.

Listen, I've got a
terrible sinus condition.

You mind if I stay here
tonight? Just because...

- Quincy!
- What?

We promised not to play games.

I'm not playing
games. I got this con...

We took this cruise to see
if there was a future for us,

Not to create a past.

Yeah, but we're not
exactly teenagers.



But what about the fumes?

I don't think they'll bother me

If you close the door.

Very funny.

Sir, are you all right?

Are you all right?

All right, take it
easy. Okay, take it easy.

Put that down.
Come on, put it down.

Put it down.

Oh, good. Dr. Quincy,
I'm sorry to bother you.

We've developed a problem...

I'm flannery, head of security,

And, doctor, we need your
assistance in the engine room.

No one has touched
the body. It's incredible.

I have been a captain for,
well, over half my life.

Nothing like this has ever
happened under my command.

- I mean, a m*rder, never.
- Any suspects?

Better than that,
doctor. We have the k*ller.

He's been held in
a security cabin.

A passenger, a businessman.
Jason tallmadge.

- Find the m*rder w*apon?
- Better look for yourself.

Oh, this is our ship's
surgeon, dr. Knight.

- Find a cause of death?
- As far as I can tell,

- It's asphyxiation.
- Cranial contusion here.

Yes, but I think that probably
happened when he fell.

Yeah. Not bad
enough to k*ll him.

The hose was wrapped
around his neck, doctor,

And the water was turned
on when we found him.

The degree of bruising
on the neck indicates

Considerable pressure was
exerted when the hose was on.

How do you suggest we proceed?

You'll want to take pictures from
every angle before you move anything.

You're gonna need a lot
more lights down here.

After you've taken the pictures,

Put all the physical
evidence in separate bags.

Use gloves, and try to keep
the body on ice, if possible.

We've already got that su1c1de
in the walk-in refrigerator

That we cleared
for that purpose.

Ah, it's really been
some trip, I tell you.

Doctor, uh, I hope
you'll keep this

As quiet as possible.

I'm sure you can imagine
the problems we'd have

If word gets out that there's
been a m*rder on board.

- Good morning.
- Mm, good morning.

What time did you finally
get to bed last night?

About 3:00 in the morning.

It's horrible. I'm just
so glad they caught him.

- He must be a real
marquis de sade.
- I don't know.

Does a lumber executive
from seattle with an 18-year

Unblemished record with his company
strike you as a deranged-k*ller type?

Where did you find that out?

Flannery, the security
officer. He did some checking.

Seems the man acted strangely
in the bar before this happened.

You've got to worry
about the straight arrows.

They're the ones
that just go crazy.

I still want to talk to him. There's
something cockeyed about this whole thing.

- Dr. Quincy.
- Oh, dr. Knight.

This is dr. Janet carlyle. This
is our ship's doctor, dr. Knight.

How do you do, doctor? I think you should
come look at the man they have in custody.

Oh, good. I just told janet
I wanted to talk to him.

I think you'll find
that a little difficult.

Just found him dead.

Looks like there was severe
convulsion before death.

His body was burning up. I
got a liver temperature of 105.

High fever could explain his
going crazy, k*lling someone.

Yeah, but how do we
explain the high fever?

Look at this. The coloration
of his gums and lips

Fits with respiratory failure.

But look at his hands. The
nail beds... No color at all.

Where did we see that before?

- Drowning victim.
- That's right.

I thought it was because of
the heat he lost in the water.

That would cause the
blood vessels to constrict,

Making his hands and feet pale.

Wait a second doctor. Are you
suggesting the man that drowned

Was suffering from the same
condition as this man was in?

It could be that he
didn't commit su1c1de,

That he just went
over the edge mentally.

If this man died
from the same thing

The guy we fished
out of the water did,

We could be sitting
on a powder keg.

What are you
suggesting, dr. Quincy?

The only way I know
of getting at the truth:

I want to perform an
autopsy on this man.

I would perform the
autopsies with dr. Knight.

Then I'd send the tissue samples
back to my lab in l.a. For analysis.

Jeff, how do you
feel about this?

The longer we wait,
the more chance there is

Of something hazardous
escaping our detection.

Gentlemen, I have
to confess to you,

I don't see any evidence
here of anything hazardous.

That's exactly why we have to do
the autopsies. We've got to know more.

According to maritime law, I
am empowered to authorize it,

But are we equipped to
handle anything like this?

I'm sure we can make do.

I'll need some plastic sheeting,

Some sealable sterilized
containers for specimens.

We can use mason
jars for specimens.

That's terrific. Do
you have an autoclave?


Okay. To fix the tissues,
I'll need some formaldehyde.

No, no. Uh, we have glycerin.

That's terrific. We'll
freeze the tissues.

That's about it. All we
need now is your permission.

- My god.
- Massive internal hemorrhage.

Most of the hemorrhages
are around the intestines,

Especially the connective
tissues, the mesentery.

Looks like some pretty
large infarcted areas.

Yeah, we can confirm it

Once they have micro
sections to work with in l.a.

But it looks like something
blocked the intestinal blood vessels,

k*lling off these
sections of the intestine.

Then he bled into
the dead tissue.

There aren't many things I know that
can tear up a man's insides like that.

Let's get some tissue
samples prepared.

No way to know what we've got
here until the tests are run in a lab.


Then I want to start
on our drowning victim.

Maybe he can tell us
something this man couldn't.

Body's that of christopher long,

Age approximately 22, victim
of an apparent drowning.

Froth around the mouth and
nose consistent with drowning.

Same pallor in the
limbs tallmadge had.

The nail beds are white.

Well, couldn't the cold water have caused
that constriction of the blood vessels?

That's what I thought at first.

Let's see what we can find out.

Got some major
bleeding in the abdomen.

The drowning didn't do that.

But then what about the lungs?

Petechial pinpoint hemorrhages.

The stress of the
lungs fighting for air.

Then we're still talking
about a drowning.

There's not much
doubt about that.

The water in the lungs, the pink
froth on the trachea and bronchia.

Poor kid drowned, all right,

But why did he throw
himself in the water?

What do you think? Did he
have the same thing in his system

That our m*rder*r did?

At this point, it's
impossible to be sure.

The drowning could've
masked some of the symptoms,

But there were some
pretty disturbing similarities.

Constricted blood vessels,
the internal bleeding. What else?

An act of madness.

All right, let's just assume
for a minute as dr. Quincy says

That the dr*gs are related.

What are the possibilities?
What do we have here?

It just could be a
drug of some kind.

Several witnesses who
said they saw both men

Before they died did say
they acted in a bizarre manner.

Now, dr*gs could explain

Their hallucinating
or becoming paranoid.

But we didn't find
a trace of dr*gs

In either victim's cabin, and
we turned them inside-out.

The outward behavior
suggests a drug,

But the massive tissue
breakdown, the hemorrhage,

That says a toxin or a virus...

Possibly a bacteria.

We even took brain tissue
to check for parasites

That bore into the brain
and cause violent behavior.

Well, it's really now
up to the lab tests.

How long will it take to get the sample
to the center for disease control?

Helicopter's coming in tomorrow.

With the cdc. Going full tilt,

We should have a definitive
answer before friday.

Friday, we dock at moorea.

Yeah, but we will have time
to find out whatever it is

Before anybody leaves the ship.

Any unusual cases turn
up down at the infirmary?

Run of the mill there's a...

Uh, scraped knee,

Woman pregnant
that I'm watching,

But I think that's
just a case of nerves.

Seems to me more like a case of
overlapping tragedies than anything else.

Sir, one thing we
should watch out for

Is alarming the passengers.

Dr, quincy, dr. Carlyle,

We deeply appreciate
all your help.

Hey, listen, if there's
anything we can do...

- I hope we haven't just
scuttled your vacation.
- No, no.

All right. If you don't have
any plans for this afternoon...

Oh, oh, oh. We're gonna
go see them film that movie.

Right. It's ethel
barrymore's big scene.

Oh, doctor...

Will you cut it out?

Look, this may be the first
movie I've ever invested in,

But I know what it
costs when a company

Is running as far
behind as we're behind.

Now, what do you want me to do,

Rent this boat for a week
till you can get it perfect?

They don't want perfect.
They want, you know, action.

Okay, everybody, let's go.

- Quiet.
- Settle, please.

- Rolling!
- Slate.

And action.

Like a drink?


What's the matter? You
hate me or something?

Why don't you smile?

I have a stiff neck.

Oh, that's too
bad. Just a minute.

I could fix that.

Why don't you stay a while? Maybe
we can get to know each other better.

Here. Sit down right here.

Ooh, you're all knotted up.

You're so tense, darling.

Just relax.

Why don't you let me loosen
up that pretty neck of yours?

Ow! What are you doing?

What am i, some kind of a horse?

Did you hear that?
She said it, I didn't.

What's going on... Cut! What's
going on here? Will someone tell me?

Why don't you try telling
mr. Brass knuckles here?

He doesn't know
his own strength.

The script says
"massage," not "strangle."

Oh, you actually
read the script.

I'm not letting him touch
me. You understand?

- She's not touching me either.
- Now, kids, come on. We're wasting time.

- And money.
- Dr. Quincy,

Would you kindly show this oaf

The proper way to relieve
tension in the neck muscles?

Oh. Well, I couldn't do
that. I'm not an actor.

- Oh, and you think he is?
- All right, that is it. I am gone.

I'm not taking one more
insult from this overpaid extra.



Maybe you could help me.

I have these terrible
pains in my back.

You think maybe you
could do something?

Why don't you take two aspirin
and call me in the morning?


You were really
funny out there today.

I have to admit, I am fascinated
by this movie-making business.

Oh, yes, well, you
were fascinated.

Did you see that
camera, how big it was?

The camera, not the talent.

Janet, come on. There's only one
girl on this ship I'm interested in.

You know that.

You're not confusing me
with one of the starlets?

No way.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Uh-uh-uh-oh.
- What is it?

Looks like I'm stuck in
your cabin for a while.

- Let me guess.
- What?

- The varnish.
- What varnish?

No, no, no. Not the varnish.

I locked myself out. Would you
believe it? The key's in the room.

- You liar.
- Why would I lie about

A thing like that?

- Good night.
- Good night.

Good night.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I thought you might like to, uh,

Run lines or something.


Come on in.

Why didn't you
knock on our door?

I didn't want you to think
I was getting fresh again.

- Good morning, quincy.
- Dr. Knight called. He wants
to meet us in the infirmary.


The first one came in
this morning at 6:30 a.m.

Ellentry, raymond. They
found him in the laundry room.

He was babbling, hysterical,

And he had to be subdued.

The woman came in
about an hour ago.

She was under a deck chair.
She was also hysterical

And hallucinating...
Not as violent, though.

- High fever?
- I'm afraid so.

Doctor, I would really
like to have these people

Admitted to a hospital
as soon as possible.

Quincy: is there any real doubt in
your mind that these two cases

Are related to the
ones we autopsied?

Dr. Knight: I wish they weren't.

Janet: I think it's time I
started to investigate

Who and what these
people were exposed to.

- That'll help, doctor.
- See you later.

Dr. Quincy, I really have to
report this to captain edwards.

Could I impose upon you to

Report our status to atlanta?

- May I use your phone?
- Of course.

May I have
ship-to-shore, please?

Dr. Knight, you've
got to help me.

I'm so worried,
I can't tell you.

We've heard rumors that
there's a disease or something.

If anything
happens to my baby...

Mr. Crowley, please
calm yourself.

Do you remember what I
said the biggest danger was?

I know, I know: keep calm,

Try to take it easy.

But I just can't, not until
I know what's going on.

Mrs. Crowley, there has been
something going around the ship.

There are over 600
people on this ship,

And only a handful
have gotten sick.

There's no reason to expect that
your child or you are in any danger.

You came on this
cruise to relax, right?

So relax. Your
child is gonna be fine.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, of course.

I felt a kick again this
morning. So strong.

- No pains, though?
- No, it was the most
wonderful feeling in the world.

Well, you'll probably feel a little
differently a couple months from now

When he decides to have
his own place in the sun.

"Her," doctor. Elizabeth anne.

Ah, yes, of course.

We'll have a helicopter
out there as soon as possible

To pick up those
cultures, quincy,

I just hope they
tell you something.

I'll have an army of personnel on
it as soon as the cultures come in.

Anything else we
can do to help you?

Well, there is one
thing. I think it might help

If I could start some frozen
sections right here on the ship.

I agree completely. I'll have a
cryostat sent out on the same flight.

Thank you, doctor.

I've been in situations
like this before...

26 Men dying on a
carrier in the atlantic.

Only eight from the
virus, the rest from panic.

Lost at sea when they
overloaded the life raft.

Yeah. Let me know the minute
you find anything, will you?

You too.


Well, it's some
kind of k*ller bug.

All you have to do is get
breathed on by the wrong person,

You're as good as dead.

- Nonsense.
- Not nonsense.

It's why that boy
jumped off the ship.

Why did you have
to remind me of that?

This was supposed
to be a wonderful trip.

It still could be, steven.

The sooner we get off this ship,

The better.

This thing delays my arrival
back in los angeles by...

- You're jumping to conclusions.
- I told you we were cutting it
too close, but, no,

You had to have your cruise,
and I had to come along.

I'll you something. If I
don't close this deal,

We're not gonna be looking
at vacations or anything else.

I've got half a mind to get out of this
crummy get-up and hit the sack early.

Please, stuart.

I've given up a lot
of things for you.

Maybe too many. That's
probably my fault.

But I'm not giving up
this cruise or this night.

How do I look, monsieur perot?

You are the most
beautiful creature

In the whole world.

You know what you are to me?


Up until now, we have
lived our lives for others...

Government, coaches,

The crowds, our parents.

Maybe now we can begin to
live a little for ourselves.

Quincy: I don't know what
you're complaining about.

I put this outfit on, didn't i?

I'm sorry, quincy,
but you get no points

For courage until
you take that mask off.

If it means that much to
you, miss marie antoinette,

You can always have me beheaded.

Now, why didn't I think of that?

Hi. I'm kiko. Can I have
your autograph?

The man is in restraints
in the infirmary.

Dr. Knight gave him a sedative.

I sent flannery down
to the man's room.

Which happens to be near both the
m*rder*r's room and the boy who drowned.

- Did you find out anything?
- Yes.

The man's cabin mate's in bed,
sick as a dog. I alerted dr. Knight.

Well, if there was any doubt,

It's gone now.

There's a volatile
epidemic on this ship,

And nobody knows what it is.

Maybe the dying has just begun.

All right. Don't
drop it. Careful.

There you go. Easy. Easy.

That's it.

Looks like all your
equipment's on board.

Get that stuff down to the
infirmary. Get it uncrated.

How long before we get those
samples back from cdc, sir?

Well, once it's in atlanta,
I'd say a couple of days

For bacteriology, maybe
longer if it's a virus.

- No quicker?
- The center for disease control

Has one of the best labs
of its kind in the country.

If we're gonna find out
anything any sooner,

We're gonna have to get lucky
with the frozen sectioning I do.

- Quincy.
- Did you come up
with anything?

Oh, not much.

For a while, it looked as if

All of the victims had boarded the
ship at the beginning of the cruise.

I just called the infirmary, and two of
the new cases got on in tahiti when we did.

Are their cabins close
together? Is any pattern emerging?

Not that I can see.

They seem to be on
every corner of the ship.

Except for three who
were in adjacent rooms,

They were all with
the film company.

Did you happen to find out how
long this group has been together?

I mean, before the
cruise started?

A little over two months.
They started in italy.

Then they shot in
kenya for three weeks,

And then they flew to
the south seas to board.


Janet, when was the last time

You came across a case of
african hemorrhagic fever?

- "African hemorrhagic fever"?
- Yeah.

As far as I know, there's never been
a case recorded in the united states.

Maybe they picked
it up in kenya.

A lot of the symptoms do match.

What does that mean?

That means this ship
could be incubating

One of the deadliest
viruses that exists.

And one of the most contagious.

Do you have everything
set up all right?

Just fine. I should
have my first series

Of frozen tissue
sections in an hour or so.

- How are the other patients?
- I just filled my last
available bed.

It's very curious, doctor: half
of them are running a high fever;

The other half are hypothermic.

Some are three and four
degrees below normal.

- The other symptoms?
- Everything else is the same.

Some are sicker than others. I'm
certain we're only facing a single enemy.

Two enemies, doctor:

The disease and time.

If we have to, we can
expand the infirmary

By moving into the
two adjacent cabins.

At least we'll be able to get the serious
cases into a hospital once we hit port.


- Oh, janet, when do we dock?
- Maybe never.

What are you talking about?

I just came from the radio room.

Captain edwards has been talking to
the regional governor on the island.

Are they prepared
to receive the sick?

Not the sick, not the well,

Not anyone off the mare nostrum.

The public health authorities
have barred our entry into the port,

And we've been asked to
retreat to international waters.

What about the other nearby
islands? One of them has to let us in.

Evidently, there's
already an epidemic...

Of fear.

Every request has been denied.

As of now, this is a
ship without a country.

May I have your
attention, please?

May I please have
your attention?

This is captain
edwards speaking.

I regret to inform
you that there has been

A temporary disruption in our
scheduled docking in moorea.

The officials on the
island have denied us

Clearance to enter port,
pending the clarification

Of some minor medical
problem on board the ship.

I would like to take this
opportunity to inform all passengers

That the situation is
well under control

And that there is no danger

To anyone on board.

As soon as clearances
have been received,

You will be notified.

My sincerest apologies
for any inconvenience

This might cause.

Thank you.

We must prepare to leave.

You heard the captain, gregor.

They will not permit
us to leave the ship.

Elena, listen to me.

You remember after we defected

All of the questions,
all of the reporters?

We can never feel safe
with so much attention.

It's all behind us now, gregor.

Is it?

When this trip is over,
when the crisis is over,

There will be hundreds of
reporters waiting to meet the ship,

And we will be right
back where we were...

In the center of controversy,

Never certain who might
be around the next corner.

What are you asking?



We will swim ashore.


It is two, maybe
three kilometers.

- We can fly
home from the island.
- But what if somebody sees us?

Elena, what if we stay?

What if they try
to send us back?

We must not risk our happiness.

You remember the finals.

We led all of them
after the compulsories...

The germans, the
americans, the british.

It was like a dream.

Every lift, every
move was perfect.

We skated like one.

The gold medal was
ours for the taking.

We had only to reach for it.

And then it was over.

All of the years,
all of the training,

The hopes.

It was my fault.

I came out of the spin too
soon. Threw off your timing.

No, no, stop it. It
was not your fault.

It was like now.

Fate or chance...

Something stepped in
to rob us of the victory.


I won't let it take our future.

Go now.