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01x06 - The Azure Messenger

Posted: 01/12/24 17:45
by bunniefuu
[DOPPO] What is "the Ideal"?

The question seems to beget more questions:

Is it merely a concept?

A lofty notion?

Or the goal of all life itself?

If you were to ask me, however, the answer is quite simple.

The words rest on the front of my notebook,

encasing its meaning.

[DOPPO] "The Ideal"...

Everything about me is written here.

My day-to-day schedule, my long term goals...

My future is forever bound to this notebook.

[DOPPO] I've arrived a whole ten seconds early.

My name is Doppo Kunikida.

I'm an idealist at heart,

and a pragmatist in pursuit of those ideals.

It's time.

Good morning, everyone.

Please help us, Mr Kunikida!

What is it this time?

I-I-It's Mr. Dazai...

Look at him!

[OSAMU] Aaahhhhh!!


It's an emergency!

Just take a look at this!

Look at what?

It's right here, silly!

The only thing I see is your stupid face.

It's here!

I've finally arrived!

I can see the pearly gates and everything!

I have no idea what's going on.

[ATSUSHI] Mr. Kunikida!


I... found this.

I knew the Complete Guide to su1c1de was a masterpiece!

Who would've guessed I just needed to eat those mushrooms

growing nearby to have such an entertaining exit!


So those mushrooms were poisonous?

[ATSUSHI] Well, yeah, he thought they were, but in actuality th--

Yes! I've finally caught you, rainbow pillbug!

Time for lunch!

[ATSUSHI] Mr. Kunikida!

I'm doing my routine paperwork.

Wait until I'm done.


[OSAMU] Oh, Kunikiiiidaaaa...

You should come to the afterlife, too.

It's amazing here!

So many rainbow pillbugs...

All the drinks you can handle...

Mountains and mountains of food to eat...

All the sleeping beauties you could ever--


Stop this nonsense!

[ATSUSHI] How can two people

this completely incompatible work together?

[door opens]

Mr. Kunikida?

The president has your case file ready and waiting.

[DOPPO] Dazai, quit dilly-dallying.

Keep up the pace.

[OSAMU] Okayyyy.

[DOPPO] We only have two minutes and seconds

until our appointment!

[OSAMU] That's a cause for worry.

Is it really okay for me to come along?

[DOPPO] It's part of your rookie training.

We need to solve a case

involving a series of disappearances in Yokohama.

[ATSUSHI] I heard about this.

Tourists arrive in the city and are never heard from again.

A lot of people have gone missing, right?

[DOPPO] We received an anonymous tip.

It stated that the victims have all been abducted

and gave the location where they are being held.

The good, ol' "anonymous tip."

How very convenient and terribly suspicious.

Even so, we can't ignore it.

So we're gonna check out whatever this place is?


[DOPPO] We're investigating the tip's source.

[DOPPO] How's the work coming along, informant?

[TAGUCHI] Not bad, four-eyes.

Better than your notebook, I'll bet.

[DOPPO] That's a lot of attitude coming from someone

who'd be considered a glorified cyber criminal.

If your activities came to light,

your father would be disappointed.

Don't you bring him into this, Kunikida.


[TAGUCHI] More importantly, you're late.

How unusual.

So what... were you out on a... date?

[DOPPO] Course not!

Courting will only be done with a specified woman,

followed by marriage within six years time, as is dictated here.


So you're saying

you already have someone that you plan to marry?

I will in another four years.

[ATSUSHI] Uh...!

So, who's the new kid?

[ATSUSHI] I'm Atsushi Nakajima.

The name's Taguchi Rokuzou.

I'm a spy.

For the right price, I can dig up dirt on anything.

[DOPPO] So did you figure out who's behind the anonymous tip?

The Azure Messenger...


[TAGUCHI] I swiped some of the data left on the server,

which included these pictures of the victims.

The mole can't be that bad of a guy, can he?

I mean he did let you know where they were being kept and all.

[OSAMU] It's possible.

It'd just be a shame if we went there and after all that,

they turned out to be the kidnappers.

"The Azure Messenger"...

Stay on their trail, Taguchi.

Sure, if I have the time.

I'm very busy looking after my fish.

Right... Thank you very much.

I called a cab.

We'll head to the abandoned hospital the tipster mentioned.

[OSAMU] Tell me, Kunikida:

Why are you looking after that Rokuzou boy?

[DOPPO] What do you mean?

[OSAMU] It's not like you to give a hacker a job.

Not only that, you could've just talked to him over the phone.

But you took the time to meet him face to face.

His father's deceased, isn't he?

Are you trying to fill that role for him?

[DOPPO] We came here

so that Atsushi could formally meet our informant.

That's all there is to it.

Nothing more.

[OSAMU] Then I won't press the matter.

[DOPPO] This driver is another one of our informants.

He used to be an actor.

[DRIVER] My career never took off,

so I had to find paying work.

It was fortunate for us you did.

You know these streets.

No on else's knowledge of Yokohama even comes close.

It's also helpful that you happened to see two

of the victims just before they were reported missing.

It's true, as fate would have it,

I had driven both of them from the port to their hotel.

Are we sure these people were abducted?

There haven't been any ransom requests.

[DOPPO] You're certain these were the two who you drove?

Yes, there's no mistaking them.

Even their clothes are the same.

[OSAMU] I see!

That's gotta be it!

Check this out.

Both of these guys are wearing glasses!

It's gotta be a serial glasses abduction case!

This is totally your time to shine!

Not all of the people who were abducted wear glasses,

so it's not a pattern.

Awww, too bad...

I guess maybe it'll never be your time to shine.

All right, now you've gone too far.

There's more to me than just my glasses, all right?!

[tires squeal]

[DOPPO] What happened?

We've arrived, sir.

The abandoned hospital, just as you requested.

[OSAMU] What a cheery atmosphere.

Think it's haunted?

[DOPPO] Yeah, right.

[ATSUSHI] It's really creepy in here, isn't it?

[OSAMU] I think it's refreshing, actually.

Really gets my blood pumping.

[DOPPO] You'd better not have eaten another weird mushroom.

[OSAMU] You seem a little jumpy, Kunikida.

[ATSUSHI] Is he afraid of ghosts or something?

[DOPPO] I-I'm not afraid of ghosts!

[OSAMU] Don't fall behind then.

[DOPPO] Haven't you ever seen a horror movie?

The person who goes first is always the first to die!

[ATSUSHI] Look at these footprints...

They're still fresh.

[SASAKI] Somebody help me!

[ATSUSHI] You hear that?

[DOPPO] Down there!


What is this?!


[two g*nshots]

[SASAKI coughs]

[SASAKI] Thank you so much...

You saved my life.

My name is Sasaki Nobuko.

I'm a lecturer at one of the Universities in Tokyo.

So that would make her victim number , wouldn't it?

Did you happen to see who it was who abducted you?

I didn't. I blacked out back at the train station.

When I came to,

I was drowning in that t*nk, just as you all came in.

Dazai, what's your take on the situation?

I'd say she's sexy as hell.

[DOPPO] Not helpful!

[SASAKI] Hey, I think there might be other people

who were trapped in this building as well.


Before I blacked out in the t*nk, I was sure I heard voices.

Is that so?

[ATSUSHI] Mr. Kunikida!

I found them!

[PRISONERS] Help us! Please!

[DOPPO] Just hang on!



Get back Atsushi, It's gas!

We've gotta get out of here!

[DOPPO] Hey! Do you hear me? Look at me!

[OSAMU] We've gotta go!

Let go damn it!

These people...

We can't just allow them to die like this!

You hear me?

Let me go!

[ATSUSHI] "Victims of Yokohama's recent serial abductions

were located, but all died

when a private detective agency conducted a raid."

They all... died.

[DOPPO] This must've been the enemy's objective.

You think that they set all of this up... order to frame the Agency?

Despite what Dazai said, maybe it wasn't my time to shine.

Mr. Kunikida...

Where's Ms. Sasaki?

[ATSUSHI] She should be in the infirmary.

[OSAMU] Oh, really? That's great!

I'm glad to hear it!

[SASAKI giggles]

Hi! Thank you so much for saving me the other day.

If you hadn't all come when you did,

I'm sure I wouldn't be sitting here right now.


[SASAKI] Not to mention,

you were very kind in putting me up last night.


Where did you stay exactly?

My place!


That's correct.

I am... deeply indebted to him for that.

What can I say?

A-Are you sure that's not breaking professional conduct?

[OSAMU] Unfortunately, Miss Sasaki didn't see

who her kidnapper was.

She apparently faints often due to a medical condition.

That's exactly what happened on the day

when she was abducted as well.

How she was transported afterward, I'm not sure.

You've taken quite a liking to her, haven't you.

I take quite a liking to all women.

She does seem like the type who'd commit su1c1de with me

if I asked.

That's so nice.


What about you then, Kunikida?

Is she your type?

She's an eye-witness in a m*rder case.

Nothing more.

Well... it figures that you'd say that.

Atsushi, you wanna know, right?

What his ideal woman is?

Uh?! When did you swipe that, you bastard?!

[ATSUSHI] He wrote it all down?

Oh, yes! Kunikida's notebook has a comprehensive list

of obligations, plans, and ideals recorded in it.

Right here, for example...


You're... You're kidding, that's a lot of--!

[DOPPO] You have a problem with it?

Not at all...

I can understand your vision of an ideal woman, but maybe, um...

You shouldn't share that with any actual women.


That's not important right now!

We should talk about the abductions!

Have you picked up on anything?

[OSAMU] Indeed.

I have deduced that without a doubt

you look very manly in this newspaper photo.

[DOPPO] You wanna see how manly I look

when I punch your lights out?

[sighs] What's regrettable, however...

You should've picked sexier glasses.

Here you are in the paper, and those do not photograph well.

They're so plain.


Only someone possessing my unbridled charm

could pull off wearing them.

What do you think, Atsushi?

[ATSUSHI] Not bad, actually...

Yeah, well they only scream "con man" to me.


Wait a minute...


Something the matter?

[DOPPO] Both of you, let's go.

I know who's behind this.

[DOPPO] Sorry for the short notice.

[DRIVER] So you mentioned that you'd figured out

who's behind the serial m*rder case.

I imagine that you're on your way to arrest the k*ller?

That's right.

Then we should probably hurry.

So what's our destination, sir?

Right here.


The abductions happened here.

You're the kidnapper.

You subdued passengers with sleeping gas,

and abducted them after they fell unconscious.

You wore a gas mask to escape the effects.

Why would he go through all that trouble?

[OSAMU] I can think of one reason.



[ATSUSHI] What do you mean?

He'd sell the bodies for their parts.

There's quite a large black market for organs

if you know where to look.

The cut may not be ideal

because of the various economic factors involved,

but if you're flying solo, the pay's not bad.

[ATSUSHI] That's horrible.

Hang on... that's impossible.

If I'd kidnapped people in this taxi,

I would've been found out

when the police traced their last known whereabouts.

Actually, the police didn't look give this taxi a second look.

Why would they?

All the victims had vanished,

and subsequently each one became untraceable the following day.

After the targets got in your taxi and were sedated,

you proceeded to strip them of their clothes and belongings.

That's why most of the victims at the hospital

were only in their underwear.

You would then don their clothes

in order to disguise yourself as them,

and followed up by checking into hotels

where they had previously made reservations.

You made sure

you would show up on security cameras for that reason.

The victims being the same size as you was no accident either.

You chose people who wore hats

and glasses because they were easier to impersonate.

If the security feed showed someone

looking close enough to the victim,

the police were inclined to believe it.

By the time the last known sighting

of the "victim" was recorded,

the real victim had already been abducted.

[OSAMU] Ms. Sasaki's abduction was even easier, wasn't it?

After she collapsed at the train station,

a good Samaritan passing by

paid for her cab ride to the hospital.

It's faster than calling an ambulance

at the train station, isn't it?

[DRIVER] That's all circumstantial evidence.

[OSAMU] Hmm?

I suppose.

Guess we got nothing.

What's your move now, Kunikida?

Come on, are you being serious right now?

How about we all make a deal?

What do you mean?

If you agree to my conditions, I'll turn myself in.

I need the assurance of the Armed Detective Agency!

You have to keep me safe till the prosecution concludes

their questioning and arranges witness protection for me.

[DOPPO] What's this about?

It wasn't my idea to do this job.

I was approached by a new organ smuggling ring

who told me this was a great opportunity

and I'd never get caught. Those liars!

So there's a group behind all this?

Do you know where they are?

Sadly, no. I was always instructed to meet them

in the Harbor Central Building.

That must be it.

[OSAMU] One question: Why do you need our protection?

[DRIVER] Well...

It appears that one of the people I abducted was actually

with the Port Mafia.

How unfortunate...

They didn't take long in finding us...

--[DRIVER] Help me! --[DOPPO] Hey

[DRIVER] I don't wanna die!


[ATSUSHI] Mr. Kunikida!

I'm not getting any signal.

They must be jamming it.

If we lose the driver, the truth may never come to light.

Dazai, pursue the driver.

Kid, go to the police and get backup.

I will draw their fire here.


[DOPPO] Let's go!

Special ability!

Doppo Poet!

Flash Bang!

[DOPPO] Now!

[AKUTAGAWA] Metal can be fragile...

...just like the human psyche.

And perhaps like the Armed Detective Agency as well?

So it's you!

Akutagawa of the Port Mafia!

The very same.

Are you feeling al lright?

You can't even sh**t a straight b*llet.

I don't have k*lling anyone in my schedule.

I expected as much from you.

Doppo Poet!

[DOPPO] Stun g*n!

Now play dead, you dog.



[DOPPO] Hm?!

[AKUTAGAWA chuckles]

It appears the Agency isn't merely a group of clowns.

You are worthy of being Dazai's partner.

[approaching police sirens]


Seems we have company...

Ah, well...

Our paths will cross again in the future.

We'll continue this then.

[DOPPO] Don't come back.

[OSAMU] I turned the driver over to the police.

[ATSUSHI] So... this is the same building the organ traffickers

used for their hideout?

[DOPPO] They've already left.

[ATSUSHI] The walls are completely scorched.

[OSAMU] This is where the Azure King blew himself up, isn't it?

[DOPPO] Correct.


Are you talking about the infamous Azure Flag t*rror1st?

That Azure King?


A fanatic who destroyed

many national and corporate facilities.

When I first heard the handle "Azure Messenger,"

I wondered if perhaps they had some sort of connection

to the Azure King.

I remember seeing all the news coverage about that expl*si*n.

So this is where it happened...

It was out desperation after the police had cornered him,

isn't that right?

[DOPPO] Exactly.

I had determined this to be his hideout

and reported the location to the local authorities.

I'd heard it was a big operation; what happened next?

The public safety bureau, army, police,

everybody was working in tandem, which created mass confusion.

Upon receiving the report,

only five detectives arrived at the scene in a timely manner.

[DOPPO] To exacerbate matters,

the Azure King received word of the authority's actions,

and proceeded to hole up inside the building

with an expl*sive device.

After a set of conflicting orders,

a decision was made to raid the building.

However, without special training or abilities,

they didn't stand a chance.

[DOPPO] Cornered, the Azure King blew himself up and died,

along with the five detectives.

[OSAMU] I remember that well.

Of the five detectives that were deployed that day,

one of them was Rokuzou's father, wasn't he?

[DOPPO] He was a good man with strong morals.

If I hadn't tipped off the authorities,

none of this would've happened.

I may as well have pushed the button myself.

That's not true!

It's the t*rror1st's fault for choosing to blow himself up.

[OSAMU] You're absolutely right.

Even so, Kunikida can't help but take Rokuzou under his wing

as a surrogate father.

He feels it's the least he can do.


[DOPPO] Hmm?

[ATSUSHI] What is it?

[DOPPO] Another job for the Agency.

The client is...

...the Azure Messenger.

How interesting.

They're starting to reveal their true colors.

So... what's the job?

[DOPPO] It's to go disarm a b*mb.

[ATSUSHI] A b*mb?!

[DOPPO] If we fail to disarm it, by sunset tomorrow...

...hundreds will die.

[ATSUSHI] So what exactly are we looking at here?

With these schematics,

the expl*sive would be quite advanced.

It's not going to be an easy task to find and dismantle it.

[ATSUSHI] No way...

[DOPPO] Don't worry.

Nobody is going to be hurt.


I promise...

I won't let that happen again!

[ATSUSHI] What should we do?

If we don't find and disarm the b*mb by sundown,

there'll be hundreds of casualties.

[YUKICHI] If such an unfortunate event were to happen,

we would no longer have any right

to call ourselves a detective agency.

[ATSUSHI] President Fukuzawa...

[YUKICHI] The future of the Agency

depends on the outcome of this mission.

Begin the investigation!

[ATSUSHI] Oh, boy!

Where did Mr. Dazai run off to at a time like this?

Next time on Bungo Stray Dogs ,

episode : "Love for the Disease Called Ideals."