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01x09 - Deep Blood (Vampire k*ller)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:10
by bunniefuu
On a mission to rescue the girl Aisa Himegami,

otherwise known as Deep Blood,

I accompanied a sorcerer

on a raid of the Misawa Prep School...

Inside, the alchemist Aureolus Izzard awaited us,

with a power beyond imagining.

As if things weren't complicated enough,

now it looks like Index is in there...!

What's going on?


Are you sure? Do you really have some idea

where this bastard is hiding?

Of course. Do you think I would just wander

through the hallways of this place

with no clue where I was going?

I have to admit, it's scary...

If this guy can really bend reality to fit his words...

Damn... How are we supposed to get Himegami out...?

and for all we know, Index is in here somewhere now, too.

Even supposing she did wander in here for some reason,

he's not going to launch an attack on her

like he did us...

I know that much.

Hold on!

What is it now?!

That's what it is...! Why didn't I see it!

He's been in hiding for three years now...

There are some developments

that he wouldn't know about.

We live in a world of faith and magic and alchemy...

Yet despite this, injustices still go unpunished...

Sometimes justice can only be found outside

the realm of men.

What do you mean?

Patience... In time, you too will be released

from your earthly sorrows.

Soon, perhaps.

Now you must use the sweet aroma of your blood

to call them.

Do what you were made for,

and call the vampires here from their faraway darkness.

My power will not be used to hurt...

Not anymore.




I have some bad news for you, alchemist...

Your plan will never succeed.

Oh... so you've finally realized

what my intentions here are.

In that case, I expect you will howl at your own impotence

when I achieve what I mean to do.

A year ago I'd've done anything to see your plan succeed...

but I tell you again...

nothing you do now will help you to save her...

You can't do anything for Index.


You speak out of jealousy

because you have failed her in this... Not I...

I will not fail.

I will save her...

My Index.

She took the weight of all the grimoires

upon her fragile shoulders...

She could never hope to escape the spell

that was cast upon her.

But she has stayed strong.

She accepts the fate decreed by the church......

hoping her own curse would be a blessing for others.

Hold on... this guy knew Index?

You see... the alchemist here

was once Index's partner as well.

This year you have that honor...

Last year it was me, and three years ago...

It was this man...

Aurelous Izzard.

Index's survival

is contingent upon the annual erasure of her memory.

Without that process, she will die.

An inescapable fate...

one that her human body couldn't fight...

However... If her body was not human,

then things might be different.

Vampires are unique in that they are immortal beings...

They store the memories of innumerable lifetimes

within their brains.

And all those memories do not k*ll them...

No matter how many things they have to remember,

their brains never lose the power to function.

That's the plan, then...?

You want the vampires

to teach you how they manage what Index cannot.

Just out of curiosity...

What if it turns out

their technique doesn't work for humans?

Obviously... for it to work,

I'll have to remove Index from her body.

So you're going to turn her into a vampire.

Is he crazy?

He's using magic against esper students.

Bending Himegami to his twisted will.

And now he's planning this...?!

To turn Index into a vampire?!

I must.

It may not be ideal,

but it's the only way to save Index.

Of all people, you should understand.

You have witnessed what is done to her every year...

and you know the pain and horror of that damned ritual.

Just before it happened,

she told me that she didn't want to forget...

She said even if it meant going against the church

and her own death,

she didn't want the memories

she carried in her heart to vanish...

She was in so much pain she could barely move.

But she smiled and she told me she wanted to remember!

Then, nothing I've said so far has changed your mind... huh?

Well, in that case...

Would you like to do the honors,

as her current partner...?

Why don't you tell this misinformed hack

about the recent change in Index?

Alchemist... you have no idea what you're talking about.

What's that? Don't you see yet?

You can't do anything because she's already been saved...

and not by you.

The title of 'savior' belongs to Toma Kamijo here.

He's already accomplished

what neither you nor I were able to do...

but of course, you couldn't have known that...

having turned your back on the Church

and spent three years in hiding underground.

Impossible. There's no way...

Not like this... with that body...

Not by him...

This boy is no sorcerer...

He's no alchemist to possess such power!

What could someone like him do?!

It's an unfortunate fact.

And an unsavory topic for a member of Necessarius

so I won't speak at length...

but essentially...

his right hand is something known as Imagine Breaker...

Despite his appearance,

he possesses significant power.

If what you say is true, then...

That's right. All of your efforts and sacrifices

have come to nothing in the end...

but that shouldn't matter to you...

Index is living a very happy life now.

A happy life with the partner who saved her.

It's what you always wanted her to have.


To... ma...

I'm here, Index!


I'm really hungry.

An apple...

A juicy, red apple...

sounds tasty...

Perfect timing.

You will fall to the floor, intruders!

You come in here and trample my emotions.

You sneer at my travails.

Very well...

You will pay for this humiliation...

You will pay with your pathetic lives!

Stop, now!

Himegami! Careful!

I get it... I do...

I know what you're feeling.

He'll hurt you...


But this is wrong...

You cannot do this.

He... doesn't need you.

You cannot... Just think...

It isn't you.

And I know the real you.



I wanted magic.

My foolishness called them.

I'm sorry, my sweet Aisa...

I'm so sorry!

And then before my eyes...

They all...

just disappeared.

They're all dead...

They are dead because of me.

I didn't want to hurt people anymore...

never again.

Is it true?

Can you really use my blood to save someone...?

And no one will get hurt because of me again?

There wasn't so much as the hint of a lie in his smile.

No malice...

Just a simple wish...

to save somebody he deeply loved.

And so...

I helped him.


Her existence is no longer necessary.

And as you can see, I've even kept my promise to her...

As she wished, I have set the girl free

from the misfortune of her sweet blood.

What?... You've somehow managed to negate my Ars Magna?


Her death should've been irreversible...

What kind of sacred power do you have

embedded in that hand of yours?

Stop your deranged babbling...

You've clearly been defeated.

It's time to give up.


If you insist on believing

that you can manipulate reality...

then I guess it's up to me

to show you how wrong you are!

This floor is really cold.

You will choke.


Be crushed.

It works... It nullifies every attack.

So it is true...

Your hand's the genuine article.

It is consistently able to cancel out my Ars Magna att*cks.

In which case, all I have to do is use an attack

that your hand cannot touch

and therefore cannot nullify.

In my hand, a g*n will appear.

It will be loaded with magic b*ll*ts,

any one of which may carry your death inside it.

The b*ll*ts will travel faster than the human eye can see.

The sh**ting will now commence.

Did you think I'd let you die so easily?

I'd like to see you squirm a bit longer.

Magnify previous order!

Ten pistols, with simultaneous fire!

I told you, I wasn't done toying with you yet.


That was practice ...

Now I'll show you what my pistols can really do.

Well, what do you know?

You do seem to be able to use words

to manipulate reality in any way you wish.

Obviously... Ars Magna is the strongest power

an alchemist can have...

I can do anything I...

Oh, really?

If so... what could you possibly need Deep Blood for?

Why would you need her to attract vampires for you...?

Couldn't you just create them, without using her?

All it would take is a few words from you, right?

So why didn't you do it, alchemist...?

Why didn't you create vampires using your Ars Magna...?

For that matter,

why would you even need them at all if you could...

Into the air, you meddling sorcerer!

Stiyl no!!

I'm wondering...

if there might be limitations to your power.

Your skin will be torn from your body!

That's it...!

I see what Stiyl was doing.

If Izzard can make anything he wishes become reality...

Then why the elaborate plan?

Why didn't he use his power to save Index?

I'm bored with this game...

I believe I'll switch weapons.

He didn't do it because he didn't believe he could.

I'll destroy you with a sword instead.

He didn't believe, so he couldn't say the words.


the source of your self-assurance

is your right hand,

which is also the only w*apon you have.

I think I understand now.

It's quite clear that my first course of action

must be chopping off your right arm.

His power to manipulate reality with words isn't absolute...

It can be undermined.

For this last attack...

my spinning sword will sever your arm.

He's... laughing?!

What's going on?

Who is this person?

I have a p*stol.

It is combined with a sword.

It will remove the head of my opponent.

Commence second spinning blade attack!

No...! Repeat the attack!

Multiplying spinning blade ten-fold!

An endless array of executioner's blades.

Dismember his body immediately!

No...! Impossible...!

He's a mere human... not even a sorcerer!

Hey, I have a question, alchemist...


did you think you were going to win...?

Did you really expect to defeat Imagine Breaker

with an attack as pathetic as that one?

You can't work your alchemy

without using those needles, can you...?

You rely on them to keep any stray thoughts from interfering.

Is something wrong...?

Come on now, use your words.

-Stay back! -Why aren't you fighting...?

Can't you control me?

Stay... back!...!


This cannot be...!

My Ars Magna is failing me when I need it most!

Stop it! Don't think that!

You cannot think that!

No... don't question...!

Believe...! With the power I have, they can't beat me!

I can defeat them!

You're no match for me, alchemist.

I've figured it out...

I know the secret of Ars Magna...

Your power is not making your words into reality.

This boy is a monster!

No, your power is making what you believe into reality,

and now that I know that, I will crush you!

I'm impressed that it reattached so cleanly.

Your body must be fantastically adaptable.

Don't look at me, Doc,

you're the one who reattached it.

You've been urgently hospitalized twice

in only ten days...

What is it? Do you have a thing for the nurses?

What are you talking about...?

Do you really think I would cut off my own arm

just to flirt with some girls?

Oh... for a moment there

I thought we might have something in common...

Never mind.


What a cliché...

He became a doctor because of the cute nurses?

He's a better doctor than you'd think

from looking at him.

Yeah, I guess.

I'm not trying to get all cozy or anything.

But I thought maybe I should come see how you were.

Oh... sure.

What is it?

The dragon?

It's nothing...

Just the manifestation of the desperate terror

Aureolus felt at the time.

What happened to the alchemist, anyway?

Well, for starters he's lost all of his memories...

and the ability to use magic.

I didn't want his death on my conscience...

so I changed his appearance

and turned him loose outside...

It was pretty tricky getting him out

without the Knights seeing him, though.

Oh, okay.

Word is that Misawa Prep School has been shut down...

I was going to say thanks for everything...

but now it seems kind of absurd, you know...?

After all, in the end you merely got Aureolus

to bring ruin down on himself.

If anything, you should be thanking me

for my superb acting talent.

It wasn't easy though...

Surely even you have to admit that much...

My arm was cut off,

and I had to act like it hadn't happened

to keep our bluff going.

The pain must've been intense enough

to put you in a state of shock.

Thanks to that, you could just do what needed to be done,

kind of like Aureolus and his needles.

Do not compare me to that psycho!

I mean, how crazy can one guy possibly be?

He comes up with some twisted magic...

And then tries to conjure up vampires...

because he wanted to save her...

to save Index.

So... he was her partner three years ago, huh?



I know what you were up to.

-Up to? -That's right.

I know you risked your life in a fight to save Aisa.


Oh, you're talking about that freaky pseudo-magician girl...?

Wait a second, who did you hear that from?

I'd think it would be obvious.

That was rude... I'm no freak.

Oh, hi, Himegami...

I, uh, didn't expect to see you here with Index.

It's not like I wanted her to come with me

to visit you in your sick bed.

But she kept saying over and over

how desperate she was to thank you.

Why did you do it?

You helped me... I don't know why...

You could've died... for some stranger.

I'm just some random girl

you met one day in a fast food restaurant.

I don't see why I need a reason to help somebody.

So anyway... here's the deal...

Quit talking with your mouth full.

And do you think you could get off my lap already?

Listen to me.

After a lot of discussion,

it looks like the Church has decided to take in Aisa.

Hey, hold on...

Are you talking about the actual church

or your crazy Walking Church robes?

I can never tell with you.

Sphinx! Where are you running off to?

You can't bring a cat with you to the hospital!

I told her she would be better off

just leaving him at the apartment.

Hey, by the way you're talking

it sounds like you've already been to my place!

Come back!

You come back here right this minute, Sphinx!

Could we have some peace and quiet in here?!

What are you doing? Are you insane...?

Oh, geez, look what he's done to the wall...!

You never should have brought him here!

Damn, rotten luck!!


Something seems off when I run into this girl named Misaka

and her identical sister...

There's some strange guy following the sister around...

What? He's a Level esper?!

Next time, "Mikoto Misaka."

When science and magic cross paths,

a story is born.