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03x01 - Dazai, Chūya, Fifteen Years Old

Posted: 01/12/24 18:00
by bunniefuu
[ANGO] Those days produced more casualties

than any other in Yokohama's criminal underworld.

Numerous organizations were involved

in what would be known... as the Dragon Head Conflict.

[ANGO] One year prior to the events...


The King of the Sheep!


[CHUUYA] Run as much as you like...

...but you'll never escape gravity.

Damn monster!

You're just the beginning.

I'm gonna k*ll all of the Port Mafia.

[OUGAI] Things aren't looking good for us.

Our w*apon smugglers are two weeks behind schedule.

If this keeps up,

our men will literally be bringing knives to a g*n fight.

And while the v*olence continues to rise,

contracts for our protection business continue to dwindle.

[OUGAI sighs]

[OUGAI] What do you think, Dazai?

Are we not actually cut out for this work?

[OSAMU] Really now, Mori?

Not having money, or intel, or supplies,

or even the trust of our subordinates.

You knew that was going to be the situation

from the beginning.

That's so harsh.

By the way, is there a reason you're mixing

hypertension and hypotension medications?

I thought taking them together might be a cozy way to go out.

Listen, Dazai.

You were the sole witness

when I inherited the boss' position,

so as a result, you're the only other one

who can verify his will.

I can't afford to have you senselessly die.

[OUGAI] How are you feeling today, Boss?

[BOSS] Doctor, tell the board this is an order:

k*ll all enemy organizations, military police,

anyone else who opposes the Port Mafia by sundown.

[OUGAI] That would be most unwise.

I don't care how many of our own need to die.

Just k*ll them.

Just k*ll them all. k*ll them. k*ll them. k*ll every...

[OUGAI] I hear you loud and clear.

[OUGAI] The Boss has succumbed to illness.

He left behind a will entrusting me with his position.

You're the witness to that fact. Understood?

[OSAMU] Looks like you made a mistake.

Your reasoning to choose someone who attempts su1c1de

as your accomplice was sound,

but here I am a year later, still kicking.

[OUGAI] I made no mistake.

It seems to me that you and I were successful in our mission.

The mission isn't complete yet.

I haven't been silenced and I'm aware of the assassination.

If I'd committed su1c1de afterward,

then I would've been the perfect accomplice.

The reason I took my own life

wouldn't have mattered to anyone.

Once my testimony had already helped you become boss,

nobody would've suspected.

[OUGAI] You remind me of someone.

[OSAMU] Huh?

You know, if I was going to shut you up,

I could've done so a long time ago.

If you'd like me to, I can prepare something

that would end your life peacefully.

You could?

[OUGAI] But in exchange, I want you to do something for me.

It's nothing serious. You won't be in any kind of danger.

No big deal.

[OSAMU] I'm not buyin' it.

[OUGAI] I trust you already know about Suribachi City

in the Yokohama settlement.

There's a rumor that a certain individual from the past

has been sighted in that area.

I want you to go and investigate this rumor.

Take this contract with you. It's called the "Silver Oracle."

Show this to any member of the Port Mafia

and they will do whatever you ask of them.

Who's the rumor about?

[OUGAI] Take a guess.

[OSAMU] Huh. It'd be a rumor you don't want picking up speed.

Ah. I see. It'd have to be him, wouldn't it?

The subject of the rumors has to be the previous boss.

[OUGAI] Precisely.

There are some people who must never raise from their graves.

I trust you understand where I'm coming from.

[OSAMU] Just make me that drug.

[OUGAI] This will be your first official job.

Welcome to the Port Mafia.

[OSAMU] Oh, right.

[OUGAI] Huh?

Who was this "someone" you said I reminded you of?

Myself, of course.

Tell me, Dazai, why is it you wish to die?

[OSAMU] Let's turn that question around.

Is there really any value to this thing we call "living"?

[HIROTSU] The Yokohama foreign settlement.

There was once a giant expl*si*n here.

In the resulting crater, people began building

what would eventually become known as Suribachi City.

[OSAMU] Hmm...

They drink metal plating to k*ll themselves overseas, huh?


But it melts down their organs while they're still alive?

Yuck. Glad I never tried that.

Hey, did you know about that? Mister, uhh...

[HIROTSU] It's Hirotsu.

I'll keep that fact in mind, thank you.

[HIROTSU] This is the boy who was with the boss

when the previous boss passed away.

I shouldn't underestimate him.



[OSAMU] Yes?

[HIROTSU] This area is in a state of conflict.

You should be careful.

How so?

[HIROTSU] The Port Mafia is currently pitted

against three organizations:

First, Takasekai. Second, GSS.

And finally, an army comprised entirely of juveniles

referred to as the Sheep, which--

Boss is calling.

What's up?

Mm-hm. I've learned a few things.

Long story short,

I found the whereabouts of the previous boss.

Looks like he came back. Straight from the pits of Hell.

Mm-hm. I'll give you a proper report when I get b--

What was that?!

[CHUUYA laughs]

[CHUUYA] Ahh. This is perfect.

It's just a kid!

They're really scrapping the bottom of the barrel,

those Port Mafia.

I think you should know I really hate pain.

I'm gonna give you two choices.

Die now, or die after giving me information.

Either's fine with me.

k*ll me now, then.

If you can make it painless, all the better.

[CHUUYA] Sheesh. What kinda suicidal punk are you?

[OSAMU] You're a punk, too, ya know.

[CHUUYA] Except unlike you, I'm not just any punk.

Enough of this chit-chat.

Tell me about this "Arahabaki" you're lookin' for.

Oh? Arahabaki?

How interesting. So that's the target.

You've heard about it then.

[OSAMU] Nope. Never have.

"Those who step into the Sheep's territory

will be met with vicious retaliation."

I see. So you're the King of the Sheep.

Chuuya Nakahara, manipulator of gravity.

I'm not their King, all right?

But I do have a trump card up my sleeve.

[OSAMU] Oh. You're a cocky, over-confident child.

I hate people like you so much.

[CHUUYA] Oh, yeah?

Well, I hate condescending little pricks like you

more than anything in this world.

[HIROTSU] That's enough of that.


Come quietly, or else.

[CHUUYA] Ooo, I'm shakin' in my boots, old man.

Do you even know who I am?

The King of the Sheep, was it?

[CHUUYA] No, dumbass!

I just happen to have a good card up my sleeve.

The card of power, perhaps?

So you're a gifted too, huh?

Be careful.

This kid controls the gravity of anything he touches.


Is that all you've got, old man? I was expecting a little more.

Don't disappoint me now!

Too slow.

[HIROTSU] It's all over for you now.

What're you talking about? I've beaten you.

[OSAMU] You sure about that?

You've lost your ability to control gravity now.


[OSAMU] I'm able to nullify the powers of others.

[HIROTSU] Now, boy.

It's time you faced a reckoning.


[OSAMU] He got me.

Right before you could use your special ability, he kicked me.

Once I let go, he was able to use his powers again.

He used his gravity ability to fly backwards,

and got away unscathed.

[CHUUYA] I'll deal with you later, twerp.

Let's go, "Grandpa."

[OSAMU] Watch out!

The old boss.

[OUGAI] You must be Chuuya Nakahara.

Welcome to the Port Mafia.

Thank you for the warm invitation.

[OUGAI] I hear you put my men through their paces yesterday.

[CHUUYA] Yeah, but we were interrupted

thanks to a "mystery guest."

But I'm guessing that's why I'm here.

Why are you investigating Arahabaki?

[door opens]

[OUGAI] Ah, Dazai.

You've arrived.

Huh? You're that kid with a death wish from yesterday!

[OSAMU] And I see that you're as lively as ever.

Thanks to you, I'm sporting some pretty bad injuries here.

Having only known each other for a day,

you two seem to have really hit it off.


Now then, I'd like to talk to you

about what happened yesterday, Chuuya.

Rando, would you please release him?

[RANDO] Sir, I don't believe that would be very prudent.

This boy is quite dangerous.

[OUGAI] I have measures in place.

By the way, Rando, you look colder than usual.

Are you all right?

[RANDO] Much to my embarrassment, I'm freezing.

I feel I could die at any minute.

You're cold? Dressed in all that?

You may step down.

[RANDO] Thank you, sir.

If you would excuse me.

[CHUUYA] It's not even remotely cold in here.

Clearly he's just a wuss.

Believe it or not,

he's a secondary executive and an excellent ability user.

[CHUUYA] Psh, whatever. That dude doesn't interest me.

Mori, can we get to business already?

Oh. My apologies.

Moving on.

Would you be interested in affiliating

with the Port Mafia, Chuuya?


Well, I suppose I should've expected that.

I still believe that our over-all goals

are probably in alignment.

Give it some time and think it over.

You can make a decision after we determine

what we can offer each other.

Don't you dare make it sound that easy.

You forget what you've done to this city?

[OUGAI] Our previous boss' rampage...

It was he, and his tyrannical rule, that led this city

into a state of chaos and still haunts people to this day.

But he is no longer with the living.

I witnessed his passing myself.

That's why, if rumors exist that his rule of v*olence

and terror has returned, we must discover their origins.

For the protection of our people.


[CHUUYA] I've heard some damning rumors about you as well.

They say the old boss didn't die of illness.

That you actually m*rder*d the bastard.

It is a little hard to swallow that

right before kicking the bucket,

he'd give his position to his doctor.

You're right.

I m*rder*d the previous boss.


[OSAMU groans]

[OUGAI] I used this trusty scalpel of mine,

then I blamed on it on his disease;

said it had k*lled him in the end.

Do you have a problem with that?


You're serious?

[OUGAI] Chuuya, would you participate

in a joint investigation?

The rumors we've heard about the previous boss' return

and this "Arahabaki" that you're after are clearly related.

I think we could achieve a mutually beneficial relationship

simply by sharing information.

[CHUUYA] And if I refuse?


[SHEEP MEMBER] Hey, Chuuya, are you there?

We need your help.

The Port Mafia caught us.

You can get us outta this, right?

Please, come and save us, like you always--


Your group controls prime real estate in Yokohama,

and even owns a*tillery.

But for a group so bent on vengeance, excluding yourself,

all of you are no more than children.

As a fellow leader,

I sympathize with your difficult circumstances.


See that? Such bloodlust from this one.

It's clear the most aggressive wielder of v*olence

in this room is this boy here.

But to us, v*olence is merely one tool at our disposal.

The Mafia's true nature is to control our surroundings

using a plethora of means.

Boss, why are you lecturing me about this right now?

Indeed. Why would that be?

[CHUUYA] I'll consider exchanging information.

But you're gonna have to spill the beans first.

We'll see how I feel afterwards.

[OUGAI] Very well.

We're investigating a rumor

that the previous boss has reappeared.

Dazai's intel shows he's been seen

three times in two weeks.

And in each of those cases,

he was sighted in Suribachi City.

You saw him the fourth time, when he fought you yesterday

with that flurry of black flames.

The dead don't come back to life.

I don't disagree with you.

But as of now, we must consider all possibilities.

[OUGAI] This security footage is of the Port Mafia's vault.

It's by far the most difficult room to enter

in our headquarters.

Is that him?

[BOSS] I have returned from the smoldering pits of Hell.

Do you know why, Doctor?

It's pure anger... He feeds incessantly upon it.

It was he who summoned me back from Hell

with the intention of having me breed even more anger.

The beast of the gods... Arahabaki of the black flames.

[OUGAI] That's all the footage we have in our security records.

Very few people know about this,

and the ones that do are under a gag order.

[OSAMU] That may contain the situation here,

but what if he gave that same speech somewhere else in town?

[OUGAI] He may have.

And perhaps he said his death was by assassination.

If his supporters were to find out,

a third of our organization would turn against me.


[OUGAI] Win or lose, the Port Mafia would be finished.

[OSAMU sighs]

Tell me, Chuuya, how much do you know about Arahabaki?

I'll tell you what I've learned about him.

Arahabaki is a legendary servant of the gods.

But because he is so ancient, his true form is unclear.

[CHUUYA] Hmph.

You don't actually believe in that stuff, do you?

[OUGAI] You entertained the notion as well, did you not?

You hunted down the same rumors that we did,

and were willing to follow them whenever they took you.

We get a lot of people coming and going.

There's no easy way to find the source of the rumors.

Do you know how Suribachi City came to be?

There was a mysterious expl*si*n

at the end of the boss' rampage.

It was built in the aftermath.

Word around town is that expl*si*n

was caused by Arahabaki.


[CHUUYA] Eight years ago,

they say a captured, foreign soldier was tortured

at a military facility in the settlement.

His rage and hatred summoned Arahabaki,

and a torrent of black flames annihilated the facility,

along with everything and everyone in it.

That expl*si*n led to the creation of...

[OUGAI] Suribachi City, as we know it.

What do you think of the story, Dazai?

[OSAMU] Whoever was responsible seems to have a special ability

we don't know about.

As for the video, if what we saw is actually real,

that doesn't bode well for us.

[OUGAI] So true.

Dazai, I have an order for you.

Before the previous boss' staunch supporters

catch wind of that message, find the one responsible.


Will I be working by myself?

It seems time may be running out.

[OUGAI] You won't be alone.

Chuuya will be there to assist you in your mission.


Absolutely not!

Why in the world would I need to work with that little punk?

You wanna run that by me again?

I'll beat the shit outta you, kid!

[OSAMU] Stop talking like you're older than me!

You're still a kid-- a very small one at that!

[CHUUYA] Why, you...

[OSAMU] You really oughta drink more milk,

it might help you get bigger...

[CHUUYA] Lay off about my size, jackass!

I'm only ! I'm still growing!

That's enough from both of you.

[OUGAI] Chuuya.

I trust you understand you're in no position to refuse my orders.

You, too, Dazai.

If the boss' supporters discover the truth,

as my accomplice, you will surely be tortured.

Death will not be swift.

You really think pairing us together is wise?

I have a number of reasons for doing so.

Interviewing witnesses will be far easier

if done by an outsider.

Chuuya also needs to be monitored

in case he tries to betray us.

And the rest...


[OUGAI] a secret.

[CHUUYA] Hey, you wanna maybe tell me

what's goin' on, assh*le?

[OSAMU] Sorry. Would you mind not talking to me right now?

I'm busy breathing.

[CHUUYA] I'm gonna rip your head off, you suicidal maniac.

Now how 'bout you answer my question

and tell me what we're doing!

[OSAMU] We're going to investigate.


[OSAMU] We're interviewing people

who were closest to the expl*si*n.

[CHUUYA] expl*si*n?

[OSAMU] A week ago, there was an expl*si*n nearby.

Similar to the one we experienced yesterday

in our battle.

The previous boss wasn't sighted at this incident,

but looking at the similarities, the cause is likely the same.

We're going to go speak with a survivor from that expl*si*n.

"Survivor" implies that there were casualties.

Yes. Members of the Port Mafia; not that you care.

This survivor we're meeting with is gifted.

Actually you've already met this person.


[OSAMU] Oh, my.

It looks like the culprit's already gotten to them.

Then quit gab'n and move yer ass!


[CHUUYA] Don't think we're gonna score an interview here.

[SOLDIER] Put your arms up and slowly turn around.


Check this out.

We didn't even have to go hunting for our dinner.

I didn't feel like doing an interview anyway.

I'd rather just skip all the boring, chatty crap

and deal with the one who's directly responsible.

Stay back. I'm gonna enjoy this.

[OSAMU sighs]

[OSAMU] What a child.